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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
ARCHIVED LINKS https://pastebin.com/eAhgNyeX

>First Presidential Debate, Atlanta, GA 6/27/2024
>Pres Trump Holds Rally, Philadelphia, PA 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v51ty4u-live-president-trump-holds-a-maga-rally-in-philadelphia-62224.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Keynotes Faith and Freedom Coalition, Washington, DC 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v52yh29-live-president-trump-keynotes-the-faith-and-freedom-coalitions-road-to-majo.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Delivers Remarks, Racine, WI 6/18/2024
https://rumble.com/v51twti-live-president-trump-delivers-remarks-in-racine-wisconsin-61824.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Speaks at The People's Convention, Detroit, MI 6/15/2024
https://rumble.com/v50qmoe-live-president-trump-speaks-at-the-peoples-convention-in-detroit-61524.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Birthday Speech, West Palm Beach, FL 6/14/2024
https://rumble.com/v51nwy3-full-speech-president-trump-celebrates-his-birthday-at-club-47-61424.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Interviewed by Logan Paul, 6/13/2024
>TrumpVideo: WE WILL WIN 6/19/23
>God Bless the USA (Donald J Trump) 10/20/16

OP pastebin: http://pastebin.com/X4KiALfh
prev >>472445556
Ultra MAGA. Scotus drops soon.
Biden destroyed Trump. Trump is a dogfaced ponysoldier with the morals of an alley cat who uses Hitler's language.
Also there is a rally today too.
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>I didn't jave sex with a porn star
>I never said lock her up
>I never tried to cause an insurection that was Antifa spies and BLM
>I wasn't on the Epstein flight logs 7 times
>I never said I wanna bang my daughter
>I never raped that woman
>I didn't hide any documents to sell to Russia
>I had the best enviormental numbers ever
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So close to <20%.
The lazy old 'Oh, it's not specific groups, it's just men in general, we can't be more specific than that :3c' shittery
Hi ChatGPT
In all seriousness, Kamala is a no go, Gavin Newsom is a retard, the dems fucked up royally with Biden, painted themselves into a corner, but then again look at the beatdown Hillary received.
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>article in OP
why is Biden friends wit ha guy named "Friedman"?

This is laughably sad at this moment.
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Waffles' school of cool is in session now
lesson of the day:
Post AWOOs every day for the rest of your life and you can be cool too
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Sounds right . Next presser should be fun
The debate was boring and low energy let’s not fool ourselves.
> Jews
> Friends
They’re called hosts
Bros. I'm not gay but Trump seemed really handsome during the debate.
Uh, what?
Why do you think the Democrats wanted this debate done even before the official nomination?

Scenario 1 - Biden does good, he rides the early momentum to victory
Scenario 2 - Biden shits his pants, so they can nominate somebody else for November
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holy fucking gigacope
Trump should have responded with
>Well somebody's doing the raping!
Your post is low energy, but nice try I guess.
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t. (pic rel)
He's saying most rape victims are raped by someone they know. As if that does not take away from the third world migrant hordes violating America's young women.
Also projection maybe.
Biden was never gonna do good
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unfortunately karine is still HIDING from the press. the briefings will hopefully start back up next week
Hispanics are well-known for molesting their nephews and other extended families.
Joe Biden's performance in the first Presidential Debate of 2024 can be argued as a win due to several key factors:

1. **Policy Substance and Clarity**: Biden provided detailed explanations of his policy plans, particularly on crucial issues like the economy, healthcare, and climate change. His clear and coherent responses contrasted sharply with Trump's often vague and repetitive rhetoric, showcasing Biden's preparedness and grasp of the issues.

2. **Fact-Checking and Credibility**: Throughout the debate, Biden effectively countered many of Trump's claims with factual corrections. His ability to provide accurate information and calmly debunk misinformation helped reinforce his credibility with the audience.

3. **Composure and Presidential Demeanor**: Biden maintained a composed and respectful demeanor, addressing the moderator and his opponent professionally. This contrasted with Trump's more aggressive and interruptive style, making Biden appear more presidential and in control.

4. **Appealing to Key Voter Concerns**: Biden successfully connected with key voter demographics by addressing issues directly impacting them, such as healthcare affordability, student debt relief, and climate action. His empathetic approach resonated well with undecided voters and those concerned about these issues.

5. **Effective Use of Debate Moments**: Biden capitalized on critical moments in the debate to drive home his points. For instance, his response to questions about the handling of the COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the shortcomings of the previous administration and presented a clear plan for future management.

These elements combined to create a strong, effective debate performance, positioning Biden as the more competent and trustworthy candidate in the eyes of many viewers.
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NWO will win ..
People are not smart enough ..
You'll never outbreed a murder machine
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>legislatively successful
what legislation has Biden gotten passed? I'm sure there are a bunch of nothingburger bills, but I can't think of any signature stuff
Jews planned to tarnish his legacy from day one. They’ll do the same with Trump. The ultimate goal is to usher in some mega rich kike in the future.
>Tom Friedman
Which other notable die hard Biden boosters are now throwing Biden under the bus after last night?
This should have never been allowed
Hes saying he raped his daughter in the shower and Hunter fucked every female in Beau's family on crack after his death.
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The funniest part is you know this was written like a week ago by AI.
He's talking about his own family
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it's actually joever
GPTposting should be banned.
Was this written for shut-ins that don't own a television?
He could have done at least passable, and been a legitimate threat
Last night he looked worse than Dukakas
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the perpetual debate between democrats about whether to platform trump is my favorite thing
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Rabbis gleefully cheer on WW3 & total slaughter of the goyim
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Trumptards really don't realize they're in the minority, do they?
>He could have done at least passable
Let's be honest. No he couldn't. His brain is broke.
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I wanna be cool
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/ptg/, please stop capitalizing jew...I made that mistake for a long time and finally changed my ways in the last few months...same thing with israel
You see guys, you let a convicted twisted fuckin psychopath debate a senile drooling retard and he won.
#5 more people died of covid under Biden, its not our fault everyone was magically dying from it guys
If Bidet had "won" it would've been the most presidential debate in history.
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>NWO will win ..
kek you tell funny joke
MAGA and lol, lmao even
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because this was like a fever dream of what conservatives have been memeing for years i was not expecting that
biden's been giving speeches this whole term and the really important ones (SOTU or previous debates or the red september "MAGA republicans" one) he'd at least be coherent, the sentences were actual sentences and the messaging was on point for democrats. because of his broad spectrum of performance (from those i mentioned to the weird unintelligible mumbling he'd do in minor appearances that republican war rooms try to put on blast) that was why everyone assumed they drugged biden up a bunch for the important appearances. since *that was probably true* i wasn't actually expecting him to come apart on stage like that. it took all of like six minutes, from the death-bed voice to "we beat medicare" for me to realize i was watching something surreal
This. I was there
They thought Trump would turn down debate with shitty conditions but took them up on it anyways. They had no idea what to do
Gapin' Poopchute is a self admitted dyslexic retard.
Democrats always believe their own propaganda. They honestly believed that Biden would knock it out of the park... The debate debacle has come as a shock to them.
He didn't have a teleprompter to read from.
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It's called mewing, Joe. You should try it.
>The MAGA right
So there is a MAGA left now? We're that big now, huh?
People over 45 shouldn't be on 4chan
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Reminder that Biden has been a corrupt liar and buffoon for 50 years and was well known in DC for being the biggest fuck up in politics.
And that was before the dementia set in.
Assuming Biden doesn't agree to withdraw they have no choice. He won the primaries.

Even if he did withdraw it's probably too late to get him off the ballot in a lot of states.
Some states are already past the deadline of letting new people on their ballot.
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~one hour until supreme court decisions!
Supreme Court opinions in an hour, one more opinion day Monday the 1st. Also, I thought Biden trip wouldn’t show after last night lmao I figured he’d be hungover after such an embarrassing debate
the salt and despair has been incredible, and completely one-sided. Only the truly strongest soldiers are sticking up for sleepy joe and you can taste the seethe behind every word of blind support
At least his soul will scream burning in hell for all eternity
he confessed to raping his family members
They’re goblins.
Actually yes.
For as bad as biden looked, trump didn't really do all that well.
Ignoring questions to talk about Ukraine
And just whiffing on would be slam dunks
None of this matters because the story is obviously "joe is finished", but all things considered Trump could have done a lot better
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The unbearable whiteness of Success.

How many of them are going to look in the mirror.

"we killed ukraine"
"we lost afghanistan"
"we gave russia an alliance with china via best korea"
"we inflated the currency 40% in 4 years and food 400%"

our confederacy of dunces did this.
Not even Bush was this bad
Democrats waking up to this song this morning:
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KEK, Democrats get what they fucking deserve
Not gonna work.
Get a better script, nigger
Trump had one of the best performances of his life because he was finally, FINALLY able to control his impulse to eviscerate Biden and just let the dude hang himself. We were all watching him implode in real time, Trump didn't need to do anything but be normal, which he accomplished. The juxtaposition alone is worth more than anything he could've said
Progressive jews betraying biden now because he didn't give netanyahu what he wants Y_Y

Biden hasn't become a potatoe just now.
He ignored the bullshit questions and kept pressing on the ones people actually care about. Also I was annoyed by constantly referencing the border but it really is tied to a lot of other issues
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I prefer their moments of pants shitting terror when they realize it doesn't matter if they platform Trump when their candidate is from the Terri Schiavo school of public speaking. That clip of Chunk Yogurt sperging out and his pink haired gay cohost saying Trump won on abortion filled my heart with song.
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My guess is that he wanted to look presidential during the debate - not cutting people off, arguing with the moderators, or insulting Biden.
Yea, every dem stooge and even leddit had a meltdown with Biden and turned their backs on Biden after last night, but Trump could have done better? Yea, keep up the bullshit, Biden is dead in the water.
Trump was calm and composed which is the leftists worst nightmare.
>w-well Trump was bad too!
It was one of his best debate performances, it was so good that it might have literally ended Biden's career lmao
The fate of the nation has changed because a White House intern forgot to bring the meth.
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Someone needs to put together a compilation of the same exact people making articles/statements about Biden being
compared to now after the debate.

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What the fuck is the play here.
They KNEW he was in bad shape.
In 2016 they fucking hid him all the time. Lids applied at like 11am every day.

Why did they roll him out last night?
..and that's a great thing!!
I think he’s so long gone that not even the good drugs can help him. He was acting like a doom eternal zombie.
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Thank you for not capitalizing jew, klaus
Stuttering the truth > Eloquently telling lies
>He won the primaries.
Means nothing
Courts have already ruled that the the political parties are not legal entities and can do whatever the fuck they want
Remember Bernie?
Or they could vote for him and he just declines the nomination
And before his brain surgery where he had parts of his brain physically removed.
Not even memeing.
Our elites are actually fart sniffer retards
Amazing. Every single thing he just typed is wrong.
They've been giving him drugs to do public appearances for years, it's a dice roll every time but they've mostly been successful. They didn't need a win, just for Biden to appear coherent, which didn't happen.
we all saw the debate
trump didn’t go for zingers or lowblows, he simply eviscerated biden with his record and policy, it truly was a masterclass in debating especially considering it was on hostile enemy ground
Correct. Trump should not have agreed to a debate before the DNC convention. Biden being the opponent was the best case scenario. Now Trump has to beat another candidate that probably won’t shit their pants.
> throws up hands
Yeah, but what are you gonna do...
The sisterbooba enjoyer has a point.
bros...they can't POSSIBLY replace Biden with Newsom...right? They couldn't pass over the first black female VP in history...right? Their base would never let them get away with that...right?
All right, everyone. Democrat here. I supported Hillary in 2008 and 2016, fucking love Jake Sullivan, etc. But I have to acknowledge Trump will be the next president. He'll pardon and forgive his deriders all these years, yes?
So Biden is double dead in the water
Trump came off as a little to measured in his responses but had a pretty good night fren.
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They spent an entire week in hiding for THAT bidet performance!
Like beating medicade?
Or "There was no inflation when I became President?"
Take the L, you stupid democrat.
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I think you're right and that's a given.
But last night was next level terrible and they didn't need to have a debate.
Was probably Joe's own idea. At the end of the day he's the boss and his decision still overrules a hundred advisors telling him it's suicidal.

See also: That press conference after the Hur report.
Fug off, niggerlover.
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Thank you for tolerating the jewish diaspora for so long they really did you dirty. You rescued them three times from genocide in the past century alone now you don't have the power to do so due to their machinations.
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Non-Trump supporter here. I want to know why you guys support him.
I'm not going anywhere.
Their base loudly rejected Kamala in the 2020 primary and she was 100% the media favorite at the time.
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It's a little joever
The DNC is already going to be a shitshow because the niggers are planning a chimpout and the Palestine people want to get beaten up by cops in front of the cameras. They're holding it in Chicago instead of a swing state specifically because they want the national guard on speed dial. Swapping Joe out at the convention, particularly if he's not stepping down willingly, will be a clusterfuck on the level of 1968 or worse.
While some may argue that Joe Biden's performance in the first Presidential Debate of 2024 was a win, there are compelling reasons why it can be considered a win for Donald Trump:

1. **Dominating Presence and Assertiveness**: Trump displayed a commanding presence throughout the debate, using assertiveness to take control of the conversation. His forceful interruptions and confident demeanor overshadowed Biden's more reserved approach, making Trump appear as the stronger leader to some viewers.

2. **Connecting with Core Supporters**: Trump effectively energized his base by focusing on his key talking points, such as economic recovery, immigration control, and national security. His rhetoric resonated with his core supporters, reinforcing their loyalty and enthusiasm for his candidacy.

3. **Highlighting Biden's Weaknesses**: Trump successfully put Biden on the defensive multiple times, particularly on issues like Hunter Biden's business dealings and Biden's past legislative record. By drawing attention to these topics, Trump managed to shift the focus away from his own vulnerabilities.

4. **Challenging Biden's Record**: Trump repeatedly challenged Biden's long political career, questioning his achievements and effectiveness. This strategy aimed to cast doubt on Biden's capability to bring about change, given his decades in politics without, according to Trump, significant accomplishments.

5. **Economic Performance**: Trump emphasized the pre-pandemic economic boom and his administration's efforts to rebuild the economy. By framing himself as the candidate who can restore economic prosperity, Trump appealed to voters concerned about jobs and financial stability.

6. **Appeal to Independent Voters**: Trump's outsider persona and anti-establishment rhetoric may have appealed to independent voters disillusioned with traditional politics. His aggressive style and straightforward messaging contrasted with Biden's more conventional political approach.
He makes all the people I don't like mad
Not so fat, Cornpop!
Has aids and will die from them.
Look. He sound fine post-debate.
dont celebrate too much, I remember when they had Hillary at 98% and we laughed and laughed at their tears on election night

I wont celebrate until election night is over and Trump clearly won, to the point that cheating and mystery ballots werent enough
Well modulated actually, might help the swing states
You can sense Trump's quiet intensity and silent rage as he managed to tone down his showmanship instincts he learnt over the decades.
Need to revisit that 14 edit Biden post where he calls out Trump for the debate.
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we did it patrick! we beat medicare!
>He'll pardon and forgive his deriders all these years, yes?
God, I hope not. They deserve punishment for all they have done to America and its people.
The current government actually hates US citizens.
He had to conform to the rules. Kept him on track.
The only way Biden gets "replaced" is if he willingly steps down. And not only is he way too stubborn and senile to do it, but his wife would fight like hell to convince him not to. Dems made their bed propping this corpse up - now they have to lie in it.
Trump will win the election from prison, and then pardon himself.
They 100% needed a debate, Biden's support is collapsing everywhere, Trump is likely to get the fucking Teamsters endorsement at his convention, and guess what union transports the 3AM ballots? Biden needed a high risk high reward play, and he flopped.
holy shit
the whole debate setup favored Biden
and now they are lamenting having the debate at all
>One off night
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Reminder the next debate is only three months away & Sept 10th!

Will the dems try to "cheat" the system again & say "oh sorry it's taking longer then we thought to count all these votes it may take months teehee"
jill biden would never, ever let biden step down
not after all this time
>Means nothing
>Courts have already ruled that the the political parties are not legal entities and can do whatever the fuck they want
A major political party deciding to overtly ignore its entire voter base and longstanding democratic selection process would be...frowned upon.

>Remember Bernie?
Bernie got fucked over entirely within the system.

>Or they could vote for him and he just declines the nomination
If he voluntarily withdraws it's a totally different conversation, but to date there's zero reason to believe he'll ever do that.
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I hear (You) but just let me have this moment, please? It's so close.
Best news yet!
Insulin costs skyrocketed under Trump
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anon biden is not going to debate again
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the memes.
Every single person who has tried to take down Trump or has hated him has been evil.
I don't even like Trump, but his enemies are the greatest threat to America that has ever existed.
Can't pardon state crimes
I would vote for him even if he was on life support. No amount of bad debate performances would change that.
wtf i love trump now
This, there is a massive faction behind Joe Biden that are not going to give up on power voluntarily. And they are people who have accumulated a lot of power within the party the past four years. It is led by Lady MacBeth Biden, but it's a lot of people.
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Lmao I love seeing the shills come out of their morning spin meeting with the DNC think tank they work for.

I cannot imagine having to type that shit when you're obviously hungover from drinking yourself to sleep after that Trainwreck last night.
The whole purpose of this Biden cycle was to allow Trump to stand trial so it could go to the SCOTUS and they could invalidate executive privilege for former presidents. That ruling will come down soon and then Trump will be able to throw them all in jail and they won’t have executive privilege to shield them.
he might not drop out, but he will not win the nomination at the DNC convention
Newsome will come out of the convention with the nomination
Whitmer will be his VP
then let canada annex new york
we know. That's why no one talks to you retards. Can't fix mental illness.
they did Skibidi Bidet really dirty last night
That's a lie.
>Trump is likely to get the fucking Teamsters endorsement at his convention, and guess what union transports the 3AM ballots?
Oh, shit, I didn't put that together but that makes a great deal of sense.
i hate this lil nigga but he's right
Yes, we know you're retarded. You've made that very clear

Yikes. The thing about cult membership is that many people who are in a cult are unaware they are in a cult.

Precisely. It's a bunch of talking points. There are some "MUST PASS" bills that came through, and not one of them to my knowledge is a stand alone bill.

They passed some massive spending bill with green new deal shit rammed up it's ass, and then democrats brag about it as if to suggest that those bills were voted on for their own merits.

That is what is wrong with our government. We should cautiously revel in this. We are still staring down the barrel of WW3 and it's entirely possible that some insane leftist tries to assassinate Trump.

In fact, things are so fucked up that I would say Trump being murdered, or a major false flag taking place before the election are just as likely as Trump simply getting back in office.
They've propped him and the Democrats up longer than anyone in this thread has been alive. It's nothing new.
The only thing different about last night was how spectacularly they failed at calculating what it would take to maintain the illusion.
But Biden has always been a bad joke.
I’d like to know your perspective. What makes you think they’re evil? I’m not American so obviously I don’t know what the situation is like over there.
what the fuuuuck
>god love you all except for the atheist baby murderers
>which is all of you
fucking lol, ty anon
I just dont want to see a whole lot of posts mocking (us) and laughing at our comeuppance for getting trounced by a doddering old man who needs help eating applesauce
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Judeocrats are trying to run "Obama 2012" as their playbook. They'll try to have biden make a 'comeback' in the next debate.

Anyway the real news is that Trump needs a strong showing in the senate and house to pass his agenda, especially after republicans deliberately losing 5 easy house seats over the last few elections to prevent chuds.
When the DNA test proves you two are related you both owe me money back.
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going through the faggots i watch for their takes and lol some of them really think it's just a game of musical chairs
biden IS your best choice to beat trump hahahahahahahahahahaha
-world peace
-close the border
-only president or presidential candidate in my lifetime with the balls to tell the glowies to go fuck themselves when necessary
You should if you actually want to know.
The JQ and the stealing of the US from it's citizens by "elites" is an ongoing project started over a hundred years ago. Too much to explain in a single post.
They’re communists that want to import the third world to kill and rape White people. That’s just the tip of it.

I should show this to my kid. They would die of cringe, and laugh their ass right off.
I would vote for his fucking corpse.

Unfortunately, optics matters a lot to independents and non-politically active voters.

But we carry on. November is the real test. As discouraged or disheartened as I may be, I will vote for him and will believe in him until the winner is declared.
>this sudden swarm at exactly 0900
talking points went out
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I'd like to see you try to collect
Frankly I'm not in love with Trump as a guy, Biden's quite right that he spent way too much of his youth following his dick, that said yeah there has been a pattern that everyone who outspokenly goes against Trump, particularly from the right, always turn out to be horrible monsters in the end. The Lincoln Project is basically a waiting room for Republicans who got busted doing some kind of sex crime, and people like McCain and Romney willingly work with and fund people like that, it makes me upset to think I used to think highly of those men. Then you've got that "alt right" sphere like Fuentes and Spencer, who have twisted themselves into nonsensical positions while larping as tradcons or white supremacists when they're all trading interracial gay porn with each other.
On point actually, say what you will about Ben Shapiro, but he nailed it.
PLEASE let them run Kamala, Trump might actually win all 50 states
fatties btfo
I understand, anon. I do.
Kamala Harris is one of the worst major election candidates ever. She has like a 5% likability. She got to where she is now by spreading her legs and leaning on diversity points. She's not just unlikable but incredibly dumb. She will get wiped out.
oh no he did. watch the first part of the debate, he's racing to read things. but after the opening statement.
eventually he had to pivot to holding in the ear piece
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There was polling done for Kamala a few months ago, Oregon was a swing state lmao.
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>people have eyes, unfortunately
You’re going to owe me for the trip money and the dna test. That’s just fair.
Which is one of the several reasons I hope there isn't another debate.
Harris, Klobuchar, and Houchil cannot beat Trump
Newsome might be able to
Whitmer might be able to
Sherrod Brown out of Ohio looks like a weinie and has no national appeal

there is no one else on the Dem side.
Pelosi, Schumer, and Poopy pants are too old
Adam Schiff is a snake and no one likes him
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Top kek.
Anyone watching RSBN rn? It's comfy!
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Awoo to you
lmfao hahahahah
thank you that's great
The left is in shambles. The dangerous thing is that the "left" is fragmented and you have people who are nearly cognizant of the truth of american politics, and yet they are still mentally deranged and obsessed with Trump. This group is where a Trump assassin would emerge from if it's not just a glow nigger.

But they've invested 7-8 years in gaslighting to the point that there are plenty of these people this morning likely plotting how they could get close enough to Trump to do damage.


>nothing ever happens

Bruh... we could be seeing some shit this weekend if SCOTUS comes out today and declares the truth that the actions against Trump are political, and not legitimate.

This is why they've gaslit so hard and said "Maga" is a threat... these "lefty maga" are going to murder some people if SCOTUS hurts their feelings today.
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I just want a functional economy, affordable shit and all the trillions of criminal shitskins sent home.

Whitmer has the same likability issues that Harris has. She's a useless cunt that cackles and blows off questions about topics Americans have real concerns about.

Newsom maybe, but I think them running a White Man in 2024 over Harris or Whitmer is a going to alienate a shitload of people
Same here. This has always been my reason
I agree, it was much better than the 2020 debate when Trump acted like a crybaby brat for 2 hours and likely ended his campaign. He won the debate on composure, not substance
Sure, basically ignoring the climate change question was acceptable, but taking a questions about Childcare and responding with Russia doesn't look good in a vacuum.
All I'm saying is Trump's answers for some of the questions were rambling and unrelated to the topic at hand.
Did biden collapse? Yes.
Did Trump win the debate? Yes
Were most of Trump's answers good? Yes.
But I guess I'm a shill because I dare say he wasn't perfect. This general never changes
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Liar liar pants on fire.
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we'll get a 2nd debate, Jack
It's the hypocrisy mainly.
>quid pro quo
>procedural felon!
Meanwhile Hunter was most likely diddling his niece and Joe slung around a billion dollars of US money to keep him from receiving prosecution over that Ukraine energy board thing

I know, everyone here sounds like schizos but that is because left media only allows select things to surface.

Their tactics on the surface are a read to what is in their hearts.
What is in the heart of leftists is disdain for hicks (aka southern and central US hard working americans), laziness, grift, and a zeal for kinky consequence free lifestyles that someone else will pay for.

You can lie to me about it, you can lie to yourself, but I used to be a leftist that lived and worked in SF yet so I know what it's all about.
Go ahead and vote for your corpse, or your next diversity theater prop. Only the 1% of your elite pharoahs that leverage your taxes to increase their wealth and their slaves in hollywood and silicon valley actually matter among the left so I won't even bother trying to convince you otherwise.

You already sold your soul when you accepted abortion as 'health care'. Voting for a corpse doesn't suprise me in the least. What you think of as determination now is nothing compared to the full blast humiliation we've gone through as men in this country for the last 2.5 decades thanks to the left.

Good luck, you'll need it.
Biden doesn’t sniff little black girls nor does he “shower” with them.
I'm convinced they're trying to throw Biden under the bus so they can run someone else.
It felt like CNN went too easy on Trump this time, then all the left media went "Dems are disappointed with Biden."
>I disagree
the replacement would happen at the convention
Harris is put forward on the first ballot, and second
she doesnt get enough support
then Newsome put forward, he gets more support, but not enough
then Newsome put forward again, with Whitmer as his VPA and gets enough support for the nom

this is what will happen
Harris will get left behind, but not until the convention
>But they've invested 7-8 years in gaslighting to the point that there are plenty of these people this morning likely plotting how they could get close enough to Trump to do damage.
This is my worry as well. The next few months are going to be a dangerous time.
All their policies suck ass and they've needed to mass import new voters since the 80s to not get raped by the Republicans every single cycle.
I watched the discussion of Trump and Biden
It was scum, I'm so disappointed
World most powerful country named America is such misery
How ridiculous
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I think they would have a better chance now sliding Michelle Obama in
A well known dem with no political record of her own who could make the excuse of not being a politician whenever she fucks up
especially if they framed it like she was just running as a personal favor for Biden as he steps down on his own and that she would of course have a lot of support from her husband
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Images like this make you realize leftoids are our retarded equal mirror opposite.

Over 9 years we were told "Trump and his candidates aren't electable" and slowly Trumpservatives have flushed all the neocons out of office and made states like florida and nevada red.

Liberals see their 'strongest' guy and start immediately shilling for """electable""" candidates who are objectively worse but more palatable because they're black lesbian jews that toe the DNC line.
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Klobchads, is it finally our time?

You're not wrong, brother. Sorry we nuked y'all. At least we got anime out of it though, right? Pray for us.
Trump should put out a statement saying he won't debate again because it would be cruel to Joe.
it was VERY APPARENT that joe was reading from an off-screen script because he was squinting to read ...something..., and then listening to instructions with an earpiece by staring at his feet. like old people do habitually.
heh, oh no!
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lmfao someone else is a "realist"
>All I'm saying is Trump's answers for some of the questions were rambling and unrelated to the topic at hand.
Have you ever watched any other politician speak in your life? This is literally how it always works.
>get asked question you don't care about
>ignore question and talk about what you want to talk about instead
>if moderator decides to be a bitch about it give some short, empty non-answer and change the subject again
Was there any value in a debate between two old men?
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>Blimpf has a rally in Virginia today
>Dementia Veggie Joe also has a 'rally' in North Carolina today
for real?
>She's a useless cunt that cackles and blows off questions about topics Americans have real concerns about.
American women in general aren't able to get elected nationally because american women are spoiled whores who have had shit handed to them for free their entire lives and thus cannot conceive maybe people need you to actually fix problems.
your time to be nuked, don't you think?
>the voters did that but they're not involved this time

But sure, please get some bitchy black woman with a grudge to replace Joe. I welcome it.
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wew lad
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Its very simple. He beat me. a very difficult thing to do. then I asked why? when I should have asked that first. I had been swallowing party lines rather than making up my own mind on things.
then I became convinced about the jews.
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Yeah. DC could use one, or a dozen.
I'm so fucking tired of the cultists.
He’s right.

This is supposedly illegal. We all know that the DNC isn't afraid to cheat in elections, but I got a good clip last night of a leftist explaining the situation.

Basically, the DNC rules do not allow them to replace Biden aside from w\ somebody who went through the primary. And because they didn't primary Biden, they are stuck with him on paper. On paper.

These people of course make the rules up as they go, so it's entirely possible they will swap Joe and nobody will bat an eye. Times like this where I don't really like living in a densely populated area, desu.
Absolutely delusional. She would still win the Democrat strongholds without issue.
What Joe Biden has done:
Year 1:
>Reversed Trump's Muslim ban
>Historic Stimulus Bill passed
>Ended the war in Afghanistan (Set in place by Trump)
>Reduction of poverty levels by 45% along with reduction of child poverty levels by 61% by the first 6 months
>5 Rounds of cancellation of student loan debt totaling almost $10 billion
>Passed largest infrastructure bill in history
>The unemployment rate dropped from 6.2% when Biden took office to 3.9%, the biggest single year drop in American history. (This was also affected by COVID quarantine ending.)
Year 2:
>The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022
>3 Additional rounds of student loan debt cancellation (8 rounds so far), totaling up $35 billion for 20-40 million Americans
>First major gun legislation in 30 years
>CHIPS Act to protect American supply of semi-conductor chips
>$62 billion worth of health care subsidies under the ACA (Obamacare), capping insulin at $35
>Allows Medicare to negotiate 100 drugs over the next decade, and requires drug companies to rebate price increases higher than inflation
>Unemployment at 50 year low
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There was some exploratory polling done back in February, all of them do a LOT worse than Biden, and they'd be starting their campaigns from scratch.

What I have heard floated from people in Dem circles is that Dems might selectively bow out of certain states like Maine where Kennedy vs Trump has Kennedy winning, a scorched earth tactic to deny Trump the win as a worst case scenario.
she deserves more credit. I want to marry into the Biden family they are my kind of crazy
does this nigger not understand that ALL of the media niggers descended in joe biden like vultures last night?
like, the second the debate went off air?
this is some special cope, lol
This is the truth. The Jews are always planning a step ahead. There’s no way anyone let Biden go on that stage without knowing what would happened. An actual humiliation ritual for our country.
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>This is why they've gaslit so hard and said "Maga" is a threat... these "lefty maga" are going to murder some people if SCOTUS hurts their feelings today.

>deranged koolaid leftoid murders someone
That already happened. It just didn't make true national level news, just Vice. For Reasons.

Year 3:
>Got republicans to publicly take Social Security and Medicare cuts off the table by tricking them during the State of the Union
>6 More rounds of student loan debt cancellation (14 rounds so far), totaling up to $127 billion
>As of October 2023, 34 straight months of job growth, longest stretch of unemployment below 4% since the 1960s
>Child poverty rates fall from 12.6% to 5.8% due to Biden's Expanded Child Tax Credits, 2.9 million kids escape poverty
>World's best post-pandemic recovery, doubles all nations except Japan
>Created 14 million jobs since he took office - More than any president in history did in four years (and its only been 3 years)
>Black unemployment rate lower under Biden than any other administration (4.7%) - Compared to black unemployment under Trump was 2nd worst number in history, reaching over 16%
>Diversity in justice: Majority of Biden’s appointed judges are women, racial or ethnic minorities – a first for any president
>Rail companies grant paid sick days after administration pressure in win for unions. Most people will only remember that he forced rail workers to go back to work in December 2022, even now that will be the top answer if you google "Biden Railworker Deal". But most people do not know that the Biden administration continued to pressure the rail corporations and work with the unions so that in June 2023, the corporations capitulated and gave the rail workers what they wanted. Biden knows how to work politics and knows that the real work isn't done with the cameras on you for a soundbite, but in the background where people can debate without a fickle public watching every move.
It's the correct assessment politically. But realistically it means that Biden isn't really in charge and never was, and that the people who actually are in power are panicking. And that makes them dangerous.
They're actually defending Biden. They're actually gonna keep him as the nominee

What's crazy is I had a nuclear dream in 2022 just after the Ukraine stuff started, but before any of the nuke talk started.

Perhaps our fate has already been manifested. Remember our top tier BBQ, women, comedy, and other things America brought to the world.
Year 4 (so far):
>Another round of student loan cancellation, $1.2 billion this time, 15 rounds so far, totaling more than $128 billion
> Growth shatters expectations: GDP expands 3.1% - a year beginning with heavy odds of a recession
>Post-pandemic recover still leading the world by far
>Plan to modernize American ports
>Rescinds Trump-era "Denial of Care" rule that allowed health care workers to deny medical care to patients because of their personal religious or moral belief
>Violent crime drop significantly since 2020
>$5.8 billion to clean up nation’s drinking water and upgrade infrastructure
They've done polling for her already, yeah she'll win California and Maryland, but New York, New Jersey, and Oregon would all become swing states. VA and MN? Fucking gone, to say nothing of the other swing states.
Reminder that I am still baking.
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He's the only one that has remotely addressed the REAL issues in this country.
Displacement Migration & voter fraud to name two. All the Democrats & Republicans are on about CLIMATE CHANGE or WWIII.
thats just their party rules.
they needed fear for max involvement in the process. its their parties main motivator.
>the Jews are always a step ahead
The entire history of their people indicates that this is untrue, the entire old testament is them getting a few wins and then getting cocky and then getting smited again.
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One was physically old and mentally sharp, the other was physically old and mentally dead. Obviously everyone would prefer if Trump was 20 years younger but old Trump is still the best available option - not just of these two but of all politicians with any realistic shot at the presidency.
2020 was so much more of a hype train than now, which is funny because I remember people complaining about low energy at the time. Meanwhile Trump is about to hit 352 projected electoral votes and 54% of the popular vote in a 2 way matchup and I just can't feel it in me to get that excited.

We need to just ban all sonic fans from voting and that solves the "tranny communist" problem.
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Goed awoofternooning into the weekend
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bake on, baker. I was seconds away from splitting last night before hiki pulled one out
Then Trump needing help going down a gentlee incline ramp
I’m not saying it always works out for them - however, they do rule the west right now.
I disagree with the idea that Biden apparatchiks exist. His staff are 100% Obama loyalists. I agree with the rest of the thesis though.
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>Hiki pulled one out
The odds of war or assassination of political opponents just went up.
Trump lost.
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>The Jews are always planning a step ahead.
Yea right off a cliff. Ukraine and Israel is in such good shape.
> There’s no way anyone let Biden go on that stage without knowing what would happened
Kikes are desperate to keep Biden. It's the only real hand puppet they know. Everyone else has a mind of their own. Can't have that. Biden was clearly heavily rehearsed and on a very good stimulant of some kind. He started out well enough and lost the script about 12 minutes in.
Anyways they all did their best to prepare him.
They'd love to keep him where he is.
Because he's not at all running the country. Last night made that more than apparent.
And they love that.
And I'm saying some of the questions Trump ignored (or gave bad answers to) should have been easy to answer, and would have been better used giving a coherent response rather than typical politician deflection.
He basically responded to the insurrection shit by screaming DEBOONKED!
Yes no one cares about January 6th, but his answer was terrible
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Please stop capitalizing jews, thanks...and there are around seven weeks to go until the Demshit convention...anything could habben between now and then, from keeping Dementia Veggie Joe in the race to replacing him with god the fuck knows who
Last night was super fast.
In 2015 I was on a leave of absence from college and wanted to either go to anime cons and fuck a cosplay slut or go to a trump rally and get a trump supporter gf.
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This you?
because they didnt primary Biden they can swap in anyone they want if HE chooses to step down

they just need to sell the lie that it's his choice
This will be a actual serious answer:
>With him you actually have money on your pocket
>No one fuck with the USA or do shit on fear of him doing shenanigans. We actually have peace
>He is actually fun
Fuck, even democrats would prefer him in power. With him they can complain and talk about their shit policies that never amount to anything.
He is good for both parties when he is in power and he is good for americans.
>our sekrit club
what did you choose?
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he has all the right enemies
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Biden's odds have dipped below 20% in RCP, the death spiral has begun. Expect a Trump leading VA poll next week to cement the deal.
Back in 2016 everyone was talking about establishing a no fly zone in Syria and we were openly arming and training Islamist militias in Syria. Trump was the only person of note who was opposed to that. For all his flaws, he is not a product of Party machines and deep state intrigue.
That is why I like him, but only with reservation from the knowledge that he will abuse executive power just as easily as any other faggot that they put up there. See his ban on bump stocks.
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They had a pandemic lockdown and political will from their supporters to go door to door forcibly injecting Republicans with poison and they blinked first. Armed chuds refusing the jabbadabbadoo buck-broke them. Everything since then has been pissing in the soup pot on their way out the door.
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be wary of ferocious ducks!
Biden is too old.
Thomas Friedman is an unethical sack of shit.

Both of these things are true.
>Violent crime drop significantly since 2020
This is my favorite lie. DA's stop prosecuting black crimes and all the blue cities stop sharing crime stats with the FBI. Instant manufactured "drop" in crime.
Stroopwafel is the shit.
Start with DC, then San Francisco, Portland, NY, LA, Chicago,etc

Thanks Nippon bro
Biden's whole administration was about Trump, every press conference was about Trump, every behind the scenes move, his DOJ spends most of its resources on Trump related matters. You are 100% right that the redditers need Trump most of all, look at how unhappy they are now, they have nothing in their lives, no family, no friends, no hobbies... Trump gives them meaning.
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>clinton over 1%
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You need to give up your paycheck, wealth and all your slaves. Your way of life is ignoble and vainglorious. All your deeds and words are as hollow and ephemeral as your characters. You are Luke the man who trained palpatines daughter to destroy the universe. Nihulus the black hunger wishes he could destroy something so completely. star wars will be erased from history.
The No Toss Up map had Trump up almost 100 EC votes before the debate. Lmao.

After last night Blimpf will also likely move ahead by a hair and perhaps even just beyond the 2-3% margin of error in my Best Comfy Midwest State; if the next week can pass without a somewhat major habbening to distract the fat, stupid burger public Donald's gonna several percentage points in even the bluest of blue states
Star Wars Episode 4 - A New Cope
David Frum is an entitled neocon who wants your children to die for Jewish causes.
Simple as.
FBI crime stats are a mix of officially reported ones and their national crime victimization survey, which is basically a massive canvassing effort where they just poll the public on what crimes they've been victims of this year. The national crime victimization survey has skyrocketed even as official stats decline, this is literally the first time since the two have diverged. What's really happening is pretty obvious and there isn't anyone dumb enough to believe cities are safer now than they were four years ago.
>He believes the polling
They don't like her, but they have rabid hatred for Trump
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No doubt you need to go and vote, but this is the first time a Republican candidate has polled with a consistent lead in popular vote. Moreso that the outliers are Democrat victories
You know that's true too because they all follow Euro and Commiefornia models that do that kind of move.
Just like the AP Style guide has all press capitalizing Black and not White.

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disney really did a number on him
>a scorched earth tactic to deny Trump the win as a worst case scenario.
I hadnt seen this
I will look into this today
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Here's the no tossup presently.
Go now
He was trailing Biden by single digits in fucking New York of all places before the debate. This shit is going to implode down ballot races for Dem candidates. Literally anyone not in a D+20 district is going to just be setting campaign funds on fire trying to maintain a lead for the rest of the year.
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Gee I wonder why. Who could’ve been responsible for that? Biden or Trump standing back and letting Biden be Biden?
The dem party may have been hoping for the best, but if you watched the cnn panel immediately following the debate, it was obvious to me the media has been waiting for this moment to torch Joe's campaign.
The fact that he wasn’t a bad president at all and that he’s been dealing with whiny liberals trying to cheat their way into him being imprisoned or canceled from the ballot. More so the latter, I wasn’t decided if I was gonna vote for him but the “felony” shit and obvious spin after made me get off the fence in support of him. Incredible how liberals fucked themselves so hard
I’d pitch in an anchor but he needs to visit a few miles out to sea.
I dont think Trump will win Michigan or Georgia
the Dem Apparatus has too much control over the ballots
Biden will have to quit the race, and then the fun begins:

See, if they don’t support Kamala Harris for president, and go with a white guy, all hell is going to break lose with minorities (she’s supposedly black), and women.
Much butthurt.
If they were to pick Hillary, then women might be somewhat mollified, but minorites would still be mad.
If Hillary or another woman lost AGAIN to Trump, there would be much wailing and gnashing of teeth.
There are literally zero competent candidates to replace Biden with. Zero. Newsom isn't a competent candidate
Why bother with any of that? Biden did what he needed to create chaos, and instability, and Trump has been corraled, neutered, and homogonized to acceptable (((GOP))) goyim standards.
This exercise has been more about buckbreaking Americans minds than anything else, normies in both camps are completely incoherent in their perceived beliefs.
and then, hilarity ensued.
Yeah, they got away with it before with no repercussions, they'll do it again
Yeah. They are just to stubborn to realize that they don't want their shit politics. They want the online clout of supporting those causes against the ''big bad trump'' without the commitment.
Basically like women and accountability.
People under 45 shouldn’t be on 4 chan. ftfy now get back to work.

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