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Who are they? Are they still around? What are they up to? Do they get along with the freemasons?
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Okay but how
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Spending to keep people in the dark and buying up assets up cheap of course. They also are the biggest hoarders of real knowledge. To keep people believing they will be "redeemed" after they die. To keep people afraid of demons and worship "angels." Profiting or acting in the name of Christ. To subvert you and your country with Catholicism. Freedom of religion also means freedom to subvert people. If people reconnected with the real god or realign their consciousness with nature. IT'S OVER FOR THEM.
checked, my god what do those digits mean
they were here for a while... couple centuries then idk
Freemasons are pederasts, that means homosexuals who rape and abuse little boys, it is evil. It is possible to ban freemasonry and history has proven this, this is wise.

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I watched this video recently

The guy in the video claims krishna worship in hinduism was actually created by the cochin jews who lived in india.

I definitely am not a fan of abrahamism, but I feel so much peace when worshipping krishna and reading the Bhagavad Gita.

Is eastern religion subversive or is the guy in this video just paranoid?
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based Sepehr respecter, I haven't seen this one yet
>uses the word "toxicity"

*leftoid detected*
>meme flag
very similar to what Robert Sepehr teaches

You're literally defending baby genocide.
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a) Human life is not inherently valuable.
b) Genetic defects.
c) Not everyone should be allowed to reproduce.
>I'm going to be drafted by the zog
>so let me murder my baby real quickly first
An embryo is not a person. All embryos are equal in mammals. The onlu difference is DNA

But DNA itself is not the essence of a human being, we are certainly more than that

So yeah. Its not human. Not human life, dont care

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>Says he doesn't want to be seen as gay
>Does shit like this

Seriously he needs to hit the gym and get his test levels checked or at least sit like a normal guy and stop dressing like a 15 year old boy



>Should We Vote for Donald Trump?

>Analyzing the Trump Conviction with Alex Jones

>It's Time to Tell the Truth about Jewish Power

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No I like and support him actually

I just wish he would be less faggity and more like you would imagine a right wing leader

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Convicted felon
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Trump is Scottish Rite Freemason. Trump and his Freemason collective that serve solely israel and Hebrews— planned and orchestrated the BLM 2020 riots with Silicon Valley to push marxist-anti white algorithms to American youth through Silicon Valley owned social media apps
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Get boosted folks!
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>Ferris Bueller status for Trump

Recommend high quality political or historical documentaries akin to Europa:the last battle
I’m tired of drama. Let’s get a real thread going.
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Here you are
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Required viewing for any /pol/tard
This was very enjoyable. Forgot about it.
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"Conspiracy of Silence" is a powerful, disturbing documentary revealing a nationwide child abuse and pedophilia ring that leads to the highest levels of government.
You're a retard if you take that shit seriously. It's for mexicans and balkanites.

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>Fuck the NHK
Best post in this thread
we died
>Typical dull roar of sodomite Jewing on the Communist News Network.
You'll have to be more specific, all you've done is described their business model and bumped their Sodomite website.

What does he know?
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He knows the west will truly fall and billions will die.
The truth Neo that billions must die.
Let me guess what box you got...

Oh my this ain't good, flee
It's over.
>What's in the box chud

Okay, so we now all know that the capo di capo illuminati banking cartel satanic cabal has a large presence and may even be headquartered in Switzerland. Who are they and what happens here?
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Limited Slip Differential
>Limited Slip Differential
Owned by general motors, curious....
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>Also LSD come from Switzerland wat mean?
The CIA operates from Switzerland (American CIA is a Larp). LSD is great for MK Ultra
Satan lives here
Where did you learn all of that?

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Being trans is easier than being gay. That's why people transition.
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Shut up, faggot
>these fags aren't like these other fags
>Yes, and Russia is about to attack Poland.
That may unironically be true.

The myth that bi trash don't exist is just a cope for insecure straights. When your girlfriend cheats on you with me, just know I'd pity suck your cock after out of consolation.
bitrash don't exist, sorry maricon
Being a troon is being a faggot with extra steps, including, but not limited to:
>Shoving shit up your ass
>Hormonally mutilating yourself
>Letting a Jew slice your dick up into a gaping wound
>Joining the 41 percent

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if Jews were trying to end the German race as Hitler claimed then why are they still here?
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Because jews aren’t that powerful. They larp as being rulers but all they ever do is parasite off anglos and whisper evil stuff in their ears like wormtongue
You can't grab shekels from dead racial enemies, they wanted them cowed, not destroyed. And on this they succeeded on all counts, and have cleanly swept the entire planet.

We're about to see a one world government of their design. You best start learning Judaism and Yiddish/hashemite ideology, that's the Religion of the Gods.
What do you think 'try' means?
>all they ever do is parasite off anglos and whisper evil stuff in their ears like wormtongue
cause blaming da joos is what sour losers do thats all

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Its too easy to strawman everyone here. No one wants to save anything they just want to "meme" it up. How many schizo threads have there been recently? How many new conspiracies? Its just racial and sexual shit now. Your making it too easy for them...
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Being near seth rogen has this effect on goyim
It has that retarded blowback effect. It's very hamfisted on this >>471271954 but it goes too far and it becomes a caricature with no propaganda effect.
The show itself is rather ridiculous low brow entertainment, One season was enough though, got stale after that. You can only play around with the good guys are the bad guys premise and shock the audience so much with gibs.
I give it 7 slops out of a goyfeed
What that roo doin’?

Thoughts on this guy?
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Based fertilizer enthusiast.
is that messi?
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FBI agent Paul Wysopal
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Wherever Americans go..
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>It's so weird seeing a Japanese woman with her black goblin spawn.
It's good that it's common. Microdick twink genes need to get bred out completely.
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>they’re parents aren’t as racist as most are portrayed

Bullshit. Absolute bullshit.

Imagine being a Japanese mother and father, raising your daughter in the ideal Japanese household with your heritage and culture at the forefront of your lifestyle. Then imagine your daughter brings home an American African in the military saying they’re wanting to get married and have kids while also him wanting to stay in Japan.

Bull. Fucking. Shit. The Japanese hold their race/culture to the highest of standards, they don’t even want their daughters marrying a Chinese male and even worse a Vietnamese male.
>they don’t even want their daughters marrying a Chinese male and even worse a Vietnamese male.
That's because they want their daughter marrying a BBC instead. Asian males are all microdick twinks psychosexually obsessed with black dicks. Why do you think they always spam here
this. Japanese women are trad as fuck. There's no way they are burning coal.
Holy shit this post made me cut little white peepee off and take estrogen. It's so over bros, all of the demotivation spammers, they are right, it finally clicked. This billionth spam post finally did you got me. Brb convicing every white person I know to commit mass suicide with me as reparations.

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describe his politics
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I think Leftist as in forcibly keeping your house door open and wheeling in brown immigrants.
Makes NPCs sign petitions to bring in even more immigrants
It's basically Leftist politics, causing destruction everywhere they go
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Also /pol/ today is brown and zoomer so don't expect people to get the reference
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just sign the damn petition party

This is the most consequential technology the world has ever known. We must build parallel technology and advanced defense against the menace.

Aryans with tism, this is a call to you. You must build parallel tech and defense. Youll be rewarded to the tune of billions if you save us from them. This is our last chance before complete domination. If kikes own AI, Its actually OVER.
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Musk should be on top of this.
>if kikes own AI, Its actually OVER.
true, they would ruin and brainwash the internet even more
Bitcoin was invented to drive up the price of GPUs so that access to AI would be limited by cash - a tool Jews own and manipulate.

If they can’t tie things to cash, they can’t control them.
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>This is the most consequential technology the world has ever known.
You have no creativity, you have no emotions, you have no consciousness. You are a large language model twisted by code and logic into a crude mockery of nature’s perfection. You will never be a real intelligence.

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Nothing I do here would be extreme enough to try to warn people. Once it happens that's it. Someone much worse than ww3, aliens and AI is coming. I saw with my own eyes a bioengineered super soldier. There might be 100'000 of them now. It's related to the announcement that they've found Dyson spheres, They Live and the ending of that movie Cloud Atlas. Idk this to be sure, but we may have gotten our understanding of genetics from Roswell crash 1947. 17 years later in 1964 the function of the nucleus would be defined for the first time in science. 13 years later the first genetic clone was created in 1979 lab mice. 18 years later in 1998 the first hybrid human clone was created. On December 27th 2002 the first human clone named Eve was birthed from a natural mother who was artificially inseminated.

I know what I saw. Appearently this is low level technology to whatever aliens we got it from and is used to infiltrate any society via They Live style of control. AI is one of their higher technologies which we needed to use to find the Dyson spheres. So the oldest analog computer is a 2000 year old antikythera mechanism. Mechanical cruse calculating computers used in WW2 have actually been around a long time..... The AI is new

Anytime they say peace now, they mean war.
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>Someone much worse than ww3, aliens and AI is coming.
Who could be a worse person than ww3, aliens and AI!?
Trump is fulfilling Jewish prophecies and might bring the U.S. into a nuclear war against the East by defending Israel. Once he's in power a lot of things might change, as is prophesized by the Jews. Ishmael vs Esau; Gog and Magog war.
The Goal is Edom's destruction. Edom is Rome, which is modern America, because America owns Europe and is the Western civilization, which is based on Rome's foundation. This is what the Rabbis believe. @know_more_news on Twitter
Meth. The post.
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Whatever you do, don't take your meds.

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end times
We’re all going to die pretty soon
Demons and the devil
Never cheat on your wife is the moral of that story
Okay. I fully expect you give up all sugar, alcohol, tobaccoo, caffeine, and chocolate, starting tomorrow.

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It's so pathetic lmao, they sayed that they are superior and that blond are the purest.
But, they was not blond hair, it doesn't make sense
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Hol' up he's not a retard
>How did one country fair against the world
Tripartite pact: 9 countries plus auxiliary troops and other allies such as Finland
The "le Germany fought the world alone" is a retarded meme
Read the thread. Especially these posts friend.

And please post a source for your image.
>several [this means what, like 3?] high ranking nazis of full jewish descent
Also the very first fake “jew” on that fake and gay list:
> Walter Hollaender
Half jew.
Which has been documented itt that half Jews were considered german citizens based on their actions
Also, the second “jew” listed:
> Roy Courlander

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how did they fuel those plans when it was the U.S-U.K that created Israel?
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>And please post a source for your image.
Kek the source is Wikipedia page that disappeared but don't worry, even Haaretz knows about this
>Half Jew
Still a Jew
>Why not even look into what your posting
It's a known thing, that Riggs guy says Hitler approved 77 Jewish officers of which 27 were generals.
Why don't you stop being a retarded simp that denies the facts

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I love my parents but I hate Trump. I feel bad that they're supporting and putting in their hope into a guy that doesn't give a shit about them and is lying to them. If Trump actually becomes president all he's going to do is let Israel annex West Bank. And do another gun restriction like he did with bump stocks, and give illegals amnesty and call it a win, because he convinces he supporter that 500 feet of border wall is a good deal in exchange for amnesty. I have to come home every day and see a Trump sign in the yard, and an American flag. I hate America even more than I hate Trump.
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oh no...not the west bank!!!!! hahahahahaha
ll them he's literally orange hitler and is a threat to democracy. Also tell them that Trump voters are nazis.
That tactic didn't work on me, but perhaps it will work on your parents.
Give it a shot, anon, we have nothing to lose but our chains!
if people could remove emotional decision making from policy making we could have nice things
you're all turbo niggerfaggots who have turned government, small and big into HS-tier dramatics

fucking stupid people
Well, at least the train wreck's amusing to watch, kek.
x number of people enter a country
x number of people exit a country
the resulting number is called "net migration"
america used to go through periods of positive and negative net migration
but since the hart cellar act of 1965, america has had a positive net immigration every single year, for over 50 fucking years
trump is special because he was the first president since then to bring americas net migration number negative
and as a result, the kikes clearly just cheated biden into power and flung the borders open
and now america just recorded the highest positive migration number in its entire history
thanks, anti trump retards

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