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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Previous: >>472692308
Timeline /tug/:https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>FT: European NATO countries would struggle to field 300,000 total -https://archive.today/08KRT
>Azov commander admits to his unit acting as blocking detachment -https://archive.today/4GyuO
>"I feel as if I am in a prison": the men avoiding the meatcatchers -https://archive.today/Q3VMM
>Putin continues his Asian trip, arriving in Vietnam -https://archive.today/3YvEQ
>Putin's visit to North Korea in pictures -https://archive.today/muSbj
>Putin arrives in North Korea with high-level delegation -https://archive.today/DGh32
>GIB! GIB! Only $800 billion to beat putler! -https://archive.today/IMaDq
>“We should prepare for life in the cold and the dark”: Half the ukraine's energy generation destroyed -https://archive.today/hLsXK
>Sanctions aren't working because we didn't call Putin racist enough times -https://archive.today/zWUbr
>Putin: 'Russia has the right to supply weapons to foreign countries & strike western targets with them' -https://archive.today/Thb5A


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Live - Black Sea - Marine Traffic

Russian (former opposition to Putin)




American (neocons)


Air raid alarms

More maps:
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>Cheerful hohol POWs singing skills
>UR-77 demining charge in action
>ODAB-1500 strike
>Mad Max: SMO Road
>Munitions warehouse in Odessa burns
>Dagestani terrorists killed by Special forces P1
>Dagestani terrorists killed by Special forces P2
>Houthis released a new TKD anthem
>Another FAB-3000
>Second usage of FAB-3000 UMPK, massive wings clearly visible
>FAB-500 shockwaves in high humidity
>First usage of FAB-3000 w/ UMPK, Kharkov direction
>AFU soldier tries to surrender to Russian drone, is killed by AFU drone
>Lukashenko wondering why most of the corrupt officials are jews
>"They killed Kenny!"
>Romanians shouting 'Putin' during Romania - Ukraine match
>Showcase of an attack-transport UAV “Perun”
>AFU surrender to fpv drone in the field
>T-90 gets hit by javelin but survives
>Disembarking AFU getting fpv struck
>Ukrainian Su-25 being hit by a Lancet
>Burning MTLB gets to safety, driver nominated for award

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Death to Globohomo!
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Crimea status?
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We won in our minds.. it was real in our minds!
Crimea bridge status???
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Thanks for the bread, baker!
you wont do shit
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This thread is dedicated to MsPaint fren
We all love his art very much and I hope dedicating a thread to him shows him how great he is
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It looks like monke wants his serfs want to get killed
/chug/ - why the jews killed JFK and arguing about art
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Smells like feet.
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> A Y-20A military transport aircraft of the PLA Air Force flew to Moscow.
WHAT WAS ON THE PLANE /chug/??????
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Aight guys, I'm off to bed. Keep it comfy, don't give (you)s to shills and well poisoning faggots. Have a wonderful night

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paintDOTnet chads report in
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Good day in France.
Leftoids and sand niggers are crying !
Yeah anon I did. I know man but goddamn I'm telling you this girl is hot as fuck
Yeah I'm thinking maybe I should just go on this date and break up with my current girlfriend if it goes good. I don't know man I didn't expect this, she's blowing my phone up and she's got a really sad backstory so now I feel like a piece of shit kek. I'll let you anons know how this goes tomorrow
The only one arguing in bad faith was the mutt shitter, everyone else was civil.
>Yeah anon I did. I know man but goddamn I'm telling you this girl is hot as fuck
I hope she has a dick and you get raped
Was Le Pen mightier than Macron?
Hon hon hon oui oui oui a gauche la table, a droit la table
Shalom fren. Yes. Russia has lost 600 gorillion troops. 59,999% percent of their army. Down to using barefoot convicts with only shovels. Thas why Ukraine is advancing backwards and Russia is retreating forwards!
Slava Ukrani
Get english lessons pajeet before you write anything
Its a joke. I enjoy the bants
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Class politics have been completely set aside by racial and gender-based diversity politics in the western world. So imagine how it feels to be a 18 year old boy from a commie block neighborhood in Moscow or a moldy apartment block in Ufa and hearing you're privileged for being white.

Now mix in some social media with that, a false eastern view of masculinity, an hyper-materialistic society, and you've got the reason for war-mongering, homophobia and nationalism in russia.
If our politicians wants to succed in reaching the russian youth we need to drop our western lense when talking to them.
Why wont you shoot biden the pedo???
Or kamala the nigger???
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Tell that to some of your comrades that are worried things are not going well
leftoidé et sandnigré
chinese military advisors and officials to observe russia's preparations for retaliation on the US for our terrorist attack on sevastopol
Hate ruzzia but it's time to admit that zelensky has cucked out. Crime's bridge is not a target anymore and the peace talks with Puccia are perfectly fine.
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I appreciate it, fren! There was no need to do this, so I am very thankful you did. Just remember that your works are very important! Any artfrens and contributors to /chug/, be it through shitposts, banners, headers and original artwork! Most important, whoever originally designed Buhanka-chan needs some big ups, without their design I would never have been able to make what I have.
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No new vid from volchansk fighting?
You guys don't really give a fuck do you?
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I mean underground elaborate tunnels. I mean Wagner did have a rattenkrieg sometime earlier in the war.
>Random telegram channels and pm-s that you can make with 2 phones and 10 mins
Choose one nigger
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>femoid Trump won, surely this will stop the mass immigration and Israel support
Frog-kun, I...
Go banter with your fellow redditors next time, you spergy opioid addicted fucker
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that's what jews have looked like for thousands of years lelelel
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>Most important, whoever originally designed Buhanka-chan needs some big ups
I have to concur
get better content my dude
She looks WAY too much like Lauren Southern.
Ziggers won today but there‘s a 2nd round and a lot of things are moving in france now
Many people who didn‘t vote but are shocked about the results today will come to the second round and vote LePutin out.
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brown women
reminds me more of a slavic ashton birdie
Fuck you you retarded gypsy I wasnt the american arguing about art with you. Go cry about the mean amerimutts to your mother
>chinese military advisors
wtf would chinks have to advise them on???
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She hasn't done much, it was Bardella who worked on this victory, after his previous european victory.
I got banned from a twitch channel because a swiss streamer was crying about the RN victory and i say i voted RN myself. Ban. kek.
Leftoids are seething, i love it.
These fucking bots discussing cartoons and not the war itself?
What a bunch of faggots you guys are.
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Just give me a pen and paper.
Advisors are are people and do enjoy entertainment, theycwill eat popcorn and watch paper tiger get scared
Gauchistes et Nègres des sables.
plate in pic rel has a ring in the middle a traditional addition used in cord and plaque as well as for attaching ropes to for various purposes

Partial plate armour in the form of a cuirass sewn together with fabric is mentioned in the Wubei Yaolue, 1638. Called quantiejia (complete metal armour), the text describes the usage of 100 catties of Fujian iron, 4–5 piculs of northern coal, and over 10 piculs of southern coal in the creation process of the plates. After finishing the plates, they were lacquered and linked together cotton and woolen ropes were also used in the assembly of the armour. A full set of quantiejia weighed around 34.4 catties. One Ming catty was around 590 grams, making a full set of quantiejia around 20 kg in weight.

otherwise being sparsely mentioned in other sources from the period

These steel plates are ''chemically treated'' (with an unknown formula that Cheng Zi Yi was unwilling to disclose) and lacquered on both sides, and then sewn to carefully tailored padded backings of two layers of blue-coloured cotton cloths stuffed with silk threads, with hems that fold one cun over the edges of the steel plates to prevent chafing, before being assembled into a full suit of armour.
and all seams where two plates overlap must be reinforced by a two cun wide padded fabric strip with three fen wide rolled hems before they can be stitched together into an armour.
How many years will this war go on?
Russia is still winning, Ukies still getting snatched off the street.
the point isn't to tell russia what to do, but to show support and increase cooperation between the russian and chinese militaries
Who the fuck is that? Actually, on second thought, I don't wanna know.
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quantum satis
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it can also be found mentioned in korean annals such as the Veritable Records of the Joseon Dynasty which
mentions the dismissal of an official for failing to supervise the production of "Chinese mail-and-plate armour" in the 15th century. (1400s)

''...This afforded complete protection from rifle bullets (mistranslation-should read "small arms") and yet left ample freedom to move...''
—Frederick Coyett (on ming dynasty armour)

According to the Japanese, during the Battle of Jiksan, the Chinese wore armour and used shields that were at least partially bulletproof.

A composite shield made of several layers of material known as the Duo Qian Fang Pai (Lead-catching defence shield) was specifically designed to stop bullets.

The use of partial plate armor in the form of a cuirass sewn together with fabric was a common practice in the Ming Dynasty. The armor was made from chemically treated steel plates that were lacquered and linked together with cotton and woolen ropes. It weighed around 20 kg and was reinforced with padded fabric strips at overlapping seams. Two helmets, the Quan Tie Kui and Tie Wang Kui, were also used with the armor, along with other pieces such as vambraces and greaves.

The armor was designed to offer complete protection from small arms while still allowing freedom of movement. It was also used in battle by the Chinese during the Battle of Jiksan, where shields made of multiple layers of material were used to stop bullets. The armor's effectiveness is evident in historical records such as the Veritable Records of the Joseon Dynasty, which mention the production of Chinese mail-and-plate armor in the 15th century.
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nigga I ain't clicking dat shi.. wait.. is it any good?
>ukraine will target homes in belogrod that dont fly the ukrainian flag
what's the response to this?
and to learn from what russia is doing
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>Electronic warfare units of the Russian Army landed the Ukrainian drone "Leleka".
>Leleka is Ukrainian for stork
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>Thanks for all your sneed.
>zoomies love that word, right?
Fucking boomerwaffen trying to fit in
>cries cause I don't know who the fuck he even is
Can you americunts hold your spaghetti in for once? You all sperg out too much
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Train Column of tanks destroyed today before they can be used.
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It's hard to see you've drawn a beard, looks kinda like an ork instead
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how long did you fight the ottomans over the Southlands Novorossiya and the Donbass

vstavay donbass
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>frog-kun, I...
You dont get it. It's only a step in the right direction. I dont think any miracles will happen (i would love it tho). But the left is seething, rapefugees are squealing. They announced they want to end some deals that make us take rapefugees etc. It's the beginning of a new era.
Also the salt, the fucking salt i'm harvesting from the left. It feel so good. Just of that i'm happy.
Nothing, the puccian military is a paper bear
Hell yeah!
Leveling New York
the website is getpaintDOTnet not paintDOTnet for some fucking inexplicable retarded beyond-belief reason
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I'm back from jail niggers
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> Attack on Ukrainian positions by the Russian 123rd brigade in the Vyemka area in the Seversky direction
fugg. it's like a game of whack-a-mole
how the fuck do you survive in these trenches????
Download it here btw
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Another powerplant, probably
>You dont get it. It's only a step in the right direction.
>But the left is seething, rapefugees are squealing.
Funny, same thing happened with Trump and look where we and americans are.
>throw around insults
>get insulted back
>why are americans being mean to me, I dont even know who you are!!

You're a spiritual hohol
Tpюфeли ищyт
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just found the torrent and dl-ing it..
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>Ukrainian soldiers are sending absolutely fantastic messages from the front line.
WTF does this mean??
translation of the translation pls!
And you're a kike. Just a kike.
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Fun fact: I was about to go to an accredited gunsmith school for a year but decided to go to a marine school instead. I still have a bit of cash on me so should I take the course on gunsmith or just work at a gun shop and work there?
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>from jail
what did you do?
how was the jail?
any stories?
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Hope this fixes the confusion.
With all the billions we give these oinkers they can't even buy a backhoe to dig these graves?
>look where americans are
Gdp has risen, wages are higher, unemployment is sinking, still biggest economy in the world, still most powerful army in the world
America is doing great the last few years
It's just a slightly less awful version of paint is all
>torrenting free software
yamete retard-kun
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Those Hohols are just sleeping. they are sleeping. taking a nappy.
I made "pepsi or coke" thread with webm of gazvoda on hohol graves and got banned for offtopic.
I no download from sites full of trackers.. sorry not sorry.
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> Elections in France: A French priest votes ...
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Give webm
it's totally organic - just like having the same six drawfag bakers week in and week out. they don't have jobs? or that IS what they get paid to do?
and 5 or 6 more to chime in when any anon objects "you are a janny, troon"
I dont want to agree with the hohol but you're retarded. Our army is understaffed and under equipped, cost of living is through the roof and illegals are filling our streets. American hasnt been this bad off since vietnam
on /ck/?
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Didn't a young soviet operative kill him?
Your whore of a mother's a hohol, you bait taking low impulse nigger
Russia won
he died for cocacola
Try to live in russia you will return to the USA in less than a day
I thought the lego/mcdonalds boy was just a one off thing. Why do hohols put goyslop on their graves?
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>Current kill ratio is 1:6
Interesting. So they admit that at least 100k Ukrainians died?
Really makes you think just how many losses Ukraine actually suffered considering the truth is always way worse for them.
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you could eat good at a Ukrainian cemetery. There must be hundreds of graves like that daily.
Takes one to know one hohol

America is still going down the drain you retarded jew
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Shalom! HH 1488 RaHoWa!
And then you can also have some candy for dessert!
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Steiners 12 new divisions are being trained right now to counterattack..
>a marine school
What is taught at a marine school - seamen's trades? Do you want to work in the engine department or something?
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>the second son is grabbed at the grave of the first son
Really is down to the last Ukrainian, isn't it?
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Yes the left will try to fight back like in the US. But first we are not the US and also, unlike the Us that always have weird guys becoming president, there, it's a first in frenc history.
I'm optimistic. Nothing is ever perfect. But things seem to be heading in the right direction.
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Does this clear it up???
Get your FFL, buy cheap recievers
>Anderson, Poor State
and kits and make cheapie ARs to sell. Guy in my brothers neighborhood does that and he tacks on $150 per rifle in labor
still sells then for $499
and he sells about a dozen a week.
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They deserve it
They have the numerical advantage, literally all you have to do is gang up with knives on meat catchers while they're busy wrangling fresh meat. That's it.
Knives are in every household.
What do they do instead? Keep your head down, keep walking.
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>I'm a hohol for daring to insult the good people of the kingdom of Shabbos
Go get a buckshot mouthwash, you fucking ring stinger
Checked. Hopefully, there's a plot free so the two brothers can rest side by side.
A very tasty coffee.
Russian invention, therefore bad.

Alright, just warning you not to get too excited. Shame Monsieur Le pen isn't around anymore, now he was the real deal
Why don't russians use poison gas to clear out the high rise buildings?
>muh war crimes
That hasn't stopped hohols, and the west wouldn't do shit anyway.
Lmao they will dig him up
>Zelensky said it's my turn in grave!
America might be shabbos goys but Romania is Americas pet. So that makes you double shabbos goys. Which is a hohol.

And you specifically are a hohol because you insulted me without cause then began to cry about my response; like the hohols do

What is ring stinger?
Nice ID
almost like CMEPTЬ
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If you know you are at risk of being grabbed and sent to the front, get a boot knife. and belt buckle knife. dont fight, yourself get put into the rape van without cuffs. as soon as you are on the road slit the drivers neck. Free the other kidnapped men. Tell them your name is Jacob Goldmanberg beforehand tho.
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>Numerous studies have demonstrated reduced psychomotor skills and intellectual development in the presence of iodine deficiency, and most experts now believe that there is a continuum of deficits, from mild impairment in IQ to severe mental retardation
i know what that means
t. professional russia understander
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Everyday for a summer, 100s of Ukrainian soldiers's lives are destroyed by FAB bombs.
"Ring" is probably some kind of reference to the anus.
тaк Mиcтepa T eщё нe ocкopбляли
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I don’t care about her past bros…
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Outboards and stern drives. Maintaining them and shit. It's an accredited trade school. I want to use my skills to travel the world on a boat
I bet they started doing this when people started noticing the cemetery sizes.
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I feel for the brother, but imagine this guys brother who is in a hospital bed without arms or legs and his mom tells him that his retarded younger brother is getting mobilized..
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That image made me audibly kek.
never heard of it. I gotta find it locally.
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no no everything is fine. this is normal behavior when you're outkilling the enemy 6 to 1.
You want to be your own engine department, in other words. Anyway, if you'd like to learn about guns, here's what I suggest - why not try and teach yourself something about engineering in general, particularly certain aspects of mechanical engineering? That is, stress analysis, machine design, etc. You'll see why.

Verification not required.
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>"You can rest assured, Belarus will use nuclear weapons if a threat to our sovereignty arises."
Belarus to nuke Polniggers???
You know what, I made a mistake, I didn't see that I replied to your id and assumed you were the shitter from the first thread and was already fired up to go. Despite every fiber of my autistic ass screaming to keep going, I don't wanna shit up /chug/ more that I already did so I'll apologize to you and everyone else in the thread, that art argument was pointless and retarded and I shouldn't have engaged.
Ring stinger is faggot, I've heard an aussie use it.
Yeah, he is 30 years too old.
Instead we get a 28yo who was prestige 10 on CoD MW2 and was on the french 4chan at the time.
What a time to be alive !
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Remember one of the first KINO vids to come out was the hohols celebrating next to the RF BMP and another tank blasted them? here is the aftermath...
now that's one ugly nigger
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This one..
Thats because those evil russkies are deploying meat waves tactic and do not care about their losses! They also do not do mobilization waves while brave Ukraine does 4(a week)! Damn ruskies!
>Instead we get a 28yo who was prestige 10 on CoD MW2
Wat? Is this an allusion to something else or is that literal?
Agreed. I also apologize.
Sounds starbucks level gay.
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Which will do more to destroy the american state more quickly, a Trump victory or a Biden victory? What's the accelerationist's choice?
are those guys okay?
Make double espresso (so 80 ml of espresso)
Add 4 teaspoonfuls of sugar (vanilla sugar preferably)
Add cream (300 ml)
Foam it up
neither. its a slow decline from here on out. a whimper, not a bang.
Why does it matter which puppet will be in charge for current America?
Bad day at the office.
Was that one guy ran over by his own vehicle?
Remember the copes tho?
My favorite is "those are akschually russians and they got fragged by defecting tank crew who were defecting to ukraine and decided to take out a bunch of ziggers"
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Which one of you did this?
Well it originally just russian/belarusian/ukrainian tradition from pagan era called «trizna» that merged with christianity to put some food on grave, usually bread or some ordinary sweets and water, in medieval times relatives of the dead would gather and have a feast on the grave, with special food for "pominki" (in memory) but nowadays people just left it on a table near gravestone and that it. Hohol just went full retard with goyslop cargocult on this one
do you have the .mp4?
it doesn't matter, they have put in place the conditions to bring about our end already
for example, the secretary of treasury has the power to sanction china now, they took that power from the president
so, they can cut us off from china, cause widespread suffering, blame china for it, and use this pressure to get whoever is president to agree to a war with china or russia
I used to think that but man things are going quickly, like damn.
Trump isn't a puppet, even if it isn't for a lack of trying.
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Kino drawing
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Hello kitty is based.
kamensky took mushrooms which temporarily broke his brain, and in his stupor he created a sensical masterpiece
Oh.. the /k/opes were great..
I got a 3 day ban from /k/ because apparently it is not /k/ related and they /k/vetching and /k/oping so hard when I posted it
>I used to think that but man things are going quickly, like damn.
i dont know, i dont really feel that way. maybe because im inside of it. i can see and feel the decline but its pretty slow and steady.
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This was drawn by a female
The feast makes sense, we have "wakes" in america where we eat heavily following a funeral. The goyslop shit is disheartening. ZOG is like a fucking plague, infecting and corrupting everything it touches
Makes no difference. Nobody can stop it. And relevant decisions are certainly not made in the white house. They'll steal what they can before it's over. Since 2008 it has been a case of delaying insolvency in order to get into a better situation for the complete crash.
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>trump isn't a puppet
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*Snap* yep saving these posts
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>Trump isn't a puppet
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America doesn't investigate their puppets and try and destroy them.
Trump is a puppet for Israel but he steps out of his line sometimes. That is why "they" dont want him to be in power.
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lost it long ago.. you can see the lady in black in the .gif.. she was obliterated. they were TDU at a checkpoint and some hohol tanker got ascared and blasted the.. not once.. but twice... there is even a video from the group and you can almost see the shell... i cant find it.. but i will keep looking
it's going to be a bang brother, we're hanging on by a thread and we just did a missile terrorist strike in russia and we're surrounding china with ground base tomahawk launchers
most of us will die, probably not from explosions but from starvation when our infrastructure breaks completely under bombardment
The trick to beating the globohomo is to stop paying taxes. I stopped last year and couldnt be happier
>steps out of his line sometimes
i think that's too generous, he says the right things sometimes
also he met with kim jong un which was cool
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Henlo Deer Frens! Here are some WEBM conversions of these videos:
>Cheerful hohol POWs singing skills
>UR-77 demining charge in action
>ODAB-1500 strike
>Mad Max: SMO Road
>Munitions warehouse in Odessa burns
>Dagestani terrorists killed by Special forces P1
>Dagestani terrorists killed by Special forces P2
>Houthis released a new TKD anthem
>Another FAB-3000
>Second usage of FAB-3000 UMPK, massive wings clearly visible
>FAB-500 shockwaves in high humidity
>First usage of FAB-3000 w/ UMPK, Kharkov direction
>AFU soldier tries to surrender to Russian drone, is killed by AFU drone
>Lukashenko wondering why most of the corrupt officials are jews
>"They killed Kenny!"
>Romanians shouting 'Putin' during Romania - Ukraine match
>Showcase of an attack-transport UAV “Perun”
>AFU surrender to fpv drone in the field
>T-90 gets hit by javelin but survives
>Disembarking AFU getting fpv struck
>Ukrainian Su-25 being hit by a Lancet
>Burning MTLB gets to safety, driver nominated for award
>Sudoplatov takes out an Abrams tank
>Testing with a remote controlled T-72
>New batch of tanks on the way to the SMO zone
>Dragon's teeth, Kharkov region. AFU protecting the strategic fishing spot of Zelensky.
>Restoration & Repair depot, Avdeevka Direction
>Aftermath of a drone impact on a M113 APC
>Burning RU T-90 gets to safety
at this rate we're going make our shit ass energy grid collapse by adding too many EVs to the market or something else retarded like that. ruzzia and china wont need to do much to put us in the stone age.
Second term you don't have to worry about re-election. Will be interesting to see what happens.
It matters, the post of presidency still has a lot of power, and is very important for international standing. A trump presidency means the whole system gets paralyzed, a Biden presidency means further embarrassment and escalation.
A lot hangs on the US dollar as the world's reserve currency. If that falls a lot of things can happen pretty quickly.
Even if he wants to be, he cannot, for the puppeteer also has to be willing.
I haven't watched Military Summary in a while - not that I do so all that regularly. Are people making Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan (My Deer Friend Nokotan) references?
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Ooooh ooooh aaaah aaaaah aaaaaah ooooooooh oooooh oooooh ahhh ahhh ooooh
>for Israel
Israel is their playground where they have no problems like the rule of law. A kind of pirate island. But who the real power is, I can't say. I used to think it was the Jewish billionaires, but they all turn out to be beholden to the mossad. Maybe it really is the Rothschilds who own everything.
By "they" you mean the optics secular kikes, the ones who have a tight grasp on the kosher pro Palestine parts of the movement. The Hasidic ultra-orthodox kikes are all over Trump cause he gave them the Golan Heights and know his whole family is intermingled with jews and he's a good goy. At the end of the day kikes want the same thing, just different method.
Read above, it's just factional petty shit for the masses, if they'd have no use for him he'd just be gone
>Even if he wants to be, he cannot
So then what's the point in electing him?
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This caused major /k/ope and butthurt in the EU. Yuropoors seething day and night..
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I'll try. Too late for a coffee. Tomorrow or the day after. I'll be drunk af tomorrow.
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>Verification not required.
This and the wheat fields thing were my favorite running jokes on MM. God I miss them so much.
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Yes, the fire rises
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Mountain jew bros
>So then what's the point in electing him?
The system will be paralyzed.
ty anon
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>The system will be paralyzed.
>adding too many EVs to the market
that's not going to happen, we can't make them and we're cutting ourselves off from china's
we will get into war with russia and china, they'll take out some refineries, and then we all starve
>Read above, it's just factional petty shit for the masses
I'd agree if it wasn't the entire establishment against him, including a bunch of establishment in his own party.
as other anon said it will make not much difference but another Biden term will be funnier
>A trump presidency means the whole system gets paralyzed
during his term is when the ukraine built up it's army to invade donbass using american money
He had a youtube channel and was semi professional on CoD MW2 at the time, playing against the biggest french CoD streamers and pro players.
If you were playing MW2, you could have been 360 no scope by the futur french prime minister by in the day.
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fuck is that moron doing on the battlefield?
Don't these people get any training before being send onto the battlefield?
Nigga, they were against him during his first term and he did fuck all. Behind closed doors these people golf together, go to the same synagogues, have kids at the same schools etc. Do I really need to remind you who Trump's son in law is?
I was, that's fucking wild and incredibly based
>UR-77 demining charge in action
I love that stuff.
Bros bros bros
When JFK was killed LBJ became president. And he never picked a vice president until his second term.
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Mai suge ma-ta pula la caini vagabonzi?
The elite/'the deep state'/'the system' will move to obstruct and block Trump in every way possible, and since the vast majority of officials and public servants are loyal to the system, as well as most likely a majority of congressmen as well as Trump's own ministers, they can absolutely do this, almost effortlessly. At the same time, though, much of the republican party will still back Trump, and many of the important functions of the government are nestled in the president's office. Therefore, although Trump will be unable to do almost anything as president, his opponents/'the elite' won't be much better of. No one will be able to get anything done, the whole political system will become paralyzed.
Disagree senpai. If trump wins, they will allow him some measures, that way our nation will be "ready" to go to war.
It might even out to be honest.
Fair enough, but that's a pretty simple thing to accomplish. But also I think a second Trump term would basically be even worse than the first. Even more obstruction, with a slightly less pliable trump, which will mean a much more paralyzed government than even 2016-2020.
I think the Elite is a lot dumber than you think it is.
>Ooooh ooooh aaaah aaaaah aaaaaah ooooooooh oooooh oooooh ahhh ahhh ooooh
In fact, if this* was* their plan, they wouldn't have tried so hard to avoid getting Trump elected in 2020, nor would they be doing it now and panicking so much about Biden's disastrous dementia debate.
Bold of you to assume Trump would try and do anything that kikes don't want.
>bombed Syria
>gave Golan Height to Israel
>moved embassy to Jerusalem
>pardoned jews and niggers out of jail
>"accidentally" put his supporters in jail and didn't pardon them
>cucked hard during nigger riots
Need I go on?
>I think the Elite is a lot dumber than you think it is.
I think you're underestimating just how evil and capable these people are. Unlike us they can talk and reach deals behind closed doors.
trump backed down from witholding ukraine aid, instructing the republicans to allow it, all because the liberal media created a narrative that the ukriane was losing because it didn't have the aid
trump doesn't care and doesn't believe anything, his interests align with those of the ruling class who know we need to destroy russia and china asap or the game is up
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I dont think the jews are all knowing. They played their hand too soon, and Biden got dementia. The populace is dissatiafied, and theyre hoping to withdraw and lick their wounds for a second attempt
With Biden it will be interesting to see his further deterioration. Trump makes people seethe and more entertaining. but pieces on a map is moved by the same people either way. I do not mean it it conspiratorial way- I assume strategical/operation planning and stuff is pentagon and other agencies doing not president
Oooooook oooooook oooooook.
Did i speak your gypsy spanish well?
Bro we dont need to go to war with Russia or China.
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They're alternating shills behind the same memeflag with the same copy pastas, this one doesn't even know basic Romanian. Now this is something
whose tanks?
Again, I'm not denying that Trump is more than willing to play the role of a puppet. Probably less so now than in 2016 and 2020 due to how much they've attacked him, but still I believe they could easily manipulate him, and do so very gainfully, if they played their cards right. In fact Trump would be a MUCH more useful puppet than Clinton or Biden are. And yet, instead of doing that, the Elite constantly fight him at every turn. Why? Because the Elite is fucking retarded. At least functionally retarded. The Western elite has no coherent plan for how to move forward, in fact they are driving the very societies they are tied to by the
umbilical cord off a fucking cliff.
Im just glad Chevron got decimated. There goes the fourth branch of government that should not exist anyways. Those fuckers has a 100% conviction rate.
As far as presidential, I dont vote cause the machine keeps on trudging regardless like you stated. I do vote in local elections, those are more important to me.
hyhyl t-64s.
who the fuck would know your shitty language other than a subhuman gypsy like yourself?
Its one of the five romance languages nigger
you and i don't need to go to war with russia or china, our ruling class does though
and they do because russia and china are impeding the infinite growth of our theft empire by being strong and promoting the health and wealfare of their people and resisting our empire
so they must be destroyed
and? no one speaks gypsy shitskin
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>In fact Trump would be a MUCH more useful puppet than Clinton or Biden are. And yet, instead of doing that, the Elite constantly fight him at every turn. Why?
because the elite has grown in number and they are in-fighting over an increasingly small piece of power and wealth
that's all trump biden is
Gotcha. Its very sad. All the things the West hates Rus/Ming for, we do just under different names. Look up the European Democratic Shield; its no different than Chinas Great Firewall
Eh, agree to disagree, elite and by that I mean kikes overplayed their hand due to hubris and have too many balls in the air at once. They might be retarded but they have power and influence and that's what matters. Trump is one thing: a good politician, he talks and lies very well and I see why people still have some faith in him, that's why I worry that a Trump presidency might convince enough people to start shit with Iran. Nobody is gonna fight for Brandon. So it's a quick and messy collapse with Trump or slow and steady with Boden.
Un flag shill spoke Romanian before on multiple occasions, pretty broken Romanian most likely cause he wasn't a native but Romanian nontheless.
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Hmmm.... Mutt MQ-4C Triton now flies next to Lebanon and not Crimea.
the difference is that the western media is bad and evil and lies and chinese media is pretty great
Honestly I'm not even sure you can go that far. If it is indeed true that these wars and conflicts are required to keep the dollar reserve currency grift running, you'd actually have a pretty good reason to fuck with them, even if it's an ugly and moral affair.
No the greatest crime isn't that the western elite are escalating conflicts with Russia and China for the benefit of their empire, the greatest crime is that they are doing it even though it *doesn't* benefit them! Especially with Russia, they've picked a fight they had absolutely no need, rhyme, or reason to pick.
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Can't wait to see hezbollah downing american (and israeli) drones.
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>- NATO aircrafts have been operating constantly for 6 days in a row, along the Ukrainian-Belarusian border.
strike on Belarus?
we're picking the fight with russia and china because we need them to be destroyed and out of the way so we can continue to rob the world and eventually russia china too
obviously picking this fight will destroy us and our ruling class, but they're wealth and power addicts who will do anything to get their next fix no matter how risky
Ive never seen Chinese media but if theyre different from the goyslop shit that comea on tv here, than its probably okay

Jews needed the war to convince the EU that Russia is big meanie and that they need Big Golem GDP strength to defend them. Otherwise EU would drop nato and buy resourcea from Russia. We cant have that now can we
okay, so he got GPT to call you a subhuman in your gypsy language, so what? I do that with russians all the time, the trick is prompting it with "native speaker" and yet it's still not 100%
the fuck are you even talking about, nigger? what are any of you niggers talking about? this morning you dumb niggers were pretending vovchansk was "about to fall" again yet here you are sucking dicks
maybe post about how Bilohorivka is supposedly liberated for the hundredth time, dumb niggers
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they're really fucking crazy... they will attack Lebanon.

>- Large build-up of Israeli armored forces in the Golan Heights.

Hezbollah has already showed the list of targets and if they strike everything, Israel will be without electricity. And will probably have to deal with a nuclear meltdown.
>they've picked a fight they had absolutely no need, rhyme, or reason to pick.
That's the joke. They are so high on their own hubris that they think the US holds the same power in the world as it did in the 70's and 80's on top of thinking that this is Boris Yelstin's Russia and 1960's China. I mean look at some of these paid shills, they don't write their own scripts you know
>Behind closed doors these people golf together,
Mid level Alex Jones listener take.
>Ive never seen Chinese media but if theyre different from the goyslop shit that comea on tv here, than its probably okay
all you need to know is that lgbt shit is illegal to show on chinese and russian media
chinese media isn't out to destabilize and incite division, chinese media isn't a weapon against it's own people and the world
>and? no one speaks gypsy shitskin
Plenty of people speak your native Hindi.
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gonna go 2 play gamesz with frens
Stay comfy everyone!
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Goodbye fren
Wait a second there bud. I support LGBT!

>Lets Go Bomb Tel Aviv
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>The enemy claims that the Novaya Poshta building was hit by our FAB-500 with UMPC, launched from a distance of 70 km.
>Nova Poshta warehouses and transport are used by the Ukrainian Armed Forces to transport military cargo. More than once, photographs have appeared online of military equipment and weapons being transported on Nova Poshta trucks. Grain trucks are used for similar purposes.
>yeah bro, kikes and their puppets never interact outside of work
>Kosher Jones said they did so it must be false
Take your memeflag off before you address me, rat
Why are you crying?
I hope Hezbollah fucks them up
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good job, turd worlder
want to try again?
It depends what we mean by the elite. The 'true' elite, as in like the top 10000 most powerful people in the west are not infighting, they are more or less united. But there is a lot of infighting in the layers just below them, what we might call the upper classes. Nevertheless, you're pretty clearly wrong here, the Elite overwhelmingly opposes trump. Now with the situation is Gaza/Israel that has changed a *bit* but I still think that the old dynamic of irrationally fearing Trump holds.
If Trump decides to go for Iran, as in actually start and all out war, he'll become a father Gapon very quickly. Nevertheless, I think the chance for a war with Iran is MUCH lower under Trump for no other reason than the aforementioned political paralyzation his presidency would cause (though you don't seem to agree he would cause this paralyzation).
I think Trump fundamentally is neither a zealot nor a psychopath. I think he just wants to have a few minor accomplishments/reforms under his name + not have himself and his family be prosecuted/persecuted by the state.
You don't have to take offense, it's just what is. It's the kind of thing I hear from people like that all the time.
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i'm not crying though
why is this thread filled with disgusting subhumans?
>They are so high on their own hubris that they think the US holds the same power in the world as it did in the 70's and 80's
there is that, but the muttsects ruling class has increasingly come to accept we're weak and they just don't care
they see this as an existential struggle for their ability to rape and plunder the world
they want to destroy the ruschinks or die trying
they'll fuck them up for sure.
Iran showed what their weapons can do but they didn't want to destroy anything. Hezbollah will actually strike important objects with same weapons.
>the Elite overwhelmingly opposes trump.
i don't think that's true, if they did he'd be dead
and you can expect to see the factions grow in number as the wealth pie gets smaller
So that automatically doesn't make it true? You do understand that Jones was allowed to talk in order to delegitimize and paint every real "conspiracy theory" with the same brush, right? Two truths and a lie, was it?
>i'm not crying though
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Yes, they will do anything to save their Empire even if that means destroying the United States as we know it.
The golfing thing is an old talking point from the Bush eras, though you'll probably see it with any Rino.
A lazy shorthand has become a universal truth for those that don't or can't examine things closely.
But you already *were* robbing Russia and China blind. Europe is already struggling economically now that this has been made more difficult to exploit Russia. There was no reason to look the gift horse in the mouth. With China the situation more complex, since the Chinese government for the longest time has been if not planning to, then at least preparing to move against the west, but even then a diplomatic solution to the enmities with China would favor the west much more than escalation. And regardless, having Russia on-side instead of driving Russia into China's arms would have been immensely more advantageous.
>We cant have that now can we
Yes but *why* can't we have that? This whole conflict is a massive self-goal for the western elite.
The greatest irony is that when the US *was* at it's peak, they would never have done something this fucking stupid. Even the Vietnam war looks like a stroke of Genius compared to what's happening now.
>even if that means destroying the United States as we know it.
especially if, probably kek
If you want a candidate that the elites overwhelming oppose that would be RFK Jr. If by some miracle he wins the Presidency they would give him a ride in convertible down in Dallas a day after inauguration.
>having Russia on-side instead of driving Russia into China's arms would have been immensely more advantageous.
putin would never have agreed to this scheme, under putin's lead russia asserted their independence by fighting against their own rentier oligarchy
that's why we hate him and want him gone
>they see this as an existential struggle for their ability to rape and plunder the world
>they want to destroy the ruschinks or die trying
It's really quite amazing that anglokikes managed to self-sabotage a ridiculously advantageous position of being able to print a global reserve currency and having no significant enemies on their borders
My guy, this is how business is conducted between these people, this is how they meet and form relations. I don't who else said it, this is objectively true.
>A lazy shorthand has become a universal truth for those that don't or can't examine things closely
What's that supposed to mean?
>The greatest irony is that when the US *was* at it's peak, they would never have done something this fucking stupid
I have heard this come out of the mouths of Daniel McAdams and Ron Paul many times.
i hate to derail the conversation and make this distinction, but marx was right when he said that capitalism will lose because it destroys itself
we're witnessing that self-destruction in real time
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don't seethe too hard gypsy
I agree. The war is a goal and the results of the war are also a goal. Its a double whammy.

Youre also forgetting that the jews are devil worshippers that need blood sacrafices and misery to free their demon god trapped on saturn.
>My guy, this is how business is conducted between these people
I didn't say it wasn't.
>What's that supposed to mean?
I don't think I can make it more clear, it's a lazy and unobservant way of forming an opinion.
Is Le Pen going to continue the French regardless in regards to this conflict? Or are they pulling back?
What we have now isn't capitalism but corporatism with a strong leading to an authoritarian government. Now lets just see how bad it gets in the next 10 years. We just may be taking a page out of Mussolini's Fascist Italy.
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>Dont worry goy just send your money to ukraine it's only a few train derailments food plant explosions baby powder shortages gunpowder factory detonations helicopter collisions bridge delapidations and dam collapses per day you anti semitic chud
>i don't think that's true, if they did he'd be dead
I think this is assigning omniscience to the Elite. Institutional inertia means that it's difficult to kill someone with secret service protection. And of course he wasn't seen as a threat pretty much up until the day he won the election back in 2016. Most likely, by now, there have already been a couple of failed plots against him.
Nah, I sincerely doubt that. They obviously won't let him get the nomination if they do decide to replace Biden at the minute, but he's not a serious threat (and if he *is* a serious threat, which I *really* don't think he is, they certainly don't see him as one).
Nope, even Putin wanted to join the EU and NATO, even if he gave up fairly soon.
>it's a lazy and unobservant way of forming an opinion
Right, unlike dismissing an objective truth because a piece of the propaganda machine also said it, that's how you form an opinion. Serves me right for thinking a memeflag would argue in good fate.
But think of the GDP growth!
capitalism is when you let capital control politics
we are capitalist, the most capitalist country ever, at least as capitalist as the last empire that collapsed
One of the stipulations put forth by the Biden regime was that RFK was NOT allowed at the debate. Oh I do think they view him as the same threat that Ross Perot was back in the day.
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Look up what corporatism means
>even Putin wanted to join the EU and NATO
he also says he "wants" peace negotiations
it's capitalism brother
capital controls our politics
Your objective truth has no nuance to it. It's truther bullshit.
Ok, corporatism is a corrupted twisted version of capitalism that is an unholy fusion of large corporations and the state. You could even go as far as saying it is a Facist state. That's what we have now and its not going to get better anytime soon
>I don't understand how human relations work, that's just truther bullshit
The majority of the population think politicians argue and have feuds with each others behind closed doors too, it might seem insignificant to an autist such as yourself but most do not understand these people are on the same page. Also you think Trump is an outside guy still, you have no place to critique me on my observation skills. Nigger.
Take a look at the list of people Trump has golfed with.
it's capitalism
capital controls our politics
you can come up with an infinite means of bringing about this control but the means are irrelevant
when capital controls politics, it's capitalism, and that system will fail
Let's see: your mom is on the top of that list, care to explain?
And here's the problem with truthtards, they won't look at evidence, they are still just repeating Alex Jones talking points instead.
>if you don't trust Trump, you're a Jones fan
God, I hope Biden wins
You're a Jones fan because you wont look at evidence or do any slightly difficult work of your own, like looking something up.
Anyway later gypsy.
>memeflag says I don't check my sources, must be true
Sure thing kike, nice dodging
they have fucked them up once, they'll surely do twice
also lmao the jewpedia cope is fucking incredible, cant believe I trusted it once

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