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Looks like a dozen people in the water. What’s happening lads??

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>no webbum
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This thread is literally an intentional waste of your time posted by JIDF.
those birds that just flew by the camera were cool
Bears and cubs

Did your employer feed you on Juneteenth? If so, what was the meal? These ungrateful employees got a free meal and then complained about it.
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why does everyone celebrate that shit kamala made up 2 years ago?
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the food was much better at the italian version
Fried Chicken, Watermelon, and grape drank.
They wanted bananas and fentanyl.
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Nigersaurus likes watermelon too.

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>Patrick Bateman
>Hes just like me fr
I get part of it is a meme, with "sigma male" edits on TikTok for 12-year-olds. However, most people who like him ironically are not 12 years old. Also, the creators think right wing chuds who like them are losers and are missing the point.

Yes, he's an amazing character paired with a talented actor. All his scenes are amazing and steal the show. The point is people unironically like him and want to emulate him.

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That's what happens when you grow up without a father figure
Low IQ.

If you have any knowledge about this goy slop superhero show, you've fucking lost.
evil people tend to relate with other evil people
i think starr is missing the point. the character says multiple times that he could just take it all by force if he wanted, but has chose not to - for reasons. season 4 even has him bringing sister sage shows this. people like homelander because he is flawed person, like most real people. in the way he is flawed it is highly relatable.

imagine being the fucking actor for this character for 4 seasons and not fucking know that.

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Elden rings final boss fight has a secret interaction where if you are grabbed, you submit to the boy trans character and they steal your heart and you instantly die and get an emote from it.
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Never buying another game from FromSweetBabyIncware. I will warn others about not getting another game from this satanic pedo gay company.
Based this will turn all Asian “men” into trans women which is their rightful place, they belong to white men, in harems, in concubines etc. this is the natural progression, the natural evolution of Asian “men” they make better women than their women. All their holes will be stuffed daily, they’ll be cummed in constantly. Can wait for my balls to slap their balls as a plap that bussy. The look on their fathers face, priceless, this alone makes my dick hard. I’m not even gay, I just love conquering Asians and turning them in cock sluts (their rightful place). I love women, I exclusively have relationships with white women only, trans women are just my cum dumpsters
Turning failed men into trans is based, they have a place in society. have one suck you dry, plap one into a puddled mess. Trust me, there’s no going back once you start conquering bussy.
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I will only submit to vicar amelia.
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>everyone hyping Elden Rings
>get interested and download game
>can't reprogram keybinds in the year of our lord 2022
>immediately uninstall

Mass amounts of Israeli troops stationed at the Northern border of Israel.
USS Eisenhower is being deployed to help protect important Israeli assets.
Rumours that the invasion might start in less than an hour.
It is currently 11:14pm in Tel Aviv.
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They say Jesus deceived his followers by faking his own death and as a result, Christians will not only go to hell, but take on the punishments that Muslim martyrs would have faced if they didn't blow themselves up, which is a ticket straight to heaven.
Have you folks heard of Ammon Hillman? Dude seems like Satan might actually be inhabiting his body. He says Jesus was a child trafficker, using the original greek translation.

99.999% chance he's fucking full of shit and is an actual demon, but, you know, hear the guy out.


Do you hear about the country, Pakistan? The ones that invaded UK and raped white girls since 50 years?
how many more hours op?
> barely lasts 80 years
> globally and historically irrelevant
nothing personal kid

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This couldn’t be faker and gayer. R*ddit fags are eating it up.
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Oy Vey Goyim! I know you want to die for da joos!
Since it's literally antisemitic and against judaism for jews to fight in war, and not have goyim fight for them instead! Do you really want to be antisemitic goyim!

Even the DEI Mutt, Tranny, Woke Zoomer soldiers are lining up as fast as possible, to die for the jews!
>couldn’t be faker
Yea well if it's fake the person sure did call themselves a pedophile a hell of a lot for no reason.
I think there might be that much truth in it.
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This should remind you of the time our Government paid Hollywood Jews to larp as nazis to get Canada involved in WW2.
Jussie Smollett wrote that.
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lol it's a wall of text

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Billions of vaccines given by governments around the world. Goverments that do not like one another and do not play well together. Yet billions aren't dying like /pol/ said would happen. Why not? Why aren't the vaccinated dying?
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The unvaccinated are a threat, but only to those that pushed an untested medication on the population because they can stand as a baseline and the extra deaths can't be blamed on covid.
Keep coping.. the great fact is that I could always be a dumbshit, like you and go get vax and boosted. You cannot undo what you've done.
Facts- IgG3-IgG4 your immune system has been permanently altered. Your body is producing the spike that is causing your inflammation. There is do defined timeline to when your body stops producing these spikes.

You took gene therapy with zero track record for the sniffles. LMFAO.
All those headlines are bullshit anyway as they are the relative effectiveness numbers. Absolute effectiveness was less than 2% from the start and lowered from there.
>And yet every government in the universe still advises that vaccination

Lmfao- either a shill or a bot. Trusting the government after what they have done. LOLYou took an untested dna altering gene therapy with zero track record for something that the government YOU are referring to over stated the deaths and injuries from covid by 90% and you are saying trust them.. lmfao How to saying you're a fucking idiot without directly saying it.

IgG3 IgG4 Learn it.
>overall I think the mass death prediction is overblown
the Icelandic national statistics institutions has yet to release death statistics from last year and it looks like they won't be releasing any death statistics any time soon. Why would they do that if those numbers weren't abnormal.

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It never crossed my mind to get a gun and shoot the school up when i was a student. Not even once. Were this kids fucked in the ass by a teacher?
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This is true. Speaking as a teacher in Texas, I'll tell you that the worst thing that most students face is not coming from activist teachers. Those are rarities, actually. The worst thing is DEI forced on districts from the state's Education Service Centers that do staff training, certification, and all the accountability stuff for the state. The Texas DoE has no accountability to anyone except to themselves, as long as the state legislature isn't breathing down their necks and they know it. It's all appointed jannies.
Probably untrue.
Read Peter Lance's book "1000 Years for Revenge" to see step by step how the `93 WTC bombing was set up and how the New York police missed the signs.
The public school system
Adding onto this. Even though local elected schoolboards SHOULD have the final say in a district's curriculum and discipline according to state law, because TEA(the texas education agency) handles all the day-to-day busywork and accountability things from the certificational side, anyone who resists DEI mandates from TEA essentially gets attacked via lawfare through this appointed regulatory agency, circumventing local schoolboards. Superintendents might serve their schoolboard, but the district itself and the staff can be attacked through certificational/classificational means.

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Do they just use them as cannon fodder? They are never armed, and hardly have any gear. Are they in Ukraine just to take bullets and FPV hits from Russians? How does Putin trick them to die in Ukraine?
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>paratrooper helmet
Can you show me this in detail?
i am eager to just post a pic from my window, and google location to prove it you fuck , ppl pre 50 yo are not eating your anti russian euro propaganda here
and even if what the fuck does it matter whatever i am from poland or germany or fucking new zeland ?
facts matters, ether you losing war or not
and there is no scenario in witch ucraine is sieging moscow
Go and prove it then? Obvious you don't know anything of Polish and Russian history fool.
So did you flee Russian conscription then?
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We both know the whitest of amerisharts will never be as white as the darkest and ugliest of churkas, let alone Russians, the whitest nation on Earth. We also know the number of ethnic Russians has increased from 111 million in 2010 to ~120 million in 2021 according to census (yes, even without 5 million Russians in the newly annexed regions):
The amount of anal pain this causes to mutt animals we can observe even in this thread.

>brown ape tries to deflect with a meme pic again instead of an answer
>is caught for the 2nd time
Like clockwork (x2)

>every significant cabinet member is a kike
>every significant media is kike owned
>AIPAC is the most influential lobbyist group in the country
>#1 sponsor of Israel for decades

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Freedom is at stake frens
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trump is now worse than Jeb!
>I show you my tic toc
>please clap for israel
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i hate memes
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I do it for the lulz, you sodomite j*w.

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George Floyd rain
I can't breathe because of his knee
George Floyd rain
Funny stuff OP

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Even blorph himself is saying America needs non stop Indian immigration, and the same is going on all over the West. The UK having an Indian PM is just the start.

What's the ramifications of all this?
show flag

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Lol I work in Five Guys and it is a ghost town. Management is completely baffled why people dont want to spend $30 on a burger.
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>thread filled with retarded faggots
no idea what a good burger is
not found at 5 guys for $30
German grocery store that has a footprint in the Midwest. You rent your cart with a quarter.
Culvers goes all the way to UT.
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>holy shit. learn to cook you dumb fucks
and grind your own burger from chuck roast
Home made Chili Con Carne is a healthy protein filled American staple you kike.

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This is election interference.
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lol It's been 10 years you dumb niggers STILL don't get it.
>bomb the countries so we can bring them into OUR countries
eat shit you paki faggot
You sound melanated
there is no free market
I mean it could be malicious but those fuckers suspend you for anything. They usually have bots that suspend you automatically for violating one of their ever changing rules and it takes forever to talk to someone to fix it

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or said another way how to you untangle the actual love for just a steeper gradient expression on gold digging per unit perception at this sexual point of sale where a sexual transaction might occur?

All you're doing is trading one problem for a completely different problem. But if you go and come back, you'll learn to see that all women in America, without a single exception, are absolute Roman Emperors in their view of themselves. Even the 1 of 10's are strutting around like 10/10's, even though they can't even walk or care for themselves let alone others.

All it does is show you that by being in America, you're in waist-deep shit just like the 3rd world, but it's a different kind of waist deep shit. America is not a first world country, it's in fact quite horrible along most spectrums.
Wise take,
I still will marry my Asian from the last thread but good point

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How the hell are people surviving anymore? I make 23 bucks an hour in a rural area with a shithole apartment and I still feel like I’m breaking even. How the fuck is Jerry from Walmart surviving? Does he just go into the back room eat McDonald’s and wait till the next day?
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Look. This is all according to plan.
The plan is to make people desperate enough to accept pretty much the most terrible working conditions to survive.
The only way to fix it is to refuse to work shitty jobs and instead use any means necessary to receive government assistance like free rent and food.
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Ruralish Oklahoma :P
I make 35/hr and there's no way in hell I could support a family lol
They are importing millions of subhumans who are just happy to be in white countries. I have a friend who got a computer science degree and a lot of certificates in cyber security and whatever and couldn’t find a job that payed more than 15 bucks an hour and get laid off in 2020 and now says he can’t find a job period because companies would rather hire Indians.

I mean, you seem like someone who isn't a complete retard or nigger. Apartments or houses for rent are just extended stay hotels. That will never be your home. We already get fucked as it is with property taxes even after you "own" your home. Fuck societal norms I will live with my parents forever.

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billionaires shouldn't exist
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Useful info, what's your take on the factor genetics plays when it comes to balding.
he got the GYATT on skibidi
Perhaps that's the intended goal dear fellow. . .. ...
People inherit similar hormonal, metabolic, and skull-shape related (therein tension) characteristics as their parents, but again, balding is not genetic per-se, but epigenetic, you get the predisposition, but compromising environmental factors contribute to it's onset and acceleration.

Today people are balding like a decade earlier than they would've had even a century ago.
he looks impotent. like his penis does not function.

what a cursed tale
You could say he went 'ham' on dat ass!
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Are there any jewish fairy tales that aren't disgusting or evil?

No, anon. You got it wrong.

Deut 27:20 says whoever sleeps with his father’s wife has seen his father’s nakedness.

The passage in Genesis says Ham saw his father’s nakedness. The Pentateuch was allegedly written by the same person.

In conclusion, Ham fucked his father’s wife.

Suddenly Horus becoming his mother’s husband starts making sense.
even a nigger might be able to read the actual passage first and avoid making stupid posts like this.
>Noah got drunk and was nekked
>Ham saw and laughed
>Shem and Japheth covered up Noah with a blanket
>Noah wakes up and curses Ham, but not Ham; his son Canaan
>Are there any jewish fairy tales that aren't disgusting or evil?
There's a lot of twisted ones. Like Lot's daughters raping him after they escaped Sodom. This particular Ham tale lays the foundation for justifying the genocide of the Canaanites later on.


>Katherine discovered poor vetting practices had allowed him to donate for at least six years – between 1983 and 1989 – as he used multiple different names, generating different donor codes.

Based boomer coomer.

Have you NGMI types ever considered going on a cooming spree and use an indirect approach for impregnating women?

(Also, what is the political implications of letting degenerates into IVF programs.)
Schizo Donor sires 700 Aussie cunts.
She’s really unattractive, you can tell why her mom had to use a donor. Really sad these genetic rejects don’t just accept the L

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If you really want to cure away your black pills consider the following:
Israelis are almost entirely ethnically white while Palestinians are essentially descendants of the ancient jews who have converted to other religions and, if you're a typical (((golem)))) ameritard evangelical boomer, you can cope by believing that god is punishing his people (the Palestinians) for leaving the faith. Israel is jewish only in name, most jews are jewish only in name, but what they do carry is the genetic heritage that most whites do and are not even part of the afro-semitic ethnolinguistic group but belong to the indo-european genetic lineage. All of this means that if you brush aside retarded desert book politics and boomerisms the opposite of what amerisharts want to happen (jews get to live in Palestine and gentiles are massacred) is happening.
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As a White man, the ethnoreligion currently known as "jews" are my absolute racial enemy, and anything bad that happens to them is a good thing for me. I don't care who does it, just as long as "jews" are getting their dysgenic shit pushed in.
You are making Hitler sad.
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My favorite pink pills:
Worldwide, 17% of women will coerce sex from a man in their lives.
In the US between the ages of 18-19, 48% of rapes are perpetrated by women.
43% of child abuse is perpetrated by the mother only; 27% by the father only
50% of domestic violence is bilateral abuse, 35% is female-only perpetrated violence, and only 15% is male-only violence
When you consider suicides induced by abuse, more men die from domestic abuse than woman are killed by their husbands.
Consider this, judaism will very soon (like most religions) lose popularity. And when it does, a people who are genetically similar to me (maybe not you, you are a mutt after all) will dominate the region.
>a people who are genetically similar to me
You are genetically irrelevant, because you have been trying to get men pregnant in their ass your whole life. You are a genetic dead end, and you should be sent to a pleasant island to chase bugs with the other dead ends for the rest of your days.

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