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Now they will know why they are afraid of the dark. Now they will learn why they fear the night
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Bullshit, I can't see shit in the dark. I have severe night blindness. it's hard to drive at night for me if the roads aren't fully lit.

I try to stay off backroads. Honda's also make shitty headlamps.
Also retarded racist post. White people have brown eyes too. Like most Nazi's you too are a faggot, OP. Neck Yourself
varg has been banging on about this for years now
There are many studies about this same topic and they all came to the same conclusion, that blue eyes see better in the dark
Found the crypto-kike coping.
>doesn't once mention he has blue eyes
Seething shitskin detected
Nah, I'm one and my night vision is superb. A full moon on snowy ground may as well be daylight to me.

Pic related, can someone redpill me on these religions? When is this mental illness going to lose popularity in a fashion that allows progress to happen? This old stuff is a ton of dead weight hindering people all over the world.
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the entity is not the apparent creator seen in creation
it is a fabrication of schizophrenics for their own purpose
an egregore
you worship a false god
Book of Enoch is noncanonical
the entity depicted in the torah demanding penis skin and animal blood and mass child murder is not the creator, this is a false god designed by these abhorrent people for their own purpose
>appeal to absurdity
Extreme measures for extreme times.
Things settled down when Christ arrived. No more circumcision required, no more animal offerings, no more genocide.
If you could see the world in Old Testament times you'd agree 1000% with God's actions. It was not a nice place.

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

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No stalling
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don't worry about it
Trump is a corrupt scam artist pedo rapist
Neo thread
New thread

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I'd imagine he would be doubling down on his messaging and doing a lot of praying rn if he were alive to see it.
Would have been cool to see him roll with a podcast, honestly...

if hes a devout christian then why doesnt he have a wife and kids? hes 25.

is it because hes unable to rizz up a girl? if thats the case then it takes away a lot of the power behind his words
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You looking for political content or a boyfriend? Why do you care what the guy is like?
Physiognomy is real, and NF looks like a twink rat. He truly might be a twink rat and who listens to that.

Merit is real, and NF is a childless male. He doesn't understand shit about life or the world, and his entire platform is copypasted platitudes and a career dependent on grifting
>T Jethrow with 6 keeds at 35
Nigga you are retarded, most young men are childless. As far as merit goes, no one is going to be shaping the political conversation about anything you will ever say lolololol. Absurd critique.
>Physiognomy is real
And context dependent. So I ask again, what are you looking for? A dad? A hero? What is this? Seems like you are looking for more than political content.
Go to Wildcard boxing gym in Los Angles. A lot of greats train there. The guy that runs the place is named Freddy, and he doesn't look like he could fight at all. He trains world champions in boxing and MMA though. I'm not sure why you are worried about the look of the guy. Worry about yourself.
Still typing that gay shit I see, and everyone calling you out about it lmao. Gay ass nigga.

Explain me the reason to spend millions of dollars on covering every F-22 with a “stealth coating” when in its nose there is a RADIO TRANSPARENT FAIRING, behind which there is a radar, which, with its materials and shape, reflects any wave and makes all these stealth features useless? Moreover, when it turns on his radar, it turns into a SOURCE of radio waves, which could be located by any, even the oldest radio stations. Do you really believe that on radar it looks like a golf ball?
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I can eat 50 eggs.
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>I can eat 50 eggs.
nearly 3 kilo of eggs
Check out this meteorite in Russia.
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Well, you know what they say … “buy the ticket, take the ride.”
Schrodinger's pussy?

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Things are getting so bad that porch pirates are fighting each other over stolen Amazon boxes seconds after they get delivered


If you watch the video with audio you can hear them screaming at each other in Mexican.
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>Pavement ape vs Trailer-trash
Finally the racewars have begun
Mexicans don't know Spanish. They only know Mexican. You drop one in Spain and they'll only understand a few words.
double inside job, buyer's "pirate" vs deliverer's pirate
Gee, who's really in charge?
I like how the guy steals that $3 plant pot just so he can steal something

This is in PA by the way which has gotten increasingly more spic in the last 15 years

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wealth is measured by real estate price, but western real estate prices are impossible to be maintained without an infinite influx of refugees. Most of those countries would collapse if they were subjected to Buglaria's zero refugee and negative population growth model.
Imagine having medieval industries like food & housing as a pillar of the economy, while the Japs build autonomous sex & care bots.
All that wasted lifetime spent to find some shelter, to mitigate density and diversity. All that thinking about building codes, comparing inflated prices for cheap rectangular house building crap like it's gold.
>Proto-Turk noises
Yes. Read it and send it to your peers.

Was Michael Jackson a pedophile? My gut says yes but I have never really looked into it. Did Mj actually have a book with naked boy photos ( supposedly ‘’’’’’art’’’’’’ ) in it, that he showed one of the children?? Was the recent documentary accurate? MJ was a massive phenomenon, and knowing whether or not he was a pedo is one of the puzzle pieces to the greater questions so in a way, it is political, especially with the recent news about Diddy, Drake, Lil Wayne and birdman etc.. Knowing the truth will also have a slight affect on the black psyche as a collective and on the psyche anyone entering into the music industry. I think many of the “conspiracies” we discuss here are tied heavily into the corruption of that industry.

If Mj was a pedo, was it because his abusive upbringing? Whatever the reason was no excuse, but what was the cause of it? I think he would have come out as trans if he was alive today.

Any pedo deserves much worse than death. If that’s all you want to contribute is a murmur of agreement to this, I think those children will appreciate it.
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hi im a drug addict nigger and I want your 7 year old to come over and sleep at my place, in my bed.
Fuck yes he was, look at his personal effects, his relationships, court documents. There is an extensive body of evidence to suggest he was a paedophile.


You autistic fucks ignore how close they were lol.

ONE fucking lyric is all it takes to buy you
they just want us wasting time talking about anything but jews
You're lying.
they found literally nothing. feel free to post any evidence that he was a pedo. You won't, because you can't, because there's nothing.

he was painted as a pedo for the public because he started talking about jews. that's literally all there is to it.

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I make $140k/yr but all my rental applications get rejected because I have a 560 credit score (debtmaxxed a few years ago). I'm tired of wasting money on application fees. should I just take the van pill?
>get a roomamte
>How do you get an apartment
by having friends
Look for a cheap 1 story house to rent instead from an individual landlord. Show him your paystubs.
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I'm poor as hell, but have 753. Debtmaxxing is strange advice. Beyond my tiny brain.
Prepay, or get an rv and enjoy wife swapping at the KOA.

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>Antifa Poo-tin is sending an army of pajeet streetshitters to invade white Europe
Oh no no no no no commie faggots how are you gonna explain how denazifying the whiteness out of europe using an army of poos is based now?
Pootin wants to denazify (you):
Pootin wants to ban western free speech internet such as /pol/:
Pootin = king of antifa:
More shit on Russia:
Putin creates fake army "Wagner Group" to recruit right wingers using higher pay, prestige, more expensive gear, and strict right wing values. Subsequently, Putin executes their leader and integrates soldiers from group into regular army with regular pay.
Vozrozhdeniya Island
>Secret guarded island where massive amounts of bioweapons research was conducted
>may have been where Covid-19 and the "vaccines" came from
Foundations of Geopolitics
>Russian playbook of how to take down the west
>includes references to chaos magick, such as the star on the cover
>Written by Dugin, highly influential Russian thinker
>Russia has communist wizards practicing magick against the West

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>Attends Peace Summit
>Bombs unarmed civilians and children playing at a beach
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oh no poor ziggers!
moving on...
how is bombing commie blocks with civilians justified?

I absolutely love the mental gymnastics the pro-russia self-loathing anglos do in order to somehow make-believe the theory that based putin is killing zog and liberating the west or shlomo
the reality being that russia is a muslim-infested shithole, the rest being mostly half-mongoloids and a very tiny minority of whites (the ruling elite alongside the moscovite kikes)

please move to russia asap, or ditch the VPN
Russians aren’t European
>how is bombing commie blocks with civilians justified?
Ask Ukraine, they are the ones doing that
>gets ISIS terrorists to shoot up a concert hall in Moscow

Truly the good guys like in my marvel movies. Putin is like Thanos

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The Bombay High Court has sought a response from Serum Institute of India, Microsoft founder Bill gates, the Government of India, and others on a petition filed by a father who blamed the side effects Covid-19 vaccine -Covishield killing his daughter. The man has demanded compensation of ₹1,000 crore from the vaccine manufacturer.

Dilip Lunawat, the petitioner, claimed that his daughter Snehal Lunawat was compelled to take Covid -19 vaccine at her college in Nashik on January 28 as she came under the ‘healthcare worker’ category.

Snehal was a doctor and a senior lecturer at SMBT dental college and hospital at Dhamangaon in Maharashtra.

The father said, his daughter was administered with Covishield vaccine, which is developed by the Serum Institute of India. Dilip Lunawat said his daughter took the first dose on January 28, 2021.

Days later, she suffered severe headaches and vomiting. She was taken to the hospital and doctors founder bleeding in her brain, the father said in the court's petition.

And on March 1, Snehal passed away. The petitioner claimed that Covishield's side effects led to his daughter's death.

"Dr Snehal Lunawat administered her first dose of vaccine on January 28, 2021, after getting convinced by the alleged false narrative. Later on March 1, 2021, Sneha lost the battle of life due to the side effects of the Covid-19 vaccine as claimed by father Dilip Lunawat," the petition mentioned.


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oh GOD, we indian men are GAY!!!!
I dont understand. This article does not explain what Bill Gates have to do with any of this
and COCK CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh my lord, we indian men are GAY!!!!!
Pajeet's last redemption. Time to redeem is now.

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In spirit of Democracy and free debate we should compromise and adopt the reasonable centrist position of Partial Nigger Death. It’s also the cheapest option; all you need to do is stop sending them humanitarian aid and they’ll die naturally of starvation and STDs. A true rational Democratic classical liberal centrist patriotic statesman such as myself supports PND.
this isnt true. niggers don't care about other niggers living
Sounds reasonable.
And allow cops and civilians to shoot feral niggers on the wild.

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Does anyone else agree that the complexities of the modern world call for a new spiritual/religious movement that provides a spiritual path unencumbered by millennia of religious dogma, which has only sown confusion? I think it's time. Would a new world religion rooted in empiricism, contemplation, and honesty help bring the broken world together?
According to Francis E Dec, there was a universal agnostic scientific religion.
This matches the Tartarian architecture precursor civilization theory.
Could our descendants become gods, build heaven and resurrect the life that has been destroyed?
If so, it is our duty to guide our children, make them value life.
Im a jungian and agnostic gnostic. What this means is that my purpose is to collect as much knowledge(gnosis) as possible without dogmatically holding unto a single view(agnostic). By doing so I obtain the ability to get the entire scope insteas of a single lense from an -ism or religion. I do this as an alchemical process of authenticity. I mean growing towards your most authentic whole self self actualisation self-indivuation. I walk in my own footsteps like jesus walked in his. To me jesus is the first indivuated and showed others the road. Other prophets showed other roads. Through the alexandrian collection of as much knowledge as possible I try to obtain the primordial truth by negating all knowledge that contradicts and keeping all that is similar. This is my religion or cult that noone can join. However if a modern religion would be created it should work something like this.

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Who was wrong here?
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What the fuck is the point of poking an elephant like a fucking monkey? Jesus, do these twats have no sense of self-preservation?
Indian back massage
I rode your mom too
>Humans think animals are just toys they can play around
Retarded fucks think that, not all humans are this suicidally idiotic.

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the us military might today:
>losing proxy war against russia
>bombing civilians on a beach with cluster munition
>almost losing a carrier to fucking niggers with rockets
>cant protect shit against said niggers and run away

the nato military might today:
>nato allies produce less munition in a year than russia in a month
>ca. 100 tanks left in all of europe (they are useless anyway)
>patriots cost millions per interceptor but cant stop the hypersonic missiles of the russian. none of the european can either. russia could potentially strike all of europe and parts of the us with no fear of retaliation short of a nuke
and so on

realistically speaking, how can this situation be saved?
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Cry about it
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are you saying this this was a so called "surgical strike"? makes it even worse
stop warmongering, FUD-posting kike

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My gf is becoming more and more brainwashed into leftist ideology - and can’t even stand basic disagreements - what do I do? I have thought of subscribing her to more open minded yt channels (we do share a few devices) but idk which she seems to have a demonized view of everything that doesn’t belong to her side. And defends her side no matter how unhinged it gets. This is a new development - she wasn’t like this - and I see more and more extremist political videos being recommended to her. What do u do?
The only way is to ban her from social media and watch everything together.
The cell phone and personal computer compartmentalize us. It’s fucked up.
Maybe start with telling her how all of social media is a mind-control device that separates people so you have to consume all media together or you probably won’t be together.
Sucks, man.

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Working with President Trump, I plan to roll out Tariffs for Terror.

Iran is using oil profits to fund terrorism. Sanctions are important but they are either being evaded by Iran or not being enforced by the Biden Administration. That’s why I’m working on a proposal with President Trump that would impose tariffs on any country that imports oil from Iran.

The practice of financially supporting a terrorist state has to stop.

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>How does Iran support terrorism?
they're selling munitions to Russia
What no petro-dollar does to a nigga
So they fight against terrorism.
drop dead faggot
this would backfire so hard.

>sanction anyone buying iranian oil.
>for that matter, why not extend this to any other hostile nation that sells oil
>oh no, why is no one participating in our financial system and currency
>oh shit, why is the dollar collapsing

lindsey graham is unabashedly retarded. shit just comes out of his mouth and its alwats the worst take you've heard all week.

Notable Cringe

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What are the chances of you losing your job during the next recession?
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Pretty good chance I get laid off in the next 2-3 years even though I work in healthcare, considering most of us are down to 25-30h/w. Married no kids, probably will have to take a service job/labor job to get by, should have listened to my best friend before he passed and found a trade that had a lot of staying power but oh well. Never been unemployed since I turned legal working age, surely the government will give me some gibs until I can find a new job, right? Right..?
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golly gee shucks I wonder what happened in November of 2021
best post itt
unlike previous economic crises, the developed world never actually recovered & recouped its losses following the great recession; establisher, richie rich boomer fucks just normalized the new, reduced standards of living inflicted on young people
is now a bad time to buy a new car?

i want to drop $60k on a new car because i need a treat
Drop 60k into GME instead

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So I’m pretty sure that even if Poilievre wins the next election here the economy is basically fucked beyond repair.

So I ask the burgers here, is it all it’s cracked up to be? I have a CS degree and 1 year experience and let’s just say the Canadian pesos you make here are pretty sad. Im also not remotely interested in living in COMMiefornia and any other nugget ridden shitholes so it’s either this, Florida or Tenesse
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Well when you're 6'2" with blond hair and light blue eyes you basically tower over all the mexicans and the senoritas all want your cum because you're super rare.
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Dude, just move to Arizona.

Arizona is like Texas but better, more conservative, and with a far lower crime rate.

There's tons of Canadians in the based red state of Arizona.
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Arizona is actually a politically based state, unlike Texas.

Texas is neocon central.
Texas, Florida, and Tennessee are years past their prime. No, I wont tell you the superior states to live because I hate Canadians
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People from Texas, Florida, and Utah have been moving to Arizona and bullying the Californian transplants out of the Phoenix suburbs.

Arizona is getting redder and more conservative.

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