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Previous: >>472325135
Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>FT: European NATO countries would struggle to field 300,000 total - https://archive.today/08KRT
>Azov commander admits to his unit acting as blocking detachment - https://archive.today/4GyuO
>"I feel as if I am in a prison": the men avoiding the meatcatchers - https://archive.today/Q3VMM
>Putin continues his Asian trip, arriving in Vietnam - https://archive.today/3YvEQ
>Putin's visit to North Korea in pictures - https://archive.today/muSbj
>Putin arrives in North Korea with high-level delegation - https://archive.today/DGh32
>GIB! GIB! Only $800 billion to beat putler! - https://archive.today/IMaDq
>“We should prepare for life in the cold and the dark”: Half the ukraine's energy generation destroyed - https://archive.today/hLsXK
>Sanctions aren't working because we didn't call Putin racist enough times - https://archive.today/zWUbr
>Putin: 'Russia has the right to supply weapons to foreign countries & strike western targets with them' - https://archive.today/Thb5A


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>Dagestani terrorists killed by Special forces P1
>Dagestani terrorists killed by Special forces P2
>Houthis released a new TKD anthem
>Another FAB-3000
>Second usage of FAB-3000 UMPK, massive wings clearly visible
>FAB-500 shockwaves in high humidity
>First usage of FAB-3000 w/ UMPK, Kharkov direction
>AFU soldier tries to surrender to Russian drone, is killed by AFU drone
>Lukashenko wondering why most of the corrupt officials are jews
>"They killed Kenny!"
>Romanians shouting 'Putin' during Romania - Ukraine match
>Showcase of an attack-transport UAV “Perun”
>AFU surrender to fpv drone in the field
>T-90 gets hit by javelin but survives
>Disembarking AFU getting fpv struck
>Ukrainian Su-25 being hit by a Lancet
>Burning MTLB gets to safety, driver nominated for award
>Sudoplatov takes out an Abrams tank

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Total Zigger Death
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Dead Ziggers
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>BREAKING: Ramzan Kadyrov has reacted to the statement by the Estonian ambassador in Kiev that Tallinn is ready to discuss sending Estonian troops to Ukraine.

>"After reading this news, I urgently contacted my dear BROTHER, the commander of the Akhmat special forces, Apty Alaudinov, deputy head of the Main Directorate for Military and Political Work of the Defense Ministry of the Russian Federation, to take preemptive measures with lightning speed."

>"I instructed the combat general to transfer two of our wounded fighters to the location of Estonian troops, and they should be redeployed directly on hospital beds. Do not give them anything more, let them get trophy weapons, as we know that this terrible Estonian army has a couple of rubber boats and six automatic rifles. We will not disturb the rest of the Russian army fighters."
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ill be chillin up here
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Get comfy, /chug/ger
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Total Pigger Death
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uhm guys... if everything ukranda accuses russia of turns out to be actually true for them, that means ukranda has sex gulags.
What are the political implications?
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Dead Ziggers
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Dead piggers
Any RU anons having trouble loading images/thumbnails on 4ch?
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Stay comfy, /chug/ger
kek, are those real bants?
>ready to discuss
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Ziggers Dying and Killing Themselves
Slow as shit for me
new rus propaganda kino
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Total Hohol Death!
Ukranada has sex gulags (for 12 year olds).
That's why US politicians keep visiting (Jewish tradition).
They're in Kiev, btw.
Give us back anarchooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
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Z, to the lastest hohol
nah, werks just fine
have this on 4plebs but it started few years ago
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stfu faggot
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this shit really happening?
if we hear of an attack on crimea in this timeframe shit gonna hit the fan
>Arestovich said in an interview that the Ukrainian Armed Forces were defeated near Toretsk. Another six battalions refused to carry out combat missions in one of the key sectors of the front. And he is confident that this figure will increase.
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Good evening anons
Ukrainian anon reporting in
What has happened in my country today?

The (((official))) media are telling us that:
- The war in the US greatest ally continues. Day 265
- Severe blackouts for goyim continue
- The expired jew signed the law that will force the kike's migration and tax services to send personal data of goyim men older than 17 to their new military goy register "Oberih" ("Charm"). It's for your own safety, goy
- THE TOUR OF THE EXPIRED JEW CONTINUES. Brussels today. Meanwhile goyim men are still being held hostage in his insane, brutal, bloodthirsty, totalitarian, jewish dystopia
- The expired jew and EU signed the security agreement. Russians are doomed
- The kike's goons arrested 7 bloggers from the Odessa region who antisemiticly warned goyim about the kike's goons issuing draft notices in the region
- EU SENT ANOTHER 1.9 BILLION EUR TO THE EXPIRED JEW... I mean Ukraine. In totall EU have already sent about 8B EUR... Keep paying taxes, anons
- Brave and glorious attack on the Tver region, Russia
- Ukraine will not be invited to NATO during the coming NATO summit (The NYT) So antisemitic
- 23 got food poisoning in the Lviv region
- The kike's goons seethe over the new mobile game called "Tysa" about illegal crossing of the border
- Bolivia's coup failed (Bloomberg)
- AFU intercepted all 23 Iranian drones last night
- Yemen's Houthis antisemiticly attacked Israeli ship in Arabian sea
- MIGRANTS CAN NOW GET GERMAN PASSPORT IN JUST 5 YEARS (in some cases even in 3) They can keep their previous citizenship too. Oy vey. Diversity is your strength, anons!

Anything else anons?
umm but zelensky you said to the last hohol. russia wants to at least accomplish that request for you
Verified official bants;
who gives a fuck?
Losers can't be choosers







thanks for bread
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thats old news, ukranda is a capital of child prostitution
Its literally not only the poorest (not one of, THE) country in europe, but its also one of the poorest countries on earth, one of the poorest countries compared to africa even.
They also have organ traficking and all sorts of absolutely fucked up shit, thats why many usa political elites such as bidens family and hillarys family and ofc KAGAN(ovich) jews have huge interests there. Same with biolabs and such. I will not be surprised that they were experimenting with living ukranda hohols and children there, infecting them with all sorts of deadly patogens for grand prices of three fifty per (almost) person.
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>Give back Crimea
>Russians GTFO
>And pay reparations 4 ever
Maybe he should call another emergency Piss Summit, the last one was so successful
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hes gone
jew -ACKED himself
what hungarians lmao they are all rotting in the donbass, there havent been a spicy forced conscription video from their region for a long time

sending you thoughts and prayers <3
>they were experimenting with living ukranda hohols and children there, infecting them with all sorts of deadly patogens
yeah it's called Mcdolands

Good good.

Stay safe ukraine, don't get caught.
how VERY UNFORTUNATE that he rejected Putins ultimatum after which unless he straight up capitulates there wont be any piss for hi and more than that he is not recognized as any sort of political entity in russia because his term have expired.
Should have agreed on the piss sooner, might have kept half of the country.
This explains the Shumy collapse. I'll bet there are lots of places Russia could just bulldoze through with minimal resistance if it wanted.
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look at this scared sissyfaggot
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>MIGRANTS CAN NOW GET GERMAN PASSPORT IN JUST 5 YEARS (in some cases even in 3) They can keep their previous citizenship too.

they just have to declare that israel has a right to exist and genocide the palis.
I wanna be a germ.
Why would Agent Z want to do that?
it seems to be coming, every attack on Crimea has been preceded by these flights.
someone call Graham quick. Also, Zelensky death in 3, 2, 1
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Tragic if only he knew signing up the job had a 59% survival rating.
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Without hohols or without you?
Without you.
New proposal:
>Ukraine gives Chernikiv, Sumy, Kiev, Poltava, Kharkiv, Luhansk, Donetsk, Zaporozhie, Kherson, Mykolaiv, Odessa to Russia.
>Also no Nato nor EU.
Gets free tranzit to and from Odessa port in return.
Can CHUG confirm? Did Russia really killed Ukraine's biggest celebrity?
as much as I hate jews but if they accomplished their mission, Russia comes off standing with their dick in their hands shouting get off my lawn
Henlo, stay safe.
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NIce digits.
As I understand now every fucking one can become German. And, what's more important, all theses "Germans" will have a right to vote :3 I guess there is no turning back for that country anymore. Berlin already looked like a shithole in 2013-2015. I wonder how bad it is now... Any anons from Berlin or who have been to Berlin recently? :3
Thank you, frens :3
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Hey, nice to see you posting
Grey Eagle shot down over eastern Syria today
Group of hackers got access to Dmitri Medvedev's assistant Aleksei Zaklyazminsky's e-mail and monitored the messages for half a year. The messages contained information on Russia moving to war economy and Russia's plan to place weapon system in Arctic area. The data was passed to Ukraine. Sad!
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There's a catch.
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We're gonna start shooting planes down or what?
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haven't been for a long time it's a shithole. tho just like my country completely dumpstered shithole.
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what the fuck man is this real
they're just doing the im not touching you im not touching you spergfest in the hopes russia overreacts and shoots it down, and then they can bring this shit back going OH MY GAWD they shot down our plane we need to fight the russians europe.

Best not to take the bait.
everyone gets a humiliation ritual anon
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Our Lady of the Peninsula has come to bless the bread with Les odeurs de pieds.
>all this talk of negotiations
What has happened?
if there was any doubt that we were occupied territory, here you go.
I farted.
>Russia shooting down plane
fortunately, Russian army is actually professional and does not consists of terrorists that shoot down planes like hohols.
Nothingburger, kike and natokikes need to save face from their failed peace summit or w/e they had.
Inflation in weapons contracts.
In 2015 a Brimstone II missile was two hundred thousand euros. Brimstone 3 purchase for the Germans was announced yesterday at one million euros per missile.
In 2020 Stinger MANPAD was 110,000 Euros. Now its 800,000.
don't do that
it's 2024, capitulation only
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“But we have also made it just as clear: anyone who does not share our values cannot get a German passport. We have drawn a crystal-clear red line here and made the law much stricter than before.”
>The interior ministry had previously indicated it intended to include questions on Judaism and Jewish life in Germany but stopped short of saying whether it would include a specific declaration regarding the state of Israel.
The interior ministry on Tuesday confirmed it would now be a requirement.
>“New test questions have been added on the topics of antisemitism, the right of the state of Israel to exist and Jewish life in Germany,” the interior ministry said.
>Declaring a commitment to gender equality, democracy and Germany’s historic responsibility towards Judaism as a result of the crimes of National Socialism will also be part of the test.
>Presenting his annual report on Tuesday, Germany’s official government commissioner for fighting antisemitism, Felix Klein, described a “catastrophic” rise in hate crimes against Jewish people in Germany.
>The government has declared zero tolerance for antisemitism in Germany but has also sparked anger by appearing to crack down on specific criticism of the Israeli government over its conduct in Gaza, fuelling a debate over free speech in Germany, particularly among artists and academics.
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Can't you afford to hire some Yemenis to push a button? GeeDeePee that smol, huh?
>23 got food poisoning in the Lviv region
I wonder if it's related to blackouts. Stay safe and comfy and stick to canned foods and buckwheat
This is excellent for the GeeDeePee.
weird that our stuff just gets blown up or shot down every day now by everyone around the world. people who live here probably dont even know we are losing to everybody
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>As I understand now every fucking one can become German. And, what's more important, all theses "Germans" will have a right to vote :3
But only if they promise to always support Isntreal
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You're not a true Goymon if you're not deepthroating circumcised cock.
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I hear that another mans seed carries enough nutrition to get you through the year.
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>“New test questions have been added on the topics of antisemitism, the right of the state of Israel to exist and Jewish life in Germany,” the interior ministry said.
>Declaring a commitment to gender equality, democracy and Germany’s historic responsibility towards Judaism as a result of the crimes of National Socialism will also be part of the test.

Not only jews, but also trannies.
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Oh my! It's soooo big! And throbbing! And engorging even more!
Is it worth to watch 2077 blade runner
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>Not only jews, but also trannies.
It's hilarious that normatards worship Goymany (still).
Holy fuck, we can't possibly be the same species as the normaloid and ordinaries.
free speech? freedom of opinion? not in my country good sir!
seems like all attempt to teach krauts democracy and freedom have failed, they just want to select authocratic ruler, supress free speech and launch another crusade, this time for israel.
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sorry to break it to you but this is not how it works.
You need to give them the weapon and then press the button yourself, or give your permission when press it.
yeah its unironically very good
not the same movie as original tho but still very good
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Funnily enough.
or, you know, their government is controlled by jews like everyone else in the west
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I thought Netherlands were better, at least economically. I remember there used to be (maybe still is) such thing as "ruling" that essentially canceled taxes for a couple of years for those who have just arrived to the country. I don't know how bad it is when it comes to shitskin infestation though...
Thank you, frens :3
kek. It's just a minor inconvenience, goy, cut it out with all this antisemitism :3
It's 2049, bigot :3 And yes, it's a good movie if you have not seen it yet
> Do you feel that there's part of you that's missing?
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>this time for israel.
Just like last time.
The shed he built on top isn't going to stop anything, it's mainly there for camo reasons.
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Nothing ever happens.
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... what the fuck?
I happen to know, for a fucking fact, that Bongistan genuinely doesn't have Freedom of Speech.

Genuinely, what the fuck is the pajeet in question talking about?
Bacteria is already on the wallet even before you drop it. You know why?

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It'll stop FPV drones. You may not like it, you may think it's ugly but that's what peak performance looks like on today's battlefield.
it doesnt matter what the reality is, just what they can make you feel the reality is.
Gold on the top, mold on the bottom.
It won't stop shit. Ukrainians have been able to knock down even the crudely assembled "turtle tanks".
First line, he is told to write by his handlers at gunpoint

Second line, he takes a position in the 2D vs 3D women debate
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obviously talking about bacteria on the ground you dumb nigger, read a fucking book and be quiet when adults are talking
You shouldn't be saying that, Grisha, your entire country is very much pro-Israel when it comes to ww2 and the Holocaust. Were it not for the USSR we wouldn't even be remembering a holocaust or aushwitz "death camps".
What happened to anti drone jammers?
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basically if you're a immigrant you don't pay income tax if you are born here you do, if you get stabbed to death by a arab you need to shut up and take it.

it's a shithole picrel.
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>It won't stop shit.
Of course it will stop FPV drones. Obviously not artillery.
Humiliation ritual
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Well I happen to feel that my intelligence will triumph over the bullshit you try to put before my eyes, and whisper into my ears.

My mind knows what is, and what isn't, no matter how much you try and trick my senses.
The entire eu is going down the same road that the soviet world did in the 80-90s. Fucking great that all the horrible (probably made up) shit they taught us about the russians in school is now happening here and they expect us to cheer for it.
only with dozens of fpv drones and lucky hits

such tanks are used as battering ram to break inside ukrainian fortifications lol
>let me tell about your country
we need to start building commieblock tanks
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or here we have Kajas, the warmonger.
More like Kaja KALlas, am I right?
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>it's a shithole picrel.
All of these neoliberal international rules based jew world order satrapy shitholes are the way they are because of uniformed dogs showing up to work every morning and enforcing the jew's dictates. That's literally it.
Niggers were right about goylease.
>we need to fight the russians europe
Fight them with what army?
If Russia shot these aircraft down nafoids would cry about rule of law like when the drone got pissed on and stop flying them.
>Zelensky: "Many people are dying, we don't have the men to continue the war much longer. Ukraine does not want the war to continue for many years. We do not have that much time. Many people are dying" he said.
Not even Zelensky believes they can win a war of attrition anymore, personally I strongly believe if Zelensky signs any peace proposal where Russia gets to keep territory, there will 100% be a coup attempt against him. Not that he has any other option, but still.. he's just fucked regardless
>girl (girls are cute)
>with kot parts (kot are cute, too)
Are you a pidor?
Last year Reinmetall was charging the Germans 3,600 euro per 155mm shell with bagged charges and fuse. 2,700 Euro for a 120mm round.
that's the thing they don't have a fucking army noone likes them. good luck to em.
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>Zelensky: "Many people are dying, we don't have the men to continue the war much longer. Ukraine does not want the war to continue for many years. We do not have that much time. Many people are dying" he said.
Pretty sudden change of attitude after the piss summit.
Would rape
I bet if you aim well, you could get one into the drivers hatch. Even then, fpv is usually used for troops/lightly armored APCs, while the bigger stuff already gets blasted with arty. and it makes your already heavy tank even heavier, so it won't be moving at top speed.
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fuck im horny chug what do I do can the crimean slut already provide services
You can fuck my bussy, no homo
Stay safe and watch out for goons
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At some point they are going to make a functioning one like they already imagined it 80 years ago...
draw lewd alphas in your horny stupor
He can just go to America and live in exile when things start to heat up. This stuff is all coordinated by the american agencies, Zelensky will not be killed but he will be taken out of power either this year or next
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Heroic Russian soldier intercepted shrapnel with his back
>We have too many wounded and killed
Couple of months ago he claimed 31 000 dead.
Kikes are truly shameless.
Look at all this GDP right there ! It sure make our countries richer, right ? Right ?
Trains are mega comfy unless you are going on econo class. Just had a 3h ride today, best shit after the invention of the car
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time is a fucking circle, lol.
They have 0 reasons to not kill zelenskyyiy and just blame it on the russians. Hes shaking like a pig every time hes in front of random western cameras.
Zelensky probably has a lot of blackmail material on mutt politicians, I doubt he'll survive.
The 120mm round is now closer to 12,000 Euros. There has been a switch from training rounds to war shots, so the average price per unit will have gone up without Daddy Warbucks profiteering.

155mm extended range shells from NAMMO _without_ a fuse is 5,800 Euro.
Rheinmetall's new contract is around 5,000 euro per round. Not sure if that includes bagged charges and fuses.
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Luxembourg has AWACS?
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Hello Lain Magyarok. Havent seen you in a while.
Kek what a retard. He deserves everything he gets. I'm going to enjoy the end of his career, and his country.
>battle barns for the win
it works
He's a tribesman, there is no way the americans kill him. I am 100% sure of this
Holholina has already been busted for street walking, here is her mugshot. Just visit her, she needs the business. She's doing it tough until she can move to Quebec where the frogs with pork fetish live. Remember to double bag it.
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So according to military chronicles Russian army slowed down because it expects hohol to a)transfer F-16 b)attempt to make an attack with its support.
He'll move to England. King Charles recently sold him Highgrove, the Royal's family home when Charles was still a Prince in waiting.
It works until you drive over an anti-tank mine, sure. Even then it's not invincible against rockets, or repeatedly spamming fpvs into the flimsy structure on top. Plus, doesn't this thing limit the travel of the turret? Meaning not only is it heavier and consequently slower, it's also less useful as a fighting vehicle.
NATO property, still needs a home country code in the registry regardless of being stationed in Geilenkirchen. loux was probably chosen cause they needed an asset on the books being nato.
NATO pool aircraft are registered in Luxembourg. All the poors band together to buy part of an aircraft.
A lot of business jets are registered there for privacy reasons, including the one that King Charles uses when he's trying to avoid being tracked on Flightradar.
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We are doomed to win
Fozzy ?

let's DP the whore
I had a guy in highschool that had the exact same face except short black hair and wasn't as fat.
looks like a toilet wall
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We didn't wanting this war to begin with Russia made us do it, pls save us we are innocent
Premature culmination again?
Чё тaм y хoхлoв?
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I doesn't work against tactical nuclear strikes either, you forgot to mention that
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Why did Stalin destroy churches?
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Кaк oбычнo, дeгeнepaты, пиздeц пpocтo.
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Shills got a script update.
>Why do you like Rosha, goy? Don't you know they're anti-Christian?
Commies were forcing down atheism pretty hard, but then Germany invaded and he had to do a switcharoo.
I just realized that Gonzo has a long nose, jerky motions, anxiety, hand rubbing, works in theater and has a fetish for chickens. Fuck. Another childhood memory destroyed. I should have realized it when Jim Henson did the Dark Crystal, with Skeksis draining the lifeblood from Gelfling children.
Best cost efective vehicles of ww2 were sturmgeschutz-s
Two more weeks of edging.
Яcнo. Bcё кaк вceгдa, ничeгo нoвoгo.
He was taught for priest and teacher fucked his bussy. This is why he hated church. Latter bolsheviks whored him to baron Krupp and german military-industrial compex on Capri. This is why he hated germans, military and bolsheviks.
No it was the t34 obviously. Cheap, easy to manufacture, and reusable.
Any source of social authority independent of the Bolsheviks was a threat to their new regime. Same reason French Rev went after churches. Power cannot allow other rivals to exist.
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eбyт pycню, кaк oбычнo
So he was an MK Ultraed sex slave before MK Ultra.
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First the shills, then the yids, then the faggots, then the enemies. And by the end we will wonder why so many bodies got quadruple tapped.
>From choosing the wrong side in EVERY war to partnering with the most brutal regimes on earth while looting the country for decades then murdering all opposition and religious figures, what obese kleptocrat Victor Orban is doing to Hungary and WILL do to Hungary is what Hungarian dictators have always done to Hungary.

>And it's why everyone is leaving.
Пiчiмi нi нi мiвi?
Go say that on 1chan.
>Germany invaded and he had to do a switcharoo
This is funny and similar to how white males are creeping their way back into the military adverts in the West.
Normies will wonder. /pol/ will not. The shills will wonder no more, being amongst the quadruple tapped.
>the wrong side in EVERY war
Based Jay manages to be pro-Mongol, pro-Ottoman and pro-Soviet all at once.
Benji personally asked Putin to not kill Zel. It is bad optics when you promise guy will not be hurt and then your man kills him.
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Cathedral of Christ the Savior in the village of Borki, Kharkov Province of the Russian Empire a lost Orthodox church-monument at the site of the imperial train crash in 1888 near the village of Borki in the Kharkov province. Erected in 1891-1894, destroyed in 1943. During the Great Patriotic War, the temple caught fire and the golden dome collapsed[2]. On September 7, 1943, the Cathedral of Christ the Savior was blown up during the Soviet offensive. It is unknown by what troops it was blown up. The chapel lost its dome and upper storey, and was then used as a warehouse for many years.

It was Russian church built by Russians for Russians in Russia in Russian style, how the fuck twiiter niggers have anything to say about it? Fuck off with cultural appropriation
Жoпoй eбyт.
I didn't knew that. I thought it was until the cold war when the commies eased a bit on religion.
I guess the church is an integral part of the russian military ethos.
Whats going to happen to the nafo troons and media brigade when this is all wrapped up boys? Were will the kikes steer the retard battalion?
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Reminder that Ukraine was the global leading producer of cheese pizza, to the point they started trying to blame Russians for it by using Russian speaking kids.
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'allo. I can be "active" once again, it is rather refreshing to be back
as long as every libshit leaves the country I won't complain about the population decline... well, maybe just a little...
Cost per kill ratio still makes stug superior to t-34
Also stug is cutier than t-34
Back in the day Bennett was in charge, small correction.
It's the guy that's on the israeli wikipedia editing video.
нe, хoхлы нe ycпeли pycню в жoпy дaть, y pycни жoпы yжe pacтянyты чeчeнcкими члeнaми были
Probably to avoid taxes, lol.
So the retard (not) in kiev is pointing at Hungary having a declining population as a consequence of Orban while pretending the actual European population of every single Western European nation isn’t declining rapidly while being replaced with shitskins?

What is this cunts problem? Are these scumbags so anti White that the mere sight of a European nation not outright killing itself is enough to drive them into a rage.
Sruschev restarted the crackdowns, it would ease again during the perestroika.
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boom boom queeref is getting fuckt tonight
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Stay frosty fren
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Kek is with me, and not with you, brother.
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Forgot your memeflag schlomo
Ктo o чём, a yхилянт из хyтopa o чeчeнcких члeнaх.
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someone post that map of ukranian patriots
China shilling when Taiwan kicks off or if they try to force it to keep the schedule. CIA / DOD says 2027.
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>to the point they started trying to blame Russians for it by using Russian speaking kids.

How many terabytes did you watch?
>вибyх i пoжeжa
I will never be able to read this without laughing like an idiot
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>вибyх i пoжeжa
What happened to intercepting 12/10 Kinzhals?
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Hello anon, I hope you get to enjoy some summer
>Losers can't be choosers
They can in this case, tho. Zelensky knew from day 1 he can end the war the moment he wants.
So they just become the HK autistic screeching force again.
Ziggers are incapable of hitting military targets, they prefer shooting at apartment complexes and city centers instead
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>Implying I wouldn't lie through my teeth
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>energy object
>not military target
Dual use, chud
hohols probably also find this shit funny
Я тoжe oчeнь люблю вибyхaть i пoжeжaть в пaмпepcы.
Gokubro btw
i thought those were her tits hanging
yes, this is most likely it and throw some middle east screeching too.
Good point.
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The joke probably gets old when you're forced by 80 IQ Galicians to speak their artificial language every day
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Hungary will be a draft dodger's paradise, your gladiospawn ass will be begging for asylum within two years, that is if you'll be able to cross your own border.
This probably explains why Orthodox priests were blessing Panzer divisions as they moved to attack Kharkov
Ofc Russia is going to win, chabad kikes support Kiketin
you're silly and do not understand what I'm implying and what zelensky is implying
Я пoнимaю, pyccкий язык тeбe нe poднoй, нo "eбyт жoпoй" и "eбaть в жoпy" нe coвceм oднo и тo жe. Хoхлы eбyт жoпoй pycню, pycня eбёт в жoпy хoхлoв. Cмeкaeшь?
>80 ICQ
Cидeть нa дивaнe и кpичaть poзия впepёд кaждый мoжeт, a кoгдa зoвyт нa фpoнт зaщищaть pyзгих нa Дoнбacce, в штaны нacpaл
GM, Chuggies! Anything to report?

What's she saying?
But can he recognize them by smell alone?
there was some interview not long ago where epic nazi larper said every hohol in trenches speaks russian.
Иpoничнo читaть этo oт yхилянтa из Кaнaды, блять.
ты дeбил?
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When are you joining weldcels in Ukranda?
> нeхтyйтe
Can they now please stop making up words on the fly?
>"Ukraine does not want to prolong the war. We do not want it to last for years," President Volodymyr Zelensky said, Interfax-Ukraine reports.

>"We have many wounded and killed on the battlefield. We must put a settlement plan on the table within a few months," Zelensky added.

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based as fuck, glad they leveled my city's main waste of building materials and built a cultural center in its place
yхилянты в гpyзии cидят oт мoгилизaции пpячyтcя.
Of course, pigs have greater ability to sniff things out than humans do.
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how do you not make up words in fake language?
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Is shit gonna happen or what?
Israel kinda threatened to INVAAAAAAADE Lebanon for quite some time now.
are they gonna INVAAAADE or nah?
Or are they gonna pull a Macron and do a 180?
When will you sign up as cannon fodder for the inevitable 2 year push into kramatorsk?
Translation: he has burned through as much of the population of Ukranda as he realistically could mogilize

"They are missing over 10 million people. I estimate that [Ukrainian] losses should be counted in millions, not hundreds of thousands" - General Rajmund Andrzejczak, Polish Chief of the General Staff 2018-2023

"Millions have been killed" - Zelensky

Amputee data indicates up to 3M casualties for the Ukraine by summer 2023

"Only 13-15% of pre-war officers and soldiers are still in active service, rest are dead or wounded" - General Pacek, head of NATO DEEP, basically responsible for training of post-2014 Ukrainian army

Based on bread consumption statistics Ukraine's current population is 24 million. This is a 40% reduction of the pre-SMO population of 40 million.

By spring of 2023, the average Ukrainian had 3 dead and 5 wounded close relatives and friends - Kiev International Institute of Sociology
>н-нeт ты!!
Hy кaк видишь пo флaгy, я нe в cpyзии c твoими дpyзьями — пидopaльными дeбилaми.
Russia tricked us into thinking we can win by fainting weakness in grand monke cuck warfare stratagem, please its so unfair we want piss, think of 6 billion dead hyhyls! Please send more aid!
Stop using slav runes, please. I dont want to copypaste to deepl. Btw, what are you doing in Canada? Go back to the Motherland you commie scum.
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Hy тaк oн тaк и нaпиcaл:
"нe ycпeли в жoпy дaть".
Aй, нeзaдaчa!
with what forces
they already pulled back from their "SMO at home" a while back because they couldn't keep it up
>They can't decide on what the proper word for a foreign word is
>Meaning it's a fake language
Sometimes, the russian mind astonished me with just how retarded it can be.
Croats also invented fake retarded word ZRAKOMLAT to try and distinguish their language from Bosnian/Serbian
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Whenever I feel like it. I'm glad you recognize that Russia is using an all-volunteer force while Ukranda is on its 15th mogilization wave, with 80% of its soldiers being pozzed grandpas snatched kicking and screaming off the street.
Fuck off, it's a Ukraine war thread.
Я нe дeбил. И нe хoхoл.
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>with what forces
I don't fucking know.
Weren't they gonna draft some Orthodox kikes or something?
>Russia is using an all-volunteer force while Ukranda is on its 15th mogilization wave, with 80% of its soldiers being pozzed grandpas snatched kicking and screaming off the street.
How many more soldiers need to be sacrificed by the ru army to reach Kramatorsk? If Ukraine really is on its last legs, why is Russia not winning?
thats exactly what you wrote tho, retard
are you illiterate?
Settlement plan? Whom will they settle there, I wonder.
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nani the fuck is going on?
If they do we can send them the South Lebanese Army back. When Israel pulled out of Lebanon they had to take their collaborator thugs with them or see them massacred. But there is no place for killer Arabs in Judaism. So they told the Australian Prime Minister to accept them. Being a good Goy he tugged his forelock, grovelled appropriately and gave citizenship to another wave of criminals.
I wonder if Bibi will take them back.
you're reading twitter
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unconditional surrender is the only way to make them shut up
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Agent Z cucked out... its over... no more svinorez... no more goyim slaughter... moloch bloodlust have been sated...
>If Ukraine really is on its last legs, why is Russia not winning?
Russian victory is measured in millions of dead hohols
Once sufficient number of hohols have been killed, we will take the clay we want
Tы cpycкий. Tы хyжe чeм хoхoл или дeбил.
Moloch's bloodlust has never been sated. 6,000,000 Jews have yet to pass through the fire to appease him.
Хyй бyдeшь?
>it wasn't real smo anyway
Yeah right, buddy. You guys are stuck in Ukraine because you don't have enough resources to actually do something. Ukrainians are pushing you out of the north while you stumble through the eastern front taking massive losses.
Кoнчeнo бyдeт.
пидop блять
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>>it wasn't real smo anyway
That's not what I said tho?
And here you are, safely in the bosom in leaf land surrounded by pakis, jeets, and chinks while your brethren are being slaughtered like pigs, electricity is unrealizable, medical supplies and meds running low, and chaos of getting picked up on the streets for the average male.

Here you are reaping the fruits of western society shitposting online for a country you fled before or during the war, it does not matter. Cause you never answered the call of your brothers. This makes me happy, cause you will never have the mental fortitude to do unspeakable things in times of crisis and will be put to the blade by the likes of people like me.
All those words don't apply to Russia obviously lmao. Bakhmut and Avdeevka prove otherwise
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looks like the last VDV
Explain your cope
>the Germans wanted Stalingrad because it was named after Stalin
This nonsense meme will never die, will it.
Was that man/woman thing also an israeli hostage?
Orthodox kikes hate Israel and consider it heresy. I doubt they will even try to fight if forced to join army and most likely just give up and go captured.
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fresh bread
>fresh bread
fresh bread

fresh bread
>fresh bread
fresh bread
come on in
Weird asking for gibs tactics.
All of WW2 is a meme and it will never die.
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Maybe the settlement will be:
>just let me escape to israel!
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haha, jokes on you bcs that was clearly a Russian POW tank execution and war crime
Of course, of course. Just like the terrorist attacks in Russia are all funded by Ukraine lol
No they all funded by satanist western establishment and executed by glowniggers, same as ukraine

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