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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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all Hamas missiles have always been duds.
Prove the iron dome exists. Prove that a missile can intercept another missile. No technology like so exists. Hence the Iron Dome does not exist.

Israel uses the ''Fireworks'' show from the Iron Dome to give motive to attack Palestinians. Hamas is an Israeli creation, same for ISIS.

How does Hamas have all the same outfits, all the same guns, all the same boots? Palestinians are suppose to be prisoners and have nothing, yet Hamas has full body kits.

Also why do top HAMAS and ISIS leaders always go to Israeli hospitals to get treatment when they need some? How does this make any sense?


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Part 1:

Part 2:


BUMP this thread, they will slide this HARD.
The US paid for this multi billion dollar Israeli wunderwaffen. It is a total fiction. They launch missiles into the air and they explode. No incoming missiles are hit, and incoming missiles may not even exist.

It’s all a massive charade.

It's just radar with smart missiles. This isn't breaking news
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>It's just radar with smart missiles
looks like fireworks to me
Check these 2 threads out:

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$40,000 per firework kek, thanks america!
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thanks amerigoy!
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False flagging, remove this.
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Was fake when Saddam shot scuds too. Also the lefty protests are run by the internationalist communist jews. It is unlikely the recent ones are organic and they broke free of their masters. This allows them to frame Hamas as the people Israel opponents should support
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The iron dome didn't exist when Saddam was around. Did the prions reach your brain?
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Oh, it definitely is real. The Israelis stick us Americans with the bill for it because our traitor government is in their pocket.

It is, however, not invincible. Iran tested this and found out all you need to do to overwhelm it is fire enough ordinance. Your hits will then get through. This doesn't bode well for an Iran-Israel war, since Iran has tens of thousands of long range rockets with unjammable guidance systems. Basically every city in Israel would get hit in a shooting war.
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>Iran tested this and found out all you need to do to overwhelm it is fire enough ordinance. Your hits will then get through. This doesn't bode well for an Iran-Israel war
Iran is a jewish puppet state
Saudi Arabia is a jewish puppet state
Syria is a jewish puppet state
Russia is a jewish puppet state
The ONLY REAL war is killing and exterminating White People.
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Blessed thread, 100% true. I knew this for a while from my schizo researches
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So are you.
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Canada is a jewish ROGUE state. Canada does not even exist. No Constitution, No Canada.
USA is a jewish puppet state
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i wouldn't call it a hoax its just not perfected. and just like how Elon Musk accepts failure in rocket launches so does the iron dome. its to tweak the settings to be more effective.

Go play with your barbie dolls and let the adults speak.
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The Hand Rubbing (at 1min50):
Well if it's fake or not we need to stop giving kikes and brown people money. Don't care about anything else.
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>and just like how Elon Musk accepts failure in rocket launches so does the iron dome.

Which one operates on your tax money?
it's not even sophisticated tech and can only stop shitty rockets. if hamas had a bit more money they could easily buy rockets that wouldn't be stopped by the iron dome.
Yes it sucks and it worthless it's a boondoggle
Its worthless you fire interceptor air to air jet mounted missiles or you fire anti aircraft flak
None of that is true see lawerence of arabia created the muslimmaka bitchute eat shit bitch and then biatch that's hamas was formed a shell of loyal anti zionsit muslims in 1987 that's eight then that existed in the 69nand bitchute follows someone yes
See, I told those nice fellas to fire all the chaff missiles FIRST. See the ID fies on them, hits them, releases all that nice chaff, fucks themselves even harder as the REAL DPS pours in.
Youbare showing missiles impacted and the iron fuck up and maginot line getting assblasted
It was a probe and they landed at least 3 heavy missiles the drones impacted some a few and it was pre broadcast given prior warning they have like estimated 100k they said long range
Yep all baphomeylt all yes talnudic khala and cannibals
Yeah they do that the collobirator the middle the cucks
Yep and that's failure to pavlo a ball overcharge and pedo cannibal masonry satanism and witchcraft reliong space is fake a d it done to persecuted Catholicism other things and then smurf and eostein which wef 1971 soviet spy network connected soviet pizzrael
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>Dome is a hoax
>Nukes aren't real
>World is flat

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Glowniggers living through the coming years to see the Golden Age is a hoax.
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to the top!
bump for attention
buuump for annoyance
to the top!
I believe this
of course the iron dome is fake and gay. anon will eventually reach power levels where you instinctually realize that everything promoted by zog is fake and gay until proven otherwise. then you just stop talking to people because all they talk about is fake and gay jew magic
basically this. Once I became a flat earther I realized how little I have in common with the servants fo ZOG. Everything began making sense.
bump to annoy jews!!
>Hamas is an Israeli creation, same for ISIS.


>Israel launches rockets in the air that self destruct
>occasionally hit abandon shit
>rarely hit some Mizra jew slum
Gib billions plox
I learned this years ago just by using my brain a bit.
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Freeland is just a retard who stumbled in the correct direction avfew times. Don't put that retard on the same platform as those other 2 demons
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