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Got away with murder
Maybe you should write better ARGs
People like him don't stop at one murder. He'll do it again.
Well usually you would assume the authorities would get involved in such cases but they are french canadians almost like some kind of wildlife.
Dude did a great job disposing of Mama JF's remains. The Canadian government can't do anything to do him if there's no body.
I was waiting for defending him the moment he would have been searched and sent brutally to jail by ZOG. Instead nothing happened in a full year since Elora's disappearence. No body=no indictment has proven to be true. Appalling.
He's an ice-cold killer for sure.
Na he just hates their guts but i would know how to make them al dente.
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Now go bot more.
so now we know what happened to mama jf. rip.
I mean it would be hard to locate her in french canadia, it would be like a perfect cloak.
Why isn't he under arrest??? Wtf are the cops doing???
No physical evidence.
but he did a deep clean of his place in full gear right after she vanished
>uhh...excusez moi, zat was never proven in a le court of law
>you are committing ze libel againste moi
He is connected to Epstein the zogbots probably gave him a free pass to kill her. It’s fucked up
Didn't he get money from him? What are the details there?
Oh, I know. The circumstantial evidence against JF is enormous. But absent a body, the Canadian government can't arrest him.
I forget all the lore on it I want to say he got money from him for his genetic research but I don’t recall. It’s very sad he killed that poor girl tho she was a regard but didn’t deserve to be brutally murdered by a psychopath
fucking leafs I swear
No she didn't, Potato though she may have been. Hope one day justice finds him.
>He left a false electronic trail (left his phone at home, made sure there was some "evidence" he'd been doing things at - think browsing the internet or sending an email from the home).
>Dispose of her body, renovate (replace drywall) and deep clean your place.
>Make up some bullshit story about how she's missing.
Not just innocent until proven guilty but him doing all of this shit in a premeditated way means the police have a lot of work to do to pin this on him. He knows this, and he believes he's committed the perfect crime, hence the taunting and also it gives him attention. You can hear the resentment and frustration in his voice when people he thinks should be interested in his book simply aren't interested.

He made it up. JF's life isn't that interesting. He does freelance translation work from English into French, because everything (like government documents) has to be in French in leafland, the money is not that great though. He's that insecure about it he started to larp as doing work as a contractor for cryptocurrency. None of the bullshit he was saying is credible, the software contracting space isn't the way he describes. Oh and he's such a piece of shit he put the company he does the translation work in in Elora's name, so he can avoid having to pay any child support. The reason he's always coughing and clearing his throat is because the old house he bought he's happy to let it get damp (and not open the windows) and be a cheapskate with the heating.
Found her
She's only been gone for a year and a week now. She's probably fine calm down.
>he put the company he does the translation work in in Elora's name, so he can avoid having to pay any child support
The house is in her name too. What happens when she is declared dead ?
Prediction: he will be framed for Mama J.F.'s murder before the election to take him off the board.
If they find/found the body, they'll drag it out and link it to him.
If the state finds her alive, they'll kill her and link it to him.
Leaving someone in the middle of nature isn't murder but exposure.
Source: my own ass
I only listened to him for about two minutes after discovering him. The accent is a dealbreaker.
Apparently it takes 7 years without news from the missing person for declaring presumption of death in Canada. JF is going to be fine for a long time.
Same with Morning Joe, Shaquille O'Neil, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Bill Gates, Barack Obama, Matther Broderick, Robert Blake, and Jay-Z
Ray Lewis too
7 years he is gonna get away with this?
>am gonna need a source
JF is not as smart as he thinks he is and neither are you.


Page 24. Elora's name, and revolution as in revolutionary phenotype. And yeah, that's where he's been streaming from too.
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GET IN HERE Leafs and Quebec anons:
>Dropped his retarded wife off in the woods
>Disinfected his entire house after, including the dry wall
>She has been missing for a year
Nothing to see here folks
He's gonna get away with it forever. He still has his passport he can go to a no-extradiction country whenever he wants.
>where he streams
He streams on Odysee?

He's clearly not translating. He said multiple times he's a software engineer. And the name of the company reflects that "devlabs"

Also wasn't he living in New Brunswick nowadays?!
>kill retard gf because she's annoying
>nobody cares
>get away with it
Murdering annoying retards should be legal, though.
>Disinfected his entire house after, including the dry wall
what will the movie be called? the revolutionary retard snipe?
Kiss the tards
Read the document, the idiot's real address is there. Wasn't hard to find. He's claimed to have bought that house.

>He's clearly not translating.
He admitted to doing such work before. Then some people like Andy Warsky made fun of him (because it's a low paid profession) so he started to larp as a software developer because he's that insecure.

>And the name of the company reflects that "devlabs"
Yeah anyone can fill out the form to start a company. It doesn't make them a software developer. I'm not going to pretend to know about neuroscience or have deep understanding of biology, but software I know well and what he was describing about what he was claiming to do for a living was complete bullshit.

When someone is doing software contracting, they're like mercenaries. There is usually some urgency (a deadline to complete work) where there is a high cost of not doing it on time, so they bring in experienced professionals who will complete the work. These people are paid well. Where JF fucked up is that he glamorised the work and talked about how interesting it is, like it was an academic project. That is how I know he's full of shit. The work is incredibly boring and stressful. You don't get a lot of autonomy, you're brought in to do very specific boring things and just get it done. And they don't just hire people off the street to do this work, just like regular mercenaries it's people that are experienced and good reputation that get these jobs. That's how I know he's larping.

>Also wasn't he living in New Brunswick nowadays?
What part of he's a bullshitter did you not get? He's killed someone in premeditated cold blood. He's bragged about it. He's joked about it. He killed her with a knife and callously watched her die. If I were him I'd be saying I actually live some place else too.
who will play as JF as a quebec white supremacist killer to be shown on netflix right before leaf elections
Quebecois BTFO, right wingers BTFO
He’s had some sus comments in the past couple months. I think he wants to get caught.
Literally him
jf goes live at 7pm daily
if you have interests other than basic bitch tmz gossip then tune in for deep takes on philosophy,science,politics,and news...
jf is an open book when it comes to anything his audience may be interested in so bring him your best questions and you will be treated to thoughtful answers

all his other links at jfg.world
He admitted he replaced the dry wall and did "renovations". He had to replace the drywall because that would be evidence of past domestic violence. He admitted to doing a deep clean basically as well on stream and he also didn't stream for a while after she officially "left".

There was a period where the police were clearly applying some pressure (he complains about being woken up in the morning). You can see it on his face he's worried, especially when they do things he didn't expect like go through his bank records. You can tell the point at which he realises he's a suspect because he goes from excessively praising the police to insulting them and trying to imply they're bad at their job (asking about a cheese purchase).

But I think he thinks he's out of the woods to so speak, so he's gotten bolder. I get the impression he's doing the dumb comments about murder just to get more attention on himself because he craves it like a woman. It's pretty pathetic. Especially when you see him hold up his book and complain about how Richard Dawkins or people like that that he considers peers with himself just aren't interested in him. Like you can feel the resentment.
Guilty as fuck. But no one cares because she was a retarded potato. Canadian authorities are probably just thankful they didn’t have to waste euthanasia resources on her.
we need to get one thing straight first off...
jf's main message of recent years is euros need to live simple lives in small towns and focus on building families.... you disagree with this?

secondly his work? and your issue with it? no idea what your ranting is getting at? jf has been very clear that he'd be happy to work at a grocery store if it meant he had the right to speak his mind on the web... ? i don't get your problem?
obviously now his audience has supported him long enough for him to have accumulated significant crypto wealth if he does cheap gig work on the side what does it have to do with the price of tea in china?
the last dev job i heard him speak of was a game engine he was helping a friend build...
you doubt his programming prowess? kek you sad fuck
The incriminating thing he said that no one pays attention to is when she left he took 3 days off from streaming and the day after on the first day she left he began to deep cleaning of his house. And then either then or later on he talked about doing a deep cleaning because he felt free but he said that he didn't know she was not coming back when she left she was only supposed to leave for 3 days and he said she called back on the third day and also was saying that he couldn't hear her because of bad connection when she called so she texted him to say she wasn't going to come back then.
why did he pour concrete stairs and did a deep cleaning?
Zo long az ze did not dizpoze of ze body in ze public spayz.
Vun of hiz many great IDs.
It's hilarious that a dude arguing for genetic differences got a hot retard gf and now she is missing. This bastard just keeps winning.
That's oddly specific given that his wife has vanished without a trace.
JF keeps getting away with it
he is lying he would want to inseminate the journalist
guaranteed mama jf had a higher iq than every nibba in chat using the r word
she may have been an autismo...so is jf that's why they loved eachother....but she had plenty of moments of genius on stream...some of my favorites include her violin stream which was amazing and the time she surprised jf with about a hundred hand picked books for jf for christmas

why did she leave? jf is a homebody who lives on the interweb and mama jf is a free spirit who didn't want to be cooped up in a small town in the middle of nowhere...it ain't that complicated
she knew the one thing that would kill jf's spirit would be taking the children so she left without them...it's tragic yes but there's no way in hell jf would do something evil to the mother of his children
The delight on his face at 55 seconds is guilty as fuck. Looks like he has the taste for killing now. He can't keep getting away with this.
i'm sure jf could come out of retirement for one more monkey brain surgery on your baboon ass
U sure?
He did build a huge garden last time I watched.
What's the latest on this and Where does he stream at now?
streams on odysee, still no word on where she went....jf's got a new american girlfriend now who is apparently the most beautiful woman in the world so he's been quite happy lately
There's a reason why he doesn't stream the garden now. It's gone to shit. The whole place looks like a crackhouse.
How do you know, did he show or say anything?
yeah ya little shit you know exactly what jf's house looks like....
>jf believes all european people's across the world deserve secure, ethnically homogeneous homelands, where they can raise families and preserve their way of life...

it's that simple
now ask yourself who might be interested in destroying his life...
That's exactly it. He's too ashamed to talk about it now. But you know anon, posting pictures of his house would be doxxing him and that's against the rules.
bruh jf said he ain't got time for a damn garden as a single dad...the green house frame he built ain't going anywhere and is perfectly ready for another growing season should the world go in the toilet and he need extra veg for the family
I just saw your post above after I typed that, thank you. I've been typing in his name on and off for some time with no results. Odysee has a rubbish search function.
Based. I agree. The white house is playing the long game here.
What is the best way to support JF? Is it worth it to join his locals? Of course JF is innocent of killing mama GF. It's the trannies and these retarded leftists cat ladies trying to frame him.
send him a superchat on odysee bro they pay out basically 95%
lol kill yourself you gullible fucking retard. JF needs to turn himself in before something tragic happens to him.
If I remember correctly, Mama JF has been seen in photographs naked while outside and spray painted "JF is god" on a wall before she met him. Her behaviour is quite erratic. Why on earth do people assume he killed her? lol. It seems like adding 2 +2 and getting 10.
Literally who? Give qrd on this
thanks for the bump m8
your girl ursula's pussy is dripping
go give it a lick for us....
oh wait nigerians have vpns now ?
I don't think you realize JF's speciality....He probably has 10 growing clones of a less retarded Mama JF growing in his basement as we speak. He has planned for his retirement with a 20 year old Mama JF.
quebecoise genius with a 155 iq continually persecuted by commies, zio's, and leftie judges....
does a daily show on politics,news,science,philosophy...but because his gf ran away from home has been accused of being a psycho murder....by people who know nothing about him and enjoy gossiping like los angeles housewives
You need the bump? That's pathetic. Have you tried getting a real job? Crackwhore.
i don't need shit...i just want to spread the good word of jfg.
>the good word of jfg
Too boring to even be a religion.
forgot to add he's a doctor of neuroscience and quit his dayjob as a brain surgeon so he could triggerr fools online and tell whites to have some fuckin loyalty to their own people
Isn’t this motherfucker called something like gayrapie? Who could have guessed some french faggot called GAYRAPE could be a murderer
>Isn’t this motherfucker called something like gayrapie?
yeah, by commie-tranny retards.
Is this the guy who dropped off his retarded gf in the woods?
Calm down Mr Gayrape
I haven't seen him since Drunken Peasants. What does he do these days?
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What the HECK, reddit detectives found him heckin GUILTY! GUILTY GUILTY GUILTY!!!
How could Karl Marx and the Science™ do this to us?!
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Plapjaks... we're all gonna make it.
A streamer from Quebec who wrote a pseudo-scientific book and have a small audience of women hating single father.
He received some financing from Epstein himself for some retarded reason.
His point is to breed and reproduce, no matter with who and how.
He found a retard (extremely retarded) he had children with who appeared on his stream sporadically called "mama JF".
Some shady thing happend and mama JF disappeared.
He went on to explain how the mama JF in question just decided to leave the house (at her name) her own child and everything to go explore the Canadian wilderness and travel the word.
She didn even take a backpack and asked him to drop her at the closest gaz station to be never seen again for now a year and a half.
Several wine aunts decided to make a crusade against the obvious wike killer.
In between casually trolling about having doing it his principal excuse is that mama JF is the James Bond of retards and can elude laws enforcements, her own parents, everyone actually, everyone streets cameras.
The polices being lazy retards refused to do anything about it.
The infamous mama JF is still missing to this day.
Idk I used to watch him on race warskis show but when they split up I stopped watching him. Beyond I know that her killed his poor wife I couldn’t tell you what he is up to. Probably not sleeping knowing that one day he will rot in prison for the evil he did
ok so the epstein thing is interesting ....
yes jf got money from epstein in grad school to produce a science tv show...epstein gave money to thousands of schools though...
and honey pots...people seem to forget what epstein was after...he was after powerful intelligent people to ENTRAP....if epstein came to you to wrap you in his web of evil it meant you were a valuable target...and that's what jf was...obviously jf had no idea how fucked ol eppy
>He received some financing from Epstein himself for some retarded reason.
There was never any proof of that. JF leaned into it because he thought it would boost him. He's retarded like that.

>that mama JF is the James Bond of retards
A guy who makes up ridiculous lies like this, it should make people who actually think realize that he's been telling other ridiculous things for a long time (like how he got money from Epstein to start a youtube channel). Some of us remember the NeuroTV days when he just took donation money for himself and ran after promising to do things. He's just one of those guys that feels the need to big himself up and tell lies because he has very little achievements to his name. Like you said the pseudo-scientific book, he tries to make it seem like it's the best shit ever. It's pathetic.
I assume you are memeing, be JF is an irrelevant literal who.
I doubt it, he's French canadian. He sleeps soundly being a total narcissistic psychopath, typical French person.
He's mid-level and taking him out is probably within their cost/benefit range.
maybe just that anything Epstein gave money to at all is tainted and should be investigated properly
I think they had more than a couple ideas in common about reproduction if I'm not mistaken
I kind of agree with you and you might even be right. I mean, he looks like the kind of guy able to do just that.
I remember the proofs being solids at the time I would have to examine them again.
Wouldn surprise me either.
Anyway. Pretty safe to say Mama JF will probably never be seen again.
literal who enough to have a handful of tards on this basket weaving forum who have followed every second of his life for a decade purely out of spite....and because they like his sultry spiked black hair
fuck no it's trivial and some peoples like trivial shit
like a hobby
yeah sure it all should be investigated, what i'm getting at is that jf was targeted by a powerful person with evil intentions...that doesn't make jf evil it just means epstein targeted a lot of smart people at powerful universities...
the funny part of the epstein angle is that eventually someone offered jf a job working on the victoria secret catalog, wexner was epstein's boss it's all connected...jf turned down the job and dodged a bullet
yeah for most of the autismos here it's a side hobby...that doesn't mean there aren't powerful people out there ready to smash you whack a mole style for having a handful of subs and talking forbidden politics...such is jf's case when the adl gets the canadian secret service to bang on jf's third cousins house at 6 in the morning with donuts asking for an interview calling jf a supremacist terror
>Oh and he's such a piece of shit he put the company he does the translation work in in Elora's name, so he can avoid having to pay any child support. The reason he's always coughing and clearing his throat is because the old house he bought he's happy to let it get damp (and not open the windows) and be a cheapskate with the heating.

How the fuck can an Irishman know such minute details of a Canadians life?

>JF's life isn't that interesting.
You're sure writing a lot about a man you don't find interesting.
>wexner was epstein's boss it's all connected...jf turned down the job and dodged a bullet
interedesting indeed
>the adl gets the canadian secret service to bang on jf's third cousins house at 6
pretty sure that story is heavily romanticized, I didn follow that drama when did that happen?
oh yeah i'm definitely am joking about the adl secret service bit ...i'm just trying to make the point that as "irrelevant" as a rightoid politco can be he's still under the radar and still under the gun...i think the agents visiting his extended family happened two years ago?
funny enough he was just denied entry to the us by border patrol two months ago ...he told a hilarious story about how they were quizzing him on his white nationalist beliefs and he gave them some really genius pc response which i can't remember
realistically JF have an extremely limited reach and influence
god only know the real reason he was refused entry
maybe because of his last venture there and the first retard he tried to kidnap
He gets very little attention here regardless. And even less everywhere else. He is just another lolcow I literally never heard of until his wife went missing.

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