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No Laney thread
Remember to pick your neighbor couch obese leftover as they surely make best of best in housewife territory.
>it's okay to be fat and to have a shitty life made out of tattoos, pizzas and wine
I just summed up 90% of her works.
Except Laneyball, it's much more of esoteric knowledge.
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Laney is the biggest basic bitch NPC hole on the planet, and /pol/s fascination with her shows that you all are fucking PEASANT tier NPC's as well.
Don't forget Laney is the one making all the plapjak nu-memes
im the NEET male version of this and I approve

id much rather let someone else do all that gay shit

what if i could get a hottie milf no eggs left and i just have a fuckbuddy

sounds like a good life to me
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I love how her female character gets uglier the more she self-inserts.
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All of Lainey’s pictures say the same thing:
>Please don’t shame me! Shaming a woman is literally the worst thing ever!! We will go to pieces if you do it!!
It reveals an extremely important truth: shame is an effective tool that deeply plays on the female psyche. For thousands of years it was used to keep women in line. As soon as we stopped using it, we got a society full of Laineys.
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The problem with the picture: there is no such thing as a perfect wife.
>the candy with the hole
for the hole
Shirley is fat?!
I cant imagine that tard owning a PGO shotgun.
Its a good life until they decide to stop having sex with you due to health reasons.

t. Im 40 and my wife is 63. Weve been together like 15 years. Now if I want to fuck, I go to hookers. Sometimes she pays for them. Other times, she doesnt.
>Im 40 and my wife is 63.
Do you have at least children?
Did you marry a 23 older women for money?
Fuck no we dont have kids. She couldnt have them, and I dont want them.
>you are in a relationship with her since she was 48
children impossible
>Im 40 and my wife is 63
Ok explain right the fuck now, I want a full biography in greentext
We met on craigslist for sex. She fell in love with me. I fell in love with her. Thats pretty much it.
Lol this is how my niece is being raised, they love their baby and the husband is still in the picture. I think she will turn out just fine.
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You know, I actually believe you anon
This snowniggers forgot to have fun. Too much ingestion of Moroccan semen is why..
Captain Sweden, take the swarthoud cock.our of your aphincterhole, and stfu.
No one cares about your ba hot take.
We are trashing a NYC art hoe with pretensions.
It's good, clean fun and the OC's are hilarious. Plus the wine is delicious.
You're a faggot
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I gain nothing from lying. Ive told our story a million times on /pol/, /toy/, /vg/, /v/ and probably a few other boards. We also own several sex dolls, I dont work, she does, shes kind of slowly gotten red pilled on a lot of things over the years, but shes also equally blue pilled on many things that actually matter (like her health and doctors), and honestly after shes gone, im done with biocunts for the rest of my life. Going to train an AI to replace her when the sad inevitability happens (unless I die before she does, kind of possible, im not in the best health either.)
Bulk diet to produce more breast milk
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>my wife is 63
Yes. That is what fat looks like at the earliest stages. Today, however, people think that is normal. It is sad and pathetic.
You never know who youre actually going to fall in love with until it happens.
laneyism on 4chan is an academic endeavour in memes and internet spreading paid for and being researched by the Central European University.
it is similar to the Fat Joan meme-work in america but instead it is EU loving numales and women with tattoos and mental illness doing the research.
>standards are le bad
>the candy with the hole
>the candy for the hole
Standards have declined, for sure
You fucking idiot. You don't make important life decisions based on love.
when is this fat drunk whore going to an hero? we all know it's coming. if she's not in her 40s already she's close
>We also own several sex dolls,
oh, you're THAT guy
i didn't know your wife is a grandma. I thought she's mentally disabled or something. Well, i guess that coudl be true as well
Oh, it wasnt just generic hollywood "love". She also, eventually, accepted me for all of my flaws and weirdness. She enjoys my autism. Good luck finding a woman who wont try to change everything about you until you arent "you" anymore.
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Who has the pic of laney in the mirror in her underwear with cellulite. Its not on google.
Most people never find love but they just pretend they did. They lie even to themselves about it. For most people love is finding someone they can just barely tolerate.

But the blackest pill is that those who never found real love are actually the ones who are blessed.
check on here

somehow plebbit allows an entire sub dedicated to mocking lainey.
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Lainey ball is my favourite political animé.
Ya, whatever… granny fucker
Your wife is a pedo
You know she's right. We all were brainwashed and the planet gonna pay for it.
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I checked that entire thing its not there. Shes taking a selfie in the mirror while half crying in her underwear cause she can see cellulite. Someone has it. Used to get posted alot but now I cant find it for shit.
>no ass
Ah yes, the mutt big ass worshipping.
He's not.
i laughed HARD twice in a row and my gf started screeching to show her what the fuck is so funny
How can 2 different things be perfect at same time? this is illogical


Pick one anon.
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I still don't know what the original context of this was. Is this even edited?
it's simple but it works

The context is she insane. There is also a version were a pregnant mother get praise but a woman who is just fat is mocked.

Shes trying to escuse being fat by pretending things are the same when they arent.
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This is what boomers took from you
This is a phycotic way to think
Audibly kek'd
>no ass Yadviga
I might have a few laineys...

>shoes on in the kitchen
Perfect my ass....
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I'd do both chicks at the same time.
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Webms with sound here.

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The classic.
Please tell me this is edited?
Would you a lainey?
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Go ahead check her IG it's a goldmine of roastie memes
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Lip filler on tiny thin lips always looks like shit.
laughed xD
Her 'art' is so boring and basic. No wonder she has all those doodle tattoos.
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With the way you write, there's no fucking way you are a white American.
Bro you were 25, all 25 year olds are a bit autistic still. There is still time bro
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>except laneyball
expect laneyball
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Kek. Bump
y u post this garbage, it's worse than beta-cringe
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Shut the fuck up lainey
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I hate doodle tattoos. Does anyone find them appealing?
Women with mental illness

Been looking for this thanks.
>banging hookers on the side
Pick one
A fellow Lainey scholar I see.
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Fun fact.
Lainey and ChrisChan share the same birthday.
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This is am basically a humor thread and these threads are for laughing at her you retard.
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He probably enjoys lainey IG art for non-ironic reasons.
she is fun.
I choose left every time.
not a bad looking lass, but ruined herself with tats and drinking.
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Also we need the TKD edition.

Any art anons want to take on the task?
>women jealous of lolis
uoh and would
> hey, I know you want to make a child with your wife, but that kinda interferes with my TV watching, so have this pizza instead
I love a good "but I'm on their side" and hope a significant portion of the population gets it one day
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Is Laney having some sort of identity crisis again?
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Every single one of her drawings is a desperate attempt to convince herself that she is happy doing the exact opposite as literally every single woman in her entire lineage before her. 1000's of her ancestors spit out kids just for the bloodline to end at her, and she spends her entire waking life lieing about how it makes her feel.
The idea of a woman sitting on a couch eating straight from a pizza box is so revolting that my question whether this bitch is actually human if she thinks that it is perfect.
herro prease
bing bong ching chong
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Oddly enough. I do both of these in the morning.
>fragile health
Maybe you should stop drinking bitch.
Lmao dumb cunt. I recently saw a video of a legitimately autistic teenager reviewing a SpongeBob popsicle. It had like 60k views.
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My wife and I are approaching our 40's and how the fuck does Lainey have this much cellulite?
Cyberpunk Doomer Vibes
>The context is she insane.
We know.
She's a danger to herself and others.
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They were made for each other but they dont realize it.
Based, I wish I can overcome the biological urge to breed
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>and... liked his own message.
She's doing that stupid thing women do when they take shit out of context to compare them.
The first pic is a kid, a little round because she's still growing. Second pic, a lazy fatass wishing people would agree with her that it's perfectly fine to be overweight and lazy, while attempting to wear swimwear meant for showcasing a healthy physique. She's stupid. Kids are cute, so they get a pass. Fat, ugly, lazy, self-absorbed bitches do not get a pass. In fact their pussy-pass gets revoked because the "good" men won't fuck them. That's all she's screeching about.
hung over from midsummer?
why so grumpy?
this is bs, i was told to suck in my tummy as a kid
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Can we stop giving this worthless whore and her pretentious "artwork" attention?
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It's not attention, it's for the lulz.
What ever spirit of 4chan is left it resides here in /pol/
post her nudes
ive always found strange how you dont even need to edit her comics, everything she draws has the thousand cock stare, literally soulless
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Just like this one. She makes false equivalencies all the time.
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Does anyone have the screenshots of that time she actually showed up in one of her threads and had a complete meltdown?
Evening Lainey
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nevermind, found it kek
Need a Lainey ball plush kek.
10/10 made me choke
>In the go drink combo.
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poor pangolin
She tried to battle 4chins lmao. Pissing in a sea of piss. 4chan doesn’t change, it changes you. Been here since 2009 friends. There is no way out.
>tattoos, pizzas and wine

Amazing how many basic cunts I knew in my twenties whose lives revolved around these three things. These 304s are all the same, they just come in different packaging.
>boomers reeee
I'd really prefer if they did tho. Don't tell me there's not enough lardets for you
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Soundtrack to this post:

didn't know they have laws against going full retard
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>These 304s
Why do people keep using this ebonics slang? I've only ever heard niggers and non-niggers who listen to rap say this. What was wrong with just calling them hoes?
where's my greekanon at with the unlimited supply of laineyballs/memes
Do you say based? That's nigger slang, too.
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Domo arigato anonsan.
No it isn't.
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Married a woman 23 years older than you
Bro that's not even a used car that's like finding one in a dump
Uh, it literally came from a rapper known as Lil' B, the Based God. How is that not nigger slang?
>it literally came from a rapper known as Lil' B
No it didn't.
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oh fuuggggggg kino
>Ha ha yes I love seeing that a woman is as lonely and depressed as me! Get rekt!

Misery loves company.
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belly pass stops at 16, we all know that
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Good times.
This is great
What the fuck does "spiritually aligned" mean?
>both are perfect.
Who are you to question a woman's divine judgement?
Why doesn't she get a real job?
it means overdosing on copium
What was laney’s real name? I vaguely remember it was like an insult in English. Moron or the like. Dsyt44t0
Does anyone have the pic of Nikocado Avocado showing his flabby asshole? Please post. It's really, REALLY important.
>demon nails
always a red flag
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Gotta love /pol/ edits!
>It didn't because I say it didn't

That's not it works, Anon.
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And done!

You are welcome!
I would deep creampie Laney, no hesitation.
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I really hope Laney continues to gain even more weight and just copes with body positivity delusion that it's perfectly fine. I want her to be a blimp in the future.
I agree with this one, I’m absolutely okay with a woman staying at home all day cozy in her pajamas with pizza, TV, and robot vacuum so long as I can nut in her without other men doing the same
lol wut Lainey is fucking disgusting
Did she also laugh
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no, please anon
i can't go through that again
I could hear it in my mind.
Do you have sex with that wet slab of baloney?
so is this why onions was chosen to be the filter, or is it just a coincidence?
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Imagine what is out there....
>It is because I say it is
That's not how it works, Anon.
Could be, anon. Could be. Garlic and onions are good for regulating your blood pressure too. I feel better when I eat them.
It's kind of sad, because it's obvious she stopped believing her own bullshit, years ago.
Except I've cited the origin of the "based" meme, while all you've offered up is "No ur wrong." So why don't you tell us where it actually came from if it wasn't Lil' B?
Fucking kekd
Women's desperate need for attention and social media are a potent cocktail.
Aberrated whore, I love it.
the roastie rage is real.
That nigga dead.
>liked his own message
Giga chad move
Lmao she is a massive retard
Post comics about healthy relationships
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Dorka Molnar
Not even if she came on to me. Reject vampiric whores.
yeah but you can restore a car you find in a dump
you can't restore a woman. we don't have the technology yet
like leftists, a lot of posters here refuse to look things up because it destroys the narrative they've created in their brains
>Citation: my own words
saved thank you anon you made my fucking day
>Shes trying to escuse being fat by pretending things are the same when they arent.
Dude, if you expect any kind of intellectualism or honesty from Lainey I have a bridge in Baltimore to sell you at scrap prices.
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>If you don't worship niggers you are... LE LEFTIST
Picrel is you
Just take your L and fuck off.
i can fix her
>A meme website says it therefore it's true
>Using ebonics
No wonder why you're so desperate to give a nigger credit for internet slang, you are literally a nappy headed nigger.
why does she hold the baby like that?
You still haven't told us where it actually came from, you gaslighting kike.
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> She couldnt have them, and I dont want them.

retarded hedonist wonders why whites are going extinct. Clown world.
same, she's just costantly seething and deflecting
Hell yeah, brother
>Too much ingestion of Moroccan semen is why..
>Captain Sweden, take the swarthoud cock.our of your aphincterhole, and stfu.
Wtf I like Americans now
damn you are an idiot. You're like a typical Amerishart with no morality and no standards and no religion. Better off dead.
kill yourself for defending modernity.
Sophie Tucker in 1929 sang that 163 pounds was fat, now that's below average
pls somebody post the one with the DVD tattoo
Holy shit it’s him! It’s plapjak!
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>If you don't love niggers, you are... LE JEW
Typical nigger and his lack of understanding of the only language he knows. Hey, dumb nigger, guess wha?t Niggers have never invented any words in the English language, now kindly take your crusty ashy musty niggerskin back to worldstarhiphop.
>Im 40 and my wife is 63
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She's hotter because she has a leaky anus.
why is she so racist?
Truly aspirational outcome inspiring every young man to work harder towards.
>right side.
>under the bed.
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OMG! She eats at Fire Noodle! That place always has the longest line. I'm like... incredibly jealous.
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I forgot I had a few too
>bipolar alcoholic shoplifter
Lainey Molnar? No way!
Please be bait
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Skinny is still skinny, plump still isn’t fat. There are loads of twigs where I live and also very fat ones. You have so many fat women your perception is warped also on the skinny side, and you don’t realize what the actual shape spectrum is.
why do women turn their nails into prison shanks?
Lip filler always looks like shit in general.
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Lainey needs her lips filled. With my cock.
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damn a laney without all those ugly as shit tattoos and before being cummed on by niggers was cute

i just told her it's lainey and she was like "AUGH", she learned not to look
damn she could have been filled with cum and children and worshiped like a princess by a hardworking dude, but no she had be a childless whore and fish for a better life
The difference is that the woman in Laney's comic is still getting everything done. The baby is cared for, food is available and cleaning is getting done.
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This is fake right? I refuse to believe this is real. No fucking way
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>That filename
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Who could raise kids in a world like this?
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Out of date but you get the idea
Hugh Jackman?
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>when past versions enough only got to of me about dream the life living I am now

Hmm. Yes, very profound. Faulkner ain't got nuthin' on this bitch.
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The tattoos seem so random. Like the contents of a line art folder vomited all over her skin
I loled. Only good one this thread.
Who is Lainey Molnar?
Shit posting for $400
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Does anyone have the deep Ai lainey webms?

With the empty egg cartons
I don't sit on the couch with an entier box of pizza. I expect my wife to be more dignified. She doesn't have to be perfect but....not a slob either
Laneys mother probably killed herself.
She doesn't even inhale. Can't she do anything right?
Their penises weren't intact, so the world they created is maimed too
blonde is thiccc
Ok, here I want to say that holy shit, she's using a roomba. Yes. A woman who can clean, no matter how she does it, is a big deal. Some women don't even clean or want you to clean.
>shows that you all are fucking PEASANT tier NPC's as well.

Welcome to Corneria!
really well made
That's a masterpiece. Electric curcuit symbols and washing instructions, kek.
what kind of retarded fucking clown ass idiot of a man would be so inclined as to think having a child into such a world was remotely a good idea.

poor innocent soul the faggot rat that made this image should have their balls crushed with a sledgehammer
niggerino die tek ted
I think this is what it looks like if a human has literally never once ibn their life done any form of exercise.
hoes is also ethnic slang
try strumpet, whore, streetwalker, harlot, lady of the evening
Tatted, saggy, slutty, old, fat, beat up, and shameless. She looks no different from a street prostitute.
I can smell this webm
304 prevents banning on social media platforms instead of calling a girl a whore which is the White version of your niggerspeak "hoe"
Musky is it?
Speaking of musky...
>So why don't you tell us where it actually came from if it wasn't Lil' B?
Did this nigger coin terms like based in fact? You're dumber than a nigger.
just leave the thread and save yourself further embarrassment, zoomer
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I love Ozzy Threads!
>Shirley is fat?!
Fat as fuck. We need to get back to reality and start fat shaming these hamplanets we have waddling around.
>im done with biocunts for the rest of my life. Going to train an AI to replace her when the sad inevitability happens

Do what I do, just longer term rent them. It's cheaper and easier to upgrade when they get out of line or as they get closer in age to the wall. In your case, I dont think that matters, holy crap, an octogenarian.

Gotta great joke for you, what's your wife's pussy taste like? .... Depends.

Back to younger pussy and no commitments, just get a sugar baby or two. It's an easy commitment, get one between 20 to 25, seems to work good for me. Once they get too old or other drama, just dump them and move on. It's a script flip on what they have been doing to us.
That's how men smell, not women
Do you think Shirley is single?? She's a fuckin smoke show JFC fucking stacked where it counts
No.. get it correct. This is because of fucking idiots that vote for leftist pipe dreams, dumbshit. This is all on you and your ilk.

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