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White men in usa mix more than white women.

By little, the same is right about France, Italy, UK, and some other countries.

White men mix more than white women in general.

Which is right thing to do, white women should not be allowed to mix.

Only white men can mix with brown girls, this is the way of the world.
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One is conquest, the other is submission. You've never conquested gorgeous latina or Asian pussy because simply, you're a scared incel.
Race mixing is disgusting.
>.tIncel shut-in who's still jerking off to tranny porn
Many such cases.
Imagine being so pathetic you feel proud of fucking non-whites.

It's like being a proud goatfucker.
>Israeli pushing WMAF

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Countries colored by safety level for locals/expats in case of a major global conflict
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There's a name for it. Southern Cone. America latina is not a monolithic thing, neither is brazil.
By the way Sao Paulo capital is a hellhole too.
>south america isn't listed as a shithole
lol k
yeah i wish the southern cone was what people make it out to be. A white paradise. It has faded a lot apparently
Bratislava is safe lol. I've been there and never even knew there was any sort of idea that it's unsafe
A decent chunk of South America is relatively chill. South brasil, Uragay, Argentina, most of Chile, most of Peru, etc are all quite safe. And in any Latin American country you can be safe as fuck by visting tourist/wealthy area where local cops and common law demands order for the sake of revenue. Like in parts of Brazil, off duty cops guard tourist zones and beat the fuck out and even execute thugs that can harm tourism.

The worst part of tropical SA tho, would be the diseases, especially in the event of a collapse with fucked up logistics.

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Open fire on zogbots once deployed or just tell the recruiters you hate niggers so they leave you alone?
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10/10 propaganda

The mayor Kiev has a son in Germany who has been dodging the draft since the war started. Propaganda should always have an element of truth to it. This one nails it.
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What an absolute leaf answer. Here's your (you).
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Comfy in leafland?
>I going to drive the pick up van

You guys have an unacceptable lack of knowledge .
What could be done so we go back to minimum wage workers buying houses (do not FUCKING try to gaslight me, BOTH my grandpa's did this.)
Gaslight you or reach minimun wage?
It's the jews

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I've seen rocks on gravestones in a Christian church graveyard. That has spread.
reminder that kike is a jewish word ised by jews
The "never again" kind of gives it away as well.
Shit I just learned that, been like 11 years since I heard it first
Where mongus?

Okay, so we now all know that the capo di capo illuminati banking cartel satanic cabal has a large presence and may even be headquartered in Switzerland. Who are they and what happens here?
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Zionism is a Roman project to recreate the holy Latin kingdom of Jerusalem. The Jews are useful idiots to be holocausted when they’ve played their part.
What makes you say that about your own country?
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I'll drop these in here
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Over 99% of Vatican money is in Vatican city, the only absolute monarchy on earth, ruled by the pope, and home to most secure and highly guarded bank and vaults in the world. The Swiss/Rothschild Vatican money connection is bs. Get rekt fags Kek

>yes, I support Russia. How could tell?
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theres containment boards for you retards who are cheering for one side in a jewish war where slavs are killing their brothers for jewish interests
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Are you implying that supporters of Ukraine are not the gayest demon possessed faggots this world has ever seen? I'm gonna need you to explain this in depth.
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Where have I heard this before?

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Hmm I wonder who could be responsible for this armed robbery?
Probably that Abbo that Anon gave the beer and the knife to way back when. Abbo still has the knife. IYKYK.
I can't believe unbanning bump stocks did this.
>If anyone saw these men we won't give you a single description of any physical characteristic about please contact us

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How exactly did he clean a country full of corruption and murder? Was he just lucky?
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is he okay with weed
>not being lawless
>not using deceiving signs and wonders
I mean it's too soon for the Anti-Christ to be revealed and I won't say it's out of the question for any leader who is not regenerated could be that Man of Perdition but this guy is much further away from being a candidate than someone like a US President/Cabinet Member.
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plot twist: drug lords are unironically better to be ruled by than university men
Is that not Roosh
So are you, evidently.

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Tokyo government to launch dating app in bid to boost birth rate.

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Not all Japanese women look pretty like the ones on this website
By the way, I never understood why the cheeks puff out.
What meaning does that gesture have? combined with placing closed hands at the sides of their faces

>be south korea
>raise aoc even higher
>birthrates drop even faster
>nooooo its the porns fault
>south korea bans porn
>birthrates even lower
>nooooo its because we dont have enough workers
>imports shitskins
>birthrates lowest in the world
>add government programs for tax bonuses
>doesnt work

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Cute Jap.
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Stephanie Williams (Cancer) TikTok
Eamon & Bec (Cancer) YouTube
Tess Christine (Cancer) YouTube
Nasreen Shahi (Cancer) Instagram
Jessica Krock (Stage 3 Neuroendocrine) YouTube
Technoblade (metastatic sarcoma) YouTube
Jenny Appleford (Stage 3 Lung Cancer) YouTube
Andrea Barba (Gastric Cancer) YouTube
Enkyboys” Randy Gonzalez (Colon Cancer) YouTube
Chad Wild Clay (Spinal Cancer) YouTube
Kyedae Shymko Leukemia (AML) YouTube
Jessica Brock (ovarian tumors) YouTube
Lizzy Musi (Breast Cancer) YouTube
Karina Reske (Breast Cancer) YouTube
Anthony Carrodo lymphoma (DLBCL) YouTube

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Physics girl (winter vagina)

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vaxxies will end the human race

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I know multiple vaxed fools that have already had babies, and the babies didn’t even have birth defects.
>Pretty sure he means "the human race" but it wouldn't surprise me if (((youtube))) deletes the video over that sentence.
No he means europeans. He has brought up the fact that africans didn't get it (for numerous reasons) several times
Mate they pressured my mrs non stop. Gave birth to pureblood blue eyed, blonde chud jr in '21 of course. Jews can't fuck with me.
>babies, and the babies didn’t even have birth defects
Did they check the sperm of those babies?

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CCP agents found out how badly built Calgary was and they blew up the water main pipe. This is practice for what’s to come to America where the cities are even more badly built. All major US cities will have their water lines blew up, transformers destroyed and key bridge wrecked. Enjoy you mutts.
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Eat any decent cow shit lately? I live by a cattle farm and the owner caught some of your fellow meets stealing cow shit
Is this why there's been non stop draft posting? Did someone hear a boom or was a boom heard?
How does this affect my ability to live as a woman?
It just looks like old pipe and a coupling let go, it doesn’t look “blown up” at all

As a lifelong Republican Iran is a major issue to me, I wouldn't say I'm a single issue voter as such but these days I'm getting close to being one. I have little faith in Biden on Iran after his shameful display earlier in the year but Trump seems to be kind of a loose cannon. Ideally I'd have Reagan back in office but it isn't an ideal world. Who should I vote for?
which is yet another reason I support Biden
I'm a lifelong anti-semite
Biden's foreign policy is lackluster to put it mildly. He seems to do nothing for as long as possible and then, only when situations spiral out of control, does he decide to take action. I believe he does this because he's a coward who fears negative press so chooses to 'wait and see' until he has no choice left.

Trump, in contrast, was a man of action. His actions were not always good ones but at least they were actions. No one can accuse Trump of 'doing nothing' against Iran...

However, Trump's overtures towards despots gives me pause. My concern is what I liked about Trump may have been me liking who he surrounded himself with (Pompeo was a strong choice). So far Trump has not mentioned who he will pick for his cabinet which is very concerning, it makes me think he doesn't know who he wants or have a coherent plan for foreign policy.

So I am between a rock and a hard place. Obviously Biden is a very weak President but is that enough to vote for Trump? I am unsure. Personally I miss the old days when the GOP wasn't fragmented into different camps. We used to be able to get things done for America, now it seems like some members of the GOP hate America, or want to see places like China and Russia overtake us.

One thing I will say, at least Biden says the right things, if only he did them too.
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Nigger doesnt english 99% of the time he opens his mouth

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What happens when a Jew is confronted with the truth by another Jew
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What movie is this from? I want sound lol

QRD what happened here and the sudden 1-100 attack that happened?
Just so you know, the religious Jews want Israel to be destroyed together with America, so that their prophecy is fulfilled. After that, they'll rule everyone with the East, the East being their Noahide slaves. It's all prophecy stuff happening right now.



The reason Jews act the way they act is because of the religion.
Is that Ashley fires?
>You see there beloved, sugary sweet goy... not all jews are... eeeeh with this war, some disagree so you should think twice before generalizing or trying any retaliation. Are you punishing the bad jew or the good jew the one that disagrees?!
Portable gas chambers are so back

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The skinwalker situation has gotten out of hand.
No one has done anything about it and they have gotten too numerous and powerful.
The next step they are after is altering their dna with gene editing and 100x their population by 2050.
for me it's skinwalker ranch dressing
Bro skin walkers are nothing, just hot load a .308, drill out a hollow point and fill it with shavings from a blessed cross and then pack it in with pages from the Bible and super glue. Had a skin walker howling and shrieking whenever me and the boys went camping, one time it came too close and scared the fuck out of us so I loaded up the rifle with 10 of those bad boys stated above and the first shot turned that faggot skin walker into a Dr strange portal. Nothing can hurt you with the power of God and John Browning on your side
I hate Canadians so God damn much

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This is a reminder to go to church for the third Sunday of June.

If you have not already, convert to Catholicism.

Matthew 26
>And whilst they were at supper, Jesus took bread, and blessed, and broke: and gave to his disciples, and said: Take ye, and eat. This is my body. And taking the chalice, he gave thanks, and gave to them, saying: Drink ye all of this. For this is my blood of the new testament, which shall be shed for many unto remission of sins. And I say to you, I will not drink from henceforth of this fruit of the vine, until that day when I shall drink it with you new in the kingdom of my Father.
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More passages in support of Holy Communion.

Acts 2
>And they were persevering in the doctrine of the apostles, and in the communication of the breaking of bread, and in prayers

1 Corinthians 10
>The chalice of benediction, which we bless, is it not the communion of the blood of Christ? And the bread, which we break, is it not the partaking of the body of the Lord? For we, being many, are one bread, one body, all that partake of one bread.

John 6
>Then Jesus said to them: Amen, amen I say unto you: Except you eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, you shall not have life in you. He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath everlasting life: and I will raise him up in the last day. For my flesh is meat indeed: and my blood is drink indeed. He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, abideth in me, and I in him. As the living Father hath sent me, and I live by the Father; so he that eateth me, the same also shall live by me. This is the bread that came down from heaven. Not as your fathers did eat manna, and are dead. He that eateth this bread, shall live for ever.

Eucharistic Miracles That Prove Catholicism

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Say something nice about her.
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Cocaine fucks your nose up in exactly the way this woman's nose has been fucked up.
I don't think it's as fixable as you think it is if a princess looks like that.
by Snu snu
I am really thankful to Princess Kalina of Bulgaria. Every time I look myself in a mirror, I feel sad. But, as I look upon her visage, I start to feel a strange surge of confidence within my chest. Perhaps it's not over. Perhaps I'm not so bad. Thank you, Kalina, for making me feel better.
I can see it now...Las Vegas Fight between Princess Kalina of Bulgaria vs Jake Paul on Netflix 2025
Bulgarian dentistry and Bulgarian roid gave Princes Kalina the tools she needs for unabashed epic ogremaxxing

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imagine my surprise
but you bought lots of great products you already need tho right
AJ knows how to con real well.
You know it
I take lugol's iodine every day, what's the benefit of "nascent" iodine?

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I've just had the strangest dream ever.
>Be me, an assassin in a team tasked with protecting Bukele from an assassination.
>Our goal is to eliminate the hitmen before they can kill the president by finding them inside the Grand Hotel where the meeting between Biden and Bukele is programmed.
>Mission went smoothly, using my hand-shotgun, I killed all my targets but nothing couldn't have prepared me for what happened next.
>President Biden was among the audience in front of a stage, watching Bukele's presentation... then everything went wrong.
>President Bukele announced to the world that he was Evil! and that Biden had just fallen for his Evil plan.
>He clicked his remote and an explosion, which had its origin point beneath Biden, killed all the audience.
>Chaos erupted and everyone started to run including me, then I received a message from my Boss, ordering me to leave the hotel immediately by reaching a rendezvous point at the base of the hotel.
>Once there I didn't find my team but nigger gangsters inside a car.
>I started to run but my bro, stood still, as if he was in shock status, forcing me to leave him to the niggers as I escaped towards my den.
>Once there, my unknown enemies were preparing to ambush me. However, they didn't know that I'd built a secret tunnel.
>I entered the tunnel and, once I reached my real secret base, I activated the explosive in the tunnel, killing everyone in Surfice.
>I'd enough supplies for a couple of months but I decided to use the chaos that the assassination created to leave the city with a boat.

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