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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Mandatory read for ALL anons


Previous Thread (Great Content):
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''Canadians'' this is the MOST important thread in your History. Quebecois: YOU don't NEED to do a referendum. You can already do this:
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>canada isn’t reall!!! Its le heckin colonial state!!!
Shut the fuck up you goofy ass nigger
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Quebec is already a sovereign province like all Canadians provinces. All the Quebec referendums have been LARPs. They are not necessary and politicians are pretending and playing the game for their paychecks.
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''Doit-on me fusiller?'' (Must I be Shot?) written in 1942 by then lawyer Student Jean Drapeau (before he was Mayor of Montreal). The RCMP seized all 3500 pamphlets because it was essentially OH Canada in a pamphlet. Jean Drapeau personally knew R.Rogers Smith and tried to spread his information.
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Part 1
Myth is Canada - Flyer:
Part 2
Myth is Canada - Flyer:
Referendums are fake and not necessary because Quebec is ALREADY a sovereign province. All Quebec politicians are Larping.

Picrel: Walter Kuhl Letter to René Lévesque Part 1
Picrel: Walter Kuhl Letter to René Lévesque Part 2
Picrel: Walter Kuhl Letter to René Lévesque Part 3
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Summary posted by another anon in previous thread
wow let's go les Québécois!
>The People vs Littlechild
What a humiliation ritual
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What did Pierre Trudeau mean by this?
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regime change incoming
get rid of true doody head
bump for visibility
buy an ad. no one needs to read a book to know how shitty this country is. we just go outside
what is your problem?
threads where op shills his book and spams screenshots for 40 posts aren't helpful or interesting in the slightest. though my real issue is that no matter what words say on paper, canada is an irredeemable shithole that is going to take generations to fix. no one already browsing /pol/ benefits from these threads
>threads where op shills his book
the book dates from 1965. I don't think OP wrote it. He was probably not born yet.
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bump to piss off jews
The Earth is Flat, Globe Earth is a lie
Hitler was a jew
Nukes are fake, no such thing as nuclear weapons
The Iron Dome is completely fake, it's just fireworks
There is no outer space
NASA is lying and is a jewish money laundering scheme
Satellites do not exist
Christianity, the Catholic church and Islam are jewish larps
Hail Odin
to the top!!
bump it
Check these 2 threads out:

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All of the above?
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Canadian Aipac
Canadian Jewish Political Affairs Committee
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>Canadian Aipac
Canadian Jewish Political Affairs Committee
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Future Prime Minister of Canada, jew Pierre Poilievre marks start of Hanukkah with speech at Montreal synagogue

(((Rebel News))) - powered by Ezra Levant - attended the event!
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America's next.

Senator JD Vance has a pajeet wife thats a spy for Modi.
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>The People vs Littlechild
Willie Littlechild.
Important Reminder: picrel
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>The People vs Littlechild
Willie Littlechild.
Important Reminder: picrel
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Deep rabbit hole.
Both jews and palestinians are living on Stolen Land.
anudda bunnph
not just our lands, but also our identities the world over have been stolen by canaanites
Reminder: Every Single Leader of Every Single Political Party wanted you DEAD. They still want you Dead. No exceptions. There was ZERO opposition during Covid Hoax.
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Maxine Bernier was against it all from the beginning. He also was the only politician to join the truckers and walk amongst them at parliament hill during the first weekend it all kicked off

Step beyond reading: i have joined a porting treaty.
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Maxime Bernier sucked and got assfucked by jews to be where he's at. Reminder: Max is a scumbag from a village in the middle of nowhere in Quebec that sold his soul to jews and became the peak of race traitor. Worst kind of deceiver. He even chose Masonic Purple to troll you further.
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Somewhat true.
What other provinces don't realize is how much the federal government is stepping onto their juridictions.
I.E.: the RCMP shouldn't be doing any policing; provinces should have control over their immigration, etc.
Angl* medias promote taking a dump on Québec, because we do claim what's ours, while you don't.
The way Canada was intended to be was to leave money, international diplomacy and the military under federal control. That's it.
Bunch of cucks if you ask me.
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I am being a pain in the behind to the manager at work!

I fear though that poor soul is like me, holding the shit bucket while the real culprits get away with theft and breaking all laws in the book.
I am PISSED at the treason and errosion of our law and order.

Fuck BRICs and the traitors accomodating the whole fucking BRICs here!
Also fuck people in general, most are ten faced snakes who take all the shortcuts and erode everything while taking everything they can, greedy fucks.
No wonder ccp and indian intel and iran had the open fucking doors everywhere!

I am rage banned! lol
fakkkkkkkkk test
Sovereign my Ass!
Canada will not split up, over my dead body.
bump it
to the top!
bump for annoyance
i didnt read this, but is this similar to how people say the united states is a corporation?
read it and see for yourself
bump to annoy jews
to the top!
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