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Which would be appropriate because in this metaphor, jews are not "patrons". They're some guy who just hopped behind the bar and started drinking without paying.
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>boss just called me in for overtime on an Saturday

We are in hell, aren't we?
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It's actually a 64-hour weekend if you work 9 to 5
But you would sleep about 24 hours during that
So 40 waking weekend hours
Your boss is a faggot
What you’re not taking into account is the income this gives to make those free hours different from living in the congo
Get a less nigger-tier job, fren.
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Thinking about stopping going to work.

I've been working there for years now but I think it might be time to stop soon. It just doesn't do it for me anymore, it's not really helping me in any way. I don't get any benefits, hasn't helped me with women, or with meeting new people and it's barely enough money at the end of the month. I'm not getting any joy out of it anymore like I used to. It also eats up too much of my time.

So yeah after waging for many years, on and off I admit, it might be time to finally call it quits and move on with my life, so my new years resolution was to quit work and just fuck everything. I won't be paying any more bills, taxes, utilities, fines, groceries or any other financial obligations. First thing I will do is stop paying rent, should be about one year or so until they evict me and will trash the place real good at the end either way. Just not going to participate anymore that's all, I've just about had it and I'm ready to throw in the towel.

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Can Indians ever be viewed as masculine as Black males or just bunch of shitskins that no White women wants to be with?

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I hate niggers. I hate pajeets. I hate you as well Sukdeep. But anon come on, They have zero charisma, women are terrified of them, they're the most non masculine race on the planet. and they stink to high hell. They're ultimately finished.
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>saar, we are the same
nope they call me white mandingo, shrimp dick
Of course, Indians are not inferior to black people in anyway, love my Indian brothers and sisters. We're all human beings sharing this experience of life together, right guys?
Indian dudes are so fucking weird. It's like they're autistic, but they have no self awareness. What the fuck is wrong with them?

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Politically speaking why do northern and southern europeans look so different?
But northern Europeans never invented anything
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Cope spichijra
D&C thread
Southern Europeans are White, European and heckin valid

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They have found 4000 year old mystery construct from a mountain


It is in island of Crete ontop of a mountain. For some reason it had been hidden unti just recently.

It was on a mountaintop and nothing had been built in there for ages. Nobody lives right next to it.

Now there are cars gathered nearby because they are digging the ruins out from material that has covered it.

They said on Tuesday (11. June) that they think it looks like Minoans might have built it from the looks of it.

When viewed from a helicopter the whole construct looks a bit like a car wheel in shape.

Greek archaelogists arent sure what the purpose of this construct may have been.

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Kill yourself NEET loser.
Ancient computer used to communicate with space voyageurs
Archeology is the most heavily censored field of study. Why would jews tell the truth about, or allow Whites to search for the truth of their histories?

What are the implications of you dying for Israel?
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Where is this popular delusion that you are immune to draft coming from?

Look at Ukraine. In their case 18-25 were temporarily immune (still couldn't leave the country), and old farts were being conscripted first. They were gradually lowering the draft age. What makes you think it will be different here?

What makes you think that the precious young spics (who comprise the majority of zoomers) will be drafted first and not your older White ass?

Can someone fucking explain this delulu to me? The age bracket to register != age bracket to be drafted.
>implying boomers give a fuck about their children
A couple years ago I as at a flea market in Hicksville USA and some white boomer was bragging about how his mixed race teenage son was getting ready to go off to the military to serve his country like it was a real fucking badge of honor. Rip, spic-lite. He probably circumcised the kid too since that's just what proud Americans do.

Zoomers hate us millennials, they call us old and goofy so they can go die like good niggercattle that they are.
Nah, they just hate faggots like you

Previous: >>471224887

▶Day: 843 - Daily battlefield assessment:https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>Ukraine's Peace Summit in Switzerland began, 92 countries attend and 8 international organisations
>Yuan to replace dollar as Russia's main foreign currency
>The yuan/ruble exchange rate will now set the trajectory for other currency pairs on the Moscow Exchange (MOEX)
>Japan will provide Ukraine with $4.5 billion in 2024 and will continue the support, according to the new 10-year bilateral security agreement
>G7 leaders agree to unblock $50 billion frozen Russian assets for Ukraine
>New US sanctions against Russia have forced an immediate suspension of trading in dollars and euros on the Moscow Exchange
>Armenia is leaving CSTO
>U.S. lifts weapons ban on Ukraine’s Azov Brigade
>90 states register for peace summit in Switzerland, russia not invited
>Su-57 and two air defence systems (Pantsir-S1 and S-300) damaged/destroyed in drone strike nearly 600km from the frontlines

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Poland 2030.
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This is a slide thread, already a bake here:








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I fucked up, there's already a new thread, sorry about that

New thread here:

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Trans women are gay men pretending to be women to escape homophobia.
Modern trans "women" are basically autogynephilic autistic pedos.

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I was scrolling on 8kun and found this post. /pol/, avoid any threads related to ww3 and the mandatory draft.
/pol/cels really want a happening so they could die for israel huh
Why would I care if someone is trying to "aggregate news"?
We’re using responses to our threads to target individuals for first drafted. The anons threatening violence, or saying they won’t comply are the first ones we are going to go after. We want to make gruesome examples early so everyone knows resistance is futile. Inb4 muh rifle! Your rifle is not capable of hurting us, a rifle to us is what a sword is to a rifle.

Normalize retaliation.

If draft - Minecraft

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For the love of God, just vote reform.
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A stylish fedora can help you appear approachable and charismatic
I will vote Conservative.
you missed out king daddy Lord Rothschild
tax the spare rooms now!!
show me. Mid Wales

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Theres a wealth of resources and information dedicated towards covering the current (afaik) and very well likely outdated nuclear response in the United States. Most information on the subject gives the US a minimum response time from time of launch to response around 6 minutes. That's if the president immediately says yes, there's the whole satellites have to reconfirm that the heat signatures they detected were in fact nuclear launches.

It's very likely that Russia can hit the US with nukes within 3 minutes. If you don't believe me read up on the zircon missiles. I believe with the current nuclear sub strategy of the Russians they would be able to at least strike us way before we could even respond.
Also Before retards in this thread cope about American Air Defense systems, there is real doubt about our ability to intercept these at home. It's not like we've been prepping for 3 years for missile strikes at the heartland. Cope on reddit faggots.
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If the nuke plants go, humanity is screwed.
I think my thought struck a nerve there's been like four threads prop up talking about nuclear retaliation lmao
Waiting on the secret service to knock on my door
>Excuse me anon did you post on 4chan at 5:50 this morning
>Uh no nigger
Exocet missiles aren't hypersonic, but I do believe you were in the Navy because you're obviously a dumb gay nigger.
I do not think it really matters how exactly a nuclear war is fought. If we get nuclear war, we are all proper fucked. It does not matter exactly where the bombs fall, it will be lack of resources and infrastructure that will kill the most people. In a global thermonuclear war, most of the dead will starve to death. I would rather ride the lightning to valhalla, by which I mean getting vaporised in a flash that happens too quickly for my nervous system to even notice.

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/pol/ is always right without exception
This predates the "in the coming months" pasta by over a year

/pol/ is always right without exception
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Solid advice
It wasn't 'insider' info, rather just basic understanding.
Do you think sandniggers will stop at jews? Do you really think the people we've spent the past one thousand and three hundred years at constant war with are going to come Kumbaya?
I’m just not gonna go, they literally cannot make me and will have to kill me at great cost to themselves.

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And so it begins.

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No, this is obviously because of communist Chinese.
I know a dude in construction in miami and he said the issue that plagued that building that fell is extremely widespread. dead inspectors signing off on approvals, buildings that were never meant to have the structural integrity to be lived in at all still standing, crazy shit. he said sometimes the issues will be so severe the notice goes out to condo residents to evacuate immediately
It's political.
I used to own one off NE 135th St.
The assessments are due to Boomers, mostly Jews some Karens, who would constantly put off repairs with the Boomer mantra of, "Well that won't be MY problem" *Insert laugh track*.
Turns out they were 10-15 years off in their astute business acumen.
Some of these places just might collapse by the end of the decade, I don't think the one a few years ago was the only one.

Yes, agreed.
The Surfside building was occupied by almost exclusively Jews, who were too cheap to pay to keep up with the building. After they got pancaked at 3am all the Jewish organizations started oy veying and blaming a terror attack. After investigation they realized the building had known issues but the residents were too kikey to pay to fix them. Now the law is mandating all condo associations keep huge cash reserves to pay for repairs. The problem with that is the corrupt ownership will just steal the money or blow it on stupid things. There's no policy fix when the issue is people being greedy kikes at every step of the process.
> But sellers are finding few takers. Rodriguez originally listed his unit for $350,000, but was forced to keep marking it down until finally it sold for $110,000 in April — 42% less than what he paid for it in 2019.

If that's not the lying press using outliers to twist perception, real estate is going down RIGHT NOW.

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what are some political implications of nato bots trying to enlist young men with shitty tiktok edits?

Starcraft: DMZ
god damn he used to be thin

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Anybody up for a good old fashioned game of 10 clicks to shit? I hate Indians more than niggers.
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Also, what do you mean by "look like Indians"? Are people in the picrel not Indian.
Have you not been inside a gas station in 30 years?
They're mostly other Mexicans whites or natives working them. i see more poo's once i enter Phoenix.
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Behold the infamous indian royalty everyone's so crazy about. The dead dog adds character.
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This is mindblowing

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Putin claimed in interview that Ukraine suffers around 50,000 casualties a month, half of which (25,000) are irrevocable (which he is implying are deaths). Putin said Russia suffers a 1/5 of both Ukrainian casualties and irrevocable losses (meaning about 5,000 deaths and 20,000 total casualties). Putin accidentally admitted that 5000 Russians die monthly in Ukraine.
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See (>>471229043)
There are sending french and american stock by now.
You're talking about people who killed themselves for a 1 dollar donut or a jellybean guy, these people are mentally handicapped, who cares.
/pol/ is really stupid.
>Ukraine has 2.5 million casualties

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Serbian President Vučić: "There will be a world war in 3-4 months - we are checking the stocks of oil, flour, sugar"
What does the Serbian president know? Shocking interview for the Swiss media..
The situation is further complicated by the fact that everyone is talking only about the war. No one seeks peace. Nobody talks about peace. Peace is almost a forbidden word!

I find it very strange that no one is trying to stop the war. There is another theory - which I understand.

I am not saying that I approve of her - that the West thinks that they can easily defeat Putin, they want to exhaust him in Ukraine and then enter the space and Russia with its current territory will cease to exist and Putin will be overthrown, etc. Maybe it is doable, but... ..

Why do I say that we are walking right next to the edge of the abyss? Analyze the situation of NATO and the USA. They cannot afford the luxury of defeat in the war in Ukraine.

Second, the position of Europe and the collective West will deteriorate so much from a geopolitical point of view that no one will be able to regenerate and restore it.....
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How did Washington treat the jews?
>vucko reads advanced psychology
andjus and seselj talk about this all the time its his only hobby to read about media,psychology and secret societies (he personaly simps for the cosa nostra aesthetics wise and thinks the masons are gay)

but yeah those last parliamentary election protests i mean the opposition went out with whistles and the lamest possible activist groups fucking femoids wearing rabbit masks it looked like a retro throwback to 2001 while vucic was clowning on them on every media and every device he was even dropping tiktoks before totally collapsing their shit by switching the social focus to something else.

i mean for god sake the opposition had rick n morty protest signs and belegrade maidan flag shit was embarrassing.
Thanks for the expert consensus debunking. Have an updoot.
Do you ever get tired of worshipping jews?
Are you even European?
You wouldn’t happen to be one of the “Christian” “nationalist” beaner larpers?
Wow, that tells us all we need to know about your priorities.
Killing Europeans who want to be left alone #1.

Back up in the north, little progress was being made converting the Old Prussians. For the next two centuries, the Prussians successfully held off a number of more-advanced Polish armies using guerilla tactics. Land in Pomerania would be lost and quickly regained due to stiff resistance. Realising that they couldn't do it alone, Konrad I of Masovia, the High Duke of Poland, called in the Order of Teutonic Knights for support in 1226. Recently evicted from their residency in Hungary, the Teutons were offered land around Chmielno in exchange for dealing with the pagan tribes encroaching on Polish territory. At this point, the Pagan tribes of the Baltic coast were outmatched, yet they still continued fierce resistance. For the Teutonic Knights, it must have been clear that no quarter should be given. By 1274, the Prussians had been heavily subdued and the local populations who still rejected Christianity were exterminated.

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Suddenly, many mainstream media sites are trying to DEBOONK the idea that the covid vaccine has killed people. Why even bother to DEBOONK it, if it is fake? Some of the latest articles in the past 24 hours:








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Today, the topic is being promoted to provoke chaos. Get the normies enraged.
That's just words on a screen though.

What is your evidence for that belief?
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That's not a belief, dumb ass. That's empirical evidence and you continue to provide it.
How is this empirical evidence when the posts showing excess deaths are just words on a screen?
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This faggot is pro-migration. If his economic program success, our shithole will become a beacon for poos and refugees. We already have thousands of bolivians, paraguayans, peruvians, colombians and venezuelans. Some weeks ago I came across two cuban niggers dressed like they were in a hip-hop videoclip. Everything is fucking lost at this point, but Milei will worsen it, simply because he's a kike shill and, therefore, a multiculturalist. He's not "le based RW phenomenon", he's just obsessed with his anarcho-capitalist narrative. Period.
He wants to be a succesor of Juan Bautista Alberdi, a liberal founding father of Argentina who wrote about the virtues of the european workers and the necessity of populating our country with them and ONLY them, since all other races were considered inferior by the 19th century illustrated argentinian burgeoise. Milei is far from that: he wants a country with indian CEOs, transexual Armed Forces and jewish controlled media, and that's undeniable.

I don't give a shit about being a rich country. We can struggle through poverty, as long as we have order, but I'm afraid we will never achieve it with these shills in power. He doesn't care if half of argentinians become obese junkies as long as they don't bother other people: that's his concept of freedom.
If you think he's based just because he's dealing with inflation, you're not different from a North American democrat: a materialistic faggot who only cares about money and being politically correct. Fuck you!
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Sali de aca fantasma. El imperiarismo no es una ideologia seria en el siglo XXI, ni tiene sentido en el contexto mundial. Todas las ventajas que podes sacar del Imperialismo las podes sacar con otras ideologias sin los problemas que trae el imperialismo, que en su mayoria se resumen: a la gente no le gusta ser controlados por otra gente que no es la tuya.
How tf is milei a leftoid?
I'm seriously starting to think that glowies are posting bad shit about Milei.
>Indians, Chinese, and Jews
No, I want a white birth rate boom at 4 and cull the Africans to 10% and all the Asians and Amerindians to 30%(except Japan), the world belongs to the fair white Caucasians with the honorary whites, the Japanese.
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You finally realized why libertarians suck huh?
What's sad is that libertarian influence usually makes commies/leftists way more anti-nationalist.
with jews you die

your sacrifice is required to summon Mashiach

so you life is not worthless despite you are goyim, it will serve higher purpose
argentina was fucked the moment paul singer bought your sovereign debt, he's the republican globohomo zionist jew version of george soros that nobody pays any attention to because he was backing rubio to take over the main game and that went nowhere but he's still rich enough to be the shadow ruler of some third world shithole like argentina enjoy your vulture capitalism he will gut the shit out of your country to get an extra cent on the dollar

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