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Hello to the first /chic/ ever thread

Here we hate on jeets and discuss their inevitable takeover of Canada because white Canadians want their grand children to compete for housing and jobs (and gibbs) with the scum of the earth
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Watch this video to get in touch of what the fuck is happening on Canada

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I've noticed older porn is harder to find, also most porn searchers used to be somewhat decent, now they are utterly shit. I blame AI but what would be the reason AI randomly started fuck porn searches?
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tube sites got purged because it was full of cp
Yeah I used to be able to sort by multiple tags but now tou can only search with one tag. And videos don't seem to be longer than 20 minutes. I'm speaking from the free videos on the free websites but back like 15 years ago I remember watching full movies!
What an excuse leaf
keywords: vintage, retro, historic

go nuts
Don't worry I have 26 yottabytes of it archived

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/pol/ is always right without exception
This predates the "in the coming months" pasta by over a year

/pol/ is always right without exception
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Based night stalker. Don't hunt indiscriminately like most retarded MKUltra shooters. Choose your game with purpose.
Screenshotted. I hope we will be alive 10 years from now when I will repost these shots.
Pasta is the only way to overcome the normies and bots anon.
Come on tell me that shit ain’t sus.
I saw some crazy comment sections of YouTube. The astroturfing is unreal. It was a few months ago. Not sure if I can find the videos. But there are dozens of american “patriotic” videos and all the comments are talking about how amazing the military is, how proud they are are and how they all want to serve.
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Shit ain't funny

Is Adam Green the Goyschiach? His analysis of the West vs East conflict (West vs Palestine), (West vs Russia) is spot on and actually explains why Jews do what they do.
He doesn't come up with these analysis by himself, but he is very good at compiling clips and information. He's so good even Christians often steal his clips and edit out the part they don't like.
Then where does he get the analysis from?
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>inb4 300 spics come to attack him

GTFIH they're taking a page out of the old playbook

>race: asian
Race: poo
Why would a Hindu be a democrat
That’s like an Israeli being pro hamas
Fucking shudra madarchod
>>Imagine the smell of this gujrati BHENCHOD shit smuggler
is that guy indian? he looks more middle eastern.
>Jail ID: P00

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I sometimes browse Reddit and it hits me. The people there seem to be living their best life, not a care in the world.

What if we are all just worrying about bullshit that doesn't matter?
They’re faking it for upvotes
i just come here for news and shitposting dude
try not to stress over the things you can't control
control your mind like a garden of thoughts
There's actually nothing much stopping you from living your own best life.

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A lot of anons here do not believe that the Holocaust happened. Obviously many of the claims about the Holocaust are now known to have been exaggerations, lies or simply improbable (masturbation machines, bear and eagle torture rooms, magic shotgun holes, human soap, lampshades of skin). But as to the commonly accepted narrative of the Holocaust (the 6 million, gas chambers, etc), how many Jews actually believe in this and how many are simply perpetuting the myth because it benefits them?

I get the impression that many higher ups and historians probably don't actually believe the Holocaust happened outside of the general consensus that the Jews were persecuted, but that they keep up the facade for financial reasons, because they dislike Eurocentricism, because they want Jews to be reactionary and collectivist or they don't want to lose their job.

Assuming that the Holocaust did not happen, and assuming that the vast majority of Jews lower on the totem pole believe everything they have ever been told about it, they have essentially psychologically tormented and paralyzed many of their own people with fear and distrust for others. A lot of us think about the idea that the Jews don't actually believe the stories, but I would wager that the vast majority of them do and are literally terrified by the lies or exaggerations of their own people. This is essentially psychological warfare against their own kind for a "larger purpose".

TL:DR - Do the vast majority Jews actually believe the Holocaust happened as it is told to everyone else?
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Also this. I'm Jewish, I believe the Holocaust happened, but dealing with it is incredibly difficult. Reading Holocaust literature freaks me out, it is traumatic to even deal with it. No Jew I have met has actually worked through the trauma of the Holocaust. I could sit here all day and talk about the lack of processing (affect processing, or trauma processing) that Jews and Holocaust survivors go on with. Also this entire idea of using Holocaust education to pump unprocessed trauma into a bunch of random Goyim doesn't really help anyone. Also, Whites are the only ones who are going to care about it. Blacks and Browns couldn't care less, they aren't geared that way. I could sit here all day talking about how Jews simply do not deal with the Holocaust. There was one Synagogue I went to for a long time, and the emotional reality and horror of the Holocaust we denied/repressed/dissociated by using "Zionism !" as a psychological defense mechanism. Almost every one there was a descendant of Holocaust survivors, but they could use "Zionism !" as a way to block out the horror and trauma of the Holocaust. There was a big price to pay for this, but no one could address the elephant in the living room. It's like those people who have some really horrifying experience, and then emotionally "it never happened", and they try and move on, but it never works, and the emotional trauma percolates and manifests in almost every aspect of their lives but "it never happened" emotionally speaking is their way of never approaching the difficult emotions. This is another form of Holocaust denial. Not in the absolute sense of saying "it never happened", but emotionally they are saying that. There are severe consequences to this, but these consequences are simply not seen.
>the eye witness testimonies

fucking lel
>muh shitty Sopranos maymay
With the same logic, there is no such ting as prisons. Because all prisoners can't fit into the guard's locker rooms, cantina etc.
They certainly believe in it. Whether or not they know what actually happened is another story and likely one you will never get an honest answer about.

They need the holocaust to be real and not just in their minds, but especially in ours.
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>They made greenblat delete this lol
Because it's just sloppy writing. Anyway, most israelis should look into a mirror to see the greatest threat against Israel. Y'see, if you spend years if not decades of studying genocides on a hobby level. And not only genocides, but the societies that created them and the policies that lead to them. - You become really good at pattern recognition and to get to the core of the issue at hand.

Consider this image, it's like straight outta the street fights in the Weimar Republic.

>muh no uniforms with leash
>muh no jackboots

True, because no one is clothed that way in Israel, or hardly anywhere else for that matter. Here does fascism come in t-shirts and yarmukles.

Viva il Fascismo, viva il Duce.
Credere obbedire combattere
Dio, Patria e Famiglia
Molti nemici molto onore
We shall come back and save the motherland
Foreigners out, yankee soldiers out, tear down all mosques
What about Mussolini's legislation that forbade Siculo-neapolitans to migrate to Lombardy, Calogero ? I love that, do you love that too ?
Srsly historic fascism was a Lombard phenomenon and represented the polar opposite of the Siculo-neapolitan world view.
Neo-fascism at the contrary is a Siculo-neapolitan supremacist movement justifying infinite plundering and ethnic cleansing of Lombardy.
Nuff said.
There was no such thing decadent yankee, I think you probably refer to the anti-urbanism legislation that prevented anyone from moving to any city with more than 25k inhabitants without a permit, to stop massive immigration from the countryside to big northen cities. It was because fascism was very rural and exalted farming life so they didnt like urbanisation. But if you moved to small country towns you could very well move from the south to the north. BTW that law was kept for many years after the end of WW2 cause Democrazia Cristiana feared that having more workers in big cities many of whom would end up unemployed since italy wasnt very industrialised yet would help the communists in elections. Obviously you dont know any of all of fhis though cause your education comes from an average american school...
>they didnt like urbanisation
No shit. All the transhumanist retardation of modernity is the result of urbanization. State social engineering only becomes possible when a large population is confined and made dependent on "elites".
Yet another masonic homo.


The Savoys put the fascist dictator Benito Mussolini into power who established the Vatican as a sovereign nation through the Lateran Treaty of 1929. Haute-Savoie in France was under military occupation by Mussolini. The Savoys and Black Nobility used Mussolini to establish the Vatican as a nation and to weaken and persecute their opposition in Italy. The Mussolini family still live in Rome and have married in with Italian nobility.

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Trudeau calls into question findings of stunning watchdog foreign interference report


>Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says he has concerns with how conclusions were gathered in a spy watchdog report.

>Speaking after the conclusion of the G7 summit in Italy, Trudeau told reporters that he has concerns with the way the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians came to its conclusions that some parliamentarians were “semi-witting or witting” participants in efforts of foreign states to meddle in Canadian politics.

>“We made clear some concerns we had with the way that NSCIOP did, drew conclusions,” he said. “I think that is an important part of the process.”

>The Prime Minister’s comments echo those of Public Safety Minister Dominic Leblanc who said last week that the government disagreed with the committee’s interpretation of some of the intelligence. However, it remains unclear exactly what concerns the prime minister has. He would not elaborate Saturday when asked specifically for details about those concerns.

>“NSCIOP exists so that parliamentarians from all parties have full access to the work our intelligence agencies are doing,” Trudeau said Saturday. “That’s an important step that wouldn’t have happened if the Conservative party remained in power.”

Trudeau says NSICOP experienced treason differently. He is so keen on the power of subjective experience you'd expect him to be preaching the Law of Attraction! 9 days later, the total clown show and most embarrassing response to treason allegations in the western world continues, with different party leaders having radically different interpretations of the unclassified findings of a parliamentary report exposing that multiple members of parliament are treasonous.
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This makes a lot of sense.
Bill 21: No Jew hats in public function
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Bing. Try the prompt
>In a Norman Rockwell style
It makes demons and monsters really well.
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>Bill 21: No Jew hats in public function
So now they can hide. So now any non white can be in politics. Secularism is bad, retard. Christianity is still jewish dogshit but at least it represented ''white people''. Enjoy your secular politics and being represented by anything but white. But you knew that, McGill shill
You may now proceed with your poisoned thread.

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then why does every single one of you look like this hahahahahahahaha
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that doesn't even make you remotely white.

When everyone says white we all mean one thing and we are not imagining the swarthy king. (you)
what is this cope basques arent blonde
Anybody claiming to bé White hère Is fucking WHITE.
Dont send pictures of your hands or cocks,PLEASE!
Honesty Is what mâkes thé board interesting.

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Which ethnicity has the most beautiful women?
If we disregard obesity, so maybe the question should be which ethnicity has the potential for the most beautiful women?
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Retards don't know that when women take off their makeup they can look VERY boyish.
Maybe some, not ashkans asshole
Wrong. You seem to have been extra active pushing bullshit this weekend. Working OT at Fed subcontractor central dumb bitch?
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Not Scarlett

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>decide to actually read the Bible
>God is a seething, hypocrite faggot that regularly throws tantrums
>Is a BLATANT kike to his followers (Jacob and Esau)

Why do so many people like this guy again?
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The bible has turned more christians into atheists than anything else Lmao
But it's an occult book and the stories are metaphors for what is happening within a human
Yes, this is what I meant.
>be God
>create Angels to keep you company
>decide to give one some free will for shits and giggles, he rebels, which you knew was going to happen because you are God
>create man because still lonely, give them free will cuz "durr whats the point of loving me if its not of their own hearts"
>let fallen angel influence them and fuck things up, which you still knew would happen
>create hell and demons to punish all the souls that don't love you
>majority of your free will creations reject you for various reasons, again which you knew was going to happen anyway
>knock up some whore with your divine seed
>have him suffer and die to save your creations from yourself
>they still on a large scale are sent to hell, which, once again, you knew would happen
mysterious ways indeed
It's all horseshit you stupid fuck
What's the idea of God in my head?

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Why are malls only dead in the USA, but very alive in the rest of the world? Inb4 online shopping we do that too
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Malls are alive in homogenous, high trust societies. Malls are dying in places that have been "enriched".
Americans are not human, stop comparing those mysterious meat to the civilised world, it’s all so tiresome.
It's a balanced polarity actually, some things ahead, some things behind. It's bad because believe it or not, not even Church is ahead in the US. It's sad. Oh, Lord Jesus not at all.
US malls attracted niggers who don’t spend money which repelled white peoples who do. Ergo, malls died

why would racist America let a nigger cop walk free and let a innocent white woman spent 40 years in prison.
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cause she ugly
niggers run the institutions
>Sandra Hemme
hope this happens for daniel holtzman too. the niggers and dyke that locked him up over lies all need to be hanged.
>be female
>nigger cop sees you
>asks you out
>you say no
>now you match the description of the black male that murdered 15 people last week
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Reminder these fucks are guilty as hell and their Netflix documentary made by lesbians is a whitewash that leaves out tons of shit

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>muh commies
Great job faggots you memed an incompetent kike retard into office and ruined a country.
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Kek, you better enjoy making as many of these threads as you can, inflation is already at 4.2% monthly down from 1.5% DAILY, his image keeps improving and he just managed to get a bunch of reforms approved.
So yeah, enjoy this while you can, soon you will look retarded for making these threads.
So when libertarian reality hits you in the face you move onto your next cope fantasy that this is somehow working but that will lead to rich country with no jobs and people require welfare. libertarians it's time to lay off the drugs and look at the real world sincerely everyone trying to work to make a living.
If Milei gets a second term then I'm moving to Argentina
why would the opinion of a retard american who votes for biden count?

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Do these retards even realize that they are going to get fucking nuked?

Russia isn't going to nuke Ukraine, these are historical Russian lands that they want to develop. Neither will they nuke the West, because that would mean global nuclear apocalypse.

But Poland can be nuked for antagonizing Russia and nobody is going to do shit about it kek. I know Putin is tempted to do it. I would be tempted as well. Poland can only beg for money and protection, but contributed jackshit to European civilization. People will just shrug with their shoulders and unleash another sanction™ if they are turned into a crater.
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And just like the kikes you blame everyone else for it. Bunch of uppity subhumans
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>Why do you assume we'd rather let Russia have it than let it all burn?
Is it really worth being obliterated because the Ukraine needs to be in NATO?
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>we have biological weapons more deadly than nukes, russia does too
Russia have far less niggers than the USA and their Europoor vassals.
Russian nukes will drop sooner than you become a real woman (which is never), just fyi.
Russia is not able to lob more than 1-2 kringezhals per quarter
They don't have enough launch platforms and anything that would not fail to start would get picked off by aegis, patriots etc.
But anyway I wish they tried, nuking centres of Warsaw and other big cities would be like doing surgery on cancer patient.

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Why does anyone think remote software updates on your car is a good thing? Vehicles should be low tech, independent, and hard to kill. So why are we putting this complicated software in everything? FSD will NEVER happen, so that can't be the reason.
so don't buy a car that uses software to control it.
>brainlet answers question that wasn't asked, can't into reading
They all have it now to some extent.
Anon, in a free market, you simply build one and compete.
God speed!
no one actually wants this.

you cant give away new cars much less electric ones. No one is buying them. The auto industry is in total crisis but is trying to keep it quiet.
Horde your dumb era combustion vehicles. They will be worth more than their weight in gold before the end.

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Biden will win. Here is your pre-emptive L, chuds.
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it's joever bud
I'll be amazed if this old senile nigger makes it to election day with how bad his health is showing
why L ? if zion don loses, we all win
Chuds want Blompf
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Trump and Republicans do not have an answer to Biden and Democrats 2020 strategy. After nearly 4 years Trump and Republicans have nothing to show for the 2024 election

What are you doing with your son on Father's Day? Hopefully making a nice memory with him.
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Balam a sakkitha
Idk what that means
Ammi banglai boleh?
>there are unironic fathers who use 4chan
I shudder at the thought
taking him to the grandparents for the triple generation combo and probably installing a new router after 3 beers
I literally bought a new linksys router and setup was a million times better than any Netgear crap I've ever used. Just thought I'd mention

I posted on /x/ and got a good reception. I hope people don't mind me posting again. Someone called it


I have been working for 9 years on a BitTorrent website for public domain ebooks. You can also make your own private torrent indexer within the site, called a "buoy," for videogames, movies, music, etc. that are in the public domain.

If you own the copyrights to files, the site is a web 3.0 dapp that allows for transfer of a cryptocurrency I created, called ATLANTIS (not public yet, site currently uses LINK). Users will be able to gain ATLANTIS by uploading files to the site and seeding torrents over time. So eventually, textbook companies can publish their ebooks using ATLANTIS. I don't take a royalty cut so this is not an ad.

Then students can simply upload public domain books to propagate.info and gain enough ATLANTIS to afford their textbooks, or any other copyrighted book that is legally published there.

The site uses neo4j graph db and includes VR graph visualization for finding related torrents. This will be useful for academic research. It is inspired by What.CD.

The site uses WebTorrent for ease of access. WebTorrent allows BitTorrent files to be downloaded in the browser. If you seed my files using BiglyBT with the WebTorrent plugin you will be able to upload to people downloading in the browser. Some of my files have 20 seeds by now but they aren't WebTorrent-enabled clients. So use BiglyBT with the WebTorrent plugin.

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
Sounds pretty cool. Bump.
Op is a faggot
Data mining thread
Yids rape kids
We're going to end up needing to verify emails and national flags here on /pol/ like /biz/ thanks to shiteating scamming pajeets like you two

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