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Previous: >>472331454
Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>FT: European NATO countries would struggle to field 300,000 total - https://archive.today/08KRT
>Azov commander admits to his unit acting as blocking detachment - https://archive.today/4GyuO
>"I feel as if I am in a prison": the men avoiding the meatcatchers - https://archive.today/Q3VMM
>Putin continues his Asian trip, arriving in Vietnam - https://archive.today/3YvEQ
>Putin's visit to North Korea in pictures - https://archive.today/muSbj
>Putin arrives in North Korea with high-level delegation - https://archive.today/DGh32
>GIB! GIB! Only $800 billion to beat putler! - https://archive.today/IMaDq
>“We should prepare for life in the cold and the dark”: Half the ukraine's energy generation destroyed - https://archive.today/hLsXK
>Sanctions aren't working because we didn't call Putin racist enough times - https://archive.today/zWUbr
>Putin: 'Russia has the right to supply weapons to foreign countries & strike western targets with them' - https://archive.today/Thb5A


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More maps:
>ODAB-1500 strike
>Mad Max: SMO Road
>Munitions warehouse in Odessa burns
>Dagestani terrorists killed by Special forces P1
>Dagestani terrorists killed by Special forces P2
>Houthis released a new TKD anthem
>Another FAB-3000
>Second usage of FAB-3000 UMPK, massive wings clearly visible
>FAB-500 shockwaves in high humidity
>First usage of FAB-3000 w/ UMPK, Kharkov direction
>AFU soldier tries to surrender to Russian drone, is killed by AFU drone
>Lukashenko wondering why most of the corrupt officials are jews
>"They killed Kenny!"
>Romanians shouting 'Putin' during Romania - Ukraine match
>Showcase of an attack-transport UAV “Perun”
>AFU surrender to fpv drone in the field
>T-90 gets hit by javelin but survives
>Disembarking AFU getting fpv struck
>Ukrainian Su-25 being hit by a Lancet
>Burning MTLB gets to safety, driver nominated for award
>Sudoplatov takes out an Abrams tank

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The task will be completed.
Doesn't matter how trash current /chug/ is.
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Thx for the bread.
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eins zwei drei
shaky shaky schweine

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Drone hunting starts with drone detector
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Liberated city vibe
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>>ODAB-1500 strike
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>zelensky actually ran out of hohols and will give up by August
How's /uhg/ taking the news?
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Candace Owens blasts Zelensky in this short video. Convert it to mp4 and spread it around twitter for the lulz.
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Fight with drone with gun blogger Кpyпнoкaлибepный Пepeпoлoх
Where is the liberal democracy tank with its superior liberal democracy GDP it should be able to make an even bigger tank
W music choice. Little do you know it's a direct criticism of Russia lmao
What are the best pro Russian telegram channels with the newest hohol gore?
Big, if true.
Hezbs are goading kikes to cross the border with force. Hopefully they do

>Hezbollah attacked on June 27 the Naqoura naval site of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) near Lebanon’s border with a number of suicide drone
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Liberated translated from russian means razed to the ground and left in a state worse that he poorest of African cities. I can already see the ruski mir doing its job and protecting the russian speakers of the Donbass.
Z for TNLD (Total Nigger Lover Death).
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>Zero reaction from European governments as Russia's terror campaigns in Europe are likely going to make Al-Qaeda look like an episode of Sesame Street.

>Russia is paying people from all over the world to commit acts of terror in European cities.

>And they will say, "We never saw it coming"

Russia's illegal terror campaign... how scary
Wait a sec. Is he on frontline? Or some staged shit for blog?
So suddenly you dont hate Russians?
...at losing.
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goodness, no. I despise russian culture with my whole heart. They turn everything they touch into shit. I'm glad the hohols are beating their heads in.
But there's a catch...
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Hello again Gentlemen
why pig is dancing?
wasn't jay accused of scamming people or something?
Dia dhuit.
Okey so why do you suddenly care about Russians?
>hoholjeet doesnt even realize ukropland had African living standards BEFORE the war
That's probably the light tank with the more punch since the AML/Eland 90/20.
Love that thing.
Finally, a use for all those cool auto shotguns that you only see in vidya
>anything happens
>blame russia
Those retards have Kiev terrorist regime that is actually performing acts of terrorism and is actually openly threatens europe with terrorism every other day right around the corner and they give this regime weapons and money.
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why not?
He always goes to frontline with humanitarian missions on his telegram. first time shooting something
This you? >>472336403
shut the fuck up hoholina im your pimp and you have brought no cash with that slutty piggish body of yours
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Putin is a pedophile.

He murdered Alexander Litvinenko for exposing his pedophilia to the world.

Look it up
No that's your mom, vova.
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They need to put him in mcdicks commercial
There were many shotgun against drones videos
They are in full /k/ope mode, sending austrianigger to make more "why russia" threads
My mom is Ukrainian? Didn't know that.
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kill niggers
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He scammed so much people they even made a website about him so you could not write his name without getting the site poping up.
aхaх кaкaя eщё хoлинa ypoд ты yзкoглaзый
because he'll get shot if he stops
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funny how there are no oppisite examples
Every ukrainian city will be liberated like Dresden
Apologies good sir, have a free coupon to use her as a pighole
Dresden was firebombed and destroyed by the all-lies, what do you mean, anon?
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she looks great, mongoloid genes
Kiketin is a chabad puppet
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Has anyone seen the ambassador?
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>what do you mean
You know what he meant very well.
>right pic
45yo without makeup. Very nice.
>ambassador for country that about cease to exist
So the same as with all the nato invasions?
>no hand protection near broken window
this triggers me immensely, I guess after seeing so much death people just tend to become careless
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Good evening, frens and sers.
It's so fucking hot...
Argie chabad schizo is a brown clown wearing a brown frown.
As opposed to american legal terror campaigns?
so translated from cope projecting language it means that ukranda is commiting terror attacks and monke is cucking
quite accurate summary actually
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Hallo Nazuna the yuri enjoyer
You subhuman baboon.
You literal nigger.
How dare you speak, you swarthy jungle monkey. How dare you open your big lipped, rim encrusted, menthol cigarette smelling mouth?
You are human trash, Diego Tyrone LeShawn de Maradona. Universally despised, derided and mocked. Your nationality and skin tone offers no hope to the world that South America can ever prosper. Crawl back in to the Brazilian jungle you came out of, you literal orangutan.
I hope you decide to sail your grandfathers skip to the Falklands and rape some sheep, as is in the negroes nature. It would still be the whitest pussy you ever had. Give Nigel and Robert a chance for some target practice, your sole use to the world. Argentinians obsession with a few windswept islands in the Atlantic is hilarious but sad. Coincidentally its the only worthwhile contribution Argentina has made to the medical field. The MUH LAS MALVINAS sentiment in the average negro Argentinian is both an early warning sign of autism in children, and early on set Alzheimer's in adults.
Take your black hairy fingers off your keyboard, and never talk about human affairs again you antiquated farm equipment. No amount of olive oil and wheat flour slabbed on your face every morning will make you white. It's about as delusional of an idea as your daydreams of European heritage. Your crude makeup isn't fooling anyone.
You nigger.
You make Bolivia look like a beacon of civilisation.
You are the Baltimore of South America.
Go fertilise the Pampas with you and your families corpses, its the best you can hope for in life. For the first time in your life n*gger, you will have a job. Making food for a race of beings of infinitely higher worth than you. Uruguayan cattle. Coincidentally, it would be the first time an Argentinian "man" provided for a family.
Die, Diego. No one would miss you. Except for Australian Aboriginals, who now would have no one to make them look good.
Shut up. Those are democratic campaigns.
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>What do you want to negotiate with them?

>Russia must be defeated militarily.
>Or the Ukraine will perish.
>Actually, it's quite simple.

always looked hideous, that grin is pure vile evil, viccy nuland, the kagan harbringer of holodomor had the same
Pretty on spot. It is ridiculous that it is the same 80 years later.
yes its called rule by law idiot. whoever rules uses law in his favour.
Good digits. The wojak putin is a good touch too.
so when is he signing to die for globohomo? he said it himself, russia must be defeated. go on julian, relieve volksturm experience on the outskirts of berlin.
5 hohol shill threads made during the last 20 minutes. They are raiding. They are seething. They are /k/oping. And soon they will be dilating and they won't be bothering here whole they do.
You don't understand, that's different!
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why are you still trying? noone gonna buy your lies. you have been failing to shill for jews for 2+ years. give it a rest.
His fight is online chud
But anon... someone needs to spread the great truth and nothing but the truth about globohomo and the terror entitiy Russia.

EUs have been realy bloodthirsty and not thought about the possible consequences of direclty supporting ukraine, if Russia doesn't want to start a nuke war but does want to punish the Euros they'll probably fund stuff like this
i must lick her ears from behind
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Um bro hes heckin demoralizing us, we are so defeated
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The Ukraine that he thinks exists is already dead
But how is his brown wife suppose to take care of his brown children then?
do they have to clear the entire bloc when setting up like that? god that would suck
Eksytys oli kuin haaraan tielle mentiin.
Eten kuin piti mennä.
Eksytin haaraan tielle.
Haaraan me mentiin.
Edessän kuin piti mennä, eksytin tielle joka ei tunettu.
Haaraassa oltin.
Isin kans me mentiin.
Syrjän me mentiin. Syrjäsä me asutiin.
Haaraan kuin me mentiin isi oli mukanaan.
Äiti oli menny erileen.
Sinä se oli se haaraan tie.
Edessän kuin meni.
Isä eessä menee.
Funny how some of these shills austistically hyperfocus on a single ganda for years without changing. Like how austrianigger has been making "why russia" threads since 2017 and how aids poolack has been making "russia aids" threads since 2015.
Literally nothing else, every single day, for years and almost a decade for one of them.
I hope you never make it go the front with this autistic faggotry.
No no... they just need to mobilize 500.000 more men and more western Wunderwaffels.
Then they will surely push Russia back behind the Ural.
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>quite simple
>jihadi ropke
Had he ever considered peace? I mean, he always calls for escalating, what is his endgame, nuclear holocaust?
>Ukraine is the only country that had the least despair during early COVID
A brown future for his brown children.
He hates germans he said so himselfv
Ok, we just need Crimea, DPR and LPR to be part of Russia
> no
> 3 months of THD later
Ok, we just need Crimea, Donetsk, and Lugansk Region to be part of Russia
> no
> 3 months of THD later
Ok, we just need Crimea, Donetsk, Lugansk and Kherson Regions to be part of Russia
> no
> 3 moths of THD later
Ok, we just need Crimea, Donetsk, Lugansk, Kherson and Zaporozhyna Regions to be part of Russia
> no
> 3 months of THD later
Ok, we just need Crimea, Donetsk, Lugansk, Kherson, Zaporozhyna and Kharkov Regions to be part of Russia
and so on...
> SeE? RuSSia dD NOt wANt tO nEGoTiATe!!! WhY dO yOU EveNT wAnt tO nEgoTIatE?
Daily reminder that the girl behind the tranny flag on the left sucks horse dick and swallows horse semen in beast porn. She was IDed with proof by an Israeli flag.
According to him the only way to achieve peace is defeating Russia militarily. He's said that multiple times.
There is no negotiated outcome of the conflict for him.
Dios mio, suddenly I love soviets?
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i was about to post that. cool video
There's an AI image face recognition it's kinda expensive but it will find a persons face all over the internet, it's kind of scary how well it works.
It will find porn videos as well.
If anyone ever needs to check out someone
It was so massive that it was dragged into the budget black hole.
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IT'S FUCKING OVER, isn't it????
Is it legal to be so comfy?
N-bomb, hehe
When they use them they are suicide drones. When we use them they are loitering munitions.
you can rebuild towns and cities, chud
How's that supposed to go? Like his piss conference?
They had more despair than now.
that's an unknown technology for hyhyls
Its definitely a new shottie. No dings or scratches on the woodwork, no wear on the draw bars of the pump.
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>propaganda video
>a fucking column of vehicles
>How's that supposed to go? Like his piss conference?
Surrender. A capitulation. That's what it's gonna come down to.
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Christ is King
They know street lights and nutella, they don't need cities
He's full of shit. I will end when Washington and Russia says it does. Agent Z doesn't have any say in this.
I think russia started with “dont persecute russians” and minsk was “crimea to russia, ldpr to ukraine”.
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>left in a state worse that he poorest of African cities
It has way better GDP (Groids Per People ratio) though
INTEL SLAVA! reactivate the preview mode you greedy communist basterd!
Burn, that's why pig is dancing
I mean... You know that. I know that. But does he know that?
>ukrainian runes
The game was rigged from the start.
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can hear you thru these paper thin reality walls
suggest you get the fuck out of this general if thats how you really feel
This poster reminds us to never have a mixed race children

Thread Theme
In two more weeks?
They make a very favorable offer, like Russia retreating from all of mainland Ukraine and Crimea and only having to pay 500 billion instead of the 8 gorillion $ in reparations and then act surprised when the response to that is their last functional powerplants turning into a smoldering crater.
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this is all going to come to a very anti-climatic end
I'm not mixed race though
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ukranian runes existed before but very few actually used them.
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>mfw when the power metal song from my playlist comes on when i opened this webm
I would imagine its the beginning of the leadership change
So what is *actually* going to happen? Surely our elites have a plan for all this.
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So, Zelensky says they can't go a lot longer. I call bullshit. This is hohol pig attempt for more gibs.
What's going on in the k-stans for all the despair?
fuck off bhutranny
Yeah, something is up.
>shotguns and motorcycles
took them 2 years to figure out what i figured out 2 years ago...militaries are magnets of uncreative midwits this is why the civilian sector should play a big role in it including tactics
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>Surely our elites have a plan for all this.
another day another VPN troon
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Why is Orban betraying Russia like vucic did, rats fleeing the ship?
How do you move forces otherwise?
inb4: the one who discover how to do it nowadays will be new guderian
never thought that we'd see shotguns become mandatory battlefield weapons but here we are
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>half pig
>half man
but enough about hohols
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>Surely our elites have a plan for all this.

Yes certainly.
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>But does he know that?
They're still under an illusion that they can:
1. freeze the conflict
2. enter NATO with what they control
3. enter the EU
After the Nov 24th, they can do what they want.
Ukrainian right sector and opposition hates Agent Z as much as the Russians. We'll see who will get to him first.
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Agent Z send the Volksturm and children
Total Hohol death isnt completed
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Context? Same woman before and after deciding to suck some jewcranian cock on air? What's the time delta between the pictures? And what's her current situation / circumstances?
The Australian Federal Police agent commonly known as 'Bustanutguy' has been here since 2012 or so. He uses the same four or five short scripts. His only real change has been adding child porn and baby gore to his repertoire, but the texts remain the same.
Every single one of you who curses Jews will be cursed back hundred fold! Fuck you parasites. Subhuman rat pieces of fucking SHIT!
The mere fact of using them in propaganda against ukrainian nationalism makes the whole picture moot and basically an insult to russia.
Gay in Qieeev he speak of hohols or himself?
yes, same, 10 years difference, stunningly and bravely opposing the ebil Russia
take Poklonskaya for another example, she's still as cute of a mommy as she was 10 years ago, only aged a bit
I have already been smitten by 56% of the curse of Ham
Nice projection.
Can you play Bladerunner next?
You'd better flee Israel while you still can
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can't get much worse as it currently is as the people here are just being oppressed by our own government. unironic fiftyfifth class citizens second class citizens is too good for us.

and i don't even hate you i am just oppressed and discriminated against. for things i had no control over.

have a fun dancing cat.
also him, RTX OFF


No, fuck that, send the diaspora back too
I support Israel, Iran, Russia and EU
I mean he's saying they don't have the men to continue, not that they don't have the weapons. Maybe it's his attempt to get more NAFO troops into Ukranda.
There has only ever been one picture of my face on line and that was back in 2003. I've never understood the idea of hanging my spaghetti out in public. Probably why I stick to 4chan. There were stories back then of pattern recognition programs being used by GCHQ to download every porn image on the internet. That was well before AI as we currently know it. Any woman silly enough to have made home porn with an ex in the last twenty years is going to find it tagged to her social media presence.
You call me all the names you want all the vitriol against the Jews DOESNT PHASE ME! I’m not a scared Jew anymore I’m stronger than every single one of you subhumans I am stronger than what people think I am. I will not tolerate Jewish hatred any longer its nasty face arises to spite me but I know I’m stronger but you guiding others to hate Jews is absurd and STUPID! I will see it through that you’re all wiped off this planet one day and you’ll know exactly where your place is IN HELL! So try to come get me I’m right here I can stand up against your anti semitic remarks. KNOW YOUR FUCKING PLACE YOU PARASITES!
>After an accident making explosives
That was a hohol who didn't even manage to do his falseflag.
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Poklonskaya's heart bled for jewcranians and she shilled for them as well you know. She has ork feets.
Yes, there's even a webpage made to warn everyone about what he does.
They should start drafting westerns with ukraine flag in bio, I sent lots of them infos on how to join the ukrainian foreign legion but so far nobody did.
>y-you want to genocide me don't you, filthy goyim senpai! don't lie, I can see through your tricks!!
اللعنة علی اليهود
good for you.
Even though Slavic girls have banging bodies, their hands and feet are horrible compared to Med ones
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>I sent lots of them infos on how to join the ukrainian foreign legion but so far nobody did.
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Pork tastes yummy you know? Especially fried in butter. Shame you can never know.
Someone did and had Sid the Sloth as their child.
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How traditional is Russia with regards to families?
you can't curse a thing that doesn't exist
being half-european half-ottoman is not an ethnicity

catholic-written prequel to Bible with which they wanted to subvert New Testament (original) with, to fit more their own catholic scriptures (called Legenda Aurea) is not a religion nor culture

claiming you own a land because your totalitarian cult says so is not a legitimate claim, even when Churchill with Hitler supported your claim

Ethiopes were the last ones who had descendant of king Solomon (named Haile Silassie) rule them, and Mossad (Judenrat) murdered him in a USA-funded coup
Ethiopes are the only ones who can legitimately claim jewishness by legally inheriting it from their ruler

Jids have less rights to Jewishness than Branch Davidians
>I mean he's saying they don't have the men to continue
He wouldn't say that for no reason. He has no reason for honesty.
level herson
it was propaganda made in ukraine aimed at ukranians.
The whole "ukraine is a real nation" started in Ukraine socialist republic
>I can already see the ruski mir doing its job and protecting the russian speakers of the Donbass.
check out these super happy and peaceful videos from liberated Mariupol!
I don't have to call you vitriolic names to make you seeth. I only have to name you, Jude.
True, though occasionally he blurts some truth out like millions of dead hohols
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well there is a difference of a simple stupid cute femoid being mercyful, even if wrongly, to your enemies, as opposed to being hateful bitch to your own country
Looks like it needs some Indians
no explosions here muhammad
Kiev will be renamed Putingrad and he'll like it
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>Russian army took all islands on Kherson direction
>only 31.000 have died
>but we will lose millions if you postpone things a bit
Oh cool a quiet Jew hating dog whistle your attacks mean nothing moron.
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>not knowing our strategic partners banner
>Looks like it needs some Indians
Once Russia wins, going to visit Mariupol and Bakhmut for sure, grab a slice at New York Street Pizza. Hopefully Putin doesn't cuck out before Odessa is back where it belongs.
Jewtin is gonna cuck as usual and give Ukraine a way better deal than they deserve, and then he'll get screwed over by the west like always.
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>War in the Ukraine
>Putin is running out of tanks

>The SZ used an AI model to count the vehicles recognisable in the images and for control purposes. The model was trained on the platform of the Swiss company Picterra, which already helped New York Times journalists to analyse bomb craters in the Gaza Strip. The SZ used it to record the number of armoured vehicles from satellite data.
>For example, in one of the largest Russian tank reserve camps, the 111th Central Army Tank Reserve Base in south-east Russia. Since the beginning of the war, hundreds of armoured vehicles have disappeared from there, including almost 30 T-62 tanks last year, an old Soviet model for which production had already been discontinued in the mid-1970s. Some of them are likely to be among the dozens of destroyed Russian T-62 tanks listed by Oryx.

>The AI model counts 857 vehicles for the relevant part of the approximately 60-hectare base in April 2021, i.e. before the Russian invasion.
>Images from October 2022, eight months after the start of the war, show only 431.

>And today, in 2024, the part of the base visible from space is almost empty.
>A similar picture emerges for the base in the city of Arsenyev, also in south-east Russia.

>The 1295th Central Military Base is an important base for tank repairs and the storage of vehicles.
>This is also shown by the large number of non-operational vehicles and, above all, the tank graveyard, a scrap yard whose vehicles are now only used as spare parts stores.

>While there were still more than 300 operational vehicles here before the war, there are hardly any left in the summer of 2023.
>The pictures also reveal the state of repairs. Without vehicles that can be cannibalised, i.e. without spare parts, repairs in the Russian tank factories are virtually impossible. It is unclear how many battle tanks are still in the halls.

It's yvir. Putler is running out of stuff again.
fab-500 didnt explode in Kharkov. sadge
Damn...I wonder if ISIS-K will finally strike the west...
I don't see wings, probably fake
Τhe fuck you're on about? There's plenty of Jews in Iran.
It really looks like a barrel.
Too bad, these things would do more damage with a longer fuze instead of exploding on contact outside the building.
Walk in the door after 36 hours without sleep. I'm carrying a bag of guns. Turn on the light and hear, very loudly, "Any of you fucking pricks move and I'll execute every last one of you!"
Luckily the music started paying at that point.
Perfect timing.

I had been pulled over by the cops, bloodshot eyes, reeking of gunsmoke, magazines and ammo in the back of the car, 3am in the morning, opera playing at death metal levels on the stereo, on my way to the capital. I'm impressed at how well the cops handled it.
Goyim are going to die. War profits will be made. Debt levels will rise. standards of living will fall.
The usual.
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it's so yvir... it's time for the russians to ritryit from hrukraine...
Says the non human rat. Do you recite the Benediction to the Heretics six times a day?
I can see right through you parasite, maybe support Israel instead of Iran and you’ll see that we’re the ones who are actively trying to save this planet.
Yeah, kinda like, my story is post Russian troops entered Ukraine, cuz this is when true negotiations started.
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Thread Theme Btw
Hohols have FABs, they ever dropped one on Kharkov few days ago for whatever reason
ehh, they do the impact because its easier to predict, eventhough they slip wings on the bombs to guide them to places differing wind conditions and weather conditions affect where it lands slightly, and the farther it goes the slightly harder it becomes to predict where it'll land. it's why they do the impact thing i reckon since a long fuse might just add more complexity. and retooling of what is a rather simple bomb construction. with wings and some gps coords slapped into it.
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>there are people literally standing next to UXO like it's nothing
She's a woman. She can't handle a million dead and crippled.
sure bro, they decided to bomb Kharkov in same time with Russians. just because
Unfortunately, the liberal democracy tank is stuck in the "imagine how it'd crush everyone" phase and never reached the "we're making it" phase.
Considering that a whore is clearly labeled as a whore and treated with disgust here, for example (more than any Western country would allow), I'd say very traditional.
whats the problem. it clearly didnt explode
I think that Iran needs to shift to supporting the two-state solution and then there's no reason to fight. You can all be friends.
I guess, but if they miss the building its probably better to explode on contact than going underground and project the explosion upwards.
But what do I know
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Nothing ever happens
it's only dangerous when you kick it
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Ukranda needs another $10B aid package to pay for democracy pallets
does this count as baneposting?
Of course!
It's still armed, one hohol decides to be an idiot and you'll be picking up his back bacon from 3 blocks away
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holy shit!
you're a tranny aren't you.
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where is wings? unless Russia achieved invisibility we cant free dumb fabs this far
these random drops kind of sus
Me on the left
What aircraft did they lose today??? Helos? Planes??
whats the downside?
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changed my mind, this war must stop now
needs faggot flags
Think they'll try to create a bridge head, if Ukraine doesn't capitulate soon?
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Look how happy he is
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>under 2k
Cowardly porkssturm not going on enough assaults, what Syrsky doing?
It has stabilizer cap torn off, even if it had wings they won't survive the impact
you know the funniest part about the whole thing?
Hohols who ran and now cheering for war outside of their shithole hate living in the West.
They simply do not belong there and it's not a fairytale like they imagined
Top trolll is back. We missed you /Saul/
Black or chinese??
rumor has it he caught some shrapnel in the ass and died of internal bleeding
>Top trolll
He's actually a bottom. That's what the other jew said, anyway.
Being within three blocks of the Holhol.
typical whore picture moment, cant even take a look at that ricer engine.
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Noviop attack. WhErE aRe ThE wInGs. faaaake
Burn is shit
Chaillmante or redbull
Others are literally garbage
I had the same thought. Power steering was a mistake. It allowed women to learn to drive.
More of a coaler
he saw a glass land mine and protected his squad with his body
he was an hero
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AI slop
Relations thawing out?
Redbull is heart attack in a can. V is the only acceptable teeth rot with added caffeine.
Ancient Soviet technologies of building cities and creating infrastructure were outlawed as heresies in modern Ukraine and soon enough were forgotten and became myth. Most Ukrainians today don't even know who built their cities as they believe it was ancient ukrs.
not planning to. do love my some bacon and THD
what is he holding?
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Absolutely, even the men got weak. At work we have all kinds of atv/utvs without power steering and the majority of men have a hard time pulling a k turn, lmao.
fucking kek
two stories in one.

Haaraassa oltin.
Isin kans me mentiin.
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Chaimante is my go to
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I think there's a non-zero chance that there is more than one individual shitposting from the star of Remphan flag.
some part of wings
russia 4ever!!!
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Sokil status?
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RIP in piss, sweat princess
Fun fact: Germany and Russia were negotiating from October 1941 to August 1943. Talks broke down each time over the same issue: Ukraine
Westoids don't understand how important it is to Moscow
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Is there another kharkov front opening? Gainz map i look at shows a grey zone + fighting reported west of the current two fronts
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It's officially Yvir
Saw a report about that earlier as well. But didn't see much more about it. Might just be some border skirmishes.
I eat salo with garlic so I'm immune to jewish trickery.
I can only wish that the Baltic Tigers would finally send their combined troops to Ukraine, all 1000 of them.
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I remember a story of Ukrainian refugees coming to America and then wanting to go home
I don't blame them
still needs rape correction and a baby belly to set her straight
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would you like a frieren like that?
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fresh bread
>fresh bread
fresh bread
fresh bread
>fresh bread
fresh bread
come on in
Well they had 8 years to stop shelling Donbass and they failed.
Happens to the best of us.
yeas pleaaase!
wait until I check what she said in 2022
Quick sumup: We want to prolong the war, we want the war to go on for years
Westoids are simply dumb. The Russians will give you everything you want from ukraine. You can have the gas, buy the grain, fuck the chicks. Everything is for sale.
>No, we hab to hab our democratic fenga puppet!
Really unbelievable.

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