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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
ARCHIVED LINKS https://pastebin.com/eAhgNyeX

>First Presidential Debate, Atlanta, GA 6/27/2024
>Pres Trump Holds Rally, Philadelphia, PA 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v51ty4u-live-president-trump-holds-a-maga-rally-in-philadelphia-62224.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Keynotes Faith and Freedom Coalition, Washington, DC 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v52yh29-live-president-trump-keynotes-the-faith-and-freedom-coalitions-road-to-majo.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Delivers Remarks, Racine, WI 6/18/2024
https://rumble.com/v51twti-live-president-trump-delivers-remarks-in-racine-wisconsin-61824.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Speaks at The People's Convention, Detroit, MI 6/15/2024
https://rumble.com/v50qmoe-live-president-trump-speaks-at-the-peoples-convention-in-detroit-61524.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Birthday Speech, West Palm Beach, FL 6/14/2024
https://rumble.com/v51nwy3-full-speech-president-trump-celebrates-his-birthday-at-club-47-61424.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Interviewed by Logan Paul, 6/13/2024
>TrumpVideo: WE WILL WIN 6/19/23
>God Bless the USA (Donald J Trump) 10/20/16

OP pastebin: http://pastebin.com/X4KiALfh
prev >>472452137
Ultra MAGA. Scotus drops and a rally soon.
where’s coomerpole?
Checked. MAGA
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If the election were today Trump would win the popular vote. The election is still far out but still, imagine the meltdown.
Having a night to sleep on it, I still can't believe last night happened. It was so much worse than I thought it'd be.
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Trump lost.
Definitely know what you mean by worse, I couldn't stop laughing at Brandon to get any actual rest.
I'm just super wired and full of life now, think I'll get back on the lifting today.
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Don’t care
Still voting Trump
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Look a lot of people rape their family, especially shitskins, so bringing in more shitskins to rape and kill more people is no big deal. Just a little child murder rape. Just a little mutilated child that was anal raped a few hundred thousand times.
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its a bakament
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>id: laf
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fifteen minutes until supreme court!
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oh right when biden started talking about incest rape was another really good highlight in that fever dream of a debate
Just one more time for all the Trump sack-suckers that need this spelled out nice and slow for them

>Question: Trump, why do you love the swastika carrying nazis of Charlottesville?
>Trump's answer: That has been debooked? Also, don't give me that crap about charlottesville is the reason you ran. He ran because it was his last chance at – he’s not equipped to be president. You know it and I know it.

>Do people care about this topic?
>Was this the best response?
>Am I a shill for saying this?
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To elaborate on this, Kennedy and Biden's campaigns have been working on swing state polls. If the situation starts looking really bad, you might see some agreements to drop out of some states by Biden's team as a last ditch effort to prevent anyone from getting to 270 and get some nonsense going in congress.
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also i like how the most basic
>you're wrong
wheezed out by biden get hyped as like the most ebin rhetorical takedowns because they're just that fucking desperate for any positive spin hahahahahahahahahaahaha
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too many dum lainposters in ITT
Trump represents the final death blow to an administrative state that's been struggling to maintain power since the collapse of the USSR.

His SCOTUS picks have spent the last 6yrs dealing massive blows to Executive Branch overreach by forcing actual matters of law back into the hands of the Legislature and Judicial branch. Even if Trump accomplishes nothing more than stacking the courts with Heritage Foundation picks, he'll reshape the country for decades after he's out of office.
I'm scared
I have been a Trump supporter since he came down that golden excavator back in this magical 15' summer. Never have I doubted him during all this time. However, last night I watched the Biden-Trump debate alone in a lisbon hotel room, and it made me weep. I cannot remember a more heartbreaking moment in American presidential campaign politics in my lifetime - precisely because of what it revealed: Donald Trump, a good man and a good president, has no business running for re-election.
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>even 25th-amendmenting him wouldn't get him off the ballot if he doesn't withdraw or die
They will get an ice cold Gitmo cell.
what that was actually a really good response
based. get the weights up anon you deserve it
that's still a trump win because no electoral college result = en bloc voting in the house = trump win
>No one in America cares about this
>But you Trump supporters need too
Fuck off retard.
Trump is going to be iconic of this era in the same way FDR is for World War ii or Reagan was for the 1980s, even Biden's entire administration revolved around Trump from day one, it's honestly like he never left. Almost all pop culture and media for the last eight, and soon to be twelve, years has revolved around one man.
he thinks trump should have said
>yes i support nazism
on the debate stage like a fucking idiot
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The threads are really fucking fast right now kek
No one getting 270 votes means the states pick POTUS and the Republicans control the majority of states. This is a dumb conspiracy theory.
You trust the house and Senate more than I do lmao. If they get to pick like that they're absolutely going to fuck around and make it take months, and who knows what the idiots in the Senate would do for VP.
Rally coming up at 3 in VA, maybe Trump's VP pick will be announced?
its fantastic
What the fuck Patel?
25 minute threads just like the old days.
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It's amazing
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also i really have to kneel before golfchads i now see the light
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ah at last i truly see
>I hunkered at Camp David for a week to get ready

I didn't prep at all
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its stupendous
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i am vindicated day by day
It's another opportunity to fuck around, it would have a low chance of success but they'll take it over guaranteed failure, much like Hillary's bid to try to get the Electoral College to name her anyway. It was a longshot, but why not go for it if there are no other alternatives?
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fucking fairweathers, everyone
A 6 handicap at Biden's age is hilariously impossible. Fucking Jack Nicklaus and Arnold Palmer could barely break 80 at that age.
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hey didn't you say GROUND WAR in July? We're getting pretty close, eh
It's funny because golf is the most popular it's ever been in this country. Especially whites that see it as the last refugee from women and blacks.

That guy seems like a retard that can't find 3 buddies to go drink on a municipal golf course for 4hrs on a Saturday morning.
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Something that is not getting enough coverage is the looming tax hike
the Trump Tax cuts and Jobs Act expires at the end of this year
many of the tax cuts and deductions (QBI) expire on 12/31
A Republican President and Congress needs to be elected to renew or extend the Tax Cuts and Job Act
if not, a significant tax increase will automatically go into effect, and the Democrats will be able to say they did not raise taxes, even though taxes did in fact get raised

So vote Republican, and lets get a Republican congress too!
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yep he’ll continue dominating the news cycle while joe sixpack wonders who’s running the country
That's the power of malarkey, jack.
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Ground war ground war ground war
Shit gave myself away
Jack and Arnold's handicap weren't based on playing Par 3 courses from the Senior Tees lol.
Why would Trump even agree to a 2nd debate at this point? Biden should be coming to Fox News on his terms. Otherwise forget it
Golf is for men who dont excel at any sports so they play the one that it doesn't matter you are expected to suck at it
Kek, still voting Trump, you salty faggot.
making friends is hard...
literally any public gathering place without significant numbers of blacks is experiencing a boom in popularity. For years I could take my family apple picking in the fall and blueberry picking in the summer, orchards have been stripped bare a week into picking season and some of them are doing lotteries to get in. Renaissance Faires are so packed now you can barely move.
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it really is
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what kind of fucking bubble do these people live in hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
You know what he was gonna say after at? Cause I do. At protecting your family from the crimes they've committed. You're lucky he didn't go all the way, he should have. This man isn't fucking elected.
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two boxes for supreme court
so probably 3-4 opinions
I want to see Biden drive a golf ball
There is no way he can a single hole of golf carrying his own bag
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Drumpf has the morals of an alley cat
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>second debate
>with over 2 months of additional dementia decline
SCOTUSblog reports 2 "boxes" which means 4 opinions today.
dont even get me started on talking to girls
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democrats when they hear Biden wants a second debate
....Warnock? the better candidate?
Hearing leftie people talk, I honestly believe that they believe their own kool-aid about how Trump has dementia, going senile, is retarded and etc and thought Biden would smoke him in the debate.
They really havent been looking at how angry he is at being the target of democrat harassment over the past 8 years and how he's coming back for vengeance.
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kek now they're going after the moderators
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whats there to talk about. they dont care
pin on rank on deployment makes no sense
you have your LBE and gear being dragged across it all day, you end up sleeping in your BDUs half the time
sewn on rank is the only viable option on deployment
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>in order to be completely nigger-free I have to play 72 holes of golf every day for the rest of my life
It's becoming the modern version of the slow pitch beer league softball team.
>Fox News
it should be truth social exclusive + moderated by laura loomer, biden would shit his pants even faster
True. And honestly Arnie got around alright until maybe the last two years of his life. He still had the finesse of a top golfer it's just he was in an old man's body. That is to say I probably would have lost badly to a 75 year old Arnold Palmer.
Mea Culpa incoming
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Don’t care
Still voting Trump
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one last cope before SCOTUS
He is a reverend, he was placed into office through ballot harvesting and scanning ballots multiple times, so, yeah,

A Democrat through and through
I wonder how Trump feels this morning.
sorry she's perfect so she gets a pass
Handicaps are based on USGA course ratings, which adjust for course difficulty and different tees.
my guess is fischer opinion today, chevron/immunity monday
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It’s over tranny.
You have three options.
1) Repent from your evil ways, and become a good person (this is the best option, but I’m doubtful you will do it).
2) Keep being a tranny faggot, and be scorned for your wickedness.
3) Kys
Okay everything is pre-baked.
Please don't pressure them
I'd much rather run against Joe than some other candidate who would win by default just for being young and fresh
september is in a while no need to decide just yet
supreme court isnt the top no one talks about the penultimate court for reasons unknown to me
yes yes anon we know you live in new york
So they're planning for Biden to magically do better and have him shoot up in the polls? Would explain why everyone in the media shat on Biden. They want to create a "feint" and probably planned this from the start.
The Biden donate was people looking for refunds
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didn't he almost lose to an NFL player even with all of that cheating?
I love the idea that debate moderators are supposed to control the narrative and not just ask questions and keep the debate civil.

The utter contempt these people have for Americans to be able to decide for themselves is wild. And for them to just openly state it in public too.
liberals dissent
We have the first opinion -- Grants Pass v. Johnson. It is by Justice Gorsuch, and the vote is 6-3 with Sotomayor dissenting, joined by Jackson and Kagan

The Ninth Circuit is reversed and the decision is remanded.
Thread theme:

Yes because Walker was a dumb nigger to trust MITCH.
Golf is an excuse to network, get drunk, and enjoy nice weather. Vast majority of players don't think of it as a 'sport'.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA okay that's a funny one
You're not gonna for a while. The last thing we got from Him was The Ten Commandments
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Not all trannies are bad lmao
Saying kys is the top most of evil
I brought it from /b/ during 2016 election and repopularized it on /pol/ to deceive you and send you to Hell
Elon is such a fucking faggot for not BTFO all the porn whores.
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>>472457388 checked
Yay !!
Hobos BTFO

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idc what happens in the next 200 posts, that needs to be the next OP

>President Joe Biden will be holding a political rally at the North Carolina State Fairgrounds in Raleigh, NC on Friday evening, June 28th. Exact start time is currently TBD.

>Following his victory in the first 2024 Presidential Debate, the President and First Lady departed Atlanta and arrived in NC at 2 AM, where they were greeted by a massive crowd of supporters at RDU. Traffic around the NC State Fairgrounds is expected to be heavily restricted, as well as neighboring exits to the I-40 interstate.

>The Bidens' will be joined by Grammy-nominated artists Fat Joe and rapper E-40; Both men are accomplished political grassroots organizers already making inroads to the battleground state, where Biden currently holds a slight lead in voter polling.
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i miss Rush and NEWSWIRE...
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probably a little sorry for biden, not even a worthy adversary just a drooling shitty mess
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in non-SCOTUS news....

>CNN: Team Biden says Joe Biden has no plans to drop out of the race, and is still committed to the second debate.
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not everyone made it through the crucible
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>Kennedy qualifies for the September debate
>Joe refuses to show up
>Kennedy looks cogent compared to Joe and siphons more votes from the left
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White supremacy is never coming back, Chud. The Democrats (when Trump wins in November) will decimate him by throwing all they have at him, destroying his legacy and the legacy of chuds forever

I am become Chud, the destroyer of threads
look at the OP pic anon lol
I wish jews did not kill Christ, I wanted to be friends with Him and ask for His help, I know His Kingdom is within us but that is not the same thing, people back there got to hang out with Him and chill eating fish and whatnot and then one day jews just snapped and kill Him for no reason, so evil.
Let’s see what else we have. Hobo death can come later if something big comes up.

What was the ruling?
Now this is a dangerously wonderful Bocchi.
anon you forgot kennedy has the voice of a chain smoking throat tumor
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How can somebody that won lose? Makes no sense. You’re mentally ill.
I think Gorsuch has done a fine job on SCOTUS (his autistic semen slurping of the redskins aside) but goddamn it is he wordy. Cut the opinions by about 75% and we'll be golden. If you need more than five pages you're doing it wrong (Clarence Thomas excepted, of course, as his opinions are always cash regardless of length - every sentence typed with fiery hatred of the communist).
White people schemed to kill him from the beginning. King Herod was a white male, a fake Jew who was a white gentile LMAO
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anti-encampment laws are not cruel and unusual punishment
I've been waiting for this one, finally yes!

Now if only politician sacks of shit would enforce it.
Weren't the kikes under enough pressure from the Romans to do something about such a figure?
also brainworms
Its just stating that hobos dont have a right to camp on public property
it seems like common sense
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This is seriously like an election day level meltdown. Hopefully there eill be enough copers to cry and moan when Trump officially takes the win cause a lot of these people must be realizing they have no hope or chance.
I've been so caught up in the debate/real life that I haven't seen the SCOTUS decisions. Where is the anon with the bill descriptions when you need em?
I love the lull that happens on the internet when something dramatic happens in US politics and the shills need a moment to regroup and figure out their new lines, it happened a lot with in 2016 too
But they were enforcing it, that was the whole point.
Literal brain worms.

Im gonna.... I'm gonna.... I'm gonna simultaneously sip !!!

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Many sevens confirm
She could smoke a churchill in the rain with that nose of hers.
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Come one rajsheen you gotta try harder than that
I mean in like Oregon and California where they let junkies build cardboard mansions in public parks and streets.
>babies aborted after birth
where was the lie? VA former gov literally went on a radio talkshow and said that's their goal
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I can't imagine it
they had a reason - blasphemy

fun fact, the nailed him to an actual tree and stoned him to death (only form of capital punishment that jews had in a legal sense).

the romans simply facilitated it.

the tree is important because it was a bit of a rush job, and there were a lot of trees on the mount of olives at that time (wasn't until 70CE that the romans denuded the area during the war)

also another fun fact, it was likely the tree was an almond tree which is understood to be the tree of life.

that tree that jesus cursed on his way to jerusalem? a fig tree - the most likely candidate for the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
Leftists still cannot recover.
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his opponents are the ones who won't let it go, they keep bringing it up, over and over again. you tired of hearing about it? blame the democrats
Obviously. The communists tried to argue that it criminalizes the homeless as a class while completely ignoring the fact that the ordinance applies to everyone, not just the homeless. Really they were arguing that it's okay to ban camping on public property for everyone BUT the homeless. Their contention is that the homeless can break the law but not everyone else. In a sense I understand where they're coming from insomuch as if they're homeless they do have to sleep somewhere, obviously, but still it was retarded to make that argument.
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The left is in shambles.
It's only in these moments when people without a script to read sometimes say what they really think. Now that he's refused to drop out they'll be right back on the 'cheap fake' grind.
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What is total comedic is that you don't watch the press briefing yourself about Charlottesville...
>SNOPES debunked it not 2 days ago took them 7 years but it is debunked...

> Fact Trumps speech was cherry picked for effect, he never did say what you think he said...

Get fucked
>polls are real now
BJs from her are "just the tip"
Haven't watched Clott since 2020 but maybe just this once...
>Who the hell are the 33%?
kek that was my dad's first comment.
>Reminder that the court issues opinions in order of reverse seniority today, so we could hear from Justices Kagan, Sotomayor (both of whom I think are done), Alito, Thomas, or the Chief. We are not likely to hear from Justices Kavanaugh, Barrett, or Jackson.
>polls aren't real anymore
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oh shit I 9'd
Joe shouting "HES LYING!!!" The whole time really did make joe look retarded.
while i wait
No R number yet so there is at least one more opinion.
dead people.
Leaf blower posts comment....

No one fucking cares you are a cuck that cannot even stand up to the facist in your own country pretending to be prime minister...

Suck a tree cuck
while i read
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>fat Joe
>pedo joe
I'm gonna go yell slurs at them

Checked, very nice. I'm a sucker for these "third party" candidates. But RFK quickly lost me w\ some of his environmental stuff, zionism, and ultimately the fact that he admits his campaign is run by literal CIA agents. He's a psyop of some sort.

And he would lean into all this green new deal bullshit. You could also never pivot to RFK after these last couple of years of "anti vaxxer this, brain worms that" lefty people will not vote for him.
Bannon is dropping bombs on war room rn
Meanwhile Biden IS the facist

Can't make this shit up
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Whoever that is I wish I could shake their hand
bannon comes after supreme court pls wish him the best for me
my thinking is that he is there to gauge public sentiment on lesser known more edgy issues
Almost all of the most infamous Trump quotes are fake, for better or for worse. There's this culture of just claiming Trump said some outrageous thing with no source, then repeating it enough that everyone thinks he said it, then you find out it was an anonymous source "familiar with his thinking" or some shit.
the don is waking up this morning wondering what the ratings are, i wonder that too trump. im going to guess 20 million.
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It might be fun to watch The View this morning.
i like that they appeal to chungus jesus in talking about US court decisions glad to know "separation of church and state" isn't a real thing anyone actually believes in
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OP pic ready to go
your hand might get frozen
Thomas Massie's wife passed away yesterday.
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i didnt know it was possible for a pussy to go dry as the sahara and cold as the grave instantaneously in the middle of sex but it sure as fuck can and i know it because it happened to me not 3 hours ago when i accidentally called my gf “timothy” during sex.
im not a faggot, i just have very poor impulse control when im horny and it seemed right at the timre.
she wasnt more than a slampig to me but she was a damn good slampig as slampigs go; fat as fuck, poor self esteem, on dangerous chemical birth control, lives near a long john silvers (i like eating there but even im confused about why they still exist), she had it all going on and i threw it all away.
you would think a fat chick would have a more liberal sexual attitude because thats just how fat chicks are (or maybe liberals are often fat chicks) but it turns out that she has a 0 tolerance policy for faggotry, even joking. as much as it sucks, i have to admit thats pretty fucking based and i respect her for it
anyway still voting tomboy and orange, caturday looms befors us, gm and nn frens
What happened to that N-word tape that Apprentice producer was claiming?

Member this? Democrats have known the entire time that Joe Biden was not fit for office. They literally put guard rails in place to remove him.

There's no way to argue 2020 was not rigged. The democrats quite literally put forth a fraudulent, unfit candidate. They pushed him across the finish line with years of anti-Trump propaganda, and various methods of ballot fraud and harvesting.

Biden is proof that 2020 was rigged and stollen.
The most overt glowie campaign I've ever seen was the Evan McMuffin one in 2016, which ultimately went nowhere. Liz Cheney was considering a run, but all the polls said she siphoned significantly more votes from Biden, so she's out.

Kennedy just strikes me as a bored rich guy with a famous name.
Goodnight, Kitto.
wait did she really?
Total Homeless Death!!

Stop it Biden is done....
He has literal brain worms anon. He's retarded.
the debate was just that bad

Be wary of ferocious duccs +1!
his only appeal is among moderates who dont pay much attention, because hes not Trump or Biden or to single issue antivaxers
but most antivaxers are republican, and wont agree with any of his policies

his full platform only does well with the crystal hippie women
So are you saying we’re back?

Your daughters are being raped
Oy yeah well some people rape their daughters. Gotcha
Golf is a very difficult sport though. You can argue it's not that athletic, call it a game if you prefer. But it does require a lot of skill. There is zero chance that Biden has a 6 handicap btw. That's excellent for an amateur, and would put you as a top level club player. Biden can barely stand up straight. I doubt he can even swing a club. And of course he's 80 years old. Not sure why he would tell such a ridiculous lie
this is not a typo.
Yes he posted it to his twitter. Quite sad.
>That narrative shift after 5 posts.
Life comes at you fast
Biden has a long history of just making shit up when cornered.
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>hillary clinton was too smart to win
A doctor was shit canned this morning
they are just going to lie outright and hope thier audience didnt stay up to watch the debate themselves
Goddamn. This dissent must be looooooooooooooooooong
what do u brehs make of this

>Interestingly, this leaves Jackson and the chief as the only justices without opinions for April. Fischer v. US (the Jan. 6 case) and the Trump immunity case are the only two remaining cases from the April argument session.
cause who knows about golf only people who play and he knows they already have Trumps vote
All the king's horses and all the king's men can't make Joe Biden coherent.
>crystal hippie women
so basically drugged up college kids?
silly chud, biden actually played two perfect 18 hole games back to back

hmmm I never watch bannon but I do like his general demeanor. May check it out but I'm sticking w\ Clot Adams right now. Bannon is a divisive guy who turns off lefties.

Clot Adams is a far better middle of the road option you could show to people without completely turning them off.

What's Bannon's status? I thought I saw something about declaring the J6 committee as bogus, and thus determining they have a lack of authority to have even subpoenaed bannon.
b a d
The residents of Charlottesville who didnt want the historic statue of a local war hero to be removed were very fine people.

Come at me.
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The spew.
Jackson isn't writing either of those. You know, it's not a rule that each justice needs to write one opinion per sitting.
>Question: Trump, what's your plan for deporting the illegals
>Answer: Just one second. He said we killed three people. The people we killed are al-Baghdadi and Soleimani. He’s the one that killed people with the bad water. Nobody had been worse. I had the highest approval rating for veterans, taking care of the V.A. He has the worst.

please tell me more about how great Trump did
Scott is on fire right now, he's in the groove.
you think these programmed automata listen to radio?
Dems will nominate Michael Robinson & Hitlery Clinton.
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lmao, this dude
Vivek has been saying from the start that it wont be Biden.
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I hate these fucking takes
>its 4d backgammon chess strategy to throw Biden under the bus and replace him don't get too excited!!!!
No, its fucking not. Your political adversaries are just that fucking stupid. They're not a shadow cabal of 140iq puppet masters, they stupid retards who are barely clinging to power and can't tell you the difference between a man and a woman. Stop being a blackpilled loser.
those cases will be unmaga.
roberts is compromised so, yeah.
Massie is another fucking dweeb whom I've never liked, but if his old lady really did pass away condolences to him
To be fair with the town hall that made Trump look really good, and the otpics of this CNN debate, they have really done a number on Biden.

Fox is trying their best to undermine Trump and CNN is more successfully undermining Biden.
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BIDEN CLAIMING VICTORY, makes meme of his “debate juice”
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They have kicked the can as far as it'll go.
the clip is on YouTube, it made the rounds on social media when he said it, part of why Youngkin won
Reminder that I am still baking
Jesus fucking Christ
Condolences for him and his family.
If he needs a chimpout all he's gotta do is ask. I'd do anything for Massie
I love how quiet the left is trying to be today. Everyone was just forced to confront the fact that they either voted for what they saw last night, or what they saw last night never had control and thus they didn't choose their leader, their leader was chosen for them and their choices were shut up and love it - or else.
Oh boy.
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Yay no more chevron road markings.
given his voice during the debate i doubt he drank the water
Holy fucking shit It’s Joever. Switch gears to Plan B Biden sisters.
Beto for the win.
No R number meaning Roberts has another opinion to drop.
roberts writes the majority
kagan seethes in the dissent
middle aged single women who are real spiritual and shit
as long as that spirituality can be bought on etsy
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I was hoping for something more… spirited.
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I think there is a natural tendency to think all these people are super geniuses playing 33-D chess, but they really are retarded and just slop along from failure to failure, using the power they hold as a buffer from consequences. Yes even the CIA, which has been fucking everything up for decades, including the failed coup in Bolivia literally yesterday.

They are also Jewish Kabbalists who believe that they can conjure reality from their word sorcery.
>as long as that spirituality can be bought on etsy
That would involve Kennedy re joining teh democrats?
What is this weird steel room.
Bannon btfo prison sentence by appeal to SCOTUS. Its is their hands, likely the case will come up by the time Trump is back in WH
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Chevron is overruled. Courts must exercise their independent judgment in deciding whether an agency has acted within its statutory authority, as the APA requires
Hate to go all "just like my anime" but there's a sort of Team Rocket thing going on here where there is a vast shadowy conspiracy, but you're also much more likely to run into Jessie James and Meowth who have a plan to stop you by crossdressing for some reason. The DNC is full of factions and the smart sinister ones are out of favor right now, so they're mostly throwing up their hands and just letting shit happen while the blue hairs run wild.
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Did you say something?
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message: sent
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Maki anon actually delivered ^-^`
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Hmmm! Hobos btfo op or chevron btfo op?
The fed.gov keeps taking big losses. I love it. Based SCOTUS.
uh oh
Lmao. I hate that trumps pick suck on the culture war but they're great on blowing up the administrative state. God damn. That on the Administrative Law rulings are crazy. They just reset the entire executive branch to 1960.
chevron has much greater impact, 40 years of administrative state (including GAY-T-F) power sucked away
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today is the MAGA one
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Quite some views.
One of each. Unless Biden fucking dies, resigns, or drops out, this is the day's top news.
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He's not even elected LEL.
gorsuch's concurrence in the chevron case might be longer than both the majority opinion and dissent
holy moly, they overruled CHEVRON??

Q predicted this.
Now eat it.
Alright give me A picture about it asap.
Chevron is dead, SCOTUS slaughtered it
Trump won the debate but will still lose in November
baker is kill
>there are people who still believe biden got 81 million votes
l m f a o
keep reading that thread as it updates hahahahahahahahaha
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yayy bravo Joe you get some ice cream!
They still aren't real. The real numbers are probably something like 10% believing Biden won.
>still believing the Charlottesville narrative
You have to be pretty dedicated to ignore literally every piece of evidence against this made up story.
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>Chevron is overruled.
This is a BFD as it will significantly hamstring the administrative deep state.
They must be seething rn.
>This should be met with arrests
Hey faggot. The fine people hoax is one of the oldest, and most debunked Trump claims ever. Quite literally. It's from 2017. It was never true.

And Biden repeatdly invoking a fake news story is fucking embarrassing.

Moreover, I'd even suggest Charlottesville was a J6 like false flag event. Nobody really talks about it because they're content with this bullshit claim that some "nazi" ran people over.

On god, James Fields most likely didn't intend to kill anyone. But he was railroaded because he had 4chan memes on his phone. Never mind that his car was attacked.

Nevermind that there's photos of the driver of the car and it clearly is not the "James Fields" presented in the media.

I even saw leftoids last night falsely suggesting Trump claimed the entire "charlottesville" event didn't happen. That's how retarded your peers are, faggot. But hey... lets not be adversarial.

We are all victims of a rigged political system. They even got me to vote for Obama, can you believe that shit? lol.
didn't even scalia accept chevron?
Not the entire executive branch. We still need CRA and GCA repeal.
If I put a bet on every prediction Robert Barnes made I would be a multi millionaire by now.
>the law is broken!
>save us, law!
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/VRNN/ shill here. Holy fuck this is gonna be a bloodbath. Trump needs to get up his energy a bit but I havent felt this enthusiastic and motivated since 2016.

Sneed bidenposters....
Go now
What's the ruling?
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Never attribute to strategy what can be written off as blind luck at best and poor planning at worst. They didnt plan this. they dont have a plan.

Thats the problem with the deep state. thats why a president is neccessary. you need someone designated as the leader, and he needs to have a plan. the deep state doesnt have a leader. its more of a collusionist type of conspiracy, its a gang with no boss. and the US government needs someone in charge. its really a big problem.

no, its not a plan. the democrats really thought they could just finesse another one over on the american people. "weekend at bernies" style.

now the dems are in full panic mode. its like sauron when he realizes Frodo has got the ring and is IN Mt Doom. they now sit on the verge of being annihilated.

If they run biden now, trump will win alandlside bigger then reagans. it will be the single most greatest comeback in american political history.
Trump predicted this over 3 years ago. Crazy.
Scalia was a queer. He LOVED the federal government. I don't understand why niggers loved him so much. I mean, yeah, he was better than everyone not name Clarence Thomas but the court back then was shit.
Yup. Spoke to someone today. It was a civil discussion. He had an attitude of “I don’t know how it’s done. Please tell me.”. So I let him have it.
I think Fisher goes our way, with Alito writing, and immunity against Trump w/Chief Justice Roberts writing.
No im going to wait 2 minutes
You idiots don’t realize that the courts would now be able to strike down more of a possible Trump agenda?

I'm not sure, but I've been hearing about it on the No Agenda podcast ( In the morning slaves )

And it really does sound like cause for concern among the deep state. Shit is going to be nuts if SCOTUS rules that these agencies like the ATF, EPA, and department of education in fact have no authority to dictate law.
All jews.
Ive really started to warm up to Jimmy Dore since I started watching his show.
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>They prepared fro the wrong debate
I think there was an expectation that Trump would get really angry and animated and shout at Biden. Like in the 2020 debate.
They have thrown every dirty trick in the book at trump this time but he was way more gentle on Biden than the last debate.
thank you trump
What's funny is that this basically aligns with the partisan divide of America. About 1/3 of the country identifies as Democrat and they towed the line. Literally everyone else did not.
Trump killed it when he told Joe to stop acting like a child about golf scores.
He's the literal adult in the room now.
Nothing the nigger do will erase that.
>Moreover, I'd even suggest Charlottesville was a J6 like false flag event. Nobody really talks about it because they're content with this bullshit claim that some "nazi" ran people over.
At the very least Antifa blocked all the roads to force everyone down one crowded street. Thats why they never let anyone see the aerial footage etc. But you can see footage of it from random people.
If you started a load of fake court cases against me and then did a live debate I would probably call you a nigger.
They were hoping Trump wouldnt keep a lid on his anger.
it was very apparent that the fbi/cia taught them how to kettle people.
A certain political commentator who I am not going to name because he triggers people on here said that he wish Trump landed more shots, but I think the strategy to stay composed and just let Biden ramble was the right one. He took one shot early (when he said something like, "I dont know what he said and he doesnt either"), but other than that he just stuck to his script.
The jews got to her for him speaking out against AIPAC.
I noticed a pattern last night where trump would just talk over the retarded question, but then consistently have enough time to still answer the question given.
I think that did more to spook joe than anything else, judging by biden's facial expressions when it happened. seems like each time, and then when joe's face emoted that he was in unscripted waters, he babbled.
was ..interesting.
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Thanks Leaf!
> fucking street-shitter thinks that his opinion matters
was VERY apparent in the instance where trump wiped the shit eating grin off joes face

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