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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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GCHQ logo has a commie sickle in it
why is there a picture of tarquin
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Thought it was Tom Cruise from the thumbnail desu
Ultra rare lads, I hope you appreciate the trouble I went through to get this

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Good Morning Vietnam
Fizzy drinks give me some wild belches
Unquestionably a rockstar
I'd lick Josh's ballsack before I ever consider clicking that link
Odysee links aren't that long
>tracking url
Eat some chips first
They play this at GCHQ morning assembly.
The USSR anthem is one of the redeeming features of communism like
I've never understood it myself.
Try again next thread Agent Smith
Total sucker for the Red October music
Try this one
Even a naughty little chud like myself can't help but bump this one
corrrr I was rock 'ard at school because I'd seen this
Fuck off you sad cunt, I know people are clicking it cause the view count keeps going up
My own father is now emailing me mayir tuhesy videos about how they're stitching farage up. What are the political implications of giganormies seeing being the curtain?
Fucking SHITE weather

Just wanna go away FFS
Caught my dad watching that paki a few weeks ago. Swiftly shut that shit down.
First for good lads.
>It was real in my mind
Maybe your father has always hidden his power levels
Pretending to be an alcoholic or a druggy is like the Scottish version of stolen valour.
Blessed are the bad faith actors
My dad is a bit shit BUT he taught me to hate kikes, I'll always honour him for that deed.
So where are the good faith actors?
They literally tried to remake the 'funny how' scene from goodfellas ffs

Here lad, I'm on your side. What's up?
>he taught me to hate kikes
He introduced you to an accountant as a child?
I'm gonna do a based splashening with mein krap in a minute, look out GCHQ
GCHPoo Collection teams are en-route to your location
Uh oh, stinky!
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Gyno-Centric Homosexual Queers
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>you can take the bame out of the third world
>but you can never take the third world out of the bame
>I start drinking straight after breakfast and carry on all day, until I pass out at night... by the long-time editor of Good Housekeeping LINDSAY NICHOLSON

>The witching hour is 6pm. That’s when I turn to my most reliable lover, Mr Sauvignon Blanc. Unlike my first husband, he will never die, and unlike my second, he will never cheat on me. Faithful and consistent, he is always there to soften the passage from day to blurry evening

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Remember the "Oh Jeremy Corbyn" Seven Nation Army remix? Those were the days.
She exclusively does anal
Imagine if Cauldy was in the dock and his solicitor called Josh as a character witness to vouch that he "is a good la".
Is that a stab at Critical Drinker?
The judge would bring back hanging.
Not specifically but he probably lurks here and he is Scottish so yes.
Are judges allowed to impose the death sentence on witnesses?
I don't think the judge will care desu.
reform really have cooked it havent they
the putin comments
the racist barry 'actor'
nigel crapping his pants on question time
real shame.
1st of July and it’s fkn pissing down ffs
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>22 seats
For me, it's https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-m7e7tCn7Bk
ill be voting green
>nigel crapping his pants on question time
Imagine the smell
Critical Drinker should do a video on brit/pol/. Can't wait to see him tear down all the characters as poorly written unbelievable caricatures of the incel alt right.
I've been a labour supporter ever since I could think and I'm not confident of the polls of labour winning an outright majority, something is really off about all this
Decide who I vote for
Yeah that one is better.
It's not just about support for a party or candidate, it's about voting intention. If none of the tories go out and vote labour doesn't need to be popular to win. Modern canvassing strategy dictates that you don't try to convince people to change political allegiance, it takes too much time per vote. Instead you try to convince apathetic voters already on your side to vote.
>I've been a labour supporter ever since I could think
That's an oxymoron
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J*sh will wank to this
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It's happening!
Nobody cares about kosher rightoids
Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.
>a quarter of all posts
Fuck off you fat scrounger
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Reform bros
No :(
>Posting the same image from the last thread, begging for attention
Tories are literally dead.
Not voting reform. simple as.
fptp is the gayest system of voting ever.
Can anyone give me the low down on ozempic? After the covid vaccine I'm unsure if this is something I want to take
Vote Sunak for real Conservative values.
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>taking a drug to lose weight
5L2Jd6qrb is a known fednigger
Execute on sight
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>me be 27
>had my first relationship in life last year
>Yeah late bloomer whatever, dated an attractive girl for 8 months
>it was good, if not a bit boring of a relationship especially after the honeymoon period
>grow distant less laughter etc. until she breaks up with me
>feel hurt but tell her I love and respect her too much to not want her to be happy, walk away feeling amicable & mutual
>flashback to the last 2 months of my life
>everything is in tatters
>as soon as she broke up with me in a kind and caring way she blocked me and my whole family
>she has told all her friends some of which blend with mine that I was abusive and forced her to have sex with me
>half my friends have distanced and half have told me to go fuck myself
>her brother text me a long message to stay away or he'll smash my lights out
> told him wtf I've done nothing and we were literally laughing just yesterday and okay with it
>haven't left my house in a week from anxiety
>work have me on my last warning for absence and have meeting when I go back
so how is everyone else's Monday?
You can take Glucomannan fiberous supplement that expands in your gut to stop you being hungry. That and do some exercise, jumping jacks whilst waiting for kettle to boil etc that sort of thing.
Didn't read, never selling
Anyone who's ever lost weight knows exercise has little bearing on weight loss, it's all about dietary changes - fasting helps too.
So she's making it all up? Sounds like the narcissistic discard. Especially how its got you mentally anguished. Normally the break up is worse but the smear campaign is text book.
Its both ffs
Sexy cute fedniggers on site
It isn't
>t.lost 4 stone from not eating goyslop
It wouldn't do anything for losing weight I'm being tested for cushings as a result have type 2, dexamethasone suppression test. But should I be worried about this injection would there be something in it which would be suspicious
Basically yeah. We never really has fights or anything like that, in the later 2 months she would get agitated more often, but u never made it arguments or anything and guess now it was because she wasn't feeling it anymore
Yes she has lied about everything and my friends won't believe me
My work colleagues will also know and I feel crippled I just don't understand
More muscle mass means increased TDEE at least.
>Anyone who's ever lost weight knows exercise has little bearing on weight loss
maybe if your idea of exercise is lifting a big mac to your mouth
Got chewed out at work for bullshit and quit last week.
cba with that noise. I was working to amuse myself, not to earn a living so they can go fuck themselves.
been spending the last 5 days working in the garden, mowing, weeding.
starting on the vegetable beds today so yeah.
rat race cunts are the worst. They'll never get anywhere because the currency and economy is designed to devalue your work and siphon it off to buy the rich new cars and houses.
If I was a fednigger I would snoop on you all so hard. Might have a little chuckle at your supermarket receipts. Maybe compare your texts per day values to the national average and chuckle even more. I'd definitely come round your house posing as the gas man to smell the squalor, you filthy little piggies.
How many pull ups can you do?
Can you even install a pull up bar unassisted?
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My ex abused me. Of course I had to sit there and take it because I'm a man so if I retaliated in any way I'd be arrested and have pineapples shoved inside me for the rest of my life.
Ironically when she finally broke up with me she then told everyone I was abusive.
Lose-lose situation.
only texts I get are 2FA ones.
who the fuck uses sms anymore?
You're mildly autistic and everyone can see it except you so everyone pities you. If she breaks up with you without you being a monster she's the bad guy so she told everyone you're a monster so she doesn't look like the bad guy because she can't put up with you anymore.
>I'd definitely come round your house posing as the gas man
I'd put you in my oven you dirty kike
you'll be fine. Hopefully soon you'll come to realise this is what happens to all fools who try to engage with modern women. Just keep away from them its not worth it
2FA via SMS isn't secure, get Aegis or another 2FA app
"unpaid electronic interactions with other human beings"
You'd definitely be getting put on the no fly list. Not that you ever leave your bedroom never mind the country. Gross little piggy.
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She's cute, built good.
If "a big fat muh vugu" realises to get fitter he needs to lose weight because he can't move, do, fast enough, it is then incentive enough to diet correctly.
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>chewed out
Howdy partner
oh. Well that fucking sucks. how can someone throw someone under the bus like that.
You got a cook fetish?
You could have recorded her abusing you and then done a simple breakup where you tell her you’re fed up with her abuse. Your victim mentality is why you were abused.
We’re about to get a communist government pretty funny really
Sam Melia was banged up under a "conservative" government
this is exactly whats happened
Nobody cares about namefags here, stop trying to promote yourself and just Fuck Off.
Having friends is like wearing a condom. It's protection. You played the game without protection and you lost. Or since you say you had friends the condom broke. F
Or he could be a monster, we don't know. But based on the information provided that's definitely what happened.
I don't care about your love lifes or relationships. I only need to tell you that Nigel must be stopped, no matter the cost.
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>repping with the lads
>no matter the cost
Even if every single living Jew must perish in order to stop him?
This is why I won't vote Reform (even if brinnies vote for me to vote for Reform)
More like agent ali
How does a postman that can barely speak English get hired?
if im fucking your mum and her feet are planted in the uk while her arse is over denmark does it count as leaving the uk?
Missed her and her son
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weird frog that la
Genuinely not a monster. I think anon is right including down to me being mildly autistic, it would probably even benefit me to be full autistic because I basically am treated like a normie. Would she have pulled this if I really was diagnosed sperge
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who here /pumped/ for election night coverage on thursday?

i've got it all set up to watch the whole thing, couple crates a beer, small bags o bumps to stop me falling asleep.

i reckon reform will get 25 seats minimum, change me mind.
She wouldn't have shagged you in the first place if you were a full blown sperg.
And you lost fat and muscle.
Losing muscle = higher body fat %
Higher body fat % = slower metabolism
Slower metabolism = easier to get fat

Keep crash dieting and you’ll find it easier to get fattwr and it’ll become harder and harder to lose
saw this on Twitter and it’s a good take:
>The Reform Party's rise is a distraction for those on the right seeking genuine change. Nigel Farage, with his degenerate bourgeois tendencies and lack of true traditional principles, offers nothing but hollow promises. His leadership diverts energy away from meaningful action and deeper, more substantial reforms. Instead of chasing the fleeting success of such movements, it's imperative to stay focused on the enduring values and strategies that will lead to real, lasting improvements. Supporting the Reform Party is a misguided effort that detracts from the pursuit of authentic right-wing goals
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Still voting Reform
warm reminder that mr laurence fox's reclaim party are running in the GE
Am playing the triangle today
What's all this hoohaa about some Wadsworth police officer about
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>"the right are evil tyrannical fascists"
>"the left are peaceful democratic free-choice enjoyers"
>left win bigly
>right respects the outcome
>right starts winning
>left go insane and start attacking the right, trying to overthrow democracy and enforce their beliefs on everyone else
>crash dieting
Eh? I lost the weight from July 2022 to April 2023, a steady 2/3 pounds a week.
I've done you.
Sikhs are sneaky cunts
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Ed Davey on a mad one
>narcissistic discard
I know what this is, I have come across it myself and lost my job because of it.
Would sooner have Sikhs instead of Muslims.
Sex havers on suicide watch ahahaha
>t.77th troon
Still cunts
Wrongun behaviour
Mate Sikhs are sound af.
>don't eat halal/kosher
>can drink
>aren't dicks
>mad bantz
>genuinely better than christians
>won't behead you for bonking their sister
My pals little brother went from a 5'4" tub of lard to a 5'"4 skinny cunt just by only eating one whole pack of fishfingers every day for a year.
He still looked like shit though as by not working out he just had hanging skin and no fiseek. So although you dont NEED excersice to lose weight, the end result takes longer to get there and you just end up a skinny weak mong rather than a fat weak mong.
sikhs are bro tier based
>can drink
So dgenerates and non-white?
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small tits, bee stings one could say
They are brown and also foreign
paki-pajeets are all the same
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I’ve lost over 5st
>implying people believe filmed evidence over the fake tears of a woman
Well. If her trap red flag was being a psycho mine was autism, so she snagged a sperge and will have to live with it
My diet consisted of eggs, rice, mince beef, spinach, cherry tomatoes, rooibos tea, fruit and a weekly steak.
Your brother just sounds like a genetic dead end, not dissimilar to yourself.
>bu-but muh jan 6
>lulz im contratian
>so edgy
I dunno pal, it looks like you're the contrary one here
Who will save us from the government?
Sexy cute fedniggers
Is it me or has the election coping begun?
A lot of money to made in this election.
I used to go to school with a sikh lad, he hated muslims and pakis kek
Oh and Weetabix
Nah I just accept that we won't have an ethnostate unless [REDACTED]. Sikhs are better than muslims in every way,and if given a choice between the two it'd be Sikhs every time.
The skin's brown? Flush it down.
Does this actually make him likeable? Haven't we had enough clowns?
ok then smartypants what other realistic candidate does the genuine right have to vote for? rwds won't happen overnight, baby steps.
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Try reading properly you sarky dyel.
I am a giant giga chad with supreme genetics both in body and mind and am on my way to lifting my IQ of 140.
So yaa boo sucks to be you
lol manlet problems
cba to wagie this morning lads.
Just can't be bothered.
They gave me shit wage increase last year.
Just not gonna work hard. Inflation linked work output I say.
>and if given a choice between the two it'd be Sikhs every time.
You aren't being given a choice, you're getting a deluge of both whether you like it or not.
Or hit it with a stick if stubborn
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Make sure you vote Reform
It's been cope from the start, a ritual of cope.
Scottish summers are colder than winter ffs
Antireform shilling is pretty weird. It's either
>look how ebil and rayciss Reform are
Or, if the target audience is people who would vote for Reform based on their alleged raycism:
>look how many blacks are in Reform
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This. They are all the same. It doesn't matter. They need to go back home to their countries.
If they're so bro-tier then we can talk and trade with them. From a distance.
Also checked.
is giuseppe dagolini (real name) in this thread?
I think I've figured out what's happening.
There's gonna be a ww3. And a draft. And itll be very unpopular.
The conservatives and Labour don't want to be responsible and spend the next couple of decades being tarnished as the evil party who send millions of bongs to die.
Here's where farage and the reform party come in. Farage will be promoted extremely by corporate media and they'll have him win the election. He will send the bongs to die. Then when it's over the reform party will be disbanded, farage will retire extremely comfortably to Switzerland and Labour and Tories will continue their uniparty fake bickerings free from the stigma of being the party responsible for basically genocide
>D Y E L
Lifting is degenerate. Calisthenics are based.
Quite the job they've done to maintain the status quo. Makes rabbi Yaxley Lennon look positively pro white
>muh very niche specific brand of darkies are fuckin' baaaased and bro tier
Yeah so fucking based like that Canadian army guy who let Canadians die because he chose to prioritise saving random shitskins in Kabul when it wasn't the mission.

So. Fucking. Based.
Might it be possible that Reform don't particularly stand for anything, and simply and are happy to adjust their talking points ad hoc to pander to whichever demographic is in front of them at a given moment?
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who the fuck makes their staple food fish fucking fingers. he should've just eaten 6-10 eggs a day and he'd be swole just by moving the excess fat initially.
eggs are great, here's my homemade egg mayonnaise.
if you read the conservative media outlets, july 4th will be total Armageddon
them kebab pies will warm you up mate
Imagine paying 1800 a month just so you dont feel hungry
Eat a salad, it has the same effect
was refuted by blocko many threads ago:
>The notion that one must vote is a misconception and a flat-out lie. Voting, especially for centrist parties like the Reform Party, often leads to perpetuating the same systemic issues and false hopes. Nigel Farage and his ilk represent a façade of change, masking a continuation of degenerate bourgeois politics disconnected from true traditional principles. It is far more impactful for us to withdraw from this charade entirely, refusing to lend legitimacy to a broken system. By not participating, one rejects the superficiality of modern politics and remains true to the pursuit of genuine, lasting change for a better United Kingdom
you're better off having a bit of speed in the morning in your cup of tea than that tumour causing shite.
The BNP was never criticised in the late 2000s like this. Because they actually stuck by what they believed and were coherent. It took a high court order to remove the whites-only membership, they rejected kosher right money, never brown nosed to le based sikhs or paki businessmen and Nick Griffin openly told Channel 4 news he wants the non-whites deported. Why can't Reform have the same backbone as that? It took the Equality Act 2010 to destroy them
egg me off chicken style
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gis a bit
Never underestimate the personal factor. Farage lost his EU job and becoming an MP is a nice cushy lifestyle which Farage has been trying to get for years now. Reform is merely a vehicle for him to succeed.
Are drugs, phones, laptops and sex with female staff just normal and allowed in UK prisons?
If you add a pool and slide you can call it a centre parcs. Middle class White families will pay thousands to go there.
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blah blah blah we know it's all bread and circuses congratulations you just won the captain obvious award. however the effect on normies you cannot deny will be interesting to behold.
Dangerously thought provoking memef(l)ag post
>Says he is going to vote reform
>Chickens out and votes labour instead
Really hope that isn't you, support are nige
He is Iranian not paki/jeet
Allowed? No.
Normal? Yes.
brit/pol schizo is >

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hugh hefner wannabe
In May Nigel was telling people he's staying in Florida to help Trump as the US election was more important to him. Thats been memoryholed now
you seem mentally ill
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All foreign are paki. Disrespect diversity or slide into death.
Team #Reform could have done with Suella but oh well
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So then, what job are you planning to get or training are you going to do during the Labour golden bull run?
if what you say is true, then normies' minds are even more goldfishy than we previously thought, by several factors at least. imagine going to fight because 'hahaha lol that man goes in the wetherspoons and drinks pints like me lol.

now that i've typed that out i don't necessarily think you're wrong but i hope you are.
well that looks like a vote winner in the last days of a shitty campaign doesn't it? A nigger & a poonigger.
>free from the stigma of being the party responsible for basically genocide
But who would be left to care? The BAMEs won't give a shit that every white man was sent to die.
>we aren't going to engage in coordinated market manipulation if /our guys/ do it
Mental how they can just be that blatant about it
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>resorts to ad hom
fuck off jew
Great British Energy has a place for you lad. Just sign up.
Reform won.
The 2024 Tory Leadership contest will go the way the 2015 Labour Leadership contest went. The establishment will put out their approved candidates, Jeremy Hunt, Kemi Badenoch, Suella Braverman, Penny Mordaunt, Priti Patel, James Cleverely, Grant Shapps etc

but THEN out of NOWHERE one based old backbencher nobody has ever heard with a consistent history will throw his hat in to the ring and everybody will project their ambitions onto him and he'll go viral and win in massive upset
>Why can't Reform have the same backbone as that?
they’d be banned obviously
Don't know never heard of this guy but I have policy no click jew news sites. Fuck them and also fuck you for posting the link.
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Posted my Reform vote the other day. Simple as.
they're brown it's the same pile of shit and has no place in the country
Nah. It will be one of the names you mentioned. But they might not survive as leader. That's my prediction.
Pay your taxes.
Based spics, but it's hollyjew anti Anglo propaganda naturally.
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He is a little sperg and said "i read i needed to eat X calories a day to lose weight, and i saw that same number on the back of the fishfinger box"
He collects unopened nintendo games.
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How do I get English Rose gf pls.
One that is not fat, has tattoos, single mum
t. Ahmed from tehran
You all rook the same, paki
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Just drive a taxi, paki
Step one: lower your standards
The perfect women doesn't exist but if she did she'd be a right looker and live about 100 miles away so I only have to see her a few days a month and on my terms

The perfect woman does not exist
>He collects unopened nintendo games
well if he keeps that up he'll make a fortune one day.
nevertheless someone should've tried to guide him.
You don't, they don't exist. Even the fattest of the fat slags has at least 1 child
pipe down brokenshoesanon you stupid ass

Just out of interest, is this prick still here?
I have a feeling I know who he is but he has probably changed IP and operates with another ID.

Patterns, it's all about patterns and this guy is predictable.
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>not even got the chromatic aberration and neon grid
Sad, Tory Twitter interns ain't what they used to be
State of the link btw
That happens when no-one else wants the job. Many politicians are happy with their comfortable position, and would rather not have the stress that comes with "leadership".
Why are people voting labour? Don't they realise they're going to just get the same thing? And I also don't believe many people will actually go out and vote. Maybe there's an upset on the cards?
Cbdc slavery here we go, cons playing their part to perfection. Maybe they'll be back to introduce it.
>6-10 eggs a day
Enjoy having a heart attack from all that cholesterol
>accuse your enemies of going to do what you just did
It's a plan so crazy it might just work.
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>Reform won
...but only in your mind, retard.
Rightard delusion. Not even once.
Yes I remember that, then straight after Trump got convicted he decided he would make a come back in British politics. I think there was talk of Trump offering him a job but Farage thought Trump's chances of re-election were slim after he became a convicted felon.
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bames for brexit
Yeah nearly 50% don't vote
Young people that DO vote this time are going green or lib dems
I knew the landslide would never happen a d that's exactly why media propogated that claim 2 MONTHS prior to the election day... it makes people either get comfy and not vote, or "well see about that" and vote opposite
Should just pull their whole heads off instead.
What's the point in Reform if they are a pro Multi-Culturalism centre right party? Might as well just Vote Tory.
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>Yeah nearly 50% don't vote
Surely if you fail to motivate half the population to vote, then that shows all the parties are shit. None of them should have mandate to rule.
tories had 14 years in power and the uk is now a dump full of bames, they have conserved nothing. People are voting labour out of spite, not cause they like starmer
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>Potty mouth "Tory Scum" Angela Rayner can barely string a coherent sentence together - it's troubling that she will not only be deputy PM but also represent us on the world stage

>She coughs constantly, swallows huge amounts of phlegm, eats dog food and smells like an old ashtray

Labour have historically been bad with finance but in all fairness the blame lies with the Conservatives for allowing this Labour landslide to occur.

I have always voted:
>Tory in Generals
>UKIP in Euro (when they existed)
>'Fred in his shed' at local elections.

Reform will not be dominant at this election but we all know it will be a 'Labour victory' (albeit by default) but the consensus amongst my Gen X mates is " let's just vote reform and look at the numbers?"

t.1965 oldfag.
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I know they are boomer-tier, civic, 'the left are the real racist' cringe party but they have given us so much kino in the past 3 weeks
Now imagine the percentage that are wogs. Diversity really is democracy's strength
Bitcoin was the testbed for the technology.
That room held the enirety of remaining white people in birmingham
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Why are people in denial about this when it's super obvious?
Seems legit
I used to get jobs in charge of polling centres before they changed the rules a few years back, and for every 1 white man voting there would be a muslim man with his missus and 3-6 eldest kids in tow
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>What's the point in Reform
Should have stopped there
>Angela Rayner can barely string a coherent sentence together
Not true. Just a lazy classist slur. She has more than held her own with those upper class highly educated coke snorting Tories.
I can give you a goyslop example here. Reality TV shows like on ITV, what they do when 1 person is overwhelmingly popular is they out out news stories ans make it a topic in the show about how many votes they're getting
What then happens over the next week or 2 is a dramatic DIP in their popularity and they get kicked out or fall short of winning
Now bear in mind the average slopwatcher is the same going to vote on Thursday
The shot of alcohol completely destroys every shred of class this pic was going for.
>Alcohol is poison for the weak minded
Just had an argument with some paki at a McDonald's. Wanker cut in behind at some traffic lights and was right up my arse waving his hands about and he kept following behind me so I pulled up and told him what's his problem then and he started babbling paki shit like he was in a rush and why I pull up like this and I'm on camera, little fucking grass, so I told him don't fucking rush me mate and act fucking erratic and he fucked off back in his car and I went in and got my drink and the cunt was just sat in his car. Rush to get to McDonald's the cunt
>Rush to get to McDonald's the cunt
When does the breakfast menu end?
>Implying any of them will survive the wipeout
It'll be Will Tanner and he'll go into the 2029 election insisting the Tories are the best placed to manage Great British Energy
Faggots make up a growing percentage, true. But it's minimal. Women another chunk. Big brain middle class retards, the majority of the voting slop. Even then it's less than half of the nation that participates regularly when you subtract wogs. Too much, granted, but cause not to loose faith.
Breakfast finished at 11 this was 11:45
see >>472741839
>Alcohol is poison for the weak minded
The mind of an inferior subhuman Austrian nonce that was teetotal wasn't strong enough against a 7.65mm bullet
As John Wayne said, 'Never trust a man who doesn't drink'. Trumpo's a teetotaller too, so...!
Things-that- never-happened.com
If I wanted to make it up I would've decked him or something
Who are you trying to fool?
Let's face it, you did nothing and this event never happened.
It happened, I was the paki

You're lucky I didn't break your kneecaps lad
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>Alcohol is poison for the weak minded
So is ol' Nigey here weak minded?:
>wanted to help out on Trump's election campaign
>didn't want to help out on Trump's campaign: buggered off because it wanted to help out in its own narcissistic self-aggrandisement instead
Welp, Nigey learned from the worst, I guess.
Hypocrisy. Not even once.
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Literally just wanted to enjoy an hot chocolate but the pakis won't even allow me that
Surprised I haven't seen the Trump god emperor meme magic 4D chess angle more. It makes as much sense as Farage returning of his own volition.
I have been outside for the last 45mins and seen zero browns
Your hot choc? Chucked
It’s over
>hot chocolate
Swiss miss
Nige shilling for Israel hasn't paid any dividends.
Jewish owned media still hate him. So why does Nige do it?
Sometimes the jews like to test their shabbos goyim, to make sure they're truly loyal and not just in it for the money. Nigel must have faith.
They know we know they're the bad guys. Whoever wins, they win, they just want maximum engagement to keep things ticking over. Keeping people guessing stimulates interest, I imagine.

He's the best hunter
Religion is poison for the weak minded
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>Religion is poison for the weak minded
neighbours gash best gash
Batter taigs
Torn where tho?
The weak minded are ever thus, regardless of whether they partake in religion or not.
Atheism, though seemingly the wisest choice the weak minded could make, is still a better indicator.
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Those who never allow the retardation that is religion to ever exist in their minds are the strongest indeed.
'Our belief in bombing was an article of faith'
-Arthur 'Bomber' Harris
He was fucking beyond hardcore, nay an ultra-based gigachad, in being so irreligiously cold in genociding so many inferior subhuman Nazis via what those RAF Avro Lancasters dropped on Dresden.
Where was their 'Gott' then...?!
You missed my gist

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