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This really boggles my mind /pol/.
This is what a standard indian male looks like.
I didn't even pick an ugly one.
>flat broad nasal bridge
>bulging goldfish eyes
>wide nostrils
>brown skin
>black hair and eyes
>rounded face
>thick unibrow
How the fuck do these people claim to be white? Are they blind? Do they have mirrors in India?
I mean for Iranians and Arabs, I can kind of understand that they are white-approaching in certain facial dimensions. But Indians!?!?
You gotta be kidding me.
Look at Indian actors; most have the skin tone of a white person with an appreciable suntan.
>look at indian actors

So the 0.0001% of the population that have distant british ancestry?
Okay pajeet.
They claim to be asian as well.
If you go to the far north of Pakistan you'll find people who look entirely European - blue eyes, light brown hair. If you go to the far south of India you'll find Dravidians who are almost black. In between are every hybrid you can imagine.
I have no fucking idea what the ancestry of Indian actors generally is. If you do then you're likely Indian yourself, and I wouldn't doubt it by the Canadian flag.
All I mean to say is that Indians clearly prefer Indians that have a very fair skin tone.
doesnt this man look white to you?
that's at least conceivable.
I can see them passing as melanesians or indonesians or polynesians.
But white? Like are these people on crack?
>sloping narrow forehead
>huge mongoloid cheekbones
>coal black skin
>flimsy nose
>pitch black hair and eyes

I don't think so man.
He looks like what he is: the product of too many generations of Pakistani cousin-fucking.
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>shit skin screaming another shit skin looks like him
only his name is hindu from the reports nigger
But to be fair, he does look less indian.
Most poos don't have brows that strong.
Because they are
They're sure as fuck not negroids, australoids or mongoloids (except for northeastern peoples and the Bengalis partially).
eh he looks more like a pakistani or a punjabi to me.
I think the memeflag has got it right.
well his hindu name wrecks that visajeet
>They don't look like niggers or slopes
>hence they are white

Actually indians resemble australian abbos and malay mongoloids (from southeast-asia) quite a bit.
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they all poojeet to me
hindu's/paki's/punjabi's are all just a mix of chinks and niggers (abo's) only difference its the religion and how much they pretend to be White.
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Could this fairly standard looking indian man pass in thailand?
kek, this sounds accurate.
the thing is paki's on the Afghan border are White. leftovers really and they look nothing like visajeet's that swarm the west. live in the mountains, clean, use toilets, blue eyes, etc

There are different kinds of indians.

Some are pure caucasoids, some are mixed with australoid, some are pure australoid.

Hispanics are the same except instead of australoid mixtures they are mongoloid mixtures.
>only his name is hindu from the reports nigger
His name is Sheraz Riaz. The only nigger here is you.
poojeet you hiding your flag is pottery.
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we look yellow
also his smell and street shitting are dead give away
i think you are braindead saar....
You're just exposing yourself as a lying cunt. He doesn't have a Hindu name, he is a Paki, and you're a nigger. Glad we got that straight.
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why even bother hiding your flag rajesh
you shit eating subhuman
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>You're just exposing yourself as a lying cunt. He doesn't have a Hindu
come out poojet , show the shit flag
all brown fucks are pojeet doesnt matter hindu or not ..
you are coping
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Come on pajeet, be honest, you hate your tiny dick and pic-related face don't you?
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Southeast Asians are not yellow.

I grew up in Thailand. There's a good amount of curry niggers in Chiang Mai. Every single time I'm dealing with them there's not once where they're not trying to scam me. It's so bad that local Thais will step in and intervene.

If Thais in a tourist town like Chiang Mai is intervening on your behalf against some dirty dealings then something is very wrong.
there is an old saying here
you guys mispelled KEK what fuck man
Starting the day by seeing a pajeet dying, it can't be better.
the only based vpnjeet here
not a vpn , i am the self hating jeet ..
i can prove you by speaking the subhuman tribal language
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India has yet to catch up to subsaharan niggers. Why can’t you compete with niggers? Are niggers just superior to pajeets?
i can't read nigger so don't bother
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Please spare us. But it’s good to see at least a few of you are honest enough to admit india is shit because of indians and nobody else. Maybe one day Indians will catch up to niggers…
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Indians are dumber and dirtier and more starved than literal african niggers. Why can’t shitjeets compete with niggers? Would eating beef help you compete with niggers, sar?
it must be hell to have self awarness in India
why do your fellow country man flooded our country?
if they are so proud of india they should stay there

It's the Romanization of the semi-pejorative term "แขก", which is Thai for Indian.


Heh, nice. Never seen it before.
>Heh, nice. Never seen it before.
but you seem, to know alot about it
to catch up with niggers
we need to start eating more protein and need to eliminate all the ugly and anyone below 6'0 feet for future breeding ...
also eliminate anyone with lower iq than 100
>population will be cut down by 99% but then we will be same as niggers or even better
>if they are so proud of india they should stay there
i dont know , i hate india but i dont want to destroy any 1st world country culture
>why do your fellow country man flooded our country?
truth is they are still pissed about colonization and want to invade all the white people country
but they dont posses the strength to do so
so they feed on white people guilt
eugenics would be good for you
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Why do pajeets despise protein? I look at pajeet food and it’s 99% carb slop and vegetable curry I don’t know how anyone can live off of it. I know Indians irl who have been commanded by their doctors to eat more protein to fix their chronic health issues, and they simply ignore this advice and continue on a diet of fried and steamed carbs with the occasional nibble of yogurt. It’s baffling.
that would kill 99% of your population so go for it
>truth is they are still pissed about colonization and want to invade all the white people country
Dumb nigger, they are only going there to get rich by earning in dollars. If they wanted to invade the west, then they would do it like the Africans and Arabs flooding into western countries illegally and mooching off of gibs. Instead the vast majority of Indians go there to work and earn money to send it back home and increase their wealth. The white hating racist Indians in the west are like 2nd and 3rd generation Indians born in western countries and brainwashed by their leftist politicians.
>invade all the white people country
they are in my country too
also japan and korea
whats their excuse?
>whats their excuse?
they can't stand their own kind
Colonization was a net good for india, got rid of sati, introduced literacy and germ theory of disease, but stupid pajeets went and fucked their country up anyway and blame le britishers for all their poor choices. They should be worshipping the ground the white man walks on, but white men have become weak and just apologize instead of thinking critically about the shit the pajeet is flinging.
>Are they blind?
mentally yes, don't try to make too much sense out of the stupid things stupid people do
they're basically like children, they will continue to lie, cheat, and steal until they are put in their place
>Why do pajeets despise protein?
indian culture is basically a giant cuck factory
they dont want to kill animals but will kill humans who eat protein ... its so stupid ...
waiting for china to invade further in india
My obese doctor said that i should stop eating 120g of protein everyday because this level of protein in harmful .. i just cant take it anymore ...
its the british fault for introducing modern technology and medicine to pajeet
now there are 1.5 billion of these poo nigger
>then they would do it like the Africans and Arabs flooding into western countries illegally and mooching off of gibs
?? they are going there illegally , are you fucking stupid or its just indian
you think bollywood actors are any different than the stock indians? think again
the actors and the "high-class" poojeets do the same thing as turban man in OP's pic, and claim they are Kashmiris, but they are not

the entirety of dindustan wants to be Kashmiri and wants Kashmir for itself for the prestige it comes with, but they have 0 claim

it's a lot like ashkenazis and euro jews claiming to be of the Levant, but it's clear from their physiology they are not from the Med
i mean i dont want to blame white people for this shit
everyone just keep blaiming white people , especially the kike or the brown cucks
These poojets need to take responsibility
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>120g harmful for an adult male

Jesus fucking christ that’s the bare minimum for anyone over 5’7 who wants to build muscle. If these are your the most educated and respected jeets, how have you not gone fucking insane?
yeah they go there and steal low minimum wage jobs from hard working americans ..
you are just another disgusting pajeet
>i mean i dont want to blame white people for this shit
good mindset
i mean the reason indian is shit now is because of indian
during the british raj you are one of the largest economy in the world and cleaner
most indian would never admit this
they always blame everyone else not just white people
this is why indian are so despise world wide
they are disgusting hypocrite
thats true i am 5'10 and i am getting bare minimum protein to build muscle and still my doctor said that i will get kidney stones if i eat that much protein .. its just fucking stupid dude
>i will get kidney stones if i eat that much protein
i eat 200-250 grams of protein a day at 6'5" he is lying
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Based slope. It’s good to know that everyone hates pajeets- even niggers, even other pajeets. Almighty God created these despicable poop colored vermin to unite the world in mutual disgust, in preparation for the Day of the Flush.
you should eat some meat bro
chicken and pork should be easy to find right?
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>introduced literacy
Nigger, India was the most literate country in the world when the colonials showed up. Every temple in every city, town and village functioned more as a school/university than a place of worship, because temples were the cultural centers of India. And that was in addition to all the Pathashalas (regular schools) that every village had.
The British knew that, so they destroyed the indigenous education system and the temple ecosystem of India, and introduced their own education system to easily brainwash and control Indians.

>got rid of sati
There was no such thing in India besides in a couple of villages. Sati as a country wide problem was an evangelical christkike propaganda spread to convert Indians and enforce British laws.

You filthy whiteoid parasites were nothing more than a disease on India that ate its wealth and got rich from it for centuries, and destroyed it from within.
There is a lot of literature on the insane rate of childhood stunting in india, positing all sorts of convoluted theories to explain why indians are so underweight despite being fully integrated into the global marketplace. Not one of these authors, so far as I can tell, addresses the elephant in the room: worshipping cows and refusing to eat meat or even eggs stunts your child’s growth irreversibly. It would be racist and bad to point this out, because a diet of deep fried idli and cow shit is DEY KULCHA
pork is not easy to find and beef is illegal
my only option is chicken but chicken is bland and very lean.. so its hard for me to hit daily protein intake..
dont worry rn i am eating like 135g -140g of protein/day
some jeets are caucasoids, some are aren't. Either way they're all shit
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Curious. However, your country is poorer and stupider than nigger countries and your “men” are 5’6 and eat 20g of protein a day, so I don’t care. Submit an opinion once you figure out running water, nigger. In the meantime I’ll be enjoying clean tap water and flush toilets.
>hence they are white
Whites are Caucasoids, but not all caucasoids are White
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this jeet>>472312179
is a good example why indian is a shithole
i bet he still blame white people for making indian dirty after shitting in the street
Indian Propaganda is one hell of a drug.
kek, Thais are now my favourite non-Whites
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They have zero self awareness and are allergic to personal responsibility. Such jeets deserve to live in india desu.
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>i am eating like 135g -140g of protein/day
nice man you should like make tandoori skewer out of it to not be bland
also i think i met one indian irl who said that pork is not common india because indian consider pig to be dirty animal
makes me laugh actually
>pig to be dirty animal
wait till they figure out how any animal in farm lives
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I find it fascinating how a people so neurotic and obsessed with notions of purity can simultaneously be so disgusting and unhygienic. They’ve completely lost the plot, obsessing over whether eggs or pork are “clean” while shitting in the street and dissolving human corpses in their drinking water.
Probably more respectably than most indian slum dwellers desu
Basically, I know Indians who believe outright that Indian priests can fly by sheer force of will, despite no record of this ever happening, then there's all kinds of retarded shit like Indians building the first computer, and Indians having built the first rocket that went to space, and Indians having built the first aeroplanes and achieving the first powered flight.
You notice that China doesn't have these kinds of completely retarded claims out the ass, that's because China unlike India but like the west kept records, so we can read about the Chinese astronaut that blew himself up trying to reach the moon.
It's why we read all kinds of retarded myths like India being the worlds economic super power for thousands of years until the Brits came and somehow ended it, or that Sanskrit is the mother tongue and all languages are descended from it, in spite of it coming well after other languages including ones from the same region.
i heard that the only competent indian is usually the lower caste
they actually have to make some shit work while the retard brahmin is too busy eating cow shit and larping as aryan
>Indian priests can fly by sheer force of will, despite no record of this ever happening, then there's all kinds of retarded shit like Indians building the first computer, and Indians having built the first rocket that went to space, and Indians having built the first aeroplanes and achieving the first powered flight.
when someone achieved nothing all they can do is make stories about it ...
our culture and people deep down know that they have done jackshit but they want to believe that they are better than anyone else
its almost laughable
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>You filthy whiteoid parasites were nothing more than a disease on India
Meanwhile, in reality....
They are the worst we wuzes on earth.

I grew up in Thailand and had to deal with the curry niggers there. I do speak and read Thai.
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i still dont understand why they shit and throw corpse in their own holy river
doesnt sound holy from their own action
>only competent indian is usually the lower caste
i dont know what caste i am because my parents were educated enough to dont believe in this bs
but imagine hating blue collar jobs , imagine hating the people who keep the country running
its so stupid but on the other end the average iq is 70
Good that you at least acknowledge the root of the problem.
Caucasian =/= pale blue eyed nordic.
White =/= pale blue eyed nordic.
Nordic = pale blue eyed nordic
learn to kickbox?
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This is the most self aware jeet I've ever witnessed. I genuinely feel for you, you are in a true hell being stuck in India, but they unironically need people like you if they EVER hope to you turn things around.
i would give you a hug, but i cant stand the smell. you are one of the good ones. rare.
Their racially-divided caste system has been officially abolished, so now even the undesirables are as indian as the brahmin.
Look at their prime minister. Back in the day, he would have been cleaning the designated street.

in the early 20th century this guy claimed to be aryan in order to get US citizenship

the earliest indians in the US were sikhs
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its such a shame tho
i actually met a really nice indian lady
but she actually grown up in uk and come to work here
too bad you and her are a very very few tiny minority while the rest billion of pajeet is a delusional retard with massive inferiority superiority complex
yeah lots of indian look down on blue collar jobs its sad
especially when your country have 1.5 billion with very lacking in infrastructure
more indian should work in construction instead of scamming people and call center

The river was supposed to purify everything they throw into it. Even years after discovering bacteria and viruses including treatment options for illnesses caused by such, the Indians are still doing incomprehensible shit like this.

It's fucking weird.

No. My primary martial art is Shorin Ryu. Did that from 9th to 12th grade. Current exponent of 9 x 19 Parabellum, Ruger-Ryu Teppo-Jutsu.
It could have worked, once. Big, fast flowing river carries all that shit away downstream and dilutes it. But there are too many indians now. Simply too much shit thrown in there at once.

It's weird that they can't figure that out even now.


Damn. Checked.
checked the weeb is a weeb.
There are too many people everywhere. Everything is overwhelmed.
not one person lives with in 10 miles of me
Look guys what this pajeet is saying in other live thread ,
Because those ugly fucks descended as a mutation of the caucasian race, in the same way red hair is also a mutation. (I'm not joking)

They did not descend from the oriental (Asian) race at all. They live in Asia but are not Asian.

As a Taiwanese, I hate when Indians claim to be "I'm also Asian br0" in an attempt to hit on HUMAN (non-indian) women

They are simply trash and a mutation of the caucasian race. They shouldn't exist
they stink, they provide nothing, they smear shit everywhere and ruin any civilized discussion or thought, they're uncivilized, theyre pathetic and disgusting, they look ugly, their language sounds ugly, their accents are a mockery to any language they attempt to speak. They're rats who invade other countries, complain about the aid they get and give birth to children who will grow as ugly and rude as their parents. Their culture is pathetic, their history is whinning about others and only achievement of their existance is being more than 1 billion parasites whom constantly bother people and scam old hags.
Keep it that way.
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>Why do Indians claim to be caucasoid?
Indians lie and deceive all the time. It's part of their culture.
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i think i saw this exact same post a couple of month back
jeet are just beyond retarded
ai is awesome. i need to play with it. dude raced in shit
what about this one:
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They are poo and they desperately want to be anything other than poo

>saar we a caucasoid
>saar we are asian
>saar we are actually black ppl from Africa
hindus are like wiccans, except instead of rituals with menstrual blood, it's cow dung, also a sausagefest2KYW
well he could be right depending on your protein sources. Are you eating just lentils for protein?
>lentils for protein?
i will never eat lentils , its low quality protein and its very popular in jeets
my diet is mostly chicken , rice , some green veggies , peanutbutter
>cant buy beef , cant get pork , lamb cost $15/kg and butchers are so unhygienic here
damn that sucks, you can do 1 gram of protein pound per day easy. you need 2 grams of protein per pound to gain daily fyi
>2 grams of protein per pound
never take diet advice from an american
if you have chicken and eggs you're set
nigger you skinny fucks will always be weak due to that. but i do realize you get most of your protein from seaman
They're just retarded and psychologically damaged from hundeds of years of being invaded, shat on, pissed on and now as a result worship white skin.

Their delusion is their ground reality.
>cannot differentiate between caucasian and white
because they are caucasoid newfag.
so are jews, sandniggers, and turkroaches.
you're probably also a dumbass that thinks asian = yellow skin and chinky eyes
>his smile and optimism eternal
I am cockasod I am a sod for cock to be specific your HOT WHITE COCK
Fake and gay. We do not count useless BIMARU states in statistics. It is dishonest, like saying Americans are trigger happy maniacs when blacks are padding the shooting stats. INDIA CENTURY
>comparing 1.4 billion including BIMARUS who will never develop until the heat death of the universe
very good let's see the rape and crime stats padded by niggers.
you are half nigger so the stats include you personally
Fucking based.
When Trump wins and spams visajeets with green cards we'll see who's laughing, you always attract what you don't want and since you're bitching about Indians you'll get MORE and MORE. Keep crying and being illiterate about egregores read the Kybalion for a change.
Fucking bodied me anon, I will now repent by hugging a moving train.
See this shit fuck your statistics when we're giving state level gibs to BIMARUS for their role in dragging the national averages down. Muh stats kys nigger we have turbo freeloaders living off taxes just like niggers
Lentils is good mixed with meat or some animal product though. I use it in italian minestrone soup: 1 cup of chicken stock, handful of green lentils, tomatoes, potatoes and/or squash to thicken the soup, dash of red wine, and most important of all, parmesan cheese RIND.
In school I was friends with a Pakistani boy with bright platinum blond hair and geeen eyes, and tanned skin, and his family wasn't that white looking. I also had friends with pale skin green. you couldn't he wasnt english by looks except for the name and pakistani accent. You wont notice them genetically in 1 generation. A lot of arabs have bright red hair, it's like 2% of the Jordan population still, and are an offshoot from more ancient population dispersions here. Ive seen many with blue eyed and blonde hair. And the brown ones women especially utterly hate themselves and crave white genes. It's valued there.
Yeah the religion doesnt fit but we have our kike problems too.

People fail to understand caste exists in all these countries and people don't breed outside their caste generally.
>pale skin green
Green eyes*
The name alone makes me hurl
Anything that ends with the word “jeet” just sounds so disgusting
They claim to be human. kek
That’s literally the whole planet. Africa, Japan, Blacks in the US, India, they ALL universally want to be whiter, that’s why shit like skin bleaching creams sell so well.
indians think they are "taking over" the West by flooding into the Western countries, but in reality, once white people lose whatever power they have left, the Chinese will easily take over, and then the Chinese will deport indians back to India. Indians are retards and cannot see long term actions. The Chinese will easily defeat the indians and take over the world. The only thing standing in between the Chinese and indians is white people.
You will be replaced.
You're already being replaced. plumpf will redeem the rest
Kidney stones are made of calcium, not protein, idiot.
Nah we had Indians for over 1000 years in Europe. We nicknamed them Gypsies which sounds like jeets. Equally disgusting name
Do you think gypsies replaced us? Nah they lived in Indian like conditions around europe. Street shitting and wracking the environment around them
You are natural parasites
actually, YOU will be replaced and deported once whites lose their power. The Chinese will easily take over the West once whites lose all power. The Chinese arent retarded SJWs like white people and WILL deport you indians back.
Yesss keep coping, airplanes and visas and MNCs have been around for 1000 years HAHAHAHAHA
Zhina gou
what will you do when whites finally lose all power, and then the Chinese easily take over the West, and deport all indians and blacks? Surely you aren't insane enough to think you can defeat China? Indians are the biggest pussies on earth.
no answer, eh? All of your stolen assets like your houses and bank accounts will be taken by the Chinese.

White people are the ONLY reason you indians haven't been conquered by the Chinese yet.
Won't happen, chinks own our data and make more money off us than they would gain by invading. Even that doesn't matter because CHINA BASTARD BITCH BLOODY YOU WHAT YOU SAY!! YOU SAY WHAY YOU BLOODY CHINK DOG CHINA MONGOL
I am an alpha Indian male. Indians are the rulers of the world. My shit comes out bigger than everyone else's during shit o'clock, that's why I am the alpha here ok...you only mind it! Bloody mind who you are talking to ok!!!!!
>I mean for Iranians and Arabs, I can kind of understand that they are white-approaching in certain facial dimensions.
No they aren’t
You say what you son of a bloody bitch? I am teaching everyone in my village to use 4chan. We will coordinate and destroy threads at my fucking whim and fancy. I have my own wumao army you fucking dogger
They are quite literally caucasoid or caucasian, but they are not white.

It is very very simple and a character shared by many in the world. They mixed too much with the locals


For a bit of perspective somalis, ethiopians and other horners are also caucasoid or caucasian.
Some (most) are Dravidians, which are Australoids (closer to Abos), these are the one's you're talking about, the best looking and lightest skinned one's tend to have some residual genetic impact from indo European invaders, thousands of years ago.
the Chinese will control the West. They dont want dirty indians living in the West. The Chinese wont bother to invade shithole India of course
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Kys redditspace jeet faggot
I am not an indian. What I say is true. Unless you can find something wrong with it. I didn't actually detect an argument in your post...

They are what we might be in the future if we don't do something. Even with their caste system they were unable to prevent eventual mixing over 1000s of years.
Shut up golem!
Everyone wants to be White.
Cacaoid. Cause of the skin.
Most of them are doon coons with andamanese admixture. The black looking ones are andamanese with doon coon admixture.
Any aryan admixture is negligible.
Dravidians should be their own “Dravidoid” race
Its like shitjeets just discovered the internet.
Imagine being farther behind on this stuff then niggers are.
Iranians are generally whiter in both appearance and genetics. That said, arabs are on par with jeets in regards to looks.
>/pol/tard: OHHHHH I'M ARYAN!!!! [translator's note: aryan means indian]
All of your shitgolem cousins are concentrated soft targets.
Imagine being made fun of by Africans and the Africans are completely in the right. This is the curse of the desipoopoo.
I don't think that's true... the locals precolonization (the first colonization by the aryans) were descended from the same people that andamans are.

They look very different from indians imo. And they aren't closely related to niggers at all. They tend to have very soft baby faces.

Indians look more like abbos, and in this case it is probably because the hominins the abbos mixed with are also the hominins that precolonial indians mixed with. I will post a chart next
I reckon they are also mixed with Homo erectus to some degree, but we don't ahve the genome for that yet.
sorry to keep replying. But the biggest tell is the andamans have a weird bulge in their forehead unlike any other human on earth. I'm thinking they are probably mixed with something rarer, maybe a leftover hominin on the islands like Homo floriensis was (although a different one than that)
>Yes we have Canadians at home
Canadians at home:

Also lot of graphs and charts posted are outdated. And India being an EXTREMELY diverse country has literal leech states poisoning the country from inside. Still we have had many developments over the recent years.
And the number of unicorns(private businesses valued over 1B dollar) originating here is very high. At the same time bobs and vagene.
In conclusion, India right now is like a chimp with a machine gun(3rd world citizens getting access to 1st world tech).
They are a mixed abomination
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Indians look like pugs
Looks arab
Shrodinger pajeet is interesting, one time they
>we wuz fellow Light skinned Aryan chads
and other time they
>Brown supremacy, fuck paleskinned cucks
look up what oxalates are, ameritard
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Real Caucasians look like this. So why would anyone want to associate themselves with Caucasians?
Everyone gets second helpings of visajeets next year! Green cards for all poojeets!
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Alhamdulillah muslim brother, soon india will be captured by our muslim brothers
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well spoken, muslim brother from india. soon we will take india
Idi amin knew dae wae
Lol, lmao even
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"Saar we have R1a haplogroup we a true aryan saar my great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather had green eyes we a white saar"
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>This is the curse of the desipoopoo.

Totally agree with you paki muslim bro.

There will come a time when we muslims rule the world.
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Muslim brother from denmark, fight for Islam.

We should convert Europe to Islam
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"Yes saar everyone who talk bad about india on internet is muslim"
I will replace u
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well done paki anon from denmark.

Now you must rape as many Danish women as possible for Islam
Do you really want 1.2 billion Indians to start consuming meat and proteins? Do you want the price of meat and poultry to globally sky fucking rocket overnight?
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"Yes saar we will replace them soon every place in the world will look like this webm"

"Yes saar muslim a disgusting rapers we hindu never rape"
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well said my muslim brother anon.

we muslims will conquer india
Low quality bait.
Please at least TRY to evolve some self awareness.
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>"Yes saar muslim a disgusting rapers we hindu never rape"

Tell them my pakistani muslim brother.

You need to rape more European girls, pakistani brother, for the sake of ummah
They think they are the culture that they stole from and have been emulating for thousands of years (re: Aryan invasion, which passed through and maybe left a few mutt rape babies like the Spanish did to the native mexicunt Indians). They think they are the Indus Valley civilization/Vedic people. Sadly they are just slightly lighter niggers with a handful more braincells (not much) thinking they were the white version of Yakubian kangz.
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>Low quality bait.

Muslim anon from US, what do you mean?

How are we muslims supposed to conquer the world if we cannot rape?
Hmm whites need to recognise us as rightful world leaders. We Indians are like the best at it. You don't have to try or anything kk. Just step aside, give me your money, your women and your homes. I will live while you relocate to some dump with tents. OK....I phucks you bloody I phuccs
what are they if not caucasoid?
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They are as nasty and devious as jews and niggers and spics and they certainly are far from being White.

Indians are like 10% Caucasoid. The rest is Australoid.
i am Australia wow
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Actually, there is good reason to think that modern pajeets and their beliefs partly derives from the Indus Valley civilization. According to the Rigveda, the natives the Aryans came across during their invasion of the India subcontinent were described as dark-skinned and degenerate people who worshipped the phallus. Several of the archaeological finds from the Indus Valley civilization depict erect penises and clearly show that the phallus was worshipped. If you look at Hindus today, you'll see that they still worship phallic objects. They refer to said phallic objects as "Shiva linga."
I am aware how they stole the white mans Yoni and the Sheela na gigs all over the world. Disgusting cock and bob worshiping brown niggers are not news.
>As a Taiwanese

flag checks out
Sir who yoni
Sar not like this...
He is very smart. My Jewish master.
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20 posts by this jobless faggot
oh so this is why indians are flooding australia
they're just returning home!
>As a Taiwanese
is any defender of the white race an actual white? tell me why do you suck the white cock so hard? you imprint your white obsession onto your women and they end up not fucking you and only wanting bwc
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kek... this faggot mudslime with danish flag
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>As a Taiwanese

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