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Catholism has been my families religion for what I assume to be a good while so I tried actually getting into it. Couldnt get to the first real chapters of my new testament before being told that I needed to worship "pharisee's", Which are apparently ancestral jews? What? Why? I mean if it were priests or something I'd understand but asking from your people to always no matter what listen to a different separate group of people (especially jews) just seems weird to me. This is not a gotcha thread, if you answer with your own gotchas I prolly won't understand nor care, I'm new to all this, just trying to make sense of this
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Suck your mothers sick you self deluded retard.
I'm not familiar with those excerpts from a jewish mythology novel
It’s when those that say they are Jews but are not are called synagogue of Satan. Problem is, the ones pretending to be Jews are Christians. If only they’d read revelation 7, for the actual inventory listed in no uncertain terms of who is chosen on judgement day. Protip, it’s jews.
You’re a retard who didnt actually read the bible and just spamming “le jewish worship”. The actual explanation is that the “Sons of Israel” in the old testament are now Christians and modern day Jews are just retards claiming to be “chosen”. But you dont actually care because you are one of those people
Kek. Slam dunk your cope into the garbage can you swarthy dullard

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Glow thread
reason number 1. you won't do shit, cus you're a nigger
dont fuck around w fire like that
KYS glownigger DEI hire scum.
You’ll never hear a glownigger mention bombs anymore... when I was a kid they were always talking about bombs

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Biden gonna make him look like a dope
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has Biden ever had a single good news day?
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>Spoiler: they will arrest Trump on live TV.
pray they're that stupid
pray we're so lucky
They should drug test both candidates and announce the results mid debate.
The Afghanistan pullout was kinda alright.

Is Caitlyn Jenner a Conservative?
time wasting question
bot slide thread

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How do we go back?
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we about to ENTER 1000 year rule of christ
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Are you saying you can't see the bricks in this arch?
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Hahaha! This OP. Even just asking him wtf his argument is makes him run away and ignore the question, pretending that his nonsense wasn't put into question.
OP, you are such a dishonest piece of shit!
I hope you are sufficiently ashamed of yourself for lying to people.
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no, it's an actual castle named Schloss Neuschwanstein. Adolf Hitler has even painted this castle.

When it comes to buildings humanity has made incredible masterpieces. And humanity has always been more advanced than what we today give them credit for. All around the world we have beautiful castles, manors, towers and all kinds of crazy just stunning stuff.


Ok smart up am not letting go the golden goose steal it dissect etc, is not a metaphor is how we built it

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It wasn't madness that motivated Barnes, but reality. Barnes WAS reality.
Elias was an ideologue living in a hippy fantasy.
always willem
doesn't matter if he's the hero or the villain
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There was only one true King
death to kkkikes and shitskins and niggers

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Why didn’t they let the Libertarian into the debate?
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The bar for ballot access is incredibly low. News organizations aren't going to host a circus.
Try learning about your own topic before posting a zero effort board sliding spamthread.
Because he is a spammer
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Is watching porn cuck behavior? If you think about, you're just watching other people have sex. It's the same thing as going to the cuck corner while another man has sex with your girl.
No, it's hot. It's nice to vicariously experience that which you never will. White men will never bottom out a woman and hit that cervix but at least they can watch BBC black men do so
If watching porn is cuck, then constantly thinking about somebody else watching porn is...?

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Name the 5 most fake countries
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1 - U.S
2 - Israel
3 - North and South Korea
4 - Ukraine
5 - India
Honorable mentions:
-Every sub-Saharan country
- Palestine (even doe is not globally recongized, it still counts)
shit! Liechtenstein the one i forgot!

fuck monarch bloodline cults
US x5

>demand goes down
>prices go up

Can someone explain this to me?
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Yes, pasta and bread is a luxury, chud.
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I now have an air fryer. Suck it Olive Garden!
this is an interesting strategy.
I remember when olive garden has a good reputation and was considered a classy place.
but over the last few years people have been shitting on it as a shit hole.
now we know that dumb NPCs think price=quality, so possibly it will regain its original reputation or that it will be considered a place only rich can afford which will make NPCs wanna go there for the gram or whatever.
also it could reduce the amount of non whites going, but also could have the opposite effect of having more niggers going there to flaunt and pretend they got money.
they should get rid of the unlimited bread sticks and other unlimited shit cuz that only appeals to fat ppl and Jews/niggers.
>Business reliant on discretionary spending by the lower middle class like Olive Garden.
They are upper lower-class at best. People that don't even have $1000 in their accounts, and don't order appetizers or dessert do to it not being a pay week.
They like money

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why is trump afraid of releasing the epstein files?

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have you heard of the term kayfabe?
he's not, he said he will release them lol
yeah I'm sure there's a lot there on him but they haven't rolled it out yet in the past 8 years after several impeachments, kangaroo trials, and fake dossiers. how about you worry about your shithole country instead
very weak shop
you mean every single aspect of epstein reeks of ruling class

israel was created by the english crown and rothschilds as a colonial satellite state to maintain capitalist control of the suez canal

when epstein was trying to hang around noam chomsky, it was because epstein was friends with rotshchilds and spying on chomsky for the rothschilds because chomsky is critical of israel

ashkenazi jews are caucasian. look up the genetic haplogroups of what consists of caucasian and ashkenazi jew. isreal is white settler colonialism

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Why Indians are more hated than niggers this days, are really that bad?
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Rising to what, Africa tier? Pajeets are poorer and stupider than africans and niggers and even mexicans lmao
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Blacks usually operate as individuals. Most of them are just doing their thing Unless you seek the violent ghetto ones you likely won't interct with them. Indians on the other hand are a plague and infest everywhere. Suburbs, rural towns, cities. Politics, business, government. They're extremely nepotistic and cheat the system whenever they can. It's easy to avoid blacks. It's hard not to run into Indians.
The funny part about this is that the indian kids are malnourished because all of the food gives them constant diarrhea since it all has fecal matter in it, they are literally on the verge of dying from dehydration on a daily basis.
a society where being a greasy degen is encouraged

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The Irish may have pale skin but they act like niggers. Their BLM chimp outs and their arson is just further proof of that. So of course they support Palestine like all the other brown countries. That has now come back to bite them. Who could've seen this coming?

If you don't support Israel, you're not white. It's that simple. The Irish were better off under British rule and they know it. If they love Paliniggers so much they should invite them to Ireland.
Dont worry anon, ireland is getting plenty of immigrants in the next few years.
Good. They deserve it.

meds were the only civilized whites
Keep your Palestinians in Israel kike. They're your problem.
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Shalom Alan Shatter.

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If you think Ukraine has the right to defend itself from Russia, then Israel has the same right to defend its citizens from Hamas
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Israel is the agressor. You're not defending yourself when you started the shit.
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that is consistent with the duties and rights of sovereign nations. so, yeah

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what do these faggots believe politically? does anyone know?
No these are just weeb fags who think Japan is the most based country on earth
no because they're too busy stuffing machines up their ansuses

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this unfortunate girl who turned 15 on January 2024, took 3 corona vaccines in the years 2021-2023 and now she looks like a 33 year old woman

she can unofficially buy strong alcohol (higher content than 21% volume) from alcohol stores because cashier doesnt bother checking her age, age check is required if a person looks yunger than 25 but cashier can use her own judgement and obviously this girl looks 25 years old at minimum and in no way she would look 15 year old

IT IS NOT LEGAL to put penis in her
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This. Of course.
This board is plagued by jew propaganda and the lowly beta retards who eat that shit up due to their own weakness and frustration.
It’s so pathetic I get second hand embarrassment
>I want my """women""" with manly voices
Miten vitussa tämä lanka liittyy politiikkaan? Tapa ittes
I would do your grandma.
which means she's probably only 15

>China about to invade Taiwan
>Letter says You have been drafted by the US military

How do you respond?
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i'm a nigger and i can't read
>china about to invade taiwan
so that letter will never come
Literally won't happen, even in case it does I will act as if it didn't and will suffer no consequence to my (in)actions
>let my supervisor know so I can leave in good terms
>inform my family and friends
>gather up my camping gear for four seasons
>gather a few more supplies: garden lye, pallets, a shovel, more rope, a few weeks of perishable food, etc.
>head down one of the abandoned forest service roads I’ve scoured over the past two years
>set up camp, dig a pit toilet, pitch my tent and tarp
>head to the nearest Walmart when I run out of supplies
>stay out of sight until the entire thing blows over
If you’re not ready now and don’t have a few places you’ve found then you need to get on it. Pic rel: me larping in the woods as a draft dodger.

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Pedro is a shitskin
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does she look like this now?
She peaked as a child just like all women do
they were ahead of their time. true genius. especially homosexuals lashed out against them and then all the nigger, jew and pedo worshipping liberals followed and destroyed these beautiful people's lives.
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wrong, peduoh is a blue eyed aryan chad

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Why do White societies have tendencies to become degenerate homosexuals, while other ethnicities don't?
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It is almost check mate.
because they're shitholes who don't have the luxury of hedonism to the same degree as the west.
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damn man. this is a legitimate mind bomb. how did you figure that out?
White societies are the ones vocal about it. I think all muslims and indians are gay, and the stats bear out that blacks are gay more often.

Basically LGBT has nothing to do with being gay or bisexual. It is just a jewish communist weapon which has been honed in a certain way.
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the free market delivers what the people want to pay for and they pay for tiddies. the system works buddy

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