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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Thomas Massie just did a Tucker interview, and said everyone in Congress has an AIPAC handler.

What the fuck happened?

Okay, this time the joos went too far. Massie was such a cool dude.
>-1 foid
good riddance
he is free now
watch out kikes
Punished Massie will return. The fucker read the unredacted 911 report.
Dunno all I can say is the last time the government fucked with an MIT graduate it took them a long time to find him and he just kept bombing people til they did.
That reads like he didn't even type it but I don't know him so maybe he types like a fag
He was the only one to vote against a bill against criticizing zionism.
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That will teach the goy not to step of line again.
>bill that banned* criticizing zionism
The US federal government is manipulated by international Jewry by way of Jewish nepotism and cash payments, gifted jobs, media control
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Reminder, Israel has massively lost. They're repeated and increasingly desperate belligerence is a sign of their weakness and how close the are to collapse.
Don't get baited.
RIP Rhonda Massie
how many times do we need to repeat this? will they ever learn?
It’s just a cohencidence goy.
Learn from Ted; don’t publish a manifesto which your family can read, recognize your speech patterns, and turn you in.
But on the other hand, if Ted hadn’t taken the offer and got his manifesto published, which led to his capture, how else would anyone have heard his message? Dude wasn’t an analog self-publisher.
This is really suspicious bros
Uncle Ted went to Harvard, not MIT
Goddamn English is hard for you "people"
This thread will be moved to /bant/
RIP Rhonda Massie
Weird that mods are scared of this political subject?
Vaxx status?
Gas the kikes
It's just a tragic cohencidence.
No replies as the idiots had their brains melted trying to pick between was it the Jews or Vax
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Why did the jannie move the last thread to /bant/? How is discussing a widely beloved politicians wife dying a week after raising valid concerns not political?
Gchq isnt sending their best
They nuked this last time:
fool. his kids are next.
Lack of police action indicates illness.
It's really the most shocking interview given in America in 20 years or more so naturally no one is really talking about it.
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Faggot jannies do not move this to /bant/ again. You Mossad faggots are obviously guilty. She was 50. I doubt she took the vaxx. They have a full on homestead/farm. The cause of death hasn't leaked. I've been trying to find it. He only announced this about 3 hours ago.
because you're on /spam/
and the filthy moderate are paid to protect psychological warfare against their user base
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>he is free now
He has 4 kids.
Ever wonder why so many are so scared to go against the Ring?
Now u know Y.
I'm not even afraid to admit it.
Every single person, even Kennedy and Regan all got the treatment.
If they can get to Presidents and world leaders, think they give a fuck about anyone?

They kill their own people ffs!
And I mean their VERY own JEWS in ISRAEL!!!
But you have to admit one thing, the reason why so many stick with Biden is that at least they know who is in charge and running things.
Its NOT us.
And that's comforting.
Its not OUR debt.
Not OUR war.
Just like its not OUR problem.
For the last 3 years, we knew none of this shit that went down was us wanting it or even supporting it.
Many times it was not even OUR VOTE ffs!

So sit back and let the Netenyahoo do his thing.
You would be far better writing in our real president then bothering with either of these two.

Right now there is a Jewish Civil war.
We are being dragged into it.
It not our war.
Hence why China is staying the fuck out of it any only sending their Mercenaries that want to go play death camp.
That Chinese dude said it best.
This is not a war to win.
It is a blood bath.
A Sacrifice.
You win by not playing either side.
what are the odds? it's highly suspicious honestly.
how the fuck did she die? He posted they went on a hiking trip to somewhere in the pacific northwest last week. so she wasnt sick or anything
Now the question is does he kneel or find somewhere safe for his entire family and fight back?
>Right now there is a Jewish Civil war.
Who against who?
Last FOUR threads
You ain’t white if you don’t die for Israel. Simple as. No exceptions. No take backs. No redo.
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>The cause of death hasn't leaked. I've been trying to find it. He only announced this about 3 hours ago.
that's it.
if it wasn't suspicious he'd have mentioned it immediately, he knows the implication. I wonder how long she's been dead.
How about you just stop fucking with Israel ? You'll be much happier for it, trust me.
Probably vaxmaxxed
>Last FOUR threads
they understand the sensitivity.
Zog is dogshit at infowars but they are probably the best at discerning sentiment and strategically hiding information to prevent people from putting together all the pieces.
Found the closeted faggot.
I really hope Rand and Ron Paul publicly question this, if it seems like foul play!


F to Massey's wife

Obviously the timing of this following Tucker and Massey's giga viral AIPAC clip is spooky and dark af. His wife was clearly a wonderful person and collaborator and they were spending their years finishing a dream home that was off the grid.

If anyone wants to see how Mossad operates when stealthily terminating a female threat, watch S03E10 of The Bureau, link below, the most realistic glowie show ever made. Pretty chilling. Familiarity with show is unnecessary.

u r nigger and I just owned you
>Thomas Massie just did a Tucker interview, and said everyone in Congress has an AIPAC handler.
>What the fuck happened?
Time to go all in? Once people go silent they try to kill them too. Get Loud! Make a scene -for her, for yourself, for everyone that has to secretly deal with it and those that don't but very well may.

They will be inspired to speak out also. If you do that and are successful even if they kill you they martyr you.
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>How about you just stop fucking with Israel ?
how many thousands of babies have you murdered who absolutely were not fucking with you?
>Who against who?
there's only one battle
good against evil.
Ryan Dawson was just in the Pete Quinones show saying these Jewish orgs, AIPAC/adl/udp, are out of control. It's either us or them.
In the name of Rhonda Massie, may the Lord rebuke (((them))).
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>Time to go all in?
I'm thinking they killed her a while ago, and Massie's recent exposure on this topic is him going all in. He has seemed particularly motivated recently. They probably held it back to release it after Massie did Tucker and raised his profile a little bit. We're making them pay for this narratively.
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Oh, anon. You have a lot of learning to do. A good primer would be to read the Ashkenazi vs. Sephardi interests in Israel document from the 80s. The CIA has a link to a copy of it on Google. Then Google some of the terms you find in there and work backwards through history. It’s sort of complex and there’s no easy answer, but the other anon is right. This is a global Jewish civil war and we’re all just collateral damage.
They killed JFK because he was trying to stop them from setting up AIPAC. Somewhat related:


Never see this discussed here.
Massie will be out of the game for a year. Again the question is whether Rand Paul publicly questions it, should there be any doubt about the cause.

Absolutely no indications Massey's wife was sick, ill, or feeble in Tucker's interview, and she was discussed at length including her assistance with their home and her science background. Massey even stated that his wife was so tolerant of his additions and continued work to their dream home, and her role holding down the fort.

I did have mild unease at Massey publicly talking about his home's off the grid specifications, location, even his work schedule, in the same interview where he's pulling back the curtain on AIPAC. And his house is easily found online.

This was the only interview that stirred some Boomers in my family, ones who luv our Best Ally. Something finally clicked.

Aaron Swartz was MIT alum.
A lot of anons are unaware that Netanyahoo is an MIT alum. It's famously glow central. Look at the FTX scandal.
I'd like everyone to join me in prayer for God the Father to raise up one Hero to combat the Enemy.
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>Now the question is does he kneel or find somewhere safe for his entire family and fight back?
he's been lobbing haymakers with reckless abandon, I'm thinking we've already seen what he's going to do.
Give me the prayer and I’ll send it
The videos of the Ashkenazi, sephardic and Hazari kicking the shit out of the Haredi in Israel after they announced they were no longer exempt from conscription is pretty brutal.
But I mean who wouldn't want to smack those parasites around, certainly everyone in New Jersey and NYC
is ikea jewish?

I just did.
Heart attack gun
>Ashkenazi vs. Sephardi interests in Israel
I found "Discord in Zion : conflict between Ashkenazi & Sephardi Jews in Israel" (1990). That one?
What did she die of?

Was it suspicious? Or like a lingering cancer that finally got her.
I’ll wait for a better one
nope, no word on her health problems. She was murdered by Jewish thugs no doubt about it.
Checked. /bant/ will become a graveyard of hundreds of relocated Rhonda Massey threads. Pottery

Reminiscent of Judge Esther Salas' family being Mossad'd after she vigilantly took on the Jeffrey Epstein case
Bigger story than the debate
If Massie gives the word I'll take a flight to Kentucky to join a militia and march on DC
Or Ian Stewart of Skrewdriver. Or Horg Yaider (sp?).
A good haiku
Meanwhile a thread about a p0rn girl's new baby remains up. I can't recall a more egregious and suspect thread removal by mods. Literally politics
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mosad always do the same, just like with jim carrey
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>the pacific northwest last week
look up bio labs & war contractors.
that chinese lab was funded not by china.
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Reminds me of pic and vid related.
He’s the only trustworthy one. Chip Roy seems okay but he complains too much about rules. That old sheriff congressman is good, seems trustworthy. But nobody holds a candle to massie
I'm not stopping until every last jew is dead
If this is true, and they killed Massie's wife, its knives out.
an0maly should be doing a live stream about this shortly. Massey is the only congressman he respects and he's posted several videos about his AIPAC reveals with big viewcounts.


an0maly is the only YT streamer I know of who will go hard af on the coincidence of Rhonda Massey's murder. Ryan Dawson on Rumble and Adam Green on Odyssey will also be worth watching.

Candace Owens was just discussing that she knows "a Bolshevik mob" kills its critics and that she isn't scared to die, in regard to her recent Ally 9/11 videos
Saying that even as a sarcastic joke is a sin and speaks ill of your character. I wouldn't even say that to one of your tribe members.
Amen. I will support Rhonda Massey threads all day for OP and anons who bake them. No other story should eclipse this for the entire weekend until we learn exactly what happened to her.
would (have)
>ind somewhere safe for his entire family and fight back?
my sweet summer child.
That's basically part of the parasite M.O., I don't understand how anybody could be surprise at this point besides non-sentient normies.
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I know for a fact Dawson is a psyop, he's spent 15 years researching neocons and hasn't figured out they did 911?
It absolutely is the most important story around with our question
Thomas Massie is the only representative Americans actually have, and they killed his wife.
she looks happy and healthy. this is from last week
You win by training militia. Unapologetically, without noise, without fanfare, without threats.
And then you do what is right, right in front of you.
>Thomas Massie is the only representative Americans actually have, and they killed his wif
bahahahaha dude. Massie was licking CIA Tucker Carlson's ass. I don't give a shit if a (((Politician's))) wife dies. Heck they should alll die.
How long was it between John F Kennedy's secret society speech and the mossad assassination of him in Dallas? not very long, it seems they move fairly quickly once the call is made, by the king jew.
>How long was it between John F Kennedy's secret society speech and the mossad assassination of him in Dallas?
none of the Kennedys were assassinated. They are a Black Nobility Family (Cavendish). Black Nobility families love to FAKE THEIR DEATHS. And that's what the Kennedys did, FAKE THEIR DEATHS.
they did the same thing to that guy who started an organization that monitors google ephemeral experience manipulation (like loading up google page that reminds you to vote for twice as many users identified as democrat voters over those identified as republican through their data harvesting)

a senator told him it looks like he will have an accident in the near future and they did something to his car causing his wife to die in an accident.
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It must have been sudden and unexpected, otherwise he wouldn't be doing silly interviews.

Heart attack I'm thinking. A quick shot of digitalis in her coffee. Women usually don't survive their first heart issue.

Oh well, Jews win again. And what will the goyim do? Not a fucking thing. You idiots can't even run a Mongolian fly fishing board.
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>bahahahaha dude. Massie was licking CIA Tucker Carlson's ass.
Tucker Carlson is excited and happy about White Replacement:

yeah, if she was on her deathbed from e.g. cancer then she wouldnt have been able to travel to wherever this, is washington/alaska, last week. so doesnt seem like an anticipated death from illness. it's sus as fuck.
damn she was still hot too. vaxx status?
Really weird that people dont realize how many families are involved in all this.
Du Ponts are another big one, pretty sure they handle the chemical / gunpowder side of the US economy (could be wrong been over a decade since reading about them all)
nigger, jews did 911
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based, I hope my fellow hebrews make him vote pro-israel on every other new law they propose or start taking away his kids too
>Was it suspicious
Massey was super jovial discussing his wife and their active life together on Tucker. And there was no reservation there. He talked about their future together and plans involving the mansion he built himself that is off the grid. And explained how she helps him and is invaluable and very patient because he's still working on it.


Anons please add these Massey links when baking new threads

>Two weeks ago
>Thomas Massey questions Israel's war crimes in front of the House Rules Committee

>3 days ago
>Ben Shapiro condemns Thomas Massey's interview about AIPAC

>2 weeks ago
>Tucker Carlson's full 2 hour interview with Thomas Massey about AIPAC and how every congress person except for him has an "AIPAC babysitter" and how they've pressured him to submit
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>Really weird that people dont realize how many families are involved in all this.
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Because they know we know and they are scared.
>only republican without an AIPAC guy goes public about it
>wife dies shortly after
Sloppy job, Mossad.
>>Tucker Carlson's full 2 hour interview with Thomas Massey about AIPAC and how every congress person except for him has an "AIPAC babysitter" and how they've pressured him to submit
Tucker Carlson is excited and happy about White Replacement:

https://files.catbox.moe/p2z5up.MP4 (embed)

(((Politicians))) and their wives can ALL DIE for all I care.
>(((Politicians))) and their wives can ALL DIE for all I care.
Why do you care about Politicians? Pls explain.
Is this the new Warbergs?
Swedish, so it might as well be.
Lol, didn´t know that Wallenberg also has Astrazeneca under their control. It isn´t suprising though.
hes a lying piece of shit that ran to hide from niggers in japan. hes a douchebag.
Sloppy job, Mossad.
Gtfo shill. I am simply linking to show that will spread the word. Because this story needs to catch *fire.* There is nothing wrong with bringing awareness to solid high profile YT/Rumble shows that are actively discussing Best Ally's crimes past and present.

This didn't work 10 years ago about Dawson it doesn't work now. He's done more to expose Urban Moving Systems and the Dancers than anyone on the planet.

Why did he kill her? Insurance money?
Chip Roy talked about how Israel was our greatest ally and doubled down when he got booed at a convention I attended a few years ago.
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Yeah... that guy is a bleeding front hole, still waves the lefty flag. But he still does the computer nerd thing, claims it’s to save kids from lorn or something like that.
Oh married into the warburgs.
Didnt realize he is the reason behind swedens failure.
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Anon, look into running an adblocker on your phone.
Chromite, or ublock on mobile are good places to start.
Prime Minister David Ben Gurion, who despised JFK for his demands that American inspect Israel for nukes, unexpectedly resigned in 1962 or 1963. There is historical correspondence from the Kennedy admin to Israel warning them about nukes in 1963. JFK was assassinated that November.

Iirc Jacob Rubenstein aka Jack Ruby visited Israel with his wife in the early 1960s as well, FBI report is online.

Recommend this Ryan Dawson video about all of that, best JFK redpill unless you read Michael Collins Piper's Final Judgement which is online
All jews should just be glassed with extreme prejudice.
Hitler was right.
Martin Luther was right.
Hadrian was right.
Tacitus was right.
Etc etc etc.

>MARTIN LUTHER (1483-1546) was one of the greatest religious thinkers and reformers of all time. Founder of the Lutheran Church, his Protestant movement against the dominant Catholicism altered the course of European history. His fortitude in confronting and overcoming corruption within the Church hierarchy is legendary. He was a man of great intellect and unmatched moral courage.
>But Luther had other opponents: the Jews. Judaism not only repudiated Christian theology by denying that Jesus was the true savior or Messiah, but it also took on an air of supreme arrogance--Jews as special, as different, as "chosen by God." As such, Jews are unwilling to repent, to accept Christ, or to see the true meaning of the Old Testament; hence they slander and insult Jesus, Mary, and indeed all Christians. Jews, said Luther, harbor an intense and deeply-rooted hatred for all non-Jews, and thus are willing to use, abuse, and exploit people for their own ends.
>For Luther, Jews are arrogant and stubborn liars. They are greedy materialists, ever covetous of Christian wealth and power. They are congenital misanthropes, the master haters of humanity. And through their damnable usury--lending money at interest--they exploit, bankrupt, and enslave innocent people everywhere. Given the chance, said Luther, they would slaughter us all.
>Hence his dramatic plan of action: destroy the synagogues, ban Judaic teaching, confiscate ill-gotten Jewish wealth, put Jews to hard labor, and ultimately, drive them out of Christian lands. Jews are incorrigible corrupters of humanity, and nothing less would get to the root of the problem.

Tell me, which of the points that Martin Luther made 500 years ago doesn't ring true today?
I could see that... he loves the rules. I bet his aipac handler and him chat about bible rules over lunch
Tucker is Mossad. He baited Massie.
>Black mail rings of politicians fucking children
you missed one.
-kevin barret discusses with former congress woman how aipac gets its blackmail on congress-
"So the hierarchy is that you actually marry a Jew, then that’s, you know, that’s it.

>Right. It’s almost like getting circumcised by a rabbi.

Well, yeah, it’s the circumcision of your brain, right? So I have another story I can tell of a member of Congress who…I don’t think he intended to be problematic to the pro-Israel lobby, but he was, I think, unintentionally problematic. And in this particular regard, they were interested in extracting as much as they could from the African continent, and they didn’t want any African American members of Congress interfering with that, trying to be pan-Africanist or whatever.

>Trying to give the local people a cut of the deal.

That’s an issue. How can you make more billionaires, more oligarchs, if you have to share the proceeds? So this particular congressional office was always sort of a problem on Africa and serving on the House International Relations Committee, the Africa subcommittee. And eventually what they decided to do was to infiltrate the office by way of that congressional staffer that did the bulk of the work for the Africa subcommittee. And they made sure that one of their persons presented a big fat diamond ring, worth tens of thousands of dollars, to her. And then married her. And all of a sudden, the advocacy for Africa and Africans ceased.

>Oh, man. So it’s not just accountants and personal trainers. It’s spouses.

It’s spouses, that’s right. So you can imagine what Mr. Doug is whispering in Kamala’s ear, right?"
These kikes are shameless
>his first thought is to run to twitter to post about it
why are people like this? did he kill her for clout?
Not going to work, Mossad.
It reads like something he was forced to type.
What if it really was Russia, and they are trying to get everyone to blame AIPAC, so when evidence emerges it wasn't the AIPAC can act innocent, even though they aren't.
fake picture
he couldn't wait a few days to post?
Mt Rainier, so Washington state. Not sure why he'd want to go to this shithole
Massie is basically the only politician who deserves happiness. This is terrible.
>The videos of the Ashkenazi, sephardic and Hazari kicking the shit out of the Haredi in Israel after they announced they were no longer exempt from conscription is pretty brutal
Pls post plox
>asking kikeGPT anything
Put your pistol in your mouth and paint your co-worker's clothes with your brain matter
Distraction shills trying to distract. Fuck off with /x/ shit. Muh "JFK faked his death" is gayest bait imaginable in a thread like this

The Masseys aren't vaxxed.
They're brazen
They know we know and they dont care because they can use their media to shape public narratives
However more and more they are losing control. They can't even keep all of Congress under their stranglehold anymore
That’s retarded
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I think the british are more involved in the israel takeover of america than everyone knows
We will return the favor when our time comes. God Wins.
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poor bastard. his tucker interview was great. really interesting and bright shining guy.
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The Sun didn't even put her picture in their piece
oy vey!
Different flags same JIDF disinfo team

Fuck it, just like the FBI linking to the Protocols (pic related open in new tab remove the m from url if on phone and replace .png with .jpg or vice versa)
Sometimes you have to delve into the knowledge your adversaries have.

>wife dies
>posting on social media 24 hours later
I'll never understand it
Obviously at Fox News... doesn’t count. Many horrible people associated and walking the halls there.
>she says with zero reasoning
someone here is retarded that's for sure
no you
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>proceeds to forget upload.

Oi oi you filthy fucking nigger, who're you calling Jidf?
>she died yesterday
>"his first thought"
Who would''ve thunk it.
>Rhonda Massie, the wife of Congressman James Traficant, died in 1983 due to a car accident
Save that screenshot anon. What if it turns out Thomas Massey's wife died in a "car accident" and that's why the cause isn't being listed yet?

Why did AI reference Traficant, who was assassinated by Mossad and equally critical of AIPAC, in regard to Massie's wife? Yet it also misspelled Massie as "Massey."
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Hi, I'm bio-warfare Tom. There's a State Department presumed janitor active on /pol/ whose job seems to mainly be to fuck with my threads and hit me with 3 day bans any time I post one of my usual threads, but who also suppresses threads like the one you're referring to. They're afraid of revolution.
Why would Russia give two shits about massie
Probably because the AI has grouped together politicians that are critical of AIPAC.

Gives you an idea of what intelligence agencies are using AI for.
Someone should really do something about that guy.
regardless, if she was on her deathbed from some disease she wouldnt have had the energy to go on vacation to washington state from kentucky, especially not to the mountains.

on second thoughts, this photo looks shooped as fuck (excluding hiding the baby's face). looks like the whole group has been cut and paste onto this mountain background. WTF. something aint right here.
lmao even.
Why the fuck are you in this board if you cant think in anything other than straight lines? You must be a kike larping as the dumb mutt you think we are here.
God, you could reverse engineer AI... using ZORK techniques...
Warren buffet just gave the Bill and Melinda gates foundation about $5? Billion in berkshire stock.
Don’t grief on me because you have potatoe aim with theories
she died from BBC overdose, many such cases
I hate the editing but fuck man this is important.
Saar. Can you at least try? This is just sad
There was a good interview with James Anthony Traficant Jr ,on Sean hannity back in 2008 talking about the the Israeli lobbies, and it’s control over the government. Traficant was vocal about it in Congress too, and the jews got him arrested on trumped up charges.
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This is extremely concerning, a real show of jewish power. Well everyone has been telling you, they're not wrong.
Christians don't actually like jews. They think they have to because they are the magic crystal that will bring Jesus back to earth. I grew up in a fundy household and when you get down to the bottom of their support for Israel it's "they all have to die so Jesus can come back. This is how they are. Reprobates and they will bend the knee or be annihilated. There won't be a jew left on earth after it all unfolds". Kek.
Imagine inviting rats into your house because you think once they have destroyed it you will win the lottery. Also, they think it's not really their house even though the rats have diseased their children which are now in heaven serving the ultimate rat catcher.
Very, very strange
I concur
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Answer - all of them
This is why Christians are really fucking retarded.

They are completely hypnotized into being race-blind as well as a death/Armageddon cult
Shut up nigger
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Damn. Massie doesn't deserve this.
>using goofy photo of Taylor Greene instead of photo with his wife
That's literally chutzpah aka publicly mocking a man whose wife just died. Why not instead just use a photo of Massie alone? Because it's an intentional slight. Wonder if other outlets are doing the same
He announced her death and then said he is taking time off.
How is that odd to you?
Ah yeah the ole Michael Hastings treatment
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The dude is 53 and the AIPAC revelations were 20 days ago. The odds are ridiculously slim. Rhonda Massie was killed by the jewish mafia.
they can stop your geart remotely any time
approaching half a million views on Rumble platform alone

(yeah Hannity was pissed at him, lel) Massie interview though came in our present post-Oct 7th era when the awareness of AIPAC's inflluence is so much greater than 2008.
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>AI conflates Rhonda Massey as late wife of James Traficant
Definitely repost that image, or updated versions from GPTchat in later threads. Almost wonder if the AO isn't crawling the previous Rhonda Massie thread on /pol/ where Traficant was mentioned and linked.
>James Anthony Traficant Jr
The crazy part was he was a dem and still sounded the alarm.
>and then said he is taking time off
Didn't say anything about that on x.
Yeah, it doesn't cost much to cause a heart attack chemically.
>Went to heaven forever

No, she died. That is all. No one with abrahamics delusions will ever be more than a useful pawn of the Jews in their war against Whites.

With that statement, he just told me everything I needed to know about him.
you are now aware that the two more weeks deerposting prediction shit was a gay op, they do this with anything that threatens to gain traction so that normies associate dissent with evil/madness

Lets start a Go Fund Me with the title >"Help Thomas Massie to cover the cost of the burial of his lovely wife, who got killed by AIPAC"
Fuck off.
>He guys let's counter signal against the one guy fighting against international finance in the federal government
Shut the fuck up
I mean it would be pretty funny for the few minutes it stayed up
But yeah not very tasteful
He can thank Trump's vax for that.
That isn't Christianity. That's some retarded neo-fundy magical thinking bullshit. For that to even be true jews would actually have to be the genetic jews of the old testament which they are NOT. These jews don't even follow the old testament because if they did they would be following the new testament and allow the Palestinians who are probably the genetic ancestors of the tribes of Israel.
Christians are following larpers follow a religion that built itself completely 180 degrees away from the old testament as a sort of anti-christianity.
Christianity is the continuation of the old faith not a new religion.
It's like they are holding on to some brand instead of an actual faith. Judaism isn't the old faith. It's not even as old as Christianity. They follow the talmud which is not the old testament. The old jews created Christianity much to the chagrin of the larpers in Israel from Eastern Europe at the time of christ who were using the faith as a scam.
Point being those that use the name jew today aren't of the tribes of Abraham so no matter how many of them die it doesn't matter. The entire prophecy, if real, would reveal that most Christians were following false idols and forcing a result. It ceases to become prophecy fulfillment when you're using it as a game plan for foreign policy and profit.
theres more Mossad in Canada than anywhere outside Isnotreal
This thread is 50% shills, anon. They're either off topic or trashing Massie. At least mods didn't nuke this thread like they did the previous one. Yet.
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Just made some noise about it:
Ngl this thread seems silo'd compared to the original Massie AIPAC interview threads
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Here's one without that retarded tiktok editing
Yeah the karaoke-style subtitles are still quite retarded but at least the video is original
This is sad to hear and I'm sure it's not a coincidence, but instead a cohencidence. Massie is the only member of congress worth a damn. The jews are sending a message that if any goyim tries to fix the current monstrosity of corruption financed by jew bankers, they will be punished severely.

We really need to do something about these assholes.
Yeah right, like trump and carlson. You're either a low iq dupe that supports christian conservatives or a shill yourself, the type of which has occupied stormfront, pol and every former wn circle on the internet.
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Uncle H said it much better.
>The more I argued with Jews, the better I came to know their dialectic. First they counted on the stupidity of their adversary, and then, when there was no other way out, they themselves simply played stupid. If all this didn't help, they pretended not to understand, or, if challenged, they changed the subject in a hurry, quoted platitudes which, if you accepted them, they immediately related to entirely different matters, and then, if again attacked, gave ground and pretended not to know exactly what you were talking about. Whenever you tried to attack one of these apostles, your hand closed on a jelly-like slime which divided up and poured through your fingers, but in the next moment collected again. But if you really struck one of these fellows so telling a blow that, observed by the audience, he couldn't help but agree, and if you believed that this had taken you at least one step forward, your amazement was great the next day. The Jew had not the slightest recollection of the day before, he rattled off his same old nonsense as though nothing at all had happened, and, if indignantly challenged, affected amazement; he couldn't remember a thing, except that he had proved the correctness of his assertions the previous day. Sometimes I stood there thunderstruck. I didn't know what to be more amazed at: the agility of their tongues or their virtuosity at lying. Gradually I began to hate them.
However I understand that fuentes style can be more useful towards zoomers who have attention spans that don't last longer than couple of sentences
Just because you don't like it, doesn't make one a shill. A shill also promotes engagement in something, they don't discourage participation. It is your ilk that is here shilling a christian conservative using thebsame fed and Jew language as for trump, tucker, alex jones and other imposters.
50% is a conservative estimate considering all the hit and run
>1 post by this ID tard bait
I mean look at the absolute state of this gutter tier shilling
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>He even capitalizes jew
Good goy
It was less of an institutional problem before citizens united vs ftc (2010). We all knew about AIPAC and their inherent over-lap with the MIC before 2010 but it's gotten to the point that it's completely taken on the form of a Hydra. Through regulatory capture, social engineering and unregulated political contributions the nation has died and become a corpse for the parasite classes.
The issue isn't that voting is rigged. It's that who we are allowed to vote for is rigged.
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>They think they have to because they are the magic crystal that will bring Jesus back to earth
That's American Christianity as perverted by the Jew Samuel Untermeyer and his bribed golem Cyrus Scofield.

Meanwhile actual Christians have views of the Jews more like >>472479019 , at least the Lutherans do.
That's so sad. Rip mrs. Massie. Thomas is a good dude. Too good to be in congress with those other scoundrels.
>hold down the fort
Men hold the fort, anon. Gravity holds the fort down.
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>The issue isn't that voting is rigged. It's that who we are allowed to vote for is rigged.
Daily reminder that Senator Sanders won the 2016 primary and then the DNC said
Pic related
>Lol, lmao! No.
And then defended this in a federal court saying they
>Can smoke cigars in a back room and decide who is the candidate we want
But I don't have a wife.
>what is a proper noun
Why are you sperging about capitalizing jew like some weird schitzo?
>I hate them and the fact that you used proper grammar means I'm going to throw out anything you say
Stay where the fuck came from with gate-keeping information based on such pedantic and meaningless rules.

It does not have to be a heart attack to be them. Even cancer. Bill Binney said because he worked at NSA, they deployed radiat surveillance technology on him, like everyone else, and due to it half the people on his street got cancer, and they were not even trying to kill him. He even said he now believes the command is so distrustful that every glowie actually gets knocked out by directed energy weapons, a team enters their home while they and their family are out, and they get implanted with tracking chips. In the interview he said his doctor sees his tracking chips on X-rays, and he cannot find a surgeon who will take them out because everyone is afraid. I have his interview on my site in the Chapter Who Can You Trust?

I get Havana Syndromed every night for my website at American Stasi dot com. People see gangstalking, and think it only happens to a few people, and the tech is rare. It is in every neighborhood, just like the Stasi.

Things are really bad. The only thing holding back Civil War is most people have not seen it yet.
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Nice, now he has nothing to lose anymore. Let the fire rise.
Was she arkancided?
>Thomas Massie Asks Witness If Clinton Action In 1999 Could Be Considered A Campaign Finance Expense
>Time to go all in?
He's got kids,
he wouldn't dare.
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Every intelligent person realizes this
shut up
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But I don't have kids.
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>The crazy part was he was a dem
What's crazy about that? Sure both parties are controlled by the AIPAC, but Republicans are famously the even more pro-Israel party than Democrats, as in picrel in >>472477380
That makes Massie even more unique in speaking out against the AIPAC, since he's a Republican
You won't do shit.
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>he doesn't know
You ain't from around these parts partner and it shows
Now fuck off and die
It wasn't the Jews btw.
She was very sexy, what an absolute waste.
I hope he gets exponential revenge oh whatever organization assassinated his wife but we live in Clownworld, so the only thing that will probably happen, is his kids will be assassinated next.

Fucking Israeli / AIPAC Intelligence, they own the whole world, like a King but the King instead of loving his people, is a psychotic, masochistic, schizophrenic, Machiavellian with no empathy whatsoever.

They aren't even human.
Correct. Special interest groups control who you're allowed to vote for. Sanders is who democrats wanted but they weren't allowed. No one wants to fucking vote for biden or Trump except turnip-heads and multi-national opportunists.
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Hush bot
No it’s because you’re a low information misdirection schizophrenic
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this is blatant as fuck. anyone who denies ZOG is real is either a jew or an evangelical.
The entire Congress except one guy is an open traitor and no one cares. Kind of lays low the whole concept of muh republic. The elites will always rule and the people will never do anything unless they are organized by elites
seems a bit #GefilteFishy
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Why do you think they opened the gates of Cordoba 2.0 with hart celler in the mid 60s?
This is a problem known since antiquity
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Oh (You)
Rand Paul turned out to be a massive watering down of Ron Paul. Her be better as governor than senator. The objective of winning back DC has failed will continue to fail and the only way forward is away from DC in all things and this is only possible if you have an actual rouge governor / state legislature
He exposed the involvement of jewish masters in mutt politics. He confirmed that every mutt politician slave has a jewish master AIPAC person. They killed his wife for it. But mutt goyims are slaves, they can be terminated and no one of the mutt slaves will ever lift a finger. They even killed their president and no one did a thing.
There isn’t a goyim on this earth that is enslaved to jews like the mutt goyim.
Evangelicals acknowledge zog. They just call it prophecy. My best argument so far has been "if it's codified into law and those that created the law cite the prophecy how does it remain prophetical".
Tell what what is the right moment when somebody should die without you guys blaming crazy conspiracies?
Kys jew
Has to be confirmed. Who are the AIPAC handler for each congressman / senator / mayor / etc.
This is all true ngl
Answer the fucking question
Well, for biden it's going be around 90 days before the election. Not a conspiracy at all for that husk to die just before the election with some total asshole taking his place leaving the Democrat voters without a choice but seemingly better than biden. Screencap for content.
>how the fuck did she die?
"Undisclosed", according to WLKY: https://www.wlky.com/article/rep-thomas-massie-wife-rhonda-died-kentucky/61453945
Ezekiel 25:17
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Hey dude this >>472485163
Wasn't for you it was this faggot >>472485058
And I will spoon feed you this one due to you having very decent posts like this >>472485165
It comes from this
During the kike lead nigger livers the lugenpresse pulled this little stunt.
So the hive mind decided that any reference to the the kikes would now be lower case to return the favor and it does so make them mad.
Now you know.
Do not capitalize kike, jew, yid, heeb, shinny, red sea pedestrian or what have you. It's a mark of an outsider as at this point it is four years old
I actually tarded out not looking at your ID or I would have explained it earlier
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Exact same thing happening in Europe today.
Jews are not only opening the gates via plants in our governments and the EU parliament, but also their NGOs are actively transporting them to Europe.
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Commit not live nigger
Ummmmmmm, Aipac? Are you retarded? Do you need specific names? It's a lobbying group that pressures congressman to pass favorable laws and financial packages for jews and Israel literally using u.s aid dollars going to israel. It's a revolving door. Israel gets aid. Israel gives some of that money to aipac as well as wealthy jews, then they give that money to politicians in the form of campaign contributions, which they use to pressure legislation and more aid for Israel and jews.
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And when it's not the Jewish NGOs, it's the Israeli government.
I don't even know how legally that is supposed to work that you're deporting immigrants not back home to Africa, but to Europe, I am not aware of any international law or convention that makes such thing even possible, but the Jews are able to do it anyway.
with the way he wrote those tweets, I'm gonna guess this was cancer or something. Something they knew was not going to end well. It's all very sad
>it's the mark of an outsider
It's a proper noun and I don't care about your gatekeeping. You're focusing on some insanely pedantic symbolism. You either attack the merit of someone's post or don't post at all unless you're a time-wasting thread sliding puke. Also, glombing on to these faggoted fed rules about who is and isn't relevant based on arbitrary grammar is pidgeon-holing yourself.
That cunt deserves the Jo cox treatment
Ugly dysgenic inbred bitch
>If feel more comfortable being around inbred hideous sand niggers and niggers that are a different species
We are coming for you
Lobbying Disclosure Act
No later than 45 days after a lobbyist first makes a lobbying contact or is employed or retained to make a lobbying contact, whichever is earlier, such lobbyist (or, as provided under paragraph (2), the organization employing such lobbyist), shall register with the Secretary of the Senate and the Clerk of the House of Representatives.
(i) total income for matters related to lobbying activities on behalf of a particular client (in the case of a lobbying firm) does not exceed and is not expected to exceed $5,000; or
(ii) total expenses in connection with lobbying activities (in the case of an organization whose employees engage in lobbying activities on its own behalf) do not exceed or are not expected to exceed $20,000, (as estimated under section 5) in the semiannual period described in section 5(a) during which the registration would be made is not required to register under subsection (a) with respect to such client.

vax status?
You have been given a heads up and anon spoon fed you and you responded by being rude and disregarding the information
But hey, being an arrogant faggot is your choice
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It's not Christianity. That's the problem. It's some shit schism that comes from another shism that comes from another schism. So you end up with Catholics and Orthodx Christians that are likely closer to true Christianity via them being originals versus Evangelicals, Methodists (I don't even know wtf they are), etc. which have been formed over the past few hundred years; some of which were corrupted in their inception like that whole Schofield "bible" bullshit.
Probably two 9mm doses of the covid vaccine to the back of her skull.
>What the fuck happened?
Jews are retaliatory faggots. They are petty as shit. They never forgive, never forget, never pass up the chance to kill anyone who opposes them in any meaningful way. This is what's coming for the rest of the country for calling out Israel's genocide of the other brand of sandnigger. I want to see Jews in mass graves before the year is over.
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ftfy, fren
I know that retards from n.s websites like jared taylors, like to think they're the arbitors of based opinions and instead of having a point like to point out anons not abiding by their community rules of neo-faggot style passive-aggressiveness. I don't care. It's gay and slides threads with a 300 post count.
>omg you capitalized a proper noun associated with my enemy
Most people are phonefagging and they auto cap proper nouns.
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Is this a threat of some kind
The more you sperg about this the more you sound like a faggot whose opinion should be dismissed
it really is. i didn't think i was capable of feeling bad for anyone in the DC sphere but here I fucking am
Damn dude.
>I'd really hate to see the brakes on your car fail right after your house burned down... Wanna rethink Israel, goyim?
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Could also be a cheeky anon doing some false flagging
What's good for the goose is good for the gander
>stop noticing things relating to Israel
but did she believe jesus christ existed because you can’t go to heaven unless you believe that
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JSON XML CSV files can be downloaded which directly list details for the search criteria.
and once you do you automatically get in
This video is grat
wait you have to believe a list of things about him then you get in
>nothing relevant
>just gate-keeping and sliding the thread
Anyway, let's talk about the state of federal government being taken over by a uniparty propping up 2 establishment crooks with no integrity as our economy spirals the shitter
I am more interested in the name of the yid hiding behind it.
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Israel is by far the largest recipient of U.S. foreign aid.
And when you remember that Israel is a country with population less than 10 million, while the next country on the list, Egypt, has population of 111 million, the per capita aid for Israel is absolutely astronomical.
And Egypt has the Suez canal, while Israel has nothing to offer except constant wars in Middle-East on Jews behalf which have cost U.S. taxpayer literally trillions, the financial cost alone (not to mention the human cost) is unlike anything else ever, and you could have built a thousand nuclear plants or dozens of complete U.S. interstate highway systems from scratch or funded U.S. universities for decades or anything else.
That it's.
I'm going to start memeing about the number of HVAC units on the garbage behind the masonic lodge at Starlight Pizza in Bloomingburg.
That's not a haiku, retard
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Yeah the Jewish "feeling of comfortable" means more in the sense of Aristotle in >>472486749 .
Jews think they thrive in multicultural hellscapes and, as a result, flood their nations with outlanders. All those rapes, terror attacks, shootings, murders and general ethnic replacement is because Goldstein cares so much about his own ass that he will gladly your entire race and culture to protect it.
They are afraid of white nationalism and the idea that the Jews would be singled out and rejected from society, just as so many times before in Christian societies, when their damnable usury became too much to bear.
It's basic divide & conquer tactics, a Jew is safe to do whatever horrible financial schemes they want in a non-homogenous society.
Homogeneity brings out the very best in everyone. No man has ever said 'I wish some of my neighbours spoke a different language and worshipped another god because that would make me so much more productive'.
Jews fear unity of the people so they do anything to decrease it.
Checkem. Wordspreadlocally. Thanks boys.
I'm well aware. Israel is slush-fund for our MIC after our corps off-shored all of our realistic manufacturing endeavors ensuring non-competition status.
>i know we just murdered your wife because you wouldn't accept out bribes but how about you reconsider for your own legacy
Yup that is a death threat.
If you didn’t have the list already, then you mutts are cooked for WW3.
Web related is a professional jewish cum chugging mutt slave politician. Notice how scared, notice how he has to make sure he chugs jewish cum on camera. It’s like jews are ruling over mutts through fear.
Until you're willing to lose your own life in the fight, you will be ruled with an iron rod by a tiny minority of dysgenic rats.
>a senile boomer hit with dementia
>a corrupt boomer sold out to jews
May God destroy his persecutors speedily.
Smart mutt. Indeed, liberty does not come without sacrifices.
$10 says aipac creep
I mentioned Rand because he represents Kentucky like Massie but more pressingly, Massie and his Rhonda hosted fundraising for Rand at their famous house, and Massie considers Rand his inspiration for entering politics.

Rand is also redpilled. Yes we all agree he's become less vocal in criticizing Best Ally, he'd rather bank off insulting Fauci as a vanity play. But remember that Rand's office was set on fire by the cabal, and if Massie's wife died mysteriously, that's an attack on his state and hits close to home.

But this is why we must spread this news to podcasts and streamers who are pilled. Simply by raising the question of this coincidence we can fight back. It's really the only way.
we all count on other people to do the sacrificing. a lot of even make fun of the people doing the sacrificing. but its hard to know what is true and who its most important to fight. and hard to know the best way to fight. everything is psyoped to hell
>all deaths are vaxx deaths
>unless its the jews
>religion based on jew book and the teachings of rabbi yeshua bar yosef is actually le heckin' White and redpilled goy err I mean, guys!!
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>Gate keeping and roasting newfags is le bad
I don't understand this, you realize in Thessalonians it outlines how the disciples converted Jews, correct?
Streamers and ecelbs are barely even mentioning AIPAC and their influence let alone explaining the revolving door. It would expose their own "sponsored" revolving door.
I am sure the kompromat they have on him is pretty scary though
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Yes there is no anti-jewish candidate.
It's a humiliation ritual for the downtrodden US public at this moment, you get to "choose", between two 80-year-old geriatrics that are both Jewish puppets.
After whichever is elected, they'll proceed to stack the administration with Jews, and while aides are changing the diapers of the geriatrics, the Jewish administration actually controls the government.
This is a safer route for them, can't have no JFKs or Nixons who could actually do something that is against Jewish interests.
65 years old is the retirement age in my country.
In no circumstance should a 80-year-old man still be working in any critical capacity, let alone RUN A FUCKING COUNTRY.
People would not accept a 80-year-old pilot or a 80-year-old surgeon, yet a 80-year-old president is supposed to be fine.
Clown world.
4chan got zogged a long time ago
Congrats, you've established your understanding of 4000 years of human history from a few 4chan memes. You're the pinnacle of modernity which is why we circle drain.
>inb4 some histrionic all caps
They don't play around.
You think I'm a newfag because you went to American Renaissance and picked up their gate-keeping faggotry?
Who runs this X account
Anyone know? Goddamn this should be its own thread
>t. someone who worships a Mesopotamian city state protection demon
Get fucked, abrahamic sand faiths are all demon worship.
you christfags are the cancer that killed the internet. go worship your dead kike on a stick harder faggot

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