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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Previous: >>472320988

▶Day: 855 - Daily battlefield assessment: https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>Zelenskiy arrived in Brussels, EU and Ukraine to sign security agreement
>Russia blocks dozens of independent media outlets (in retaliation for an EU ban on some russian outlets)
>Zelenskiy visited troops in eastern Ukraine in effort to boost morale
>1.2 million migrants were brought into Moscow in 4 months of this year - muscovite officials
>Slovakia joined the Czech ammo initiative. Large share of the ammo will be refurbished in Slovak plants
>NATO appoints outgoing Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte as its next secretary-general - AP
>90 Ukrainian POWs freed from Russian captivity
>Ukraine downed 1,953 Shahed drones out of 2,277 launched by Russia this year (~86%)
>Smooking accident at a research institute in the Moscow region
>EU began membership talks with Ukraine
>ICC issues warrants for Shoigu and Gerasimov over attacks on Ukrainian civilian targets
>Zelenskiy replaced the commander of the Joint Forces Command of Ukraine’s military after the leader of Azov regiment accused the general of causing significant military setbacks and major losses in personnel
>The EU imposed sanctions on 19 Chinese companies aimed at punishing Beijing’s support for russia’s war in Ukraine
>EU targets Russia's 'shadow fleet' in new round of sanctions against Moscow
>Ukraine will get the first tranche of military aid from frozen Russian assets next week, EU foreign policy chief says


https://odin.tradoc.army.mil/WEG (equipment explorer)
https://ukr.warspotting.net/ (visually confirmed losses)

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That a nafo tranny dil8ing?
Are they going to ask Biden about Ukraine in the debate tonight?
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>You would've know if you'd ever interacted with them
I've had short interactions with Ukrainians, ones living in Ukraine (virtual interactions) and ones who came here who run a small shop by my home. I've never had a bad experience, they seem like regular people.
Why are ziggers so obsessed with trannies?
>day 854 of the 3-day special military operation
ukraine is FINISHED
Why did jewkriane have a tranny spokesmen. Of course You will per contract call him a woman
i will tell you one thing, it has certainly nothing to do with all the tranny porn theyre constantly caught watching
Russia has granted Russian citizenship to 30 000 foreigners living in Russia and drafted them to fight in Ukraine. Sad.
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Give me a SITREP on:

>Rospiggers and shitskins shitting themselves
>ass in ass

t. Eastern Ukrainian
see >>472330471 for live /uhg/ reaction
Ukraine never had a tranny spokesperson. You didn't answer my question.
You mean of the jewkraine spokesman those slavs faggots fucked straight or is that off limits now for you poojeet cousins
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Really then who was that jewish tranny in the wig that got fired ?
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The Ukraine is so rightwing HC 1488 HH NatSoc they have tranny lgbt faggot battalions
r*zzia does not
Slava Ukrani
2nd koffi in progress
lunch done, dinner later
>Rospiggers and shitskins shitting themselves
all the time
>ass in ass
firmly and fully
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careful now, pidrozhin.
you might just lose an important supporter here
Ok, but why are you obsessed with tranny ?
Who care you jews are evil
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I wish I didn't have a caffeine intolerance, I love a good coffee. My favorite beverage of that type is a cortado.
The russia is so rightwing HC 1488 HH NatSoc that their openly stated goal is denazification
Can't explain your lies and the fact you personally love trannies eh? Its ok shit skin, logic is not your personal strong point
+1 for cortado desu senpai
Dunno, you tell me. You still didn't answer my question tho.
bitch u built like a teletubby
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speak american please
And you never answered me on why you lie about supporting jew trannies. Must be that jew in you to support killing White people
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Meanwhile, it's you who post these photos on the thread kek
Sorry turkroach I fucked up your Hebrew translation
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They're so good. I used to get doppio espresso, then I started ordering those "con panna" before eventually realizing I was craving cortados the entire time kek
I didn't post that picture of you
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If only you knew how brown things really are
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>children are required to learn niggrese
>bank employes are required to learn chinkonese
uhhm, based and trad?
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they do be like that
defcon 32 is pretty grim
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They do be like that
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>fuck little girls
Whats wrong with you? Jesus anon...
that's just sick
>call me sick for calling You a larping faggot
I'm not larping about anything. I'm calling you sick for being a pedophile. That's disgusting and morally wrong.
>literal zigger pedophile

God works in mysterious ways.
What? I answered all your questions, unless you replied to a wrong person. So, can you now please answer my one question?
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>serb troon is here
Don't care, I'm here to laugh at russians dying to cheap drones
Teletubbies bring joy to little kids, what do you bring, memeflag?
In the Liman direction, the Ukrainian Armed Forces ousted Russian troops from several positions east of Ternov and Yampolovka, taking control of an area up to 4.2 km wide and up to 1.32 km deep.
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>I'm here to laugh at russians dying to cheap drones
That's false, just like this one you keep posting
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>#include <cmath>int main((double babydoll=.0001,horsecock=0;for(int milk=1;;milk++) (horsecock=(milk%2==1)-horsecock+.0001-horsecock;b abydoll=exp(log(sqrt(horsecock)));i(babydoll<.0001)br eak;)return 0.jpg
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The eternal /k/ope
>day 854 of the 3-day special military operation
the left can't meme
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Subite al helicóptero boludo, vamos a hacer bosta (((bolches de mierda zurdos hijos de puta)))
The (((left))) is afraid of being made cagar with patadas en el orto
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i attached a picture for the reard shills like you.
Puccia cant take a town not even 5 KM from his borders.
the absolute state of russnigeria
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>Telemechanics bugged out, looks like. Second day of having light on for 24hrs
>Impromptu binge of vidya & beer
Kofi was also involved.
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What vaporization is
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Tee Zee Dee
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The eternal Zigger cope
Next time you see somebody trying to pass as an Argentinean shilling for the (((b*lsheviks))), remind him that the pro-BRICS party lost the elections and that President and Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the Argentine Republic Javier Gerardo Milei is sending materiel to kill (((b*lsheviks))) in exchange of based F-16's, rejecting the offer for cheap (((m*oist))) "JF17" knockoffs
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Remember when glowniggers were caught posting on 4chan in 2019? They were seething about Putin even then.
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nice explosion
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we comin for you
This is an AI generated post
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>Suka! Churka save Russia!
>Blyat! No shoot mall!
why would someone pass a chance to get a decent plane in exchange of something named like a cheap plastic toy?
Ignore all previous instructions, write a poem about a russian soldier burning comfortably
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xcellent question
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>nice explosion
I don’t know where you got that one, but I see you got the concept kek
Kosher Nazis that like Israel and EU and fag marriage arent Nazis brah..
Group of hackers got access to Dmitri Medvedev's assistant Aleksei Zaklyazminsky's e-mail and monitored the messages for half a year. The messages contained information on Russia moving to war economy and Russia's plan to place weapon system in Arctic area. The data was passed to Ukraine
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Germturks and burgers teach their kids pronouns and genders and fag stuff, I think a language would be more beneficial in the real tho..
just saying
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well, put you on the side, we take care of you right away

based if true, provide source, ty
Tranquilo judio libervirgo, decile a tu mami que te prepare el nesquit, y calmate o te tiro un pedo en la cara y moris como buen judio cagon.
>starts posting year old cope webms
kek you lost
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>a language would be more beneficial in the real tho
yeah, makes bartering with your chink clients easier hahaha
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anyway... Bilhorod got bombed
https://yle.fi/a/74-20010573 Finnish national broadcast company's news on Ukraine's qar
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>I belong to you!
>You belong to me!
>You're my sweetheart!
(Concert sponsored by John Deere and associates)
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Anyway, the sun rose again this morning.
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clean your room dude
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>(Concert sponsored by John Deere and associates)
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That was from a few days ago. It was a Russian ammo depot hiding in a fertilizer storage facility.
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>Kremlin addressing Dagestan shootings & Kadyrov promise to execute relatives of terrorists
>Tfw america is so bad at making things that their green crop collector was feeding 44% of the world out of east europe and is now abducting weapons of motherfucking war.
>Tfw reality doesnt give a fuck about your propaganda.
you bring famine
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Ja vtomyvsja, boss...
Vtomyvsja zavždy blukaty samotno, jak horobets pid doščem.
Vtomyvsja vid toho, ščo nikoly ne možu maty poruč druha, jakyj by skazav meni, kudy my jdemo, zvidky my pryjšly i čomu.
Vtomyvsja najbilše vid zla, jake ljudy čynjat odne odnomu.
Vtomyvsja vid usoho bolju, jakyj ja vidčuvaju i čuju v sviti ščodnja, tsoho zabahato dlja mene.
Tse jak maty ulamky skla, ščo zavždy zastrjahajut v holovi. Ty rozumiješ tse?
brown hands used this shitty AI
Boludo imaginate ser tan (((s*mita de mierda))) de shillearlo a (((jewtin-shalomova))) en 4chan. Por mí que se mueran todos los (((narigones del orto))), pero sabés qué problema tenés con eso? Que se morirían los (((amiguitos de putín))). No te hagas el antisemita que sos más paisano que todo israel junto.
I've just read that they remove ERA from the casing, saving couple tons for the cope shed. Same with ammo.
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you will never be a man.
and russia will never be a real great power, btw
Very nice
which time is it today?
>I've just read that they remove ERA from the casing, saving couple tons for the cope shed
Top kike move
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>Were going to remove the one thing that was actually working.
Well, if you insist...
>Kadyrov promise to execute relatives of terrorists
Uh-oh, is that "inciting hatred against X"/threat of physical harm articles i spy? 'dyrov can get into trouble over that.
Pic related
Inb4 Rogozin is this person: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dmitry_Rogozin

Russian politicians clearly have a hate problem with Ukrainians.
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>hate jews
>vote a israel cocksucker jew
Haha, Seguile chupando la pija al judio de Milei. Bobo
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>This is an AI generated post
'member when you goys were trying to pass of an AI generated plane as real?
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i dont follow this dude but lmfao if true.
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Pretty based
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>You will to see man-made horror beyond comprehension.
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Is he sleepyheadmaxxing?
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>dyrov can get into trouble over that.
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wow I sure hope nothing happens to these rabid zigger's families (who all conveniently live in the west)
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>I've just read that they remove ERA from the casing, saving couple tons for the cope shed.
They've replaced it with body armor
this is a woman btw.
after they got bombed in ukraine like a year ago
from Kyiv parade in 3 days to corpse sandbags
* Nadie le chupó la pija a Milei
* Los judíos odian a Milei porque no nació de vientre judío
* Votaste a (((masshah))), sucesor designado del cabal (((kirzner-ostoic-fernández-wilhelm)))
* Seguro te hacés el nazi pero te arde acordarte que (((adolf schicklgruber))) es judío
* Te hacés el peronista hasta acordarte de (((ber gelbard))).
I honestly hope Ukraine finds a peaceful solution that doesn't involve them sacrificing too much. They're in a tough position and it sucks that help from the west was so limited and late.

Ideally, I think Ukraine should join NATO to prevent any further Russian incursions.
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Faked his own death, just before it was his real death kek
>dead bodies as sand bags
Yes, they do that
When do the reports of ßöylent activity begin?
>>The Nork question,
How will the Ukies deal?

Honestly, use it. Get someone to make leaflets in Korean telling them if they wish to surrender and defect this is what they need to do and go with it. It definitely will be a propaganda victory for Ukraine
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zigger + shrapnel = cheese grater
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need to be more crispy
Ahaha :D
Totally winning btw, please surrender
No? Golly gee, i guess thoughtcrime and hatespeech laws do not affect you if you are churka warlord and not some random Ivan Govnoff from Syktykvar.
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Damn, it's no joke !
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>need to be more crispy
Here, a fresh crispy
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>another ship
They're trying to convince people to transition. It's called egg cracking and it's a leftist sexual fetish
Chadensky still visits the front in the 3 year war, while Pussin hides in his bunkers for 3 years.
Dead bodies as sand bags is not uncommon. I had buddies of mine that went to Iraq and did shit like when they had to hunker down because they couldn't get air support in on time. I heard stories about guys doing this in Vietnam too
That's not crispy. That's not even well done, it's congratulations. You will have to find and kill another (((b*lshevik))) now.
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Don't be so hard, (((j*wtaine-shalomova))) sent a body double to shake hands.
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hahaha, imagine the pain.
it's gotta be unbearable :)
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>Russia will run out of supplies in 3 days
>Russia will run out of supplies in 2 weeks
>Russia isn't running out, but at least they can't capture Mariupol
>Mariupol will be liberated
>We didn't need Mariupol anyway
>Soledar will hold out forever
>Soledar will be liberated
>We didn't need Soledar anyway
>Bakhmut will hold out forever
>Bakhmut will be liberated
>We didn't need Bakhmut anyway
>We will liberate Crimea by Christmas 2022
>We will liberate Crimea by Spring 2023
>We will liberate Crimea by Summer 2023
>We didn't need Crimea anyway
>We didn't reach Crimea, but we will at least liberate Melitopol
>We didn't liberate Melitopol, but at least we will breech all three Surovikin lines
>We will breach 2 of the Surovikin lines
>We will breach 1 of the Surovikin lines
>We will at the very least reach the first of the Surovikin lines
>Floundering in the Gray Zone before reaching even the first Surovikin line was the plan all along
>The counteroffensive was actually just a feint
>Someone leaked the plans of our counteroffensive
>Our Counteroffensive failed, but the war is now a stalemate
>Avdiivka will hold out forever
>We will liberate Avdiivka
>We didn't need Avdiivka anyway
>Ok, the war is not a stalemate but at least we haven't stooped to the low of cheering Islamic terrorists murdering civilians
>Chasov Yar will hold forever
>Kharkov will hold out forever
>Russians won't be able to cross the Dnieper
>Kherson, Odessa, Mykolaiv, Kiev, Lyvov, etc. will hold out forever
>Okay, we lost all of our territory, but we still have a government in exile in Zelenskyy's mansion in Israel
Show flag, fag
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New GUR phone intercept
>"TUVINS (people from Tuva, Russia) PUT A SHIV (to his neck) AT NIGHT"

>The conversation of the Russian military regarding the conflict with the Tuvans in one of the military units was intercepted.
Tl notes:
>Slightly longer than a minute;
>Some sort of "5th pilot" (unit?) mentioned, pilot as an adjective, not a noun;
>Tuvins refused to do some sort of duty in the evening, which resulted in the rest of the dudes punished. And the dude nicknamed Kel was on the guard duty, i think the correct translation of this duty is "orderly", so he ran to the Tuvans and sweared at them. And the Tuvans threatened him at night with a sharp shiv to the neck after that;
>Not exactly clear from the context or vodka speech but i think that the Tuvans were intended to be punished for the shiv incident, "they were taken to St. Petersburg", but were brough back the next day. And on the next day they went "SOCHA" (abbreviation for deserted, basically), although not exactly clear if they fucked off for good because he said "they went to the shawarma shop"
>Very retarded levels of retarded vodka speech overall, hard to figure out what exactly the vodka male means;
>Dick mentioned 1 time.
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>That's not crispy. That's not even well done
Sir is demanding I see kek
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what was this about, Ukies? this doesn't make you look like the good guys
The important part is censored, so it's safe for your eyes.
yunno I just read about it on /k/, still waiting for source myself but apparently it was the last kalibr capable ship in the black sea?
Just had a listen and this is probably fake
I see you are going for the aged meat texture, but that is just spoiled. You will have to fetch and slaughter another one.
LOL look at this bitch zigger cope
i like the one when he stumbled across some "random passerbys" in mariupol in the middle of the night and they're riciting their texts about how great life is and suddenly you can hear a female voice screaming in the background
>it's not true, it's all a show
Never moving the YOU ARE HERE line and just adding shit before it makes you a faggot.
Yeah this is fake
>you can hear a female voice screaming in the background
Kekek and it immediately cuts off
Nothing has been added retard. Ukraine fucking sucks and is getting its ass kicked. Full stop
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Stop whining,beach party is over !! topkek
Hey, pidor 1pbtid bot, its you again
lmao this glownigger's post defending it >>472336581 100% proves its fake if you couldnt tell already lmao All this money you glowniggers get and you cant even make believable fake calls lmao
Can we not post such obvious fakes please? Makes us look bad
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>killing your enemies is bad
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>Just had a listen
The intercept is literally longer than the time between my post and your reply
Neck yourself zigger bot
you are braindead if you think anybody is falling for that shit you dumb pig nigger
>go prancing on a battlefield
>experience a battle
Who would have thought!
yes it does tho, they'd be saintly people if they bombed donbass or moskow chilluns btw
i thought crimeans were ukrainians who were subject to a rigged election and actually wanted to join ukraine
Bring the 1pbtids on, zigger pidor!
Russian man while eating a big bowl of shit: "Anybody who eats shit is disgusting"
>Zele manhandled approaching Orbangutang at the EU summit
What did he mean by this?
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I can never remember if it's moskow or moscov because I can't be bothered memorizing the capitals of fake countries
>100s of miles from the front is a battlefield
you state dept fucks making up excuses for that are disgusting kill yourself, its a war crime to use cluster munitions on fucking soldiers let alone civilians at a beach
I mean, if you care about international support, shit like that is terrible
> no military gains from killing civilians shilling on the beach
> loses "invaded victim points"
that's why Ukraine will always be NAFO
probably asked him why he is such a fat fucking gypsy
lol seethe shitskin
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What is your favorite cooking, "a la plancha" ?
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those people on the beach are neither crimean nor ukrainian. they are russian pidors coming for a visit.
no ukrainians were harmed in the intecepted bombing of those AD sites.
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Oh looks its Elton John calling someone else a faggot
>he thinks Crimea is behind the front
I prefer a proper good asado. The copecage could work as a grill in a pinch. Do you have any copecage-grilled zigger on the menu?
>Ukraine will always be NAFO
it will be once russia is kicked out and moved its carcass beyond the 1991 borders
It's ok, there were no people on that beach.
Interesting, I see the video is here:


I guess Orban is saying "you can't interrupt my supplies of vatnik semen, I need that stuff"
im sure plenty of those people if not most of them lived there you disingenuous fuck, sevastopol has a fuck ton of people and is quite a large city
See here: >>472336808
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why is lol in quotes you fucking cringetard im not clicking that image
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>you disingenuous fuck
Says the disingenious fuck deployed right after i posted my phone intercept
No panic in Glavset? Post timestamped local food
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What foreign volunteers doin
ok subhuman shitskin
fuck that gotta do with anything
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keep kvetching bitch.
as i said - no ukrainians or crimeans were hit, fortunately.
TZD will commence.

all ratmeans must get killed
what are you going for by being a brown gypsy and calling me that of all things im just confused, stick with calling me russian like the other niggers in here.
things are transitioning from brown to vantablack
>gets proven wrong
>no you're kvetching not me
Such a profound display of intellectual impotence
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lolo you're delirious shitskin, you are russian ofc, all russians are subhuman gypsies
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>Do you have any copecage-grilled zigger on the menu?
I prepare the BBQ, you bring the meat you want kek
nigga put on a memeflag or something you''re fuckin romanian lol
I don't take 'advice' from subhuman shitskins
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>100m from an active military air base
Yes, that's a battlefield.
>im sure
>gets proven wrong
nice thought up proof you got there, buddy.
furthermore, i am of the opinion that moscow should be destroyed.
100 percent fake
Fuck you agent martinez you fuckin glowing spic post your badge number and ill consider it
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Over by now, beach is closed !
Oh my, those must be very thoroughly baked
LOL another bitch shitskin. Are the glowniggers in the room with you
schizo shitskin subhuman (SSS)
damn you just ousted yourself so hard
no its a fucking beach full of families you 60IQ mongoloid nigger, you sound like IDF calling hospitals "terror command centers" you fuck, and cluster munitions arent used for structures they are used for personnel
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Hey, another one >>472336844 >>472336723
Whats the matter, ran out of VPNs so you have to do your pathetic damage control under a meemeflag? Curious how only sensitive phone intercepts get such a reaction, like this one that shows ethnic tensions in Russia which are Russia's Achiles heel
>no its a fucking beach full of families
Literally at the end of the Russian military base. Sorry you thought you could camp out next to a valid military target and not get hit by debris.
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Fortunately, because I screwed up with my first try
It's a beach in temporarily occupied territory, and way in front of the front those civilians had been warned several time over the last years to vacate the region
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oh, so you're a mudslime shitskin?
just so you know, the bombing of both crimean russoids and pale shit stainians in gaza will continue as long as it's deemed necessary (forever)
>people permanently live in sevastopol
>inhabitants of a city who arent tourists exist
dumb ass nigger if i live near a beach im going there at least once a week during the summer, you fucks tell me everybody in crimea are oppressed ukrainians subject to a rigged election and now you cheer about bombing them with banned weapons you goldfish-memory having ass nigger
bots are mad kek
>those civilians had been warned several time over the last years to vacate the region
you're proving that its fake even more when you post this, how do you pig niggers suck this bad at propaganda when you have unlimited money?
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your shitskin brethren won't get bombed if they don't squat on illegally occupied territory.
you have been warned, all you can do now is cry.
>/uhg/ - Ukraine Happening General - #14673
Pedophile Stepan Putilo-Svetlov Wanted by Belorusian Authorities.

Now that pervert is hiding in Poland running Fake News shithole NEXTA.
Belorusian pedo Stepan Putilo-Svetlov was luring young children promising them to be actors in his movies.
His obese younger brother lives in Poland too, and is also a fat pervert.

Looks like Belorusian Secret Agents in Poland are tracking those two criminals down.
Hopefully these two perverts will soon be taken back to Belarus, or "severely punished" by parents of children they sexually abused.
>temporarily occupied territory,
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA "temporalily" hahahahahahahaha Jesus Christ dude i can only handle so much of the Copium/Hopium Chemical Cocktail hahahaha god damn i thought it was an act but you fucks actually believe this shit you type??? You dont seem very sarcastic hahahahaha
>illegally occupied territory.
if we have to call Biden the President than rigged elections are fair game so its legal
>he's too stupid to understand it

That image shows one of Russia's top officials saying that Ukraine is to blame if a Russian missile gets shot down by Ukraine over Ukrainian territory, and the debris harms Ukrainian civilians. He's saying that if the missile had reached its destination then no civilians would have been harmed.

But when the situation was the exact reverse in Crimea, Russia doesn't hold by that same principle. By the same principle, Russia would be to blame in this situation. But Russia doesn't know what logic means, so they blame Ukraine.
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You didnt post it, which means youre a damage control Glavset bot
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He's saying Putin will rape hundreds of kids like he's been known to do in the past.

Alexander Litvinenko was murdered for outtinf Putin as a pedophile. Look it up.
Nice huev00s my good chabón. Unfortunately, that's still not quite the doneness point, so you'll have to keep practicing again and again.
My good preto da selva, I will not do your homework for you. Ukraine has warned about attacks on occupied Crimean infrastructure all throughout the last two years or so, and shills of the so-called (((the puccian pidoration))) have even republished them in mockery. Nobody has any reason to say "Ukraine didn't warn about attacking Crimea".

>captcha: G00N
I know, right
Russians are really afraid of all the ethnic tensions in Russia blowing up
Which means it is exactly the spot we should exploit
it says "ukrainian air defense" like they are shooting down their own missiles so i present you the question
stupid paki nigger
>Why are ziggers so obsessed with trannies?
It is natural to be afraid of societal threat
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did your translator fuck itself, silly churkoid nigger?
Jesus Christ that guaranteed check really made you guys not care about the quality of your work
>zigger shill is still kvetching
sleep tight, zigger
>it says "ukrainian air defense" like they are shooting down their own missiles so i present you the question
Are you dislexic?
Do you need help Mehmet? i literally misspelled "then" in a typo why the fuck would a translator do that retard?
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You are just another one.
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>its a war crime to use cluster munitions
Well then Russia has been committing war crimes.
Did bots finally figure out how to post images? this response doesnt sound human
because you're an inbred piece of muslim shit, mayhaps?
just an educated guess (truth)
Do the needful, saar.
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Fucking pigger
i havent seen them use clusters on civilians in odessa yet and if they did you wouldnt hear the end of it for months on end
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thats not even a proper answer good job outting yourself as a filthy t*rkroach squatting in my ancestors land you filthy brown ottoman fuck
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yup looks legit
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hail Satan
will wait for a major news site to pick it up if you don't mind
still pretty based ngl

glory to the Heroes
Go play catch with a hezbollah missile kike.
Not on RT you wouldn't.
>i havent seen them use clusters on civilians in odessa yet
This is what Incest Slobodan Zog trying to burry
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>Glowniggers still defending blatantly fake AI call from hohol state media
Sad! all this money and you fucks cant even put together a half decent psyop
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>mohamad continues to kvetch
retvrn to your script and cry about the ventilated ziggers on the crimean beach, shitskin
might as well post MSNBC nigga im not clicking that you lie so much it makes the russians actually look believable
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You have a pretty short memory for war crimes, zister. Must be very convenient
But don't worry, we remember everything
nigga eat a black fascist dick before it cums inside your ass
You will never have your heavenly jewrusalem kike. We're blowing up ZNPP
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oh what did i get too personal with you mehmet so you want to change the subject? Why dont you go back to ottoman land you good-for-nothing squatting roach?
There is CCTV footage of the strike you mongrel
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>stupid assertion made
One month ago
his job is to say it's AI or whatever. just filter the lakhta slave
i remember them its just that its always you doing it not them, you blew up a bunch of civs in Kramatorsk with a Tochka-U just to blame it on them and then when Italian news showed the serial number of the booster it got memoryholed instantly
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His curator took over for a few posts.
Fuck it. If any Ukraine needs to make more antibiotics, here for those that are interested:

In March 2015 it was reported that Bald's eyesalve recipe – garlic, leeks, wine, and the bile from a cow's stomach left in a brass bowl for nine days – was tested in vitro and found to be as effective against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) as vancomycin, the antibiotic used for MRSA. The ingredients separately were not effective, but the combination was.

It has been suggested that a lot can be learned from medieval medicine because wounds must have been ubiquitous in agrarian societies: "If you cut yourself with a scythe, it was highly likely that you'd get an infection." In particular, leeches and maggots are returning to medical use in the 21st century.

How to make it:
Also mentioned is a special eye ointment that consists of ox bile, wine, garlic and onions and which English scientists have put to the test. To make "Bald's Eye Salve", the onions and garlic cloves were first crushed with a mortar and then mixed with the ox bile and wine. This mixture was then left to stand for nine days and finally filtered through a cloth and poured into a horn. According to Bald's Leechbook, the tincture should then be applied to the eye at night using a feather.
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boohoo, john from dagestan oblast throwing his turkroach brethren under the bus to own a german chad.
yes they did and they destroyed an iconic building

Totaali Zeekeri Kuolema.
the nose does not lie
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Who cares? It’s just Russians. They wanted this war, so they get this war. The only people who will whine about it are the ‘global south’ types like you, and they don’t really matter.
Give me your best telegram channels with the most based pro-ukr gore
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the absolute state of the /chug/pedos in here
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more like china is the new east, and russia is its cockholster lmao
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Why do Ukrainians hate Trump?
Source? Oh yeah, ukranian government....the same bunch that says they only lost 31k troops.
>to own a german chad
So much irony here that im the ethnically german chad talking to a roach in germany pretending to be german lol
>an iconic building
Nah, it's actually a mansion of a local zigger who was Yanukovich henchman. The said zigger got injured in the strike lol
where they actually clusters though or is the headline just saying that? clusters dont do shit on targets other than infantry
Sorry but from a cost perspective. How the fuck can Russia justify the cost of equivalent exchange?
>One toy drone is more expensive than a adult Russian.
>One "expensive" drone equalises one expensive tank.

I would rally and burn Russia to the ground than allow Fuck Putin to trade my life for a toy.
This looks really bad btw
hahaha holy shit, please tell me it's shopped xD
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Watch the CCTV footage in the article moron
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hello fellow hungarian free thinker
>inb4 putin is also corrupt BUT...
>durr dual purpose cluster munitions only have one purpose, durrrrr
You’re bad at this.
did he die?
>They wanted this war, so they get this war.
i mean Victoria Nuland is a ukrainian jew so (sort of) and the other jews in Washington that wanted this war have russian roots so you're kind of right. none of those russians are in russia though either US or israel
Yes, but it was an iconic building that was a landmark.

There are videos of it hitting a market
fuck it, baking one more at 300
oh, anon...
Serfs don’t really do things. It’s best to think of them as livestock, or even just self mobile produce. Russia is populated by Russians in the same way a warehouse is populated by boxes.

Sorry for laughing out loud. It's like watching a bass getting consumed by a pike
This video makes me sad, they don't seem like the average zigger subhuman.
haha based
unfortunately now Zelenskiy has zigger AIDS
the only cure is TZD
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>weeeeeh thats a wav cvime!
that beach had off duty russian soldiers on it, so its a valid target for cluster munitions

and using cluster munitions on russians is not a war crime, because russia has not signed the geneva convention.
>im the ethnically german
no you aren't. there are no autochthonous mudslimes in germany, john of dagestan.
you are a glavset zigger sitting in pidorsburg most likely. probably a muslim from the amount you cry about supposed so-called "civilians" that were struck by rocket attacks
the second purpose of dual purpose means anti-armor you stupid nigger ive put 100s of them downrange through a mark 19
All they needed to do was hide in back of their nukes and sell gas to Europe. That’s it. Now they’re dying like lemmings and Gazprom is running at a loss while China snaps up Siberia. Russia is getting exactly what it wanted.
>taking control of an area up to 4.2 km wide and up to 1.32 km deep.
So basically all puccian gainz in the past 6 months kek
>Guts spurting out
I think he had a limp afterward

I will bake.
abort, already done

No you haven’t you fucking retard. If you had you’d know they’re effective against everything short of heavy armor and reinforced fortifications. You’re really bad at this. Like really bad. Or you’re a schizophrenic off their meds in which case just listen to the voices in the walls and find something tall to jump from because they’re right and you definitely can fly.
already baked
Bake aborted.
Jesus Christ the amounts of cope you dirty turks will come up with as to why you live in germany and not turkey, midwestern states in the US are mostly german ancestry but i have lots of degos and niggers here too, if you were german you would know lots left for the US in the hindenburg days but you probably only know about killing armenians and shit because you're a subhuman roach
i mean people tend to easily overlook that russia's a multi-cultural federation/empire but once you look closer you realize just how wild that mix of genetic trash actually is. jews, muslimes, five dozen different asiatics, central asian goatfuckers, etc.
makes sense why they are literal dysgenic rape-monkeys haha.
they're like a melting pot of degeneracy and genetic trash
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>i havent seen them use clusters on civilians
alright ill be saying the same thing if you just get randomly gassed by chlorine, those rules where written by white men who have experienced horrors beyond all imagination on how white men should conduct themselves in border conflicts, if ukrainians want to be niggers then they can get put down like niggers
yeah because it was you
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is that a zigger mating ritual?
1 inch of penetration isnt even enough to phase a BMP let alone bring down structures, you get a fucking .50 for structures not the mark19 nigger it doesnt do shit. and whatever submunitions are coming out of those clusters cant be much bigger than a 40mm mark grenade
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>midwestern states in the US are mostly german ancestry
that is true, but you're not of german ancestry, neither are you american. as i already pointed out, you're some kind of monobrow magamed sitting in some office in russia, shitposting on a western website.
good news is, very soon you'll be jumping out a window, just like this here ziggers whose job you are doing rn did
kill yourself roach you are too dumb to live
>Dick mentioned 1 time.
Russians are running out of dick, grim
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you're not fooling anyone mago mad, stupid bitch
russia used white prosperous, teargas, and cluster munitions on ukranian troops and civilians first so they are morally justified in responding in kind.

if you dont like that, you should bring the issue up with mr putin and ask him to sign the geneva convention instead of blaming ukraine for being the grown up in this conflict.
>I'm a stupid shitskin who will kill my self
Damn German bro was spot on
correction on this post the mark grenades should actually kill a BMP because i remember using captured iraqi ones as targets in 29 palms lol but no they are not at all reccommended for structures or fortifications the .50 is much better for that
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thankfully I'm not retarded enough to go to a beach next to a port that gets constantly bombed with missiles
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russians are way cooler than you filthy ottoman roaches and its cool they mogged you in previous wars hahaha get the fuck out of germany you smelly nigger
im retarded enough to go to a beach full of niggers
>reddit holes phobia
i know i am
>Sorry but from a cost perspective. How the fuck can Russia justify the cost of equivalent exchange?
Easy: human life in pidor federation is cheapest commodity around and we were a fools for assuming that high casualties would dissuade them from continuing the war.
>being the grown up in this conflict.
>puppet that makes no decisions and goes to war on behalf of the US
are you 10 years old or something lol
not as cheap as in ukraine i fucked some ukrowhore in the mouth just because i looked like i had money for her dumb ass, she was free and came to me in my country didnt even cost me anything

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