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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
ARCHIVED LINKS https://pastebin.com/eAhgNyeX

>First Presidential Debate, Atlanta, GA 6/27/2024
>Pres Trump Holds Rally, Philadelphia, PA 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v51ty4u-live-president-trump-holds-a-maga-rally-in-philadelphia-62224.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Keynotes Faith and Freedom Coalition, Washington, DC 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v52yh29-live-president-trump-keynotes-the-faith-and-freedom-coalitions-road-to-majo.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Delivers Remarks, Racine, WI 6/18/2024
https://rumble.com/v51twti-live-president-trump-delivers-remarks-in-racine-wisconsin-61824.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Speaks at The People's Convention, Detroit, MI 6/15/2024
https://rumble.com/v50qmoe-live-president-trump-speaks-at-the-peoples-convention-in-detroit-61524.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Birthday Speech, West Palm Beach, FL 6/14/2024
https://rumble.com/v51nwy3-full-speech-president-trump-celebrates-his-birthday-at-club-47-61424.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Interviewed by Logan Paul, 6/13/2024
>TrumpVideo: WE WILL WIN 6/19/23
>God Bless the USA (Donald J Trump) 10/20/16

OP pastebin: http://pastebin.com/X4KiALfh
prev >>472626223
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Good MAGA morning
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Uh hello, Based Department?
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he can’t keep getting away with it
I want to get on Ms Momiji's Wild Ride!
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>make immigrants go away
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Based and based. No one can deny the Nazis looked sharp.
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still trusting the plan whatever that was and the endgoal i forget but im trusting
It's okay Qoomerpedes, he didn't do ANYTHING he said he will do last 4 years, but he will TOTALLY get on it this time!
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yes, trump did NOTHING as president these past four years!

"Extra extra read all about it!"
> Trump proceeds to win Arizona by 8
>50% of the page is ads
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don’t they bootlick some goofy asshole whose biggest accomplishment was outliving his mom?
why is it so outrageous to think Hitler was incapable of a single good idea? Didn't his scientist develop the beginnings of plastic surgery, rockets, and nuclear fission?
>Biden completely refusing to bow to the people pulling the strings
lmao are we going to have 2 rogue elements running for president this time
>Biden is a rogue element
Nani the fuck are you talking about?
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always thought it was weird how biden chose her after she called him a racist in front of millions of people
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All right, I donated for it.
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why was patton killed by the same people that are trying to ruin trump's life?
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Is he going to drop out?
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looks that way
drop out of ...what?
he's being curbed.
he's ignoring the editorial board of the NYT and you must have been blind to the entirety of the media turning on him immediately after the debate
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>Correctly predicted 9 Presidential elections in a row (even better track record than me)
>Predicting a resounding Biden victory for 2024
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I would be shocked if he does. Like, how would any of that work? Wouldn't all the retards that just voted for this nigger earlier this year be pissed off by that?
you have the self awareness of a a literal vegetable.
Enjoy the L
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nice rug
put the tripcode back on, it's even funnier at this point
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it is very rugish.
kek the baldie memes just keep giving and giving
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alright for my final report. brisket fucking sucks. its fatty and now i have way too much food that im never gonna finish in the next 3 days
trump supporters should be memeing on social media pretending to be democrats demanding HELL NO, WE WANT JOE, and BIDEN OR BUST etc to make sure dems don't replace him
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fuck that
Freeze it, nigga.
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you think that will stop their plan to swap it out?
this was planned years ago.
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It'll never happen but if the Dems actually replace Joe who would actually be a credible threat to Trump?
>Hawk Tuah
Why is this stupid meme being astroturfed so hard? Also why is Japan trending?
Yeah the state of tabloids is fucking grim.
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nah im gonna get thicker then velmer
You just said you won't be able to finish it within 3 days. If that's the case, freeze what you don't finish, nibba. That's what I'm telling you.
Newsom, because he's white and good-looking
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are you challenging me to eat a bowling ball of meat in 3 days cause i will
Wasn't he almost voted out a couple years ago? I thought Californians hated him and he only hung on because Larry Elder was a retard
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no idea
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Well yeah. Do it if you can. I dunno why we're fighting. I just wanted to give you helpful advice to preserve it since you said you had too much to finish in 3 days.
RFK, Big Mike

Roger Stone is convinced and has been saying for months now that they're going to bait-and-switch for Big Mike. His husband got the most votes in history before Trump, he's a woman or trans depending on what your opinion is, so there's the box-tick factor, and he's already well connected. It would be an Obama 4th term. A dynastic rule longer than the Bushes.

The meme war would be brutal though, it would basically put transgenderism on the ballot
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why is the anime character bald?
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its cool. once a week i clean out my fridge and let the pigs get a feast day. i cant freeze leftovers. if they get to eat $30 worth of meat so be it
>anime character
God I hope she's not in a Japanese basement somewhere hooked up to a milking machine on dark web livestream
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>once a week i clean out my fridge and let the pigs get a feast day. if they get to eat $30 worth of meat so be it
HEY! Don't talk about your wife like that!
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yes i am 100% married hetero male. this is true unequivocally
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Oh wait... I should have put it together. I'm talking to the not-so-intelligent homosexual feline, aren't I?
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no i am the comfy mary poster. the DG cat is my arch enemy who tries to ban me
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you were brisket anon too?
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slice it
freeze it
broil it

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big meats are totally fine
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The space installation Galileo-7 drifted in the void, a testament to human ingenuity and persistence. Suspended in the darkness of space, it served as a hub for scientific research and exploration. Inside, scientists and engineers worked tirelessly, pushing the boundaries of human knowledge. Yet, an eerie quietness had settled over the installation in recent days, as if the universe itself held its breath in anticipation.

Stella, a transgender man who had recently joined the station as a mechanical engineer, had always felt a certain kinship with machines. The cold, unfeeling precision of metal and circuitry offered a refuge from the complexities of human interaction. He had made friends on Galileo-7, but there was always a sense of otherness, a feeling that he was not quite like the rest. Unbeknownst to anyone, this feeling was more accurate than even Stella knew.

Herald was a hardened space marine stationed on Galileo-7 as part of the security detail. He had seen combat on distant worlds and faced threats that would break lesser men. Yet, despite his hardened exterior, Herald harbored a peculiar obsession: he collected and cherished Pokemon Girls memorabilia, a hobby that seemed at odds with his grizzled demeanor. It was a secret he guarded closely, fearing the ridicule of his peers.
The quiet of Galileo-7 was shattered one fateful night when a portal ripped open in the station’s main research lab. Scientists had been experimenting with dimensional technology, trying to harness energy from other realms. Instead, they had opened a doorway to Hell. From this portal, demons poured forth, a torrent of malevolence and fire. The installation descended into chaos as alarms blared and emergency lights bathed the corridors in a sickly red glow.

Stella was in the engineering bay when the attack began. As he ran toward the sounds of screams and gunfire, he felt an unfamiliar surge of power coursing through his veins. It was as if something within him had awakened. Turning a corner, he came face to face with a towering demon, its eyes glowing with infernal hatred. To his shock, he found himself not recoiling in fear but matching the demon’s gaze with an intensity of his own. With a roar, Stella’s body began to change. His skin hardened into metallic plates, his limbs elongated, and his eyes burned with an unholy fire. He had become a cyberdemon, a fusion of flesh and machine born from the darkest depths of Hell.

Herald was leading a squad of marines through the infested corridors, his pulse rifle spitting death at every turn. The demons were relentless, but so was he. As they advanced, he received a distress call from the engineering bay. Recognizing Stella’s voice, Herald felt a pang of concern. Despite his rough exterior, he had grown fond of the engineer. They had shared quiet conversations about machinery and, secretly, Pokemon Girls. Determined to reach him, Herald pushed forward with renewed vigor.
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When Herald and his squad burst into the engineering bay, they found it in ruins. Demonic corpses littered the floor, their blood sizzling against the cold metal. In the center stood Stella, or what had once been Stella. Herald’s heart sank as he took in the cyberdemon’s form. Recognition flickered in the creature’s eyes, and for a moment, it seemed as if Stella was still there, fighting to retain his humanity.

“Stella!” Herald called out, lowering his weapon slightly. “It’s me, Herald. You don’t have to do this.”

The cyberdemon’s eyes softened, but only for a moment. The demonic influence surged back, and with a roar, Stella lunged. Herald’s marine instincts took over. He dodged the attack and raised his pulse rifle. The ensuing battle was brutal, a clash of steel and sinew against hardened military training. Herald fought with everything he had, his mind racing with memories of their friendship and the realization that he had to stop Stella before more lives were lost.

In the end, it was a single shot to the core of Stella’s transformation that ended the fight. The cyberdemon crumpled to the ground, its body reverting to that of the engineer Herald had once known. Herald dropped to his knees beside Stella, his pulse rifle slipping from his grasp. He cradled his fallen friend, tears mingling with the blood and oil that stained the floor.

“I’m sorry, Stella,” Herald whispered, his voice choked with emotion. “I’m so sorry.”

As the remaining demons were pushed back and the portal to Hell was sealed, the surviving crew of Galileo-7 gathered to mourn their losses. Among them, Herald stood alone, clutching a small figurine of a Pokemon Girl that Stella had given him as a gift. In that moment, he vowed to honor Stella’s memory, remembering not the monster he had become, but the friend he had been.
joe's being curbed
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Oh shit, did you guys see this news coverage recently!? Some nigger got shot or something.
Oh, and part II

That's not true, Trump actually vetoed a lot of legislation by xeeting that he didn't like it
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>a come back kid
yeah, lol
the donors are PISSED
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im on a list now for watching this
the final tally for tv-only ratings was 51 million
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lol lmao. democrats don't like being gaslighted. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
This is such gold, I wish whoever made it had made more. I wish I was still good with 'puters
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>Multiple committee members on the call . . . described feeling like they were being gaslighted
>The chat function was disabled and there were no questions allowed
He's had multiple recall attempts, I think we're about to hit the sixth. Only one actually made it to the ballot, though, because the state courts and legislature are 99% democrat and his sec. of state either always fights it or comes up with some technicality to keep them from advancing. He's also currently hated because he personally fought to keep a proposition off the ballot that would allow that would allow voters to decide any new taxes, tax increases or fees put forward by the state. He won the case and, being the absolute faggot that he is, basically said that allowing people to decide on new taxes is just "corporate greed".
Newsome trying now would kill his political career, as all Trump (or anyone with a brain, really) has to do is shine a spotlight on pretty much any part of California and hammer that Newsome would turn the country into that. He's term-limited in 2 years, so he'll probably quietly finish his term before popping back up mid to late '27, after the next dem train-wreck has had their turn to sink the state further into the depths of hell, and start bullshitting his way to the nomination.

Also, reminder that Harvey Weinstein fucked his (current) wife.
>Libtards obsess over the idea that serving 1 term is the most embarrassing thing ever
>"Biden should drop out"
and about 240mil on X musky boi was saying.
guess they don't like their own meds
so almost 300 mil?
maybe not the whole world... but 300 mil is a lot...
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>Oh gee, the vice president beat a massive massachusetts fag backed by John Kerry, man, who could've seen that coming?
>Woah, a bunch of unpopular policies ruined his reelection? UNPREDICTABLE!
>Shit's actually doing fine and nobody wants to rock the boat? IMPOSSIBLE!
>Oh, it turns out the Al Gore is an unelectable retard? ONLY ENSTEIN COULD PREDICT THIS!
>S-Surely John Kerry will do better this time. WHAT? HE DIDN'T!?
>Haha, no way is the media spamming 24/7 that you need to vote obama or be labelled a racist will have any effect on this election. Never mind that we've made it look like he's running against a woman.
>Haha, it's not like Mitt is just throwing the race on purpose or anything. WHAT? HE IS?
>S-Surely, people haven't woken up to the bullshit revolving around the Clintons, right?
>What? No, we're not dramatically changing the election rules in an attempt to rig it. Stop noticing things.

Wow. Those were so hard to call.
The Day After Biden’s Disastrous Debate, DOJ Indicts Chinese Scientist Who Patented Immune Response Inhibitor Accelerating Cancer Growth, Entangled in COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, mRNA and Cancer

Goed morning, bunday morning
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Daily reminder that being an Israel supporter is part and parcel of being a Trump supporter.
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not my problem. we need to mandate democrats take all 15 boosters.
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he dead?
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war wouldn’t have happened if the election wasn’t rigged
Lol everyone knows what he did to CA. All Trump has to do is glean videos of LA and SF tent cities for campaign video footage
There’s only 1 Bunday.
Al Bunday.
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I read that as
>your panicked wine-aunt
I'm pretty much the MAGA uncle. These 4 talking points? ngmi. But by all means keep supporting Binden; he needs just enough support to stay in the race.
Numbers 24:9
Whoever blesses Israel will be blessed,
And whoever curses Israel will be cursed.”
Please note that kikes have no relation to Israel here, their nation is Isntreal
- .t Ahmed
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>they need to stop being pussies and go into those tunnels
>they love tunnels don’t they?
>think of it
still never would have been allowed to happen on his watch
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Oh that triggered you didn't it you little kike spawn of Satan and seed of Esau
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Cute bunneh & kitteh
Yeah it couldn’t possibly lawfare that’s fends off the recalls. It must be the guy running against him is a retard.
I’m not taking the chance that verse expired.
>on any measure except the vote
You mean the only one that actually matters?
It didn't expire, read Revelation it clearly spells it our for anyone with a brain to understand
>Great merchants of the world that deceive all the nations with pharmakeia
>Those who say they are jews but are not
>Synagogue of Satan
in the end it says
>the seed of Esau Edom (kikes) will be wiped from the Earth
If you can't connect the dots you are hylic sorry
No one. Nothing can stop what is coming.
That’s the joke, yes. The level of insanity by these people is unmatched in modernity.
Who said the original quote? I cant find it.
GEORGE SANTOS for trumps running mate.

>we lost the vote but we won the argument
The time is at hand for these amazing prophecies to be fulfilled and Israel has a huge part to play in the coming days. Even as we look at the news today we see that Jerusalem is the center of the world's attention just as God said it would be thousands of years ago. But that which is coming is the 'time of Jacob's trouble... but He will be saved out of it'. So forget the treaties and false promises of peace for the Middle East. The word of God has already revealed what will take place. Through affliction, God will enable Israel to believe that Jesus is their Messiah, yet it will not be easy. And if you are a Christian, then begin to look up, for as we see these things begin to take place we know that our redemption draws near!
Zech 12:1-3 'This is the word of the LORD concerning Israel... 'I am going to make Jerusalem a cup that sends all the surrounding peoples reeling. Judah will be besieged as well as Jerusalem. On that day, when all the nations of the earth are gathered against her, I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock for all the nations. All who try to move it will injure themselves.'
Zech 14:2-3 ' I will gather all the nations to Jerusalem to fight against it; the city will be captured, the houses ransacked, and the women raped. Half of the city will go into exile, but the rest of the people will not be taken from the city

In the midst of the chaos however, Zechariah tells us one more amazing prophetic statement - something that will completely change the course of this battle! Zechariah tells us that the following will happen.

Zech 12:10 ' They will look on me, the one they have pierced, and they will mourn for him as one mourns for an only child, and grieve bitterly for him as one grieves for a firstborn son.'

The word translated 'on me' can also be translated 'to me'. I think both are true. Fulfilling Luke 13:35 quoted earlier, Israel will first look to Jesus, the one they pierced on the cross 2000 years ago. The will recognise that Jesus, their Messiah was 'the son of Joseph' who suffered at their own hands. And then, in a miracle of miracles, they will actually look on Him, as He comes down to deliver Israel and fight the nations that have attacked her. In doing so Jesus will fulfil the prophecies that the Messiah would also be 'the son of David' - a conquering King! In the face of unbelievable opposition, Israel will cry out for their Messiah to return, and He will! Listen to their cry -
that's what makes this whole snafu so funny, if they keep Biden he'll keep declining and doing worse, if they ditch him any realistic replacement polls even lower than he does. their best bet really is to hold onto him for as long as they can and pray for a miracle
when does press sec come back to tell us the whole debate was 'cheapfaked'? or maybe they'll claim the debate was selectively edited on the fly live. and if they're really insistent about September's debate still happening with Biden as the nominee they're definitely going to refresh the whole world on Biden's declining state lol
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Good morning

I partied last night, and woke up alone on this park bence lol

Can u give mea ride home?

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Germany is a bad joke
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>GEORGE SANTOS for trumps running mate.

Who's that? Why not Ben Carson?
>2b impression
>with a b
>they'll claim the debate was selectively edited on the fly live.
well see, this is where they're fucked.
they TOLD EVERYONE they were manipulating it for 2 minutes before it even hit the feed as part of the rules
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can`t wait to see her get bombarded with questions about it.
word from behind the scenes is that biden wasn't even holding it together... so what everyone saw on the feed was biden shined up as best as cnn could polish the turd....
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I'm at waffle house right now. eating waffles
a lot of noticing.
>why is it so outrageous to think Hitler was incapable of a single good idea?
Because jews said so, that's why.
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>scotus says it is illegal
>i'm doing it anyway
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How are the prices?
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>I'm at waffle house right now. eating waffles

I wish I could eat waffles lol
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Good morning and good awoo, Sunday awoo
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President Fetterman incoming
Oh good you're here. Look at this thread
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>gushing over terrorists
Lel, that treasure trail
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I hope everyone gets the new boosters this fall!
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>How are the prices?

I like Ihop, Denny's and Bob Evans
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Get that wolf away from the chocolate milk!
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Full on not relaxing.
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So what they’re saying is, No one else can beat Trump except Biden. Lol I’m sure the DNC is loving that.
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>Oh good you're here. Look at this thread


She has a new husband, and Post malone is releasing tracks pretending to fuck her...

Why should I care?

>Lel, that treasure trail

You will make sure I get home safe won't u anon?
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Because she's not a good role model and it's your favorite subject
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Bro I may be sleep deprived or maybe even hungover... But please tell me whether or not this is real.
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Look at him go!
Total swifties death!
oh look she`s doing a biden.
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i think taylor swift does have some kids but they were surrogated with wombs she paid for (but im also schizo)
What gasoline station puts price of milk on their road sign? Family express?
You just answered your own question
Breaking 911 has been on a tear this morning
We could learn from the Empire.
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Purge all who voted for either NDAA or Beijing Biden in 2021!

To find a RINO, check SPLC/ADL connections.
If anyone of a dynasty is corrupt, they're all corrupt.
Remember that our Trump movement's roots are in the Tea Party.
Any Republican old enough to run for office will hold beliefs indicative of a Tea Party past.

Get involved! Initiate referenda! Write bills!
Become a pollwatcher, candidate, or staffer!
Vote in every election--federal, state, and local!

Anything you can do to make America great again, do it!

Full voting guide: https://hatebin.com/ondoegvbbg

ND 6/11: yes
WI 8/13: YES

AR: Yes
CA: NO, Yes, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, YES, Yes, NO, YES, NO
CO: No, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, YES, NO, YES, Yes, No, NO, NO
IN: No
NH: yes
ND: NO, Yes, Yes
OK: Yes
OR: Yes, No, NO
VA: Yes
WA: Yes
WY: No

>undecided voters
>they all work in politics
>all but 1 is vehemently anti-trump

undecideds dont like trumps personality but many of them will bend the knee when no one is looking
Raceway in NJ
He goes from Ted Danson to Michael Douglas
What is up for a vote in New Mexico
Then to Mathew Modine
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This is a copy of the Biden Laptop Report, an ALFA and a Pineapple, there are many like them but these ones are mine.
Good morning frens
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Just like all the niggers genocided in LoTR.
Good, I fucking hate democracy.
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Would Newsom vs Trump be kino?
Won't work. Dems love tent cities, makes country look all third world and diverse and sheeit.
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I think the world watched. Putin probably had a good laugh.
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Tax exemptions, UNM having political powers, salaries for local officials, and a ton of deficit spending.
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>UNM having political powers
What the h*ck
>No controversies
Oh wait, you're serious
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Basically they want to give the dean of the University of New Mexico the power to nominate judges

I don't think this is a good idea.
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>Because she's not a good role model and it's your favorite subject

good mornin fren
that is incredibly irresponsible as University presidents are elected to their positions by their own bodies
I need to know what are the 7 lies I can tell my friends to excuse Bidens performance?
Dont blueball me like this OP.
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Nothing stops awoovement against choccy milk
I hope America and Europe learn from this important lesson.
Make the world great again please.
Everyday is better than the last.
(gavin would have a hard time winning the rust belt)
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I spent most of last night fucking around with the Pineapple, it has some pretty cool stuff you can add onto it. You can trace route domains (I did the 4chins) it has a couple OSINT plugins that make using the data you harvest easy.
All in all, very cool, expensive, but worth it.
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Good morning, everyone.
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also hurricane chads we are going to have a very MAGA time
wow, what a harrowing bit of reporting. Very brave
>captcha OMG 4G
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new baker needed

You! I found this picture last night.
I got it.
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mornin. Just got my first cup
Based hackerman
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nigel is holding his own version of a trump rally
See I knew you’d like it.
It’s fine to brew up the first pot.
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Looks like it will slam into Jamaica and then Mexico.
Always a toss-up how much it intensifies but a cat 3 is pretty comfy.
I like that it is targeting our enemies and not /us/ (the US)
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I want one to body slam cuba, haiti, and Nicaragua.
Alan Lichtman's 13 keys to the White House
>party mandate
False. Biden lost the house
>no primary contest
True. There was no serious primary challenger against Biden
>incumbent seeking re-election
True. Biden is seeking re-election
>no third-party
Leans true. There is no serious third party challenger
>strong short term economy
True. Unemployment is low and there's no recession
>strong long term economy
True. Per capita growth is strong
>major policy change
True. Biden has his build back better program
>no social unrest
Leans true. While it's possible pro-Palestine could get out of hand, it hasn't happened yet.
>no scandal
True. Biden has had no major scandals
>no major foreign policy failure
False. Biden's response to Gaza is bad
>major foreign/military success
Leans false. It's possible Biden's peace plan for Gaza could go through
>charismatic incumbent
False. Biden is not charismatic
>un charismatic challenger
True. Trump is not very popular

That's only 4 false keys, meaning Joe Biden has re election in the bag. It is fucking over. Trump btfo.
If I were you I'd be betting all in on Biden
Scott btfo'ing desTINY
>keys posting
>in 2024
Destiny is such a little fucking faggot, he should come here and debate me.
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>i think taylor swift does have some kids but they were surrogated with wombs she paid for (but im also schizo)

You mean like from Ellen Degenereses grooming/ Epstien Island secret projects?

They may have drugged her and stolen her eggs to make clones ??

I had some secret men in black type thing happen to me where they were sneaking into my trash can with hookers and stealing condoms...

I think they already cloned me and made space aliens from fake embryos, there were some rumors that I already have my own clones...

And a few years ago I had some random dudes like 18 years old come upto me and say I was their dad

Man, you never can tell, thats why you have to be careful who you let around you!!
> If everyone bails on Biden the steal will be obvious.
They need at least a few real voters to cover the steal.
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>ID m0hG
he should come in for a debate
Trump's debate performance was a disaster
It was so bad, people are calling for Trump to drop out
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I heard they're like assholes and how everyone has one
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Sounds like that faggot should take a stroll down to Mexico, they have more democracy there.
Over 40 political opponents assassinated!
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>A literal NO U article
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>had him molest a bunch of people
This doesn't fix inflation.
Better arrest more bad goys for protesting these jews!
You can't debunk him
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>no goy you remember wrong
>never forget the 6 gorillion jews that never died
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I'm thinking so big
I mean. This is textbook gaslighting, no? Guess this means Biden is riding this thing through.
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>Trump's debate performance was a disaster


There is no way Trump can win!!

>Sounds like that faggot should take a stroll down to Mexico, they have more democracy there.
>Over 40 political opponents assassinated!

Can I borrow the car?

I will fill up the tank when I return it :)
Jimmy Carter is unironically more fit to be president right now.
Reminder that I am baking. Worry not and be just.
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>I will fill up the tank when I return it :)
Now I don't believe that for one second, Luke. You have morals even worse than an alley cat.
why enjoy m*g*min? she's worst girl. Yunyun mogs her every day of her life
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Everything is so fucking gay.
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Megameme is top MAGA girl it's known
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Don't let the egg see you say that.
what happened to your polish flag lol? vpn's are funny like that eh?
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what? why not?
Aqua and Wiz are 1a and 1b best girls
Egg likes Megumin
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Quite the opposite, niggers and poos and chinks are invading that border too.
Just two more booster shots to flatten the curve.
I like the big titty wizard.
cope cope cope
>b-b-b-but keys
elections in 2024 have changed :)
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hope he responds to me soon.
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We're riding the vortex, what keys
I like Aqua
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That's because you have good taste.
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I see you enjoy tard wrangling, however the aristocrat enjoys loli wrangling
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I like Aqua a lot. But I also like the big booba, financially irresponsible lich
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retard here with no history or experience with american politics except for being annoyed at jews putting black women in my video games: is orange man actually bad or is that just more jewish propaganda?
>Uh hello, Based Department?
it's just revenge for them ruining the NYPD uniforms which used to look exactly like SS uniforms
it is indeed jewish propaganda
>why is it so outrageous to think Hitler was incapable of a single good idea?
because you shouldn't trust gay vegetarians ever

just kidding I know hitler wasn't really vegetarian he just played that up for the votes from that church

but the Nazi government did a lot of things to protect the German people, they pulled the Bloomberg anti smoking shit in the 40s, to protect the volk from Cancer
>he's ignoring the editorial board of the NYT
that guy responds to the head of counter intelligence at the CIA, or whoever is in the Jesus Angleton chair these days
>if they ditch him
they can't. even if he died they would just swap him for a look alike
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A fucking teleprompter!
>is orange man actually bad
he had the same lawyer as Paul Castellano so yeah he's not great, but the other guy worships the devil so basically they're the same
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Lol, the pure copium. I’m not saying it’s in the bag, but your take is way off. You must have already forgotten about Afghanistan and that shit withdrawal. You must be blind to how inflation is routinely cited as the largest issue. You must be oblivious to how Build Back Better has really gone unnoticed by many.
This is really good . Where the fuck is my T shirt?
Hitler also enjoyed drinking water and breathing air!
is this general just /a/ for facebook boomers
Biden should just sit in a chair and the 'crowd' reads a big teleprompter behind him with the speech on.
>who would actually be a credible threat to Trump?
at this point nobody, maybe RFK Jr if they could somehow swallow that shit
Hitler murdered people who teased him in high school
no because /a/ is full of shitskins
/ptg/ is the most white place on the site :)
If a sizeable majority felt as though there were some semblance of choice in the matter, then yes, any reasonable and sane people would be upset. But we all know in our hearts (even those who don't admit it or consciously know it) that elections and voting are an elaborate charade.
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> him

Your ID, dude… Fucking tourists. “Le heckin’ Joe still has this!”
I'm Polish though
He was Mad af after the debate Even if according to him it dosent matter jej
based c-n-di-n's building a northern wall before the southern wall is finished. blumft btfo.
For the record, I don't actually think they will replace biden at this point, but it's fun to mock them about him.
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Super-credible sources on all that shit.
Show these people no mercy.
Mock them in every public forum.
what cope
>w-w-w-well actually it was bigly planned for the bidens to go to camp david
>nothing is wrong haha!
Time to finish the bread.
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It’s too early for pie.
Nobody. but they’ll just vote blue no matter who.
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anon posted that in my steed.
So he did.
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I was busy with a MAGA shower & shave, didn't expect a stall
I'll sexpost til the next bread
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That explains it.
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Go now
This is extremely based. Image means a lot.
why are sharks such assholes
They are protesting two recent separate incidents where a nigger (military) raped a girl

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