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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Lads I've been talking to a grill in England who seems to have quite a bit going for her, and she wants me to visit. But she outright refuses to visit America. In her words, there's "too many coons". Is it normal for English girls to have this level of fear toward niggers?
biden trump sneed slugs
Yer ma's proud

eric prydz
free lucy letby
pouring one out for the homies inside
Well, it seems /pol/ had a wild night with the debate. I was fast asleep.
What were the highlights of the debate?
I see reddit imploded and Joe was sleepy.
Any corkers?
it was pretty even stevens
the left wanted a james o brien autism decimation so they're overreaching with damage control unnecessarily
She hit the wall at mach 2
No, English girls love the black man. You're probably talking to a tranny
Hello Frens across the ponds


Inshallah my brethren
phwoarrrrrrr she's prime meat for the wing-dykes, do you lot reckon she gets both holes fisted
Unjust imprisonment ages a woman like a fine wine to the just
Don't be crude, she's been through enough
I wish Giorgia Meloni would put me in an industrial cheese grater and sniff me up like cocaine
She loves it lad, being inside is letting her live out her wildest lezbo fantasies
She wanted children!
I see.
I kind of got the general impression that this all may have been setup by the Democrats so they can replace Biden, but if Donald looks strong because of this they may shoot themselves in the foot.
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Nigel will win
biden was a mong but he powered through like he always does
pure spacey guy, 300 years in the future
trump grounded him but biden was more interested in blasting off and discovering new worlds
i was impressed by both
I get it, thanks.
Well she's blown that now, unless an officer knocks her up she'll be clam jousting for the rest of her natural
left see it as a loss because he didn't turbo autism trump on all his points with their talking points
biden outmanoeuvred his team by being too retarded and accidentally became a man of the people
biden did well,
i think this would be reflected in polls if lefties didn't sperg with fact checking
I was setting you up for a slam dunk and you didn't dunk it
Dead children is a serious matter so thinking of LL getting DVDA fisted in prison is a way to lighten the atmos
Only if they're sensible.
Ironically, the only "white girls" I see drooling over "BBC" on Xitter, are trannies.
She didn't do it


look into it
lucia de berk
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The gay pedo courts won't give her the proper punishment.
That's a lot of reading that, aren't you going to congratulate me for fitting DVDA into a sentence before 7am?

I thought you'd mistyped dvla and it was metaphor
I see, well you'll have to dyor if you want to know more about DVDA fren. It's a good time
you're driving me up the wall
something something dvla
being famous has to be crazy
i'd probably kill myself
>*oh my god it's you pleaseu have sexu withu me*
what a fucking nightmare
glad we pay famous people so much money for their sacrifice
josh won the debate
People aren't taking this perspective seriously enough
Starting to think josh could beat trump and biden at golf
A pair of Zionist faggots.
What cnn did tonight was unprecedented
I watched the post debate Alex jones analysis
He thinks Dems are gonna assassinate Biden
I agree with alex based purely on the debate
the polls will sate their thirst for his blood
he actually did well but they're blinded by sight
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That festival is just for tasteless rich fucks now. Indians will be right at home. This years line up looks pretty weak.
What a load absolute wank
They could have him die off from his coof (Argh it was the deadly bird flu)
i don't know who made this but the way she bends notes is horny
zero l's
Out of the 60 or so main acts i'd heard of 12 and most of them were the oldies and i mean, Shania Twain for gods sake, like a one hit wonder back in the 90's???
Glastonbury is too white until you're a black or brown musician performing at it. Then it's magically the best event in the whole entire world.
how are songs like this even produced originally for masters like this to learn
it makes me dizzy
Paedo James can’t even hit a golf ball 50 yards kek
the materials to make the instrument the idea of making the instrument the song itself
the ability to explain that song
the ability to play it masterfully
humanity is fucking crazy
>Here is a step by step in which each step is impossible off you go

Only six (6) days left until the largest landslide Labour victory in history!
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where is vren
was this real?
That's crazy man
In the bleak midwinter
Amazing what you can get away with when you’re allied with Alphonse Capone
I fancied a girl called mica she had a brother called blake
we were selected to sing a duet together from everyone in our school, she was the year above and i tried to write down and come up with schemes to win her heart in ways that meant i didn't have to speak to her
i'd have my friend speak to her brother
i'd have a friend of a friend speak to her directly
in the end we sang the duet together and i expressed nothing to her

God imagine how much literal shit is in the muddy ground right now
Pisses me off that she's higher than Cyndi Lauper too ffs
That's what you think, Keir. Get a good night sleep, Nige will wake you ;)
Whys a yank making brit/pol/ threads?
I wrote it all down like it was a brilliant plan
in the same way a child thinks mixing apple juice and water is a cocktail or a new drink
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someone posted in /ptg/ asking me to
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Wow I looked at sky news and said “look at all the anti-Biden sentiment in the media all of a sudden” many people are saying sleepy joe is too old
you did good work king
im tripping

need to see him live before he gets old and ugly
The highest quality, most pure, brit/pol/ threads are made by americans.

Sick of you fuckers pretending this isnt the case.
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once in a generation talent
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What the fuck is going on with ai, everything will be such a mess in 5 years kek

Purcell wrote this song when he was locked out from his house and caught pneumonia.
Cauld sticks this on when it's sexy time with ling ling. throwing blossom petals about and revealing himself under a kimono like some geisha man.
I have sex in absolute silence
it's a solemn act
there are no lifeboats and we're all going to drown
lights off
morning ofsm laaaa
laughed out loud
Lmao is that AI? might be the realest one I’ve seen yet
Can’t wait for josh to create pornos of himself having sex with his female version self
OpenAI’s Sam Altman explicitly said he’s gonna allow for ai porn creation

Josh is perfectly slated to become the new porn king
Only a matter of time before a new Playboy Mansion is erected in Runcorn
hearing my neighbour getting into his van to go to work and the kek was increased by imagining him listening to this first thing
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>"Wait, was she a great big fat person?"
Wrong because lolicon is banned in the uk
Asian women are more attractive than alternate races
Mune no oku no moeru omoi o
the feelings burning in my heart
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Just finished the debate. That was actually kind of sad. I was expecting it to be a Trump win but simply wasn't expecting that good a performance from Trump coupled with such a incomprehensible performance from Biden. The gulf between them in terms of cohesion and energy was the most obvious. Biden reminds me of my Grandad when he was in the kind of middling stages of dementia. There's no light behind the eyes but occasionally you get glimmers of the old Biden trying to break through the dementia. Good lord it was uncomfortable to watch.
How many seats for Reform?
He had a cold
It's not about how many seats for reform
its about how few seats for the conservatives
grand warrior of light of ten thousand years
Behead those who disrespect islam
we create men without chests and we expect of them virtue and enterprise
we castrate and bid the geldings be fruitful
Was it really as bad as everyone is saying?
Ipsum Esse
It was worse than you could ever expect
Not a being among beings but
Ipsum esse
Exodus 3:14

God said to Moses, “I am who I am.”[a] He said further, “Thus you shall say to the Israelites, ‘I am has sent me to you.’”
I am who I am.
Ipsum esse
I am a good lad
Niggers. Literal African Niggers. All over the place.
summum bonum
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'murderer of murderers'
I woke up at 6am to a bunch of messages from my American friends saying it was worse than they expected and even then I didn't expect it to be that bad
the idea of murder murdered
>South Asian space
Can’t that just be South Asia? Why does that have to be in Britain
Gonna have to give it a watch later then.
I was already expecting it to be bad, letting a dementia patient do a debate an all...
When I was younger (like 20 years ago)
Glastonbury was seen as the festival boring rich kids and 30 something's go to.
Reading/leads was the coming of age festival.
As a 40 year old, I'd happily go along to Glastonbury for a day.
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Those men are zionists, publicly and outspokenly so.
he has a rare condition which means he can't sweat so do your research
> Migrants getting chased out of a field in Blessington
2 Fast 2 Fecking Furious
Stop watching pron or at least take a long break to allow the brain to reset.
>How about go fuck yourself you dumb old cunt.
lmao hell yeah
You gonna behead Bob then?
He disrespects islam respectfully
They aren't that smart. They're just shamelessly arrogant and crooked. If they wanted to replace him they could've just told him to back out due to poor health.

The only thing thats changed is their election stealing grift has been exposed. They'll push on with it and Biden all the same.

Haha woke up too late and the workmen are already here and now I can't have a shit because its always noisy and I take about 15-20 minutes and it stinks and I get stage fright and I'm a fucking loser aha. Can't even leave the house and go into town for a shit because I haven't had a shower since Saturday and I stink. I hate this fucking house
lmao one of nigels campaigners was caught saying ''we should send the new army recruits down to the beaches and fucking shoot the migrants'' kek.
turns out all the middle-aged guys they scraped off the floor at wetherspoons last minute to stand for reform have said some pretty naughty things of facebook and twitter and now the media is exposing it all right on the eve of the election. this is not a good look bros...
Won't be voting for sick boy or renton at this election
Sounds based I'm voting twice
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The establishment are working overtime on minimum wage kek.
It even did his flabby bitch tits
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Sikhs? Bro tier
strategic military expert here
maybe it's not best to pull out like a retard without using overwhelming force to defend yourself
dreaming about racist asian women
>james o brien
I hate that smug pretentious prick
maybe they should have vetted barry the ex builder a little more thoroughly if they're going to deselect him when the guardian finds out he shared a vaguely racist facebook meme a year and a half ago.
Lads Army
>Love your country?
Going to SEA, you hear shite like this a lot. Id rather use their shitty jukebox or hear proper ching chong stuff. they simply cannot pronounce the words without sounding like a walking stereotype
Times are a changing though. People feel confident to speak out more than ever. Attempts at shaming will only get peoples backs up and make them more determined.
I'd sign up for that desu.
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I don't disagree with you, but so far twice and farage have been opting to deselect them because it's #NotAGoodLook
To be fair what else are the army for but to defend the country from invaders
kill its actual civilians?
trente tres Hermano
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guess it makes sense for now
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The estapo
Tankfest tomorrow lads.
I look forward to seeing all the morbidly obese wehraboos.
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International BAME Rescue
I was going to vote labour but it seems like they have lost momentum so I'm not sure it'll be a wasted vote
based https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c10l5qd8p60o
Sex havers vote conservative
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>it's cooler than yesterday
>people now saying rapid changes in weather is climate change
>rather than England having historically dodgy weather
He didn't even really back down, he just said that they were his personal views and not those of Reform. Most people would desperately try to claim that they were joking or something. Fair play to the guy.
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The people we've been telling you are racists have been exposed being racist. Now will you change your vote, you racist?
>During campaigning, he advises the undercover reporter to use the term "illegal" when discussing immigration, especially when addressing non-white households.
Let's be fair, they probably are.
Biden is a shambling mess lmao
They have their new orders.
All immigrants are illegal because migration levels should have been dropped to sub 100k by 2011, thereby making all subsequent inflows inherently illegal
Yeah I don't care if they're finally allowed to stay because they spent 4 years ducking and diving and jumping through loopholes. If they arrived illegally or stayed illegally then they're illegals and everyone of their relatives who came in after them is also illegal.

I want guilt by association deportations. Daddy Bame raped a White girl? You're all getting deported. They use it as a defence for lenient sentences so it should work the other way too
>shower thoughts
Uranium rod sounds like a superhero
I've got a uranium rod right here big boy
We voting Reform then lads
honestly surprised the media isn't going full TRUMP BAD and is actually admitting Biden is cooked desu
Shemima Begum’s extended family (and neighbourhood) should have all been deported
If she began a successful pop singing career the government would let her back in.
They're just highlighting on the biggest moments for clicks. They're still anti Trump and all the shills are still praising Biden for being honest and human and humble and whatever shite
I am stuck at a first aid course and the girl i have to partner with to role play Primary survey has a fucking hot body, big tits and tummy showing.
I just had her lying down listening to her breathe looking down her cleavage and her flat tummy and i want to explode.
I fucking hate these situations so much.
reforms momentums dying isnt it
it never ends
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Reform UK campaigners caught making racist slurs
>He is also shown telling an undercover reporter why Reform UK chose to stand in Clacton, saying: "Have a look around, proper England. You know what I mean, proper English".

>He added it was "not like in London, when you’re a foreigner in your own country" and "if you say hello to anyone" they look like they are about to "knife you in the face".
>place a bet you'll lose your seat
>sink all your life savings into it
>make your entire campaign consist of nothing but screaming NIGGERNIGGERNIGGER
Solid plan.
Do you get a lunch break? Say you're desperate for something unhealthy but hate eating alone. Then when you get to Spoons buy her a cocktail
Great still voting for them
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Oh no, not "racist slurs".
Anything but "racist slurs"!
>shy tories with migrant-fatigue show up in droves and you win easily
Might put a cheeky bet for lib dems to be opposition
>Makes two factually accurate statements
>Ahh Reform on the ropes.

I'm glad I've never paid my license fee
Your thoughts on the US presidential debate?

I think Trump will make dumb decisions if he's president again. He is weak on the issue of Putin. He will let Putin get away with anything.
>Trump is weak on Putin
>That's why Putin was too scared to invade Ukraine until Biden took over
Gr8 b8 m8 r8 8/8
I only found out the other day Biden's shower abused daughter Ashley is married to a plastic surgeon. Must be handy to have one in the family.
Can’t disagree with anything the guy has said and neither can most people I talk to.
Shame he’s a paid actor of the establishment.
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Yeah! No one will vote for them now!
Of course he's weak on Putin, he will let Putin get away with literally anything

Putin manipulated the 2016 US election and Trump sucked off Putin, asking for more
>>He added it was "not like in London, when you’re a foreigner in your own country" and "if you say hello to anyone" they look like they are about to "knife you in the face".

yes. stfu and carry on. no time for idle chat.

blathering faggot.
I went to Newcastle over a decade ago and a man said hello to me as we passed in the city centre. Would never get that in London then or now.

In the village I live in now and the small town before I've also had men say 'morning' as we passed each other. It's a shame that this could be seen as unwanted or weird behaviour. What have we become
wrong, you must say alykum salaam or allah the moon god will smite you
Not wanting to be ethnically replaced in your own home is racist.
anybody watch the debate with Trump?

Full of students, niggers, gooks and pakis now. The country is dead. I remember 10 years ago, nationalist groups would always demonstrate in Newcastle, Durham, Darlington and Sunderland. That doesn't happen anymore.
Not had a single reform flyer through me door, though labour and greens are on fire with 2 a piece
She dressed like that on purpose anon; ask what she's doing for lunch, and if she says no plans/doesn't know, ask if she wants to join you.
You could be well in there by the end of the day.
>Former Newcastle United owner Sir John Hall has announced he is endorsing the Reform party in the general election.

>Sir John told the Local Democracy Reporting Service (LDRS), external he was "white and proud of it" and was backing the party because he did not want to see his country's culture "destroyed".

>He said: "I'm white, I am proud of it and I am not going to go away from it.

>"I want to see my culture kept in this country and not destroyed.

>"That is why I am voting for Nigel – there is nobody else."

>Reform has been approached for comment on Sir John's remarks.

>The Bank of England could delay cutting interest rates until September as the UK economy is boosted by Taylor Swift's Eras Tour, analysts have claimed.
>The pop star has already played sell-out shows in Edinburgh, Liverpool and Cardiff as well as three in London - and will head back to Wembley this August for five more.
>Swift's fans, known as 'Swifties', are expected to boost the London economy alone by £300million as the capital hosts more Eras Tour shows than any other city in the world, with nearly 640,000 people expected to attend across the eight dates.
>The Bank's Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) voted last Thursday to keep interest rates unchanged at a 16-year high of 5.25 per cent for the seventh time in a row.
>Many analysts expect the next cut to be in August, but experts at London investment bank TD Securities believe the economic boost Swift's concerts are giving Britain is so significant that it could be enough to defer the reduction until September.
>They said: 'We still anticipate a BoE cut in August, but the inflation data for that month might keep the MPC on hold in September.'
>The analysts pointed out that a potential clash with one of Swift's Wembley concerts between August 15 and 20 and a key inflation index day could skew the data and influence the MPC's decision.
>Mr Krishan and Mr Rossiter added that a 'surge in hotel prices then could be material', temporarily adding as much as 30 basis points to services inflation and 15 basis points on headline inflation.
>They also said that while her Cardiff date coincided with this month's inflation index day, the impact would have been lesser given the smaller size of the city to London and just one date there.
voting reform lads
Oh look, a degenerate from a backward shithole thinks he knows what London was like before he and his fellow vermin arrived.
You guys made such a wonderful success of your sand craters; I just can't figure why you choose to move so far away from them the first chance you get.
Two racist arseholes.
Went to unayyyy in newcastle ten years ago and it was great
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what do we think?
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Keemon wor Johnny
Did you ever venture into the dead industrial towns?
So far in the run up to this election; I have had two (2) parties contact me.

1) A single leaflet from the incumbent Conservative MP, saying what he has accomplished since being elected. It wasn't a lot...

2) Labour door-knockers yesterday evening, nice older chap a young lady, and the actual Labour candidate for the area. Asked about what a party can do to improve the area, any specific problems we are facing etc.

Easy choice.
Looks a bit shooped that lad

اَلسَلامُ عَلَيْكُم وَرَحْمَةُ اَللهِ وَبَرَكاتُهُ
Based he's right
>Anti social behaviour
>Pot holes
That's all the boomers care about. Which ever party pledges to fix those things will get the boomer vote.
>In the village I live in now and the small town before I've also had men say 'morning' as we passed each other.

* brain short-circuits *

yes, it is the morning. are you daft?
Is it full of biden dementia moments atleast?
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>Why do banking apps and websites go 'down' - and what to do if YOURS has an IT disaster?
>It's always a bother when you can't access your money because your bank's app or website is inexplicably down.
>You refresh the app or webpage over and over, but are met with the same frustrating message: 'We're sorry, some kind of error has occurred'.
>Customers were faced with this last month when NatWest became the latest major bank to suffer an outage.
>It meant that thousands of people were unable to log in to their accounts or access their money for up to three hours.
>This is Money looks at why banks go down and what to do if you can't access your money.
Article posted at 0700, shortly afterwards all banks have connectivity issues. Makes you think.

why do you faggots up north constantly moan about london? just build wakanda bruv.
lots mistakes, stuttering and staring blank without blinking
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Not voting for the pied piper. Fuck Conform.
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Infuriates me that they disabled the ability to screenshot shit in your banking app.
Fucking hell, outerpol is dire today. Was to be expected, but still... There's only so much to say about two old paedophiles arguing about who's better at golf.
The absolute state of Mutts actually makes our politicians look passable.
Ours are a shower of shit but at least they're not rambling octogenarians that look ready to keel over any minute.
Why would you need a screenshot of your bank account?
>The absolute state of Mutts actually makes our politicians look passable.

Both Biden and Trump are far better than Rishi, or the traitorous tories as a whole.

explain to me what outer-pol is please.
Probably the most accurate description of the BNP dismantler.
Not who you're replying to, but so you can flex on benniespackers

Yeah. Trump is corrupt & retarded, Biden has dementia and already has one foot in his grave ffs.
no disrespect intended...

your politicians are our lapdogs. regardless of their age. They are no better, by no stretch of the imagination.
Yeah, I mean he (Farage) has only had several attempts on his life and about a million death threats leveled at him and his family since he became a household name.
How dare he try to duck out and settle for a quieter, safer life as a political commentator and chairman of a moderate center right party.
He must die for us as a martyr!

Seriously though, if the Reform MPs who got deselected by Tice can get over it for the sake of the greater victory, then maybe you can too(?)

outerpol is just the pol board outside of this UK general thread.
They may be lapdogs, but they don't need nurses to change their underwear for them; which can't be said of Biden and Trump.
Proof of payments made to people, would of been handy the other day when I had to argue I didn't owe any council tax where they were trying to get me to pay £90. In fact they owe me £300 and credited it to my account
This happens all the time in the small town I'm from, almost everyone says hello, even zoomers. In the city where I work people won't even give you the time of day. It's a small community thing it seems, there is no community in cities and most people you pass are forrins.
fuck sake lads
which one of you was it that's running for reform and called our prime minister a "fuckin paki?"

genuinely atrocious behavior
Was trying to buy some drugs the other day and had this problem
I just call up the bank and ask for the payment reference. If the company/person is still saying they haven't received it I request the transaction to be undone. Suddenly they have received the payment kek.
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CBDC and a mandatory digital ID fixes this.
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y’all got someone else to bake?
every time i go outside everyone i pass will say hello or goodmorning, thats because norf is kino. sometimes you get a south poof who white flighted up here and they stand still deer in the headlights as if you are going to rob them.
I agree but at least string pullers in europe credit the population with enough intelligence not to install the dribbling elderly as their frontmen.
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are we really voting for a racist putin sympathizer?
He's an actor using a different voice. I thought it was bs but see the samples on his website for his normal voice.
i'm voting sinn feinn
(i live in the south east)
lmao the plot thickens
>not to install the dribbling elderly as their frontmen.

Your press says you are racist if you criticize rape gangs. All of you comply and stop criticizing rape gangs.

Our press says Biden is mentally fit for office and anyone who disagrees is a fascist. All of us comply and stopped criticizing Biden (mostly).

I genuinely think a lot of Americans learned for the first time last night, that Biden is not mentally fit for office. Its embarrassing.
Seems people have been ignorant of biden's decline for years as their publications wouldn't run it but it's on full display this time around. Even trump isn't as sharp and clear spoken as he was back in 2016.
What the fuck do you think "muh Wakanda" is based on you fucking idiot.
It's literally just 19th and early 20th century Europe without the fairytale technology and black people.
na bwoii cyann tesss
as a 30 year i think all music festivals are a scam
>are we really voting for a racist putin sympathizer?

it would be shameful not to.
Isn't it more that the media is now criticising him, so you're allowed to? Most people know.
The power of media is that it tells you that YOU are alone in your thoughts. No-one else notices the things you notice or worries about the problems you worry about, so that means you're probably wrong and should keep quiet lest you look like the odd one out and be excluded.
Fàrage is on the case kek
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oh noes, bames in london, i saw them on the telly.

it's over.

Fucking ell even blackbelt barrister has rTommy on now

honestly i just skipped through all of the biden bits
I don't understand the outrage over the US debate. Biden acted the same he did in the 2020 debates. Why are dems now panicking over his age when its been an issue for years?
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whats she singing?
Corrr replaying Red Alert 2
Corrr Zofia's babbles are as good as I remember them as a lad.
A homeless bame in London asked me for any change so I told him I don't have any, he then directed me to a cash machine. Tf is that
He knows you have money. Give him some money.
If he knew where the cash machine was then why didn't he use it himself?
I just carried on walking desu
Rumour has it that I'm Josh.
I am not Josh.
Thank you.
Idk m8, maybe lost his card
Namebames need to start using trips if they don't want us to accuse them of being Josh.
I trust you though p00m4n, you've never done me wrong.
I find when you make excuses they see it as a way in. The only way to deal with people who ask you for money is to say "no" and nothing else. I do it to those people who try to sell you things in the street, charity beggers etc. They don't know how to react. One paki tried to guilt trip me outisde B & Q by saying loudly "it's for children with cancer" and I just looked her in the eyes and said "NO". She had no response.
"Get a job" is also a good reply.
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saw this on Twitter and it’s a good take:
>The Reform Party's rise is a distraction for those on the right seeking genuine change. Nigel Farage, with his degenerate bourgeois tendencies and lack of true traditional principles, offers nothing but hollow promises. His leadership diverts energy away from meaningful action and deeper, more substantial reforms. Instead of chasing the fleeting success of such movements, it's imperative to stay focused on the enduring values and strategies that will lead to real, lasting improvements. Supporting the Reform Party is a misguided effort that detracts from the pursuit of authentic right-wing goals.
I just don't care about jay slater.
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Because it was a bad performance and Trump gave them nothing to bash him with

Pic rel is the worst CNN could say about Trump. They're still with Biden
>There has been no public sign that Biden is unable to fulfill the duties of the presidency, which include tough decisions on national security.

They'll run on this as Joe the underdog, coming back from disaster to defy the odds. Its all good really.
Good take Mohammanon.
What's your favourite show on the telly? Don't Hate the Playaz? or Citizen Khan?
Don't mind the picrel and the video; probably no relation to the changing demographics.
I was watching SkyNews doing their criticism of the debate, and they try their best to shift the blame to Trump. They say Biden looked bad because he didn't challenge the LIES, FALSEHOODS and MISINFORMATION that Trump kept saying during the debate.
So Biden failed not because he's a shitty candidate, but because he didn't interrupt Trump enough. He is mentally unfit to defeat the racist, sexist, homophobic Trump.
Sloppy job
He released his trip a while ago btw
Remember that recent one was horrible. Not in London though. Woman sat on a bench, some black cunt on a bicycle with a bottle of acid throws it in her face. She died from it
Bb leaked his password
Yeah thats why loud shouty Biden scoffing and being a jerk in 2020 was in their eyes a winner. They're too hate filled to think of anything else but aggression and violence. Trump really did break them
had one pull a card machine out on me once and I actually laughed at the ridiculousness of it all
cheeky cunt
just get a job
>Wikipedia: As of 2021, violent corrosive fluid attacks have been on a steep decline in the United Kingdom, particularly in London.
>Picrel: No
It's what ((they)) DON'T report
Yeah but in victorian england..
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I formerly endorse the Reform party as a formal and well known tripfag
A Hale & Pace went exactly like that lmao.
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I didn't hear about it, probably because these things get swept under the carpet so quickly.
Last one I read about was Abdul Azidi, but he did the decent thing in the end and anhero'd off a bridge.
Line goes down, line goes up. They focus the camera on the angle of the line that supports the message they want to sell.
Basic media work.
I'm not Josh
Post pic of your 3d printed USB holder or you're gobbo. Trip means nothing.
Jeets were there in the 90s
new bread if you need it, nn lads

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this one?
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I thought he just died from his wounds because he's a bad shot. If he was slightly more competent he'd still be at large
Hmm, ill let you off this one time.
get fucked, pussy
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