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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
ARCHIVED LINKS https://pastebin.com/eAhgNyeX

>First Presidential Debate, Atlanta, GA 6/27/2024
>Pres Trump Holds Rally, Philadelphia, PA 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v51ty4u-live-president-trump-holds-a-maga-rally-in-philadelphia-62224.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Keynotes Faith and Freedom Coalition, Washington, DC 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v52yh29-live-president-trump-keynotes-the-faith-and-freedom-coalitions-road-to-majo.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Delivers Remarks, Racine, WI 6/18/2024
https://rumble.com/v51twti-live-president-trump-delivers-remarks-in-racine-wisconsin-61824.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Speaks at The People's Convention, Detroit, MI 6/15/2024
https://rumble.com/v50qmoe-live-president-trump-speaks-at-the-peoples-convention-in-detroit-61524.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Birthday Speech, West Palm Beach, FL 6/14/2024
https://rumble.com/v51nwy3-full-speech-president-trump-celebrates-his-birthday-at-club-47-61424.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Interviewed by Logan Paul, 6/13/2024
>TrumpVideo: WE WILL WIN 6/19/23
>God Bless the USA (Donald J Trump) 10/20/16

OP pastebin: http://pastebin.com/X4KiALfh
prev >>472637874
Ultra MAGA.
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its awoovement
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Good morning, sir!
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hmmm. wolves are howling..
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>Good morning, sir!
Good morning, sir !!
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I hate niggers.
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>wolves are howling.
Ever since Thursday night, they have been smelling blood.
So close there. So what’s the latest? Did the heat make niggers kill each other more yet?
I-It was a moral victory.
>tenshi post
>/ptg/ on page one
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>I hate niggers.
What a coincidence! Me too!
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>when you're a low-ranking DNC staffer writing the tweets that pretend to come from the unconscious Joe Biden and you need some way to attack Trump's morals so you compare him to a lovable ungovernable kot

Thank you based intern, I hope you do it for free
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You know the thing that has surprised me most out of this whole debate fiasco?
It's how many leftards have written about having panic attacks and depression and "suicide ideation" and so on.
I really did not fully realize what a bunch of pathetic, weak, useless pussies they all are.
My fellow shabbos goy we're so back. We will do it, we will finally do it. We will make Israel great again. The homeland of our Lord and Savior Yeshua ben Yusuf.
>So what’s the latest? Did the heat make niggers kill each other more yet?
Amazingly quiet.

-Triple-nigger shooting overnight
-1 stabbed, 1 shot at the infamous 31st Street Beach yesterday

Police are actively protecting the faggot parade today

Stupid redneck car race happens sometime this week. I think.
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they realize all hope is lost again (for them. Hope is overflowing for real Americans)
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>bot general
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Who you voting for?
Oh wait, you literally can't know yet until your DNC masters make a decision.
Did you know that Paul Manafort is coming out with a new book that details his time locked up? If you preorder now, you get a discount on a personal look at Manafort's life! Please click on the link below to get started:
Sup, bros?
Not really a whole lot to report then.
>Biden was hurt badly but if we oversample democrats then there is no change
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Good Bunday morning, /ptg/...hope your Caturdays were comfy despite the entire fucking planet having collectively gone fucking insane
buy an ad loser
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Good morning dweeb poster. Hope your bunday is going well
What compels them to cope like this?
To literally interject some made up punishment that never happened just because Donald assraped Joe so hard in debate?

Conservatives do not cope like this
We are not equal

This is some straight up insecure little bitch incapable of emotionally distancing themselves with ignorant views of the world.
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>Not really a whole lot to report then.
Once again, niggers fail to achieve anything.
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>hope your Caturdays were comfy despite the entire fucking planet having collectively gone fucking insane
/ptg/ is my bastion of sanity; my refuge from the chaos; my shelter from the stupidity
>Biden was hurt badly but if we oversample democrats then there is no change
Did you know that Kaleigh Mcenany came out with a new book that details her time in the Trump administration? If you preorder now, you get a discount on a personal look at Kayleigh's time in the administration! Please click on the link below to get started:
I saw this earlier.
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this better be a different book and not that one that came out a few years ago
I'm going to look a little more locally and see if anything happened over the last two nights (that was reported on)
Look we can't elect a president who disrespects their own veterans and calls them suckers and losers.
There are no bigger suckers and losers than those who support communism and communist politicians.

My heart belongs to Donald Trump.
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What about "stupid bastards"?
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>that insane post-debate drop
this upcoming week is gonna be good
Trump was mewing during the debate and called Biden, Brandon.
Will we see Trump say "IT'S JOEVER" soon?
RFK Jr. Leaves Dr. Phil Stunned As He Explains Huge Kickbacks Fauci and NIH Have Earned From Moderna Vaccines

Good morning friends. Remember we updated when the Sabbath day awhile ago to today so if you do any work at all God will be mad. I wish you all well and I hope the Trump campaign continues to dominate their political rivals.
I'm trying to find first-hand accounts of trump calling WW1 fallen soldiers suckers and losers and apparently john kelly "confirmed" it but when you read in detail, it turns out he is just quoting the same second-hand reports and didn't actually substantiate it himself
so john kelly is the "source", because john kelly referred subsequently to the reports, of which there are no sources??
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thank you for the wise words, Akarin
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Fauci and NIH weren't the only ones getting kickbacks from the vaxsneed.
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Thanks for the greeting, burger

Hello, liam...thanks for your waffles; they've helped me calm down on many Caturday and Bunday mornings when my seethe levels have been through the fucking roof
yes welcome to american politics please enjoy your stay
Go for it.
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I'm a little impatient for the post-debate polls. Everyone is talking about how Trump slaughtered Bidet so it's hard to get my mind off the upcoming bump.
are you sleepy? also read this https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-could-derail-high-speed-rail-revolution-1918018
Right now the democrats are in a series of Catch-22s

>Trump leads almost all the swing states and is tied or leading by 1-2% in a head to head and 4-6% in a 6 way
>there are 12 senate seats up for grabs in swing states
>if only people who voted in 2018 and 2020 voted in 2024, Biden would have a slight advantage, but if there are newly registered voters and voters who are registered but are infrequent voters also turn out, the democrats would lose 59%-41%
>83% of Trump voters say that they will "definitely" vote, compared to only 76% of Kennedy voters and 75% of Biden voters as of March/February 2024 polling

Put all of that together and the real 'danger' from either biden's weak performance is that democratic participation falls another 5-10%. Trump is already outregistering them, imagine in PA that he continues at the current rate, but democrats begin to bleed voters? How would they win?

Likewise if Democratic turnout falls in all the swing states, where Trump is already leading, then logically the most vulnerable democrats in Arizona, Montana, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Ohio (and maybe Wisconsin and Nevada too) would all lose just because democrats not turning out, in swing states where Trump is already winning, will kill them.

This is the real danger- low democratic turnout will destroy them in the house, destroy them in the senate. Democrats can't afford not to have high turnout, but aren't able to overcome Trump's advantage and biden's shitting and farting his way to the white house exit is going to take them all down with him.

And for Trump this presents a unique opportunity to crush his enemies and have a secure term.

Of course I always caveat "this is assuming they don't print 20 million ballots at 2 AM on election night for Biden". Always good to caveat.
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Man, even Psaki is going in on Biden's debate performance now. DC really is the grossest city, just a bunch of fucking snakes. If there's anyone on TV who should be defending Joe it's her, she's literally nobody without him. What a cunt.
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Hey Michiru, sorry about all those nasty things I keep saying about you. I cross the line sometimes, but you do go out of your way to frustrate me. I hope we can continue being friends.
It's entertaining how so many Trump cabinet member could just do as they please like it's a Biden party and got punched in the face bc Trump doesn't tolerate that shit. Then they whined and you got those stupid stories in the news.
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>I saw this earlier.
Based crocodiles are racist.
Let's say you get your college degree and you move back home to your home town which is not a big city, how difficult/easy is it to get a job there? Or do you have to live in the urban areas to actually get a job post-college in Today's America?
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actually I don't have as much time as I thought. Gotta head out.
>but you do go out of your way to frustrate me.
huh? How so?
Nah, Brandon has permeated the normiesphere enough that it's a widely accepted nickname at this point. Joever would be hilarious, but I don't think the "it's over" memes have the same penetration.
Anon that's almost every Trump quote, you go dig into the details and it turns out it never happened. He didn't even call Haiti a shithole country, disappointing, I know.
every day that passes is less time to respond to voting deadlines, less time to have campaign material prepped and ready, less time to put campaign strategists in place, less time to form policy and build coalitions, less time to kick-start the activist base
if Biden was going to replace I would've thought it'd take place within like 72 hours of the debate but as there's been no movement I think they're actually going to keep going lmao
be workin on stellas cherries kek
Depends on the degree and the size of the city.
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>huh? How so?
Michiru, you are testing my patience. Just accept the apology. Acting dumb about your many, many sins is not going to win you any favors.
god she knows just how to talk about politics
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Clear as crystal >you stupid bastard
So if we meme "IT'S JOEVER" hard enough, Trump will say it?
In politics, all of the relationships are transactional. On a scale of 1 to 10, how screwed is the Party right now?
This was the Mueller Report:
>Government official leaks "facts" to the press
>Media reports on it
>Mueller team cites the media as a source
Biden has DEMENTIA?!?! When did THIS happen?!?
Everything in africa hates niggers but not enough.
Many have said it here, they are stuck because the only option that wouldn't cause a meltdown in the party is Kamala. The system is not designed for anyone but the vice president to take over if Biden steps down so the dems are pretty much forced to pick one of their two shittiest canidates, not that I think any of their preferred replacements would beat Trump either at this point.
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Looks like a MAGA PEZ dispensor
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>even Psucki is starting to after her former boss and pointing out he's a dementia vegetable, as others have been realizing for years now

Looks like I'll have to queue up her Bunday boomershow in a bit
she is breathtaking
It's almost as if trying to jail your political opponent makes a martyr out of them and energizes their base...
I am ever thankful at how stupidly arrogant the democrats are.
I’m pretty sure I spent a good chunk of my time in his stream last night threatening him. I can’t remember since I’m still full of brain fog.
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your taste in women is so weird. but at least you like women
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The real concern I have is how the “totally fair and unbiased” judge will sentence Trump before the convention. The faggot’s daughter literally works as a DNC consultant. The Dems really might go full third-world tyrant and simply jail their opponent that’s currently winning.
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>Everything in africa hates niggers but not enough.
There is never enough hatred for niggers.
I try my best to inspire more.
Since forever, homo.
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raise your standards a little bit. Slam pig at best
They're having a meeting today at Camp David to discuss, basically it's been 48 hours and it's clear the media cannot gaslight its way out of this. The problem is there are a million issues, the Bidens don't want to give up power, obviously Kamala can't just be passed over without getting something, and then there's the question of who to actually run.

Regarding deadlines, I think they can still make it for most of the important states, they'll have to write in or just accept losses in a few.

I have a few friends in DC and they say that most of the congressional dems have accepted that they're fucked, they're pissed but they want someone on the ballot to try to help save their seats.
We physically cannot hate niggers enough. It’s impossible.
We all saw how he jumped in the polls after the trial. If he actually gets jailed be ready for at least a +10% increase for him
I thought some key deadlines had already passed in Wisconsin and Nevada which they can't afford to lose
dwump lost SPIRITUALLY
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How many fucking times does it need to be posted in this goddamned fucking general that
>there is no way Blimpf is going to prison
Apparently, it's never enough
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>We physically cannot hate niggers enough. It’s impossible.
This sounds like a Law of Physics.

Things that cannot be achieved:
-Traveling at the speed of light
-Creating a perfect vacuum
-Attaining absolute zero temperature
-Having a process that is 100% efficient
-Hating niggers enough
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nigel knows how to put on a show, i bet he learned it from trump
I don't think it's a done deal that Joe steps down. If he had a normal loving family, sure, but all those Bidens are shitheads. Totally possible they convince him to stay in cuz he can win.
The felony conviction gave Trump about a 5% boost and was a huge fundraising thing. Jailing Trump after that debate performance... It would be a bad look. Trying to keep him in jail for the convention would result in some history making kino like a jail cell address, I guess the thing to ask is has there ever been a populist politician who has gotten less popular for going to jail? The Democrats will probably lose New Jersey if they go through with it.

That said, they might be desperate and enough to go for it as a hail mary.
anon there is a zero (0) percent chance that biden actually steps down
the logistics are a nightmare and jill biden will never, ever give up power
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Seriously. Trump is no fucking saint, I’m not going to kid myself into believing that he is. He’s human. (Mind you, a human that is basically willing to throw sacrifice a life of pure billionaire bliss all so he can hopefully lead this nation out of a shit spiral.) But he’s nowhere near the “asshole boogeyman” they paint him to be. He has an enormous record of giving to charities and foundations, advocating policies that help others, etc.. As he said, it wasn’t until he decided to run as a Republican that so many decided to call him every bad name in the book.
doesn't sound like someone expecting joe to step down
Kek and true. Just hate them in the right amount.
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This bitch is so annoying…
Why are so many RW pundits trying to get Joe 25th'd or replaced on the ballot? He's literally given us a huge advantage in November, shouldn't we, yanno, take it?
>doesn't sound like someone expecting joe to step down
It's too late to replace him on the ballot in Wisconsin, Nevada, and Georgia unless he either dies or get 25th Amendment and in either place Kamala becomes the nominee then. They're fucked.
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Purge all who voted for either NDAA or Beijing Biden in 2021!

To find a RINO, check SPLC/ADL connections.
If anyone of a dynasty is corrupt, they're all corrupt.
Remember that our Trump movement's roots are in the Tea Party.
Any Republican old enough to run for office will hold beliefs indicative of a Tea Party past.

Get involved! Initiate referenda! Write bills!
Become a pollwatcher, candidate, or staffer!
Vote in every election--federal, state, and local!

Anything you can do to make America great again, do it!

Full voting guide: https://hatebin.com/lsvwqgomkk

WI 8/13: YES

AR: Yes
CA: NO, Yes, Yes, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, YES, Yes, NO, YES, NO
CO: No, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, YES, NO, YES, Yes, No, NO, NO
IN: No
NH: yes
ND: NO, Yes, Yes
OK: Yes
OR: Yes, No, NO
VA: Yes
WA: Yes
WY: No

What are the other measures?
Actually yes.
Now, the walking back:

>Just hate them in the right amount.
This is good advice.
I can't stay at maximum-level nigger hatred all of the time.

I oftentimes settle down to base-level nigger apathy.

(Picrel is probably the best screenshot I've ever taken)
Most certainly !!
Otherwise you’re going to allow that hate to control you and I’ve seen what out of control hate does. You end up like that one leaf in the Canada general on /k/ that thinks the best way to achieve TND in Canada is to import more niggers as an example.
Good Bunday morning, generaleepastawoo...how are you feeling

This episode of (((Meet The Press))) was absolutely brutal toward Dementia Veggie Joe...mongrelette Welker's panel is ending the show debating the scenarios of Dementia Veggie Joe dropping out
Party nomination deadlines are different from general ballot deadlines, and I'm guessing they'll be allowed to use the independent filing deadline under the circumstances, that's if they don't just find a comped judge to go "defending muh democracy" and toss the law under the admittedly unprecedented circumstances. Any state with a democrat SoS or governor will probably bend the rules for them. That all said, most of them have written off the presidential race at this point, much of the replace Biden talk is being driven by congressional democrats who are terrified of the downballot impact of having Trump crush Biden. The senate map is not favorable to Democrats this year.

The other possibility is the "scorched earth" campaign where they drop from states that they think Kennedy could win without a Dem on the ballot, in a mad gambit to prevent 270 votes and get the election into the house.
>but the house is controlled by Republicans!
Yeah, but how many are "true conservatives" and neocucks are there? The majority is thin. The weakness here is that Americans tend to dislike these retarded filibuster alliances, as Cruz and Kasich found out back in 2016.
The mask on the lady in the back is nightmare fuel
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>Otherwise you’re going to allow that hate to control you
This is true.
I like being civilized and sane.

>and I’ve seen what out of control hate does. You end up like that one leaf in the Canada general on /k/ that thinks the best way to achieve TND in Canada is to import more niggers as an example.
"Just add more niggers" is never a good solution.
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This is what I found when i checked the actual website
I'm pretty sure that Trump's entire political career and everything that happened after was a spite move after Obama was an ass to him at that white house dinner. Yes, Obama's entire legacy was trashed because like many dumb niggers he just couldn't stop running his mouth.
Great slogan
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I'm always surprised the depths of my anger can keep going deeper.
>they are stuck because the only option that wouldn't cause a meltdown in the party is Kamala
They’ll do as they’re told when Hillary steps in lmfao
Archive that. I ain't paying them a dime or a click.
>This episode of (((Meet The Press)))
Oh shit, where can I watch Good Morning America? I want to see how they covered it since my parents are good goys who watch it for their news every Sunday morning.
>>Trump didn't benefit from the debate, except in the category that matters.

Exquisite pilpul.
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it's possibly the biggest debate win of all time, it has quite literally ended Biden's career, short of his opponent actually dying I don't see how it could have gone better for Trump lmao
Thank you.
>Egg enters thread
>Oh shit, where can I watch some quality goyslop?
>I want to watch it because it would make my mommy happy
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Of psaki and the various snakes, there is a good reason why traitors are regarded as the most foul people in the world in religion and law.
>Former Uvalde Police Chief Indicted Over School Shooting Response
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Whoa !!!
I just noticed !!

(Picrel is probably my other best screenshot ever)
So akarinigger finally took out a 4chin ad? kek
You do like it.
>I'm always surprised the depths of my anger can keep going deeper.
There is no bottom.
It's nigger hatred all of the way down.
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>some random faggot enters the thread
>the thread immediately becomes 400% gayer
Many such cases. Sad!
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And all the way up as well, hoping the shartliner turns into a fun minihappening.
>You do like it.
I've seen other anons posting it.
I'm always flattered when other anons appreciate my screenshots and re-post them.
That's old Biden is at 20% now
Shop RFK with jeb for a more believable poll
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It irks me a little that Burgum isn't the kind of VP that will be taking the torch in 2028 but he's a good choice in terms of helping Trump win swing states. Hell of a lot better than Pence at least.
When the people vote for your opponent, you win.
Who has so many random 9mm rounds in one magazine?
Where did you find this ostrich again?
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>hoping the shartliner turns into a fun minihappening.
It already has.
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>Shop RFK with jeb for a more believable poll

Skibi Dibi!!

>attempt to have serious discussion about income in the US
>some dude tells me people should move to areas where you can make more tham 45,000 a year with no degree, but the rent is less than 1000 a month for a studio
It is impossible to talk finance on 4chan because so many people have obviously never had a job or compared living costs by metro area vs. rent costs, but still talk mad shit about their financial skills and how they 'only' make 130k a year at 29 working 2 remote tech jobs, 2 years after the tech sector began doing mass layoffs.
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>Where did you find this ostrich again?
Fuck if I know !!!
It might've been a GP article image.
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How do they measure that for animals?
I argue it should be higher as all non-nigger behavior helps the species.
Built for facials, what a lady.
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You best start believing in 4chan roleplaying communities, you're in one.
Nixon reborn as VP would be kino
Big if true.
Checked. I saw this https://www.science.org/content/article/iq-test-animals
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Maybe a stock photo but this came up...
Worse than the holocaust.
Ostriches are retarded birds beyond reasonable measure
I really that it would have been Elise Stefanik. She wasn’t my favorite, but it’s what I assumed the party would push to try and secure up female voters. I prefer Burgum or Vance though.
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Oh neat, smart birbs.
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>Maybe a stock photo but this came up...
Looks familiar.
That's probably where I got it from.
I might've gotten it from a NYP article
or Yajoo news
Trump with that Miss Universe whose skirt accidentally fell down
Why couldn't it be her? People are still speculating
Other than the caterpillar eyebrows I have no strong feelings for or against borgor.
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The fact that Mike is even considered is astounding. Literally zero experience doing anything noteworthy other than fucking a once-popular president. No large organization experience, no military experience, no government experience, literally nothing other than signing off on what a ghost writer wrote and making appearances on retarded talk shows. But - despite all that - every wine mom and ultra liberal will flock out to support.
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that webm of the ostrich on the farm that gets its head caught and just rips it right off its own body
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>But - despite all that - every wine mom and ultra liberal will flock out to support.
Retard-Americans would vote for a cinder block.
Or a puddle of brown liquid.
It could still be. She’s just not usually speculated anymore. I think she’d be good in a cabinet position
>Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene calls to end U.S. efforts to combat AIDS in Africa, signalling opposition to a Bush-era program credited with saving more than 25 million lives.
Okay she’s doing something good.
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ZERO resources should be going to that hell hole.
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wrong. AIDS is the immune response of the continent to the infestation that is niggers
bot response
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That reminds me of the one where a nigger snaps his own neck.
Niggers have earned aids because they are gay and niggers.
holy shit what a curse
no matter how correct RFK could be about something
that fucking voice
Thanks for the proof that the news niggers have staffers here, like has been said several times.
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I would like to send money to Africa to help spread AIDS.
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yeah i saw that a few times it is perhaps the copies cope that ever coped
the only way it could be worse is if they said
>well he didn't win the debate in our hearts <3
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Trump is pure containment by the regime/elites.
damn, kinda disappointed the fabric over her tummy wasnt more stretchy
Niggers are AIDS.
and those fucking brain worms lol...
i've seen more than 2 debates irl that ended with "but brainworms..."
squeak status?
Yeah that makes sense charge the guy with 100 crimes as an olive branch. Too much fag porn has rotted your brain.
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>Media spends their entire lifespan hating conservatives and Trump
>Media for once has a slightly less biased approach to Trump
>The MSM has fallen and can no longer be trusted!
It's amazing how they refuse to admit they might be wrong about Trump
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Outmoused and unrivaled!
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so is it actually Joever, or are they pushing through with Biden? Can't possibly imagine they'd put up Kamala at this point, she's more unliked than Biden OR Trump
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You're retarded if you can't see that Trump is literally just containment by the elites.
> Didn't benefit on any measure except the vote
Lol that's the only metric that actually matters.
there is a zero (0) percent chance that biden steps down
the part of the population that THINKS they are democrats have a huge dose of dissonance coming.
because they are learning in real time that they've been lied to about what the dnc actually represents, by this media that they have no understanding of because it is also part of the dnc.
Kek the middle part says calling for Trump to withdraw. All journalists are pretty much retarded.
I sincerely doubt he'd step down.
It requires a level of humility that I doubt he has, look at RBG. She worked until her dying day because of arrogance, not because there was a political strategy.
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If you're gonna post her then at least post some bare booba
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They claim AIDS has killed 36M faggots and yet no lockdowns?
That's like 6 holler coasters, it's like they wanted it to spread on purpose!
Unstable not-geniuses

>Despite voters’ worries, the debate hasn’t dented Biden’s standing against Trump yet, with most surveys still showing a neck-and-neck race. Biden actually gained some ground according to Ipsos polling: Trump and Biden were tied 44%-44% before the debate, but Biden took a 46%-44% lead afterwards. Morning Consult’s polling delivered a similar result: Biden was tied with Trump 44%-44% before the debate, and Biden led Trump 45%-44% afterwards.


ya love to see it
>didn't benefit except the vote
Long ago, your ancestors looked around and said
>fuck this shit, they be sus af, no cap
So they placed a Mandate from themselves to themselves. They said this
>The cismale and male conforming being well trained to bust a cap in a criminal or tyrant, is Necessary for the security of a free peeps, thus their big iron and pew pews and other gtfo tools are Ours, and shall not be fucked with.
Train the whole Militia, and Seek Jesus. This gets you skills to stop crimes, no matter what back-alley or Office they may be claimed to originate, and it gives you a basis for a common law.
Get trained, seek Jesus,, Or Cry, that's 2000 years of history condensed.
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If the jews tell Dementia Veggie Joe/his cunt wife to drop the fuck out of the race and he/she refuses, you'd better believe he'll disappear, and because of his dementia there are myriad ways that can be done
I have read 2 articles recently that say the biden's entire inner-circle consists of his wife (73), his younger sister (78), and Ted Kaufman (85)
older people need to be told by younger people to stop, otherwise they just deny reality
Ipsos and Morning consult are two of the worst polls, by far. Average like D+6-D+8 bias.
I Hate Walmart
Dumgay's Feed and Seed
Formerly Lucoa's
staffers love walmart for some reason
sure, but she had a lifetime appointment. Not exactly comparable
Biden averages up about 7.5-8 points over Trump for the entire campaign, won by 4.5, a 3-4 point bias. Trump is averaging up about 2 right now. It's safe to say he's actually up at least 4-5 at the moment.
>wrong. AIDS is the immune response of the continent to the infestation that is niggers

I love crab rangoons.

>so is it actually Joever, or are they pushing through with Biden? Can't possibly imagine they'd put up Kamala at this point, she's more unliked than Biden OR Trump

It just sits here calculating the tyrannical spinning wheel of satanism for 5 hours.. lol
>they refused to let Diane Feinstein retire
There were tons of calls for her to resign. It was her own stubbornness that kept her there, and when you're an elected official, there's not much you can do
>and when you're an elected official, there's not much you can do
Uh, there's a lot they could have done
Take away all her committee assignments, remove her from the caucus, go out on TV every day and shit talk her. They didn't do that because they knew some nutjob would replace her so they wanted her to stay as long as possible.
Retarded metric
Betting odds don't vote
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hollow points are expensive niggah
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In a quiet, fictional future, President Biden stood at the crossroads of an ethical dilemma that had divided the nation. A controversial bill landed on his desk: the Euthanasia and Abortion Act. Advocates argued it was a step towards compassionate choice, allowing terminally ill patients and those facing severe fetal abnormalities a dignified exit. Critics decried it as a slippery slope undermining the sanctity of life.

Biden, a seasoned leader with decades of public service, grappled with the decision. His Catholic faith and personal tragedies weighed heavily on him. He spent nights in the Oval Office, reflecting on his son Beau's battle with cancer and the sanctity of life he'd always cherished.

In a televised address, Biden spoke directly to the nation, his voice resolute yet compassionate. "This decision isn't taken lightly," he began. "It's about giving people autonomy over their own suffering while ensuring robust safeguards."

He signed the bill, urging the nation to approach this new chapter with empathy, care, and an unwavering respect for life. The nation held its breath, poised at the brink of a profound societal shift.
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You need to put some fmj in with the hollow points in case they're wearing soft armor or behind auto glass.
all of the long-time skeletons stayed in way past their time (including the turtle) for three explicit reasons:

1) it eats a congress vote because it puts an ad-hoc blocking vote in place.
2) it eats a spot on any committee for the same reason.
3) it ensures that all money laundering is protected.

That is literally all.
Any news today?
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>"We did it, Joe!"
yes! there's so much news that i am shaking with glee!
it's been proven that you are a kike staffer.
go dilate about it
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it was revealed to /ptg/ that stella is a liar that makes up lies
that's a big ass phone
Life is like a ________
Wouldn't a liar who makes up lies actually be telling the truth then?
Trump was impeached for soliciting foreign aid for his election, threatening to withhold aid from Ukraine.
Trump was also impeached for inciting his supporters who attacked the US Capitol on January 6.
Trump had a Jury find him liable for sexual abuse and defamation in E. Jean Carroll case, he raped her.
Trump had a Jury find him guilty that he committed fraud in New York, on 91 counts of fraud.
Trump had a Jury find him guilty that he paid an adult porn star hush money with election funds and bad business reporting, on all 34 felony counts.
Trump has three other pending cases:
The Classified Documents Case
The Georgia Election Interference Case
The Federal Election Interference Case

He is the first president to be tried and convicted of crimes, a felon.

In the 1980's: Investigators examine Trump’s dealings with organized crime figures, focusing on whether he gave three apartments and a swimming pool in his signature Trump Tower building on New York’s Fifth Avenue to a woman tied to a key mob figure and union president, who in turn allegedly kept construction of Trump Tower moving even as the city’s building trades workers were on strike.

In the 1990's: New Jersey regulators investigate Trump’s finances and conclude he “cannot be considered financially stable,” yet extend his casino license to protect jobs at his Atlantic City hotel. The Casino Control Commission warns that “a complete financial collapse of the Trump Organization is not out of the question.”

In the 2000's: Federal regulators spent years looking into allegations of money laundering at Trump’s Taj Mahal casino in Atlantic City, finally fining his company $10 million in 2015 for failing to maintain proper controls against laundering and failing to report suspicious transactions. The casino admitted to “willful and repeated” violations of the Bank Secrecy Act.

In the 2010's: New York state sues Trump, alleging his Trump University defrauded more than 5,000 people.

If I could make the first 15 seconds of this video my ring tone, i'd be so happy.

>I-I-I got hairy legs th-that
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>Trump signed bill for COVID vaccine to get it made as quickly as possible and took the vaccine while denying it and pushed pseudo cures so his own supporters died
>False "law and order" Republican who had classified documents in his home and tried to hide them from the relevant agencies trying to get them back.
>Printed and added 8.7 trillion to national debt during 4 years a lot of which were corporate hand outs, fucked the tax code up so that people gradually owe more with less ability to process write-offs
>Uses lawfare and stalls all court proceedings
>Doesn't pay/stiffs contractors and lawyers
>Wears lifts in his shoes and lies about his height/weight
>Said that military veterans are losers and is a draft dodger himself
>Made fun of a journalist with a disability
>Wants to dismantle unions
>Spent 266 days of his presidency golfing in his four year term and has golfed more than Obama as president
>Has 91 counts of fraud and has been found guilty in New York
>Fake christian with 3 marriages, who betrayed his wife with a pornstar and used campaign money to silence her.
>Multiple failed businesses
>The border wall doesn't work
>Surrounds himself with corrupt people
>Hung out with Epstein, walked into a teen america pageant locker room, got creepy with his daughter
>Wannabe authoritarian dictator that visited and cozied up to multiple dictators internationally
>Owns a gold plated toilet, loves gold in general which is tacky
>No court has discovered election fraud even though he packed all the courts with Mitch McConnell
>Look at his list of who he pardoned, pardoned Steve Bannon who stole money from people donating to "build the wall" while Steve just pocketed all of it
>Worked to sell national park land
>Sexual assaults/rapist because why would you settle out of court for millions if you were innocent
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second look, they look like g9 EHPs
most pistol ammo wont go through soft armor but g9s will go through barriers or layers of clothing better than a normal HP
>threatening to withhold aid from Ukraine
that was biden
A tiny set of balls?
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>drumb signed :DD bill for govid vaggine do ged :DD id made as quiggly as bossible and doog dhe vaggine while denying id and bushed :DD bseudo gures so his own subborders died :DD
>false "law and order" rebubligan who had glassified :DD dogumends in his home and dried :DD do hide dhem from dhe relevand agengies drying do ged :DD dhem bagg.
>brinded :DD and added :DD 8.7 drillion do nadional debd during 4 years a lod of whigh were gorborade hand ouds, fugged :DD dhe dags gode ub so dhad beoble gradually owe more
>widh less abilidy do brogess wride-offs
>uses lawfare and sdalls all gourd brogeedings
>doesn'd bay/sdiffs gondragdors and lawyers
>wears lifds in his shoes and lies aboud his heighd/weighd
>said dhad milidary vederans are losers and is a drafd dodger himself
>made fun of a journalisd widh a disabilidy
>wands do dismandle unions
>sbend 266 days of his bresidengy golfing in his four year derm and has golfed :DD more dhan obama as bresidend
>has 91 gounds of fraud and has been found guildy in new yorg
>fage ghrisdian widh 3 marriages, who bedrayed :DD his wife widh a bornsdar and used :DD gambaign money do silenge her.
>muldible failed :DD businesses
>dhe border wall doesn'd worg
>surrounds himself widh gorrubd beoble
>hung oud widh ebsdein, walged :DD indo a deen ameriga bageand logger room, god greeby widh his daughder
>wannabe audhoridarian digdador dhad visided :DD and gosied :DD ub do muldible digdadors indernadionally
>owns a gold bladed :DD doiled, loves gold in general whigh is daggy
>no gourd has disgovered :DD elegdion fraud even dhough he bagged :DD all dhe gourds widh midgh mggonnell
>loog ad his lisd of who he bardoned, bardoned :DD sdeve bannon who sdole money from beoble donading do "build dhe wall" while sdeve jusd boggeded :DD all of id
>worged :DD do sell nadional barg land
>segsual assaulds/rabisd begause why would you seddle oud of gourd for millions if you were innogend
sup! Tiny balls?
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I jej'd.
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Psucki sure as shit isn't acting like a smug cunt on her Bunday boomershow today as she has been increasingly in the last few months, but she's still a fucking bubblehead...now she has a fucking pollster for Dementia Veggie Joe's campaign as a guest and, of course, everything is being smoothed over
>let's not talk about how Dementia Veggie Joe looked near death other night
>let's talk about all these (((swing voters))) we had in a room watching the debate and these (((dials))) we gave them and how much they turned them all the way in whichever direction when they starting seething over all the lies Blimpf was telling

They're actually still using those fucking dials with all these (((focus groups)))? Didn't that fucking jew Frank Luntz start all that shit...good lord, everyone is an idiot
Don't let the boomervision shows get under your skin
jen psaki is amazing
I'm a bit better now, still using pain pills to make it through the day though.

still unseen
again, i think i made the place too inhospitable with my latest trap placements and he might have moved somewhere that there's available food
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I don't know if I agree
she's a fucking sow
amazingly ugly and stupid
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Today on inside of Jen Psaki........
Shit that's not the name of the show I always get it wrong
Maybe most 9mm
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your ideas of women grow increasingly disconcerting
>George Washington after being showed Pride 2024
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He sure does have specific taste in women!
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nah he's still lurking in the shadows, waiting for you to fall asleep so he can nibble on your toes
Reminder that I am baking.
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Makiposter and his Jen posting, he's the most unhinged one out of all of us
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thanks fren
niggerposters really do be like that
Why don't the democrats simply convince Biden to drop off and choose someone else that is younger and with more energy? It would be so easy lol.
most pistol ammo
there are some 5.7 loads that will zip through lvl3a be even those are hard to get a hold of
the donors are already pissed as fuck.
the dnc is about to not be a thing over this
So, they're just going to not actually do an poll of the race, and just give us this, eh?
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Who are they going to push forward? AOC? Iilian Omar?
Gavin Newsom is the most likely pick but continues to claim he isn't running. Mike Obama?
wew lads
that's... that's a lot
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I cracked muellars laptop and sent it back to the feds in 2018.

I didn't look at any data, just blanked out the password so they could boot it up and look at it.

They were giving me all kinds of bad peoples laptops cuz they knew anyone who touched them would get a death sentance.
They would have to convince him to step down as president as well and wait to transfer all his fundraising to the new candidate as well. Plus, they would have to fight for the candidacy as there's several factions of democrats who want their person up there over the others.
niggers delusional
Imagine losing your job to a stupid dyke sheboon nigger.
Again, everybody just ignoring the fact that Kamala is next in line, and there's no way she'd quietly let someone leapfrog her, least of all a FUCKING WHITE MALE. The dems have painted themselves into one hell of a corner.
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The suplex of polls
it's either going to be whitmer, newsome or big mike.
those are the choices.
hillary is liteally as healthy as joe.
>Who are they going to push forward?
A candidate with a proven track record of success.
She checks all the boxes
-Big Dick
>now Cunt Pelosi on with Psucki
>volume immediately muted
>she's wearing yellow just like the fucking sun

I've known she also has dementia for awhile now, but she isn't regressing at quite the speed Dementia Veggie Joe is
YEAH the dems the party of george floyd are gonna make the black vp eat shit and give it to a white man.
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They don't have the humility, also Biden is just a puppet.
Ideally they want someone who is just a husk and follows orders like a good shabbo.
Yeah. The problem is kamala is incompetent etc. So she can not win.
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Seems like high platitudes and slogans worked well for Obongo because demosharts get easily snakecharmed.
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They unironically most likely will
She is a safe seat in congress, also very pro Biden so i don't see her doing this
>Lilian Omar
Same for AOC
>Gavin Newsom
He has a good curriculum and his relatively young compared to his possible opponent, most possible pick
>Michelle Obama
She said no repeatedly and also it would be an issue on the image aspect of it: she whould be seen as a puppet for her husband 3rd term
Convicted felon with a meth addiction, speaks for itself.
Cthullu called her back to the deep.
Yeah I’m pretty sure I repeatedly threatened baldie last night during his chat.
The fact is, no matter which way they go with it, they're screwed. And they have no one to blame but themselves. But they'll continue to blame Trump instead.
I'm really liking the post-538 Nat Silver. He's a leftie, but he isn't delusional.
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She doesn't have dementia, it's all the drugs she mix with her drinks, they had the bills from her private jet when she was a speaker and she consumed lots of alcohol.
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And is kamala gonna just take that knowing her career will immediately die
And what about Clyburn, the most powerful democrat who is already backing her
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When did she start calling herself a nigger?
Part pajeet and caribbean isn't black but I guess that doesn't matter when larping.
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that is not dead which can eternal lie
and with strange aeons even death may die
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Are your other tinder matches less silly? What do they put in the water over in grande sul or where ever you are?
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People weren't allowed to primary Biden.
That was banned in some states like Florida.
True democracy!

They will blame Trump until they are defeated in a landslide. Then the voters will find the actual guilty party: the Democrat leadership.

They will be blamed for this after the election


Of course.
Liberals have no principles despite claiming otherwise, only a lust for power, even if they must seize it through unethical and immoral means.
This is simply the mask slipping.
>NO U!
That's disgusting
This accuse your enemy of what you really are is getting retarded.
You're disgusting.
Go now
No they wont. They're just doing what the donors want. Donors have total control over the D party so they'll just shovel in another shit candidate for 28, probably Whitmer or Newsom.
And that will backfire too as it'd be incredibly transparent.
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>puppet for her husband 3rd term
no that was biden
she would be a puppet for her husbands 4th term
They were ordered by their bosses to keep their leftist bias in check because CNN ratings are at all time low. It's not that they were nicer to him cause they wanted to, it's cause they had to make it seem fair.l, as their bias was too blatant in the past and it's been hurting them.

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