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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Just woke up.
How was debate?
who loved niggers and jews most?
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One thing's for certain: Muttmerica will be razed to ash before it is permitted to emancipate its ZOGism.

nobody loves niggers and jews more than him and I mean nobody.
Biden looked old and decrepit, but Trump gave absolutely no reason to vote for him.

I'm sure people feel differently, but they were already going to vote for Trump anyway.
>glownigger bot farms still trying to convince /pol/ that the senile guy with a jewish uprbringing, jewish education, jewish family, jewish friends, jewish job, jewish lawyers, an openly pro-jewish agenda and program, countless jewish awards and honors for being the biggest goy on earth and the worlds biggest jewish political campaign backers, is the "opposition" to jews
>after he already spent 4 years larping as president sucking off jews in office while jews run the country
>after he spent 78 years of his life sucking off jews out of offfice
>who loved niggers and jews most?
I gotta give that one to Trump. Not really sure if Biden even remembers whether or not he loves niggers and jews.
>but Trump gave absolutely no reason to vote for him.
He doesn't need to give you a reason, basically his selling point this time is that he isn't biden.
Yeah, we are 100% back in the
>vote for the least shitty thing
politics America does best. Which is why I probably won't vote at all.
The most embarrassing moment for democrats in the entire history of this country, even more embarrassing than being the confederate losers in the civil war.
Your OP pic literally happened with Israel but sadly not with niggers
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We have both of their track records now. The country was far better under Trump. Matter of fact the only stain on those 4 years was the covid which was almost too convenient in its timing. Coincided perfectly with the miniature race war they instigated that summer among other interference.

But that's all just conspiracy theory. Not like anyone could've seen covid coming. Not like the former french health minister who had hydroxychloroquine declared a controlled substance 2 months before covid overtook the rest of the world outside of China, after 50 years of being sold OTC could've known anything about it. And not like her husband was a prominent virologist who was involved in the very Wuhan lab in question.

All in all covid was almost certainly not intentionally released onto the world during an election year to create a disaster that helps dislodge an incumbent president who was an outsider to the hegemony of power that compromises most US political offices.
Also worth mentioning is that WHO changed established definitions of the term "pandemic" and various other definitions. Do not let that be memoryholed

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