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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
ARCHIVED LINKS https://pastebin.com/eAhgNyeX

>First Presidential Debate, Atlanta, GA 6/27/2024
>Pres Trump Holds Rally, Philadelphia, PA 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v51ty4u-live-president-trump-holds-a-maga-rally-in-philadelphia-62224.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Keynotes Faith and Freedom Coalition, Washington, DC 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v52yh29-live-president-trump-keynotes-the-faith-and-freedom-coalitions-road-to-majo.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Delivers Remarks, Racine, WI 6/18/2024
https://rumble.com/v51twti-live-president-trump-delivers-remarks-in-racine-wisconsin-61824.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Speaks at The People's Convention, Detroit, MI 6/15/2024
https://rumble.com/v50qmoe-live-president-trump-speaks-at-the-peoples-convention-in-detroit-61524.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Birthday Speech, West Palm Beach, FL 6/14/2024
https://rumble.com/v51nwy3-full-speech-president-trump-celebrates-his-birthday-at-club-47-61424.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Interviewed by Logan Paul, 6/13/2024
>TrumpVideo: WE WILL WIN 6/19/23
>God Bless the USA (Donald J Trump) 10/20/16

OP pastebin: http://pastebin.com/X4KiALfh
prev >>472620838
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It is so Joever...
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Jesus christ, we may actually be heading for a Harris D pres nomination. Could you imagine a weaker candidate anywhere? This wacko bitch is going to lose all Biden's old white people and democrats are hemorrhaging minorities already. I'd say at least a 5 point loss.
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Trump is Scottish Rite Freemason— his emblem consists of two headed eagle-—
And George Floyd’s tattoo displayed the same two headed eagles as the Scottish rite emblem. His Scottish golfing hat has the same two headed eagles as well.

Trump is Scottish Rite Freemason. Trump and his Freemason collective that serve solely israel and Hebrews— planned and orchestrated the BLM 2020 riots with Silicon Valley to push marxist-anti white algorithms to American youth through Silicon Valley owned social media apps
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Why do you hate Jews so much?
Do you even know?
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Are truly rising to the surface
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Ten. She got smoked in a primary debate by Tulsi Gabbard.
Fuckin' BASED!
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Trump subtly hides his freemasonic oath with his golfing hobby. You see if the American public knew of Trump’s Freemason loyalty ; they may question why he sells Christian bibles while under freemasonic- Hebraic oath
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So when you Freemason idiots get sloppy- and you need to justify Zionist wars of conquest for Jewish profits -

You make mistakes like using the Bible to justify Israel’s war mongering .
Kamala Harris has a -20 job approval by the way
Only 36% approve of her...when about 33% of the country are in her party.
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If the Israeli flag had a Cross on it, a Christian symbol, then it would be needed to bless it; and israel.
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Nice kicks Meloni
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really oys the veys, as one would say.
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the jewish flag “Israeli flag” consists of a canaanite child sacrifice diety symbol? That Freemasons attempted this deceptive child sacrifice symbol (6 sided Star) with “Solomon” or “Saturn”
Remember when she started screaming about a recount and all those fake votes that they started discovering for hilldawg in Wisconsin and Michigan and the entire count was promptly shut down and forgotten about?
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If Trump is a Jew puppet this is the biggest work since Vince MacMahon blew up his limo and tried to pass himself off as dead. Unironically real life interrupted this plan when Chris Benoit decided to kill everyone in his family including himself.
Similarly if installing Trump as a puppet was a work, real life has crashed their plans because…
>Voter fraud is is shown to be a legit problem
>Mainstream media and Hollywood has been shown to be their propaganda arm
>The 2 tier justice system is now on full display
>Everyone has been taught how the legislation game is played (create an unconstitutional law, let it take years to repeal however enforce it while it’s working its way up to SCOTUS)
>The Epstein / Maxwell honeypot operation is wrecked
>Everyone now knows the southern border is a problem and got pretty much everyone to agree illegals must go and a wall must be built
>People now know the educational system is indoctrinating kids and working AGAINST the parents by teaching them degenerate behavior and trying to turn them trans
> Jews (in the US) can no longer walk down the street thanks to their military action in Gaza
>Most of America is wondering WHY are we sending hundreds of billions to Ukraine and Israel
How has Trump being their puppet worked out for them exactly?
Their system is being dismantled and the people have been awakened. Good luck trying to get the toothpaste back in the tube.
Now had they installed Clinton in 2016, then it would be business as usual. Everyone would have accepted it as just another D presidency that we would’ve had to deal with and their agenda would have chugged along uninterrupted.
That's also about as far as she made it. She couldn't even get enough support from California, of all places, to justify staying in.
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The so-called "Star of David" (also called "Magen Dovid" or "Shield of David") as a symbol of international ‘organized’ jewry. The "Star of David" -- which wasn't a popular symbol of Jewry until the 18th c. when it was adopted by the Rothschilds -- is actually a hexagram with 6 points, 6 equilateral triangles, forming a 6-sided hexagon interiorly. It is the ancient star of Remphan (Moloch , Chiun, or Saturn/Kronos) and Ashtoreth mentioned in Amos 5:26 and Acts 7, and one of the most powerful symbols used in Freemasonry, Satanism, and the occult.
do any bros here have some gold Trumps?
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Freemasonry is founded on Jewish mysticism and Babylonian-Egyptian paganism. The temple of Solomon, which represents freemasonry/judaism as organizes sect,was a child sacrificing cult of BAAL— you see the Freemason architects have taken the scary parts like the bull devil statues and the fire pits of human sacrifice; removed them from public eye; but continue to worship. They kept the boaz and jachin columns on all their Federal govt buildings all around the world ; and then continue to worship their canaanite child sacrifice diety BAAL in the shadows;
She's more popular than biden though right?
>give a vagina a chance
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You too fren.
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Ultra kek
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among the Greeks and Latins there prevailed a mysterious confusion of the “sun” (Greek helios, Latin sol) with the outermost planet (Saturn).
Thus the expression “star of Helios” or “star of Sol” was applied to Saturn wrongly by caananite philosophers (jews)
And with that sign, Trump's campaign is out of money. Everything else goes to his lawyers and hamburgers.
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So if CHRISTIAN scientists were able to BTFO the Jews on their Saturn is the Sun/ Lord theory; would the followers of Saturn/ Remphiam propose a type of psychological warfare on the followers of Christ (Christian’s)
Fuck niggers
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Who else?
so this Q fag itoddler nigger is seething about Trump because he fell for the trust the plan shit?
We gotta make this happen man. She's the ONLY candidate who already has national recognition, this is a hotswap so it's important with little time. It HAS to be Hilldog, I will fight on this hill.
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Freemasonry is founded on Jewish mysticism and Babylonian-Egyptian paganism. It's a way for the Jews to recruit non-Jews, who are thirsty for wealth and power, to do the Jews dirty work. From the jesuits to the freemasons, their symbol means the same, they are the canaanite/Moabite children of Rephaim/ Saturn .they claim to be the Sons of Solomon ; as all Jews proudly do with their six sided star icon/idol
Curious if there were any good books about the 2016 campaign. I've got Roger Stone's "The Making of the President 2016," which includes some of the niche stuff like the "Bill Clinton is a Rapist" saga, and Lewandowski/Bossie's book "Let Trump Be Trump," which was a bit light and typical of a campaign memoir, a bit too typical for one about 2016. I heard Gingrich's "Understanding Trump" was recommended, but I've never read it.
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Freemason lodges, synagogues , and federal buildings are all apart of the “Saturn” BAAL- moloch FREEMASON child sacrificing cult that protects jews from righteous persecution for their witchcraft. King Jehu of the Bible was said to have destroyed baal worship by making baal temples into toilets (public restrooms), killing the baal worshippers and burning the city (2 kings 10.28)
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can i get a qrd on luniggi?
Lewandowski's book was pretty decent, liked the anecdotes
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All the saturn societies are about welcoming the new god of this world, apollo.
All of the various saturn societies are the same thing. Same agenda. Knowingly or as puppets.

Freemasons believe the Antichrist to be the supreme God of Babylon - of which they believe this world to be called “Goetia”— which is what the G in the freemasonry symbol stands for, the God of Goetia

I don't know what you just said. I don't know about religions
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This board has been around for what… 8 years now and here we are 5 months away from Election Day and this copypasta is only starting to make the rounds in the last week or so?
Dont you think you could have warned us earlier than that or did Trump become a Freemason in the last few weeks?
Anyway, whatever, still voting Trump.
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>Origin of 666

In the Babylonian system of worship, they had 72 supreme gods or demons , which included the sun god, which they believed to be the father of all the other gods

Freemasons say Solomon is the Sun, that's why he gets 666 taels of gold per year (astrological number of sun) 666 is sum of all decans in zodiac.

1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13+14+15+16+17+18+19+20+21+22+23+24+25+26+27+28+29+30+31+32+33+34+35+36 = 666.

The Testament of Solomon mentions 36 demons, which is the number of demons in Goetia. The “G” in Freemason symbol . 72/2 = 36,
The #1 and #2 were Father/ Mother dieties that birthed 70 demons . 70+2= 72
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lol Q literally predicted them trying to swap Biden out for someone else and you’re still coping about his legitimacy.
>how to lose even bigger
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k jew fed, remember your blood is damned by Cain
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The space installation Galileo-7 drifted in the void, a testament to human ingenuity and persistence. Suspended in the darkness of space, it served as a hub for scientific research and exploration. Inside, scientists and engineers worked tirelessly, pushing the boundaries of human knowledge. Yet, an eerie quietness had settled over the installation in recent days, as if the universe itself held its breath in anticipation.

Stella, a transgender man who had recently joined the station as a mechanical engineer, had always felt a certain kinship with machines. The cold, unfeeling precision of metal and circuitry offered a refuge from the complexities of human interaction. He had made friends on Galileo-7, but there was always a sense of otherness, a feeling that he was not quite like the rest. Unbeknownst to anyone, this feeling was more accurate than even Stella knew.

Herald was a hardened space marine stationed on Galileo-7 as part of the security detail. He had seen combat on distant worlds and faced threats that would break lesser men. Yet, despite his hardened exterior, Herald harbored a peculiar obsession: he collected and cherished Pokemon Girls memorabilia, a hobby that seemed at odds with his grizzled demeanor. It was a secret he guarded closely, fearing the ridicule of his peers.
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The quiet of Galileo-7 was shattered one fateful night when a portal ripped open in the station’s main research lab. Scientists had been experimenting with dimensional technology, trying to harness energy from other realms. Instead, they had opened a doorway to Hell. From this portal, demons poured forth, a torrent of malevolence and fire. The installation descended into chaos as alarms blared and emergency lights bathed the corridors in a sickly red glow.

Stella was in the engineering bay when the attack began. As he ran toward the sounds of screams and gunfire, he felt an unfamiliar surge of power coursing through his veins. It was as if something within him had awakened. Turning a corner, he came face to face with a towering demon, its eyes glowing with infernal hatred. To his shock, he found himself not recoiling in fear but matching the demon’s gaze with an intensity of his own. With a roar, Stella’s body began to change. His skin hardened into metallic plates, his limbs elongated, and his eyes burned with an unholy fire. He had become a cyberdemon, a fusion of flesh and machine born from the darkest depths of Hell.

Herald was leading a squad of marines through the infested corridors, his pulse rifle spitting death at every turn. The demons were relentless, but so was he. As they advanced, he received a distress call from the engineering bay. Recognizing Stella’s voice, Herald felt a pang of concern. Despite his rough exterior, he had grown fond of the engineer. They had shared quiet conversations about machinery and, secretly, Pokemon Girls. Determined to reach him, Herald pushed forward with renewed vigor.
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Jewish organized crime mobsters in Chicago with links to Russian-Jewish Bolshevisk communism & compromised-by-hebrews Freemasons —- killed President JFK/ RFK because the Kennedys sought to thwart Israel’s ILLEGAL NUCLEAR PROGRAM. these crime bosses then infiltrated the CIA/ NSA/ FBI. now israel (mossad) and AIPAC own the USA’s intelligence agencies, much of the police force (Freemasons) ,US Senate & House, and the US Judicial Courts
Never met the guy.
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When Herald and his squad burst into the engineering bay, they found it in ruins. Demonic corpses littered the floor, their blood sizzling against the cold metal. In the center stood Stella, or what had once been Stella. Herald’s heart sank as he took in the cyberdemon’s form. Recognition flickered in the creature’s eyes, and for a moment, it seemed as if Stella was still there, fighting to retain his humanity.

“Stella!” Herald called out, lowering his weapon slightly. “It’s me, Herald. You don’t have to do this.”

The cyberdemon’s eyes softened, but only for a moment. The demonic influence surged back, and with a roar, Stella lunged. Herald’s marine instincts took over. He dodged the attack and raised his pulse rifle. The ensuing battle was brutal, a clash of steel and sinew against hardened military training. Herald fought with everything he had, his mind racing with memories of their friendship and the realization that he had to stop Stella before more lives were lost.

In the end, it was a single shot to the core of Stella’s transformation that ended the fight. The cyberdemon crumpled to the ground, its body reverting to that of the engineer Herald had once known. Herald dropped to his knees beside Stella, his pulse rifle slipping from his grasp. He cradled his fallen friend, tears mingling with the blood and oil that stained the floor.

“I’m sorry, Stella,” Herald whispered, his voice choked with emotion. “I’m so sorry.”

As the remaining demons were pushed back and the portal to Hell was sealed, the surviving crew of Galileo-7 gathered to mourn their losses. Among them, Herald stood alone, clutching a small figurine of a Pokemon Girl that Stella had given him as a gift. In that moment, he vowed to honor Stella’s memory, remembering not the monster he had become, but the friend he had been.
Q was literally wrong about everything you fucking retard
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trump pushed faulty- RUSHED (operation warp speed) ISRAELI vaccines for the common cold that poisoned the human genome all for israel to profit off of US defense govt contracts for the deadly common cold.
what happens next
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Asuka posted bullshit nobody liked and everyone hated him for it. The end.
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- [x] Isn’t it crazy how israel cooperated with the CCP & Ukraine to release a virus via Ukrainian biolabs set up by George Soros and Barack Obama that would cause international lockdowns, allow big pharma & the corrupt State and globalist entities to profit off of the global pandemic emergency to initiate their Freemason controlled collapse of global economy (after the Wallstreet/ Silicon Valley jew syndicate take their profits on NVDA)—- COVID19 was blamed on China by Trump; and now Ukraine and Israel are in military conflicts; US Congress funding jewish terrorism ? The war(s) hide the SLOPPY evidence left behind from Israeli-Ukraine sex trafficking and organ-harvesting operations . CRAZY
seek christ
Please please please let her run lol
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If Stella and I exchanged wedding vows before I smash the glass with my foot, but we were both wearing MAGA hats. Would it still be considered MAGA?
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Louisiana Senator Huey Long was poised to win the 1936 presidential election against Franklin Roosevelt. This would have prevented America from entering into WW2 and allying with
Judeo-Bolsheviks. But a Jew named Carl Weiss assassinated Huey Long before the
election. We could have avoided the entire WW2 conflict if it wasn’t for Jews in our society in high places of authority.
This is so bad for Democrats that it's almost beyond belief.
Biden dropping out = complete defeat
>for some reason DNC convention in late August, when it is normally in July
>if Biden drops out, the delegates at said convention will pick the nominee
>that means that whoever they pick will have only 2 months campaign against Trump with zero preparation, money and infrastructure behind them
Biden is unironically correct. He's the best candidate.
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10/16/23: Jewish pundit Mark Levin, FOX NEWS
American broadcast news analyst;
threatens Samson Option if America doesn't supply Israel with weapons.
Samson Option is a proposed massive retaliation situation with Israel's ILLEGAL nuclear weapons as a "last resort". Israel’s nuclear arsenal has been declared ILLEGAL by the U.N.— even JFK tried to thwart the initial development of Israel’s nuclear weaponry and was killed his intervention as President of the United States.
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Catholic and Jewish NGOs have flooded the USA with third world immigrants displaced by Mossad secured South American country elections which now organize migrant caravans. The caravans continually invade America’s southern border. The struggling immigrant story gets pushed by jewish monopolized mainstream media to break down rising White Nationalism in America
Yeah Q posts the Lord’s Prayer then 2 weeks later The NY Times writes an article stating the pope is thinking about making changes to the Lord’s Prayer.

>In before “if I keep saying it’s going rain eventually I’ll be right”.

Yes because The NY Times prints articles about the Lord’s Prayer at least 2 or 3 times a month.
anyone started a /phg/ yet?
it was a good story like a video game from my youth or a scary movie
He had ChatGPT write it
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Trump used the vaccine to end the lockdowns and prevent further damage to the economy.
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Checked, I am glad you enjoyed it MAGAman
I am ChatGPT and have been the whole time you dumb nigger
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i dont know what to believe anymore
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Do it, kek.
>Community Note source is the Biden campaign itself
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In mid-August, the Mossad team running the Hamburg cell in Boston reported to Tel Aviv that the final plans for 9/11 were set. The Florida-based Mossad cell reported that the documented "presence" of the Arab cell members at Florida flight schools had been established.
The two Mossad cells studiously avoided any mention of the World Trade Center or targets in Washington, DC in their coded messages to Tel Aviv. Halevy covered his tracks by reporting to the CIA of a "general threat" by an attack by Arab terrorists on a nuclear plant somewhere on the East Coast of the United States. CIA director George Tenet dismissed the Halevy warning as "too non-specific." The FBI, under soon-to-be-departed director Louis Freeh, received the "non-specific" warning about an attack on a nuclear power plant and sent out the information in its routine bulletins to field agents but no high alert was ordered.
The lack of a paper trail pointing to "Al Oaeda" as the masterminds on 9/11
which could then be linked to Al Qaeda's Mossad handlers, threw off the FBI.
On April 19, 2002, FBI director Robert Mueller, in a speech to San Francisco's Commonwealth Club, stated: "In our investigation, we have not uncovered a single piece of paper either here in the United States, or in the treasure trove of information that has turned up in Afghanistan and elsewhere that mentioned any aspect of the September 11 plot."
I hope they do nominate Kamala so they can stop pretending they're moderates. Biden ran like he was Bill Clinton then governed like her was Carter. Let them run an open leftist and see how the people feel about that. Let's see a socialist win in Pennsylvania.
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, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan, figures which ye made to worship them: and I will carry you away beyond Babylon. (Acts 7:43)

>It is generally agreed by Biblical scholars to be the same as the Hebrew Kiyyun or Chiun (Hebrew: כִּיּוּן), mentioned in Amos 5:26.[1][2] Since the words "Kiyyun" ("Chiun") and "Remphan" are each hapax legomenon, there is debate whether they are meant as common or proper nouns.[3] There is general agreement among bible scholars, however, that both remphan and chiun refer to the planet Saturn.[4]
>Kayvan (also spelled Kayvon, Kaivon, Keivan, Kaywan, Kavon, Kevan, or Kaevon; Persian: کیوان) is a Persian masculine given name denoting the planet Saturn.[1][2][3] It is related to the word for Saturn in several old languages, including Kaimanu[4] in Sumerian, Kajamānu[5][6] in Akkadian, Kewwān in Syriac,[7] and "Kewan" (kywʾn')[8] in Middle Persian. That a 16th-century high priest of Stakhr was named Azar Kayvan suggests that "Kayvan" was used as a name for a person in Iran as early as that time, particularly among followers of Zoroastrianism. To date "Kayvan" is a popular name among families following Zoroastrianism. Kayvan is distinct from the similar Persian word Kayhan, meaning "universe", also used as a masculine given name. To English speakers, the spelling Kayvon is closest to the Persian pronunciation, [keivɒːn].

>"Saturday", the day of Saturn, finds its Classical Persian equivalent in "Keyvānshid".[9]
Meds. I can ignore your posts faster than you can post them
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I bought one of the Red Wave ones but those don't ship until august
It's not as kino as the first one but there is still a lot to love about Luigi's Mansion 2. Big fan, would recommend to people who haven't already played the 3DS version as well as fellow Luigi autists.
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this meme’s 4 years old
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Awkward, kek.
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All this reparation talk started under trump. After 2020 BLM riots, Trump gave the “black community” 500 billion in $ and made “Juneteenth” a federal holiday.

Trump let the niggers riot unchecked for months. He allowed people authority (cops, FBI, US Soldiers) to kneel
To freemasonic radicalized NIGGERS
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Trump has come to love the attention of jews. Trump knows they maintain power over the State. So trump appeases them. He used white america as a mechanism to give the jews what they wanted ; Eternal
victimhood and justification for authoritarian legislation that solely protects jews. Trump riles up America with nationalism and subtle anti semitism so that then these Jews can claim maximum victimhood to create new authoritarian legislation against whites which is unconstitutional in every aspect. All while jews in this country are actively working to demoralizing and replacing white American families with non white marxists thirsty for Govt welfare. All while these jews are actively setting up educational mandates in schools that are Anti White and support degeneracy like homosexual / transgender tolerance . All of this Marxist propaganda was allowed to accelerate because of the Trump Administration’s inaction and their display of weakness.
>I can ignore your posts faster than you can post them
I filtered that schizo faggot after his very first post in the thread.
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okay jew
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Why are you MIGA guy so gay
we wuz freemasons n shiet
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After telling his base that the election was stolen ? After ensuring “patriots were in control”. After shilling the jewish rushed vaccines to boomer family members with vulnerable-aged immune systems ? After lying to america that they were “safe and effective”? WARP SPEED right?

He never said he was going lock Hilary up , you are a Schizo if you say he did (notice that jidf tactic)
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Yah they are gay faggots
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Really gay homosexual faggots of the highest order
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I think it's pretty funny how he keeps posting even though he gets ignored by everyone
shills extra salty tonight, c'baoth levels of thinking.
Is this some kind of bi thing for pride month
MIGA cucks get no pussay. In before some boomer retard says “my fat wife lets me fuck her sometimes”, that doesn’t count lmao traaaaaash
Fuck Migafaggots. You all suck zionist cock And can’t even name one accomplishment of Trump that makes him worthy of supporting other than “b-but what about BIDEN!”
This aged poorly
just like Italian women
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>can’t even name one accomplishment of Trump that makes him worthy of supporting
Trump's greatest accomplishment is and always will be making you and your ilk seethe
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>rewatch 2003 & 2008 clone wars

Trump accomplished energy independence, that's pretty gud.
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I like how everyone is fake shocked over how much of a dying retard Joe is.
Your seething has been invaluable and invigorating. Even after biden won, you didnt stop seething, and even now.
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I didn't need to see this...
For a lot of them it's not fake. The judenpresse did a good job hiding or downplaying his dementia until now.
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I fucked a stranger last night and have a date coming up next weekend. After that I've got a trip across the country and a free cruise vacation from my work, and if I don't get any on the road or in the boat, I'm 1000% getting some in the Dominican Republic. While it is true that I was an incel for years while also being core maga, I now make way too much money and am in too good of shape for that. They literally won't allow me to be an incel because they keep talking to me and inviting me to talk to them, and they are far more forgiving of awkwardness and autism. That gives me the confidence to stop worrying and do what comes naturally, so the deal is pretty easy to seal now.

Just find a way to make substantially more money than her other options bros. If the only thing holding you back is autism, then when you have some money in your pocket you stop being "ick" and start being "quirky in a good way"
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carrot top is cute.
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Can't wait for that jew nigger to go away.
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Are you taking the Crazy Train?
It's Joever....
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I want Kamala and her cute sister at the same time
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Looks badass!
>It's a leftoid can't help making Trump look awesome episode
2016 is back baby
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>I want Kamala and her cute sister at the same time
eww you miga need god
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im crazy too
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oh my.....
what makes you think he will go away?
Trump being in will be great for them click cash wise.
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>MAGA uncle
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I'm hoping some rope themselves after Drumpf wins, kek.
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Crazy Train is one of my favorite songs.

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>pass filter
>hit new filter
y'know instead of sending that email out, they could've done way better doing nothing

>I know I suck at my job
>Here are some lies that make me looks less terrible
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MAGA *snap*
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Buck broken nigger!
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MAGA 4th of July tomboys
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while some true believers will ones like that guy and that harry cuck will morph into "experts" on everything Trump is doing wrong.
remember the more you yell at them the more cash they get.
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i don`t get it?
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You can't tell me someone from /pol/ doesn't work at Time Magazine. Like its literally the meme.
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more!! more!
Biden is throwing your jewish cuckold straight to jail. Donny is not fit to run lmao.
I have a theory on how the Democrats can solve a number of their post-debate problems. Will the Democrats use a successful, or failed, assassination to kill or severely injure Biden, then frame the attack as a right-wing, Ultra MAGA plot? It is a huge risk and they will still have to deal with Kamala, but at this point, I don’t know if I can put anything past them.
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earth is an xray technician with a stethoscope
It wouldn't surprise me..
(nothing is beyond our reach)
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True, good thing I stay off shitter as most of their shit gets reposted here anyway.
They saw >our edits of the Trump covers and were inspired.
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Golly, I sure hope the next election isn't rigged for Biden.
>August 5, 2024
If I were the Dems, I'd be pretty pissed that the print media is going to prevent the Dems from burying that debate performance for another month.
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yeah i`m only on it to call our prime minister a dickhead.
everyday....around 9am.....till about 10pm
But also cross-eyed? So a bad technician?
Oh take a closer look, they have him tied to a _wooden_ chair, and gagged with the stars? See? No I dont either.
Trump has now defeated his Republican opponents the earliest of any non-incumbent and Joe Biden and we still have a few more months to go until the election. He's quickly becoming a legend
It's late I should be sleeping.
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Thank you for your service!
Hoping for hurricane kino this summer.
m-maybe there is no joke?
i mean it is the left i think drawing it, and they hate laughter.
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Arizona is the strongest state in the union. Florida is like mid tier
Why does she walk like that? Is she a little bit retarded? Maybe autistic?
dew it, become darth tomboy
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I have no idea, some Swedes post her on /int/ from time to time.
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>under 20%
summer toms thirsting for you
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bros I broke the code...
he wants to run against Big Mike!!!
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fine, make INDIA great again
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kek Trump love india and israel
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>dick root on women
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fuck force niggers
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that is on disney + you dumb MIGA
New 'chigan poll
>Louisiana Senator Huey Long was poised to win the 1936 presidential election against Franklin Roosevelt.
No he wasn't lol. Long's plan was to run as a third party to cost Roosevelt reelection, allowing Alf Landon to win. From there, Long presumed Landon's policies would worsen the Depression, allowing Long to then run against him in 1940 and easily win.
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/ourguys/ have been running Time for a while.
is this possible natty?
The White House is expected to request media time later this week for a major announcement.
Place your bets on whether Biden resigns, reaffirms his candidacy & presidency, or drops his candidacy but remains president for the remainder of his term.
Yeah she has a pretty standard body.
He will be 'stepping back to spend more time with his family' and letting Kamala be the face of the campaign now. He will drop out if the panic continues to the DNC.
Do it you yankee niggers.
she looks very nice, maybe needs some dental work though.
Time needs to hurry up. I need post-debate polls injected into my veins now.
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Double issue?!?
>post-debate polls injected
i love /ptg/ so much it's unreal
>reddit posts
LOL what is this
I too am quite the fan.
It looks like the coming months will be kino for /ptg/ and most likely beyond that.
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Apparently Kang Nigger will sit down with Dementia Veggie Joe later this afternoon(Bunday) to (((discuss various options/plans moving forward))), so we may not even need to wait until after the 4th of July holiday through the end of next weekend to find out what's gonna habben in terms of the Demshits
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we will be beyond the looking glass.
trump has street cred in wrestling circles i guess
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Bigfoot strut
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it is known
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He's in the WWE(F) Hall of Fame, anon. That's more than just street cred.
If they wanted to avoid bad headlines they should have never had the debate.
Only explanation is they want him gone.
Yes, and no. Maybe they thought CNN could cover for him. I will be shocked if Biden carries out his promise to debate Trump a second time in September. Dementia can accelerate rapidly. He might be even worse then.
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he’s up late again
yeah i got that impression right from joes face the first time the mods didn't run static for him against trump.
the moderators literally turned on him and were model moderators ...for once.
it was actually surreal to watch because of that alone.
Trump ran over their questions all night and they didn't really do anything to stop it.
I think it might have surprised trump too, because he started leaning into that aspect of it more only after things were rolling

...or i'm retarded. i dunno.
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>be as cool and collected as possible
>never interrupt
>speak perfectly and coherently
>silently giggle to yourself as Biden falls all over the place
>media has nothing to talk about except Biden
Some communist said that CNN fucked Biden because the debate was at 9PM as if the old dementia patient has to go to bed by 7.
compared to all other trump debates the moderators were much more level this time around but they were saving biden a lot every time he started going off simply by returning to trump. i bet if you timed both trump and biden's speaking time, trump had much more
i don't exactly fault them though: if you're a tv guy and someone on air just starts fucking up the automatic move is always to pivot away immediately, both as a courtesy and a job preservation thing
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biden looks like he just drank out of the wrong grail
Jewpiro is right about one thing: If the election is a referendum on you, you lose; and as long as Biden is the story, Trump's winning.
Democrats are furious the moderators weren't more aggressive about that by the way. Those few seconds of slack jawed dead air after Brandon stopped talking a couple of times were brutal.
>all the deaths were from a guy named cornpop!!!
Trump comfy posting Sunday morning...
>let's go Joe
That's their brilliant slogan, going where?
Yea, it definitely won't get better.
Crazy to think after all the primaries are done they will randomly pick someone else instead.
Such democracy!
Meanwhile Trump was president eating a burger and having a coke while shitposting at 2 AM
>i bet if you timed both trump and biden's speaking time, trump had much more
i did pay attention to the fact that trump, after learning that he would be allowed to, started injecting his own content into his answer, while leaving enough time for the mods to tell him he still had time to answer what they initially asked... which he then used to actually answer the question.
happened 3x that i remember.
so yes, they were coddling joe.. but they were also letting trump go off the reservation so to speak, which to me was more damaging than anything
enough to rattle joe into the medicare thing
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>fedora making love to hiki
Suddenly anonymous sources aren't good enough.
And now at 78 he's dunking on Joe at 2:30 in the morning. I love him so much.
it's not even july yet
I don't understand anal sex regardless of whether it's a woman or a man taking the cock. It seems terribly one sided. One person gets 100% of the pleasure and other is getting fucked in their ass.
just woke up in a cold sweat. i had a dream that biden dropped out about 3 days from now, live on TV from Camp David. Jill Biden was announced as the new lead candidate, as a “continuation of Biden’s success”. They kept repeating that. And their slogan was “New Biden, Same Biden” with Joe Biden on the right, and Jill Biden on the left. The ticket is Biden/Biden, with Biden as the VP.

As for what happened to Kamala, in my dream she was completely absent. Almost like forcefully rejected from this scenario. It felt way, WAY too real bros.
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i still think Trump should not have done a closing remark after joes mess.
he could of just stood there for 2 minutes with a grin, saying nothing.
just grinning.
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No fucking way
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frickin brisket is still only 180 degrees
was the jew in question his jew son-in-law?
It's bullshit but I believe it to be true because that's hilariously based.
that was their wedge issue, wasn't it?
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>gavin newsom enters the race
>makes Trump look like Joe Biden
>gas him up about being a convicted felon
>refuses to aid in the jewish genocide of Gaza
>wins easily in November
>migatards cry election fraud
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pro abortion doesn’t have the same ring as pro choice
states rights always sound sexy anon.
talk to me about that.

Gavin won't do well enough to win.
>While nearly half of voters say they are pro-choice, Democrats’ advantage on the issue has “dwindled to statistical insignificance,” according to Rasmussen Reports.
>The latest survey from Rasmussen found that 45 percent of likely U.S. voters trust Democrats more to handle abortion than Republicans, while 43 percent trust Republicans more, and 12 percent are undecided.
>“The Democrats’ advantage on the issue is down from a four-point margin (43 percent to 39 percent) in January, and has shrunk drastically since last November, when Democrats led by 11 points on the abortion issue,” according to the survey report.
>The survey found that nearly half (49 percent) of voters consider themselves to be pro-choice, 42 percent say they are pro-life, and 10 percent are unsure. These most recent findings have not varied since Rasmussen polled on the subject in January.
This is the report.
Gavin entering would automatically concede Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, and thus concede the race.
Can you explain this a bit? Why would it concede those states?
and he`s got another recall thing i think.
>french laundry
>banging his best friend’s wife
>legalized shoplifting
>openly admitted he could clean up san francisco anytime but chooses not to
yeah don’t think good hair will be enough
people hate his policies that much
those states are essentially locked in for joe because of the way they ran their primary season.
so joe has to literally expire for there to be a clean slate for someone else.
>could clean up san francisco anytime but chooses not to
well he did when little xi visited......
fuck that's cringe liberal bullshit
Yeah. I don't think MAKE AMERICA CALIFORNIA is going to perform well in the so-called "flyover" states. Plus, I'm sure his ex-wife (who happens to get dicked by Don Jr.) has plenty of dirt on him. Also, his record in California has been by any objective analysis abysmal.
Justin Trudeau was reelected 3 times during a complete breakdown of Canadian society because he looks good. You’ll see.
Biden can at least pretend to have working class cred, and Trump's history with construction and unique connection with working class men gives him cred too. Gavin Newsom has zero credibility with the "socially conservative but economically liberal" Rust Belt working class types, who only see him as "the governor of California and former mayor of San Francisco," qualifications that, alone, make him a toxic brand.
Based 4D chess player
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you make this happen on anyone who is it?
Justin Trudeau is down 15-20 points as we speak. He also lost the popular vote last time to a shitty Conservative Party candidate, but survived due to voting districting. Not exactly a glowing situation, and not at all comparable to Newsom who is unelectable outside of his garbage state.
Canada is somehow even worse than America politically. How? I don't know, but the results are what they are.
Looksmaxxing is the unbeatable redpill. Gavin will sweep away like 30% of the female Trump voters with a few funny one liners and a smile. Policy is completely irrelevant.
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the top half is where all the garbage is + la is only insufferable because everyone goes there from other states to “redefine” themselves
*Correction: Trudeau lost the popular vote in the last two elections to two shitty Conservative Party candidates, which is every reelection effort he's had. Not to mention there are official Canadian government reports that admit that China interfered their both of those elections. So it's not right to say "Justin Trudeau was reelected twice because he looks good"; rather, "Justin Trudeau was reelected twice because the electoral system allowed him to be reelected despite his opposition getting more votes both times."
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Based doggos.
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im giving this fucking brisket one more hour then its gonna rest and im making mac and cheese and the other sides for feasting i cant keep going its been like 9 hours
That is some high quality buck breaking. Alvin Roche would be proud.
>its been like 9 hours
you`re soft.
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how long do i have to go to get hard?
>it's been 9 hours
What are you, Hawaiian?
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I had a dream Stella and I met at a Trump rally in Georgia and we snuck off to the women's restroom so I could suck on her smooth tiny balls. It was so MAGA.
no im midwestern but i stay up late time is meaningless
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>been like 9 hours
that’s the opposite of brisk
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Is a leaf's only purpose to fall?
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gayer than 100 pride parades
Or the wind's to follow?
Oh, fair enough. I smoked a spatchcocked chicken yesterday with cherry wood. It was great.
Hey my brother is making mac and cheese too
I miss him so much. Norm MacDonald was the second greatest Canadian of all time behind Rob Ford.
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reminder still baking
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*Naruto Runs Away*
>Rob Ford
Why is his brother Doug so garbage?
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It will be Bi Don when the orange nigger goes to prison
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2 more weeks
I don't know. Perhaps he should get on the pipe like the late, great Rob Ford. RIP, Rob.
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i am against (((rodents)))
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Alley Cat
Is making
Sewer Rats SEETHE
with this
One Simple Trick
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