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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Previous: >>472330447

▶Day: 855 - Daily battlefield assessment: https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>Zelenskiy arrived in Brussels, EU and Ukraine to sign security agreement
>Russia blocks dozens of independent media outlets (in retaliation for an EU ban on some russian outlets)
>Zelenskiy visited troops in eastern Ukraine in effort to boost morale
>1.2 million migrants were brought into Moscow in 4 months of this year - muscovite officials
>Slovakia joined the Czech ammo initiative. Large share of the ammo will be refurbished in Slovak plants
>NATO appoints outgoing Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte as its next secretary-general - AP
>90 Ukrainian POWs freed from Russian captivity
>Ukraine downed 1,953 Shahed drones out of 2,277 launched by Russia this year (~86%)
>Smooking accident at a research institute in the Moscow region
>EU began membership talks with Ukraine
>ICC issues warrants for Shoigu and Gerasimov over attacks on Ukrainian civilian targets
>Zelenskiy replaced the commander of the Joint Forces Command of Ukraine’s military after the leader of Azov regiment accused the general of causing significant military setbacks and major losses in personnel
>The EU imposed sanctions on 19 Chinese companies aimed at punishing Beijing’s support for russia’s war in Ukraine
>EU targets Russia's 'shadow fleet' in new round of sanctions against Moscow
>Ukraine will get the first tranche of military aid from frozen Russian assets next week, EU foreign policy chief says


https://odin.tradoc.army.mil/WEG (equipment explorer)
https://ukr.warspotting.net/ (visually confirmed losses)

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Grind ziggers into a fine paste
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pidor propaganda is anemic
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Give me a SITREP on:

>Your work day
>People waiting for you at home
>Integrity of Russian Black Sea Fleet
>Measurement of eggs and dills.
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> I thank You Saturn-sama, for my Total-Ukrainian-Victory;
> I thank You also Shani Dev, for my Total-Israeli-Bharatification;
AMEN: So must it be.
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sleepy but well rested
slept all day
never left home
wet or dry, not afloat
in hearty servings
Fuck it. If any Ukraine needs to make more antibiotics, here for those that are interested:

In March 2015 it was reported that Bald's eyesalve recipe – garlic, leeks, wine, and the bile from a cow's stomach left in a brass bowl for nine days – was tested in vitro and found to be as effective against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) as vancomycin, the antibiotic used for MRSA. The ingredients separately were not effective, but the combination was.

It has been suggested that a lot can be learned from medieval medicine because wounds must have been ubiquitous in agrarian societies: "If you cut yourself with a scythe, it was highly likely that you'd get an infection." In particular, leeches and maggots are returning to medical use in the 21st century.
How to make it:
Also mentioned is a special eye ointment that consists of ox bile, wine, garlic and onions and which English scientists have put to the test. To make "Bald's Eye Salve", the onions and garlic cloves were first crushed with a mortar and then mixed with the ox bile and wine. This mixture was then left to stand for nine days and finally filtered through a cloth and poured into a horn. According to Bald's Leechbook, the tincture should then be applied to the eye at night using a feather.
NATOsisters, our response?
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>Your work day
sucked but still better than yesterday
>People waiting for you at home
>Integrity of Russian Black Sea Fleet
>Measurement of eggs and dills.
measured by the bottomless pit that is the r*ssian ass

Verification not required.
You haven't been called retard nearly enough
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The Hungarian leader is a bitch.
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Why aren't you serving willingly Xoxol shits?
Sides are travelling through the galaxy from all the dumb shit zigger shills tried to push today
> Tiredness
not there yet
> Your work day
> People waiting for you at home
they're happy for me
> Integrity of Russian Black Sea Fleet
> Measurement of eggs and dills.
Eggs are plentiful, idk about the other one
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hohol tranny sisters it's ovyr xD
Like what?
Someone make a webm
Hello, as a Belarusian, I don't like you hohols that much, but I hope you don't stop bashing the russian menace back to moscow.
The settlement plan will probably be ‘Russia leaves and Ukraine will stop bombing their oil refineries.’

good job what did you win? Oh right... absolutely nothing

how in the fuck do you still BELIEVE - that's why everyone knows you are a traitor to your own people or a kike on a vpn
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A Thousand More Years of Israel
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>what did you win?
a pair of dead russnigger, mago mad
thats anti semitic
here are literal videos and pictures of russians using cluster munitions on civilian targets
Omg so much this
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making another pot of kaffi btw, your presence inspired me
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directed to the pidor who demanded proofs in the last thread
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What a weird convo between the two
it's this fag right here
>p-p-pwease give cygan autonomy in zakarpattia
>no. go back to your seat hunchback retard
Chadensky went to the front while Pussin continues hiding in his bunker
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When you see it...
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how properly buckbroken is cygan right now?
last big thing i remember was the EU caning him for not playing ball.
>1.2 million migrants were brought into Moscow in 4 months of this year - muscovite officials
Putin the Propagandist is trying too hard too late in the game to distort Russia's imminent demographic collapsed. Only by importing millions of Africans can he replace all the Slavs he sent to die agonizing deaths in Ukraine. And the BBC keeps the Russian women happy.
>Ukraine Happening
>how properly buckbroken is cygan right now?
not nearly enough

Watching the vid again, this gave me a nice chuckle jej
Just ate so food coma at the moment.
>Your work day
My team bullied a pink haired whale to quit ~1 week ago so it was never better.
>People waiting for you at home
Gf with my favorite burgers
>Integrity of Russian Black Sea Fleet
Meanie, the Black Sea just has some iron deficiency and Russians are helping it.
>Measurement of eggs and dills.
Enough to feed all the sneed
Kek drones have really made warfare hilarious
Russians die In the most spectacular way.
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I don't understand the whole baboon lips thing.
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This is (You)
It's a fashion trend and I absolutely hate it. Looks ridiculous.
Got any new dead russpiggers?
Even in 1956 the left couldn't meme lol
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kek even Zelensky knows it's over
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ZELENSKYY says we have only FEW MONTHS left before a surrender!
Where did it go wrong?
Is it really over?
It seems the dill has been broken. SVO is becoming a mop-up operation.
once that 50 mile long armored column reaches kiev, it's over

Zognald won't save you
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Lunch hour's done?
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>unironically using commie propaganda poster
cultural thing, a sort of overdoing it.
kinda like niggers who would rather buy expensive jordans and iphones instead of buying food fo dey keeds, just so tha tthey can flex on social media.
in russia and the former soviets in general, people are very status conscious and care a lot about about appearing rich, cool, beautiful, etc. so they often throw their money away for expensive bling just so they can say
>see, i can afford all this shit, i'm of high importance
of course 70IQ bitches from bumfuck villages in russia that get their first taste of the big city and the compared luxury it brings, often overdo shit. be it their lips, draw on eye-brows or any kinds of make-up really. they do a little bit here and there, get body-dysmorphia and continue to utterly bog themselves beyond recognition.
it's not exclusive to the former soviets, basically any permanent poorfag nation's citizens tend to do that once they get in contact with western products. it has this cargo cult vibe to it.
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Bad coordination sirs. Please report to your supervisor for remediation training.
>Hasn't even begun
>GF, mom, and dad. Doggos too
>Lost to a country with no Navy
>Nearly 30 eggs, we don't like pickles.
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>/uhg/ - Ukraine Happening General - #14674
Pedophile Stepan Putilo-Svetlov Wanted by Belorusian Authorities.

Now that pervert is hiding in Poland running Fake News shithole NEXTA.
Belorusian pedo Stepan Putilo-Svetlov was luring young children promising them to be actors in his movies.
His obese younger brother lives in Poland too, and is also a fat pervert.

Looks like Belorusian Secret Agents in Poland are tracking those two criminals down.
Hopefully these two perverts will soon be taken back to Belarus, or "severely punished" by parents of children they sexually abused.
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wrong picture, zister
bon appetit
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He's coming.
>I don't understand the whole baboon lips thing.
Easy: amongst slav femoids there is a meme that plastic surgery, niggerlips, botox, whitened anus, etc. is a sign that she is "well taken care of", meaning she is successful and her mate spends money on her... beauty, shall we say. Basically, the more she wastes money on retarded procedures the more successful she is.
Mostly an artifact of poorfags trying to seem more wealthy than they actually are, actually well-off people don't do this kind of bullshit, with rare exceptions.
Yawn, who cares
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>mfw when
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They are afraid.
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>often overdo shit
Just a little bit
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>TODAY my stale propaganda will convince them
no thanks, we have eyes
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Did the trannies ban him again?
they want their mouth to imitate the broken asshole of a petukh to make them more desirable for russian men
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you guys wanna talk about it?
They're on suicide watch.
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it's so funny how they go into a legit fit of rage every time he shows up kek. so much impotent seething...
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Let's talk about it.
nah, he was here earlier today i think
kek, all they have is goreporn and cope
That's an interesting angle, Paprikabro. But commonly it is assumed that swollen niggerlips are a + when giving BJ, so she is kind of more desirable or some shit. Can't attest to it as i write off any woman who disfigures herself in that way as a retard.
Find a room homos
LOL, at least Belarus has peace and prosperity, not like the shithole Yukrain, hahahaha
Enjoy the war, Hohol losers.
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is the concept of "preferring no war over war" too big for your inbred mongol brain?
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Good morning and death to Moscow.
I'm low key excited about the debate today. Biden will press Trump on his relationship with monke and we will once again know his stance on banan.
Just kidding, each of them will say whatever moderates want to hear on all topics.
No one will come out and say the empirically correct thing, which is "my first act after being sworn in is to level the city state of Moscow".
Even Russian "men" are now trooning out and becoming girlfriends of the African immigrants.
They have no choice you see: Putin orders them it's either that or getting send to the front.
What's wrong with offering Russia to leave all of Ukraine and make peace?
Would you faggots link the actual tweet or article instead of a screenshot? I can’t find that quote on Kyiv Post anywhere.
Putin wanted to troll you with his cigány soviet gremlin but Zelechad told him to fuck off. Mortifying.
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Quints get, checked
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shitting up twitter in coordinated spergouts and then using that as "proofs" to advance their message is just standard zigger behavior, anon. it's just noise
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>Would you faggots do something counterproductive to your propaganda efforts?
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Sure. What, in this very simple statement, is too hard for you to understand?
Are you surprised Ukraine doesn't have zero casualties in 2 and a half years of being attacked? Me too, considering the retardation of Russians and their laughable aim.
Or are you surprised Zelebobr doesn't want an eternal war, even though ziggers shilled for years now that was the case?
Do you still think he will give up territory? Because he just recently said he won't.

Let me know which one of these items confuse you, I know most Americans never learned to think for themselves.
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>you guys wanna talk about it?
see pic
>It seems the dill has been broken. SVO is becoming a mop-up operation.
Remember, only 31,000 KIA.
Russians prefer grinding them down.
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hohol tranny cope lmao
it's right here xD
So is that an actual tweet? Does anyone have a link to it? Twitter fucking sucks ass for finding things so I haven’t been able to actually see the original tweet
It's referring to Ukrainian air defences shooting down Russian missiles

You're so stupid it's insane, but I suppose that's pretty common for vatniks
has she been blacked yet
Unfortunately the best you can do is just google a verbatim sentence from the post. That might bring it up. Sometimes. Those niggers will never post a source.
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Thank you, Jesus Christ how hard was that?
Now what does this tweet actually mean? No shit Ukraine doesn’t want the war to continue, it’s destroying the country. What would settlement look like?
Yes, he met a guy from The Congo and they exchanged phone numbers.
He's getting his ass pounded by BCC (big Congolese cock) every night.
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Requesting webm
needs more banan
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how hard was what hohol tranny? xD you tagged my first post which had a twitter link
claiming it has none xD
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I'm not the best at these.
What exactly is happening here?
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all ze banaň in ze world
> What would settlement look like?

>This anon is what you get when a Latvian whore gets raped by a Russian
Why are vatniks always thinking about transgenderism?
>"why" question in the context of russians
>Why are vatniks always thinking about transgenderism?
prison culture
>What would settlement look like?
Complete surrender.
No more Bandera worship, Russian language protections, no NATO, no EU, demilitarization.
And of course, referendums for all oblasts.

Literally all of the offers from the Russian side so far have been more advantageous for Ukraine than continued fighting. But Ukraine's ((sponsors)) didn't allow them to negotiate because a war is WAAAAAAY more profitable.
organicbros? how could this have happened?
pidorussian posting under eu flag, blabbering something about Belarus
Discord commies are troons themselves
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>hohol tranny sisters i fucked up need some back up here xD
>Even Russian "men" are now trooning out and becoming girlfriends of the African immigrants.
Fun fact, back in the 70's when russia started flirting with nogs they brought some of them to witness the paradise that is USSR: nogs in Ukie SSR tried to go "muh dik" and caused a riot, where shitskins got booted out of the republic, nogs in russia were tolerated "muh dik" or not all the way to 90s and 00s, when skinheads began to sporadically hunt them - until they got annihilated by Poo poo.
Make of that what you will.
No refute because it's true
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its almost there
You're completely retarded. Best case for Russia will be 1991 borders with Crimea having special status with troops from the UN stationed there. If monke doesn't accept that there won't be any peace and he will continue to be grinded down.
Or have you forgotten that Putin asked for peace first, and on multiple occasions?
That's their frustration when hindu aren't paid in yuan yet by their Kremlin masters.
Here's a fresh one for your collection
You obviously don't belong here faggot
thanks burgerbro, very cool
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Mulțumesc, seeing vatniks get droned into oblivion increases my appetite.
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Wondering what is happening with another Belorusian degenerate pervert Franak Viacorka?
to fight the zigger you must understand the zigger
Russia asked for peace because they are so powerful and strong. That's why they asked NK for their corroded dogshit ammo too.
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The Eternal /K/ope is going to be hilarious.
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yep i'm not a slavshit like you i sure not belong here xD
Oh hey, nice one. Saved.
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You're delusional af.
Ukraine is running out of men and they can't conscript fast enough to just keep with the pace of losses. And forget about training... no time for training of troops.
fake war to cover international money laundering by joe biden and the criminal democrat cabal.
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The tranny jannies sperg out is unpredictable
>inb4 'frankly i find the idea of a zigger that thinks offensive!'
Why? Balts love the "xD" emoticon, your Lithuanian friend uses it all the time. Just like Finns can't go two sentences without a ":D".
Belorusian KGB is looking for you, degenerate traitor LGBTQ trash.
>That's why they asked NK for their corroded dogshit ammo too.
No, really, what the fuck.
> NK

jewtinists ITT never seem to care answering that question of weakness from Russia kek
Nice random spreadsheet, got a source?
Is that Noam Chomsky?
This but unironically - unfortunately.
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is this you?
I still don't understand why ziggroids try to post these videos as an own. Is their thinking that men in Russia would never do something like avoid a draft?
So ziggers are at.
>norks will save us
>peace deal will save us
Haven't we been here already?
I can’t tell if this mongrel has chink genes in him, or he’s just so fucking fat that his eyelids are heavy. His earlobes are morbidly obese for fucks sake. Do you want malthusians?! This I how you get malthusians.
some southern american spic sexpat.
oliveira or whatever his name was
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Bitch is built like a cybertruck.
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fucking kek
It was the coach redpill guy. He had a girls name and i dont care to look it up.
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The hindus keep cycling their scripts
… So, Vanya, are you okay?
Are you okay, Vanya?
Vanya, are you okay?
So, Vanya, are you okay?
Not to mention he wasn't married and had no children.
He was a complete fucking liar.
Shitskin moment
That doesn't even make sense. Guessing you're trying to say that you aren't native latvian, so I'm guessing you're some sort of shitskin?
I used to laugh at his videos despite being a cel myself. Hes where the "fuck them like its porn" and "eating pussy makes women cheat on you" comes from. What a slimy fucking faggot. From what i gathered too, he abandoned his prostitute during his escape attempt. No since of loyalty or honor in any shape or form. I hope he cried while he died.
sure, it's slow though
Putin has confirmed Ukraine numbers as real, and suddenly ziggers start posting some shitty spreadsheet look alike
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>600k casualties for Ukraine
If that was true then why doesn't Russia just walk through the empty lines? Completely removed from reality to believe this shit. Don't even want to ask what kind of vatnik site you've screenshot here.
The black pill for you is Zelensky doing the usual PR thing that Putin does as well: Dangling "peace deals" in front of everybody to look like they are the reasonable side to the broader public (broader public = Americans, we're the only ones Russia, China and Ukraine wants to sell to of course).
Neither side wants to end the war unless on their terms. But feel free to overdose on copium yet again, I know the glorious Kharkiv offensive was sort of hard on you guys.

Furthermore, I conclude that Moscow must be destroyed.
Basically he's saying Ukraine and its partners need to develop a road plan for bringing stability back to Ukraine, since this war shouldn't and won't last forever. Big issues are probably going to be demining, infrastructure, and restitution (from Russia).
>mfw I give context to zigger spin
>I have no face
you gotta acknowledge their creativity in trying at least
It's the only thing they have left both them and most white conservatives still hate, so it makes it look like they are actually fighting against the west degeneracy.
The white savior narrative is shattered since Putin allies with all turd world countries.
The family values narrative is also dead because sending young men into the meatgrinder does not scream family values
The church is strongly integrated into the state so the other orthodox churches have inherit distrust in them.
Even the military might narrative is at the bottom of the Black Sea
For normies it is easy to see the anti-LGTV+ laws and call them based but they are just not exposed to russian "punitive" homosexuality. If this narrative is also shattered, russia will have to perform some real mental gymnastics to try to win back the white conservative population.
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it sure does makes sense all of my relatives are Latvians unlike you slavshit xD
that neovag looks good, you go guurllll
>Easy: amongst slav femoids there is a meme that plastic surgery, niggerlips, botox, whitened anus, etc. is a sign that she is "well taken care of", meaning she is successful and her mate spends money on her... beauty, shall we say. Basically, the more she wastes money on retarded procedures the more successful she is.
eastern europe in general, not just slav femoids. which is stupid because I enjoy eastern european women as they are. this is why I do not go to escorts, 9/10 of them have these faces and you usually find out only when you arrive at the place
Kek this is a fun day.
pidor, you are way too nervous, drank wrong vodka today?
Were they ok anon ?
think they are dead :( :(
there is no need to wait nine for this to ferment. you can just boil it for an hour or two.
crushed garlic and onions with red wine, some bile and piece of copper will give same results.
i dont quite remember but i believe bile can be excluded and it is copper sulfates which are the effective ingredient.
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dumb AI, they're worse than that. they beg NORKS for scraps
a lot of such footage with ruskies going boom, not so much from the Ukraine
makes you think, even if you are ruski
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Goddamn, they turned this nigger into a texture.
Ive met a good number of east european women here. There are some that are just plain bitches, but their attitudes usually make them easier to be around than other cultures. Having a checkered past is much more forgivable too because they genuinely had hard lives unlike the ungrateful whales in America. Word of warning to other anons though, these women will stab you if you break their hearts. My buddy got shot with a 22.
Ah, the dude that was humiliated on his own stream by a literal gaylord with a pig avatar. And then getting arrested for stinking in public and excessive ugliness.
Lira. That was his name. Has Ukraine confirmed he's dead?
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Ukraine just saved him millions of rubles worth of prayer callus cream so it's all good in the end.
no, he just left his langley office to pick the child up from school...
Hes got obituaries and a death date on google.
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has to be true, the digits said so!
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Here you go. I trimmed it a little.
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Oh no zisters why losing ground
It doesn't make sense. I've met several Latvians and all have had obvious slavic facial features. Doubt there's any native Lavians that don't look like slavs to some degree.
Battlebots is getting wild
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chuggies claim they hate gore but when a video showing a ukie getting blown by anything appears their thread is full of it.
really gets your noggin jogging
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Thanks guys
Its almost like theyre a bunch of dirty niggers or something.
it just need a bit of patching and will be ready again for the trenches
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I don't even know who is who, but that's impressive.
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Yeah, cause of death was pneumonia ("Died of Covid" lmao). Probably due to maltreatment in a cold, damp Ukie cell, but considering he shilled for the destruction of the country he sexpated in, I can't bring myself to feel sorry for him. Rare case of divine justice.
the Ukie drone downs the zigger's
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Some Cement to fix holes?
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daily anti-propaganda pill

FAKE: roasting ziggers is inhumane
TRUTH: it's okay to roast ziggers alive while filming it in 4k
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> Yeah, cause of death was pneumonia ("Died of Covid" lmao).

I believe it.
based moderate
Fun fact, Kuchma, for all his pidorashque brotherhood, journalist beheading and Yanukovich spawning shit also tamed churkas in Ukraine post-Independence. Apparently, some churkas got disappeared in mid-90s and leaders of their associations were sent a message: "behave or else".

Source: it came to me in a dream.
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I think he's trying to imbly you are me. :DDDDD

t. Eastern Ukrainian
So this talk about Ukraine bending the knee true or more Russian horse shit?
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>what shit? there was never any shit on the cart, comrade... don't you see it's sparkling clean?
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This is the most neutral take on the war. Way to both sides it.
In psychology there is a concept called "projection."

--> >>472346726
Nothing has changed. Pretty sure Ukies have always wanted Ziggers to stop the war.
Seeing how Stalins favorite film is circus it doesn't surprise me
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zigger shills going overtime again
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i'm not i always said that behind every single flag itt is seething a hohol tranny refuge xD
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>>>472349120 (free yuan)
I'm neither seething nor a ukie thoughalbeit.
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I have friends that used to compete in the BattleBots back in the '90s/'00s, but at that time it was all just for fun. Now thinking about it, some of those would be hilarious on the Ukraine battlefield. Imagine a ground drone with a sledge hammer going up to a trench and smashing Russians, or one with a large circular saw cutting them to pieces.
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checked and chugged.
russians are fucking faggots and deserve to burn
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lel, so that's why he was so insistent on calling me a slavshit
Ukraine bros, how much does a 2-3 room apartment cost in a nice area on the outskirts of Kiyv today?
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Stuck in 2022?
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meanwhile ukrainian medicine
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you wish slavshit untermensch xD
>Arestovich: "I would gladly go to fight for Ukraine, but as soon as I arrive at the front, my coordinates will be sold to the Russians and an Iskander will fly there. The Americans forbade me to go to Ukraine"
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Hey, remind me...
...where is Stalingrad and Leningrad, again?
Not worth the risk, but will take the money anyway. Such is the way with "civil servants"
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I am using this, thank you.
About 70 000 - 100 000$
I would like the toys and clothes I sent to your country back. Should have sent that to Estonia instead.
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If only you knew how brown things really are
>portable magic wand massager*
What metodichka is this?
Any truth to that kiev post op twit?
they do be like that
More like Coach Deadpill
Watch the 90s film screamers
1985 film runaway with Tom seleck and Gene Simmons (from Kiss)

We are almost there now if not already.
Also watch
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>even during a war property value doesn't go down
yet another over this month
damn, did anyone tell that Ukrainians?
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>1.2 million migrants were brought into Moscow in 4 months of this year - muscovite officials
LOL I wonder what their colour is
>eating pussy makes women cheat on you
The sad part is that for _some_ women it's indeed a reason of see a guy as less of a man. Just like a guy liking cats, a guy crying (like at a funeral or something) and so on. Some bitches be crazy.
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>I wonder what their colour is
dark beige
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Damn, what will /ugh/ faggots do now? It's too bad. I know all the kike sociopaths here wanted nothing short of total ukie annihilation. You all must be disappointed that goyim blood rivers are going to dry up.
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As I said, no loyalty at all. The hooker part genuinely bothers me though. That might not have been his girlfriend, but that was his minion which he then just left the bitch in an artillery warzone. Its like his prime directive in life was to back stab people.
>Fuck my family!
>Fuck Chile!
>Fuck America!
>Fuck my audience!
>Fuck Ukraine!
>Fuck my loyal servant!
>Fuck the West!
>Wait, West, please help me!
I hope he had snot pouring out and looked like a tomato sucking on a lemon as his diaphragm realized how worthless its very existence was in supporting the life of a sentient tumor. The literal fucking mutt meme itself come to life, and a demonstration of how worthless "redpill" ideology is. The philosophy of not being a man but of being a man-child and a slimy bitch. Every single aspect of their lives is incoherent garbage, and society is getting tired of their bullshit.
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yeah haha, who knows right
If only cigan nafos were this observant of local great replacement
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He died from pneumonia and he smoked like a chimney, I believe he posted how much he liked ukranian cigarette packs format with 40/50 cigarettes instead of the usual 25 as he didnt need to go to the store as much to buy the poison.
It was probably a combination of poor health, poor prison conditions and hospitals being loaded with injured civilians by bombings himself was promoting, if Im the director of an hospital overcrowded tending injured families from Pidoras cuckzal and cucklibr missile strikes Im gonna make damn sure some fifth column shithead grifter doesnt get treated in case he takes a bed a kid, a mother or an injured soldier may need in a few hours.
Fuck the guy, he had a chance to get out of the country and he decided to stay knowing full well what could happen.
Only people with foreskin can talk in this thread. Go to McDonald's now.
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how trad and white saviour pilled
seethe you subhuman shitskin
Zion Don checked
I'm almost convinced...
5 overs/week, no army can stand such frequency
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Going to be interesting what he says about Ukraine during the debate. The hardliner MAGA are very pro-Russia, but most Americans view Ukraine in a very positive light.
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Fuck me.
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>zigger shills going overtime again
They better be reminded then who it is they're fighting for.
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fucking ziggers man
Seeing MIGAtards go pro Russia is legit one of the most confusing things I've seen.
Russian prosecutors want Finland judged for genocide Finland commited in WW2 in east-Karelia as Finland had prison camps for Russian people and for Finland burning lotsa its own buildings as it retreated from Soviet troops. The experts in Finland say rhere's no bases in the genocide accusations and how it's just Russia wanting to paint picture of "Great Patriotic War"
I think at the end of the day its a side issue to most. Id be surprised if its talked about much. Jews will be the hot topic.
I should be upset over nafo cigan having no principles other than (saul alinsky) jewing?? I guess you could also be a hohol or vpn
Gru working with Bravta had kompromat on him and forced him to stay and work as asset for the Orcs
He definable was into kids, and even worse...retarded malformed ones..real fucking cringe and if he did go back they would have arrested him as soon as he landed then its off to butt fuck city so either way he was fucked
They do understand mortars explode on contact and grenades cook mid flight, right?
the only thing i honestly gotta give to him is him actually staying in ukraine instead of running over to russia and shill for them.
the more prominent and influential you are, the better your life will be there.
he could've gotten some whore of a trophy wife, an appartment in crimea or the black sea coast in russia, good money and other accomodations provided by the kgb propaganda glowniggers. there are quite a lot of them that do this, one of those figures being alina lipp, a diaspora whore from germany that moved to crimea with her zigger father and now shills russian propaganda endlessly to her german audience.
but capoeira chose to stand his retarded ground instead.
guess he just couldn't give up those 50 packs of fags lmao
lmao you are literally russian, a gypsy street shitting subhuman on a VPN, don't forget to pour the slops shitskin
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That's literally mutt demographics
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captcha ate my webm
quints of truth
baking at 300
Damn, must be tough week to be this upset.
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Daily reminder to remove the jew and dismantle this fake war, most shills on this site are professional Israeli.

===[ Current alert ]===
Sweet Baby Inc. and Department of Defense >>460928219 >>460929442 >>460929116
Some guy self-immolated and the kikes keep kvetching: >>460168677
In a twist of divine humor, jews became CHUD: >>455104011 >>457346889

=====[ /vault/ ]=====

1. It's the jews [ 6 million cookies, Anne Frank ballpoint, holocoaster, Chabad tunnel, Saturn black cube, GoyimTV ]
2. COVID plandemic | ID2020 [ 1dsghi.pdf, c19ivm, hereistheevidence, SCOTUS DNA patent, Deagle, VAIDS, Bluetooth MAC, Terrain theory, Etymology ]
3. Pornography is a weapon [ Mindgeek, McGill: MK-ULTRA, CERN: Chapleau, /pol/457656749 ]
4. Pizzagate [ Pentagram map, John, Riekermann, ComfyGate ]
5. School shootings are glowop [ Sandyhook laugh ]
6. Fungus and Parasitepill [ q4agf7.pdf ]
7. Mememagick [ chaos magic, Egregore ]
8. Cancer and AIDS have cure
9. God gene [ VMAT2, Signature in the Cell, spw5nmUrpWA ]
10. Pharmakeia, Stem cell [ Foreskin in cosmetics, Finkelstein: human DNA in hotdog, HEK293: fetus cells in vaccine and products like Pepsi (tumorigenic) ]
11. Meat is incredibly important for your diet, avoid seed oil and corn syrup poison [ Dr. Chris Knobbe - Diseases of Civilization ]
12. Hunter bidens Finger Lakes tattoo [ Silent hill, Oz, Mormon origin, pedo symbol, missing people, military bunkers, anomalies research buoy, Ghislaine Maxwell submersible: tunnel to canada ]
13. CERN ritual and tunnel ceremony
14. Encryption | Hardware backdoor [ IntelME, AMD PSP, ARM Trustzone, rsabd.py, NSA SELinux, iOS pegasus ]
15. Antarctica [ Fitbit leak, Antarctic treaty, Admiral Byrd, 15th century map, /x/32364917 ]
16. Moon [ Lost footage, 1962 laser beam, Nixon phone call, AMERICAN MOON(2007), lux ]
17. Psionic [ Gateway, RV, AP, CIA-RDP96, Edward Riordan 2017 ]
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okay shitskin
We are the only country in the West apparently.
>Average MIGA voter
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>at least two of those countries play both sides
enjoy the golf karts
Every accusation is a projection, everyone knows that scorched ground tactics was key in defense of Soviet Union so Germans overextend and couldn't patch holes in supplies with whatever they can get in conquered lands.
>a gypsy street shitting subhuman
>romanian flag
what did the gypsy mean by this?
They are gay but deeply butthurt about it, so they search for any, even the smallest, cope about it not being gay. Troons being fake whamen is an ideal option for them.
that pajeet is your kin gypsy
Ukraine has lost, these threads will disappear soon
Shameful display on the part of the online pro ukranian side, if any of you had a shred of morality you would kill yourselves
lololo russians are gypsies and subhumans
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scuse me ur a TOTAL loser
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>play both sides
or have melee skirmishes at the borders or try to undermine each other as much as possible.
truly a powerful alliance
but you are subhuman and a gypsy?
3 days and it's over
Brazil is looking for an opportunity to wlak away from several of them. Weve also been cool with eachother, believing Brazil is Americas enemy is like thinking British people hate us for banter online.
I really can't believe just how many videos I've seen of explosives strapped to a drone flying directly into one guy, who's usually already in the fetal position. It's funny but Ukraine is assholes lol, I seriously hope Putin has a live broadcast of zelensky getting his nuts cutting off and rammed down his own throat.
Why, what has happened?
Most of them were incel neets so nothing of value was lost, infact they are now a productive member of society
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superpower by 2030 alliance
no I'm not russian
you are romanian though which is far far worse
Does anyone have the gif of monke with wine glass and russia statistics flashing behind
just the money please, without walls of text
The "Influencer" look. I fucking hate it so much almost as much as I hate "influencers".
think only compromised socialists in south america are big on hating americans anyway
>literally less than 30 seconds reply
seethe ivan you subhuman cigan lmao
Ukraine said they don't want extended war. A new revelation, totally changes everything.
I kind of admire that they're trying to learn, but boy are they bad at math.
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eat up all your gore, "people" from russia died to provide you with your daily dose
it takes about 5 seconds for me to type a sentence because im human and not a swarthy gypsy like you
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>not swarthy gypsy
nice try lol but you reply fast because you're M A D
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>because im human
>turning a battle tank into a slow, cumbersome apc
Checked, because it's truth.
Tbh I get why Americans can identify with Russia now
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not mad just confused this is like a mexican flag calling someone a spic like you're a literal gypsy lol
>that pic
yeah because its really white to support jewish billionaires you fucking idiot
its working hours for germans so you're a roach on gibs
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Sentinel Spheres from Phantasm II
It's 8pm nigger
Those 40/50 packs aren't the default, he specifically chose them and bought them in multiple cartons packs. Imagine how much of that crap he smoked if he purchased them in such numbers.
exactly i said "For Germans"
Third worlders can't into timezones
Thanks bro.

How does the average person in Kiyv expect to buy that though, considering the average salary is $1,000 a month?
Germans work more weekly hours than anybody to support their niggers on gibs, they are still at work at 8pm you dumb nigger shit even im still workin at 8pm pretty often
be a politician and steal american money we sent idiot, its fucking ukraine of all places
That's just Americans, they have laws
retarded fucking cunt lol, have a beer instead.
if it's allowed for you, mohammed
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>im still workin at 8pm pretty often
don't lie to me, maga mad
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>Probably due to maltreatment
you dont work at all mehmet courtesy of the german taxpayer
Longs ways from that I was thinking more realisticly
But it would be cool
pipe down, shitskin

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