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>He's an American male without an arrest record or diagnosed mental issues and doesn't have ANY firearms
WAKE. THE. FUCK. UP. You literally have NO excuse.
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ammo is too expensive nowadays
Making ieds scares everyone more
yours probably feel worse from being on them so much
>feds fear the noguns chad who operates on community trust only.

I'll get a gun when I need one.
Ur mad he's right.

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Looks like the left can meme now

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>Can Meme
Democrats are so fucking racist. Now they are culturally appropriating malt liquor to attack Trump? Homey don't play with nigger haters like that. I'm voting Trump now.
Finally someanon caught it. My posts are full of double entendres.
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Did Trump eat someone? I thought he just grabbed pussy not eat it.
Why he wear a Slipknot mask?

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Are you burgers ready to fight yet another war for your Greatest Ally™ Israel?
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Believe it or not, but there is not a single verse in the entire Bible that specifically calls the Jews or the tribe of Judah God’s chosen people. This misconception comes from the fact that the Jews of today have declared themselves to be Israel and not the house of Judah, as the Scriptures rightfully call them.

no, it's normal for your greatest ally to regularly attempt false flags on you, steal your technology, buy your politicians, and send your men to fight their enemies. don't be an antisemite
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> Come on goyim this non-jew goyim white porn star dressed up in a military uniform is totally what our IDF soldiers all look like
> We would never lie to you goyim! Just look at ukraine! The head jew dictator of ukraine showed you how beautiful our jewess ukie solders are, and they're all females just waiting to take group showers with you, and take turns raping the goyim males that volunteer for the ukieland army!
>> Sure there might be picss of every single ukie female from the military ads, on porn sites. But do not be fooled! It's simply that every single one of them is an identical twin of a porn star, than they will all have their famous sisters also join the the group showers with you alone, all raping you, as long as you join the ukieland army and sign away your life to khazaria... I mean the big israel after the war (per zelly).... I mean new jersusalem... i mean....I mean.... stop asking questions goyim! What?! Are you antisemitic or something??!
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> Plus, we have the whitest military in the world! And every jewess IDF wants to gangrape you if you volunteer!
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He even stipulated it would likely be by I.S.I.S.

> Israeli
> Secret
> Intelligence
> Service
>.... Per the 1980's C-SPAN interview, when israeli zionist researchers interviewed the PM of israel and others. To find out what Mossad calls itself internally, since it doesn't call itself Mossad on paper, nor refer to itself as mossad verbally nor internally wither. They call themselves the Israeli Secret Intelligence Service, and if it had an acronym per the zionists, it would be I.S.I.S.... The video is available on jewtube, or I can provide the link if you don't believe me...

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As a samurai, I don’t like him. I saw through this guy’s delusiveness and arrogance.
Maybe he is thinking about his career advancement in American society so what he says always sounds like political correctness and denial to the facts my lovely pearl shows
The comments on video are also full of his followers

for example, at 1:16:00, i can sense his narrsisitic character as a sussesful man

He's a run of the mill Italian Catholic and a failed actor
Just some wop who will viciously attack transiting the kids(as he should) but is ok with kikes blowing them to pieces with bombs we pay for. He will never question the jews or do an honest days work in his life.
So an American “conservative” basically
I mean, he works for Ben Shapiro.
What else is there to say?


How did he do, boys?
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Kys Richard
Your mother should've aborted you.
>He's just such an icon
Of what? Failure? When has he sucked at anything?

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>a green card to anyone who graduates from ANY college even 2-yr community colleges
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Kek don't be a queer. Big business will appreciate this permanent jeetification of the labor market.
Yes hahaha very true, this is for the best!
Not gonna lie, I would impregnate that Latina bunda and make her birth 5 spawns
Ah, the "convervative" extortion vs the "progressive" faustian bargain....

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>be me, 25 year old virgin
>never had a girlfriend, never been on a date
>just play vidya and post on 4chan all day

>one day, decide to take a trip to the Philippines
>just want to get out of the house and see the world
>not expecting much, just want to relax on the beach and drink some San Miguel

>arrive in Manila, and holy shit, it's like a different world
>people everywhere, traffic is insane, but somehow it all works
>check into my hostel and start exploring the city

>go to Jollibee for lunch, and that's when I see her
>she's working behind the counter, and I'm immediately struck by her beauty
>long black hair, caramel skin, and a smile that could light up a room

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Loyal? lol. What do you think she's saying to her filipino girlfriends in tagalog, when they all laugh and look at you? She's saying, "And then I told him I was a virgin..."
You're homosexual
we (see)
I speak Tagalog and when she is tampo I ignore her you moron
Why are you jealous of me and my cock being happy? Are you this delusional
Do you even have a girlfriend or are you such a cuck you worry about who OTHER MEN DATE MORE THAN YOURSELF?
Hahaha Bro, her friends.. . They are devout Christians stop projecting your dumb American women into the rest of the world

It really is mainly you fucking them all up


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What's with all the hate of south asian immigrants? Unless you are indigenous, everyone here is an immigrant. You cannot refute this.

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I bully every jeet that comes into my realm
Fuck globohomo. Fuck the regime. Fuck diversity.
there were no immigration offices when we arrived so no.
>everyone here is an immigrant
No, immigrant is what you are when you move to a different country. If you go somewhere that isn't a country yet you're a pioneer or just migrant
go back to india

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>Major General
Is Israel running out of commanders or what? How can you be that high ranking at 25?
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>Israeli wears Nazi flag
More importantly, a Sergeant Major is still something like E7 based on the system they present. The last two guys in front of him must have caught hand grenades.
>Major General Gross Malkia
>Gross Malkia
I hate kikes but naming your own kid Gross seems especially cruel
I recall reading a Twitter thread or something where they said Hamas was specifically targeting high ranking members of the IDF to effectively sabotage their structure
Two possibilities: one is to give the illusion of larger size and capability to incur confusion and fear from their enemies' point-of-view (similar to how the Army Special Forces divisions skipped numbers to give the false impression of being larger than they were during their creation) or two, the IDF don't replenish lost divisions if they're wiped out or disbanded for whatever reason.
Young generals are not uncommon, especially if commissioned as a commanding officer during a war.

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So what about the rainbow lighter ones? Where do you stand /pol/? Are you man enough to stick up for yourself and dignity? Or do you just sheepishly play it off as not a big deal and passively accept it? Do you try to mask a conflict avoidant personality as something noble and slander defending your status as a man as savage?


Hey /pol/, what's your fav RAC album?
is there any album there that doesn't suck
You don't like?

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I've figured it all out. But why can't i explain myself to normies?
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Also, if you're a white person, consider the information I posted here:


have a good one
Normies live in a different paradigm. Given the same set of facts they group them in different subsets. Contradictory information is discarded and avoided. On the whole normies prefer pleasant lies
The best way to redpill normies is through anti-zionism and slowly put in things about AIPAC, etc...

We are at the point AOC and the far right have a few of the same talking points about Israel.
This is why NS art is soo feared by ZOG and hidden away. It stirs the Aryan sprit with understanding.
Put on a dress and paint your nails, that'll get their attention/

Men are unironically revoking women's rights

It´s started in China, they are already doing there, and the Government is ignoring the problem because they want Chinese men to reproduce.

Women trafficking cartels will increase in size in all countries in the world and completely dominate marriages for 90% of men for the next 2-3 years, because 90% men now require them now to have a wife and reproduce.

Also.. why are we paying taxes for this government that doesn't represent the interests of men, and is fine with just using us as tax paypigs until we die alone and childless (so this government can start collecting our inheritance as well, since at some point there will be no family line left to collect it)?
holly fuck with this and their wAIfu development maybe it really will be a Chinese century afterall lol

AI Waifus can't give you children, they won't feel as good as touching a woman for 50 or 100 years

Meanwhile there is a generation of 40-50yo and a generation of 20-30 yo all incels or who never have children, and they are all realizing that no cope of "self improve" or "just make some money" will ever change the situation for them

This situation ha gone past the tipping point already and from now on, men worldwide are likely to push back against women's freedom on a daily basis

I think we are 3 to 5 years away tops from total meltdown of women's rights
>I think we are 3 to 5 years away tops from total meltdown of women's rights
Women getting totally liberated was the worst thing to ever happen to females in world history. We let them. We stood aside.
Nobody really argued.
And now we see the results. Birth rates in horrid decline, everyone is miserable and single, our governments are joke because women can't vote right.
Worker demand was cut in half once half the population ( women ) flooded into the workforce so now we all get paid half as much.
Meaning now we're all slaves.
There's now a slew of others, non whites, who don't like us around every corner.
We see the result of giving women their way and treating them as equals. We see that they are indeed NOT EQUALS. And never were.
Once the fun stops it's done for the next 2000 years. And women will become property outright for a few hundred years until that slowly wears off again.
I said many times this is the only outcome of feminism. Since feminism causes birthrates to fall catastrophically (and I don't mean to exaggerate, feminism will literally cause extinction due to low birth rates) the only option is to make women property again. That's the only way society can function.

I think one solution for women to get freedom for 99% of their lives, but also for civilization to still work would be this:

>First, get rid of all alimony/child support laws. Nobody is forced to give their money for the other, especially a woman, for managing. Because that money is obviously mismanaged. Upon divorce you get nothing from your spouse
>Second, all woman must provide through surrogacy at least 1 child (maybe 2) to a childless man. That means for 1 or 2 years, a woman must nurse and give a man a child whose legally will belong only to that man. Since surrogacy through lab is involved, the woman doesn't need to have sex with the man. After 1 or 2 years, the woman is free to go ride the cock carousel until she is old

But this only works if women must provide for a _childless_ man. All women being impregnated by the same 10% tallest guys does not work.

We can even do this to benefit women: they can take bids on surrogacy from childless men, and pick the ones who pay the most

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Blacks in usa are more obsessed about tv and porno than white people by Studies.

They also have higher rate of rape and murdered.

They also of course more likely to be poor and there are far more white millionaires than black millionaires.

Also, blacks have higher chance of needing glasses, lol.

And white men have higher chance of being taller.

There are white chad and black chad, there are white losers and black losers.

But anyone with brain understand there are far more white chad than black chad and far more blacks losers than white losers.

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Why are you interested in this topic, Rabbi?
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we lost, this roastie slut has destroyed any hope of Trump 2024
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Hot? She looks like a who from whoville and burns coal. She's a 3 at best.
I think it was more about how she did it 'well' with 'style' above and beyond the typical whore
For many normies seems this seems to be a big deal in furthering whoredom
onlyfans when
We live in Idiocracy.
This is why I choose to live in the shadow of a massive DOE plant.

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What happens if the Philippines invokes their mutual defense treaty with the US? Does WW3 start?
Nothing ever happens.
>Breaking news at 6, the president has declared military operations to stop china's territorial expansion in the south china sea.

The US won't go to war until the media renames that body of water to the Kyiv straits

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>American Jews are committed to cultural tolerance because of their belief - one firmly rooted in history - that Jews are safe only in a society acceptant of a wide range of attitudes and behaviors, as well as a diversity of religious and ethnic groups. It is this belief, for example, not approval of homosexuality, that leads an overwhelming majority of American Jews to endorse "gay rights" and to take a liberal stance on most other so-called "social issues."

American Jewish Journalist Charles E. Silberman (1985) "A Certain People"

>Most important for the content of immigration reform, the driving force at the core of the movement, reaching back to the 1920s, were Jewish organizations long active in opposing racial and ethnic quotas. These included the American Jewish Congress, the American Jewish Committee, the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith, and the American Federation of Jews from Eastern Europe. Jewish members of the Congress, particularly representatives from New York and Chicago, had maintained steady but largely ineffective pressure against the national origins quotas since the 1920s….

(Hugh Davis Graham, Collision Course, 2002, pp 56-57)

>In addition to their activism on Aboriginal issues, Jews were instrumental in leading the crusade against the White Australia Policy, a series of laws from 1901 to 1973 that restricted non-white immigration to Australia.


>Jewish Involvement in Shaping U.S. Immigration Policy
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Sounds like POC should side with Jews then, huh?
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Proving once again the west can't enforce anything
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Lying Jew
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>Look guys it's the jewnited states of America
>I wonder why America would support the only democracy in the middle east it's a big fucking mystery that my smooth little brain just can't figure out

Wow you got me, you called me a jew and you called my country jewish, whatever shall I do?
I've heard of "cow tipping", but "plane tipping"?
You still cannot beat a Cessna 152 or 172 to learn to fly in: Plenty of parts still available and there is an aerobatic version of the 152 for things like spin and aerobatic training.
It's how they transport them

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Too much of this shit will ruin any anti-Jew backlash and turn it into a disorganized mess that does little to destroy Jewish Power. Included in low IQ antisemitism are:
>stretching the Jewish mother rule to argue that someone with (allegedly) a Jewish great-great-grandmother is a Jew
>in general, claiming literally anyone in history is a Jew with no evidence (example: Al Capone, Stalin) and screaming “crypto” when confronted otherwise
>”some schizo rabbi said Jews are aliens so they are”
>”everyone with a big nose is Jewish”
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Israel runs child sex-trafficking rings for blackmailing our politicians. Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell, and Les Wexner were all working for Mossad, which is Israel's version of the CIA.
The Pedo Island case had its records sealed by a lesbian Israeli-American judge so that none of our pedophile politicians and celebrities would be exposed and brought to justice. There was no outrage by conservative Christians over this obstruction of justice because they've been brainwashed into thinking Israel can do no wrong and must be allowed to get away with anything.
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Israel is a safe haven for jewish pedophiles who are wanted criminals in other countries.

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Case in point: Bryan Singer, a Hollywood pedo jew on the run from the law, hiding out in Israel, where he's protected.

Israel is crawling with these wanted criminals. Israel protects them because they are jews and therefore are immune to goyim laws.
I need a few bumps

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7 countries
32 countries
121 countries

Why isn't BRICS taken more seriously? Everyone knows the US provoked the war in Ukraine why is the international criminal court and American rhetoric still taken seriously?
It was recently stated that countries willing to join brics have to ignore sanctions out on brics members.
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normalcy bias is one hell of a drug
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jews lose
Seems like a fairly good start for BRICS bros.

The international court is ignored and not really applicable to the discussion. It was used selectively, like killing Serbs in custody, but ignoring Israel's war criminals.
now same, but military production

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