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Do y'all support this?

Keep in mind there are tons of white boys and girls who can't afford any health care at all...
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They'll be used to round up all the treasonous draft dodging white men, and then given their empty houses and wives in return. You'll get a knock in your door and not even see the 4ft tall guatemalan soldier through the peep hole
This is why they gave them free phones and visa cards at the border, easy to track them.
>free healthcare for illegals
>you get to be automatically registered for the draft, goy
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>state kicked me off medicaid because i make too much (less than 20k a year)
>feds stopped giving me financial aid for school
>still have to pay taxes to fund israel and give illegals free healthcare
holy shit, what a faggot

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6-1. It’s the worst embarrassment since we burned the White House in the War of 1812
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Sports in general.
A crowd of middle class-poor people pay for the privilege of watching millionaires play a schoolyard game to pacify their suppressed tribalism in the guise of municipal patriarchy when players are bought, sold, and traded amongst teams and very few if any of them are actually from the city they represent, or even from the country for that matter. It is utter retardation at best and blatant nigger worship at worst.
The only appeal that makes any sense to me is the gambling aspect as you can at least make educated bets based on stats. But even that is likely rigged.
Anyways, let these cavemen beat their chest in triumph, some fags from Edmonton beat some fags from Florida in hockey. Real achievement considering Florida has no ice. Maybe this victory will put them in a good enough mood that they won't beat their significant other this week.
>two goalies 6'6"
wtf? jesus christ
Ye were mine first
Its not a successful invasion if you are later repelled. America gained no ground.
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everyone worships self (lower ego) as satanists do. they worship money. they’d rather have many paryners than one good one. media glamourizes hedonism. you ae given permissiion to sin.
there are thise offering teachings to those who are put iff by church morality, they tell of a feel goid philosophy where you have yhe power, you are god
a interview where the guy who makes the videos (its a duo of guy and girl) mentioning family of gangsters and being traumatized by abuse and hiding in domestic shelter
where CIA recruits victims for mkultra

blonde on album covers also obv beta sex kitten
they host a venue on an island somewhere in upstate ny thats whrre they have sex magick ritual ceremony
the front in the video is a high priest that does the ceremony since elites aren’t adept at occult practice and need a true believer. this creates an wnergy vortex which is how they keep their position of fame and power. crazy how they dont hide anymore, even funders cult hs a youtubd and this guy teaches this luciferian freemasonoc new aget satan
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yeah all those precious demonic, satan worshipping books that I'm missing out on. Man, my loss ey? rofl
Moneys is kind of interesting worship wise. It's more useful the more you can buy with it that's why bitcoin is not taken seriously yet. The only way to be able to increase the number of things that can be purchased is if people believe enough in money's ability to purchase whatever they desire or need. So money's entire value comes from the worship it gets if everyone worships money they basically become slaves to it, and become useable by other people with more money. Conversely if people stop worshiping money and they free themselves in any meaningful number then money becomes worthless. Its indistinguishable from a pagan god.
op is based
Look at the size of her titties

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It's over for Drumpf
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So the cyborg walks 10 feet, looks confused and then shits itself?
thats master chiefs mjolnir armour
If his commie handlers set him ten feet away from the Rubicon, he'd cross it, unlike that orange Israel first and only Jew York pussy Trump
Whatever, just wipe his ass when he's done.

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The Stanford Internet Observatory, one of the four arms of the 'election integrity partnership' (EIP) has been shut down. The EIP is responsible for white washing government censorship during COVID and the 2020 Election.

over 22 million tweets were labeled misinformation and 100% of the 'repeat spreaders' of 'misinformation' just so happened to be Trump supporters.
Wow, that almost makes it seem like it was an entirely partisan organization.

Shills, CTIL faggots, Sly_Sparkane, etc, the boat is on fire. It sinks into the murky waters below. Rats have the good sense to abandon sinking ships. Are you dumber than a rat? probably.


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She looks really good in this photo. Wish I could pump her full of kids.
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>5eyes has a nonsensical opinion
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>She looks really good in this photo. Wish I could pump her full of kids.
Aryan AOC makes me so weak
Doesn't even matter now that they've resorted to jailing the opposition. We've accelerated from censorship to show trials.
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>wins elections in your path
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Ay por favor qué guapo es ;3
>win ellections
In reality, he lost the three last ones.
Why you shills are stupid?
Also PSOE is a cheka eta cryminal sect mafia.
Q te follen a ti y al Perro Chanche.
Looks like an old Nick Fuentes.
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>Mogs you.

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I will Germanize "my offspring". Once I get married, I will convince my wife to choose reproduction by artificial insemination, I will make sure that the donor is an ethnic German male with good physical characteristics such as height, facial features, blond hair, blue eyes.

And there is nothing you can do about it.
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OP could create an ultrachad by asking 100 2 meter tall aryans to cum in a jar, then stir it with a spoon and pour it into his girlfriend's vagina with a funnel
this is why his best bet is to book a flight to germany and watch his gf get plapped by 2 meter tall gigachads
That sounds sexy af

Tell me more
Also, why can't you just authentically be who you are? The thing that makes the world great is that there are so many different peoples and cultures. Making the entire world German would be a loss (though I admit it would be better than the current plan to make the whole world Indian)
I can't tell you more bro, hitler would kill me
yes he's still alive

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Jews try to kill you by making you believe that meat and saturated fat are healthy and are only doing that in white countries.
/pol/ will start mental gymnastics in 3.. 2.. 1..
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Noooo you HAVE to eat bread or you will DIE
Grains are well known to produce opiod like effects. Its basically a drug. If you want to be a druggie sure, just dont eat any protein or fat or youll get fat alot of endurance athletes eat carbs though because they motivate you to run because they are so bad for you kek
Exactly that are the names that come to mind if I think about Keto. Also Dr. Grundy Lectin Free Diet, which is great for inflammation and gut problems as well.
Never heard even One of OPs names.
They probably sell stuff that claims to be Keto but than still spikes your Blood Glucose.
>meat and saturated fat are healthy
They are actually.
I do sprints it's the only way I can live with the mental health challenges induced by grains
Grains make me into a basket case and no grains solves all my problems
Problem is though I like the spicy deluxe
So I do HIIT training and all problems go away

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Does Europe really extend to Azerbaijan?
Culturally no. But Europe has culturally been shrinking for 1500 years.
Europe is a meme, it's not really a continent, it's not really anything, just a collection of massive faggots
Europe and Asia are the same continent.
The Atlantic Council has experts that says there is an invisible line.

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Matija Sarkic from independent nation of Tsherno-gor has died from heart attack

He was found dead in the apartment laying on the kitchen floor with no apparent physical injury.
This was after the days soccer match.

Police is investigating because its their duty to investigate all deaths, but so far it appears the man had heart attack of natural causes.

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safe and effective
That means it's working.
>independent nation of Tsherno-gor

I want to enter the timeline where this place is the #1 superpower on Earth
>heart attack
>of natural causes
Maybe they used to be a thing pre-covid but they were more like a black swan event, now every day some sportsman is keeling over on the field
it wasn't the vaxx
he was just old

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Reminder that America will be fine if WW3 happens: it will be a problem mostly for the Europeans and Asians. They are the ones mostly fighting for resources. It will be comfy for NA.
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No lol the jews specifically set up ukraine for euros to die in and israel for americans to die in
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No pussy means no war. Those are the rules.
Petrodollar is dead and the dollar is about to implode, there won't be a USA after WW3 and all Americans utterly deserve it.
>america wont get involved
Judging by ww2 you are probably right.
Your infrastructure is third world, Your food is literally poison and your government actively tries to ruin your life and/or kill you but you will be just fine? kek

how to avoid this as a man, /pol/ ?
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Just try starting your own bank.
Don't get 5150'd by your kike handlers multiple times and then get a grill put in your mouth
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avoid white women
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The man or group called Satoshi found the solution. Jews can't take down decentralized systems.
What's wrong with it

I bet these numbers are waaaaaay higher at this point to be honest

it is easier for the population to fight against the gov itself than entering a war
world wide civil wars poping sounds waaaaay more likely than a ww3
Those numbers are far lower now. I doubt even Chinese numbers are that high after they saw widespread government failure during 2020-2023.

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>be white virgin incel
>Kidnap blonde college girl
>Keep her locked up in your house for years
>She gets Stockholm syndrome
>You fuck her and she's now in love with you

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>I want a happy and sane relationship, not some neurotic jewish weirdness.
Kek. No movies for you I guess.
butterface giant forehead
the japanese are so cucked, holy fucking shit.
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she's dumb but big foreheads are a great pleasure. you can rub your cock all over it and cock slap it. ah the sensations
ok i watched it and it was the worst porno ive ever seen
not even a slight chub at any point
fuck you

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/rwg/ - Reactionary War General #2


We're draft dodging.
Join us, it's comfy.

- Share developments (with link)
- Search 'https://' to track WW3 events
- Bump with memes, redpills, etc
- ?????
- Update the happenings to keep it going


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Just want to nominate this for the next OP thumbnail
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First, they say 5 days.
Now 3-5 weeks to repair a few sections of a water line.
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Gibs over?
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lol canada is a joke
and alberta is supposed to be the rugged cowboy tradesman province
there has been one near me since november 2022 lol
Lake Montebello sinkhole still unstable, work ongoing
the hole keeps getting bigger!!!
I've got family in Calgary that still has water because the break in the main is downstream of them
>white guys built plumbing 50,000 years ago that was functioning perfectly until a few days ago
>modern non-white immigrant labor can't figure out how to fix it
Damn dude, sounds like you guys fucked up.

>turns you black
Nothing personnel kid
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Personal* stupid asswipe
Any day now and you won't need the prescription to get some here in Ohio.
>when i moved to denver in 2014 all the black people were skinny
In America? Never happened.
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For whatever reason, Colorado doesn't have the same rate of obesity the rest of the country happens to have. Average weight mirrors closer to the European average I believe.
seriously the only stoners I've met that aren't absolute retards are like 50+ and living out in hickville.

All the biggest globalist things took place under his reign. He reinforced the globalists' reputation dramatically while tanking U.S. reputation worldwide. "America First" is Trump's Big Lie. Biden is unironically more America First than Trump, as Biden serves the U.S. Deep State interest, while Trump serves the Chabad globalist interest.

Am I wrong?
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You expect me to lay out what domestic policies he enacted to bolster the Chabad globalists? That makes no sense tho. Domestic policies are domestic policies, globalism is globalism. Are you goofy? I can name Operation Warp Speed as an example of a domestic policy which served to bolster the globalists, anyhow. But with Trump it's rather about what he didn't do, not what he did (and he didn't do a lot).
what kinda name is Ivanka even? is that a real name? i bet he named her that way as a thank you to his new yorkian Russo-Jewish Chabad overlords who boosted his firm, and before him, his father's.

Trumps are literally the same shit as the Maxwells. The same.
How do we get new candidates? Like is the only real way out of this for Russia/China/Iran to invade the US?
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What about MIKHAILa?
He said he would do things but hasnt done them for years
I still believe him

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How do you think the Jewish God feels when He sees His chosen people disobey His commandments so they can delay their inevitable meeting face to face in the afterlife? Is the Jewish God pleased with His supposed chosen people?
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Good luck being a repulsive slimy worm. I’m too disgusted by you and your revolting dishonesty to continue dialogue
God bless you. it was nice talking to you and i hope that you have a lovely rest of the weekend. also, happy father's day (if you're one)!
The jewish "god" is lucifer, and they are his chosen.
idk anon. is lucifer pleased with humans killing each other for something that won't matter or something meaningless in light of eternity?
At this point, big L will take what he can get.

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>haha, I'm too old for the draft!

lol old timers
lmao even
>When the US gets enough political power to go on all adults must serve
The jews are the real enemy. No more brother wars.

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