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Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>FT: European NATO countries would struggle to field 300,000 total - https://archive.today/08KRT
>Azov commander admits to his unit acting as blocking detachment - https://archive.today/4GyuO
>"I feel as if I am in a prison": the men avoiding the meatcatchers - https://archive.today/Q3VMM
>Putin continues his Asian trip, arriving in Vietnam - https://archive.today/3YvEQ
>Putin's visit to North Korea in pictures - https://archive.today/muSbj
>Putin arrives in North Korea with high-level delegation - https://archive.today/DGh32
>GIB! GIB! Only $800 billion to beat putler! - https://archive.today/IMaDq
>“We should prepare for life in the cold and the dark”: Half the ukraine's energy generation destroyed - https://archive.today/hLsXK
>Sanctions aren't working because we didn't call Putin racist enough times - https://archive.today/zWUbr
>Putin: 'Russia has the right to supply weapons to foreign countries & strike western targets with them' - https://archive.today/Thb5A


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Live - Black Sea - Marine Traffic

Russian (former opposition to Putin)




American (neocons)


Air raid alarms

More maps:
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>ODAB-1500 strike
>Mad Max: SMO Road
>Munitions warehouse in Odessa burns
>Dagestani terrorists killed by Special forces P1
>Dagestani terrorists killed by Special forces P2
>Houthis released a new TKD anthem
>Another FAB-3000
>Second usage of FAB-3000 UMPK, massive wings clearly visible
>FAB-500 shockwaves in high humidity
>First usage of FAB-3000 w/ UMPK, Kharkov direction
>AFU soldier tries to surrender to Russian drone, is killed by AFU drone
>Lukashenko wondering why most of the corrupt officials are jews
>"They killed Kenny!"
>Romanians shouting 'Putin' during Romania - Ukraine match
>Showcase of an attack-transport UAV “Perun”
>AFU surrender to fpv drone in the field
>T-90 gets hit by javelin but survives
>Disembarking AFU getting fpv struck
>Ukrainian Su-25 being hit by a Lancet
>Burning MTLB gets to safety, driver nominated for award
>Sudoplatov takes out an Abrams tank

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>in the US, traffic stops with military ID checks will be the #1 way to catch meat
Looking forward to seeing the .webms of goylease getting what they fucking deserve.
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Post your ideas, /chug/!
1. Launch operation to destroy enemy land-to-sea capability.
2. Expand the buffer zone along the border to nearby rivers and fortify them to prevent enemy advance.
3. Import foreign prisoners to serve indefinitely in penal divisions. Conscript all liberals, illegals, criminals, PoWs, and suspected traitors into Storm-V. Focus on increasing the deployment of non-Russians to the frontline. Use summary execution and other methods to ensure military discipline.
4. Conscript unemployed, able-bodied males below 40.
5. Support rebellion in the West, and spread propaganda causing religious tensions between the Catholic Church and OCU. Advance ecumenical efforts with Latins.
6. Greatly expand Federation drone enterprises, and invest in extensive drone research to add to drone possibilities.
7. Ensure firearm education for boys in grade 4. Establish All-Russian Patriotic Firesports Union on the basis of the Shooting Union of Russia, creating new sports for recreational WWII tank use etc.
8. Pursue "offense in depth" strategy; do not allow the hohols to relocate forces along the frontline, and maintain the privilege of such ability at all times.
9. Raise at least one division from each republic with a population exceeding 500K, and one extra division for each 20K unemployed men in each republic.
Two years and no bets from shills yet!
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Thanks for baking
Total hohol death
Total Hello Kitty merch
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Who's winning?
It’s joever…
he's just getting good at the job, give him another chance
4 more yearZ
ukraine is transwinning
Look at how happy that soccer player looks to be going off to the front lines!
43% chance for success?
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Total goysloop death. Also total strawberry death
Gerontocracy tier: pre-collapse USSR
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>Ukrainian Foreign Minister met with Chinese Special Representative Wu Hongbo

>"Ukraine and China continue their dialogue on peace and development. I emphasized the importance of considering our relations bilaterally and in the context of Ukraine's future membership in the EU," Kuleba said.
i'll be enjoying the videos as well from the comfort of my mother's attic, playing vidya all day and never stepping foot outside
>Not Hello Kitty super box
>Wu Hongbo
literally never heard of this nigga
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Having an
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I need to borrow little girl to buy hello kitty pack
life is so unfair!
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> Ukrainian Foreign Minister said
Nicka still got it kek, great tweet
>also a goyshit fag
KYS x2
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can have one of your nuggets
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You sound like you eat (seasoned) plastic.
It's random picture of little girl
Oh nvm I see he was replying to somebody
If he had just posted "Jews" and got a Peterstein seethe, that would have been epic
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>No. Recycle the bread.
Jannie recycled it for you.
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I didn't watch the debate, did Biden shit himself onstage or smtn?
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Chinksects are saying you are going to lose and holding talks with Ukraine, you are a shithole that got cucked to death by everybody
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It's Caturday. Post some kots!
i didn't watch either but biden can't talk or maybe even think
they're going to replace him with some handsome normal guy and that guy will win or they will start ww3 and cancel the elections
It's even better than that
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Here's a qrd
No but Trump did shit on him.
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100s of Ukrainian soldiers are destroyed daily by FAB bombs.
>did Biden shit himself onstage or smtn?
He did, yeah
Crazy how cats will actually save each other, meanwhile when a Russian gets hit by a drone, another Russian soldier will just walk up and shoot him in the head.
“There is no solution”: the problems of the >Ukrainian budget have baffled experts
Ukraine covers social budget expenses with foreign aid, writes Focus (https://focus.ua/economics/654439-naydet-li-ukraina-finansovye-resursy-na-voynu). Kiev finances its army expenses independently, and here the budget deficit amounted to five billion dollars. Experts are hesitant about making a painful decision: raising taxes.
>Spending on the army in 2023 was planned at $27 billion, but Ukraine spent $73 billion. US aid allocations covered social costs, but the problem with military spending remained.
>95% of Ukraine's budget revenues go to the army. Therefore, experts recognize the need to increase revenue.
Questions about how to do this and whether Kiev will have to raise taxes will be resolved shortly. Other means of raising income are the shadowing of the economy, lending, and domestic government bonds.

How can 95% of the budget go to the Army if the Army is getting gibs from everywhere?
Will banksy finally be doxxed?
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federal agents tongue my anus
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I can't even
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Who the fuck cares about the debates anyways?
Both Biden and Trump are openly kike lovers...
It doesn't matter who wins.
based, fuck Ukrainian schlomos.
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You could pay tens or hundreds of dollars for custom, bespoke softcore porn tailored to your specific fetish or just go to Instagram and thots will cater to your obscure niche kink for free.
>I didn't watch the debate, did Biden shit himself onstage or smtn?
He did surprisingly well compared to what I was expecting. Stil absolutely fucking terrible but way better than what I was expecting. But the entire thing has a feel to it like it was edited to shit, like there's no way it was shot in real time. It feels like it was filmed over multiple different takes and spliced together. With Bidet reading from a prompter.
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Thanks for the Tanya bread, fren!!
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i watched it for entertainment purposes and biden was dying live on stage, literally mumbling and then saying things like we beat medicaid or. Black--- c-child-- i-i- c-ut hmm the-m in half. when asked what he'd do for blacks, it was funny they love isreal tho both of them when asked about isreal went


they genuinely where the most lively at that point. it was funny. by biden was dying people panicked almost immediately and went he needs to go oh fuck oh shit ahh fuck.

but as per usual they couldn't even mention the term white. in a positive context. so whatever. not my problem.
I wonder if there has been more pointless war than this. Absolute idiotic waste of human life
>In the city of Vishnevoye, Buchansky district, Kyiv region, a man died due to power outages.
He fell into the elevator shaft from the fifth floor.

>At a time when the apartment building was without power, a 66-year-old man was going up in the elevator and got stuck between the floors.

> Without waiting for the rescuers to arrive, the elderly man himself tried to get out onto the landing, for which he opened the elevator doors, but was unable to evacuate and fell into the shaft.

>Rescuers who arrived at the scene removed the victim, but the 66-year-old man died on the way to the hospital.
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breadly reminder that nature is healing
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What does:
>shadowing of the e-goy-omy
> Ukrainian.
> Human.

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That's one great mama kot for sure!
So Biden acted the way he normally does?
Was the big deal just the contrast with Trump?
Sounds Japanese
Haven’t kept up with this in a while. What’s happened since around July last year, if anything?
Is joon still seething?
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I think it's meant as "reduction of shadow economy" aka stopping the black market (or taxing it) and tax dodgers.
i think the plan for some time now for the democrats was to have one or two debates where biden can't talk, and use those as the pretext for pushing him out of the way for some stooge who they think can win
Nah, he was just being his usual self - slurring all the time.
>They both dodged important questions
>They literally argued for 20 minutes whos better at golf
>"I am bigger friend of Israel!" "NO I AM BIGGER FRIEND OF ISRAEL"
>"Taxes bad!"| "No, taxes good!"
>"You are criminal" | "Your son is a criminal!"
>"My friend told me I am chad and you're jack" | "No, u!"
America is doomed.
jokes on you i'm only 1/4 jewish
WWI. Just battle of Somme had 1 million casualties after 4 month.
if youre not in asspee laffing at shitaly youre not chan cultcha
Berries with smetana was actually quite good. Hot day so I wanted to eat just something light
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I too fuck a lot of nigger hookers.
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yeah, basically noone even noticed Trump at all or what he said when biden was standing there mouth wide open. gawking. but they couldn't hide it from the public anymore and everyone picrel is the cover of time magazine.
Ukraine squandered a 150 billion dollar counteroffensive, took massive casualties and weapons losses, lost their two fortress cities (Bakhmut, Avdiivka), lost ground on Zaporozhye, lost ground on multiple axis on Donetsk, lost all ground on Lugansk, started getting pushed back on Kharkov and Sumy, lost half of their electricity capacity, Zelensky is asking for a settlement in the next months.
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Where's your Czech flag?
Media kikes have been claiming Biden's mental decline to be fake news. Suddenly it could no longer be denied.
Yeah Biden was classic Biden. But the fact that Trump was there to contrast with him and he didn't get bailed out (too much) by the host means everyone saw him sperg live.
Just remembered some war diary I read how the soldiers would describe the battlefield as mixture of wet mud and rotting human guts. WWI was also the last war where the ruling class would participate in actual fighting
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I lost it, can you help me to find?
death to sportsball, their kike enablers and nigger followers
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They don't know I am the biggest friend of Israel.
>talking to china about getting into the eu
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Fuck I wish I could eat that but I'm tryign to lose weight.
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Scores of hyhyls died pointless, gruesome deaths. Scores of military equipment got destroyed. Russia spams heavy and very heavy aviation bombs fitted with glide and guidance kits which are wreaking havoc on hyhyl fortifications and personnel. Fake bullshit one-sided piss summit in Switzerland. Russia not invited. Shunned by China, India and basically everyone who matters. Nothing was signed though a bunch of cunt-trees were coerced to pretend signing in order to even attend but in the end withdrew or the signature was meaningless press of a button on some non-binding digital document. At the piss summit, ludicrous, pie in the sky, ridiculous terms were demanded by zelenskike and his masters (Russia surrenders, gets broken up, pays quadrillions in reparayshoons, Poutine tried at the Hague etc). zelenskike's term expired but no elections held. Soon, the parliament's term will expire as well. If not already. Poutine keeps being exceedingly generous and reasonable with his terms for starting negotiations but no offer of ceasefires or armistices because hyhyls/jews cannot be trusted and have used pauses in fighting to re-arm and re-supply 3 or 4 times before. Including with the Minsk agreements. And then just got back to fighting again. Hyhyls tried to attack an strategic over the horizon radar in Sevastopol with 5 ATACMs with cluster bomblet warheads but they were all intercepted by Russian air defences. But the 5th one made it close enough to drop bomblets on beachgoears in north-western Crimea. A child or several were killed and scores of people were injured. Not a peep in globohomo media. Hyhyls attacking the ZNPP again. Globohomo press once again running cover and pretending it's Russia doing it.
Hyhyls mined their shore of the Tisa river with anti-personnel mines to deter men from fleeing to Roomania. Pressgang kidnapping efforts have intensified. Hyhyls afraid to leave the house at all, pretty much. Hyhylland e-goy-omy hanging on by a thread.
What king or president was in the trenches?
>Yeah Biden was classic Biden. But the fact that Trump was there to contrast with him and he didn't get bailed out (too much) by the host means everyone saw him sperg live.
It almost seems like the dems are intentionally throwing this election so the collapse happens on Drumpf's term.
none, but princes, sons etc were
Radio Genoa is Cambodian.
Ukraine getting into the civilized world are also chinksects interests for their belt and road initiative
>that flag
>that pic
you the money supply autist?
Think he's talking about the richer classes in general, though they still served in WW2 here, even if they weren't in direct action like in jutland or something.
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Remember what you're fighting for.
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>Seven people, including two children, were killed by a Russian missile strike in the Zaporizhzhia region. At the moment, we know about eleven injured people, three of them are children. Unfortunately, the number of casualties may still increase.

>Our cities and communities suffer from such Russian strikes every day. But there are ways to overcome this — by destroying the terrorists where they are, eliminating Russian missile launchers, hitting them with long-range weapons, and increasing the number of modern air defense systems in the Ukraine.

>I thank all our partners who are helping us. The decisions we need must be accelerated. Any delay in making decisions in this war means the loss of more human lives.
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While that probably works... I would be pretty nervous about how those bombs are hanging with a single strap and shackle that's just barely holding a bent steel rod.
That's 12 ways to die in one photo.
>France election: Marine Le Pen on the brink of power, as Emmanuel Macron's big gamble looks set to fail
Macron on the way out
Sunak on the way out
Biden on the way out

Is the West winning?
At least they were willing to kill off their own sons for a war unlike modern day kikes who fear the draft because they know they'll get killed as fodder.
>you the money supply autist?
You smelled that on me, didn't you?
this is going to be VERY NICE. Watch him play mind games with NATO to fuck up their plans.
Both lepen and Trump are in favor of supplying Ukraine with weapons though







thanks for bread
>Le Pen vows to block Macron from sending troops to Ukraine
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wrong colour
can't tell if you're a marxist or a new keynesian though
Kosher right will surely save us
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áldás minden ruszinra
I think there should be a law that if you vote for war, you and your children have to go to the frontlines
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by flooding france even harder then macron qui qui, hon hon hon. best outcome would be more years for macron just so everyone is aware whats happening and doesn't just sit there with a false sense of security.
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Post a different asian waifu please.
noodles in lime juice? well i guess its refreshing?
I would put journalists and their families there as well
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>muh marxist
>can't tell if you're a marxist or a new keynesian though
I'm a silver and XMR stacker. Any taxation after income tax is double taxation and property tax is theft.
You can believe jewish fairytals about muh based gapitalism if you want. BTW, you don't actually own anything you pay property taxes on.
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>US intelligence claims that Russian President Vladimir Putin has asked Saudi Arabia for permission to arm Yemen's Houthis with anti-ship cruise missiles, British media report.|
Hello Beefren!
>has asked Saudi Arabia for permission
what a cuck, just do it
Oh, and corporate personhood, limited liability companies and other legal fictions like that are unequal treatment of persons under the law. Because businesses and corpse-orations pay tax on profit but people/natural persons/physical persons pay tax on income.
I'm natsoc, faggot
But Saudis fight with Yemen
ngl, putin has been too fucking kind in this conflict
if this was the US, they would have already bombed kiev into a parking lot and nobody would had bat an eye
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>Beta british reporter vs chad slav Babushka
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Look at the source
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I just say Draft every kike first, they are scum with elitist mind set who think nothing bad can happen to them because they are Jews until fists start flying and they start crying.
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The US is an actual world superpower unlike the paper bear known as the puccian federation
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he actually did

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Why is monke even trying something like that? It's obvious that saudis will tell him to fuck off lol
Unless he plans to offer half of puccia in exchange - then maybe they would consider it
> I can't sleep when they don't shoot, silence annoys me.

US lost to goat fuckers in some desert tribe land. US SUPER POWER 2024!
S-300 still as deadly as ever
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Don't lie, since the holocaust we know damn well things can go south for us real hard. That's why we are taking pre-emptive measures.
China and Russia want to unite Gulf States and Saudis with Iran and Houthis. Mutts would be BTFO.
I am coming to denazify you.
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Puccians also lost to those goatfuckers and collapsed 2 years later
What anti-ship missiles has Russia for Yemen? I guess Bastion is too cool for them
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hey frens nikolai uploaded a new video
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Huh, then US intelligence is fucking retarded lmfao
I remembered they did some intelligence against our army in the 90s
They reported that we used steel french helmets, we used kevlar in that time, we havent used frenche helmets since WW2...
So the Kike with nigger fever admits they are a kike and deserves to be beaten up and thrown to the mine fields that they caused? Fuck you. Draft Every Kike. (DEK.)
Bandera was not White.
Panzer Vor!
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Henlo Katyushafren!
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>Any taxation after income tax is double taxation and property tax is theft.
>You can believe jewish fairytals about muh based gapitalism if you want. BTW, you don't actually own anything you pay property taxes on.
Based and 100% correct
I'm sick of this shit country where over half of my money is stolen from me
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We didn't cause anything but we are used to being the scapegoat in the minds of an angry mob whenever absolutely anything happens.
All nationalists need to die.
Your point?
One fucking rocket system ruined our plans for total domination, it's not fair bros
Not going to happen lmao - saudis may have made some progress in relations with iran and they made peace with houthis but they're still scared shitless of both. Their monarchy is fragile as hell and any destabilizing factor might brutally end it - especially revolutionary shia movement armed with modern anti ship missiles directly on their border
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Was it the Japanflag Ukraine shill?
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you ain't man enough if you haven't worked manual labour
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Vatniks should not bring afghanistan when the did much worse in that wasteland
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Sure, somehow Israel backs Ukraine and the guys at Black Rock are benefitting, kikes are behind this illness.

Do tell me why you are obsesses with nigger dicks?
Henlooo Nazunafren!!!
Porks self attacked their own people with their "Russian" air defence
Also something was happening near the Belarus border today.
Belarus noticed that armed hohol soldiers were crossing their border before.
Also Joon was seeing so much.
who is this fag anyways and why does it have such a following?
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Hohol brags with a photo of McDonald's
>Hey Russians, do you have this?

meanwhile a guy in the background is about to get vanned
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Phew, good, must suck to be a man.
why piss them off when you can get their blessing instead?
How can they tell it's not some local?
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why do you keep posting that ugly troon. please take some testosterone shots and find a girl. or you know eat da poopoo.

Shut the fuck up kike, muslims will rape jews in every battle from now on out, oh wait, they don't want to even touch a kikess for some reason sexually. Kikes enjoy being raped, don't give them that fetish play anons.
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henlo frens
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>I'm this particular word.
Good for you. Are you vaccinated?
We did much worse. We spent twenty years getting our asses beat, and we didn't even have the excuse of our enemies arming the Taliban at the time.
picrel is so damn depressive, i really feel absolutely horrible.
>Porks self attacked their own people with their "Russian" air defence
To the last hohol. Even the Ukraine works on it.
>Also Joon was seeing so much.
As usual.
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>even tatar or mongolian
Steak doesn't make you gain weight, silly
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>they don't want to even touch a kikess for some reason sexually. Kikes enjoy being raped, don't give them that fetish play anons.
Our based brothers at Hamas know not to touch filthy female kikes
Soviets spent a decade getting their asses beat by the mujahideen, and suffered more casualties than you
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> All nationalists have to die.
> Jews still live in pic related area and zone it off from non Jews.

Jews are absolute scum.
I mean she's an old russian lady. Of course she's racist.
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New York bros?
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BlackRock is an american company and Israel is one of the few "western" countries that do not support the Ukraine (to the degree it realistically can).
Anglo-saxons are completely and fully to blame for all wars in the last 40 years.
>I prefer nigger pussies
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They really made a cult around McDonald. I have never seen something like this before, even buck broke niggers aren't that pathetic
neither does cake, as long as you maintain a caloric deficit
Also Iskander missile was launched today
>"Iskander-M" launched a missile strike on the place of unloading a railroad echelon with armament and military equipment of the AFU near Ukrainka in Zaporizhzhya region.
So we got our asses beat for longer? That's not a good thing.
>suffered more casualties than you
About the same, actually.
I saw the video earlier. Good hit with that one.
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BlackRock is ran by two kikes that profit from wars and are basically Jewish Neo Cons (Zionists) that want to make a world monopoly to play God.
> Does Not Support Ukraine.

Yes it does because they started it.
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>Russian's should just phyop photos of American brands being enjoyed by everyday Russian's, just to cause boycotts
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Jews live among the rest of the people completely integrated in the respective societirs and you can't even tell if someone is jewish or not if they don't tell you.
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Jews are awesome
You can eat pretty much anything if you stay active enough and you don't get any soft drinks with your meals.
That's what actually fucks you over.
>500 calories
>a single glass of a soft drink you may have a second
>+300 calories per glass
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>We didn't cause anything
Explain this to me. How was this current war not caused by jews? Or were they not genuine authentic bona fide jews but counterfeit jews instead?
Or are you saying non-jews started this war.
Kindly explain to me like you would the next goy.
>but we are used to being the scapegoat in the minds of an angry mob whenever absolutely anything happens.
You dindu nuffin evah, right? Zelenskike didnu nuffin, right? Nudelman? Kagan? Perlman? PNAC? None of them did nuffin, right? Or are they all counterfeit jews? Do explain.
Let me explain to you something about us goyim. We just want to live and do and build shit. That's all. We don't live to hate on you kikes or pogrom you. We don't get up in the morning thinking how can we fuck jews over today. You, on the other hand, keep fucking with us constantly, and more and more each year. Until resentment boils over. Stop waging war on us, we'll stop hating on you. It's that simple.
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>Kikes enjoy being raped, don't give them that fetish play anons.
Well, their whole religion is a giga cope for being raped and killed in every regular war they ever fought in.
Hence they coped with their women getting raped and pregnant after every confrontation by becoming the only religion with a maternal blood line.
>Hehe losars, you just made more Jews by raping our womans!
Muslims know this and deny them the pleasure.
Soviets had 26000 casualties alone, while the entire coalition suffered 3500
>you can't even tell if someone is jewish or not if they don't tell you.
But, unless they're been assigned to be a "based" e-celeb, they WILL tell you
The coalition weren't the only ones fighting, were they, retard?
yes, and 100 gorrillion suicides, totally not KIA, trust us!!!
Kill every jew
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Selective bias, articles by literally who from the times when it was a current thing and everyone put Ukraine everywhere because it was sensational. See their actual votes in the UN (forever abstain), see their ties with Russia, see the actual amount of offloaded weapons (zero) etc.
Zhirinovsky was based, maybe kill not every jew?
I'm pretty good at guessing Jews by now, my Semite Detection Radar is very strong from nose, to balding types and so on, they'll always quiet down when you ask them if they are Jewish or if they do something because they are Jewish because they know they need to be shameful about their past and what they are doing when they are speaking to a Native who accuses them of being Jewish.

Why are these kikes afraid of proclaiming yes I'm a Jew! So what? They are afraid of being exposed as such.
yep, also all the training/ exercise "accidents"
didn't half of the special ops team that supposedly killed bin laden, die in an "accident" in saudi arabia where their helicopter was shot down by friendly fire mistakenly...
What international coalition was supplying the mujahideen and what international coalition was supplying the Taliban?
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Dude hes literally a remphan worshipping, penis sucking, infant aborting jew. Dont reapomd to him
I did, it sucks and pays peanuts, won't recommend
>I'm a silver and XMR stacker. Any taxation after income tax is double taxation and property tax is theft.
I looked into buying gold, but concluded the purchase is tax free because the taxes are already figured into the cost a few times over.
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it's all coming together
we will see another avdiikyiiva moment :]
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No, TKD.
Putin is that you? God you Russians are softies. Kill every jew. No exceptions.
Chinksects supplied those goatfuckers in both occasions
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After a while you really can spot them from a mile away
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Be more specific.
I challenge you to follow this for two weeks:
1st: your calories come from Snickers
2nd: your calories come from chicken with vegetables and rice
Same ammount of calories. Do it and tell me in two weeks what are your results.
> Selective bias.
> Literally just typed "Israel Stands With Ukraine."
> So many of these articles and pictures come up using Startpage image search

Main party supports the war because of the profits and the possibility recolonizing Ukraine with solely Jews. Hence the grifting of Ukraine war in west.
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Porks love goyslop so much
Remember "Operation: Red Wings"
An entire navy seals team got wiped the fuck out, a chinook with full SOF shot down too, and then they say they killed 200 taliban
A report was later released that it was barely around 100 taliban and barely anyone got injured lmao
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Most underrated type of work.
I'm so curious which British media would publish this.
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Bro you're arguing with a disgusting jew, you are wasting your effort
They are also in positions of hierarchy that benefit them in control over goyim from Doctors, Lawyers to Police. Fuck those kikes, I know some local ones here are trying to take control after Covid happened for sure. Fucking race traitors and you wonder why I don't like cops?
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You just want to keep all the horny chubby supervisors for yourself.
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>Or are you saying non-jews started this war.
That's what I am saying, yes. None of the "jews" you mentioned are even halakhic jews. They are "jews" according to rightoid paranoia and the website jewornotjew.com, that's all. They are anglos and slavs and first and foremost, "christians" (modern "christianity" has nothing to do with following Christ).
>We just want to live and do and build shit.
No you want to set up a prison countries you can't enter or leave, bring back slavery and gas all "wrong people" (anyone you don't like at the moment). You are fucking monkeys and you can't be trusted with decisions as you have no empathy.
Don't bother, Americans don't understand it. It's calories in, calories out. It's why they're fat.
They are just fun to trigger, name the kike, call the kike, troll the kike, that's how you win in 2024.
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Hey putler, hey... can you just bomb zelenskyyy, budanov and literally anyone who has ever appeared in public with any american oligarch? Nah? You just gona keep ofab'n poor fucking conscripts huh?
It's from "Ukraine's War: The Other Side".
It's actually sad how the fucking reporter seemed to get honest answers from whoever he spoke to and he still fucking managed to sprinkle in "western" propaganda shit to make it seem like Ukraine's in the right.
Crypto-kike is still a kike khazar.
you'd probably lose more weight with a snickers diet because no protein = no gainZ
just don't fucking overeat, say no, you can yes eat whatever you want just count the calories. you don't need 3000 calories a day. unironically get a notepad and a pen and just write down the amount of calories you consume stay around 800-1000 for a week orso and see the results. tadaaah you lost weight :O
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potato man does something in 2024?
what do you think caloric deficit means, memeflag?
>wants TKD because he's based
>wants TKD because he's jewish

Zhirik was too powerful for this world, death had to take him while he was in coma otherwise he would've told it to fuck off to isreal and shittalked it to megadeath
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Have some more.
Putin should just target Ukrainian elite living overseas with assassination missions to make a point, lmao! Mossad tactics!
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Define the jew then. Properly and scientifically.
Tip: you fucking can't because your ideology is baseless hate.
>China responded to the Soviet war in Afghanistan by supporting the Afghan mujahideen and ramping up their military presence near Afghanistan in Xinjiang. China acquired military equipment from America to defend itself from Soviet attack.[34]
>By the early 1980s, China viewed Afghanistan as posing a moderately high risk because of its ties with the Soviet Union.[35]
>Negroponte confirmed the U.S. concerns over China's weapons deals with Tehran after a 10-ton weapons cache was discovered in the western Afghan province of Herat.

>The cache found in Ghurian district, near the border with Iran, included artillery shells, land mines, and rocket-propelled grenade launchers with Chinese, Russian, and Persian markings on them.

>Britain's Foreign Office has also confirmed that it has complained to Beijing about Chinese-made HN-5 antiaircraft missiles confiscated from Taliban fighters who were captured or killed by British Royal Marines in Helmand Province. Beijing has said that it would investigate allegations that the weapons were forwarded to the Taliban through Iran.
Oh that's disappointing, but unsurprising..
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Here, gift for beloved ally.
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You are a jew
New wunderwaffen dropped
What government gave Stinger missiles to Muslim extremists?
And it's not just about proteins and calories.. Loads of other stuff as well, like vitamins and amino-acids found in healthy foods matter a lot. Yeah, you could lose some weight technicaly, if you are very obese... at what cost though? your health gets much worse.
>just kill zelensky so the CIA has an easier time replacing him with a puppet of their choosing
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Thank you didn't know that.
Eh, it's watchable anyways, the people make it worthwhile.
Well, the interviews at least.
I could throw it up on litterbox for you if you want me to, desu.
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shut up jew. go fight some palestinians and end up being uploaded as part of a kill compilation
That would be awesome, thanks bro.
what puppet hes the puppet, literally a fucking movie actor hooked on cokaine how the fuck can you get any more cia puppet than that?
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>The coalition weren't the only ones fighting, were they, retard?
It's pretty interesting desu.

It seems the USSR took a much more active role than the US if you compare the ratio of allied Afghan soldiers to occupying force casualties.
Another interesting aspect is that the USSR (only with Afghan support) fought an Afghanistan with alliances, including direct involvement by 3 countries (Pakistan, Iran and the US/Globohomo alliance) and won (arguably since their Afghan socialist republic even out lasted the USSR), while the US with allies couldn't even win against an isolated Afghanistan.
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Do you have genetic records of the people you mentioned to verify and confirm or refute their "jew" status according to your own criteria?
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Do manuls count?
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Lebanon to stone age in 2 weeks.
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>From the statement by Deputy Head of the Russian Centre for the Reconciliation of Enemy Parties Major General Yury Popov in the Syrian Arab Republic.
>On 29 June, between 11.00 and 11.05 a.m. over the locality of Al-Sukhnah in Homs province at altitudes of 7,500 to 8,500 metres, there was once again a dangerous approach between one ‘Coalition’ MQ-9 Reaper unmanned aerial vehicle and one Su-35 aircraft of the Russian Armed Forces, which was carrying out a routine flight in Syrian airspace. The Russian pilot, demonstrating high professionalism, took the necessary measures in a timely manner to prevent a collision.
>dont kill the leader of your enemiea, because they will just get replaced
-Art of War June, 2024
Finno-Ugrians don't exist, you are Sami-Siberian in denial
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The funny pun is that Gift means Poison in German and even in Swedish and Norwegian you can use Gift to say poison.
Didn't Tsar Nicholas go to the front to personally command his troops
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>while the US with allies couldn't even win against an isolated Afghanistan.
And america's pupet government collapsed before the americans even finished leaving lmfao. America is a complete embarrassment to humanity.
Shut up balkanoid turkfucker.
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>Taliban was supplied weapons by chinksects through iran and Pakistan
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do ruschinks count
the nose and schizophrenic behavior when you ask them about their religion is usually good enough of a statistic to determine a kike without blood tests operated by kikes.

Do tell me another theory for why these kikes shut up when asked of their religion? They can just say they are atheists if they don't believe in Judaism or whatever, why can't they do that even?

They can't ever admit to not being a Jew, they must be in complete shock someone found them out.
Pakistan supplies weapons to Ukraine. Notice a pattern yet?
Diet advice for midwits. Far more is involved for best results, but it's pearls before swine.
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It was too big for litterbox, but here's the Mega.

You're gonna hate the reporter by the end of it though.
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Chinksects don't like puccians and want their shithole to get weakened, that's not news
>You're gonna hate the reporter by the end of it though.
It's a reporter. I hated it going in.
Cheers Romanon
I hate him already. It hurts to see a countryman being such a willing idiot for jews.
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Worse, it's a british reporter that's solid into keeping his own narrative.
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the topic at had was weight loss, not having the perfect, healthy diet. you're probably some lanky dyel ass anyways.
Post body with time stamp
>you're probably some lanky dyel
I'm pretty much a dyel. Curling only 55lb dumbbells. Post arms if you like.
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At least you admit it. We need to grow stronger.
>cant into bants
flag checks out
>Curling only 55lb dumbbells
Isn't that pretty good?
i'll post ceps when you post flag, nigger
No, jews feel threatened so are empowering “nationalists” to send the goyim to war for zion.
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just don't eat too much calories, don't eat carbs like bread and potatoes either, count your calories, and voila lose some weight a notepad pen and looking up the amount of calories in things you eat and write em down. don't go over 800. and voila you'll lose weight. try it on a weekend or something. plus keep yourself abit busy allot of over eating comes from boredom same as all other addictions. but you do need to eat. so eh. and yes soda's and cofffee and tea have calories. drink water instead.




Are you a woman?
What was Operation Cyclone?
I'll save you the embarrassment.
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that's what i thought
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>That's what I am saying, yes. None of the "jews" you mentioned are even halakhic jews. They are "jews" according to rightoid paranoia and the website jewornotjew.com, that's all. They are anglos and slavs and first and foremost, "christians" (modern "christianity" has nothing to do with following Christ).
So Zelenskike isn't a kike, he's a Christian? And so is Victoria Nudelman? And Anthony Blinken? And all the other jews who started this yet another jewish war to kill Europeans using other Europeans or mutts or muttified Europeans to do it, they're all counterfeit, fake or subpar/not quite jewish enough jews?
But we're supposed to discern this from the outside? And care that they're not quite jewish or purely jewish enough jews?
>No you want to set up a prison countries you can't enter or leave,
No, we just don't want niggers and other invasive fauna flooding in and colonising our homelands. Being brought in by the millions by... you jews. Why? Why do you do this? What the fuck is your fucking problem?
No, we don't want to mix or interbreed with niggers and shitskins.
No, they're not the same or equivalent to us.
Stop fucking bringing them in. Fuck you. You go to the middle east, massacre and oppress the locals, steal their land, put them in a prison city, starve them and the ones you'll let survive you want to ship to our homelands?
Why? Fuck you.
>bring back slavery
Nope, you did that with banks and capitalism. The latest/current version of slavery.
Your fucking invention.
>and gas all "wrong people"
Why do you bring up gassing? Do you have a fetish for it or something?
>(anyone you don't like at the moment). You are fucking monkeys and you can't be trusted with decisions as you have no empathy.
Absolutely fucking hilarious. The projection is just out of this world. Probably like you kikes yourselves. Like, from another planet. Descendants of the coneheads or something.
Is picrel your ancestor?

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