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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Thread Theme:

Thread for all things anti-ZOG and FUCK ISRAEL.
Dump site for normie-friendly redpills.
/FIG/ is anti-TKD: Jews can be cool, but ONLY if they denounce Israel.

>Thomas Massie's wife probably got merc'd because he talked shit about daddy Israel on Tucker
>Ugly ziobitch in Texas tried to murder a kid and got out on $40k bail
>AIPAC spent $32k per vote to beat Jamal Bowman

based bread
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Thanks, anon.
Everywhere you turn, the walls are tumbling down.
hell yeah. let’s roll
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Oh shit, it's you! Welcome back, soldier :)
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Big fig energy itt
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Indeed there is :)
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>tfw you're fighting the most powerful ememy in human history while cozy af
israel is the greatest country on earth.
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Wasrael is finished.
kek'd and check'd
>verification not required
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They brag about murdering children.
Fucking disgusting.
What a piece of human filth.
Imagine some shit like this being tolerated in LITERALLY ANY OTHER MILITARY
Found another seditious traitor!
They're everywhere.
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>They're everywhere.
Especially in fucking congress.
That's going to change, and soon.
Congress is just money-hungry, for the most part.

And the big money is bailing on Israel.
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>That's going to change, and soon.
God willing
God willing and the creek don't rise.
I denounce the Talmud
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Welcome aboard.
I don't know much about the Talmud (although what little I know definitely makes you go "hmmm"), but ITT we denounce ISRAEL first and foremost.
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Lunchtime, /pol/!
Come and get it :)
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Looks tasty.
I unironically want some.
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These are the eyes and faces of real humans, real people, with massive hearts, afflicted by a century of Jewish torment. The Jews even banned spices for foods getting into Gaza decades ago. Happy with so little?

May God take everything from the wicked Jew, and give it to these people, may they achieve their revolution against the ultimate tyranny of mankinds Nations.
Israelis are fucking monsters.
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*Zionist Israelis.
I can't fault someone for being born there if they're not a dogfucker.
(I'm not particularly wild about my home country either)
Anyone else remember East Palestine, Ohio?
It's wild how many poor Christians out there thing the Ziorats give a shit about them.
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I love it when those bitch Israeli's gloat about their military, socio-economic achievements are entirely self baked. I mean in a way they have, since they control the Department of Defense, NATO, etc. No wonder everyone else is rushing to band closer military ties and form a new Bloc. Jews really fucking with things!
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They're utterly shameless.
They crow about being "great warriors" when they run from literal fucking rocks.
>That little barrel roll at the end
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Miles and miles of footage of mutilated children.
But when you ask to see the photos of the beheaded babies, it's all "steamed hams"
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1) Israel = colonial satellite state for the crown/rothschild bankers. read the first Balfour Declaration

2) W. Churchill wrote a propaganda article titled "Zionism vs Bolshevism" to manufacture consent for the creation of Israel with distinctions between "good zionist" jews vs "bad communist" jews

3) Hamas was created by Israel to counter the PLO which had leftist tendencies

4) Israel laundered money to Hamas through the Palestinian Authority

5) Israeli intel was given information about oct 7 attack from egypt and isreal did nothing

6) “if you take out saddam hussein that there would be positive reverbations in the region” -Netanyahu

7) no rapes happened at the rave near a concentration camp

8) recent events will be used for Netanyahu's re-re-re-election

9) 20th century history of the middle east is just colonialism. the partition of India and Pakistan was courtesy of the crown. and the u.s. was there right away to influence Pakistan

10) Operation Ajax

11) CIA helped Saddam Hussein gain power. Reigle report. Kamasiyah weapons bunker. the U.S. sold weapons to both sides of the Iraq / Iran War in the 80s, on top of Iran Contra Scandal

12) Operation Cyclone

13) 9/11 was an inside job

14) mcmahon-hussein correspondence

15) U.S. armed and funded the "rebels" who became ISIS. first beheading video that came out was straight up fake as fuck

16) ask yourself why Netanyahu incited Yitzhak Rabin's assassination

17) Hannibal Directive kills civilians

18) Apollo Affair

19) Isreal supported ISIS

20) CIA involved in “truce diplomacy” between Israel and Hamas

21) Israel found out Hamas finances in 2018 and did nothing

22) Zionists poisoned Palestinian wells in 1948

23) USS Liberty

24) https://www.reddit.com/r/list_palestine/comments/l43xgk/megalist_israels_crimes_controversies_full/?rdt=46704
Kill all penis choppers

I believe they can be rehabilitated.
But that's a discussion for another day.
Right now, the priority needs to be stopping them.
Fren, I was raised jewish. There's no redeeming these lying child molesters. Learn from history. The Synagogue of Satan will remain unless we purge them all.
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>tfw I'm old enough to remember 5 months ago when they were trying to pretend this was some white knight shit about protecting wahmminz
Perhaps. I don't know enough about the problem to say for sure.
I do know that ranting about Jews turns off normies though, so if we're serious about stopping them, the focus needs to be on Israel.

>when they run from literal fucking rocks.
When they run from the oldest deadly weapon known to man. FTFY
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>When they run from the oldest deadly weapon known to man
Imagine running from rocks wearing full battle fatigues, a helmet, and carrying a machine gun.
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Is this satire or are they really this delusional? I honestly can't tell...
Jewish crimes are a lot like Black crimes. Sure they want to make whitey suffer but more often they can't make it out of their neighborhood before committing some heinous crime.
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>Jewish crimes are a lot like Black crimes
Nah. Black people actually have courage.
They also don't have endless money and police protecting them.
D&C Shill.
Black people aren't the problem.
Good eye, soldier.
But I'm not a fan of the Nazis either.
Hitler was supported by Zionists, after all.
It's really all about money, not religion.

A lot of Jews really did suffer under the Nazis (the ones who were too poor to flee, mostly).

>Black people actually have courage.
They also don't have endless money and police protecting them.

Bro, the entire police force exists in its capacity literately because of niggers. The enjoy incredible amounts of police protection and endless gibs.
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>incredible amounts of police protection
You don't know shit.
Black people get killed by cops over NOTHING all the time.
it feels so good to be antisemitic
its like my soul feels at home

huge thanks to relentless anons

ameribros this is a beautiful moment in your nations history young people are saying: "maybe i wont want to die for israel..." and thats beautiful
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And these dumb fucking progressives will still pretend that FDR was one of them.
Based Germanon.
But remember: the problem is Israel, not Jews.
Don't want to land your ass in the slammer.
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>Putting a 95-year-old woman in prison for calling a spade a spade
The Nazis really did win the war.
Based documentary... I watched this yesterday and it's eye opening
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That's not even the half of it.
Think of all of the otherwise good-hearted young men they've warped into monsters to be their golems.
Sad. All of my friends who went into the "service" came out super fucked-up.
One of them is dead, and another one is a homeless junkie now. So much for protecting "America's" heroes.
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My one buddy who went into the Army ditched me years ago because he's a brainwashed ZOGbot and couldn't handle the cognitive dissonance I caused him.
I'd forgive him, but he's convinced God is on his side. Pathetic, to be perfectly honest.
It's like he's never even read the book.
>Jews can be cool
nu-/pol/ and it’s consequences
I hope Israel wins this war and btfo lebanon. All you niggers do is screech and use the jooos excuse on anything you don't like plus just cause you dont like jews doesn't mean mudslimes should gain sympathy
why do you think there’s so many mudshits in your country you dingdong
wars usually involve enemies with guns.
>btfo Lebanon
kek, Israelis are too chickenshit to fight Lebanese, because they have guns.
That's where (You) come in.

I honestly don't care what you think about Jews.
But if you're ranting about them, you're 100% helping them, whether you're too stupid to realize it or not.
labour party and liberal immigration polices made by the tories. Not everything is muh joos, a lot of the times it is our own damn fault. You think its the jews who magically teleport mudlslimes into Britain? no the fucking politicians thought that migrants will be good for the economy and allowed immigration that mudslime took by their own accord since the 70s. Simply screaming muh joos will not remove the mudslimes nor will remove their incentive to migrate here.
Itt. Memeflag Jew posting misdirection.
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>Not everything is muh joos
Confirmed for can't fucking read.
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cant wait to see lebanese children burned alive
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Sick of fapping to Gazan children already?
>wars usually involve enemies with guns.
oh yeah right, its pest control.
>kek, Israelis are too chickenshit to fight Lebanese, because they have guns.
oh please we all know that you niggers were dancing one day then trying about he humanity the next.
>That's where (You) come in.
nah Israel seems to be handling it themselves. I hope they burn more schools tho.
first the starters(palastine) then the next dish
Jews are not God who made this state
All that has to be give they have no right to exisr alex fuck pig Jewish jones
No its pure shit nd evil nonit has no right to exist you jeish marxist communist tlmudicnshit eating simp no lying asswipe germany soain and Italy desoite jees and freemasons are superior to them
We're all going to burn for sitting idly by and allowing this to continue, aren't we?
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They sre rapid larpers cieard higher suicide of any so called military they are third world
Why does it pay for Jewish agenda thas not allowed
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It is beyond shameful.
But there's still time to stop them.
>mass nigger death
I love it.
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Don't make me tap the sign.
what fucking sign? The sign that says op is a cuck.
discovered this old clip of a former Iranian president calling out the 9/11 false flag and the israeli persecution of Palestinians at the UN general assembly in 2010. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ye5DdOm7lwg&t=630s
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>can't even fucking read

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Have to dip out for a while, anons.
Feel free to bake a new bread with any of the old badges (or create a new one) if the thread falls off.

I'm a big fan of this one:
Hexagrams (6 - Satan) being destroyed by a heptagram (7 - GOD).
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