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Suggested Reading:https://www.biblegateway.com/
Suggested Listening:https://youtube.com/watch?v=Kn9watKIJRM

Isaiah 40:31 - but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

>Manchester Airport boss sorry for 'difficult day' after power-cut chaos and cancellations
>Bulgarian gang member behind UK's biggest benefit fraud that scammed £50million brags British prison was like a 'holiday' where she could get haircuts and manicures
>I’m challenging Angela Rayner for Reform UK – this is why young people like Nigel Farage
>Gambling watchdog widens election betting inquiry
>Labour to add dozens of peers to back its policies and improve gender balance

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Sounds comfy
guessing it's people who went there without actually booking
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It was.
Well, apart from all the horsefly bites and being too hot and sweaty.
There won't be any negative consequences of me drinking a ricebowl of bluecheeee sauce with my steak. I'm sure of it.
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How morally culpable is the father of a fetus that is aborted by the mother?
Does he bear any moral responsibility for the act of killing the fetus if he abandons the mother?

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Boomers are so lucky man
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should consider abortion. any term up to age 18 is legal in cali
Timing and good credit history. I got a 30 year 2.6% mortgage in 2020.
Get on SSDI. It's called "disability discharge" of student loans (only Federal student loans).
what the fuck?
i would pay that shit off in a year
unironically how bad they have fucked the economy
>~$150 a month mortgage
Damn, I should have been buying a house in 2004 instead doing gay ass middle school.

Now they claim they "Stand for Peace" while Ukrainians are being forcefully drafted.
Of course comments are turned off, just like democratic elections to change Jewlensky.

When people will stand up to their lies and cynicism ?
Why when Jewlensky speaks he is trying to look so tough ?
He dodged draft 3 times, he even made jokes about this in his comedy and now
he is pretending to be some sort of soldier who will never give up while in reality
he never was in the army and he is kidnapping people from the streets.


thread theme:
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Delusional NAFO posting
On what page does that report list civilian casualties and who was responsible for them? How many casualties total and how many caused by Ukraine and russia?
>Putin destroy Russia
He brought it back from the brink. The economy is booming and he's more popular than any Western leaders in their own respective countries.
>peace talks with Russia
Why would there be anything to talk about? Russia invaded, and is entitled to nothing.
What you faggots don't understand is that most of the pop only see the fake "peace talks", they'll never hear about Ukraine bombing Russian civilians or the insane demands of NATO. Most ppl don't even know Putin had made great peace offers several times until now.

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fedposting glownigger comfirmed
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I mean where's dog number 39 to 116?
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Plz fuck off faggot
Ain't nothing better than a hound dog.

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Previous: >>471959730

▶Day: 0

>Pro-Iran militias in Iraq prepare to mobilize thousands of fighters to south Lebanon if war erupts
>Israeli Defense Minister heads to US to discuss potential war vs Hezbollah
>DoD has shared an intelligent assessment with the Biden administration that has Israel launching a ground operation in Southern Lebanon the middle of next month
>Israel has massed a large quantity of men and equipment at border with Lebanon
>US pledges military support to Israel in case of large war with Hezbollah,
>Iran and Taliban discuss joint action against Israel if it invades Lebanon
>Canadian military is drawing up plans to evacuate 45,000 people from Lebanon should a full-scale war break out between Israel and Hezbollah
>Two US carriers are en route to eastern Mediterranean
>Israeli officials believe Hezbollah may launch major attack on Israel to preempt large IDF assault
>Israeli Foreign Minister says "Israel cannot allow the Hezbollah to continue attacking its territory and citizens, and soon will make the necessary decisions"

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so are they gonna try and draft me bros?
No idea, but if you are white and end up in Izreal with a machinegun and surrounded by kikes, you know what to.
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Already a thing
You're probably more likely to end up in Kiyiv, but /pol/s kike&gun rule still applies.
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>lebanigger gets uppity
Time to remind them

I don’t think the FDIC will insure your account in the case of the inevitable bank collapse and bail out.
As many of you know the fractional reserve requirement was reduced to 0% during covid:
Which means they have no money on hand.
The FDIC has been telling some banks their plans for bankruptcy aren’t sufficient:
There has also been unexplained closures and wiping of bank accounts:
Due to “abuses”.
And guess what? FDIC doesn’t cover losses from cyber crime:
And you know what one of the “biggest threat” to our banking system apparently is? Cyber crime from foreign actors:

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Is 3000 oz enough.
What's a reliable place to buy silver anyway?
You should be more worried about any digital assets you own. Physical confiscation is very difficult compared to keystrokes banishing you from your wealth. When franklin roosevelt banned gold, there were never any door to door confiscations as thats grounds for civil war.
Local coin shops

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>Antifa Poo-tin is sending an army of pajeet streetshitters to invade white Europe
Oh no no no no no commie faggots how are you gonna explain how denazifying the whiteness out of europe using an army of poos is based now?
Pootin wants to denazify (you):
Pootin wants to ban western free speech internet such as /pol/:
Pootin = king of antifa:
More shit on Russia:
Putin creates fake army "Wagner Group" to recruit right wingers using higher pay, prestige, more expensive gear, and strict right wing values. Subsequently, Putin executes their leader and integrates soldiers from group into regular army with regular pay.
Vozrozhdeniya Island
>Secret guarded island where massive amounts of bioweapons research was conducted
>may have been where Covid-19 and the "vaccines" came from
Foundations of Geopolitics
>Russian playbook of how to take down the west
>includes references to chaos magick, such as the star on the cover
>Written by Dugin, highly influential Russian thinker
>Russia has communist wizards practicing magick against the West

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Yes I believe this is the only valid criticism of Vladimir Putin - his obsession with Germans being the evil of WWII and subsequently his obsession with Ukrainian "nazis". Some people try to paint current Ukrainian Nazi groups as direct descendants of WWII Nazi movements throughout eastern Europe, but it's total bullshit. Everything about Ukraine is a NATO operation nowadays, every aspect of its corruption is Western-sponsored. They aren't real Nazis. There's no point whatsoever in addressing them as Nazis, or making parallels to WWII, etc. Putin is just being a bitch.
I still love him, though, because every other politician in the world is still too chickenshit to tell the truth. It's admittedly a hard door to close once opened, so the cost/benefit analysis always falls into the "best to leave that alone" category.
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>Pootin = king of antifa:
He's the enemy of conservatives, Republicans and nationalists everywhere!

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the absolute state of atheists
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what do you mean, i ate my breakfast yesterday
epic slide thread, nigger
"God made man in his image" is just human's superego talking. We think we're above nature, but we're not. We are still at nature's mercy. Techology is our only shield. We think that the universe belongs to us because we are the most advanced species, but only because we haven't encountered anything more advanced. We've only barely left our planet. Chances are some alien species figured that shit out millions, tens of millions, hundreds of millions of years ago. The only luck is they live very far away from us
>nothing actually matters, goy!
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Correct. Anything else?

We must block trump 2.0. Vote Biden or get 4 years of the orange status quo like last time or worse.... accelerate and rejoice!

Get in we're riding with Biden. Hunter 2028. Cloned hott Natalie's for every white man. Gun laws gone. Drugs are legal. Imagine how tough Hunter will be on women. Hahaha Hahaha let's gooooooo topkek let's gooooooo

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>we must increase to price of Gas and Milk to the highest levels
Why do you faggots hate affordable groceries?
I like how Democrats are destroying America. I hate the USA so I am definitely voting blue no matter who.

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More advice on creating content.
The problem with learning any skill. Don’t run before you can crawl. Try to get a few images or short videos together into one first. Later try to add music. After that learn about adding effects. Skills take time to learn. Search up guides on YouTube. Keep watching the best videos that you found and be inspired by them. Try to copy and reproduce what you like. First learn to reproduce something before you can add your own twist and later establish your own art style.

Also another thing that I think is important. Sleep! I pursue sculpting as a hobby and sometimes I get stumped and get a sort of block as I work. So I will think about what I am trying to create and make it the focus of my mind. Do that for a two or three days while getting plenty of sleep. One day you will just wake up and have the solution without forcing anything. While you sleep your subconscious is working away like an industrial machine. You just provide some basic ideas, aims and time. It will provide you with a solution.

Every awake anon/noticer is like a buried treasure. You just need to be uncovered. A diamond in the rough. I don’t think you realise how valuable and important you are for the future of the European people
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If you can’t overcome the black pill you will forever be paralysed with inaction.
You have turned from blue to red my friend. I welcome you with open arms. You read now, you question and you grow. Yet there are countless noises that seek to twist your new state of mind. Voices paid for with your own life blood. From offices in the third world to military outposts and installations. They give you corrupted symbols, artificial identities and false idols. They offer you a white pill. An illusion, a cushion to soften your views, to cradle you into eternal slumber and a return to apathy.
The truth lies below the currents of noise. Unrelenting noise that seeks to strengthen the narrative. The cold and brutal truth that many have come to call the black pill.
Resistance is futile they say. What genocide? What replacement? What enslavement? Speak out and die. Hanging by a door handle. Assisted suicide. A prison cell for life.
You are up against a force of nature. A different breed. The management class. Parasites who drain the wealth and life of the people. The vampires of our world. You feel despair. You lose all hope, a cold fear grips you and cowardice freezes you in place. You will die.
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Look! A brown person! It’s time to run. White flight they call it. Hide and seek as the system imports your replacement. Your land unchecked. Your borders wide open. Ruled by an alien people.
The clock is ticking. From coast to coast. From city to town to village. You keep running, yet they keep on coming.
The brown mass surrounds you further. Inching ever closer. Your people like exotic animals. A dying breed. Dead eyed stares. Your children leered at and preyed on. Your hometown lost.
Fight on the beaches?
Your vote matters.
Fight on the landing grounds?
Trust the plan.
Fight in the fields and in the street?
Two more weeks.
Fight in the hills?
It’s too late.

Oh white man where will you hide?

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Can you guys stop kvetching about how "expensive" food is? It's cheap if you're not buying slop.
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Smash it to bits with a hammer or rolling pin, dip it in breadcrumbs and fry it. You got yourself a nice dinner.
Probably you can slice a bit of the fat of these ones though and render it to fry stuff in as well. That's a good price, I will be using my Sainsbury's™ Nectar™ clubcard on my next purchase while out shopping. I like to collect points on the things I buy, and make my orders cheaper at Sainsbury's™.
What are your favourite British Pork Loin Steaks x12 1.2kg recipes?
And you've never wondered why your neighbors' skin isn't shit-colored?
it's even cheaper if you buy a loin joint and then cut it into steaks
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Coming 'round your house for tea, mate.
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Completely agree. Grocery prices for quality whole food is still incredible cheap compared to its value. I will say though, eating out or picking up dinner on the way home has become 50-75% more expensive. So instead I have been cooking and I have found I am pretty good at it. Never eating out again unless its for an occasion.

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guess what, people get a tan from being in the sun, you would have known if you went outside sometimes insted of writing bad bait.
lmao, i just falseflagged. im on holidays and i couldnt recognise it as my post when i saw a slovenian flag insted of a polish one.
i guess i could post some poland hate threads and bait my fellow countrymen
lol they still seethe they cannot into nordic countries
Are rat birds white?

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What a prank
we indian men are COCK CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>just a prank bro
not a bro move, prakash.

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I've decided to still keep supporting Trump.
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go back and stay there
people still believe in religion despite it being debunked
we used to have popularity contests, but this is a seething contest
He's a grifter scam artist and rapist
Based retard.

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CNN said you're a raycis
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Funny how the closer economy orbits to Socialism the 'buggier' the behavior
Gregarious behavior doesn't "just happen".

People are gregarious because of the cooperative nature, which led humans to survive; same as any animal that needs to cooperate to survive.

Free market embraces this atribute. You can't get anything if you don't give anything in return; and there're caveats to this but it is a positive rule of thumb because it revolves around mutual benefit; whereas central economy revolves around "redistribution" and the individualism behind safety nets (my needs are always covered regardless if I participate in the economy).

The farther into the left, the buggier the behavior. 'Not my problem' culture.
notice how it doesn't say it was his own car he was trapped under

For its new report, the Claims Conference said it defined Holocaust survivors “based on agreements with the German government in assessing eligibility for compensation programs.”

For Germany, that definition includes all Jews who lived in the country from Jan. 30, 1933, when Hitler came to power, to May 1945, when Germany surrendered unconditionally in World War II.

The group handles claims on behalf of Jews who suffered under the Nazis and negotiates compensation with Germany’s finance ministry every year. In June, the Claims Conference said that Germany has agreed to extend another $1.4 billion, (1.29 billion euros), overall for Holocaust survivors around the globe for 2024.

Since 1952, the German taxpayer has paid more than $900 billion to individuals for suffering and losses resulting from persecution by the Nazis.
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No, what is underway is claiming "epigenetic trauma" where reparations are extended indefinitely due to "inherited ptsd." This is not a joke. And they use #science and scientific journals to reinforce the claims in court.
only the good die young
2,345678 millions?
It will be 500 billions in the year 2040.
Googl that sentence with "böse onkelz" (bad uncles) haha...
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Thanks anon.

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Press F
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It's not over for AZ.

Southwestern conservatism is on the rise.
>foreign governments buying up millions of acres and pumping billions of gallons to farm for their own countries
>local farmers bankrupt and wells dry
>border crisis
>election fraud
>cartels own the cities
are you kidding?
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>Cartels own the cities

Tons of conservatives from Florida, Texas, and Utah have been moving into the Phoenix suburbs and making AZ more conservative and thus more based.

The GOP will have full control of Arizona in a few years at the maximum.
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I have no idea but I'm sure where it leads, if we trace the problem back enough

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Srsly is it Russia
Or simply that Americans are to dumbass to control their own borders.
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It's hot as fuck, that's all. I hate this fucking country. Too many spics and too fucking hot.
somehow the High IQs are missing the options in my OP.
As plant matter decomposes, it can generate so much heat in the middle of whatever is breaking down that it may cause a fire.
No that would be kikes just like last year and the one before
Go somewhere else then, fuck off

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ULTRA HAPPENING! The Russian war criminals put up an air defence system in a civilian beach in Ukraine’s Russian-occupied Crimea!
Russia uses holiday beachgoers as meat shields in occupied Crimea.
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Yes yes, the evil bad Satan America is PURPOSELY killing Civilians on beaches, using 15 MILLION dollar a piece missiles.

You've solved the case, fucking Idiot.
russia's game is to stall
committing "crimes" would escalate
1) That's a search radar, not any kind of target engagement radar.
2) The poster admits that it's not a picture of where the hohols bombed.
3) Fuck you.
you hit the nail on the head with the first statement
ukraine and usa is a match made in heaven
most evil set of events since ww2
gotta hand it to them
not always is a person going to witness the utter kike inhumanity

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