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>be mafia boss
>literally kidnap the woman
>keep her as your slave for 365 days
>if she leaves, threaten her with death
>mentally threaten her into having sex with you

somehow women love this women and even defend that “it’s not really kidnapping, anon. you see, he has money and looks good”
>somehow women love this women and even defend that “it’s not really kidnapping, anon. you see, he has money and looks good”

Did you know about 60% of rape victims reported that they orgasmed during the act. In normal situation it's about 20-33%.

So I guess woman like getting forcefully penetrated but are too shamed to admit it.
Women have weird delusions kek
Their bobs and Bobbies will be opened that’s not delusional
titanic was pretty fucking brutal too.
>oh this guy loves me and gives me everything i could ever want? fuck him lmao i'm gonna go fuck this chad on a boat for like 2 days
>no i won't break off the engagement i will instead cheat with chad
>oh but i'm just reminiscing dear because that's what i think about when i'm on my death bed, i don't think about the life i have built with this random subhuman and my family of 60 years, i think about prettyboy chad who drowned because of me
>oh btw this priceless ring that could have ensured our family's wealth for decades, maybe centuries? i threw it in the ocean LOL

most popular "romance" film of all time btw

women are a fucking joke
You probably left out the most important part of this very common fantasy: at the end of the film, this "violent alpha" falls in love with her, for she "soothes" his heart/soul.
It's also why Fifty Shades of Shit was so popular: wealthy, attractive, violent (BDSM); falls in love and is "healed".
Yeah. Reminds me of Twilight and Fifty Shades of Grey.
Still, whenever I see posts like this, it all feels like pointing out this is pointless ... because what can be done about it? It's not like women are going to change just because we're aware of their true nature.
>what is fantasy vs reality
you watch cartoons and fantasize about said cartoon's underaged characters. that makes you a pedophile in your own logic.
Buddy of mine is a bit of a sperg, but he has done jiujitsu for a decade, he is quiet, nerdy and friendly, women never look at him, ie typical nice guy.. Well
about two months back his workplace got robbed and he fucked the robbers up and protected the women, literally five women he works with are swooning over him now and getting handy with him and he hates it.

Women are retarded.
That whole fantasy shows their priority. They would rather go through hell trying to change an attractive man that is an asshole than being with a less attractive man who is nice and kind to them lmao
i didn’t watch that far, i started fucking her in the middle of the movie.
tales from the break room
True that.
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You shouldn’t put too much thought into jewish Hollywood productions. In fact you shouldn’t even be watching this trash at all, it’s like poison for your mind. It’s not real, and it’s usually pushing messages.

This guy has been rejected 95% of the time for 10 years and had women cheat on him in his past relationships, he is just a good dude who keeps to himself. He's pretty annoyed about the whole thing because he has been invisible to women and now they are treating him like a piece of meat.

It's just so weird that a ton of women don't see he is a catch because he is quiet, treats them with respect and is nice, he is fairly rich too, at least his parents are. He told me he is probably going to look for another job.
he's not chad. that's why.
Titanic is based on real events. That old hag slut is still alive. Kys simp.
I didn't watch it, I only read snippets of that awful fanfic turned book--rejected by every publisher btw, before the "writer" published it herself.

It was when I finally got around to studying the nature of women that this common romance fantasy came up.

>women are a fucking joke
They're not a joke, they're just, on average, devoid of logic and reasoning; of which numerous historical philosophers have pointed out succinctly.
It makes no logical sense to try and tame a rattlesnake; and yet, they persist.

It's partly why I've concluded, thus far, that female independence is antithetical to the perpetuation of civilization. Sure society may increase it's living standards, or whatever, by a number of decades but eventually it will go extinct. The birthrate numbers in every industrialized emancipated country speak for themselves. Also, this phenomenon was already identified in "Sex and Culture" by J.D Unwin. He focused on "primitive" societies but the exact same scenario is playing out as we speak.
>I'm happy to hear any counter-arguments if you've got any!
there is a reason every single civilization, no matter where or when or built by which race or nation, has kept them on a tight leash
>I can fix him
Just like the
>I can fix her
faggots here. Two sides of the same coin.
I’m scared of the day sex robots become a real thing for men because women are in for a rude awakening. That pussy market is going to dry up fast leaving them at the bottom of the barrel. Necessity leads to innovation and with pussy inflation and 50 percent of guys becoming incels somethings going to break. They are literally creating the problem that will devalue themselves in the future. The problem is the future women will probably have earned this horrible situation but will have to live like the guys do now and I don’t think most women will be able to handle it as most guys can’t handle it

Women want always someone they can change...... just be a asshole and tell women to fuck off or suck your dick... doesnt even matter how you look. If its a group of women you just can tell all of them to "shut the fuck up, you are a group of filthy, fucked trough women around 25-35 being drunk instead of being at home with a husband and childern...i dont even have to be good lucking to fuck you. Just be nice and thats it. You dont even derserve to be spit on or slapped. Bye. You bitches"

If you do this infront of a club, where people smoke, just go back inside, wait till one after another of this whores comes to you and ask what you meant..... then its time to choose of which whore you take home
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If you look like pic left. You should to to the jim, and eat more healthy... also shave your head....

I literally know 10/10 women around 27-35 ( hehe 10/10 in globhomo land) who exclusivly fuck with bald guys)y

I let my hair grow during my relationship, my ex always told me to please cut my hair back short..... never tought about what her problem was..... have seen her father, having a new wife and another child... turns out he is a bald ass subhuman
this is only true for western white women. asian women can do math and sciences on the same competency as white men, they just aren’t hot so they get overlooked and forgotten more and treated like men. asian women also mog white women in the arts too.
I always liked how she just let him die at the end. Move aside bitch he can fit up there too. More romantic if he dies though.
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You forgot
>be tall tan muscular Italian chad
But yeah, I've had tons of women at work telling me this was their favorite movie, even though they admitted the movie itself is shit, but the guy is just so hot.
Watched it to know what it was all about, had to skip many parts because it was so boring, and it was pure shit, even the sex parts were so ridiculous, boring and not sexually arousing at all. I guess women get aroused from the power dynamic. It's even worse than 50 shades of grey (only watched the first movie, skipped most parts).
Well it just shows you that the only thing you need in life is to be attractive and powerful.
So yeah, for all the forever alone guys, I suggest you to build a rape dungeon under your house, and abduct a woman that you will keep there for years. Eventually she will break and fall in love with you, to the point that you can let her out on the streets, let her go back to her parents so that she can say you saved her after a bad phase, and now she is in love with you, etc.
That shit happened in real life to several women.
Anon, try stay a little on topic. We're talking about gender relations, not careers.
My error for not being more specific with my words; I expected it wasn't necessary due to who I was replying to and my follow-up analogy.
>incel analyzes a movie made by random pole with a budget of 3000 euros

I love the movie its so over exaggerated and retarded its funny. I laughed the whole time
Human beings think that they have divorced themselves form their monke instincts, they have not. You are an over-evolved ape that learned to walk upright, really wrap your head around that concept and ALL human interaction makes more sense. Women are still running cavebitch.exe and respond to overt displays of power and violence.

The final redpill with women is to stop being good, stop being domesticated, stop being safe. Threaten them, start fights, roar, beat your chest, humiliate their orbiters and you'll get them wet. Simple as.
yea i’m saying the women without logic is a western white woman issue. most asians have proved logical competency in sciences and math. if you’re counting emotional intelligence, asian women are better at this too on average. see geishas who were literally trained for this or chinese concubines who were cunning in their emperor’s courts in order to survive.

white women are just whores and prizes for conquests, is there any surprise in why they’re dumb holes?
Nobody made women buy 50 shades or forced them to watch this. Stop simping.
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Never seen it, about the movie I only know the neck bitch snatch move
Very based
In normal situations rate of female orgasm is 0%.
In situations of rape rate of female orgasm is 0%.
Female orgasm is more fake and gay than the holocaust.
yeah I watched it again a few weeks ago and a) the whole Fed and Jew scheme makes it horrific on a whole other level that I definitely didn't know enough to process decades ago first seeing it b) assuming it happened at all, which, who knows. I suspect the "the Titanic didn't real" theory is well poisoning but still and c) "heehee I'm old listen to my racy sexual encounter with a bottom feeder heehee and how I'm still getting all flushed 80 years later, even though I married your grandpa but oh well every woman is an ocean of secrets teehee" was cringe
>I have never seen yellow pussy in my life but god to I love me some AFWM porn.

Asian women are just as illogical, they just hide it better under that layer of mild autism that all Asians suffer from. Logic is a masculine trait and the sole providence of MEN. Put the yellow slit on a pedestal and you'll suffer for it if you're ever lucky enough to score a slant girlfriend.
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anyone notice how there hasn't been a single big story about some mafioso being arrested in fucking decades? these 300 year crime families must have all just given up on crime I guess. that or maybe the feds are just arresting these guys all the time in these huge successful busts and instead choosing to keep it quiet because doing their job is all the reward they need instead of a bunch of PR head pats from the public.
I felt something was wrong with the movie when I was a kid, I just couldn't understand why girls sympathized with that cunt, but now I'm perfectly aware of every aspect of this
oh you’re coming at me with slander huh? where’d all your evidence go, can’t you reason like a man instead of flinging shit like a low iq turd worlder lol.

that mild autism is what drove innovation in engineering, maths, sciences and arts. no normie has the time and energy to pour their efforts into such subjects when they’re too busy fluffing themselves up to be socially acceptable. just admit that white men failed their women by treating them as pampered pets instead of what asians did by investing in their brains.
And 100% of boys and men raped or molested orgasm and are more likely to go on to molest and rape themselves. Also, dead bodies can orgasm; it's just a nerve response. Ah, I'm wasting words, your cum‐soaked brain will never process this and the violence is just going to continue to repeat each generation LOL the sex dynamics are permanently fucked
The anime Redo of a Healer, which is a fantasy type Anime with RPG elements, is about a boy who becomes a Healing Hero. However is forced to become addicted to drugs, raped, and tortured. He becomes powerful enough to go back in time, and now seeks revenge on those who wrong him. That's the first episodes. The rest of the show is him brutally raping, and then mind-controlling, the women who were a part of his torture in his previous life. He creates a little harem for himself by wiping their memories and making them his sex slaves. It's pretty much a hentai with sword fighting.

It's very popular with women.
>violent sex
>Muh bugwoman supremacy.

East Asian culture stagnated so hard it took the west kicking them in the balls to them them out of the late middle ages and even then all they do now is just copy the West. Your superior bugwoman mathematicians and scientists only exist in your coom-driven fantasies of slant sluts in glasses. But even amongst East Asians, all of the great discoveries, innovations and achievements they can claim are all the work of East Asian MEN. Women are inferior to men and no amount of fetish-driven fantasy is going to change that reality.
>It's very popular with women.
Sounds very much like Asian women to me, but I could be behind with the times with regards to anime popularity in the West. Even then, there are plenty of Asians here now too.

What say you to this? (>>472738594)
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true bro it doesn't matter
why you so mad lol? i didn’t say east asian women are superior to their male counterparts. but they can certainly compete with white men and other races of men such as blacks, browns and reds.

i can bet you the average asian woman is better at math/history/science/arts than you or at least match your level or exceed you in one of those subjects. when was the last time you innovated something? or are you riding off the coattails of the people who would look down on you as a pseud who argues on the internet larping as if you have some secret knowledge to pass on to retards who come here to fling shit for fun?
Why else do you think gangsters manage to find wives but straight edge kids are out of luck?

I'd bet if fed decide to enforce the media to encourage healthy thinking for women, namely, cook/clean and being good mother instead of gun wranging boss girl, replace all chads and thugs in the media with masculine ugly bastards and un-onions school nerds to normalise their expectation, stop encouraging them to marry rich man - there you have it, normal functioning women. Hypergamy doesn't just exists, it built and promote by the media. And remember, women don't think.
Women live their lives thinking that they've being judged all the time.
This is because women judge each other all the time.
If a woman's social standing and appearance objectively improves through a kidnapping, they don't view it as a kidnapping, not even by means of Stockholm Syndrome, no instead they view it as a princess being liberated from her tower prison cell by a handsome rogue vagabond.
i don’t know that anime or anything about it besides what that post just detailed.
Shave it, or let it all grow out.
There's no civilised median.
retarded faggot detected
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Enjoy dying alone you cunt.Your memory is dead to me.
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imagine, the person who has loved you the longest, done the most for you, and stayed by you until the very end
and the very last thing you want to do in live is destroy the illusion that you had ever actually loved him
I know a losing battle when I see one
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I think you're being harsh. The movie isn't really abou tthe fiance guy. He's almost too much of a villain caricature, but he's there as an obstacle to Rose's love, just a screenplay device. You can't draw any general psychology conclusions from fucking Titanic, next you'll be complaining about cartoons
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>"Italian" movie made by a jew
>starring an Italian who has a history of homoerotic interactions with other men
>lead star also had two kids with a lebanese semite, producing sandnigger kids who are now "italian"
>also features some slav chick
>movie makes no sense, it's just a sequence of disconnected soft-core sex scenes
>entire thing is really just some jewish girl's fantasy of getting fucked by a roman all over again
exactly, just like how women see them irl, other men are merely an obstacle or a tool in the path towards chad
I would have pushed her off, men are more valuable than women. It needs to be acknowledged and enforced. When a society doesn't value women much we get ancient Greece and Rome. When we have a woman serving matriarchy we get whatever the fuck mess this is.
Women are far more susceptible to social influence so I would actually like to see this project play out and observe the results; although replace "ugly bastard" with mid range average looking, to be a little more reasonable.
On that note; don't Islamic countries--excluding the decadent Gulf States--already do this?
Ahh Sophie luv me sum posh totty
I think most of them stay with the dork, the world isn't 4chad
>you cant draw any conclusions from women loving a movie that has the lead female care more about a dude she knew for about 3 days than her own husband of 70 years and her own children and grandchildren
You are right about one thing, it is fucking cartoonish how awful most women are.
Unless a woman is a kiss less dateless true virgin free of mental illnesses and will be all the positive things I like about traditional with none of the negative things or nagging or expectations, and also take interest in my hobbies especially video games and grind gear for me submissively, and also hold her pee regularly until she wets herself in front of me, and has sex with me twice a day, I'm just not interested

I am being completely sincere
yes, they fuck chad, and when he kicks them to the curb, the dork picks up the pieces. exactly.
That's why I posted that photo, he's her devoted husband and they have 5 children together https://youtu.be/ulfvM-KdJZs?si=NQbqBCtZzJsS_3x9
dude the world is not a mold everyone falls into
sure it is. Why wouldn't it be? we're subject to nature, just like we can study and predict animal behaviour we can do so with humans.
You actually watched a women's empowerment movie.
You need to get a new "girlfriend".
What are some of your predictions bro?
> That shit happened in real life to several women
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in regards to what
> Threaten them, start fights, roar, beat your chest, humiliate their orbiters and you'll get them wet
really fucking gay, I think I'll continue to ignore their advances and play videogames
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not a thing
Just generally, since you say some things are quite predictable you must have some predictions
sure, white normies will never wake up, ethnics will replace europeans completely, western civilisation will collapse, chinese will take over africa and rule with an iron fist for eternity
You do understand there are movie summaries, right?
I've don't have to watch "Salo or the 120 Days of Sodom" to know it's about extremely wealthy men taking 14year olds to a secluded estate and carrying out sexual violence towards them, increasing in brutality as time passes.
nah what? you're not saying anything.
> Women fantasize about being abducted and raped (and impregnated) by psychopath violent chad
That's really crazy to think about.
I'm saying predictions are stupid. You can't predict human behaviour. Saints and psychos can have similar upbringings for instance. humans aren't animals and have reason
>Saints and psychos can have similar upbringings for instance
so it is all genetics. just like i said.
That's just getting a wife Mongol style
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The 4chanisation of reality is a phenomenon that has coloured you too much. When someone cherrypicks a whore doing a tik tok that doesn't mean all young women are whores, but its easy to think that way, isn't it? Millions more of them would never do a cringe tik tok for instance.
>humans aren't animals
You really only have to look at very low intelligence individuals to see the exact opposite; in that they carry out the most animalistic behaviour: eat, sleep, work, procreate, die.
Over half the posters are demoralisation shills and psyop operators.
Tell him to not look for another job just yet. Have him start recording these interactions, bring it up to whoever handles the HR matters in the company, and then sue the shit out of the company when they fail to do anything about it. Teach those whores a lesson.

>Did you know about 60% of rape victims reported that they orgasmed during the act.
that hold true for male on male rape and is the source of mental break down for both - males and females
it's retarded to hold it against women
also iirc it's taught to some special op shmucks, that it can happen and they shouldn't feel bad about themself for it, cause that's physiology

you would probably skeet, if some 500lbs whale started riding you as well
it's just retarded whamen fantasy
just like yours of finding some 10'/10 virgin, who'll be into you just for you, lmao
Its wealthy psychopaths convincing women they should allow them to mentally fuck them. They are also creating movies where the woman is allowed to torture a less wealthy man who loves her.
wait what
women can sniff out springiness from mile away. Spergs are deemed unfit for being a mate. But I guess you can overwrite that with being a savage or a savvy businessman
I'm just going to throw this out there and you can believe me if you want but I'm serious here: the women hate is pushed by a group of faggots and trannies that want you to start fucking them instead of women. They're trying to turn you gay, anons.
So explain why 50 Shades of Shit was so popular with the female audience? Since it appeals to the most base desires of a woman: wealthy, attractive, high status male, secretly broken inside, selecting a regular/average female, who heals him and eventually marries.
>It's a terribly written book might I add!

The same way porn appeals to the most base desires of men: young, fertile, physically attractive females pretending to enjoy being hardfucked (when in reality, foreplay, on average, has been observed to be what she enjoys most). Yes I am aware there are other genres but the last I recall "teen" was the most popular search term
Imagine the opposite for men. A book about a guy say gets a harem of 19 year olds and they all do anything he wants. That would be popular too wouldn't it? Does that mean all men are insane perverts who need a harem of young women?
Who said anything about hate? We're observing the nature of women, in the same way that we can observe the nature of men.
On that note, has anyone read the full epic "De Rerum Natura" by any chance?
>Millions more of them would never do a cringe tik tok for instance.
No, they just would do another flavour of slutery like dressing IRL like a whore, dating a petty criminal, have casual sex with a stranger, twerk...
If you add it all there're few young women who aren't
Did I say "all men" you disingenous kiwi.
I said: on average

>insane perverts who need a harem of young women?
Anon, one of the biggest religions in human history. Islam, promises a harem of young women in the afterlife.
Am I speaking to a woman, or are you young? because atm you seem far too idealistic and devoid of--for lack of a better term--"worldy experience".
you wouldnt be so angry if you just came out of the closet already
50 Shades was popularised by the (((media))), not by word of mouth on the street.
Women are followers and bought the book so they stopped missing out on what the (((in-group))) was praising.
Men are less likely to do so, as they don't depend on outside approval.
You're back to trying to fit a gender into a mold. What you're saying may apply to some but not all. And apart from a girl dating a criminal, the other stuff sounds good doesn't it? Don't you want a girl dressing slutty for you and twerking
I only read the question of your post which I answered. 50 shades is a fantasy porn book. Women like porn in fiction form a lot more than men, it is the man equivalent of the last porn video you saw, that's why its popular
.. its kind of a bit more sophisticated than men watching gross porn videos, women getting off to the written word?
>You're back to trying to fit a gender into a mold
That's only natural as you can observe natural gender roles and other behavioural differences in any mammal
>Don't you want a girl dressing slutty for you
Very few girl would dress slutty at home for you only.
Dressing slutty outside is exhibitionism and promiscuity.
>and twerking
No, that's disgusting nigger behaviour
Maybe you should own up to what you are, gay, virgin?
No it wasn't . 50 shades started out as a grass roots massive kindle following
>muh female shaming tactics
post tits or gtfo
The Jews gradually took over the mafia and had it completely under control by the 90s. Most normies don't realize this but feds have infiltrated and taken over all organized crime outfits, just like they would with any group that might threaten their control over society.
I'm not trying to shame you, I was called inexperienced before which I found a hoot, you do sound like a virgin though
Started on (((Amazon Kindle))) eh?
Where it just randomly popped into the trending recommendations?
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>dead bodies can orgasm; it's just a nerve response.
I think your conclusion is not correct or is very specific to a particular context, if it was that simple we would not need any kind of stimuli but that's not the case, to orgasm requiere quite a bit of stimuli even for a guy.

what I suspect is happening in this kinds of "statistics" is that most western countries now define as "rape" misconducts while before the category of "rape" was actually rape a truly horrible thing NOT the kind of thing like
> "oh I was buzzed out that night and I thought this guy was cute and we had sex, but now feel terrible and ashamed, I was raped..."
that girl probably had an orgasm and now the data is skew to portrait that women have orgasm during rape

true rape is a horrible thing and is a disservice to women to call "rape" this sexual encounters under the influence that the day after they regret

on the other hand there IS the fantasy of "being taken", and this is kinda normal considering all of human history nature has made it so that the conquering tribe takes the women of the losing side, similar things happen in nature this is not just "toxic patriarcal social norms" the blame is really on nature (or god, or the demiurge...) and this is incorporated into the female psych, now, could a true rape case fall in this category with orgasm included? I think it can but I think only under specific circunstance, and its gonna be difficul to truly settle this and find good data because of the changing legality of what constitutes "rape"

again it is a disservice to women to call everything "rape", it only incites females to live life in continous "doubtfulness" (to incite women to "be wild and free" at the same time promote looseness in the definition of rape)
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Dr Frog already said women love the beauty and the beast story where there is some bad guy they can tame enough to be their bf. Bitches are so predictable
It was Twilight fan fiction initally. /lit/ used to have a good time criticising that and women's sexual expressions there too.

You just have to accept it. Some women like the drama of two guys after them, or a rich guy abuser. What do you like? Is it perfectly decent and civilised?
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You misspelled 'looking forward to.'
Women are naturally selected to accept being kidnapped, so long as the man maintains immunity to "law" or "telling on him". Evolution cucked them.
Whatever, milkers or >>>/out/
The white cat rollerblading?
I'm a boy a big boy
That's a scary thing about New York, you do see perfectly sane normal young people begging.
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Women just had to be nice and fuck. Literally that's all they had to do. But no, they not only had to force their incompetent asses into men's spaces but get laws passed that force companies to hire a certain %, laws made that disproportionately favors them, spend decades emasculating men in the media, and finally turn into literal whores on OF. It will be hilarious when within a decade they will finally be disposed of as their only actual value can be simulated 1000x better than they ever could, all while never ageing or becoming disloyal. Tough, toots. You should have been nicer. Enjoy the streets.
r slash suicidedbywords
Women kvetch endlessly if you have an attractive female character in your video game, but then they'll write 800-page tomes about a woman fucking the entire catalogue of DnD creatures, and getting raped and her holes stretched out.

Maybe you should stop listening to what women think of your hobbies? Their opinions are wrong and invalid.
Women are attracted to useful men. If a man is not useful, then odds are he's a large child which will need care forever and never leave the nest. Your buddy has proven himself useful.
You didn't address my Islam comment.

>Women like porn in fiction form a lot more than men, it is the man equivalent of the last porn video *you* saw, that's why its popular
Because women inherently idolize a particular kind of romance/story; because each gender has their base (animalistic) desires appealed to; proving that generalisations can be made about genders--as well as predictions about their subsequent inherent animalistic behaviour, as mentioned by the gypsy: >>472740795

Excluding psychological operations, advertisers spend a great deal in attempting to exploit this.

Okay, woman or youngen; I know what I'm dealing with to tailor the argument.

You're absolutely wrong in your first statement. 50 Shits was an erotic fanfic of Twilight, the writer of whom had to publish her "book" herself because every publisher rejected it.
>BVLL in the background

Dude went all into the "just fuck my shit up" look because she ordered him to be present on the BVLL prepping ceremony.
Why did you bring up the Islam thing? My point abou twhat we were talin gabout was 'your sex fantasies are not real and your being isn't defined by them,you don't necessarily seek them out, therefore why does women's fantasies bother you?
Thanks for providing the Jewish voice
>that would be popular too huh
Harem anime don't tend to do well.
False equivalence shill-kun.
>They're not a joke, they're just, on average, devoid of logic and reasoning; of which numerous historical philosophers have pointed out succinctly.
Statements like these are too self-flattering for men. Men bullshit all the time, cf. the masculine urge to spread misinformation. A more relevant characterisation is that women are subjective and men objective. Women are social creatures much more than men are, men are more interested in objective/external reality (this also makes sense from an evopsych perspective), even if that reality is made up just to do a little trolling. Also most men follow their dicks and jettison their brains. Neither gender is particularly "rational", that's just self-enhancing cope
Yes let's go back to that photo. Why did one of the hottest pop stars of the day go for that beer monkey looking fellow?

>Sophie chose Richard and his friend, the drummer Paul Stewart, for her tour. Richard found an old camcorder recently, on which they had filmed behind-the-scenes footage. “Loads of it is the two of us just laughing at stuff. At the time, we weren’t even aware of anything other than we had a really good time together. We were all having fun, but there was definitely a real sort of …” “Connection?” suggests Sophie. “I suppose I’m trying not to say Love Island words,” says Richard. Sophie adds: “We had a good friendship, basically.” They spent a lot of time together, but usually with other people around. When they did the European tour, they became, says Sophie, “closer in a different way”.
Yeah but like I said later, women like fiction as porn way more than men so a better analogy would be a porn video which usually has millions of views and therefore is popular
Men don't read porn.
Most women have a rape fantasy.
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Spot on, gypsy fren
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One for the virgins and gays in this thread

I'm not talking about rape, I'm talking about orgasm which is so well researched that it can be documented happening to a dead body.

The word rape doesn't even mean anything anymore because most people (just like yourself reaching in this tl;dr post where YOU think you think you have the ultimate definition for rape) don't even know how to use the word. So I don't care what is or isn't considered rape anymore. Cry about how much you want to defend the existence of rape somewhere else, snowflake.

Most "victims" are hypersexual and groomed to the gills anyway so who fucking cares. It's not like rape is going to end in society; like you said rape is a fetish anyway.

Nothing you said disproved anything I said about orgasm being a simple nerve response; nothing less and nothing more. Dead bodies can orgasm. It's just facts.
...so you agree.
why dont you grow up and stop giving a shit about what women want, like, enjoy, and just do your thing
yes, with you in particular
Ok thanks for the clarification
>A more relevant characterisation is that women are subjective and men objective.
You're right, that is a far better way to articulate it.
Regarding the rest of your post, I really should have added a caveat because my poorly worded statement has paved the way for assumptions, eg.
>"Neither gender is particularly "rational", that's just self-enhancing cope"
Just because I worded the sentence inaccurately, as you've since amended, doesn't mean the initial observation doesn't also apply to the opposite gender as well. Which you kind of already addressed anyway, namely: "men who follow their dicks".
why do people think apathy is the same thing as maturity?
yes thats exactly what i said, great point buddy
Nah it's mostly genetics but environment can either work like a dampener or amplify existing aptitude or inclination towards certain behaviour. That's why you can't really talk about genetics on a person by person basis but if you talk about populations it works very well.
An example being becoming a schizo. You have genes and environment condusive to it manifesting. No genes, no environment (drugs, parents who have it etc) being the baseline 1. Having genes made you 9 times as likely to devlop it, having only and environment 3 times, but both combined something like 23 times more likely.
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>I literally know 10/10 women around 27-35 ( hehe 10/10 in globhomo land) who exclusivly fuck with bald guys)y
A wise man once said, "everybody *knows* the balding 5'2" Indian janitor with crooked teeth and a gimpy leg who hooks up with a different supermodel every weekend, but nobody ever *is* the balding 5'2" Indian janitor with crooked teeth and a gimpy leg who hooks up with a different supermodel every weekend".
Chad can do anything to a woman. Even rape her daughter or kill her sons by other men. Pimp her into prostitution. Make her betray her fellow police officers. Make her betray her country. Chads own women at a molecular level.
The female character is an alpha widow. It just worked out that Leo's character died, but that doesn't make a woman an alpha widow. It's just getting dropped by a Chad that fucked her silly and she was "widowed" after he left her. The rest of an alpha widow's life will be spent mourning the loss of Chad, especially if all she has for the rest of her life is a beta provider. This is not meant to hate or excuse women, just pointing out that they are all retarded children and should be treated accordingly.
Mafia bosses are ugly af irl and get ugly bitches.
This guy looks more like a handsome corrupt businessman/politician
>be mafia boss (female)
>literally kidnap the man
>keep hhim as your slave for 365 days
>if he leaves, threaten him with death
>mentally threaten him into having sex with you
Somehow men enjoy this.
My fellow femcels, why are men like this?
>Mafia bosses are ugly af irl and get ugly bitches.
I'd call that being though-looking and having faithful wives.
Anon in this economy I'll take it
chad widow, stop using that bullshit redpill term.
Least retarded take in this thread, unfortunately you'll never be a woman.
This is retarded but female orgasm is way different than most males realize.

Males have a shitload of testosterone compared to women and testosterone is THE horniness + orgasm hormone.

Even the most femboy wussy male you ever met, still has about 20x higher testosterone production than even the most butch dyke you've ever met.

Due to the fact hat men's brains are flooded with testosterone (if it wasn't we would all go extinct) we have created a lot of strange fetishes around female orgasm, female pleasure and female sex, in the modern western world.

Women have a very tiny clitoris, and this is where over 80% of their sex pleasure receptors/sensors are located at.

The other 20% inside the vagina are extremely inefficient.

This is where pornography makes all their money.

They trick you with weird camera angles to make genitals look giant and the women are paid to moan like crazy.

If you really want to get a women off, lubricate your finger and rub her clitoris in circles, while your fucking her.

This is the most efficient way, as the more powerful and pleasurable nerves are right there.

This is just basic anatomy/biology.

It gets even weirder when you meet female ex-bodybuilders and female ex-powerlifters that have been using steroids for years.

Their clitoris grow to be sometimes 5 times the original length, and look exactly like a small penis.

These women can get off by simply crossing and shaking their legs, because of how large the clitoris is.

>>.t studied the female biology and anatomy for over 30 years as part of my profession
My gf loves this movie (she has watched several times).
It's the ultimate proof that if you don't get a virgin wife you're a cuck
You will spend your entire life, wealth, energy on this woman and building a family with her, and on her deathbed, she WILL think about her first love who took her virginity first, and you second. Or maybe third. Or fourth. Or...
shut the fuck up. you don't know anything about asians
Your gf wants to get kidnapped by a chad and watch him kill you and she will drip her pussy-water all over the floor while he caves your head in. Sad!
However oriental sex gurus say otherwise.
put your dick all the way to the beside of cervix and keep your dick hard. woman will have 100x more deep orgasm than cutie clitty fun. you don't even have to thrust. actually non thrust is what gives woman more orgasms.

>just rub your pussy's clit bro she will cum
Is a mere small dick cope. The real woman's orgasm is at the deep inside of vagina.
I've been married for over 20 years and have worked in psychotherapy, sex therapy as well as biology and anatomy for my whole life.

I've had thousands of conversations with sex workers and what your saying just isn't true.

This gurus are probably trying to sell you something.

There's no arguing with the actual hormones and nerve endings of the body.

There are deviations, yes, but we are talking 99/100 females have a nearly identical bio--genetic makeup.
I thought the stat of 60 percent was the women who said they had rape fantasies not who came to actually getting raped.
we could ask chat gpt3 to write a sumary fio the movie's plot and then ask it to re-write the summary but switching terms like "mafia boss" for "religious leader" and the names of the protagonist for Muhameth and Aisha as well as changin their ages to be more historically acurate

i wonder who would get pissed off the most by this
the question is: who was worse?
the spoiled bitch from Titanic?
or that whore from Forest Gump who took advantage of him his whole life only to give him aids before dying and leave him to raise Tyrone's son?
You watch too much hentai.
Orientals can't reach a cervix even with their little child sized fingers much less their micro dicks.
>Imagine the opposite for men. A book about a guy say gets a harem of 19 year olds and they all do anything he wants. That would be popular too wouldn't it?
You're so fucking retarded pretending anyone doesn't already think guys would want a harem of young women, and that's not even like the criminal rape women fantasize about. It's not perverted to want to fuck the most attractive adult women you stupid cunt it's a normal and healthy desire. Versus women trying to ruin men's lives over this rape shit they fantasize about constantly anyway by accusing guys they regret sex with or who simply looked at them wrong. These lying feminist whores go home and masturbate to this shit they screech about being so terrible. On top of the interest in rape women fuck young guys all the time, fuck underage boys in schools all the time, and have multiple backup men/simps while they're already in marriages and relationships.
>that doesn't mean all young women are whores
of course not, just the majority, undeniably
Of course, when women want to fetishize something, the man is almost always exceptionally attractive. Do you think anyone would care about fifty shades of grey if the guy was ugly?
Women need to be left alone. No need to hit them or kill them (unless they attack you first) just stop having relationships with or helping them. It drags out the suffering better anyway unless maybe they kill themselves, but they suck at that too. 50 percent single by 2030 isn't enough.
Nah, make enough money to support a large family and find a good conservative girl/Christian girl and cherish her (and have 4-6 kids).
The rabid feminists are psychologically sterilizing themselves, we just need to raise our children better than we were raised.
unfortunately, humans are animals highly self-aware animals but still animals
It's proof that women "imprint" on their first love the same way baby ducks imprint on their mother. God designed a perfect system that allowed each man to be happy with his hot virgin tradwife, and for her to be happy with him, because he was first he gets to be Chad for her. And then the fucking boomers fucked it all up with their free love sexual revolution. I hate hippies so much bros, I hate them so much.

The worst part of all is realizing there is no fix at my age. Even as a handsome, charismatic, wealthy CEO and world explorer I can never be anything but number 2 to the pimply faced kid who pressured her into getting high with him then date raped her on a bean bag chair in a basement. Feels bad man.
>number 2

You'll be lucky if you are even that with the body counts some women are piling up nowadays.
>tyrone's son

wait what? I don't remember that in forest gump
There's zero reason to trust or chain yourself to women at this point. They're inherently fake and so are relationships with them. Best case scenario is forcing them into a situation where the option to betray you isn't even available. It's not worth it, at that point playing pretend with yourself instead of a hole is more efficient and less stress. Imagine wanting to rape and torture more kids on an obvious prison planet. There's no point to it.
>id tranny
A professor at my university wrote his PhD thesis on the fact that women consider attractive men as able to be changed and unattractive men as permanently bad/evil

It completely changed the way I view women
You Christcuck faggots are so fucking delirious.

It's over dipshit. You're a fucking cunt bringing kids into this hell world only to suffer
Physionomy is real and valid tho. I also judge everyone by their looks above all.
To do otherwise is unnatural. Trust your gut instincts about a person. Your biology tells you in a split second all you need to ever know about them.
>The final redpill with women is to stop being good, stop being domesticated, stop being safe. Threaten them, start fights, roar, beat your chest, humiliate their orbiters and you'll get them wet. Simple as.

Sounds like a good way to get thrown into a prison cell where you will definitely be getting cucked.
>number 2
>You'll be lucky if you are even that with the body counts some women are piling up nowadays.

Hmmm... I may have lost in love but I think I just found a way to succeed in business. Investing in deli counter ticket machines is the way of the future bros.
Stop being retarded. If two people are convicted of the same crime that links them in a far deeper manner than their looks separate them. Unless, of course, you’re a woman, or gay (as I suspect many, many of the “physiognomy” incels are).
that guy has good facial structure
Men’s fantasies are on porn sites

Women’s fantasizes are at the entrance of the book store, get movie adaptations, have entire universities studying it, women marching around demanding these fantasies are real and reject you on dating sites for not living up to these fantasies
wow really? no way
>I also judge everyone by their looks above all.
t. an actual retard
Seethe about it a little more. I love Malthusian anti natalist tears. Fucking sabbatean frankist faggot
Elliot Rodger became popular with girls after his shooting spree
>De Rerum Natura

no why?
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You can marry before God and the Church without signing the government marriage contract, btw.
Sorry, I don't want the White race to go extinct. I'm not even Christian. But conservative women who want classical gender roles are the safest bet for having a family.
Not every woman is a liberal feminist.
You dont and will never have children
>My gf loves this movie (she has watched several times).
I would break with her,
she will cuck you with Somali soon
>Holy fucking shit what the fuck

but for some it's a reality.
>So I guess woman like getting forcefully penetrated but are too shamed to admit it.
Just because you like something doesn't mean it's good for you, a lot of morality is based around keeping people behaving in a way that allows a civilization to stay intact in the first place. Working together and divvying up the pussy will always have better results in terms of societal quality and individual happiness. Women have N E V E R created successful civilizations and will just manipulate men to kill each other for raggedy pussy with ever decreasing production yields.

Both men and women like sex and violence, but society is so controlled anymore that there is no productive or healthy expression of it, nor is there a desire to accept ourselves as human. Sex has never been hard to obtain, meaningful sex has. Men can't have passion for women who don't inspire it in them and women can't have good men if they continue controlling things they don't understand. I daresay societies were always about groups of men seggsing women for the continuation of their ways against other groups of men. Of course women like "conquerors." The issue is that governments and corporations "tax" me for children that people don't take responsibility for out of "benevolence" to them. No, punish the bad moral behavior from their parents to give a shit about the kids.
Are you some kind of pussy?
Fuck, Christianity really did a number on men.
Yeah too bad life and women stay fake garbage regardless. I'm pretty sure the Bible talks about how this is the devils world anyway. He should have destroyed everything worse than the flood already but people just stay spawning here and suffering for no good reason.
I have never even heard of this goyslop.
OP, why are you even watching shitty romcom movies for women? Are you a homosexual?
No one actually believes in or follows Christianity or what it says to do especially Christians.
Women love to be dominated, doesn't matter if the man is doing something morally wrong. They are hardwired to prefer dominant men.
If you don't print this inside your peabrain will always get "blackpilled" for not acknowledging simple biology you tard.
The more they had a present father, the more sensible they are to men and the least they are victims of their biological pulses.
Women love to lie. They can enjoy being dominated but they'll still ruin men using the government, social media and subhuman society over men being even somewhat normally masculine. They'll still sabotage/feminize and kill their own children. But you want these creatures to be considered victims. No they're just an obvious unchained problem that needs to stop being impregnated and to be avoided in general when possible.
It always happens to beta cuck males

I never see roided up wifebeaters get divorcerapes
Wifebeaters and criminals still get jailed (again) and thoroughly cucked with other criminals or "betas" since women trade that pussy for money anyway.
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Get in here Canada Anons

What turns them about this is it is about a man that dominates their woman and puts them in their rightful place. Women are biologically hardwired via millions of years of evolution to get wet from a man claiming them as a piece of property
Stop being so gay about it.
Yep and so did the columbine shooters who were known weirdo incels at their school
it's about specificity. "alpha widow" implies that it's some sort of "alpha male behaviour" they're widowed by. "Chad widow" makes it clear that it's the man's looks.
Counterpoint: chad is an incel term and makes you weird for using it
Alpha widow is fine
i don't care. it's accurate
>Stockholm Syndrome,
does not exist. literally invented to explain away police incompetence
Women 100% conform to their captors. This is common knowledge across all cultures.
Yup they either give it up willingly and maybe their captors won't kill them, get raped, or get raped and then killed for resisting. Female chimpanzees give sex to aggressive males in hopes they will leave them alone.
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This. You will never get people to accept this en masse because it’s too easy bait for men to try to attack others perceived sexual inferiority to make themselves look better/for women to pretend otherwise so they can maintain sexual shaming of men but women do not orgasm like men do. There is levels of enjoyment they can experience during sex of course but there is no female climax like men experience. Absolutely retarded that people think women can unironically “orgasm for heckin 5 minutes bro!!”
Found the shrimp dicked incel lmao
Point proven. I’ve fucked women into uncontrollable spasms and screaming that are confused about having had an “orgasm” like men do because it all just feels like a tidal wave of increasing pleasure without one specific “eruption” and I’ve had bitches tell me they “came” after like 3 minutes who were bored when I was a teen and inexperienced with foreplay.
If he climbed on the door too they would both be submerged in the cold water too much to survive. The danger they were in wasn't from drowning, it was from hypothermia.
Spoken by someone who's never even bothered to delve into the esoteric knowledge of sexuality.
Climax happens by the overstimulation of the brain usually via the erogenous zones; the bodily reactions are simply the byproduct: In men, they'll jizz; in women, they'll spasm.
If you refuse to acknowledge this then I strongly suggest you seriously start delving into eastern traditions, specifically: Tantra.
Even when it's not rape they like forceful sex. My girlfriend likes me being on top and pretty much holding her down. She likes me being in control.
gtfoand go back to plebbit, you worthless niggerfaggot bitch, go kiss your fellow nigger asshole and die.
What is the difference between tantra and gooning
That spasm is their orgasm you sperg. Its not quite the same as males but they can still climax.
Same, it’s kind of upsetting when you’re really young and you start to realize this but as you get older and your testosterone levels normalize it’s less off putting and you start to enjoy dominating women in bed. Its really the natural order of things and you just have to ignore whatever comes out of a woman’s mouth desu and accept their irrational and just want to be dominated and lead by their man.
Why is this a blackpill? Yes, women love manly men, did you expect them to like leftist faggots like you?
>uglies seething

go back to r9k and get comforted by your shitskin compatriots
Um newsflash, lucifer fucked eve, hence the Saying
>ye are of your father the devil, he was a murderer from the beginning
So begs the question, who was cains father?
Go take the jonathan kleck pill
Is this supposed to be a sarcastic rhetorical question?
Either way: the former is sex through meditation (spiritual/mindful sex), with the emphasis on breathing techniques and the flow of one's energy; whereas the latter is extreme levels of sensory stimulation through pornography, combined with edging. "Edging" being: to nearly reach climax, then stop and take a short break to prevent oneself from orgasming, then continue to nearly reach climax, stop, repeat, repeat, (etc.) in order to buildup the orgasm and prolong their experience.
And now that I've answered your question, I suppose there are some small elements of similarity, strangely enough.
>christshit literally can't stop thinking about nigger dicks

just kill yourself already
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Stop Asking Women On Dates, stop texting them thinking you are interesting because you are not. The reason you are getting ghosted is because you text and try to be funny, try to make her laugh or sound interesting. If you do manage to go to the next step and are actually meeting up and then get ghosted, stop taking women on dates. That stuff doesn't work anymore in the current year.


Most importantly stop approaching women, at least for a while. They are already seething and this will only get worse and worse as they get less and less attention from men.
biological organisms respond well to behavior that is likely to produce more and better offspring. more at 11
I started suspecting this shit even when I was blue pilled as fuck. A smoking hot friend of an ex of mine would regularly take a "shortcut" through a dark alley on her way home from the bars, in high heels and short skirt, despite her boyfriend and everyone else around her insisting she not. Another girl I was simping on started running on a path after dark, AFTER a well publicized rape occured in the same stretch that same summer.
When women see other women getting raped/kidnapped they just think, "Why aren't I hot enough to get raped?"
>CHAD FUX BETA BUX: the movie
only fucking cucks get married
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It's every hag's dream, that despite being 35 and there being tons of younger women who both look better than them and have better personalities, they'll STILL encounter a high-status man who will risk everything in order to have them, to the point of locking them up and treating them like they're the last siberian tiger.
That's why they get so mad at guys like Leo, pumping and dumping his way through fresh 18yo pussy, cause it shows them the reality of the world.
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