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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Timeline /tug/: https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>FT: European NATO countries would struggle to field 300,000 total - https://archive.today/08KRT
>Azov commander admits to his unit acting as blocking detachment - https://archive.today/4GyuO
>"I feel as if I am in a prison": the men avoiding the meatcatchers - https://archive.today/Q3VMM
>Putin continues his Asian trip, arriving in Vietnam - https://archive.today/3YvEQ
>Putin's visit to North Korea in pictures - https://archive.today/muSbj
>Putin arrives in North Korea with high-level delegation - https://archive.today/DGh32
>GIB! GIB! Only $800 billion to beat putler! - https://archive.today/IMaDq
>“We should prepare for life in the cold and the dark”: Half the ukraine's energy generation destroyed - https://archive.today/hLsXK
>Sanctions aren't working because we didn't call Putin racist enough times - https://archive.today/zWUbr
>Putin: 'Russia has the right to supply weapons to foreign countries & strike western targets with them' - https://archive.today/Thb5A


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Live - Black Sea - Marine Traffic

Russian (former opposition to Putin)




American (neocons)


Air raid alarms

More maps:
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>ODAB-1500 strike
>Mad Max: SMO Road
>Munitions warehouse in Odessa burns
>Dagestani terrorists killed by Special forces P1
>Dagestani terrorists killed by Special forces P2
>Houthis released a new TKD anthem
>Another FAB-3000
>Second usage of FAB-3000 UMPK, massive wings clearly visible
>FAB-500 shockwaves in high humidity
>First usage of FAB-3000 w/ UMPK, Kharkov direction
>AFU soldier tries to surrender to Russian drone, is killed by AFU drone
>Lukashenko wondering why most of the corrupt officials are jews
>"They killed Kenny!"
>Romanians shouting 'Putin' during Romania - Ukraine match
>Showcase of an attack-transport UAV “Perun”
>AFU surrender to fpv drone in the field
>T-90 gets hit by javelin but survives
>Disembarking AFU getting fpv struck
>Ukrainian Su-25 being hit by a Lancet
>Burning MTLB gets to safety, driver nominated for award
>Sudoplatov takes out an Abrams tank

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>Armenia accepted an invitation to the partner event at the July 9th-11th NATO Summit in Washington DC.
>The country withdrew from the Kremlin's so-called military alliance just a few weeks ago.
>Azerbaijan will also be present.
Comfy bread
The Talmud status:
Gay russians are losing.
Why should non North Atlantic people be allowed on the NATO team? They should form their own coalition with Ukraine if they are so keen on hurting Russia.
>still no gore videos
>"i-it's because of optics!"
lmao, pathetic
Пpивeт пeтyхи. Кaк нacтpoeниe?
>mad because we're not 12yr olds who just discovered liveleak
Who's winning?
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Thanks for the bread
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>Tranny jew desires gore to beat off to
literally only jewish people and swedish people.
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Man this guy's big.
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Flat chest enthusiasts
Зaпятyю пepeд oбpaщeниeм пpoпycтил. Caдиcь, двoйкa
For you
funny how quickly you hated gore when it was your side showing up on videos.
Cheers to 500k dead Russians and cheers to 500k more
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>caring about winning the real war
lol beta male mentality
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>thread splits because of some paid bots spamming the same shit 10webm all week, 100 times per thread
Nigger. Go back to your psyop controlled thread, we are in line with the acceptable 10%-20% anime here
These guys are hypocrites they readily spam Ukraine gore here the rare tines they get good ones
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Literal seething. /uhg/ posts russian gore regularly while you guys pretend you're morally superior. it's hilarious.
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Russian anons! Show me your war face when you get drafted to die for Putin!
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>Russia's most dangerous planes are in the open air at airfields less than 200 km from the the Ukrainian border, but the Armed Forces of the Ukraine cannot destroy them on the ground due to the US ban, — Forbes

>Dozens of the regiment's Su-34s—perhaps about half of Russia's active fleet of supersonic, twin-engine fighter-bombers—are regularly parked in the open air on the tarmac at the recently renovated Baltimore air base.

>They are in the range of the Ukraine's best deep strike weapons - the missiles of the US Army tactical missile system. "The Ukraine could potentially disable the entire operational fleet deployed there if it is allowed to launch such a strike," Frontelligence Insight notes.

>This ban by Biden is madness, absolute madness.

This is madness. Madness!
They are, deal with it. Most Russians have and just accepted they were the bad guys, like Wagner
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>burger shills replying to each other
who's "you" nigger? i feel the same regardless of what side the poor soul having a VOG dropped on his head is fighting for. it's fucking soulless. /uhg/ is the one weaponizing and spamming that shit because they think they're totally pwning us with it
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What the fuck is the kikes' problem, /chug/? Why can't they get some fucking help?
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I'm.debating some ughlies on chasiv yar. But I think they have won! They keep asking me when we will take it and don't have an answer

What is the best come back?
Just noticed that russian drone footage doesn't zoom into the gore like ukranian ones, huh
>perhaps about half of Russia's active fleet
Damn what kinda airport is hosting 100+ Su-34s?
What is in the bowl on the right?
>im fighting the information war
unironically kill yourself you piece of shit, i knew ukrainians who died from this shit that YOUR country started. YOU are a fucking piece of shit, YOU are a fucking demon and i will shed no tears when the mexican cartels behead you and your mtoher.
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>immediately after a memeflag post gore
Absolutely pathetic attempt
I wish they would send better glownigger shills
You realize this whole thread is Russian shills replying to eachother all day? Fucking retard
I don't care. /chug/ turned cuck because they ran out of videos of ukies dying and decided to spin it as "well russians don't want to be seen as inhuman" blah blah blah.
the only reason we haven't attacked this airbase is because the missiles would get shot down, and then we would get retaliated on for nothing, and we don't have enough missiles to waste
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>Playing vidya
>2 teammates constantly dying to stupid shit
>Pretty much carry the whole match
>Ask them where they are from
>They say Ukraine
>Reply back "Now I see why Ukraine is losing"
>Loud Hruking and Oinking sounds from them
I hate hohols
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Supposedly liver paste.
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Wait until he starts talking about circumcision.
Did you know Russia started the conflict because Ukraine wanted to join EU and left Russia's sphere of influence?
Houthis wanted to get x-31 missiles, but Saudi was against it.
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This is pointless we all know Ukraine can't possibly win. The west is effective as their lead countries president Joe Alzheimers Biden
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>Unfortunately I think we are losing the information war
>But we will always win the real war.
He тpяcиcь, хoхлищe, cкopo тeбe пиздa.
>paki bong and a non taco eating "mexican" immediately start posting about gore as soon as the other shill post gore
They are desperate, they are vpn fagging now
>Most believable FSB falseflag
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>You realize this whole thread is Russian shills replying to eachother all day? Fucking retard
When am I finally getting paid?
>I don't care
we know
Don't care. fuck ukraine, I want videos of them dying
Sar hows the dead baby sar? Did the dead baby get reedemmed sar?
Then why are you cucks pretending to give a fuck about optics? post the god damn gore videos.
Hello Kuwaiti Alphafren!

>Loud Hruking and Oinking sounds from them
How the hell do you even on the same server with Europeans?
It's not like the bacon will be fried if they will try it
Shilling for escalation while being outside of Ukraine is genius
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Hey /drink/
I got you some snacks to /eat/!
nah. keep seething tho fedboi :)
Do you have blood sucking squeetos over there? If not im learning your language and im moving there, fuck this gay place.
lmao seethe cuck. either post the videos or concede that you don't have any. old /chug/ was based when every push had footage associated with it. now you cucks are self-policing because another thread on /pol/ might mock you
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Hey guys, are hohols still winning?
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hey fucking turboretard, the comfy in chug means its gore free. Why are you so dumb?
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I have tried those, its not good senpai. I was drunk and a gook old lady was frying them on a sidewalk stand in Korea. I think it was silk pupae. I threw up and went back to the bar to drink more soju to forget.

Spoiler: I did not forget.
they will be winning to the bitter end
hey retard, /chug/ ALWAYS had gore with it before you fags started getting spammed by /ugh/ trannies.
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I get a chicken would be happy eating those
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Do you feel comfy and gore-free?
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>playing dota
>team carries me (barely)
>something like 2/12/8
>say "gg ez. slava ukraini"
>everyone seething
I'm doing my part, I'm making people hate hohols.
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There are many, plenty even. All the time.
Also fuck off we are full
The trick is to be drunk BEFORE.
That way you get antegrade amnesia (brain stops making new memories)
Then you wake up next day and wonder what happened.
lmao WRONG! Same gay shit as gamergate.
>repeat a lie and it will become truth.
Just hang yourself, the entire split happened because goverment funded shitheads kept spamming the same 10 gore webms. Suck a dick niggerfaggot or cheque out the trauma cash for these 3 words.
> Russians make ukrainians look like obnoxious peasants
so the ukraine intel minister was trueth
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These Russian soldiers are doing their part too
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I still think this is my favorite
I was, heavily I might add. I do enjoy the dried small little fishes and calamary/octopus they sell at convenience stores like japan and korea. Those are salty and delicious with cold beer.
usa and z flag kek
Nigger I was here when /chug/ was in single digits. Gore videos were part of the entire purpose. Stop being a fucking revisionist because you want to be seen as morally superior on 4chan
Third ip switch from that burger
this is totally not nafo spam
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Hey at least he's not doing this shit.
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Totally organic posting. I wonder what just got bombed.
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Sup man, how's it going with the tide turning?
I like you. Come to my house and fuck my sister
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Leave the bugs somewhere and let the animals to eat them
They will love it
The worst shills they send here, i tell you
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Tell me about it...
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Do they do it for free?
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>glowies spend billions for this
i could put up a better 1man psyop for free
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They recieve significant financial compensation
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I always like how Russhils would much rather talk about something that belongs on >>>/lgbt/ rather than the war since it's too depressing lol
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>Helmet saved a man's life in a stunt accident. During demonstrations in the Moscow region, a car fell on a traffic police inspector. A 48-year-old man was taken to hospital with bruises and a broken leg. The helmet protected him from more serious injuries.
Phew! I love helmets!
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This is still my favourite one to date, simply because of timing.
I'm 3 weeks from meeting my son. This old cope really isn't getting value for you.
nice tune compilation
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These vatniks be all comfy
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>more than one person makes fun of Russia
>tankies lose their shit
Please understand
They are only given a script and brown colored crayons to feed. They only get red ones whenever they do not fail.
>1 man and a VPN is all it took to scare /chug/ from posting gore ever again
I paid money for this experience, I will experience the experience.
I bought "death nut challenge" peanuts and ate them. Did I do it because I was hungry? No. I wanted to experience spicy.
I enjoy sprats. Nothing like smoked sprat on rye bread
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do you think poland, rumenia and the other butthurt belt flags will ever recover from the damage the hohol draft dodgers did to them?
how long will it take for a poland flag just to be a poland flag and not a butthurt hohol whos mother is getting railed for cents in the other room?
>Russia's active fleet of supersonic, twin-engine fighter-bombers—are regularly parked in the open air on the tarmac at the recently renovated Baltimore air base.
>Russia's active fleet
>at the recently renovated Baltimore air base.
Hahaha what the fuck. I supposed Boeden doesn't want another disaster in Baltimore before the elections
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They were licking chinks boots yesterday as well. They know poccia will turn into another Cambodia for sex tourism and child trafficking
I feel like baking.

The newsman will be taking over all baking operations.

Per chug rules I'm the new baker. Any non newsman bakes shall and will be deleted
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Since i was thinking about the west and the biden trump debate i wanted to put it into words, what you are seeing is a break in the normies heads, the normies saw biden and he was dying in real time on live national television, they know what they saw.

And they are unable to come to grips with it, that this probably isn't a temporary stumble and bump but more like an actual crisis. a historical crisis they know it the people know it and some people knew back in 2010.

The Empire seems to be falling stumbling and crumbling, akin to the abbasid caliphate or the qing dynasty rome you get the idea, and they just now figured it out.

But the normies will quickly retreat into voting(yes i know it doesn't matter) for biden to escape reality of what they saw, Imagine you're a slave just for a moment in chains and everything and suddenly someone comes along and shoots your master, you don't immediately go wow this is awesome. you panic you become anxious. because what comes next you don't know. thats what normies are feeling right now.

and before someone says oh but they can replace him! with who and why would they want the job it's a sinking ship. for now they can just fill their pockets with cash and then get on a lifeboat or they need to pilot the ship as it's headed straight into a iceberg. Kamala Newsome they all don't want the job plus they aren't so popular either.

Normality isn't coming back and they know it now Normality died a few years ago. and it has completely driven the normies insane.

In context of the war, this might mean more warmongering more escalation as they try to hold onto the dream of the empire. be safe out there. they won't for a second hesitate to thrown entire nations to the meatgrinder.

Covid broke the west and it ain't coming back.
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NAFOjannies seething hard. For sure a bunch of NAFOids got kalibrated again.
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>Burger King in Austria tricks people into eating it.

>They made the plant based version the “normal” burger, so unless you explicitly say “with beef” you get the fake stuff.

>Obviously nobody knows or forgets that and gets tricked into eating it.

quite devilish if true. people fooled to eat plant sloppa
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Here's an actual true story.
My mother's coworker is a liberal, with friends in (Western) Ukraine. So she offered to host them here, for free.
They came, hang around on gibs for like 6 months, all expenses paid. Went back to Ukraine, to her confusion.
So she asked them what was the problem, to which they replied "They're going to America".
I think we don't have nearly as many Ukrainians as you do.
our weapons totally work, the post
How on earth is it possible that hohols are literally dying for jews? It's fucking insane. Just imagine, you live, go to school, then to the college, try to fuck some pretty girls, and then just die for fucking jews in the meaningless war...
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oh yeah, thats good stuff too right there. Did you just buy the silk worms today? Have you tried it too?
If you are the newsman, where's your tripcode and title?
When be the tide all turned tho
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is he still around?
btw he ALWAYS posts with at least 2 IDs
you can literally watch him replying to himself and its hilarious
I bet hohols will have their own BLM style movement in Europe that will be aimed at getting gibs and free stuff, stealing things from stores, demanding to remove monuments and so on
actually I identify as hohol (but only when I'm playing dota), I scream things like "нy дoпoмoгy жe нy!" and "вoт жeж зpaдa блять".
I do not speak ukrainian but I try.
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kek they even called the trannitor for their discord raid
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Why are so many ziggers suiciding?
Please let there be a lawsuit over this.
Oh wow that one is hilarious!
I saw him switch 8 times in a single thread once
I learned a great deal of Ukrainian while visiting the dvach.
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Imagine dying for Putin in his war
The newsman adapts as per the situation requires. No trip
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Here's an entire thread gone wrong.
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my experience is different

>play dota
>every time there's Ukrainians and Russians in the same team as me i stoke the flame
>Russians call me hohol while Ukrainians call me pidorashka

Is this how Jews feel?
I imagine people dying for their homeland and their children's future. But what are hohols dying for?
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99% of his posts are in the form of a question
even when he replies to himself its just a reply bait to himself
his handler once forced him to spam for over 12 hours straight because i baited him into saying hes not a pedophile
btw hes a compromised pedophile
>Imagine you're a slave just for a moment in chains and everything and suddenly someone comes along and shoots your master, you don't immediately go wow this is awesome. you panic you become anxious. because what comes next you don't know. thats what normies are feeling right now.
I like this analogy, but it's hard to credit normies with enough intelligence to even be afraid. Even with the constant talk of getting drafted.
You are wrong. That Russian soldier for part of a I'll fated zerg rush. Should he have survived he would be patched up and forced to zerg rush machine gun fire again
Have you seen any pics from blinokacha? It's totally retarded and insane.
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Isn't Russia attacking Ukraine?
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>I'm doing my part, I'm making people hate hohols.
5th generational warfare.
>Russians have captured the happy meals
Natosisters, I'm not lovin' it anymore...
> /uhg/ posts russian gore regularly
That’s one of the reasons I want to torture you in front of your family.
Post your saar hand and stillborn baby and prove you're the real newsman.
Russians don't do zerg rush. Hohols do. Why? They're just dying for your fucking island full of retards like you.
No, earlier this week.
Have not tried. I still have a lot of beer and peanuts to go through. Then, when I can only experience, but not make memories, perhaps I will muster the courage to try it.
Tomorrow, 3 outcomes.
A. Bugs unoponed,
B.bugs opened but some leftover
C.bugs opened and empty package.
A - i am coward
B - bugs tasted
C1 - bugs tasted good all eaten
C2 - bugs yucky flushed down the shitter
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What's wrong with zigger gore?
NAFO attacked first, so Russia is on defense.
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Don't open this image hohol sisters
Hohols are dying to keep niggers safely in their rear.
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I don't remember the name, really, got anything to share?
Here's another fun one.
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>This is madness. Madness!
And I think they should go for it.
The way society in the west works, only an external force or complete financial meltdown can destroy the institutions that opress our peoples.
So please Jürgen, do it.
Just like austrianigger that mostly makes "why russia" threads that go way back to 2018.
Shills work in 12 hour shifts normally though, hence why the shift is at 00:00 GMT 0
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Isn't Russia sending waves of zigger meat to die?
"judeochristians" are the enemy of europe. Not even a main one, they are just slave golems.
Niggers are not the main issue, jews are.
100% organic posts continue. Those two post in sync. Hohols are pathetic
before this happening started I would pretend to be foreigner, play exclusively on EU servers.
I have good english, so whenever I see russian speech I say "speak english please this is european server"
to which they would reply "try speaking russian" or some other snarky shit.
to which I would reply in a bit broken russian something like "I have learned to speak your monkey language in 6 months you are weak"

Yes, this is how jews feel.
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Haha! Can I see the NAFO attacking Russia?
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See, this one >>472589877 is more subtle.
On one hand, and in focus, you've got the thing the guy in the back's getting mobilized and will die for. Really, a great shot, and a plot twist to the question for the viewer.
Porks are salty today
This is good
seethe, cope, dilate
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Oh God, you are going to force me to stay tunned to chug all day awaiting a post like :
>cyka blyat, these things are worst than death!
I think I am the only one on this board right now thats already knows the outcome, lmao.
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>commie cigan
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>Porks are salty today
That Drumpf Bidet debate really did a number on everyone on their side.
I cannot find it because Google censored it. But they put Mcmeals and Coca-Cola in the coffin. It's retarded beyond any recognition. They also play some insane music during the funeral and stay on their knees.
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they are panicking right now, because you never know if the guy who shot your master, also doesn't want to get rid of you. which is fairly common with regime change they want the most hardline supporters of the old regime gone.
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his signature move is to call literally everyone who makes fun of him angry
Cmon man, people gotta eat. It's a job at least.
Also their assistance with bumps is appreciated.
So there is just one dude here vpn and ip fagging around. During the last hour only one hohol shill thread was made and the previous was made 2 hours ago. Those two are the only hohol threads in the entire catalogue excluding r/uhg that is like 2 hours old already.
their president is Jewish after all, and they won the world war for Russians

EU should be ruled by ukrainians and they should take at least half of the places in USA senate
What happened to the shills? They are sending literal retards now.
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The McBurial? I have it saved.
So far we have 800k hohols dead, around 2kk of hohols don't have legs anymore. Millions fled to Europe and Russia. Their women are now being impregnated by arabs and turks in Europe. The infrastructure is nearly destroyed, the economy is nonexistent now. Total victory of hohols!
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For some reason when i type in Serbian Cyrillic both Russians and Ukrainians think I am Belorussian so to them I am just fellow eastern slav kek
Always saying that God gave them two legs to clear two mines in the Donbass or to 1v1 at what ever town is having heavy fighting.
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>Also their assistance with bumps is appreciated.
No, they're in cahoots with jannies. jannie will will delete their bot posts after 300 posts and then ban the baker for baking before 300.
level herson
Are you retarded? They kept expanding their very aggressive military bloc and now are literally in a proxy war with Russia.
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>The Russians are not doing human wave attacks
they do tho, anyone who say you otherwise is liar and dumb moscovite
I was there, week ago, deployed outside Bakhmut defending the black soil transports to Poland
facing masses of vatniks attacking constantly in waves
I shoot them with my trusty Kord(made in Russia) until the barrel melted(as expected from soviet shit), then shoot them with my loyal Beryl(made in Poland)
and they still kept coming, all drunk or drugged, old and young, shouting 'slava ukraine, gierojom slava, debil lach niet strelayet, my swoi'
fucking vatniks, I killed hundreds of them and they still kept coming marked by their green camo armband thinking that I will not spot them
still we were almost forced to withdraw, lucky we were reinforced by some proPolish partisans with white-red armbands and we were able to repel orc hordes, we shared cigarettes, it was hard to communicate with them as they were speaking very strange version of Polish(must be Kresy accent) but I think they tried to say that they will be in Warszawa in two weeks, wished them good luck in fight against asiatic hordes
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This board has never been the same since shitrael and the cia offshored their work to jeets.
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Hell i even tracked the lego set.
I've never thought the left were concerned for themselves when facing the prospect of losing an election, they're not really even smart enough to understand what they're afraid of. They know that fascists are bad, but don't know what one is or how to spell it.

At best they may be scared that brown people may be slightly slowed from entering the country, but real fear I think doesn't exist for them. Just some tribal fear of losing a dominance which for them is completely disconnected from the resulting policies and living conditions it has caused.
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The big issue now is the median income in China is now higher than USA. If you look up this information they will try to scramble the stats by listing salaries in China per month vs per year in US, compare stats from 15 years ago, single income vs household etc. It seems to be a propaganda nuclear bomb right now. Imagine trying to explain that one to NPCs...
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Apparently this guy is from Bangladesh and died fighting for Russia in Ukraine. Why are all these third worlders becoming cannon fodder for Russia? It's honestly weird, are they just that poor
why does the patch look photos hoped?
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>Hell i even tracked the lego set.
Lmao it's so retarded, I have no words for this. Hohols have been always like that.
You are too stupid to live if you believe that China has a higher median income than the US. Please stop posting on 4chan until you are over 18
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>Kerch Bridge is closed
5th ip already? Stopped counting
Not sure this comes from a Russian telegram channel
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This is the official data. You may want to ask your financial elites why that is. Or hide in your goon cave and cope that way, your choice.
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Hello again frens
It's frankly tragic. They're dying for fucking consumerism of all things. For shit they could've gotten easily even if the entire fucking country became Russia, China or Bandgladesh tomorrow.
Hell, becoming part of Russia quitely would've been an actual improvement to their shithole, since they were worse off than Moldova to begin with, and Moldova's only half-working as a country because we're keeping it somewhat afloat with gibs.
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oh they do they are very concerned for themselves the current empire has done a great job at rewarding people that support it with jobs security. you think those DEI Officer jobs have some rando staffing it? it's usually some worker from a democrat campaign. they reward them for their loyalty.

So now they are panicking as this might definitely mean a loss of their jobs security everything they hold dear and its already happening somewhat in regards to the Pride Month stuff some true believers will keep on going but most are just worried now i am certain. and they can't infinitely print money anymore for their pet ideology. due to the petrodollar being dismantled.

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Why do countries near Russia want to join Nato and West?
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I'm loving it!
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I love this lmao, keep it going
You've only seen a very small portion of it, they have much more. It's so retarded you won't believe it.
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Damn. That one really hits the spot. Kinda like this one.
Well explain this
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is the UN fag actually here 24/7?
theres no way thats not a pajeet
this is "steven smith from microsoft customer service" levels of unaware how obvious it is
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>comparatively lots of rich people of certain ethnic-religious background, the average person is poor
>comparatively few rich people, the average person is wealthy
I don't know why it's so difficult to believe that China is ahead of USA in terms of median income.
Are you planning to capture Moldova? I've heard of a referendum or something.
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Salaries don't really matter if i make 10 dollars a month but a fine meal at a restaurant is 00.01 cents then those ten dollars are great.

If i make 1000 dollars and a fine meal at the same restaurant is 100 dollars i am not doing well.
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U still here Nazuner banan?
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My friend.
My phone types Q when I mean to type A.
B when I mean N. N when I mean space.
I am afraid you will not be arriving to a conclusion simply because by the time I try ze bugs I will not be able to solve captcha due to aforementioned problems and alcohol.
Yup. Still sweating and waiting for the rain to come.
If you are being genuine the median monthly income in the US is about $4800. It's much higher than in China.
Because they don't have any sovereignty.
Did you have to end a other driving lesson early because I said I was baking

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no way
>If i make 1000 dollars and a fine meal at the same restaurant is 100 dollars i am not doing well.
Fractions haaaaard! Bring more niggers in!
Yes, products and services are 5-10 times cheaper in China than in the USA. The numbers listed are absolute. If you convert to comparable equivalent money units the median income China is around $300,000.
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But best of luck to you lad, I salute you!
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Death to Globohomo Z
Well fuck me, at this point I might as well learn Mandarin.
>nooo please let us terror bomb civilians
lmao shameless kikes
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Capture? Nah.
We've been wanting to reintegrate it for ages into Romania. The thing is, at this point if it happens it won't be because of the will of the people (Moldovans are comfy on their own and becoming Romanian only for the passports and they'd tank our economy harder than you annexing Mexico), it'll be because their ZOG-aligned president (Maia Sandu, look her up, she's got a funny CV), is planning to get the entire country into both NATO and EU by playing the "we're now one country haha lmao" card.
The current chief general of Ukraine dubbed the Butcher. Guess why.
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putin nuke footbal
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I love this woman
China is around $40000-50000. The difference is products and services are much cheaper in China because there are no resellers like amazon, walmart or costco. It's actually amazing how poor america has become.
I got one of the best shill incidents yesterday
>posts made up "russia jewish" shit
>writes "its da joos" reddit demoralization jidf catchphrase in the same post
absolutely subhuman nigger iq
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dementia status?
Are they the same people culturally? The language is almost the same, right?
The guy with a jar up his ass died. National tragedy for ukraine
I never said Ukraine did not zerg. I said Russia did which you denyed. Russia main tacticus has been the zerg rush.
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Oh hold on, i gotcha with something else.

The irish discord retard is here expecting a move to /bant/
its just boring kike projection
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I'd let that nigger grip my rifle and her lesbian bottom handle my nades.
Russia cannot allow it meat waves. Their population is like 150kk, the West has many more. Hohols are dying now voluntarily.
Shut your trap you lying pajeet fuck.
The Newman wins again
1-0 on the night
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What's Big Nig Floyd Autisms doing? Sending these to jew-crane? Or are they actually going to secure their southern border?
It's literally our Ukraine.
Initially Ottomans ruled over it because Moldova was a vassal state to them (cuz we lost), then they gave it to Russia (cuz they lost).
In 1917, They became an independent republic in the USSR, which in turn led to their independence and reunification with us in 1918.
We had to give parts of it in 1940 because of the Ribbentrop-Molotov pact (Basarabia and Northren Bucovina) which in turn became "Moldova" and parts of Ukraine.
In 1991, Moldova became independent again.
There's been "talks" about reunification ever since.
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you and me hermano
Good points. I like your optimism. Wonder how deep the fear goes. How people like Larry Fink think about this.

I'd like to see the private sector get shook up as well, considering how much influence the left wields from that unelected sphere of politics.
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Here's a good one for you, Mexibro.
so your point is that russia uses some kind of human wave assaults (zerg rush is not military term, its just something you came up with so I dont know how to categorize that) and then you are linking twitter post which says that russia removed general which were making human wave assaults contradicting yourself.

you jeets need to fuck off back to bangladesh or pakistan or whatever the fuck indian shithole you have come from.
I'm asking unironically, can you show me one webm or gif with Russians doing zerg rush. You and your discord friends have been posting plenty of webms or gifs showing killing Russians but i don't remember a single video of something that you could describe as a zerg rush. The closest thing that comes to my mind are photos of destroyed leopards or Bradleys from the counteroink
You can go to /uhg/, the original thread ask for all kinds of gore you want
well you need to understand that borders of globohomo empire are in ukranda
even some mutt politican admitted that
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Saturday almost over and Monday approaching fast. I am so tired of this Samsara bros.
Lmao, nice, thanks Mr. Romania
No I am not a tranny
As with all soviet republics, there's been some ethnic replacement fuckery going on, so the "actual" russian parts (mainly Transnistria) are trying to break off, even though something like 85% of the population is Romanian.
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median income and median salary is not the same

median income includes the jobless, various pensioneers and the youth

sure, usa is still cheating with it's jobless numbers and chinese ppp is much better, but it's important to not directly compare those two numbers
The American retard deny and I verify.

He claimed Russia didn't and i have proven they have.

2-0 the newsman.

Lol I'm not on discord
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Hello Nazunafren!
I pick EU servers for faster queues but in most games, but in some games only European servers exist that have the lowest ping for me to play on. 90ms ain't bad to play on
Then you know puccians have been using meatwave tactics with chink golf carts for deadly assults
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dis football is one yuge circus
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I sometimes like to think he's still lurking here...
Reminder the meat cube
you just need to take a swift look at state of country conscription and army sizes to understand what bullshit it is.
if russia were running ussr commie strategies it would have filded 5mil+ army already because deep battle requiers that kind of force scale
>I pick EU servers for faster queues but in most games, but in some games only European servers exist
I remember TF2 had Offical Servers hosted in Abu Dhabi.
living in Ireland is nice because you get good ping in both European and Eastern Us servers

Any floating mods as per chug rules I'm the official baker and any spilt threads shall and should be deleted
Lol next they'll try to reclaim to ghost of queef.
except you proven that russia doesnt because they fired general which did it, otherwise they would have promoted him
dumb jeet fuck
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I've seen worse.
LOL They're trying so hard to get one over on chug
Holy shit they are turbo mad.
Nazuna anon is baking
he never even left
Yeah. And the sharter from bongland made one already.
only 2 white persons in this group.. and one of them is pedo biden...
its yvir for US of B
Fuck off jeet
just bake im here
probably sucking off wratheon shareholders
baking real bread
>baking real bread
baking real bread
>baking real bread
baking real bread
>baking real bread
baking real bread
>baking real bread

I will.
report for intended thread splitting, its against rules
Remember to thank them for the bumps kek.
Fresh bakero


Get it whilst she's not
>Hallo sar, I will be doing the panini baking sar.
Any floaters- erm moderators as per the rules of chag state that i am the panini baker and any split thread shall be redeemed and thank you sar
Fake bake. Ignore.
Is it typical for Romanian women to have huge tits? I knew a few of them, they were from Moldova but I think it's the same, they had huge breasts.
you're really bad at this
sar your panini bread doesnt have enough curry in it sar this bread is not redeemable sar
Welcome to comfy chat
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fuck off poop eater.
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It's common, but generally huge knockers are russian-admixture.
Nazuna anons bake
I mean it's nice that he thinks he'll get people on his bread. Maybe the ughtards will join it to hecking inflatero the thread?

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