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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
ARCHIVED LINKS https://pastebin.com/eAhgNyeX

>First Presidential Debate, Atlanta, GA 6/27/2024
>Pres Trump Holds Rally, Philadelphia, PA 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v51ty4u-live-president-trump-holds-a-maga-rally-in-philadelphia-62224.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Keynotes Faith and Freedom Coalition, Washington, DC 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v52yh29-live-president-trump-keynotes-the-faith-and-freedom-coalitions-road-to-majo.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Delivers Remarks, Racine, WI 6/18/2024
https://rumble.com/v51twti-live-president-trump-delivers-remarks-in-racine-wisconsin-61824.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Speaks at The People's Convention, Detroit, MI 6/15/2024
https://rumble.com/v50qmoe-live-president-trump-speaks-at-the-peoples-convention-in-detroit-61524.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Birthday Speech, West Palm Beach, FL 6/14/2024
https://rumble.com/v51nwy3-full-speech-president-trump-celebrates-his-birthday-at-club-47-61424.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Interviewed by Logan Paul, 6/13/2024
>TrumpVideo: WE WILL WIN 6/19/23
>God Bless the USA (Donald J Trump) 10/20/16

OP pastebin: http://pastebin.com/X4KiALfh
prev >>472438931
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Morning update.
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awoo and good morning guys.
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Kino Joeing this morning, you love to see it
mika was almost in tears i hope joe gives her a hug
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anyways i know that most of the talk will be about the debate (as it should be) but the supreme court will be releasing cases in three hours
that Burgum (thought it was Burgham/hum) % is kinda out of nowhere. sus.
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What's going on in Nevada that makes bettors so bullish?
human movement from the city to the suburbs due to cost of living pressures. also internal revolt brewing in teamsters union to endorse Trump.
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~there's got to be a morning after~
I agree. He is, as you said, suspect.

Interesting. Can you imagine if the Teamsters endorsed Trump? My God, that would be seismic.
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burgum looks like good betting odds
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wtf Joe is calling out Gavin Newson
lmao, friendly fire!!! Joe and Mika are gunning down everyone
What's he saying about Kimberly's ex-husband?
was it because newsom did a poor job at spinning?
>I really don’t know what he said at the end of that sentence, and I don’t think he knows what he said either.
High chance that voter ID will pass meaning dems will lose bigly forever hence, everyone hates ilegals and californians, hate biden for fucking up home prices and forcing more water rights given to said commies to the west, big gun and car culture that biden and his/soro's legislator lackys keeps meddling with.
lol the nigger pandering made the odds of the nigger vp pick go up
Best line of the night from Trump because one, it was hilarious and two, literally what everyone watching thought.
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would call in sick today if i was an intern
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Don't call sleepy doctor a nigger. He's honorary status desu.
kek, I didn't even catch him saying "and by the way" to end his statement
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As someone who doesn't play golf, what did Biden mean by "I got my handicap down to a 6"?

Trump laughed out loud, so it must have been an embarrassing gaff.
>the people who I call the normies

lmfao this is surreal
Doesn't look good physically. He looks like The count from sesame street imitating christopher lee imitating dracula imitating an old catcher's mitt.
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Good awoo to you
how does that show still exist and why did nobody care about that dead bitch in his office
Golf handicaps are scores that allow people of varying skill level to play against each other competitively. If a regular person were to play a professional - Scottie Scheffler, for example - stroke for stroke they would be raped every single time. Handicaps are adjustments based on a player's recent performance that subtract or, in the case of excellent golfers (such as professionals), add strokes to a player's score at the conclusion of a round. Biden claiming to be a -6 handicap (which I'm certain he is not) means that all things being equal he would subtract 6 strokes from his final score. For example, if par on a given course is 74 and a golfer finished the round with an unadjusted stroke sum of 80 and his handicap is -4 then he would subtract 4 strokes giving him a final score of 76 meaning he shot +2 for the round.
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Hmmmmmm who are these mystery people...
Would Trump really pull Vance from his Senate seat?
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more like "mourning joe"!
Goddamn it, Carlos!
>2 Love 8 OF (OnlyFans)
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Trump seemed almost embarrassed for him. Debating Jeb again would've been much more fun
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4:00 minute mark
Biden is called about abortion.
His answer starts with abortion and winds up being about Laken Riley and women being raped by their brothers and sisters
That entire channel exists to cater to the top echelon of Democrat party insiders. Their ratings are practically non existent but it's not about money, it's about pandering to their little progressive bubble that they live in
For five years Joe Biden has been drooling on himself, mumbling incomprehensibly, walking slower than drying paint, and looking like his next breath might be his last breath, and now the media notices it... right

There's something rotten in Denmark
I guarantee they told Biden to use that golf line to get Trump mad and it backfired in spectacular fashion.
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One thing I missed was Biden calling Trump a convicted felon and Trump turning it completely around. How'd he do it? I hate that I missed that live.
It almost worked, though, because Trump cares deeply about golf. In fact, I think that's the only time of the debate that Trump was genuinely pissed off.
He said something like, "So is your son Hunter and for actual crimes unlike me."
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Fucking REKT
So Trump laughed in disbelief then.

From the outside looking in it looked kinda like
>Hey, I can beat you in a bike race! I've been practicing, and I got down to using only ONE training wheel!
And Trump being like "lmao, did he really just say that?"
kind of the only reason i like the idea of tucker or carson getting it. pulling from the active ranks weakens the place they leave more or less.

and remember the LAST big person being hyped for it in some fashion was meatball. so bullet dodged there, he's fine, kinda, where he is but would be a total cuck in the whitehouse.
He laughed though.
Something that I don't see being mentioned much is how Trump managed to pass himself off as the serious, mature candidate. Calling out the Dems as extremists and the "let's not act like children" line were great. This was his biggest pitfall among swing voters and he handled it. Big props to whoever advised him going into this debate.
Well there's no hiding it now. They can't spin it away anymore, and they thought that by giving Biden every advantage last night that it would be enough. It wasn't.
So now they're panicked. And this is when things get dangerous.
Who won?
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Oh I can not wait for the DNC convention when dems will be clamoring for Newscum to take the nomination instead and he won't
that's why I've been saying it'll be Burgum all year long. He's not currently in office
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Trump and it wasn't even close. He massacred the old man. It was like watching Biden's remaining brain cells die in real time. reddit fucking went down for a bit because the salt had overflowed beyond capacity. News outlets are openly talking about replacing Biden entirely.
I got home late and missed it too. I only caught highlights of it. I figured it would be a train wreck for Biden but good lord.
He handled it beautifully.
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You may be right about that.

I mean, yes, that's basically what happened. Trump said something like, "I've seen your swing. There's no way you're a six handicap."
>Something that I don't see being mentioned much is how Trump managed to pass himself off as the serious, mature candidate
He jokes, he insults, he writes mean tweets, but in the end he is deadly serious. Fact is he comes off a seriou and mature because he is serious and mature.
Tariq (as I've said many times before) is a communist but he is his own man and calls it as he sees it. I honestly believe he wants the best for the nigger "community" but is blinded by his leftist politics which, of course, will never achieve anything position for his people.
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>[Biden] looks like he's barely surviving! I don't mean the debate. I mean life!
Israel, China, American media conglomerates whose sites are filling up with traffic this morning from people rushing to see le reactions
Not trying to blackpill after the fun of last night, but the next five months are going to be wild. If anything bad is going to be manufactured, it's coming very soon. They know they can't reasonably replace Joe before the election unless it's Harris, and no one wants her. The only move left for them is creating a crisis or outright wet work. And they're evil enough to do it.
you can see him faintly realise as his time is up that he torpedoed that whole response
No no, I thought 6 handicap was like really bad. Like playing with 6 extra stocks in Smash or something.
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>Trump won on abortion
Could you imagine pic related debating with Newsome about abortion?
They all got the marching orders.
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>they're evil enough to do it.
They're evil enough try, but they don't have many options.
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>this thing’s gonna be a bloodbath
The split screen was a disaster for Biden. His face looked like he was trying to fight a bad acid trip while trying to remember where his keys were.
cenk made me laugh in that clip
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If Trump wins the election, it was this moment that made it possible. We should all thank CNN, who like pottery made it happen.
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>hey know they can't reasonably replace Joe before the election unless it's Harris, and no one wants her
Bro, the Dems have no problem whatsoever foisting a candidate unto the electorate.
How will the late nite faggots cope with this? Jon Stewart, 2ScoopsMan and KikeKimmel?
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Tucc's in 'straya again
Who cares? They're not even real people.
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they’ll wring the h20 thing like blood from a turnip
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So how bad was it lads, I was sleeping.
meanwhile Trump probably got like 4 hours of sleep after having a big mac on the plane and rolled up just winging it
It's not Joe or his ilk that is dangerous, it's the actual career glowniggers that know their power is threatened by a Trump presidency. The same people who create false flags and color revolutions and don't care how many people die in the process. The exact same people running fundraisers in Ukraine and extorting high profile people with pedo shit.
They're panicking right now too.
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wall still looks years away, nice
it was so bad that most of the left is now scrambling to figure out how they can replace biden on the ticket with somebody else
That jew outed himself as a paid Biden shill 100 percent now lmao
Lmao, true. And irony is hilarious.
already coping with "BOTH BAD" angle
100%. After probably playing a little golf, too.
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>This was a triumph
I'm making a note here; YUGE success
Which if they do, they immediately lose the "vote for DEMOCRACY" talking point because voters already made him their candidate and the superdelegates would overrule "the will of the people."

hope he gets some fishing in.
>even morning Joe won't defend biden
I didn't watch because Gura was streaming and I needed a break. Was corn pop that bad?
Internally it's a major problem for them because they know that overstepping the VP Harris for a candidate that no one voted for is going to cause a major split in the party. There's a lot of people who would have to be on board to rig the election. Getting them all in line before November to back Newsome or Hillary while their token minority VP gets thrown under the bus won't sit well.
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Likely by saying "America lost the debate" and "we deserve a better option" thereby prepping people to accept the Democrats (undemocratically) changing their ticket without a primary election.
Every last one of them on CNN flipped on him.
What are the odds.
This shit was planned.
Purge all who voted for either NDAA or Beijing Biden in 2021!

To find a RINO, check SPLC/ADL connections.
If anyone of a dynasty is corrupt, they're all corrupt.
Remember that our Trump movement's roots are in the Tea Party.
Any Republican old enough to run for office will hold beliefs indicative of a Tea Party past.

Get involved! Initiate referenda! Write bills!
Become a pollwatcher, candidate, or staffer!
Vote in every election--federal, state, and local!

Anything you can do to make America great again, do it!

Full voting guide: https://hatebin.com/lsvwqgomkk

WI 8/13: YES

AR: Yes
CA: NO, Yes, Yes, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, YES, Yes, NO, YES, NO
CO: No, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, YES, NO, YES, Yes, No, NO, NO
IN: No
NH: yes
ND: NO, Yes, Yes
OK: Yes
OR: Yes, No, NO
VA: Yes
WA: Yes
WY: No

It's so unanimous that Trump won the debate, even MSNBC is admitting it. Even CNN is admitting it. That's insane.
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he was definitely not good
On January 20th, 2021, MAGA hat was a terorist symbol.
Trump supporters were terrorists.
Donald Trump was finished.

On Jalnuary 1st, 2023, Ron DeSantis led every single primary poll
Donald Trump did not resonate with voters anymore (they said)
People wanted Trump policies without Trump (they said)

A thousand times they have pronounced his death. A thousand times they said, (you) would leave him.
Don't forget all the work that went into getting on that stage last night. Don't forget how dead in the water Trump was (they said).
Going by how much my sides hurt by the end of it, I did
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I guess that's why they pushed the convention back so far.
After all the primaries they will arbitrarily choose someone else, such democracy!
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Politico this morning.
>Moderator asks question
>Trump Ignores the question and spends two minutes talking about either immigration or afghanistan withdrawl
>Biden answers... kinda... but he is stammering and disheveled and either doesnt have enough to say to cover two minutes or spends too long stumbling through the preamble so he doesn't actually get to the point
>Repeat for 90 minutes
I say this as a leftist looking for a Biden replacement
lmao shitskin hit the wall
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You lost, faggot. Keep coping.
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fucking kek look at CNN
Where is tripfag joe this morning?
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Good morning, everyone.
to be fair that guy has made a fortune from people clicking and telling him he`s a fuckwit.
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Democrats have united together Hillary, unlike the RNC where Trump acted like a fool showing the party is divided. Congratulation Democrats on having the first female presidential nominee.
According to Willie, 90% of the Bernie supporters, 90% of the Black community, 90% of the Hispanic community, 90% of the LGBT community, 90% of the women, 90% of Real Conservative Trump supporters will vote for Hillary.

I will not endorse someone who wants to ban 1.4 billion Muslims and wont disavow David Duke and the Ku Klux Klan.
Donald's message is dark compared to the optimism of the democrats. Did you hear the speech of Michelle Obama and Bill Clinton as Michelle's speech must be the greatest speech in US history, Obama's speech might be the nail in the coffin. All 3 may have won the election for Hillary. Does Trump know how to run a national campaign?

What we have is a kind of ‘bromance’ going on between Putin and Trump, which is distinct from this leak, and we have the Republican Party platform moving back, saying they won’t defend NATO allies. It's frightening and an act of TREASON by asking Russia to hack classified information.
Release the tax returns Donald so we will see how much you give to vets and Russia.

Trump is a racist bigot bush-league loser.
Is this how the party of Abraham Lincoln dies?
Also the deadline to get on the ballot in some states is already closed. The longer it takes to swap Biden out, the fewer states that the replacement can even run in.
Lmao. I wonder if he's contemplating suicide right now.
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new baker needed

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>thought this debate was going to be so incredibly one-sided that Trump had no way of winning
>Trump wins by just letting Biden talk
Last night couldn't have gone any better, holy shit
I said Biden sucked at the debate and I want the DNC to replace him. That doesnt make the point that Trump just ignored questions to stick to his strong points invalid.
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god damn it, we never knew how good we had it in 2016
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CNN, Politico, MSNBC are all admitting it was a disaster.
And even reddit i.e. faggot central had to break their site to prevent comments from showing up to run damage control
Trump should focus on preventing the Democrats from replacing Biden. At least I think so. It's hard to judge whether replacing Biden would be better or worse for the Democrats. I could see it both ways.
You have to go back.
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Same, haha.
Very antisemitic of them to not defend Joepedo.
Get your covid booster retard.
the problem is they have no one to replace him with
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There should be an impeachment. 25th ammendment. maybe 2 to get mike in quick,
Will they let this stand?
Or will they ride it out rudderless for 7 months?
Thanks anon .
>T: let's not act like children
>B: you are a child
It was perfection
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i should really go out and find posts along the lines of
>lol can't wait for republicans to say biden's on drugs, senile, dementia, and he's just giving a normal speech
from just prior to the debate. there were a lot!
https://x.com/QOrigins/status/1806399142832558187 is not quite that, but very close

another funny take is lots of people saying
>well DUH biden was like this, does anyone actually think this is news to us? lol
no that actually is news to a lot of democrats, not everyone is paying attention to politics and of those who are, they are getting their information purely from journalists. my democrat family, for example, suck down CNN and NPR constantly - and these places previously ran stories about how biden was doing mental cartwheels around our greatest minds behind the scenes. they actually believed those stories, because they watch the liberal smart news that protect democracy with truth and fact-checking. they watched the debate eager to see the rambling fascist babyman get dressed down with the power of science and adulthood by biden and they instead saw the old fart fail to put sentences together. it's why so many of them are angry the moderators didn't step in for him to debate trump in his stead!
there's a LOT of cope about this debate, far more than i anticipated. i haven't even addressed how the whole
>replace biden
thing is the biggest one of all
Trump answered the questions he needed to. CNN's questions are largely irrelevant bullshit and don't hammer on the actual important points which people care about: immigration and the economy.
>But Mr. Trump, can you please answer the question about this irrelevant stupid crap
>Nah, I'm good thanks, let's talk about the real issues not your petty drama
I got it.
>Trump exploited a key weakness in the debate format!
Kek, he literally won by doing nothing.
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>I said Biden sucked at the debate and I want the DNC to replace him
The reason I called you a retard is because I read your post, dipshit. You regurgitated the spin about Trump not answering questions (i.e. what's actually known as "pivoting" wherein you provide an answer that appeals to your base when asked a disingenuous question) and begged the Democrats to foist a candidate upon you without a primary election. People like you are the reason the world is shit and we'd all be better off if you killed yourself.
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Is it worth watching? Kinda want to see Cenk sperg out but if it's just quiet seething and cope spins I won't bother
Yeah, Trump did an excellent job redirecting the conversation to the important issues.
Whenever Cenk is disappointed, sad, and enraged, I am happy and fulfilled.
Trump can't really interfere. Though them sticking with Biden would be best for Trump. That said, the Dems can't replace Biden if Biden refuses.

They have that Newman guy or whatever. The California dude.
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Biden can barely wipe his ass, he can play golf?
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Not at all. Most of the time they're just sitting silently with dejected looks on their faces.
Biden saying the answer to illegal immigrants raping people is that its okay because little girls are raped by their family members was probably the highlight in the schizo dementia breakdown
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Here's another one from an hour later, lol.
>thousand-yard stare
The closing statement was the finale, he really melted down, followed by his wife leading him carefully off the stage
Any HILLDAWGS around?
>the Dems can't replace Biden if Biden refuses.
They'll make him an offer he can't refuse.
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We've done it. Keep momentum up.
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best villain
They will, but he's too braindead to understand it.
>Newman guy or whatever. The California dude.

Apparently democrats hate the guy.
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what could they threaten him with? no more ice cream?
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it's very funny, most of the talk was around
>ugh... biden is going to overperform because dumb CHUD republicans talk about biden like he's senile
>republicans don't know how to message anymore
it's funny i'm not sure how much of the threads you read, but over and over and over democrat operatives said
>i have never seen so much fear after last night
>for the very first time i feel TRUE despair that trump might actually win
>we need to act, now
all because the biden campaign wanted this debate!
>BASH: However, the federal government still plays a role in whether or not women have access to abortion pills. They’re used in about two-thirds of all abortions.

As president, would you block abortion medication?

>BIDEN: Look, there’s so many young women who have been – including a young woman who just was murdered and he – he went to the funeral. The idea that she was murdered by a – by –by an immigrant coming in, and they talk about that. But here’s the deal, there’s a lot of young women who are being raped by their – by their in-laws, by their – by their spouses, brothers and sisters, by – just – it’s just – it’s just ridiculous. And they can do nothing about it.

And they tried to arrest them when they cross state lines.

>BASH: Thank you.

>TRUMP: There have been many young women murdered by the same people he allows to come across our border. We have a border that’s the most dangerous place anywhere in the world – considered the most dangerous place anywhere in the world. And he opened it up, and these killers are coming into our country. And they are raping and killing women, and it’s a terrible thing.
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>Anonymous Fag
Sorry. Had to do it.
really sound like I'm making it up but it was a complete schizo meltdown by cornpop
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This is gold.
>ID: fag
kek I once saw Phil Mickelson do this intentionally in a bunker in a quasi-legal (by the letter of the rule) way to clear a high lip. It worked, BTW, when Lefty did it
Do you realize how much dirt there is on Joe, his scumbag brother and his crackhead son?
So MIGA lost to MIGA? Why are so many people cheering in this thread when you're not israeli?
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like i know the way social rrats go is people think there are these masters in control that can change the agents on a whim, but that's not the most accurate portrayal. campaigns have a lot of infrastructure, a lot of factional compromise and influence, and a lot of tedious process. it is not actually simple to replace biden with anyone other than harris at this point, and even that comes with costs. they already invested in all the dark brandon merchandise, the debate joose, the t-shirts. that's drops in the bucket, sure, but that's also just the simplest example of the costs of a swap. there'd have to be appearance reschedules, a large drive to shore up harris' image and name, and factional guarantees that were counting on biden. that's just for *harris*, who is already on the ticket - trying to sub in someone else would be even worse
that's not to mention the act of swapping itself is a massive blow to the democrat internal rrat - it'd be an admission that they fucked up. they're supposed to be the rational adults in the room, and swapping biden would tell all of them
>well it turns out you supported an incredibly incompetent geriatric
that's a big mental blow! that's a giant demoralization for democrat true believers! no matter who you sub in, even the mystical generic democrat of no personality or faults, they'd face an incredibly uphill battle with that admission hounding democrats. a tenth hour switch would be an incredibly wild gamble, with *massive risks* because of downballot effects. the party is probably safer with biden, JUST to keep the illusion alive. democracy lives in the light of the spectacle. the calls to replace him are immediate panic buttons from the curtain lifted, but they're just going to pull it back down and whistle

that's not to mention: *biden was the compromise candidate* of democrat factions. he was a shitty option for them in 2020 too, he was just the least shitty. they don't have anyone else to fill that role!
>brothers and sisters
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everyone’s been there fren
that is fucking brutal
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it also doesn't help that kamala harris is probably the most unpopular democrat there is
if they did replace biden (i still don't think they will), they absolutely and positively cannot pick harris if they plan to win in 2024
Found a clip of what I wrote about.

It isn't about the man, its about the political machinery around people. A network of delivering favors to connected people in exchange for support. How the democrat party functions internally is opaque - but it certainly isn't democratic. Will it be an internal power play? Will they agree to a long term play for net party advantage? I dunno, but I'd expect the latter.
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Biden's betting odds have taken a turn lmao
Kill yourself, five eyes.
Your days are numbered.
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yeah a lot of paranoid right i'm watching are saying
>this was planned
no, it wasn't - this was supposed to be biden's big night. our enemies are not actually perfect players. every democrat i watch is really really really shocked and upset, this was not something they saw coming or wanted. the democrats didn't set this debate up as a controlled demolition; they set this debate up because they really thought dark brandon would own the orange man epic bacon style
>what could they threaten him with?
Hunter Biden.
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Here is the full CNN poll.
>33% of people are retarded
that's lower than I expected
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Good morning frens
Keep your eyes peeled for this name. He's gonna be the plant to replace Biden. You can already see he's shot up in the bets.
Hello /ptg/. You may be pleased to know that even the biased media over here had to admit it wasn't good for Biden. I wasn't interested in the debate before but if even they admit it was bad I might have to watch a catchup for a laugh.
How could a state like New York or Illinois still be dark blue after last night? Are their cities THAT corrupt and full of shitskin invaders who will vote for free stuff from whitey no matter what?
Dems are canceling the September debate, right? There's no way another one of these train-wrecks is going to help them.
>more than 10% difference on either end
Obviously polls usually aren't accurate to votes cast but that is an election-winning difference.
Sneed's Feed & Seed (formerly Chuck's). Also, "Bart's Fart & Shart" doesn't make any sense because the store wasn't called "Feed & Sheed" under Sneed's ownership so stop posting it.
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Goooooooooood morning.
>focus groups saying Trump actually did terrible on actual policy and lied a lot
>undecided voters saying Biden wasn't that bad and everyone stutters every so often.
>Serious talks of Dems replacing Biden with someone younger
It's actually over for trump
He won the battle but lost the war
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yes and the msm was too complicit in covering it all up to ever backtrack
fucking dumbass was winning the fight and then gave himself a murder charge
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That dude is dead isn't he, those blow to the face finished him off
I'd love Vance but there is no way. Trump will pick some moderate female governor.
What's going on, /ptg/? Best fallout from last night? I stayed up way to late but I made an exception! Truly an "emperor has no clothes" moment for the dems. I'd hate to be one right now!

Anyways, how y'all doing?
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Anyone else notice that the amount of garbage in the catalog decreased dramatically after last night?
Weird, huh? Almost as if all of it is coming from the same people and they got so asspained that they stopped spamming the board
It's a pajeet, who cares.
Yea, Nasneed is in thrall to leftism and unable to NTJ but I don’t think he is a grifter like every other black activist.
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The smarter move would have been to never debate.
They definitely want to replace him.
>Trump will pick some moderate female governor.
Big doubt. Unless you mean Sarah Huckabee.
Him and Brooklyn Goy Defiant are just paid shills
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On a scale from 1-JOEVER how Joever is it?
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The only one to acknowledge I exist, thanks as always fren
one of the things I've always hated about /pol/ and the political right as a whole is the schizophrenic assumption that our enemies are all powerful and all knowing and literally everything is part of some grand plan. While there are many sinister and unbelievable conspiracies ongoing at any time these are just people and they do fuck up. This was a major fuck up on their part.
its hilarious how they keep talking about trumps lies, but lying and gaslighting the country about joe's mental state is what got them into this situation.
QRD on the debate? any epic owned montage worthy highlights like the famous "because you would be in jail"?
>h-he lied
and yet nobody can point out any of the lies, they just need something to screech to explain why their guy did so badly
i mean you're talking about jews and the banking global homo
Tiedrich looks like Clapton. It's the damnedest thing. Every time I see this faggot's avatar I briefly think, "Oh, it's Clapton."
>our enemies are not actually perfect players.
The COVID-19 bio weapon proves they're fucking retarded
They don't hide the skeletons in a candidate's closet to protect him. They do it so they can hold it over his head as a threat, and when threats are no longer sufficient enough, they reveal the once-hidden skeleton.
There was nothing like that. Biden's incoherent ramblings stood out.
Sort of. Biden fucked up and looked so bad in the debate that the word went out to the paid shils to shut up and wait for new talking points.
There's hundreds of fruity hair body chopped up freaks having emergency meetings in discord to try to figure out a way to spin this to their advantage and come up with new talking points. There's a few still here posting shit that was stale in 2017, but really, most of them are screeching in voice chat with each other and having arguments about who is troonier than who, and why that means that they should be the one making decisions on what to spam here.
I wish Dame Pesos still riffed on them - it would be delicious.
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Yes, the media has been lying about "How sharp joe biden is" and now the chickens have come home to roost in a very public way. Many people who don't follow politics will watch the debates and those people just got a first hand eye full of how far gone Joe Biden really is.
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Liru here, I am voting for Trump again this cycle.
The closest was when Biden started rambling about nothing and Trump said "I'm not sure what he said at the end there, I don't know if he's sure either, anyway..." Overall though Biden looked confused, sick, tired, and was pretty incoherent a lot of the time. Trump by contrast had one of his better debate performances.
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Feeling good Biden bros!
Can we just pump the brakes on the celebration for a second?
This "replace biden" narrative is giving the dems carte blanche to rig the election and anyone who doesn't see this coming 6,000,000 miles away is retarded
>Joe is old and senile
>rigging for Joe wouldn't be believed by anybody
>any competent candidate would destroy trump
>nominate someone else at to convention
>polls are literally irrelevant at this point
>rig the election
>say "it was clear America didn't like trump. once [new guy] got in front of america, voters realized he was the best choice"
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Good morning, /ptg/...has anything changed regarding Dementia Veggie Joe's 'performance' in the past nine or ten hours? I don't think so

Recently I've begun to acknowledge you, ancapvidyanon...good morning
It means he would shoot six over par for 18 holes.
It’s an absolute lie.
They've been trying to do the deflection of "n-no your candidate is senile!" and here we are and Trump is the same as he ever was, and their guy is basically a ghoul already.
always weird to be an autistic white person watching asians and blacks make fun of each other for being racist
People are starting realize trump did far worse
None of that is going to happen. They'll stick with Biden, rig as much as possible, and we need to overcome that, which seems likely.
replacing Biden causes its own shitstorm and if this was planned then it's a really fucking stupid plan
If these people are incapable of coming up with clever plans, how did they get into the White House? The just lucked into it?
Reminder that I am baking. Worry not and be just.
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supreme court opinions in 1h 30m!
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i don't think they will either - the democrats are panicking for sure, but the cooler heads are going to come to what i said, to their horror: biden is probably the least damaging choice for democrats right now. any swap risks not just losing the presidency, but downballot races as well
and plus since biden is
they also face a very bad situation if they even try to force it: if biden has to be swapped out for incompetence, why is the 25th not invoked right now? hard for democrats still larping as patriots to argue a guy that has to be emergency shunted from the ticket for gross incompetence is still fit to be president for seven more months

but also: they know we live in a gerontocracy, the brain man stayed in his seat even as the tumor ate away at his coherence (anyone should go back and see his statements in congress just prior to him dying, during hearings he would ask questions completely unrelated to the topic), ginsburg clung to the seat to death because she was the jewish queen of the court, as sotomayor is mimicking. there is NOTHING a washingtonian would hate more than to abdicate, they EARNED this, this is THEIRS, and like our boomer culture they'll cling to the seat in their death throes feasting on children and salting the earth
remember when i talked about sengoku in formatting? one of the reasons tokugawa was able to solidify power the way he wanted once the big battle was won and his rule acknowledged was he abdicated after like a year or two, and stood as advisor to his son. made it VERY difficult to revive power struggles
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They should have stuck with the basement strategy.
they're also not perfectly shitty players either, don't think so much in the poles
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Anything good?
They probably use the debate to distract from this.
You can't just "swap out" a candidate that donors have spent millions of dollars buying influence with 130 days to go before Election Day. Undemocratically implanting a candidate that wasn't even on the primary ballot would be a complete catastrophe. Going against primary results has never been done before. And even if they did do it, Newsom sure as fuck doesn't want to be caught holding the bag because it'll destroy his career, and even the DNC isn't retarded enough to put Hillary up again. Their only other option is Kamala. And she'd get slaughtered even worse than Biden would.
All this talk about replacing Biden will amount to nothing. They're stuck with him.
They added Monday as an opinions day so probably nothing significant today. At least I hope not. I want the narrative to stay on Biden's senility.
Because the majority of voters are extremely stupid and susceptible to propaganda (women).
>Moderator asks question
>Trump Ignores the question and spends two minutes talking about either immigration or afghanistan withdrawl

The reason why Trump kept "ignoring" the question is because the debate format was wrong. You normally have opening statement, first rebuttal and then get into debating the details. However, CNN changed the format to try and kill off a debate from breaking out. That format was probably designed to help Biden but it made the whole spectacle feel stilted.
is there a non-pozzed edited highlights?
There are many clever plans that are successfully carried out, at the same time blunders like last night are genuine blunders. Joe Biden and the people around him do not want to swap out with Gavin Newsome, they will fight it to the end. While the Gavin faction probably watched last night with glee, they had relatively little hand in making it happen. Also Kamala Harris is in a pickle, obviously she SHOULD be the next in line, but nobody is even talking about her and the convention is in a month.
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This is my crossboard showing but every time I see "/ptg/" my brain automatically reads it as "Pizza Tower General" and not "President Trump General"
I go back to the SOTU, they were all declaring victory and saying Biden did everything he needed to do to prove he was capable of being President. If he was like this there, they would have replaced him. But they cleared the deck for him. And then he started going into a steep and fast decline in the past month or two (after the debate was set) which they bet he wouldn’t do. Well they lost that bet.
So I heard on the BBC that Biden was crushing Trump in the debate last night.
The only thing I fear is joe actually withdrawing. As long as it's him and Trump it's a total win/win situation: if Trump wins we get a good president and if Biden wins we get 4 more years of this.
It's not a question of them being all powerful, it's a question of accountability.
The right never holds them accountable. So sure, the left fucks up. But it doesn't hurt them like it should.
It's like watching an adult play a board game against a kid. The adult allows the kid to cheat, to lie, to steal, to manipulate all while the adult plays by the rules. Now who do you think will win every time? Yet the right truly believes that if they adhere to the rules while calling the left hypocrites that they'll win. It's incomprehensible.
yes this
it's funny how things change: i was looking forward to the end of the term for months
now i wanted it to be delayed
The disunity among Democrats is why they will lose the election.
>don't think so much in the poles
and don't ignroe evidence. you are dealing with highly sophisticated, highly intelligent, and extremely motivated people here. If you underestimate them, you might find yourself at home under lockdown staring down the barrel of a vaccine mandate, talking about "these people are not so smart"
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even shat himself
>While the Gavin faction probably watched last night with glee
Even Californians don't like him and it's pretty late into the election season. Who do these people think they are fooling.
Also b*den got in because establishment Rs helped him.
The ones still posting during the debate and immediately after were bots.
And you're right, they're still waiting for the new talking points. It's just amazing to me that more anons don't notice the shift in tone on /pol/ right now.
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all installs are buggy, but did they fry something?
My mom voted for a guy because she liked his face
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All I know is if you took a drink every time Dementia Veggie Joe said
>the idea that
>this idea that
you'd no longer be with us this morning because you'd be ded from alcohol poisoning
He was also helped off stage by his wife and made a statement saying "Hunter is not a sucker."
Australia in a nutshell.
American political analyst, talking to shitskins from the middle east, in a "western" country.
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who's got a link to download the whole debate?
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CNN maybe?
I remember seeing you on a previous ptg thread yesterday night. Have you been up since then?
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>joe biden
thanks. the drugs didnt work
>the wall
Doesn't matter. There are still thousands of men wanting to date/fuck/marry her.
>cant find his way off stage
>not crossed

Bidens wife had to come in and lead him off stage.
The only reason Hunter hasn't sucked dick for drugs is that he has his daddy's money
>if Biden refuses
You mean if Jill refuses. After last night I honestly think that Jill is the puppet master. Would explain why the country is a disaster. Its run by someone who has no clue wtf they're doing. Say what you will about Obama but even shit wasn't this bad under him
anon she went face fucking first
these people are not smart anon. it doesn't take smarts to wield power. a stupid nigger can kill a smart man any day because not everything is a perfect hermeneutic seal and trick on you. sometimes stupid people win for stupid reasons
here's what i fear more than whatever nonsense you think: that power will hedge bets and try to worm into trump's favor, whispering into his ear to sway his policies to be more retarded. this is
>much easier
>was a big part of the pandemic stuff you mentioned
>more standard operating procedure than extreme contingencies
>most likely going to happen/already happening (the moderators did let that happen to biden)
but that is also part and parcel of vying for power, and was already baked into any trump win
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If you elect me I vow there will be no more niggers
Exactly, the niggercattle tune in to the "news" every night for a wireless firmware update, sad and creepy.
then she pretended to be his kindergarten teacher
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Frantic intern is frantic
Nah, this was the only way to play it. They tried to give Biden the moderator-enforced last word on every topic, so ignoring 'So Mr Trump we all know you're a skull fucking, baby eating literally Hitler, do you plan to carve gamer words on the moon using the NASA space laser during your 1st or 2nd year of your new term' bullshit and punching Biden in the kidney any time he tries to have the last word was the only way to go.
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Years away in the past...
>the people who deal with Joe Biden's dementia everyday had no idea Joe Biden would make a fool of himself in a national debate
Do you honestly believe this?
hermetic, not hermeneutic, i don't know why i mess that up so frequently
He’s also not going to get any better. This is a degenerative disease. He is in steep decline. And there is a whole faction behind him who is going to fight any move to replace him tooth and nail (led by Lady Macbeth aka Dr Jill). They’re not going to go quietly even if Biden loses the ability to speak full sentences.
Your statement is true but so is mine. Desperate lonely men are a dime a dozen.
why are two dudes in their 80s with cokehead sons our only two options for president
biden walking off stage
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it's funny, i have had people who don't really care much for politics text me
>did you see what biden did last night
>did you watch the debate
>you have to watch this clip
there's genuine worry amongst democrats and for good reason (although it is june shame this didn't happen in september october)
yes, i do. people were saying this same shit in 2020 and biden didn't actually make a fool of himself in those debates like this
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Thats why I call him "aids clapton".
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>AIDS Clapton
Biden is in so much worse shape now than he was in, like, April. We saw it when he was in Europe and LA in the past few weeks. They knew it, but they couldn’t cancel the debate and basically had to cross their fingers and hope the drugs worked. They didn’t.
and to think you said you weren't looking forward to the debate!
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well that's why it's our job to brutally force the topic for five more months
fuck niggers stay in DA HOOD NUKKA
fuck spics 20 million go home
fuck kikes go serve your homeland in israel.

At least it provides some choice.
You have Biden and his drug addled family ot the Tumps who are teetotalers.
No I got some shut-eye. Took my sleeping pill too late haha
It kicked in around halfway through, but it was not enough and the damage was done.
Newsome will be the nominee
He was hiding in Delaware for a week "preparing". Why bother with that if you're just going to throw?
Go now
Pretty sure "Cringe" Pierre runs it.
He been like this for years now, the media and the other stooges covered it all up with pick me up drugs and propaganda bullshit in the news.
It definitely feels like people realised something in those debates that we knew for years.

You cant even hate Joe. Hes not there. Hes reading out speeches written by someone else.
The only part Biden wrote was when he called Trump an alley cat or something.
It’s not as bad as murdering an aide…
Fact. I prefer sex with the lights out for a reason.
I suspect that Biden's team will roll the dice on another debate later this year, they have nothing left to lose and if Joe can have one mostly lucid night then they'll be able to spin this as a one-off. Dementia patients are always come and go, Biden might manage a really good day with the help of the drugs.

Incidentally I'm not sure I buy the cold thing, drymouth is a common symptom of amphetamine use.
Anger and obesity will take him out soon enough.
Remember that they tried to convince us that Trump was the one with dementia and even brought on shill doctors to violate the tenets of their profession to diagnose him over a screen. The difference between the two can’t be more stark at this point.
That's basically the implication only your opponent is a teenage world smash champ using Fox with a wired GC controller on an analog CRT TV using component cables. It's like claiming you could beat prime Michael Jordan at basketball given an eighteen point head start. It's complete nonsense for Joe Biden to claim a six handicap which is why Trump laughed at him.
He’s been going senile for years yes but he has started to decline rapidly; which happens.
He's so dumb though, it's not like watching a true believer like Joe have to backspin
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without a white man to lead them their power struggle identity is meaningless. fight the white power falls apart when you are the power and you have to fight the whiteness in yourself.
the conch was passed. you have the power to speak and nothing to say b/c you are the conch holder.
And in laws, kek
Honestly think it'd be fun to see Harris get to take over.
Bitch would pull straight notecards out to read every time she gets on stage.
Hell might even cause a protest at the White House itself with White House staff.
The dems could come out and say they rape and eat babies every Christmas at the White House and they'd still hold the strongholds like NY with a good 60%
he and his son are experts at incestual rape so I think he was trying to defend himself from accusations that he imagined were coming and felt guilty about. prolly got lost in thought thinking about all the rape babies he's had to get aborted over the years
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>All this talk about replacing Biden will amount to nothing. They're stuck with him.

It's the bargaining stage of grief
Haha, nice. So I was right. I had no idea Trump was that good at golf.
>You cant even hate Joe
Yes you can, mans a career politician who has used and abused his power unimpeded and unquestioned for decades to amass wealth and power for him and his family.
Only now that he's dementia ridden and can no longer hold the reigns on the Bidens cocaine train is shit slowly falling apart.
>he'll never suffer any real punishment as he's mentally already gone
>son will at most get a slap in the wrist
>rest of the family get off Scott free
It's possible last night was a "good day" for him

/pol/ makes the same mistake that those in power do. They mistake leverage for genius.

Also congrats on the trips.
I don’t think it was thrown.
Eventually the medical tricks don’t work.
They assumed that Trump would be unable to debate and in jail.
Or biden will have a hearth attack with 2 bullets in the back of the head.
he's downright peculiar

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