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A new TikTok trends exposes the degradation of food found in the supermarket. Watermelon, avocados, blueberries, bananas etc. are not like they used to be. They are rubbery, make weird noise, you can even bend them. They have a different texture. They look different.


Wtf is going on?
You vill own nothing and be happy!
>t never heard of a farmers market
The soil is so degraded, lacking in minerals, and full of toxins that it can only produce garbage vegetables and fruits. Even so-called "organic produce" is trash.

It is rotten, what is the big deal? Throw it out.

But in general fruits and veggies are shit. It has become impossible to find a good peach. They should be soft and juicy. Now they are hard and tasteless and never get ripe.

Pears are like this too. And I live in CA where the shit is growing 1 hour from where I live.
>No webm
I feel for you, we mostly have good selection still, but if a product says made in India I won't buy it (origin of produce is always shown here, dunno if they do in us)?

Planted q bunch of fruit trees earlier will take a few years, but if possible stuff grown at home will be so much better.
The hybrid varieties are meant not to ripen to extend their shelf-life.
Same with tomatoes.
Americans are forced to used LED lights now and it fucks up the food starting at the stores. (Imagine what they do to your body.) They’re also using apeel and preservatives that affect it.
Schizo thread
Led doesn't ruin produce you absolute fucking retard
I drink goyslop soft drinks sometimes, and I have noticed that maybe 1 in every 5 cans tastes 100% different, in a chemical way. They might be doing some covid vax shit but with food now. 10% chance a food item you buy is poison.
You won’t believe how good it tastes.
Why does she wash a fucking watermelon?
In my experience they do.
Sometimes you get a shitty watermelon.
Same thing happens with all produce if you get it out of season or it was just a shitty harvest.

Watermelon in vid looks like it was rubbery due to fibers being thicker than they should be for crisp watermelon where the fibers are loose.
Also the bubbles are more than likely pressure escaping. If you overwater certain produce like tomatoes, melons, etc. They can burst from the pressure.

>produce not like it used to be
Lmao nigga, watermelon were originally 2 inches in diameter before we started fucking with them. We have pushed this fucker to its limit, same with every one of your favorite fruits.
You will always have mutants like this pop up from time to time.

Companies like to test their new produce in grocery stores, so pay attention to the kind of produce your buying and what season your getting it in.

>an example is the golden yukon, invented in my home city. Never just get potatoes that just say "yellow", always get the ones that say yukon gold. That is the strain, not the company.
Oh yeah we already have a greenhouse etc. even a simple cucumber has so much more flavour.

I don't taste difference in my eggs though, have some chickens and now raising a couple of ducks as well
Sorry I'm not paying triple in these harsh economic times.
We have done that change 20 years ago, quality of produce didn't change much. I kinda feel like you're trolling me though. You are aware all screens use the same technology but millions of times etc?

it's almost as if climate is changing and makes it harder to grow certain things

naaahh thats to stupid, ITS DA JOOOOO

>dunno if they do in us

We don't really import fruit and vegetables because we have so much farmland. The exception is bananas from South America and Pineapples from Hawaii (still US).

I don't eat anything from China or India. They are seriously toxic. You have to be careful with honey. It seems like it wouldn't be toxic but the bees are collecting from poisoned flowers. Indian spice packets should also be avoided for the same reason. They often have heavy metals and chemicals in them.

Fruit trees depend a lot upon the soil. I live up in the mountains where it is rocky with bad soil. There are tons of apples trees around, even orchards, but the apples are small, hard and bitter.
Overfarmed unhealthy soil is the cause more likely. All that heavy machinery is killing the soil's fauna
>go to smug farmers market
>it's a bunch of shit libs looking down their noses at me
>attempt to buy plums
>get studiously ignored
It's like none of you have ever been around these people before or are probably them. I forget that /pol/ skews almost entire female and reddit now.
What are you feeding the chickens? Eggs from grain fed chickens are not as good as eggs from pasture raised chickens where they forage for bugs and seeds. If if pay close attention you can actually taste corn in the grain fed eggs.
You are without a doubt the biggest fucking retard in this thread.
Chemicals and toxis in the soil are not related to muh extra hot days or extra cold winters.
They may be correlated in other ways, but crops not growing well because chemicals is not the same.
Grocery stores have a money back or double back return policy. Exploit this.
>Wtf is going on?
the matrix is having technical difficulties lmao

Greenhouses are the way to go, with good natural soil and fertilizer.
I literally had a watermelon violently & suddenly explode on my kitchen table without provoking it. It was freaky.
Cope brokie you're a nigger and that's why they make you pay triple
Oh we have loads of local honey, I never buy the cheap Sus brands. Preferably something made in my direct area.
Yeah will see with the fruit, summers here are great but long harsh winters, apparently some fruit like grapes really likes our 23 hour daylight in summer.
I don't trust anything made in china or India.
>checks flag
You're not even good at being a peasant? Sad!
A) CO2 is good for plants dipship
B) There are these things called growing regions. If you weren't a Romanian you would know more.
my guess is the effects of freezing
Pretty sure its a kike. Few are that ignorant.
Too many people on the planet. Turns out there really isn't enough land. Aggressive farming techniques are only a short-term producer.
It’s not the climate. It’s industrial farming without crop rotation and chemical fertilizers. I have a peach orchard in my back yard. All the premium fruit is either bought and canned by delmonte or bought and exported to other countries for a premium. most California anlmonss are exclusively grown and harvested to be sent to Arab countries. Same with our strawberries.
MidWest life hasn't been corrupted by East and West coast faggotry
As badly. It's only a matter of time...
Farmers market filled with fake non bio foods sold as bio.
Libs all happy they buy the same produce for double the price.
Top kekorino, don't remember where but saw this short doc that 80% of the produce was the same as in supermarkets, many of the farms didn't even produce what they made.
its da both
>They might be doing some covid vax shit but with food now
this makes sense that the mRNA effects the plant growth
>greasy Great Value fingers typed this.
Fuck all of this frankenfood goyslop bullshit.
I'm whiter than most of this boards spic userbase.
>Great Value
It's in the name!
The quality of our products are significantly lower here in the states. I tried for a year to buy a simple leather belt that didn’t smell toxic and had to resort to buying from a site in norway. There’s a deliberate effort here to poison the citizens. So your LED lights, I’m not surprised, don’t affect the produce.
>Why does she wash a fucking watermelon?
We have special chicken feed. With high protein and let them go about the garden for bugs and such.
We dont really have all the corn like they do in the US the chicken feed is mostly onions and wheat afaik.
When we let them out they barely eat their sneed though.
I feel you fellow Commiefornian. I have a peach orchard. When all main picking is done I have a lot of people who ask if they can “gleem”. Not a bad way to get the fruit you want and will actually eat. Most guys won’t have a problem aslong as you ask and don’t be like the spics and nogs and fill up your whole trunk, but a grocery bag is perfectly fine. Just make sure you ask permission or you might get rock salt in the ass
I don't think it's just that, I think it's intentional poisoning. Maybe the stuff in OP is even unintentionally obvious. If they are poisoning people the obviously bad stuff are duds since people won't ingest it.
Chicken shit and composted weeds, we also throw in some branches on the bottom. And random kitchen scraps sometimes
Last time I ate some strawberries and they were very good. Soft and delicious.
Ironically many foods get a semi chemical layer made of lice and such to make them shine as how they do naturally but without sticky stuff. Not sure if applies to watermelon
My grandfather always said to use cowshit abnd avoid chickenshit because it burns the plants.
But I do the same, peelings always go out to the compost.
Hail Satan kek
Same but they grow in my garden
Ik heb geen koeien vriend.
Composting it first though, so I bet it is fine
Söy and wheat feed is probably what the supermarket store eggs are fed I’m guessing, so I could see why there’s no drastic change in flavor. Chickens hate that stuff but will eat it if they hungry and without a choice.
There’s plastic in the rainwater. Who put it there?
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>Not Georgian fruits
Get real. Only Florida has better citrus. Peaches are best ripe. In Cali you get leftovers.
>What are you feeding the chickens?
lights at night attract bugs
The watermelon killed itself rather than be eaten by a faggot. Many such cases…
>it's because we don't have a one-world-government yet!
Here farmers markers are Mexicans selling the exact same stuff you find in grocery stores
I hope it gets worse.
I haven't found a good peach in years. They're all hard and flavorless. Plums, too. I used to have a peach tree but of course it died on me. And don't bother with the fruit stands on the sides of the road. They just buy their shit from the same places the grocery stores do.

The only time of the year I can get good large tomatoes is now, when I'm able to grow them. The rest of the year I just don't buy large tomatoes at all. They're mealy and flavorless in the stores, all of them. I no longer buy cucumbers from the store because they start to go bad within just a few days. Things like bell peppers or celery still seem okay. But grocery store produce is shit. I live in Mississippi and most of our farming has been turned over to corn and söy. Seems everything comes from Mexico or California, which is basically Little Mexico now.
We currently feed them a mix of seeds dried corn etc. but they seem to prefer the egg feed as they steal it from the ducklings. We give them a lot of other stuff though, and they peck a lot of bugs in our garden, which is in this nature park area so many bugs etc here.
dumbest post in a while
You don't buy food from wholesalers market, farmers market, etc.?
Farmers markets are just trannies selling the shit they bought at wholefoods with marked up prices
You never been?
uh plants grow better in warmer climates with more co2
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we have to ask ourselves what is being done with the produce and livestock after that ohio river train derailment and vinyl chloride spill and burn
16 states were effected
Probably tastes better than most of the eggs we have.
This is schizo but here is a synchronicity or 'coincidence' I noticed a while back (originally on /x/)
>August & November 2022 - movie 'White Noise' is released, with a theme about a chemical spill caused by a derailed train, set in Ohio
>February 2023 - Train derails in "East Palestine", Ohio causing a massive chemical spill. This event has been mostly memoryholed.
>October 2023 - Hamas apparently kills people at a music festival, kick-starting larger activity in the Israel-Palestine conflict
>a new tiktok trend
Stopped reading. OP kys.
Climate retard detected. Hang yourself with a bag of carbon taxes absolute gypsie omeganigger.
The amount of glowing shills in this thread tells you all you need to know.
we've all seen American Pie. not clicking on that shit you degenerate.
also if the US imports produce from other countries they are cut green and ripen in hot steel containers on the boat trip
also nutrition is an hourly diminishing return that plus being cut green and then the pesticides making the plant that produces them not do well and then theres the whole microbial life on the ground which is a fertigation substrate of 4 chemicals, there is no life in the soils of the US no earthworms aerating the soil nothing
Chicken shit will burn if it’s not diluted. Really high ammonia rate
>This event has been mostly memoryholed
it wasn’t memory holed though
people on the eastern seaboard are still pissed about it, the NTSB ruled the accident was totally avoidable and due to human error. I made sure my people knew about it, even stopped a few friends from moving to Ohio because the entire watershed is a fucking superfund site now
>aerial toxic event
i agree that the predictive programming was real though - it actually started with the fertilizer plant explosion in Beirut, that’s when they started plastering the media with images of skylines with giant plumes of black smoke, to get everyone ready for the coming “wars” and strategic societal degradation
it’s a psyop tactic called “preparation of the battlefield”
i forgot to add that the NTSB also ruled that the “controlled chemical burn” that spread vinyl chloride toxins to 16 surrounding states was completely unnecessary. it’s statistically probable that Norfolk Southern is a CIA asset
this, I went to a farmers market and the only "farmers" actually selling vegetables and not vegan premium honey or some bullshit were a literal gay commie farm that prided itself on being run entirely by "queer folk"

they also wanted $2 for a fucking potato
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what kind of sick freak is going to accept money from the government to get payed to post on /pol/ to divert the attention off someones food turning into a glue like substance

i cant even fathom and theres like 20 of em in here
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that's called the 'roasty watermelon'
>farmers market
They sell the same exact shit as grocery stores
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thats because its rna garbage mutant food for mutant garbage rna zombies. people always mad about organic food but it tastes 100 times better and is REALfood with nutritional value.
tomatoes taste like real tomatoes not like water.
organic fed eggs have HARD SHELLS and ORANGE yolk the cheap eggs have paper shells and yellow/glowing yolk.
it is poison. you dont want to hear because youre retards, thats fine. eat your garbage and die.
Unless they're selling heirloom veggies yeah. My local farmer's market is the same shit that mexicans sell out of their truck at home depot which is the same shit I can go get at the grocery store for less.
>Overfarmed unhealthy soil
Have you ever heard of fertilizer?
>what are gmos
nearly the entire food supply is poisoned.
local farmer market is poison over poison spray pesticides on the crops 3 times a week.
Not how it works faggo
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these people buy food from fucking Walmart, aldis and every other poverty store made for poor niggers and white trash and wonder why they're getting bottom barrel low quality garbage. Stop shopping at these nigger tier stores
Haven't seen anything like this here.
this food is not fake, it's just not ripe
aldi in germoney has based organic foods, i dont know if they ship our based none gmo organic foods over to your warzone
aldi sells glued up meat scraps as prime "bio" rump steaks
aldi went to shit after karl and theo died
10/10 b8
if you dont get your meat straight from a butcher you should unironically kys yourself
An infant messing around with the genetic coding of the planet...

What could possibly go wrong...
It's probably the apeel shit. Atleast in Germany they have to label it on the package and it can't be used for organic fruits so it's easy to avoid. Do they have to label in in the US?
They're just reselling what they bought at the grocery store at 4x markup. They have the fucking store boxes right behind their table in plain view
the apples I got they glow in the dark, spooky
Aldi is a welfare store over here.
it is in germany too
This. If you aren't building your own soil for your own crops you're ngmi.
bullshit you pulled that out of your ass
You likely live in some urban shithole if this is the case anon
Bro those are called crabapples lmao we had them in this jews yard in my neighborhood when I was a kid, we'd always steal his crabapples and eat them or throw them around his driveway/yard
i think in muttland its wholefoods where you must shop to get decent stuff
Most of the soil doesn’t need moar fertilizer. Plants cannot access the nutrients because the soils is dead due to constant plowing which kills the rhizosphere. Plants use microrhiza to chelate nutrients in the soil. This means the plants use enzymes to tell the bacteria and fungus that attach to their root what nutrients they need and the bacteria and fungus create enzymes that breakdown the organic matter in the soils into the nutrients they require based on the growth phase they are currently in. Some farmers have gone no till and started using microbial teas to encourage a healthy rhizosphere and are achieving higher yields with higher quality produce with either zero chemical fertilizers or less than half what they used to use. It turns out the hippies were right and natural farming is better in every way.
You just want to watch some griller finger a watermelon.
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mutts will still buy and consume that shit
after some time they will think thats what a watermelon is like

same was with mayonaise or ketchup or
>american cheese
1 harvest/year that is
>why would da joos try to replace me i dindu nuffin
Tiktok is amazing for spiritual knowledge and conspiracy stuff

Use the search bar

Tarot readings
Whatever you can think of hit that search bar. And tiktok has a ton of stuff. Thats how u get more of that stuff

Use the algorythm in your favor
ripe fruit doesn't act like that either. what a load of shit.
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>it's almost as if climate is changing
yeah we're entering the new ice age!
This is all nonsense. Most plants are fine. Soil is fertilized too.
Further most nutrients are absorbed from meat and fish anyways. You absorb almost nothing from plants. It's why vegans look weird and fucked up. Pea protein is the most absorbable plant protein, which is what most of them take. If you're not downing pea protein shakes as a vegan, you're going to look like a calcutta pajeet with jaundice.
High yield crops like modern wheat are just empty carbs, too.
Chinese food
>We don't really import fruit and vegetable
False, how else do you think you can get berries or lettuce in the middle of winter at the grocery store? As always, the average American is completely disconnected from the sources of the food they eat every single day.

>live near faggots, surprised when they exist
kek the farmer's markets near me had a problem recently with turning away niggers. There aren't any vegan bespoke artisinal growers there. Maybe you live in a shithole?
For the Americas, it was a cooler and wetter this winter from southern Mexico and down through Central America. So the watermelon harvest is low yield and poor quality.
little guatemala*
how about you climate change these balls into your mouth
Unripe fruit acts like that you retard.
You're going to yuppie farmer's markets. Go to a rural area.
Programmed underage ban thinking they know better than anymore.

Climate change cc coded for fakery. It’s just that easy for an enlightened master with xp. And no I don’t have time to spoon feed babies… only helping the people who are already close.
How about you warm my globes?
Grow your own fucking food you lazy niggers.
Do a test then, put a banana in a led bulbs lit room and one in a incandescent bulbs lit room.
just stick em in the microwave
Can't. I live in an apartment on the 4th floor.
Welcome to Bill Gates agriculture.
But I want them evenly warmed not scalding on the edges and frozen in the center...
Tiktok search these

t. doesnt grow his own food either
It’s just unripe goy, please eat the lovely fruit
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>screenshot of a webm thread in a TikTok thread
>It's climate change not the kikes
>Doesn't know what fruit is/taste/feels because he doesn't consume them
Shit thread
With shit posts
Have a Satanichia in the loo picture
Everyone go research the topsoil issue.
Peak topsoil, the scientists call it.
In another few decades, nutritious food will not exist.
If you think things are bad now, just wait till there is no more nutritious food left to keep people's brains from melting into permanent stupidity.

And you have the super-rich humans to thank for all of this mess. They got too greedy. Way too greedy that it is straight up evil.
one time a watermelon fucked my wife
either that or it was a avacado
I'm colourblind
Here farmers markers are Mexicans selling the exact same stuff you find in grocery stores.
Southerner here. The three farmers markets I go to screen their farmers, and if anyone makes a complaint, the person running the market will personally go to the land the farmer is growing their fruit and/or produce. “Audits” are random, too.

When my grandfather was running the one a town over in the country, a few blacks tried setting up their “handmade” goods (he allowed handmade crafts since a lot of the locals are into whittling, etc). He told them to go fly a kite with their Chinese garbage. No one around there would have bought something from a black person anyway. Side story: There are several reviews on the diner on Main Street that mention how badly blacks are treated and stared at. The town is extremely welcoming otherwise.
Messed up the green text in my haste. Apologies.
>Here farmers markers are Mexicans selling the exact same stuff you find in grocery stores
It's probably fake food from China.

Either that or American food companies are starting to copy China.
We don't have that problem here. I just ate a beautiful yellow watermelon that I purchased from a beautiful Greek woman in the fruit market that she owns with her mother. Her young son was also there at the store hanging out and her husband was restocking the shelves with potatoes.
So you're saying it's the jews?
The jannies wanna nuke the thread cause of what i said.
*shaking intensifies*
The jannies!



/pol/ is always right.
Most chicken food is onions. They take left overs from producing other shit and put it in the chicken feed. I get mine from a local mill. Even pasture raised eggs are still getting supplemented with grain for protein. They won't lay every day if they aren't being overfed.
t. chicken egg farmer
We had success with roasted onions. Chickens can't get their nutrients from the raw shit. I've bought some used up ones from a competing farm and his birds were in bad shape. A lot of water belly and plucked feathers even though they were beak trimmed. I don't make much money selling eggs but I do give the birds here a good life. They eat as much bugs and shit as they want and can eat the equivalent of goyslop if they choose to.
I feed my chickens table scraps, except for fruit. I give fruit to my goats. (some acidic fruit can make egg shells thin or even cause chickens to stop laying)

I crush up egg shells before feeding them to the chickens though, because giving them whole shells encourages them to peck their own eggs. If I crush it into a powder and pour it on the beef and pork fat trimmings and vegetable scraps.

other than table scraps they can eat the bugs. during winter I supplement their diet with chicken feed though.
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I have noticed papayas never seem to ripen anymore. They just rot and get moldy and never reach a uniform pink sweet ripeness.. Strawberries, Blackberries also lack the natural sweetness. I ate wild Blackberries from the bush in the Summer along a river in Oregon and they were heavenly. Big juicy and so full of delicious flavor but what I can buy from a supermarket is nothing like that.. what the jews have done to food is an abomination. just like everything else they touch its ruined for profit.
It's mRNA in these fruits
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please leave some bumps here frens:



>We don't really import fruit and vegetables because we have so much farmland.

did you forget winter exists? absolute moron
Anon, fruit is seasonal.
The store is always the same temperature so why does it matter?
Its not rotten. Thats the way genetically modified fruit comes from the store now. Its disgusting.
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or else you get the bugs.

I grow my own veggies and most of the fruits we eat. I know it's organic and it tastes far better. Can't grow bananas, oranges, etc so that's about all we buy from the grocery. Berries from groceries are almost always complete garbage in terms of taste and start to mold in a few days. I can refrigerate my blueberries in a jar and they're good for months.
Eat more meat and dairy. Less grain. Your brain is fried.
You can’t buy incandescent bulbs in America anymore
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You amerijews tampered so much with food it became non-food
All because of your filthy greedy sloppy nigger-mentality. Need huge quantities to gorge yourself on like filthy pigs. Now you have AI, so you can visual and auditory fastfood to gorge on like the filth you are
You feed your chickens their own eggshells?
ccp propaganda trying hard to make the West is collapsing.
chinks always lie
Who the fuck is buying grocery store tomatoes?
Fucking disgraceful and embarrassing to anyone who has ever grown their own.
>product says made in India
>doesn't want to eat poo or anything with human poo on it

Why so antisemitic, anon?
Most mammals, even herbivores, eat their own placenta after giving birth. Chickens eat broken eggs. It's completely healthy
>farmer's market
Some things at the FM are actually locally grown good shit, but ALL the ones around here with products from the produce distributors that stock the grocery stores.
You need a good eye to get quality even at FM
And, what of it? Why do you act surprised? China's been making fake food for decades. New meta for you, wytboi?
Are the shit libs in the room with you now?
>I forget that /pol/ skews almost entire female and reddit now.
Another whiny fatbitch magat who just can't fucking cope, and would rather seethe.
Faggot we know you don't even eat vegetables.
>double back
>in america
Everyone says it's just unripe, but I've never had a banana where the peel is yellow and the inside is unripe to a point where it's resistant to snapping in two. In fact even green peel bananas snap just fine in two.
What's up with that banana? Can't comment on the rest.
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It’s not deterioration, it’s the grocery-jew who decided to sell artificial food to american-goyim.
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Mutts have allowed grocery-jews to sell lab-grown food to the mutt goyim.
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Mutts have passed the law for their jewish masters to feed them goyim artificial food:


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The west is truly collapsing, no matter you try to hide it it is happening.
And the rest of the world will support the East, China and Russia, western jews are the most dangerous to the world.
>outs himself as living in the city
Isn't this an attack?
Shouldn't you fight back?
shitty soil, shitty, temperatures, lack of rain and other muh climate change issues other than high Co2 cause vegetables to not grow or not produce. it doesn't fucking turn them into rubber.
>be me
>tells them to stop buying shit
>they still buy shit
Ngo seedless fruit is Frankenstein mutant
community notes can fuck right off. that mother fucker is not real food
Half of this shit isn't ripe. Fruit before it's ripe is tough and tastes like shit. The avocado from one of those videos is fucking lime green. Ripe avocado is dark green. Sometimes you can't tell by the color. The bananas for example are yellow but not ripe inside, but the peel can be made to change color quicker than the inside is ripening depending on how much ethylene gas they're exposed to, so if you store dark green bananas in a closed container with super ripe bananas, they'll turn yellow but the inside hasn't properly ripened. There are explanations for most of this shit. Yes, food producers like monsanto are jewish cocksuckers degrading our food quality in a million ways, but these aren't examples, it's just retards encountering unripened fruit and suspecting it's a conspiracy.
If we find a supermarket who sells this, we would burn that building down.
Sometimes when shit is so fucked you need to destroy and level the whole thing and rebuild from scratch.
The only way to attack back is TKD. And Hamas have taught you all how to do it:
>RPG’s tandem
>mines and traps
If flip-flop teenagers could kill kikes with ease you can too.
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Wall-mart and whole foods sell the artificial food according to the videos posted.
>be me
>tell people not to vaccinate
>all node and agree
>few weeks later… they tell me :
>i just did my covid injection!
It’s all tiresome, i understand how Noah felt before the flood…
> scared of snobs
> better buy the slop instead
Farmers markets can be such a scam too. Last one I went to someone was selling papayas and pineapples. No one is growing those within a 500 mile radius.
Last year I lost all my tomatoes but needed a BLT and regular grocery stores never have good tomatoes so I went to the crunchy hippie co op store for some heirlooms. God damn hippies those were some great tomatoes
> you vill eat see bugs via your chickens
Then you know your opponent.
You wanna live forever?
Weird because the food in my fridge is fine. Do people not have produce and just believe this shit?
Trust me if we see those things here, we will burn every middle man, even minister that allowed such abomination. We are a farming country, farming for us is still critical.
This one doesn't need a webm, retard.
MS bro here too. I also grow cucumbers and tomatoes and only eat them in the summer. 6 months of the year i really dont even eat vegetables because of this
I thought this was fake and gay as well until I bought a cantaloupe at my local Kroger and it was fucking stretchy. I cut it into cubes and I could stretch them an inch in each direction like bubble gum. I still ate it though. Consistency was sorta weird, like 10% foam but it tasted the same
Wait, you think warmer weather makes it harder to grow food???
It’s hard to believe this level of retardation isn’t just a LARP… Loooool
I wouldnt eat that shit bro. Word came out in the latimes recently that nearly every weed product in california and the rest of the us has 20,000x the acceptable level of multiple neurotoxin pesticides. These were “regulated” and “certified” companies. The regulatory capture in this country is fucking unreal. Imagine whats in the food
Bro i literally said the weed with the peaticides was all tested and stamped safe. The regulatory agencies are corrupt as fuck and are passing off fake reports. You have no way to know if any of these lab results are real or not. I quit bc of this
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>Watermelon, avocados, blueberries, bananas etc. are not like they used to be. They are rubbery, make weird noise, you can even bend them.
I know, Jussi.
Fuckin watermelon and avocadoes were jibbering in the kitchen all night.
Couldn't get a wink of sleep.
>Cuts off when it changed direction
Fucking kike
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Sumerian Swindle, mate.
Converting people into cattle to be managed by the lugals and propagandized by the priests (on behalf of the lugals).
Converting land into human cattle hives supported by land converted into human cattle fodder irrigated patches of dust.

It never lasts long, which is why agriculture-based urban hive civilizations have to destroy all memory and replace it with their Death And Resurrection Show shamanic dramas.
And on top of all that?
Abstract currency based on interest-bearing debt, so that the one in debt never gets out, and the one issuing the debt is always on top.
>MidWest life hasn't been corrupted by East and West coast faggotry
You've obviously never been to any state in the midwest with a Land Grant college of agriculture.
Because a bunch of diseased fucking shitskins had their hands, spit, piss, and shit all over it, you retard.
Do you think watermelons just materialize in the field and are transport-beamed to the point of sale?
FFS, it was a major problem in the '70s thru '00s to get shitskin fieldworkers not to piss and shit right next to the rows of food as they worked.
And now these days produce is coated/sprayed with all manner of things to "ensure food safety" but which will fuck up your gut ecology if you ingest them.
you have to be a true oldfag to remember when new methods in agriculture, bio-engineering and dna modifications were going to grow tomatoes as big as a horse; and other foodstuffs as well.
guess that ain't happening.
>without provoking it
Are you sure?
I mean, I'm guessing you haven't even begun to plumb the depths of your Cucurbitphobia, and say provoking things in that line all the time.

Nah, you just had the fucking melon for too long, and it started fermenting inside.
I knew Appalachian gardeners in the '80s who knew how to make a kind of fruit beer that way--let juicy melons ferment under controlled conditions, then squish the innards for the juice. It was very light, like maybe 4-5% ABV.
Harder shelled melons will explode if they're aged and starting to ferment inside.
By contrast cantaloupes will just turn to smoosh.
They tested old canned produce and discovered that modern fruits contain about 1/10th the vitamins and minerals that they had 100 years ago. Even after the canning process.
this feels like china getting revenge for all the fake food in their country that everyone jokes about
Meats pumped full of water now too. Makes it gooey and the amount of water that comes out of my chicken or beef now is disgusting.
Idk whete these niggers live but the farmer's market is cheaper here
Uh, check your stupid, chudbro.
There is a horse-tomato entered in next year's Kentucky Derby.
They've already signed a contract with Contadina for when its pasture days are over.
Get them new old stock. I have 24 100w bulbs, not sure what I'm going to do with them.
Also, 40w appliance bulbs are still legal.
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it's all plastic bro
That is pasteurization, they add about one tenth of the raw vitamin D3 back to milk
It's brand and grade and packaging dependent. Air-chilled chickens have no added water and you can buy them everywhere now. With meats, anything vac-packed is likely to have tons of water which will release during cooking. Non-vac-packed cut steaks, the kind in the little polystyrene tray with the maxi pad under them, they're generally not as bad.
Plastification metabolism. All the microplastics you let loose have integrated with the food. Enjoy feeling like Luffy while this rubbering lasts. It probably won't affect you too badly. Hell. It will probably even slow down metabolism while offering you a more flexible and robust body. It will probably wear off once the plastics are gone. Still. A bit dangerous innit? Changing all of human biochemistry...
This has all the characteristic signs of a chink scam. Chinks are known to create fake foods and sell them. Interesting how it has penetrated US markets, but considering how shittified everything is getting I'm not surprised. It seems like a clue that many seem to be buying their food from Walshart, which probably cut corners and bought from some sketchy chink distributor to save on costs
the goyslop is not what it used to be
The carbon's tumbling down tumbling down tumbling down.
America sounds hellish
>Pretending the "grown in Argentina, packed in Thailand" meme doesn't exist
Sad, sad, n_gger.
Its spoiled and frozen.
The microplastics are in Europe too. So long as that plastic garbage island in the two world oceans exist, everywhere gets equal shit storms. Tritons wrath.
>but ocean pollution will NEVER affect me!
Laughed the fat stupid corporate overlord.
This. Solving the psychopath problem permanently is as important as solving the JQ.
Idk none of the fruit here is like this.
It’s super easy to get organic food since we are communist and also tropical country.
Lol. Just wait. This is because people are starting to notice that the plastics are hitting critical mass. Just wait a fucking month.
There is graphine oxide in stuff like that, my boomer sugardaddy tells me all the time to look up which brands but I just can't be arsed.
You remember people eating tidepods and then it went to slime shit ? What if it’s all a psyop for people to buy them and try them out but the only videos we see are of epoxy resin and gummy shit of people making semi realistic things ? Where did all the artist who got replaced for ai go ? Maybe they are making this next pysop. Everyone wants to be first to know. I’ve never got a fake food yet and wont believe people until I get one
The farmers market near me in insufferable due to shitlibs, redditors, and faggots. Also i went a couple weeks ago because i buy steaks there occasionally and there was some onions faggot one booth over unironically selling nothing but roasted crickets in various flavors. Eat the bugs is real and its here.
>inb4 i live in a faggot area. I am well aware.

There is a video just like this but it is the news who puts the investigation on. And its proven in Canada there is no dif from farmers market and whole sale produce literally from the same location. What do you think happens to all the bad fruit ? They just sell it to different people.
US top soil has already been shipped to China. Many cases.
Genetically modified crops would stop this happenening overnight. This is why China can sustain its population without importing grain, fruit and vegetables. We have the opportunity to do this in the west, but we have jews from both sides not enabling this to happen.
"Farmer's Markets" are full of degenerate Ebay-ers who are doing IRL scams now.
>Buy bottom shelf chick for .99/lb
>Take out of packaging
>Find local Ckn Rancher website
>Find out what "Markets" they are not at
>Go there and pretend to be said Ckn rancher
Same with veggies, flowers etc
I live right near one and see the vendors every week.
Dysgenic trash people.
Also full of libshit and retard customers
Well the kikes cut off the feed there, but I don't remember any wind patterns blowing it west of Indiana, then it went north east again. South Carolina did get a lot too when it pulled back.
But why the soil got polluted and now fruits produce 1/10 of its nutrients it did 100 years ago ?
Here is the why:
>our ancestors used to farm with copper and brass exclusively
Farmer-mutt-jew decided to move to iron tools in the 40’s, then machines using iron tools. Turns out, iron impoverish soil from its naturally occurring copper. Which in turn plants cannot use to photosynthesis and make them filled with vitamins and nutrients.
>that was not enough the farm-mutt-jew he decided to add pesticides and herbicides through (((Dupont))) and then Mosanto
Pesticides decays the soil, which pushed the farmers to use fertilizers. The worst of all is round up ready containing glyphosate that does not leave your body or the soil.
>mutt farmer jew wasn’t satisfied he added GMO to copyright the plant Kingdom
Dictating to farmers how to farm and what to farm once their field is pollinated with the jew-seed.

So basically they created this problem, this is 100% manufactured. Using copper and brass tools would revert the issue and enrich the soil. Electro-electure erase the need for fertilizers and pesticides. Using pyramid shaped “seed rooms” makes super seeds. With these 3 moves you can make crops 2-3X bigger and more abundant than trusting the mutt-farm-jew.
>> 472329922
The usual, people driving this planet to the shitter for money. Once it dies they will just throw their hands up in the air and blame someone else.
Lab grown food are approved for jewish mutt slaves:



Mutts are the most enslaved goyims to the jews on this planet. They are living oppression while thinking they are the best country. Jews really won on the mutt front.
>And you have the super-rich humans to thank for all of this mess. They got too greedy. Way too greedy that it is straight up evil
Jews gonna jew

The webm shows what a fraud it is though, so that could be helpful here.
This is a major Red Pill
Plenty of webm’s here :
Imagine the smell
They used to be a good deal. Now it's 2x the price of Whole Foods. Plus what you said - anybody can just pick up store veg and pass it off as farmed.
it's the competency crisis buddy. it used to be in the west you had largely white men/women doing their job correctly. Pete the 'Pepsi' guy believed in making the best damn Pepsi he could. Now it's Jose, Ranjesh and T Dawg who don't give two shits about anything except getting a paycheck and the big corporations only promote non whites and don't care because idiots buy up the slop anyways. this whole thing is going to get much much worse
The planet can easily feed 20 Bln .
Bunch of greedy jews, fake brit kings and oil monopolists decided that they are going to not care about topsoil , will do max profits and not rotate agriculture. And dump nitrates and pesticides for yet more profits.
>profits, profits
>topsoil died
>oh shit we can't support this population, it's not our jew fault
you forget the farmer whose used to ripping off idiot yuppies also sells you shit quality produce for 10x the price you could buy in store
GMO. They mixed the genes of watermelons and humans, hence the flesh texture. Its just another humiliation ritual and another way (besides COVID vaccine cannibalism by absorption of stem cell juice) to get the unwary to commit cannibalism.
The world should be ruled by Prussia, not the (((United States))).
that's water logged ribmeat. Lord people have become so dumb
It's cheaper unless you're retarded. Why don't you just stop being a fucking retard?
That looks like watermelon from China. China is notorious for making fake food out of plastic.
here comes the walmart fag always with the absolute worst opinions on everything
>Sorry I'm not paying triple in these harsh economic times.
But its "organic."
>logged ribmeat
It was labelled as organic chicken you retard mutt jewish slave.
You literal slime.
doesn't mean it's not organic you retard. listen I get your an ass blasted gook chink but please go and butcher up a chicken and then pay close attention as you cut the meat off the rib cage what the meat look like in the rib area you dumb fucking bugman

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