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Rightist Supreme Court of US made it illegal for the homeless to sleep outside. They also defunded homeless shelters. During a housing crisis. So right wingers, where are the homeless supposed to go? Is this your "Let them eat cake" out of touch moment?
good fuck the homeless gas them all
All homeless should come to liberal cities. Marthas Vineyard Silicon Valley Chappaqua etc. We will take care of them
The Supreme Court didn’t defund homeless shelters, retarded leaf.
People sleeping on the street don’t want the shelters because you can’t do drugs there. It’s not a housing crisis, it’s a drug crisis.
based beyond belief. no one says it but the only reason no one wants to be downtown anymoe is all the homeless crackheads and niggers having psychotic breaks a few feet away from you. I truly hope they lock up all homeless.
Democrats are self identified sanctuary states.
All the homeless and illegals can live there
>So right wingers, where are the homeless supposed to go?
Try Mexico? I hear you can just walk across the border
Yes, we are persecuting the homeless. They should seek refugee in another country
>you don’t like homeless shitting in the street and doing drugs in public?
>fucking fascist
Get fucked hippie.
show flag, youre not even american
homeless ngmi
The Supreme Court isn’t supposed to write laws, they only decide if something is constitutional or not.
Why not give them a room in your house with all the thirdie migrants op?
>Supreme Court of US made it illegal for the homeless to sleep outside.
They didn't do that, retard, they are making it legal for cities and towns to kick bums out of where they shouldn't be. It is not an all-out ban on camping in those cities and towns.
Bring back the nuthouses that Reagan closed down at (((their))) behest.
They can sleep in jail.
They should go to detox facilities and insane asylums.
Any of them trafficking in drugs should hang from a streetlight.
Foreigners among them should be sent back to their countries of origin.
They're supposed to sleep at your house you unhinged hypocrite nigger
For real, the deal should be treatment or go to jail. The types that don't have mental issues and drug problems should also be recognized as separate.
jewish opinion
so more money for private prisons?
They don't need any more money, they have space. I know they have space because the liberal puke DAs won't lock anyone up but for a day at most.
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I miss when we used to round these people up and keep them in mental hospitals. Since we released the crazies into the world all that happened was their mental illnesses spread.

They also just threw out one of the things they were charging Jan 6th people with - it was some shit that was used against ENRON back in the day.

Seriously this. Fuck the SC, but this was a good decision because otherwise hobos would be fucking and shooting up in your bushes near your house and then the cops would say that they can't do anything because of muh court..and oh by the way if WE do anything to stop the hobos, WE will be arrested.
So, this is a good decision, yes.

>inb4 dis iz public not private
Yes, I know, but sometimes private property has a public right of way on it. The last thing I need is some whacked out fucker in my gulch squatting their with full police protection, so this is a good decision for once.

It sucks that my rights and well being continually hinge on others. Doesn't seem right.
>where are the homeless supposed to go?
oh my
Slab City, there should just all go there.
Those are the top 50% of the homeless, the US does take care of them. There is a ton of churn for about 50% of them.

The rest are either crazy or on drugs.
>The rest are either crazy or on drugs.
Yes, like this anon says:
This. We are ready to help any and all homeless here in Williamsburg NY.

It’s time to #OpenYourHeartOpenYourHome
I think I need more sleep.
I dgaf about homeless faggots and niggers, if past programs implemented actually worked, there would no longer be a homeless problem.
So, fuck ‘em, let those faggots die, I dgaf.
>So right wingers, where are the homeless supposed to go?
Canada or Mexico.
deport them
>in a city
Git gud
There's plenty of wilderness to be homeless in
Outside of the fucking shitwest.
Let me tell you
I was homeless in the mountains for years working to afford this house
Then I moved to the shitwest to buy a home and found out these people are worse faggots than Californians
So I got a bicycle trailer and took 3 day weekends on the trail with a cot and got out of the city...to find nothing but more cities and farms, no wilderness.
So you are trapped here. There's no getting the fuck out of you are homeless in the Midwest, unless the government books you a ticket to the mountain or coastal states.
Fuck the Midwest, holy fuck.
I signed a contract forcing me to keep this as my primary residence for 5 years because I got a grant.
This place is an open air prison.
No wonder it has right wingers who vote for shit like this, reminds them that their home is a prison
Canada where else
The only thing that ever happens in an entrenched hedgmony is the reinforcment of its old, tried and true economic base lines. Slavery has always been cost effective for those propagating it, even if it isn't efficent for the system at large.

If we made internment camps for homeless we would jsut prove hitler right. Can't do that now! Can't actively try and cure the disease, no!

They just want you to either join in or die. They don't want you leaving once you get here.
Vote for Trump, I bet he won't deport anything or anyone other than a handful of criminals..
k rob a nigger of their house. report homeless trying to sleep on your property
This changes absolutely nothing, it just affirms the status quo. Cities that want to allow public camping are still able to do so if they see fit.
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>They just want you to either join in or die.
Truthnuke. They have technology to enforce this called hivemind where they plug you into a bunch of people psychically.
The current powers that be are a crazy mix of schizo whites and kikes.
I'll laugh until kingdom come for any pol tard who ends up homeless after cheering for this.
>just let people chop down ALL the trees
>and start fires
This is what you're really saying.
*and I forgot
>Just let "the homeless" annex part of your property
Other thread:
They didn't do either of those things, they turned those decisions over to local governments.
So this is basically "backing up" the florida decision recently regarding homeless and public works. Cities and counties have a duty to provide an option for homless people to go to otherwise they themselves can be fined and penalized.
>Unauthorized Public Camping and Public Sleeping; Prohibits counties & municipalities from authorizing or otherwise allowing public camping or sleeping on public property without certification of designated public property by DCF (Department of Children and Families); authorizes counties to designate public property for such uses for specified time period; requires counties to establish specified standards & procedures relating to such property; authorizes DCF to inspect such property & to issue notice; provides exception during specified emergencies.
60 days until we meet up in sanfransico
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>So right wingers, where are the homeless supposed to go?
Back to their countries
To Hell for all I care. The whole country is sick of bums ODing on the sidewalk and being used as an excuse to siphon billions of tax payer dollars to political donors under the guise of fixing homelessness.
Dude I WANT to become homeless again after living in the shitwest with (((right-wing))) ""white"" people who nearly made me politically neutral
They destroyed all the nature and are the shittiest baby faggot wiggers to ever exist.
Fuck owning a home here. I'll have a rentoid pad my income while homeless in the mountains to buy mountain land and get a trailer.
THD, the homeless are a menace to society
Kill the Poor.
Starting with you, right?
The irony is that the only way to get wealthy is to be homeless in the mountains in your car
Fuck rentoids and neighborniggers
Based. All the niggers seething at homeless chads giving the finger to the system and ZOG make me laugh.
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Hitler would’ve agreed, especially finding out most of them are either mentally ill or drug addicts. If you don’t agree then get off this sight.

Everybody knows you weren’t going to do shit anyway. Probably past them every other day without even sparring a dime. All while they suffer from withdrawal
If you are sleeping on the sidewalk or camping in a city, you are a bum, if you are camping in the mountains or forests and living off the land to be self sustained, you are a mountain man, but the line is pretty thin between bum and mountain man
Right wing cities aren't where the homeless are going anyway.
remember that when it happene to (You)
>you can't punish street shitting meth heads because you could be a street shitting meth head!!
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Time to get a job, nigger.
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Homeless should be rounded up in camps
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The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.
Ok then I accept your terms.
I use the BLM campsites for 2 weeks at a time going between them while working a job and getting EBT. Like I said, fuck the cities, I've seen homeless without cars do what I did. You just gotta be tough as nails and not a druggie. Cops will fuck over whoever doesn't move or use designated camping spots however.
I'm just saying it's preferable to having neighbors. I would have not have bought a house if I was aware of how fucking shitty (((neighbors))) are.
Just ship them out to a field or a forest somewhere.
Go West, young man. Conquer the great wilderness!
Lots of mountainous areas are becoming subdivisions now.
That was bipartisan effort. Democrats had for decades claimed mental hospitals were prisons while Republicans were upset how many kids of coastal elites were able to use them as alternatives to jail when caught committing crimes. They were wildly expensive to operate and had poor outcomes.
The deal that Congress (controlled by Democrats) made with Reagan was that federal funding for mental hospitals would be cut over 90% and the money redirected into "community run services". The idea was that mental issues could best be addressed at the local level by providers who knew they mentally ill instead of rounding them all up into huge hospitals.
The problem is that most communities found the programs far more expensive to run that they ever imagined, even with federal grants. They also discovered most of the mentally ill quickly went off their meds when given the ability to do so. As they were no longer confined, they couldn't be forced into taking the meds that kept them at least somewhat sane.
The solution for most communities was to push the mentally ill out of town and let someone else deal with them. If they committed a crime that was serious enough, they'd be sent to prison. This created an ever growing group of transient mentally ill people who destroyed everything in their path and reinforced each other's behaviors.
But you probably already know all of this and just wanted to score a partisan political point instead of discussing the actual issue and how it came to its current state of being.
It's almost like those "too expensive" nuthouses weren't too expensive afterall.
>But you probably already know all of this and just wanted to score a partisan political point instead of discussing the actual issue
No, faggot.
This unironicaly, I used to be sympathetic to them but so many abuse loopholes to continue living like a Arbeitsscheu NEET degen. This will also force states to build half way facilities that are needed besides just discharging them from a hospital and ditching (which so many cities do). To many of them are dangerous and need to be housed permanently in an asylum or prison.
Actually they do
When was the last time you were in the Bay area?
Leaf types headlines about our Supreme Court while living under socialism.

Pottery. Purely.
>To many of them are dangerous and need to be housed permanently in an asylum or prison.
Seattle is letting a legit schizo bum from out of state destroy its public forests. His name, and this is not a joke, is Steve Irwin. They arrest him and immediately release him, then he promptly steals heavy equipment to bulldoze trees in order to build his cabin. Then he bulldozes more trees in order to "mine for gold and silver" and he claims to have the full permission to do so. No, he will not take his medication, why do you ask?
>where are the homeless supposed to go?
to their family or friends' homes, which is what the majority of homeless actually do
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Fuck you Supreme Court! What? Afraid of my ability to jump over 50 homeless people? It's a risk I was willing to take, but I see they're all cowards! THEY TOOK MY JOB!
If you're so worried let them stay in Canada
Let's give them all of Washington D.C.

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