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I will Germanize "my offspring". Once I get married, I will convince my wife to choose reproduction by artificial insemination, I will make sure that the donor is an ethnic German male with good physical characteristics such as height, facial features, blond hair, blue eyes.

And there is nothing you can do about it.
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>"Hey honey, let's have sex :3"
>Sorry, no can do Fernanda. You're going to be artificially inseminated with pure Aryan sperm.
>This might be hard for you to understand but it's necessary to save the white race o algo. People made fun of me on the internet for being Mexican, but that's not going to happen to our son Goku Hans Jørgenvarg Skyrim.
>This is going to be an exciting new fucking based life for us Fernanda. Now let me show you the fridge, I've replaced all of our coke with freshly imported Pilsner...
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>Goku Hans Jørgenvarg Skyrim
yes yes yes
>I've replaced all of our coke with freshly imported Pilsner...
Kek put me in the screencap
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I'm not gonna lie, this shit made me laugh. Still my plan is going to go forward, no matter how much shitposting you do about it, mutt.

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There's been a lot of infighting on here lately. Don't forget picrel

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Racist fuckin crackkka azz bitch tryna be slick an shiii on a nigga fuck yall tryna fuck with us yall niggaz be wildin on dez shootin we know how yall people be it's ALWAYS THE SAME crackkka
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U wait n see they just said it
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wow finally for once
(in before its a spic)
no, kill yourself nigger

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What happens when a Jew is confronted with the truth by another Jew
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Whatever side you pick you're on the side of Jews.
>pick a side goy
Just notice the way the jew facing away from the cop taps the cop's gun with his hand, and then you will understand.
>then you will understand.
No now I have even more questions. But 50% of those questions still boil down to
>whos jewing who here?

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How come everything this game said about our future is coming true?
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are we supposed to be inspired by the nigger in the image? is that the entire reason you cringe lord americans post this dumb shit?
>we sought to conquer nature

Already happened
No. Stave off and gain ground against, but nature always wins.
You're playing wrong. Yeah, obviously you steam roll when you double your production by building genetically engineered slave factories, eat you citizens instead of offering them retirement, add a pop to every city every turn by vat growing your civ, and install an all knowing big brother ai to 'police' your population and ensure compliance. Just stack those +25%, +50% bonuses and compound it ad infinitum.
That's not how you're supposed to play 'hard' mode. Hard is when you realize that not every bonus is moral. And that you're going to win the game in a way where you'd be happy to live in your society as a nobody at the end of the game. You're supposed to purposefully refrain from building manmade horrors and committing planet scale autrocities when you play self imposed 'hard mode'.
It can be done, but not by many of you. You'll falter. You'll give in. You'll have no choice because the 'other side' is getting those bonuses and you need it to. You'll win the game but lose all the same.
Hated them as a child, love them as an adult. I dare you all to try and win without becoming monsters.
being morally bankrupt is the lore accurate way to play Zakharov but I get your point. Choosing to be "good" is much more difficult than spamming special projects, but that's very much self imposed.

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Came here to post this
We tried the self driving car, but you people wouldn't do captchas correctly
>just grab an old lady
Nope. Civil contract has been broken. That's just a lawsuit.
Old women place is outside of normal society in church waiting to die. Its tiresome to deal with grandmas. Nobody wants them. IT pisses off normal people. I nean young.
I had one drive right into me as I was crossing an intersection. He was staring right at me the whole time he was driving right into us. It's like his mind was literally blank.

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I'll just give a policy for presidential elections, but just for presidential elections. It could be scaled down for smaller offices
>end private political donations. You can't even give $1 to a politician's campaign
>set up a signature system, every candidate or a party that chooses their nominee that gets over a million signatures gets their campaign funded equally by the government

People might think, "well, how will people even get a million signatures without funding?". There's all kinds of things that could address this issue, and there could be like a preliminary round before the actual presidential campaign that's hosted by the government to give candidates publicity. There's basically a thousand different ways to do this part and whatever works would be fine. Also, end winner takes all and assign offices by proportion of the vote. When it comes to, at the very least, Senate offices. And expand the number of senators. Local districts could still get their representatives in the House.

This would mitigate some of the problem of political corruption.
Just don't give them money

People is a popularity contest look pretty aim for world peace
the president doesn't really do that much. the exec branch does, but not really the president. i prefer voluntary donations, personally. don't make me toss in my 5 bucks to each major candidate (by the threshold you gave, that'd be 4 or 5 of them). i like trump, and the only donation i made to his campaign was in 2016. donations help and mean a lot more in the primaries. preferred rand in 2016, accepted trump's incumbency in 2020, and wanted vivek this go-around. even with rand and V, though, we're talking like 20 bucks. with trump, once he got the nod, in 2016, it was like 100 bucks. besides- dems have slush funds all over government. they'd figure out ways around this, places they could shuffle from, or ways to enrich themselves with the money. no thanks. it works, at least better than in the US, in the UK because they're an almost repressively orderly society. unless and until we have the same in the US, and i wouldn't bet a single cent on that happening within my lifetime, this wouldn't be a decent or even reasonable means of reforming campaign finance for presidential candidates

i like where your head's at, though, so enjoy your bump sir
Ideas to make American elections less bad

Deport niggers and democrats
If you don't give them money they'll find some way to get it. The cost of the government funding political campaigns would be miniscule compared to the current government budget. It's not a cost issue.
It is, some people can do wonders with money will drink and puke

Is still money from taxpayers to politics

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Don't want you to find this.
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Wife wanted a boy first too but lol here we are. thank you for the insight anon.
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when you said "settling," i seem to have wrongfully assumed that you meant marriage
my mistake. now on to your response: fat people are gross, and being unhealthy is- by standards throughout history- undesirable in a mate. funny thing is- being overweight signaled health and coming from a relatively wealthy family up until about 100 years ago. over that span of time, our perception across the West has shifted in terms of weight as a signifier of health/social status. today, being overweight doesn't just signal poor health; it also signals impulsivity, low self-control, being relatively dysgenic, laziness, and a whole host of potential health issues after 40. please respect yourself. i'm not challenging that at all. what i am challenging is your conception of "overweight." if you consider a woman over 130 to be overweight, that's a problem. if that threshold for you is closer to 150, that'd be considerably more reasonable unless- again- you're in the top 10% of men in terms of your own attractiveness. for men, personality and many other factors also come into play, rather than strictly visual/aesthetic qualities

i'll leave you with a very simple example before i head to work: if you're a 6/10 male, under 30, with no kids, and a decent job, not overweight, no debt, take care of yourself decently well, but with a great sense of humor and can be gentle/affable when appropriate, and willing to listen intently when prompted; you're capped around an 8/10 woman. for any of those special ingredients i listed which do not apply to you, the simple math works out to subtracting 1 from the maximum (out of 10) prospective wife you could attract

godspeed, anon
I live in a rural area and i can buy pigs anytime i want
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Ya we know
I know it's ai but this is the most beautiful woman I've ever seen


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you actually looked. thanks :)
You'll die for the fake and specially for the gay.
better hit the gym zoomie
time for the zog meat grinder
Bean feet leopard bear
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>upped the draft age to 60

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Yet there's been no mention of it on /pol/ all day long. Isn't that odd? Pic unrelated.
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> Pope
> *I dont get paid enough for this shit*
He's trying to absorb some of his holiness.
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Why is there no video? This is bullshit.
Actually, I'm wrong, it wasn't on ABC. I don't know where people could watch this. It's not on youtube and there are no links coming up in the search. Fucking weird.
I've been waiting to watch this all fucking day. Best I've found was a Tim Pool episode where he and three others are discussing an article that said it was going to happen. WHAT ARE THEY HIDING?


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tell me about the smell afte your deed is done, mr. poopin' anonerino
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God bless texas-chan
Armenians stabbed through a pike
>Autists literally killing themselves with extremely addictive population control carcinogens
>They'll pretend not to care, but they'll definitely care when the time comes

If I can get just one Timmy to off themselves from this site, then my family in 西宁市 won't starve this year. Please take the estrogen, consume the anime and definitely don't enlist in the military. Thank you 鬼佬.
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Who will ultimately win the Jew vs Chinese war?
If it ain't Han it's Gone.
Chinese jews
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We're going to get an answer in the next decade

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When did Pepe posting start? The first instance in /pol/ I can find is from 15 Dec 2013, an auspicious date for those that know.
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Wasn't there an advisor to Donald Trump who was obsessed with green frogs and had a collection of them? There was a Matthew North video about it
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Roy Cohn. Homosexual and small hat enthusiast.
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What do you make of the human female version of Pepe being cast as the lead in a popular tv show?
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whoever made these I think
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in the occult frogs are associated with evil
they tricked 4chan into revering "Kek"

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China said they will bankroll Putin to the last Russian.
Now but Xi’s puppet Biden in that comic and that makes a lot more sense. Total shitlib death
Russia feeds China oil. So why not?
are they even using actual russians for the war? from what i heard its just asiatic siberians and not ethnic russian theyre using

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Anyone remember when Americans kept screaming "DA HOUTHI'S ARE GUNNA FIND OUT Y WE DONT HAVE HEALTHCARE!!!!!!!!!"???

How's that working out for you guys?
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>obvious shill threads
Calling out your gay faggot empire for failing to achieve what it set out to do isn't "shilling" you retard
pol had there own version of this saying that the Houthis managed to hit a us aircraft carrier we as in /pol/ are the less gay version of reddit and its plain to see

You best start cheering for a gay faggot empire, anon, you're in one.
Trannies truly are the biggest idiots on the planet.
>convinced by corrupt education system to be a freak
>convinced by corrupt healthcare system and corporations to use their expensive products
>shill for us imperialism against literal famine starved indigineous brown people for capitalism.
Like lmao i know tranny hormones make you 15 iq points more retarded but even the average hood nigger wouldnt be shilling for the cops and gun control. The jews running ops on the net completely inverted lefty values to be in complete opposition to almost all their core dogma. Its actually impeessive how much dissonance a tranny brain can maintain, makes you wonder if this is all some experiment on human brains.
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>The flag
>Biden pandering libshit

What good is a draft when 40% of the country is obese anyway?
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Wasn't this already the case? Men need to be registered for the draft to get the "right" to vote.
It used to be they DoD sent you a form and told you to register and mail it back. Now you are AUTOMATICALLY registered, meaning they aren't sending you anything, you are just registered for selective service by virtue of being a male in the US.
Educate yourself, anon. They’ve covered this by stating male born, which includes trannies. Doesn’t matter what they identify as or what their pronouns are. Uncle Sam needs warm bodies for the meat grinder.

Verification not required.
Draftfaggers are having a coom session lately
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ok wtf is up with this bot spam posting?
I've been seeing it for days now and seems like no one is doing anything about it?

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realistically how much longer do we have until eating bugs is a normal thing in the west?

Will you eat the bugs?
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My reaction as a vegan:
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Fun Fact: If you are allergic to shellfish then there is a 90% chance you are allergic to bugs. They are going to kill so many people with allergies by "sneaking" bugs into their food.

It's all about profits. This chart shows how much more profit they can make with bugs vs beef.
>Will you eat the bugs?
you are already eating the bugs.
the chocolate you eat is not chocolate since 1995
and all the food stained with red color are food stained with insects.
food coloring is made from insects.
another thing that is even worse than eating insects is eating shit.
all the browns MMs are shit.
All the instant coffee are sewage flavored into coffee.
don´t you guess how all those big cities produce a lot of shit, but all the sewage is more clean than you thought it should be?
and don´t forget you human meat, all those "red meat" that you very often find ine market is not real meat, because you don´t see any farm near a city, and there is plenty of meat, isn´t it strange?
how Mcdonalds and other fastfoods are so delicious!?
there is even a episode where homer get addicted to human meat.
Not when you can grow mung beans.

This whole board has gone to shit. It used to be people, maybe a little retarded who were posting their alt right views to a crowd of supportive, likeminded, and equally retarded anons. Now, its just someone posting an article from some retarded journalist, aliens, rage bait, or just blaming kikes for everything they've failed at in life. "The jews running everything took every opportunity from me" Grow up and shut the fuck up! Sure the jews fuck with the world but at ur personal level, you are responsible for every one of your fuck ups and a scapegoat won't change the truth. So fuck /pol/. And fuck anyone who will try to overdose on copium after reading this shit. And don't just say, "pol was always like this". No. It wasn't. There were retards getting in stupid arguments in the replies about some nigger in congress saying some bullshit about the kikes, but that was the extent of it. Antisemitism has always been a tenant of /pol/ and I agree. Fuck the kikes, and fuck any kike lover who tries to defend them. To round it off, its your faults that shit's going to end like this.

A deep dark world is being exposed.
The truth won't be for everyone.
Have faith in Humanity.
-Q 4915
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Biden is the epitome of a puppet. He clearly is physically incapable of doing much at all. much less making national decisions.
Trump is going to stab you in the back again

I'm sorry you were born retarded
>"hello fellow anonymous, everything is your fault! Your slavery is your fault! The economy is your fault! The wars are your fault!"
>"Oh, also I don't like rage bait threads :)"
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You do realize that the only reason Putin didn't take Kyiv and Zelensky refuses peace is to continue the conflict between East and West?

The only reason is the fulfillment of the prophecies. Gog and Magog war, the war in which Edom (America and it's EU vassals) will be erased from history forever. Total genocide - the recent Obama's movie "leave the world behind."

Palestine (+East) vs Israel (+America and EU) is Ishmael (Muslims) vs Esau (the West).

This is all Jewish prophecy and explains why you are still coping and seething over this Ukraine vs Russia conflict.



I want all of this to become the mainstream thought on /pol/ and no more Ukraine vs Russia threads made

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It seems that most people that support Israel are the right. How does that make you feel? Do you feel proud for preserving your Christian values? How does it feel that most racist politicians are Jews in disguise? How does it feel to know that race biology came from Darwin, a Jew? I struggle to understand how you can be a nazi and hate Jews at the same time. Free israel!
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Idk I just know that I'm smarter than 95% of people by default...I get all the perks without all the schizo babble. I'm pretty sure a lot of Jews cling to the religion just as a tool through which they can legally preach their superiority lol
>but I have the genes
>I get all the perks without all the schizo babble.
What about the genetic predisposition, nothing to do to religion.
Or not azhkenazi?
only way to make people genuinely support pissrael is by ignoring rational arguments and invoking religious dogma, or cults of personality.
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Well yeah there has been a bunch of shit wrong with me growing up and we have history of Alzheimer and cancer in the family, you're right about that. Also, I'm lacking motivation because I understand the world too well. And the commies expropriated our business so I'm not even a rich Jew. It's not really that great in the end. But hey, you still get the unwanted daily reminders you are smarter than anyone you are interacting with!

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If fate exists then free will does not.
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NPC has fate. Player has free will
Why? Just because you were always destined to make that choice, doesn't mean it was made for you. I reject this false dictomy.
There is no freedom in the same way there is no free will.
Fate would merely mean we are experiencing time backwards. I soent time thinking how world would funcrion if this was true. and it would function quite unpredictably as chaose would randomly create order.
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