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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>using Reddit
Kill yourself
It's not just political subreddits, its ALL subreddits. All comments are there, but you can't view them
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I had an old throw away account my browser saved the login for so I tried to make a new post in /r/politics and it's all bugged. All the buttons are grey'd out and don't work. TOP KEK.
They set up a Discord, but it seems you can't join even with their invite.
All of Big Tech has been like this since 2017.
Elon stopped Twitter from doing this bullshit when he bought X.
>shut it down
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That's a laugh coming from /r/conservative. Public discourse such as /pol/ simply does not exist there. Any retard can post here, but you know what they do? Any remotely popular post or controversial subject, they mark as 'flaired users only'. How do you get a flair?

You literally have to fucking interview their jannies on discord for 30 minutes and prove you suck conservative dick enough.
Comic books?
Video games?
Random shit?

It's all inaccessible. You can make posts and comments, but you can't see the latter at all. The number of posts show up still
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>Haven't watched the debate yet
>4chan says Trump is committing elder abuse
>Joe in shambles
>It can't be that bad
>I go to watch debate
>holy fuck, it's even worse than I wad told
>dems big mad
>trannies big mad
>homosexuals big mad
>jews big mad

go back. then kys
/pol/ is an anti voooting board
This seems to me like they said "shut it down" and their poojeet developers fucked things up and broke the entire site
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i know, ugh...I KNOW! but im just gonna vote joe again sorry
hahahahaha im beggining to like the new world order
its a site wide issue, i cant even see posts on kpop subs
/r/Conservative is the ultimate snowflake safe space where no scary contradictory opinions are allowed. Everything conservatives accuse liberals of, they are just projecting and doing it themselves
It was definitely an assmad tranny sysadmin that had way too much access to their systems and now they're scrambling to unfuck it before their stock collapses.
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it's reddit you stupid fucking nigger. the discourse is limited to either orange man good or orange man bad
/r/Conservative is like that to keep the White nationalists out. The kind of cuckservitves that run that board know that they have no argument against White nationalism or White nationalist talking points, so they are extremely heavy handed in their gatekeeping.
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>wow, le such heckin empterinos

I hate Reddit so much
Any remotely controversial topic they make 'flaired only', to ensure only people that passed their 30 minute interview and are guaranteed Donald dicksuckers are allowed to comment. Conservatives should be rightly made fun of for this bullshit
It's to establish a safe space, they don't need to do any of that flairing stuff to keep white nationalists out since their racism is banned by reddit policy globally anyway.
Fuck you faggot
R/politics banned me for saying Biden is old. What now fuckers?
Nice try troon, but r/politics censors way more. Reddit itself banned literally thousands of subs for wrongthink.
They may be cowardly fags but don't be unfair to them. They do that so the sub doesn't get shitcanned entirely by kikes who already want them gone and are looking for any excuse to do it. If they didn't that sub would be gone in hours on the basis that it's "unmoderated."
this is going to turn zoomers conservatives, maybe this is reverse psychology and they do want zionist don to win?

They're not even comparable. You literally have to pass a half-an-hour discord interview to post on /r/Conservative. I've never heard of such pathetic snowflake shit outside of that sub
Maybe the leftists at reddit shouldn’t have banned the Donald, which drove away most conservatives from the website.
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So was Biden really that bad in the debate that reddit had to go full nuclear? Has this happened ever before? I don't use reddit for obvious reasons so I really don't know
>Allowing contrary opinions is 'brigading'
Thank you for proving my point about snowflakes. Only pro-Donald opinions allowed!
>uses reddit
>calls someone else faggot
Kys tranny
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>Only pro-Donald opinions allowed!
exactly. now you're getting it. all that's left is going back where you came from (r*ddit)
Trump literally said he was going to personally handle every Palestinian child. Why would the Jews be mad?
>That’s not even comparable
You’re right, banning hundreds to thousands of entire subs is much more egregious than restricting select threads, likely to prevent the sub from being nuked.
No, linking to the sub from SRS and other subs is brigading. And whenever I see leftists copying rightwing buzzwords like “snowflake”, it just tells me that you’ve been seething about it for years.
the rude awakening made reddit implode
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>no argument against white nationalist talking points
There's only one talking point: Jews did it.
SRS hasn't existed for years now. You are pathetic
Oops, I meant SRD (subreddit drama). Anyway, dilate harder about it, tranny.
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>Elon stopped Twitter from doing this bullshit
Too bad he's gone full semitofascist lately.
Shoot joggers, strangle joggers, stab joggers
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Webm is OP
No fucking way lol
I just don't get it. How completely cut off from reality do you need to be to think any other outcome of this debate was possible? I told a dozen people that Biden's meds would wear off after 15 minutes, but everyone laughed and said "Don't be ridiculous anon! You and your conspiracy theories lmao." But then it happened, and it didn't really take a high IQ to predict that, just very basic pattern recognition. But they are shocked, like this was such an unforeseen event. Why are normies like this
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I expected them to have more control over Trump. Instead they just let him ram his cock down Biden's throat for 90 minutes.
It's kind of funny Trump just lied and dodged every question, never answering one directly for 90 minutes and nobody seems to care
Further proof this is all theatre and they've been planning the "replace Biden" narrative for weeks or months. It's all so blatantly obvious, there was nothing subtle about it.
>implying this shit hole is any better
A lump of shit seasoned with salt and pepper tastes better than a lump of shit.
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What would you expect from the shitposter in chief? He's going to say whatever the fuck he wants. Answering questions is for cucks.
Biden answered questions with actual facts, Trump just ignored the question and started ranting about unrelated nonsense like an unhinged grandpa at thanksgiving dinner. Pretty depressing to see this is who Americans want representing them desu
I dunno about all that. You really think all the kikes in the biden administration want to lose power?
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this is fine

I will save this and show it to the damn Drumpf supporters when they call me a leftist
Imagine living through
2016 and still thinking
Redditch has anything
remotely "centrist" even.
we're intelligent people pretending to be retarded. reddit is retarded people pretending to be intelligent
This isn't new. Reddit mods/employees did the same shit in the 2016 and 2020. They allowed democrats to freely flood the site with anti-Trump posts and did nothing to control the bots enabling it.
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the entire site exists to give the illusion of consensus and acquiescence to rainbow buttfuck marxist nigger coalition of the retarded clownworld
They will just shift to jewing under Trump, like they did before. How do you not get this anon
different kikes want different shit. if we're going to be ruled by kikes i'd rather have the ones who value whitey as their golem.
>voot…so reddit works?
The fucks with this subhuman?
No you want Biden. Trump is milquetoast and will be 4 more years of tension and blue balls. Biden would have accelerated shit so hard (for the better), that's why they are replacing him.
Biden must be sooooooo jelly
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i don't care for the accelerationist shit. i'm older than most of you faggots and have too much skin in the game.
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Even Microsoft Excel memes are shitting on Biden
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it's jover
That's why your opinion doesn't matter. Classic boomer mentality.
>Well I had a good life, fuck the next generation though lolllll
checked and based
It's amazing how many parents understand and use the false choice tactic with children yet they eat it up in politics. The false choice is you present your child with two choices. Both of them are choices you want and you ask them to choose. Any third choice made by the child is ignored or demeaned. You push them to choose one of the two options. You look out in politics and see it all over. If a person chooses a third option it is demeaned or ignored. It is so bad that the third option is actually dozens of options but due to the mind games it is seen as the third option. That is how far gone this population is. It's not unlike people calling non-whites minorities when the minorities outnumber whites by a long shot across the world. Jeets are minorities, slants are minorities, even negroes are minorities. Yet when you look at the global numbers this cannot be farther from the truth.
you probably think anyone old enough to remember 9/11 is a "boomer" go fuck yourself, loser dickmouth.
It was bugged you retards
fixed now
What is reddit?
>puts skin into a rigged game
>suddenly doesn't want the rigged game to stop because they might lose their skin
It is literally the boomer mentality though. And to make it worse you aren't a boomer. You knew the game was rigged yet you chose to partake. The boomers were at least fooled into it and realized too late but kept the game going to keep theirs. You are worse than the boomers. Aptly called the neo-boomer. The worst of the worst.
A place to find porn. It's like gif but somehow gayer.
Neck yourself dumb little cocksucker stop using Reddit
When you hit the weed pen too hard.
That just means they are posting here instead of there. They should have to wear little yellow stars or something.
We do not do conservative that's Marxist zionist talmudicist why are you posting this shit here
he actually shit his pants
Imagine being so intimately familiar with reddit that you talk about subreddits on /pol/ using acronym abbreviations like we know what the fuck you're talking about
If you actually use that shithole and it took you more than 3 posts to catch a sitewide ban you are a flaming faggot and niggerlover
It is literally impossible for anybody based to use that pozzed site without being immediately ip banned
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Imagine being a plebbitor!
Just imagine it
>uuuuuh why won’t le racist evil orange man walk into my obvious biased and curtailed traps??
>Imagine being so intimately familiar with reddit that you talk about subreddits on /pol/ using acronym abbreviations like we know what the fuck you're talking about
lol sure thing

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