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Go camp in the woods, if you like. No camping in the city.
We can deport our way out, though
We can execute our way out.
True, if only you had the balls you mutts lack. Better learn Spanish, bitch.
ACLU people can start by hosting them in their houses instead of demanding other people to pay to solve what they perceive as a problem
>We cannot arrest our way out of homelessness
Nazi Germany did it so why can't we? Send those fent addicts to labor camps.
Be cool if the homeless just each pitched in 5 bucks to buy a giant plot of land to fish and grow food on tax free. But that would require working and not wanting to work is why the majority are homeless.
Feel bad for the vets that couldn’t overcome horrible things they had to experience but that’s not the majority.
Have you considered this isn't Asia, and therefore nothing is normal to your sand-nigger ass?
Have you considered roping, because you effectively work to create the conditions where these people cannot get employment due to "minimum wage" and "unemployment insurance" and then complain that some people don't have enough?
Prison is literally free housing and food for the homeless tho
Or...and hear me out here. The homeless could build their shanty villages OUTSIDE of the municipal areas.
The problem here is imminent domain. Within the municipality the city has the right to prosecute what is effectively squatting. Its communal property it belongs to everyone in the municipality...so having someone put up a favela on the sidewalk everyones supposed to share is an entirely reasonable issue for prosecution.
Homeless people just need to be less lazy. A bit of a walk and a hand axe and they can literally build a fucking house in a drainage canal somewhere outside the municpal limits...and have somewhere to live while they sort out their situation.
you're right. let's grind them up into human paste and feed them to livestock.
>We cannot arrest our way out of homelessness
Yes we actually can, though, just gotta have enough new barred homes for them all
I'm sure sitting in an air conditioned warehouse pretending to service humvees must've been absolute hell. I heard the McDonald's on base didn't even have a working ice cream machine sometimes.
>we cannot arrest our way out of homelessness
well, if they are in jail they aren't really homeless anymore, are they?
Most of the homeless are drug addled morons or severely mentally ill. About fucking time - fuck the homeless. The ACLU is too busy sucking Jew dick and is another political department of the left.
>unhoused people
What meme flag is that?
Also true
U.S. Prisons and jails and public schools all make more money the higher the attendance rate.
but they made that illegal too if you dont have permits and papers i.e. money paid into the system
sounds like squatting is on the menu, bois.

>hey siri, find me a map of all blackrock owned property
Actually you can arrest your way out of homelessness
There are going to be multiple office buildings and complexes with a need to sell in the next few months. I suggest you take this idea, and instead of going outside, send them some money to put in proper plumbing, wiring, HVAC, and escape, and some sound-proofing for ceilings and walls, and build apartment collectives.
Every day I have to drive past the homeless shelter in my city for work and it’s like the fucking walking dead. Just dozens of crackheads stumbling around or loitering next to the gas station. One morning I saw one wrestling with a cop on the road it was insane
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>lose job for wrongthink
>"just camp in the woods lmao"
>get arrested anyway.
Do you understand how little seperates you from the same position? You will.
I'm tired of watching homeless people sleep infront of Starbucks on the grass at 1pm, people abuse freedoms to do shit like camping next to a sidewalk and it's an out of control problem where I live
Homeless person here. I'm sick and tired of all the harassment, slander, violence, bullying and hatred that we have to suffer on a daily basis. Not even kidding, I'm this fucking close to buying a house.
>we cannot arrest out way out of homelessness
False. Inmates are not considered homeless even if they have nowhere to go after they get out.
What a gay country
Shoot all niggers, give the homeless nigger homes
>just make it illegal be homeless, bro
>import billions of 3rd worlders
>create housing crisis & runaway inflation for Whites
>claim we need to "do something" about the homeless
If you really cared, instead of shaming and acting like this is inevitable when people were born into it, you'd give them a goal tree to get out.

Train the militia, seek Jesus. These get you out. Start by praying, and then do ten pushups instead of making another "witty" comment.
they don't just "sleep in public" they shit on the sidewalks, leave their needles and pipes everywhere and can't inhabit a 5x5 patch of grass without leaving a mountain of stolen shit, trash and destruction.

I no longer feel sorry for homeless people after what they did to my once kind of decent city.
Tell your bum friends to stop doing drugs and harassing people then
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It costs around $60,000/yr to keep someone in jail and there are about 1.3 million homeless people in the US, which means it would cost almost $80,000,000,000 a year to put all of them in jail.
Looks like the Supreme Court has made a few good decisions today.
There are plenty of places to go camping. The reality is these aren’t down-on-their luck people who happen to be in a tight spot between houses. They are professional drug addicts and crooks attracted to the open-air drug markets allowed to fester under the guise of compassion. Shut down the shanty towns and send the bums packing!
I have a radical idea. Take care of your citizens and the economy and there won't be poor in the first place.
Hoovervilles 'bout to make a return.
sorry kiddo.
nothing personal
>We cannot arrest our way out of homelessness

There are always shelters.

Technically you can. The jail is like a house
how much is a .22LR round?

Literally law of the land everywhere in Europe. Ask them about Gypsies. Why the fuck should we tolerate them? Because "reasons"? Kill yourself.
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We did it, Twitter!!!!
That is nothing compared to what we have given Ukraine alone in the last 3 years.
Tell me how much the F-35 cost us? Total, including research and production.
really they should just build sober FEMA camps outside of populated areas and ship 'em there. the ones who are sane and sober up can get out and move onto group homes, the crazies just get sent to a super-camp, like an open-air asylum. some of them CANT be rehabilitated and people are fools for not realizing that
they live in the woods off highway 19 here, i call them "elves". they aren't as feral as the tacoma homeless but still
>no where else to go
>besides the homeless shelter
>There are going to be multiple office buildings and complexes with a need to sell in the next few months. I suggest you take this idea, and instead of going outside, send them some money to put in proper plumbing, wiring, HVAC, and escape, and some sound-proofing for ceilings and walls, and build apartment collectives.
Our homeless problem is just the abhorrence of the government to building anything as the upgrade to psych asylums because they would rather all the goyim be in the housing musical chairs where only the rich win
All they have to do is build a fucking refugee complex on the border with mexico and send everyone there
They lied to us that concentration camps are death camps, because with modern funding it is as good as a 365 day a year waterpark
Instead they invade hotels because they can't decide between 5 star hotel or army cot in an empty cold warehouse. Just fucking pick the median retard government.
I know for a fact that a huge amount of the "homeless" in southern california are just urban camping. I've talked to them personally. They just like the lifestyle. It rules to drop out of the rat race and set up a tent on the beach and smoke weed. What do you do about someone like that? Why can't I camp on the beach whenever I want too? On one hand I think they are trash gypsies that shit up the locale but on the other hand I kind of respect just opting out of the social contract.
I live in a shithole that built 40 free houses for homeless people and only 3 have ever been occupied at any given time. The only requirement is that you sign literally any name you want and don't commit a crime inside the home.
In states like Florida there is basically no public land to camp on, all of it requires money. In states out west with BLM land I agree, just camp.
Its funny though in Florida they made it illegal for the CITIES and counties to allow homeless people to lay around, not the homeless themselves. That way the impetus is on the local government to actually try and help people rather than just run them off. They have to have SOMEWHERE for them to go.
...so far no area in florida is following this guideline properly but there you go (it is rather new however)
Go sleep in the jungle you apes. Get out of the city
The ruling actually covers that. It includes BLM land.
>unhoused people
>undocumented workers
Your moment has passed, kikes.>>472470313
>oh noes its a homelesscaust!
what actual happens
>you can't sleep somewhere that inconveniences everyone else, sleeping out of the way is still fine though
The ACLU is a racist terrorist organization and the reconing is coming. Their opinions are discarded.
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Holy shit. The supreme court has been on fire lately. Chevron (((experts))) destroyed. Bump stocks. No obstruction for j6. Sackler family btfo. homeless death camps. Based
>Sorry we are overcrowded and not accepting new residents. Try again next month.
guatemalans don't speak the same kind of spanish I don't think and you'd be better served learning mandarin or whatever the fuck poos speak now.
It's not my job to give them a "goal tree". Grow the fuck up. It's their job to self-actualize and grow as a person, and no bleeding heart bullshit is going to make that happen.
Just wait until the foreclosures start.

Dunno, I only buy 5.56 in bulk.

Lmao those deranged drug addicts can barely survive on gibs, they have no fortitude or desire to actually do work. If they did they wouldn't be homeless.
We could kill our way out also
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Listen. This is fine. Everything is fine. Any one detained by this measure is eligible for conscription, so really, no one has to go to jail. Just volunteer.
Is this a PSA to your fellow comrades?
They should go squat in someone's house. Then they'd have legal protection.
>even if they have no where else to go
Chosing not to go anywhere isnt the same as having no where to go
No stop, fuck off. The point is to escape needing to live in a "luxury apartment". Stop converting shit nobody can afford.
Good for you. Welcome to adulthood, you useless shit.
The biggest problem is literally minimum wage, which disallows those in a tight spot, or with distinctive personality/character constellations, to get paid at a rate that matches their pace. Added to that is employment insurance, which doubles the minimum wage price, making it even harder to employ those who are not reliable all day, or daily.
If you actually give a fuck about yourselves in your weakest moments, you don't reduce hiring options by burdening code following employers.
The difference is that the Rothschild Estate in the US, doesn't Want you if you can't slave for them at their whim. The two week notice for hire vs fire is one sign of this mentality.
>we can't arrest our way out of homelessness
Sure you can, it transforms them from unhoused to big-housed
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It’s a clarion call to throw the bums out of their shanty towns. I hate bums.
more goys to fill private jewish prisons, more taxpayer money for blackrock and corrections co.
Anon, you are a government, and you are a part of our government.
they live in the woods around hudson and port richey
i wanna find the homeless elrond and have him send me on a quest
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It would be more expensive than supporting Ukraine.
>Arrest all homeless people
>they get a meal, bed, and roof over their heads for a few days
You'd think lefties would support this, especially since it'd mean all their boutique sex toy shops and starbucks will no longer be blocked by tent camps.
Kek. They talk like fags and their shit is all retarded.
It would be cool if the homeless would unfuck themselves in any way whatsoever. But they refuse to.
literally illegal to live in the woods. illegal to hunt in the woods and also illegal to fish now too. We are truly living in the end game
Its funny because you can't "camp in the woods" in the majority of the east coast.
Minimum wage is a suicide play that only causes inflation. A job at mcdonalds was never designed to support a family. We lost touch with reality.
>I tell them they are in a hell and there's no way out
that's what "don't call it a grave, this is what you picked" It's victim blaming for anyone born after Bretton Woods. It doesn't actually give them tools, it only makes them afraid and desiring to see the first end they get to.
You have a choice. Right now you're harming.
I didn’t disagree with your points but economics has nothing to do with this. These buns are simply lifelong drug addicted I have finally burnt all their bridges and are now congregating in open-air drug markets downtown. I am all for anything to make the working man’s life better. These aren’t working men.
sorry anon, I got your ID mixed up with faggot chink OP. I wholeheartedly agree.
Oh they do, just not legally, which is the key part of the discussion. Unless you're talking about private land someone lets them squat on thats different.
>he's never gotten a quest from a random drunk fisherman
Damn, thats like lvl 1 florida man shit.

just legalize camping in forests and then make city camping illegal
I enjoy how you only responded to one part of my post.
Yup, "supporting" Cuckraine is the only thing we spend money on that is a waste.
kill youself nafo troon
>I don't care about any percentage that would work part time, I just want to pretend all of them have no desire at all to be self-sustaining.
I disagree. I hope i'm not properly translating.
you can't actually camp anywhere. i've looked into it. there are only VERY few places you can possibly camp in. the woods isn't one of them. You may be able to camp in the deserts but good luck trying to hide in the open desert. Even empty land is privately owned by blackrock, or a national park or belongs to a some reservation or managed by BLM
>We cannot arrest our way out of homelessness
Sure you can. By arresting them you can send them to "work camp" instead of jail or prison where they get free food and housing in exchange for paid labor with the food and housing being deducted from that pay.
>just legalize camping
who will do this? I'd legalize arming the homeless and telling them do home invasions like the purge if it was up to me.
There is literally nothing stopping any american from living in the bob marshall wilderness indefinitely. Go deep enough into that shit and no one would ever find you.

It would also cost way more than $80,000,000,000 to expand the prison system, hire support and technical staff, process 1.3 million people through the court system. I understand that the average/pol/ user is retarded but the math on this should be simple enough to understand.
Just break into homes and kill the people living there. Now it’s your house for the night.
thats prison. You are expected to work in prison.
Who is this semen demon?
Shhh, you aren't supposed to call it that. It's "work camp." It's like a Summer camp for adults. :)
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jew theater. aclu = jews, aclu attacks Whites, blackrock, vanguard, etc, are jews, they attack Whites, government filled with jews, government attacks Whites. jews created this, and they revel in it, destroying White civilization and genociding Whites is jew agenda.
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How did she have smartphone neck before they were invented?
>There is literally nothing stopping any american from living in the bob marshall wilderness indefinitely.
the feds. You can't hide in the woods, they will find you and want shit from you. Come up with some bullshit, gun charge, illegal hunting charge, tax evasion, whatever. The government doesn't care how much effort it takes.

I don’t know how much an F-35 costs. Why don’t you tell us?
They’re acting like the SC ruled that cities have 24 hours to kill off their homeless problem. What the ruling really is saying is that if it’s illegal to sleep on a sidewalk in your city, you can arrest them or force them to leave. My guess is that the opposing argument is that this goes against protecting the general welfare of citizens if they have nowhere to go, but it’s pretty cut and dry to me. I think what they’re pissed off about is that the bankrupt cities wanted to latch onto “dealing with the problem” being unconstitutional and were hoping to get federal grants to build housing and shelters.
They’re also pissed because they just put the ball in the democrats’ court on something very controversial a few months before an election. They can’t sit around and do nothing now. They have permission. If they clean up streets, they piss off their base. If they do nothing, they piss off everyone else. Politics isn’t about fixing things, it’s about not taking accountability and kicking the can down the road until you can make it someone else’s problem.
It gets ridiculed because it deserves to be ridiculed. As much as I hate it, your 20 man militia in the woods is going to be found and made an example of by this government. You can sit here and say we just need to keep retreating and praying, that might work for you, but eventually you run out of places to retreat to. Especially in this country.
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you make it sound like the land outside of cities doesn't belong to anyone
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So who's going to the Bell Riots in San Francisco on September 1st?
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BLM land in the USA for the most part luckily can be freecamped on. It just... doesn't really exist for people like me in states like Florida. The small areas here are swampland and generally crowded.
Would be fine with it if it literally wasn't owned and operated by jews for jewish profit. Private Prisons is literally crony capitalism and free tax money.
>it's real
Never pass out in public. Never collapse in public. Never look like a homeless person or you'll be locked up for sleeping. If you're homeless: Buy or rent a home or stay awake forever.
>Supreme Court ruled
...clear human rights violation. You can't escape a biological necessity and you aren't born into owning a home or having enough money to get and keep one. This also allows law enforcement to act due to assumption, which is discriminating, just like the anti homeless architecture in the cities.

The market in some regions doesn't even offer enough affordable housing. Plain lunacy all of that.
You can deport all the shitskins then White people wouldn't be homeless and a black judge couldn't tell White people what to do
Fuck the homeless
>your 20 man militia
The militia is every male in the US. The US Constituion was written by Militia. Literally We The People is the title of a group that went on militia for the Right in their Rights, and decided to Congress Peacefully afterwards to form a more perfect Union.
I don't want 20 guys trained.

I want you to push for EVERY guy trained, not in Conscription, like the Asians. In Militia, like men.
That's why they don't do it. Cleaning up the streets of homeless people is the opposite of what (((they))) want.
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Forest camping should be legal and littering should be heavily punished

It's a shame cops don't actually enforce littering laws. They always ignore the actually helpful laws and just focus on giving speeding tickets to middle class suburbians
Incarceration will force them to sober up. Mandatory mental health evaluations and treatment coupled with incarceration is the only way to solve this problem.
The homeless should exercise their 2nd amendment rights
What makes a retard like you just come here to lie? Virtually in every single state dispersed camping IE not staying at a designated pre-made camp site is free and legal in tons of areas with the only stipulation being that you can't stay in one spot for longer than 2 weeks
you can't actually live there long term. They will evict shanty towns and little tents if they suspect you're trying to homestead land off them. Because if it was true then it would be dead easy to get free land. Find BLM land, build a little shack out of iron sheets from the dump and done. You are now a new property owner.
*pisses on ur blankie*
The bob marshall wilderness isnt just woods. No one is looking for anyone there. If someone where stupid and built a whole homestead yea theyd probably get noticed eventually but if someone went there to live a more primitive life nope not getting found. Not there.
precisely. pod living is coming
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>doesn't go live in a free home
Why wouldn't you do this

>buy a giant plot of land
>5 bucks

kek "treatment" good joke anon I liked that one.
Let me guess, if they just do their programs...
Well its for "camping" not living. You're supposed to move your shit once a month, even if its to put it back in the same spot immediately, even at campgrounds you pay for.
I was just initially countering the idea that you can just "live in the woods" though same as you. That sadly isn't an option.
If you really want to piss yourself off look up UN World Heritage Sites.
Have fun!
Camping fees apply. They're often the same as a day's worth of rent.
They'll be better off in jail than in a city park
but i did have breakfast this morning
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Why don't Democrats take them into their homes?
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why arent democrat voters opening up their homes to the homeless?
note the passive voice that implies it is someone else's problem that these people are living in tents and doing drugs all day
This. They need to put their money where their mouth is.
Exactly. I can’t tell if people actually think this is a serious solution or if it’s just another psyop getting pushed on here. It’s like the “just drop out of society, goy” psyop. Who is going to be the first group of people to get drafted? Do I even need to answer it? They’re going to come to wherever you’re living, rip you out of it, and put you on the front lines. No one will defend what they see as a bunch of jobless, lazy losers getting told to do something. This is the same type of mindset, make people think this is the best solution when in reality, it’s just going to scatter more people out and keep them complacent while the machine continues to eat everyone alive.
There is no running from this. There is no checking out. Anyone trying to convince you of this is just trying to hold you off and keep dissidents divided so they can keep going.
I still enjoy that you do not address all of my first response to you.
Not on public lands
it's already come out that the IRS' additional audits are coming from people who make far less than $400K. Something else the government and democrat sjust lied about
land of the free lmao
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>we cannot arrest our way out of homelessness
We can and will.
An actually intelligent and reasonable perspective
We all know the answer:
Onions Green!
There's a work shortage too. Guess where this is leading.
>workcamps for $500 alex?
Forced labor is the new normal!
"Ethical" too? :^)
They're moving around the obvious problems without solving them, becoming more inhumane by doing so, as always.
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Fucking faggot actblue or shareblue or bidencorp nigger.
picrel for cost thus far
Keep focusing on one narrow part of the equation
Forest camping should be highly illegal outside of designated camping areas with sufficient fire breaks to stop the inevitable, please think before you speak.
Actually, just stop speaking.
>no matter what you make, if you report less than $400k, you won't get audited for fraud.
Close the border, deport illegals, disallow foreign entities to own US real estate, ban the shadow real estate that controls supply, new property taxes based on municipal regions and the amount of land as a mean per owner.
There. Problem solved
this is harsh, but this is also how the German Empire (not Hitler, the empire before him) "solved" its vagrant problem: Repeated hobos were executed with an ax.
Turns out that poor people (the middle class) can't afford high powered attorney teams like those earning 400K a year and more, who knew?
There are a lot of people in the USA right now living in cars and vans and its not because they are druggies or bad people or can't work or won't work. Rent in my area went from 1000 to 2400 in less than a year. A single bedroom apartment surrounded by niggers is 2k a month.
There was no increase in paychecks in the area. It was 100% due to people moving in from faggot jewhives who work remotely or work overpaid bullshit jobs.
There are a lot of "unhoused" people in the USA right now who aren't doing it for fun. You won't hear one word about it on the news or even places like this though.
not justly, no.
you've created barrier to entry into free exchange of labor, and then attacked those who didn't fit your barriers.
unhoused has to be the stupidest politically correct lingo.
>human rights violation.
Go be gay somewhere else
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My rent has nearly doubled since COVID. It keeps going up all the time. Prior, it was stable.
this just in: the homeless are off to ukraine!
And if you live in florida the BLM lands are... swamp you can only camp on.
womp womp
Now if you're out west it can be great. Just watch out for junkies and Neil Breen.
we could make lampshades out of their skin
>not the superior .30chad
>doesn't even know what 22lr is going per round
Grim. Sad. Pathetic.
The US in 2024 is printing literally 1 TRILLION dollars every three months if you're not aware yet.
Every single male has an unhoused dick.
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Just don't do fucking drugs and throw your entire life away because you can't control your base animal instincts
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Right on
Indeed. Just wanted to counter that anon's idea that this is all just druggies and crazy people. I lived in my fucking car for a year because I was priced out and legit couldn't find a place to live. The scam for awhile has been 100-250 for application fees and then they just never rent the place to anyone. I've seen some of the same houses for rent since 2020.
I get it from their perspective, why even bother to fucking rent the place if you can get the same money from a few applications.
If the feds dont spot you with thermal cameras then the grizzlies will smell you.
blue states aren’t going to arrest anyone for being homeless, retard. it makes it so red states can manage their homeless policies to reflect the will of their voters. yes, they will be arrested there or sent to blue states kek. being a bum ass nigger is not a right.
>florida is only boomer suburbs and swamps
This is news to you?
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Troublesome. I have been doing this for three years in December. We'd all be better served if we removed the 40-50 illegals. There really is no point in investing effort into this country
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Hitler and the boys could arrest all die homeless schizo's and dopefiends.

Stalin too.
That's another thing, it can be hard to find something decent anymore. Everything is packed.
they set up camp within walking distance of the drug dealers
They're almost all junkies that prefer to live in stolen tents they pitch by some train tracks or in a field somewhere. Plus you can ony live in them for a year to incenivize them to get a job and start renting somewhere when their time is up. but in theory you can just grow a beard and change your fake name then move back in.
If homeless coat yourself in brown shoe polish and call yourself Juan Jose Garcia Jiminez and ask for amnesty.
No matter the chow hall, we ALWAYS had a working ice cream machine.
No matter the continent, no matter the country, every chow hall had a working soft serve.
If it just so happens not to be working when you go to get some delicious soft serve ice cream, you'll only have to wait a few minutes, because someone is merely refilling the machine.
And THAT is why the US military will always win.
We have ice cream on tap.
If you're fighting an enemy that has fucking ICE CREAM on tap, and you're crawling around in tunnels and ditches, eager for the same mystery meat speckled colored jello covered mass of fat and calories you've had the last three nights, you're probably not gonna win.
Calories win wars.
To be clear and to add: I had thousands in the bank to put up for first last and security and have no evictions or anything. Only reason I lost the place I was in is the nice woman wanted to sell while she could get twice what the house was worth. Gave me a solid recommendation and everything.
Born and raised, countering the idea that there is BLM land to camp on everywhere. Again as I said above, out west? sure camp away. Here, not really.
>country that routinely murders millions of people around the world is also shitty to their own citizens
what a surprise
Probably from sucking dick
Hey, remember who got elected President at the start of COVID? Coincidence I'm sure.
Stupid leaf.
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between this and degregulation, the supreme court just put us several steps closer to civil war
need a permit goy
>making homelessness illegal
>in a time where it’s impossible for white people to find jobs
Anti white politics.
>Yes, let's waste tax dollars keeping homeless people in prison!
Have you retards ever taken the time to look up how much money it cost tax payers to jail someone? And then these people go right back on the street afterwards.
>I live in a shithole that built 40 free houses for homeless people
It would be smart to target people who are on the low end who might become homeless and prevent them from getting to that feral addict stage.

Once they're outside for a while, its probably going to mentally break a lot of them to the point where its hard to redeem.
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Reminder that the Bell Riots in Star Trek started in September of 2024 in response to growing tensions over dealing with the homeless and destitute in the United States.

I would understand the logic behind allowing people to sleep in public if they have nowhere to go....... if not for the fact there's like a bazillion tax paid shelters for homeless, that we all pay with enormous inflation; and they still choose to roam at night and fuck shit up
Think about it for a moment:
-you're forced to work for Mr. Shekelstein
-or the zogged government
...otherwise you can't rent rooms or own a house, for which illegal immigrants (that get support by jewish NGOs and their companies) compete with you, eventually getting preferential treatment, robbing you of your chance to get a home.
This forces you to slave away unless you were able to inherit a home or have some other means to get one. Sudden natural disaster ? Lol, lock all of those homeless up if they try to sleep. Some accident resulting in the loss of the home, eventually not even your fault ? You better not sleep, buddy, or you'll be locked up for the homeless scum you are.

From the people that went through the scamdemic and 2nd class citizen treatment I expected better character, especially due to personal experience.
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lol shut up retard. as if trump would do anything other than suck jew dick like he did before.
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>unhoused people
What happened to their houses?
I got insulted when I walked into a place and asked to see the room that was being rented without applying first. Then, after talking with her, when the lady asked if I was going to apply after I saw a dirty room, I asked her if she wanted to rent to me. Her answer was a resounding defer to after the sale
>you'll have to apply for me to be able to tell you.
Are you the person in charge of leasing?
Ok, thanks for your time.
>a can
>it bursts
such a small detail, and yet the entire tweet is proven to be fake by it
I live in the woods. keep those homeless perverts away from my wife and kids. keep them in town or prison.
I live with my dad. I can boomerang a second time if shit hits the fan. Homeless people are homeless because they burn the most important bridges they have.
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>"Sorry you're starving to death, you just can't hunt the King's stags. Haha, you just can't that's all. Whatcha gonna do about it, huh?"
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It's Natalia Poklonskaya, the next president of Russia.
Yes. You have to work because you have to consume.
>arrested in the city for loitering without intent
>arrested in the woods for loitering without intent
"You will live where we say you will live, and you will be happy."
>we built a shelter for you so you don't have to sleep on the streets!
>you can't do drugs here though
>"fuck that we'll rather sleep on the street and do crack"
>In case that we will make it illegal to sleep on the street
"Nooo you can't do that to the poor homelessorinos!"
There are no laws against camping there. And there are no laws limiting how long you camp there. No one would be looking for you. And if they found you theres nothing they could do about it. Either way, they wouldnt find you, that terrain is incredible.
>oh no grizzlies
Being afraid of everything is no life at all. And that mindset is precisely what leads to dystopian society.
It's because a lot of the illegals that have came across the border at are "homeless" and a lot of them are foreign combatants. This is an excuse to start cleaning them up and removing them.
Good, finally a solution
Not in my backyard CHUD
Its scary how accurate the predictionw as.
Same with the Irish unification wars

Do the math. Assuming you even know how much land costs.

proceed to kys, retard
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We've still got WW3 and the Eugenics Wars in between us and first contact, it's a century of hell in store.
Self solving problem. Fires are also healthy for most ecosystems. People like you that try to micromanage everything cause more problems than simply letting things solve themselves
>oh no, the dysgenic homeless camp burned itself down
homeless belong in crematoriums. not in our streets. those who choose to drugs and crime don't deserve air
the 3 strike rule should change from life in prison to facing the wall
>tells me to do the math
>proceeds to prove he never did the math
Stupid leaf.
>muh nowhere to go
they do have places to go, its called a homeless shelter
but they don't want to go there because you need ot be sober
i know 2 normal people who "escaped" homelessness in about a month, I have 0 fucking sympathy for the druggies who just fucking shit there and do nothing
>w-well yeah I can camp there
>b-b-but its not total paradise so it doesn't count!
You should kill yourself as soon as possible, homie
No it was because they had friend with homes with public right of ways through their private property. Sidewalks are owned by the homeowners in those cases, but sidewalks and the areas near the sidewalks are considered "public right of ways" which just means that the public has the right to pass through by walking on the sidewalk. So if they ruled the other way, a ton of land would have been effectively given to druggies/aliens;et al with full police protection.
>We cannot arrest our way out of homelessness
Yes. We absolutely can do that very thing, actually.
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Eugenic wars was from before people realized that evolution was fake however, so thats understandable
Unaffordable housing and making sleeping in your car illegal is just going to create a new slave class. We’ll have property owners and people doing prison labor.
>hehe just live in the woods goy
>Releases cryptic beasts and chimera horrors beyond comprehension into the wild
It's worth pointing out that most homelessness in the US is caused by mental illness and addiction. Financial destitution is an effect, not the cause.

We're basically seeing the long-term effects of Reagan's push to close down clinics and asylums in the US. Admittedly, those institutions were in poor shape at the time, with patients being treated incredibly poorly and administrators abusing the system to enrich themselves instead of providing care, but the fact that we replaced a broken system with no system is now biting us in the ass.

Either we come up with a new long-term solution for care of the mentally-ill and addicted, or we start euthanizing them. There is no third option that works.
An hero option.
>>Releases cryptic beasts and chimera horrors beyond comprehension into the wild
They already did this dough.
fucken saved
>ignores the content of the post, calls people homie
yeah ok nigger.
Its swampland that is mostly used up and you can't live on, you can only camp. You have to move your shit regularly. Is it an option? yes. Is it camping in the woods? No. I'm stating reality and you're having a cry. Knowledge is important.
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>COVID mail-in fake ballots had nothing to do with it lol remember Zion Don fellow organic 4chan user
>buy a giant plot of land to fish and grow food on tax free
enjoy your eighteen square inch farm and fish pond.

Prisons should be self-paid.

Prisoners should work to pay for their own benefits beyond minimal food and sheltering. Best cells should go for the hard working prisoners. And in the case of murder or great injury a % of the money should go to affected victims and/or their families.

It's obvious you don't know the market rate for an acre of land. and obviously figuring out how many people paying $5 it would take to cover is beyond your skills.

Did you say 5 bucks because that is the weekly allowance your mom gives you? Be honest.
>We're basically seeing the long-term effects of Reagan's push to close down clinics and asylums
He did this because a Jew lied to him and everyone else. Look into it, some kike just lied and said that nuthouses could not tell the difference between sane and insane people, and the fuckers in charge bought it without any proof. That's how powerful jews are.
You are continually shifting goalposts, you idiot melanoid. You whined that camping required paying a fee. I showed you that it doesn't. You respond with a shit load of excuses. Cry harder you shiftless crackhead.
They're not homeless if they in prison. They're not unemployed if they make license plates. And in jail they will be cured of their drug addiction.
All the humanoid races in the galaxy with weird foreheads are specifically the result of intelligent design, or at least intentional panspermia by the first ancestral race. Nobody ever mentions that Klingons, Humans, Vulcans and even Ferengi share common ancestry.
You're a stupid stupid leaf.
You don't think almost 3 million dollars would be enough to buy a good chunk of land somewhere?
20 million illegals living in homes the homeless could be in, driving up rent and housing prices, taking money out of every American's pockets.
>And in jail they will be cured of their drug addiction.
anon, I...
Just kill them outright already and stop pretending
Camping in swampland would not be easy. Neither would camping in the bob marshall. That climate is basically alaska. But it could be done.
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You are a leech and your father is a senile, elder-leech breeding parasites. And this is coming from yours truly, Gooklander notorious for helicopter-parenting culture.
Homeless person gets arrested, he now has a roof over his head, homelessness solved.
this needed to be said
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That's literally how it was before the bleeding hearts and the artists started making a fuss about it.
You want to know the difference between then and now? Back then our homeless problem was minimal. Now, they are manifesting like rodents and eating away at our society. My sympathy for these unfortunate people has long been bled dry by their atrocious behavior and entitlement. We here in California know a little about how good the homeless have it, and they still opt to rob and loot instead of turning their lives around.

>Spare the rod, spoil the child.
You're in a Tsarbucks right now.
Not enough to support 600 000 people living as foragers you functional moron.

homeless do have places they can go but they are either fucking mentally retarded or drug addicts its not hard to reach the nearest forest.
>gadsden flag
>don't tread on me
well don't sleep on the sidewalks then, idiot
Make being homeless a crime punishable by death.

Two problems solved.
Boomers burn bridges because the TV tells them to
Its ultimately always can kicking. Mask the symptom, dont fix the problem.
In a just society with a government that works for the people? Sure. In our world? Fuck no (they do pay per day in many cases in a lot of facilities in addition to what the state or federal government pays out)
Its why in my head I'm pro death penalty but in reality I'm not cool with giving this psycho jew system that kind of power.
Oh, this literal fucking retard, the worst cop
He specifically said GROW food. Not forage.
You're a very VERY stupid leaf, and that is saying something.
Logical consequence of the Supreme Court's decision: Someone will rent a spot, put a bunch of pods there for the homeless to sleep in, argue that those pods are the homeless' homes, the state will pay for it with taxpayer money because it's still cheaper than having them in prison just for being homeless, and during the day they'll roam the streets as they used to, with some of them that don't make it to their pod being locked up for passing out or sleeping outside their pod.
Not only are they self paid, prisons in American are incredibly profitable.
Are you talking to the same person? Since I came into the thread I talked about BLM land and its requirements and how it basically doesn't exist on the east coast compared to the west coast. I didn't move any goalposts you fucking jewed out nigger. I stated reality. I never whined about any fees.
When you and yours are hanging next to the jews you love so much don't be shocked. Don't play stupid.
I've done it, its fine, its more that its crowded and garbage land that people have torn up and don't maintain. Don't let niggerjew >>472475045 see you say that though he'll start crying about goalposts.
He's a literal saint who went to heaven for his sacrifice.
>You want to know the difference between then and now? Back then our homeless problem was minimal. Now, they are manifesting like rodents and eating away at our society.
Arrest a homeless person and give him 1 or 2 chances to clean up his act with crap like stoppinf alcohol or drug addiction or some bullshit job like digging ditches. Then after that if it happens again throw him in jail for a long time. But what they do now is give homeless people clean needles and clean drugs... Geez I wonder why things are turning to crap.
Purchased by CCP agents as part of their destabilization plan for the West.
>just give the federal government power to lock people up long term for vagrancy
nah how about we put them in federal government instead
I say give them 1 or 2 chances, if they don't get better after that you might as well mercy kill them, that would in fact be nicer than permanently locking them up.
Tens of millions of invaders are required for the antiwhite regime to stay in power.
The consequences don't matter to them - in fact if it hurts whites, it's a bonus.
having so many homeless people is not normal
yet your politicians have ignored the problem for decades


You're not even doing them a favor by making it easy on them to leave like that. There ARE shelters for him, they doesn't like it because you gotta to be there by 10 pm, and these people don't like that because he likes to do meth until late at night; so shelters don't suit this nigga.

I have a homeless dude that likes to stay up all night, right next to my house (it's an abandoned place) He's not a bad guy, but by God he's problematic, every single night he sings rap songs, 7 nights a week. It's not subtle eitehr, he does drugs and sings loudly. My front neighbor has to wake up 4 am to go work at the nursery, and he hates the guts of this singer dude.

I think it's you to stop pretending like you care about these people. Shelter them in your house if you care so much about it. Everyone's already working double shift to afford all the help they can give to them. Meanwhile you're enabling their bad habits, some ill "favor" that is......
If I catch you on my land I'm going to politely tell you to get off my land with my shotgun pointed towards the ground, but shouldered, with the safety off.
If you don't then I'm going to tell you I'm not going to call the police, but instead shoot you dead.
I'm not having my land taken from me by squatters. Im 29 and I worked hard to able to buy land in cash. Fuck you faggots.
>nah how about we put them in federal government instead
At this point it would most certainly be an improvement in almost all cases.
People forget when talking about invaders the amount of chinese companies buying up housing since pre covid. Also holding companies buying up whole neighborhoods and sitting on them.
>prisons in American are incredibly profitable.

Yeah but aren't they tax paid?

They're profitable for the private company that sets up the prison, right?

Prisoners don't pull their own weight.
Sure we can. They're building tons of new huge prisons in every state.
Certainly would increase diversity a bit, I hear thats important nowadays. The overrepresentation of israel is a real problem.
>The only people who are homeless are drug addicts
You're a stupid fucking nigger, boomer. Day of the pillow comes soon
>cannot arrest our way out of it
correct needs a Final Solution, for the drifters who won't contribute and the predatory housing/renting market that sees so many end up homeless
Trips of trickery
Institutionalization was an excellent way for the rich and powerful to dispose of their enemies or of inconvenient relatives. Get a crooked shrink to declare they need to be institutionalized, and then keep them too drugged up to ever protest. That's on top of the entire institution being filled with hellholes, and those who entered, even legitimately, coming our worse then when they started.
Unfortunately, as we can see to this day, the opposite end of the pendulum has been a disaster too, with people who actually need help wandering the streets attacking people; while the institutions are still hellholes where everyone comes out worse then when they went in.
>I think it's you to stop pretending like you care about these people.
This is so much of a problem, people pretending to care about people they don't give a shit about and actively hating people which in any normal society would be your own in group over minor differences.
The leaf is a glowdemon. All posts in here hating on the homeless in this broken country are glowdemons, bots and Californians
Thin blue line faggot. Choke to death on that bootleather, nigger

Look! Another special-ed case on the loose.

Do you honestly think a solitary $3 000 000 plot of land, that may not be adequately fertile, can yield enough crops for 600 000 people?

It's like you struggle with object-permanence or something. Lol
The federal govt can't tell local govts that the must shelter every drug induced sociopath who happens to zombie walk their way into the street. These are local issues and are supposed to be handled locally.
Sleep on the street? = Get into the zoo with the violent 14 year olds so we can help the fascists running said zoo.
People who fall on hard times can get into shelters, secure a new job, save up money and leave the shelter.
The people who sleep on the street are human debris who will never change no matter how much money you throw at them.
I can’t fucking stand this commie doublespeak. They’re on the street because they’re lazy fucking bugs and drug addicts. Nobody owes them a house.
I thought there were some novels that did?
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We should pull back all our aid for Ukraine and end homelessness for the next 40 years

I denounce the Talmud, dummy.

I'm pointing of that shipping hundreds of thousands of people to a single plot of land is a retarded idea, plain and simple.
Other thread:
Do you expect zoomer casuals to have read any of the Star Trek novels?
Why are Jews so concerned about this? Weird...
We had no homeless problems when we locked up bums in the past. So big doubt Mr ACLU kike.
Homeless people live on the streets by choice. I used to be homeless because it was fun. I didn't have to work and I get could drunk and high all day. There are even more assistance programs to incentivice being homeless than when I did it. You will never end homelessness because it's a choice. Stop trying to convince people it's not.
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not for most. But does it really matter?
What does the billionaire care about if a hobo does not recognize him?
Not always

inbf >AP
It's all about hiding the west becoming third world nations.
You also can't just do nothing, and let them shoot up heroin and jerk off in front of your kids on the way to school.
They can't get into shelters because they refuse to give up their drugs and booze, even for a single night.
Normal people who fall on hard times have zero issue getting into a shelter and sorting their shit out.
The fucks that sleep on the street are human debris and should be treated as such.

cities CAN punish

find a city that wil let you, i hear california is nice
In my area of florida the shelters are full and they do have a lot of stupid requirements beyond no booze and drugs. Gets real fun during hurricanes for those without a house.
You think debris that is so mentally ill and drug addled could tend to crops?
Are you dumb or are you five?
The people who sleep on the street are not people who had any interest in joining society.
please, do not go to the woods
too many city folk already fucking things up and littering
homeless problem in america is mental illness problem, revive the institutes ffs
hooked on drugs?
you'll get over it behind couple of years in treatment
>You also can't just do nothing, and let them shoot up heroin
But they're doing something, they're giving them clean needles so them shooting up Heroine is safe and doesn't give them HIV
>and jerk off in front of your kids on the way to school.
That's called sex ed chud.
Peak america. MIGAkikes rejoice
I was joking. I hope for better outcomes for poor people.
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praise israel
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stop being NPCs and start thinking of the obvious third option
True, silly casuals
>Human debris
Or people who don't give a shit about cucking to the system like you. Aren't you such a good little dog. Who's a good goy? You are, YES YOU ARE OOOOO
Or... or, and hear me out on this one. Glass the entire middle east and leave it alone.
The homeless people should band together then and attack the authorities when they are arrested. That way eventually a homeless person will get killed and they riots all over again because fuck the police.
bet you wont say that to my face. im not paying rent. u mad, pussy?
why not, prison is free food and shelter.
I read the briefs and listened to the oral arguments for this case. There can be no other legal answer. The dissent is plainly an appeal to emotion. Robinson does not provide for this being an 8th violation; fortunately the majority correctly ruled that [these] camping ordinances are not cruel and unusual.
I see posts like this and it's to me like antisemitism is just the right version of political correctness.
how fucking delusional do you have to be to believe this?
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homelessness is a choice just like homosexuality.
If it's the Supreme Court, all they're doing is saying the US Constitution permits it. That's literally all they do.
You literally can arrest your way out of homelessness. They don't call it the "big house" for nothing.
There were 11 million people or so during Bill Clinton, where do you think these people life you retard. These illegals take away housing and drive up the costs.
There are way fucking more than 20 million illegals in the USA and here were way more than 11 million back then. Just look at how many "gotaways" they have each year and do some basic math.
yeah but they're costing about a lot anyway so it's much less than that and it basically pays for itself to not have them in the cities
I literally solved it but corrupt politicians won't do it.

#1 create homeless shelters in industrial use zones only. NO RESIDENTIAL OR RETAIL ZONED AREAS PERIOD

#2 Create an open tent area for a round 200 tents.

#3 split the tent area in two so only half is occupied at a given time. Each week everyone moves to the other side and the unoccupied half is power washed down and cleaned to prevent disease outbreaks.

#4 There are three tiers of camps. Tier 1 allows drug use but no violence allowed. Tier 2 requires drug testing but has nicer amenities, better food better everything than Tier 1.

#5After six months clean drug testing you can move to Tier 3

#6 Their 3 is your own indoor room with full amenities but still requires drug testing.

#7 Three strikes failed drug test in a calendar year sends you back to Tier 2. Or Tier 1bif you don't want to get drug tested.

#8 people are free to come and go as they please. These are not prisons. Simply follow the rules and no violence allowed period.

Now somebody give me an honest answer on why this would not work.
>You literally can arrest your way out of homelessness.
Remember when Xi went to California and Newsom proved he could clean it up if he really wanted, the thing is he doesn't want problems to be solved. Because if problems get solved, people paind to "solve"said problems lose their jobs.
>The DHS data show 6.5 million encounters at the U.S.-Mexico border in that time frame, a figure that includes both the 5.8 million apprehensions between legal ports of entry – the number typically used for illegal immigration – and a little more than 700,000 migrants who arrived at ports of entry without authorization to enter the U.S.

>Of those 6.5 million encounters by CBP, 2.5 million people have been released into the U.S. with notices to appear in immigration court or report to Immigration and Customs Enforcement in the future, or other classifications, such as parole.

>There are certainly others who have crossed the border by evading the authorities. DHS estimated there were 660,000 “gotaways,” or unlawful entries, in fiscal 2021. The agency would not provide an updated estimate. However, a DHS spokesperson told us: “Under this Administration, the estimated annual apprehension rate has averaged 78%, identical to the rate of the prior Administration.” That rate would support a gotaway figure of 1.6 million from February 2021 through October.
random example
So in less than a year, there were half a million motherfuckers just walking in that they didn't even talk to.
Sure. 20 million. right.
The ACLJews can open their doors to all the homeless fucks.
Post your land then bitch. I bet I put up a tent with my black friends.
>implying they won't stop using drugs

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