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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>President Trump Office
>Liz Harrington (Trump Spox) https://twitter.com/realLizUSA
>Donald J Trump Presidential Library
@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
ARCHIVED LINKS https://pastebin.com/eAhgNyeX

>First Presidential Debate, Atlanta, GA 6/27/2024
>Pres Trump Holds Rally, Philadelphia, PA 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v51ty4u-live-president-trump-holds-a-maga-rally-in-philadelphia-62224.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Keynotes Faith and Freedom Coalition, Washington, DC 6/22/2024
https://rumble.com/v52yh29-live-president-trump-keynotes-the-faith-and-freedom-coalitions-road-to-majo.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Delivers Remarks, Racine, WI 6/18/2024
https://rumble.com/v51twti-live-president-trump-delivers-remarks-in-racine-wisconsin-61824.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Speaks at The People's Convention, Detroit, MI 6/15/2024
https://rumble.com/v50qmoe-live-president-trump-speaks-at-the-peoples-convention-in-detroit-61524.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Birthday Speech, West Palm Beach, FL 6/14/2024
https://rumble.com/v51nwy3-full-speech-president-trump-celebrates-his-birthday-at-club-47-61424.html (RSBN)
>Pres Trump Interviewed by Logan Paul, 6/13/2024
>TrumpVideo: WE WILL WIN 6/19/23
>God Bless the USA (Donald J Trump) 10/20/16

OP pastebin: http://pastebin.com/X4KiALfh
prev >>472723945
I'm worried their are Australians in this thrrad
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thx baker.
Would Donald Jr make a good fit for president if The Donald couldn't?
>There was no inflation when I became president.
>-Joe Biden
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Guys, I'm starting to think he might actually lose to that dementia-addled retard come November

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What a handsome cat! How nice he is to make /us/ all breakfast!
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thanks for the emergency bake MAGAman
3 hours and 30 minutes until supreme court decisions!
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What important decisions (other than Trump's immunity) are pending?
He seems like the one who's most similar to Trump Sr. so I'd say so. He'd probably even more MAGA than his father and definitely would seek revenge against every one who wronged him. Eric seems like he'd continue MAGA too, but comes off a little calmer than both.
dicking children is not helping them.
>their choices are dementia Joe (39% approval) or Harris (29% approval)
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*I'd say probably
*He'd probably be
Damn, I think it's sleep time.
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there are two social media cases (that will probably be consolidated) that involve florida and texas passing law that stated
>social media companies can't ban users for doing for political views
the court will likely rule against the states
the last case is about federal regulations and when the statute of limitations start to toll
oops i just woke up
>passing laws
>can't ban users for political views
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Here's a more fitting picture. Feel free to use it in the next OP.
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Except white evangelical Christians give more to charity than any other demo, they also like to travel to the third world and do volunteer/missionary work for impoverished shitskins, in fact all this charity work for the poor and needy is why African niggers hate fags so much, because they were given the gospel of queer bashing by charitable missionaries
Is this Ahegao Crackers?
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Me too! Good morning everyone!
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there are also several 2A cases (including assault weapon/mag bans) distributed for conference. either there's a mass denial for cert coming or 2025 is the year california, NY, mass, and all the other states with bans leave 1989/1994 and join the rest of the country
I'm actually curious how the social media cases will go, considering Murthy favored government censorship 6-3 on the grounds that plaintiffs (the state of Missouri and Louisiana(?)) didn't have standing or some shit like that
I’m Team Trump until the end, but Jr. would need to prove himself more before I was won over. I was willing to go for Sr. in 2016 because he had accomplishments that were impressive and his - he built the Trump Organization up, he created the Trump brand, he got slapped down with debt and then clawed his way back to the top, he was guiding his corporation for decades, etc. I don’t doubt Jr. has ideas, but he needs more experience in order to argue he’s the guy to get stuff done.
it's likely that the court rules against the states, the justices seemed very skeptical of the laws during oral arguments
Good morning, everyone. I hope you have a full day of White supremacy, esoteric domestic tomboy breeding, microaggression, and Christian nationalism in your official, bureau-supplied Dark MAGA planner agendas.
When and where is the next rally? I feel like Trump and his team need to start aggressively hitting cities and states again.
>I wonder if Kayleigh and/or her sister will make it back in the WH when Trump wins

Would she want to?

I think Trump should appologize to A LOT of people.
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I don't speak English today
>either there's a mass denial for cert coming
Probably. Whatever happened with WA's ban of semiautomatic rifles?
i'm starting to think that bag of coke the secret service found in the white house was what they give to grampa joe in a way to make him seem less demented
why do you keep posting your pineapple wifi thing? isnt it just for network dev shit?
>he doesn't know
It can do so much Anon, it's not just for network dev.
>i'm starting to think that bag of coke the secret service found in the white house was what they give to grampa joe in a way to make him seem less demented

Those cops like to fabricate dirt non-stop.
I only heard oral arguments for a few cases this term and those weren't it, so you probably have a better idea than me
still think that one was at the district/circuit level only still? I only know of the CA one that's been yo-yoing through the system for a decade (including before SCOTUS in 2022 until it got GVR'd after Bruen) that the 9th is gonna argue en banc this month. The big ones are NAGR v Naperville and Harrel/Herrera v Raul that cover Illinois/7th Circuit, but if even one case makes it to SCOTUS it'll have nationwide effects
correct. as an EE i dont know. more specifically i dont care anymore. i work on the physics of self terminating plasma waves and stuff
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Awoo and good mornin guys
That's quite the ID
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three hours for the supreme court!
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hey see >>472735218 and >>472736500
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I am currently rick rolling my neighbors with rouge access points
My guess is SCOTUS will say there is some sort of nebulous limited immunity for presidents but will not define the scope of it and will remand the case for further proceedings to flesh out Trump's immunity challenge.
yes and delay = trump victory
(he's already won)
while i read did you fall asleep on the job
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maybe next year ill rebuild an electronics lab
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Good morning to you, and AWOO!
Agreed. The whole point was to delay until after the election and that has happened so it's already a win.
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I can tell whomstve you are btw
>while i read did you fall asleep on the job
no i refuse to explain why
No insurrection was attempted so no immunity is required.
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Should've attached a Chad picture
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Since it's a MiTM device, you can do stuff like DNS cache poisoning, create captive login portals, pretend to be enterprise login points. You can do karma attacks. It can do a whole lot. There's a sniffer extension that lets you view http requests. It will also let you use wigle.net's API for geo locating. You can also pick up the pings from phones trying to find remembered networks to connect to. It's really quite impressive. It has nice filters too so I can do all this and only the devices I want to attack can connect as long as I use the filters.
Well, yes, I'm Ms. Dalese. Very pleased to meet you, Ms. Inukai.
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that's a concession!
anyways yes, the entire situation is very messy (and therefore very funny)
i'm still of the opinion that nothing is going to happen and as a result there will be mass demoralization (much better than any republican could have carried out) amongst the younger crowd of dems
and think, it's only going to get so much worse when israel invades lebanon in mid july and the biden admin is forced to support them!
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i don't think anything is going to happen either, team NOTHING EVER HAPPENS has had an unparalleled winning streak
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Pleasure is all mine
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also i do have a question (although i'm pretty sure you have touched on this already)
in the tweet you posted, one of the replies was
>You're asking people to deny the evidence of their eyes and ears.
why do you think it took until the debate for democrats to actually raise serious concern about biden's age and ability to run? couldn't they have just run with the narrative
>it was a cold, he was heavily medicated on cold medicine but the biden campaign did not want to cancel the debate
i'm sure at least 70% of the base would agree with that and they could gaslight the rest
What's with Bill "Tide comes in tide goes out, you can't explain that" O'Reilly saying Biden is gonna drop out? What is this rumor?
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it's the old man just trying to generate clicks for his website
it doesn't make much sense for o'reilly to have the scope over everybody else
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How many scoops?
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O'Reilly is such an old fossil who spends a short amount of time with a small radio show and calls into hannitys every week.
More than one
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I'm guessing 2
Hey is anyone committing financial crimes? Asking for a fren
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Once again, disastrous admission
Latest Vogue. first female President
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(i'd wager over 70% of the tips relate to crypto or crypto related finances)
Nancy Pelosi
Tucc must still be in 'Straya
I should report Brittany Venti for something. She's only ever talking about cryptos now
THEE, sweaty
I'll fucking fix it god damnit, that's what I get for never slowing down.
The white "suffragist" (suffragette) suit is a bit weird: it's usually for Democrat women who hold elected office, not for spouses who weren't elected.
What would happen if the Democrats replaced Joe Biden on the ticket with Jill Biden, keeping Kamala as VP? Would Jill be a viable candidate?
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lol it's ok
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> Gretchen Whitmer
Does anyone even like her? She looks like the villain from Once Upon a Time.
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Wee wee
Every politician has at least one diehard fan and one who hates him/her more than life itself.
(she's very popular amongst the democrat base)
she was widely considered the frontrunner for 2028
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Sounds like a torturous process this far into the game. I would have thought resigning due to to " health" concerns would have been the cleanest way to go.
Hey ptg...
I can only imagine the fighting between the Harris, Big Mike, Whitmer, and Newsom camps. Must be ugly. To have that wrapped up before the convention to oust Jill (Joe), yeah that's...going to be messy at best.
Anything happening?
Change your flag. It's July now
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Nice one Quickdraw
Hope they don't climate lockdown
>To have that wrapped up before the convention to oust
I mean, the clean way is to give the convention to Joe, have him resign for health reasons the next day, and then have the DNC appoint a successor. That way you don't have a public fight or votes, just a back-room selection.
the french are still parsing over the elections results from last night and the supreme court is releasing opinions for the final time this term!
Change yours, Chanukah isn't for a while.
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Will the French left and "right" join forces to cordon-sanitaire the FN/RN out of seats?
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>Let's see what /ptg/ is up t....
Where is coomerpole?
That implies Joe wants to go. If they leave it up to him and nominate him they lose their ability to remove him.
yes it's very likely
that's why july 7th is much more important than june 30th (although don't get me wrong it was definitely a win for the "far right" in france)
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i hate mondays
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oh no it`s cold
in winter.
what we ever fucking do.
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What kind if parent would do that to her child?
There's only one ruling that might cause a protest. Trump immunity. I have to go to a quick care center. I was up all night vomiting again. I think I gave myself gastroparesis.
What an evil person, just like the typical leftist.
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why is Elon fact-checking Kamala?
LEL, Harris is gonna get bodied, all she does is lie.
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oh no! that's awful!
you should stay and discuss politics though! the trump immunity case is much more important than any one individual person! let's theory craft how roberts will rule!
She is the present day Whore of Babylon tbdesu
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how long can you get through this without stopping?
Please don't encourage him.
Community notes gonna be busy with Harris if she's just gonna plow ahead with her usual pattern.
She straight up lied and any reasonable person can call her out on that.
It's actually been ACB with the wild rulings. She's been to the left of KBJ in one ruling so far.
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good that he does with his reach.
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He'd vote for a puddle of brown liquid.
okay but that was to be expected! remember, the federalist society pinky promised that ACB was the female version of scalia! however, all hopes of that vanished when people realized she had adopted a niglet!
that's why it was obvious that ACB would vote to overturn roe v. wade, but would be a catty bitch in many other opinions!
At least he's honest about his disorder
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Because Elon isn’t interested in being a Dem lapdog and is willing to call her out on bullshit (especially when she does it on a platform he owns)
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two hours until supreme court decisions!
if only they had good role models to follow, even if in animes
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>At least he's honest about his disorder
This is true.
Perhaps more libtards will do the same.
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Is she really speaking ebonics to try and win black votes???
>I am the real presidente
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>I'm out here in these streets
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6 seconds.
i hate you.
I was only able to watch it on mute Anon when I saw it earlier
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Biden promised Obama he'd be there for just one term and now the knives are out.
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/ourgirl/ wants Timmy Pooly to buy an abandoned theme park
you talk to yourself using multiple devices?
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MAGA morning to everyone.

What time EST is the Supreme Court decision.
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also, bannon is reporting to jail today
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~10am EST, so a little under 2 hours
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horny jail?
now that's a fact check
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no you don't understand.
what if it is?
Do you have any evidence?
How do you know unless you've tried it?
You just admitted you're a pedophile.
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>out here in these streets
>wearing her ivory suit in her ivory tower
>I'm not a Democrat
>Yes, I'll do whatever the Democrats do, but I'm not a Democrat
terminal brain damage
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no real jail for four months
although maybe he should visit horny jail considering he has topless hosts
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because democrats are more cynical about voters than their "democracy dies in darkness" rhetoric would have you believe. most did know biden had problems, but it was not *proven* so they felt comfortable pretending otherwise. you know how FORMATTING talks about the nature of truth? they felt as long as one could argue their way through the lack of proof it was merely a matter of opinion which can only be adjudicated by the ExPeRtS, who said biden did deep philosophy with his canadian gf, she lives somewhere else, you haven't met her
they know none of the previous dementia-ridden appearances matter to the undecided voter, who is the real swing vote because he's an oblivious moron. these voters are stupid and will listen to what is foghorned louder and from more places. it's why they decided "deplatforming" people was the best option, and why they thought putting disclaimers on anything remotely related to SARS was effective. all that mattered was outshouting the other in matters of unproof. one of the posts i showed earlier said it outright
>It is bad enough for voters to suspect you lied. It is another to admit it.
the debate made it too unquestionable to too much of an audience that even if they get "vote blue no matter who" in lockstep to declare it was a fluke or not of consequence, there's dissonance with something people saw live. i really do need to finish FORMATTING because a big part of the plot was what they called a
>logic error
that the conclusion to the story did not follow from its events; a contradiction in the narrative. that is what the debate introduced to the democrats: there is now a contradiction in their rrat to widely known facts to the public (biden's incapacity was seen live on tv to a massive audience)
so it's not that democrats aren't willing to lie about biden - we know they are. it's that it no longer will be effective. even if it shores them up, if it's still a loss to trumo they think that's the End of Democracy
MAGA morning indeed
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>why is Elon fact-checking Kamala?

Elon is everyones hero!!
pmurt immunity case
if trump wins = DC case thrown out
if smith wins = DC case continues
probable outcome = partial immunity and there needs to be new hearings (trump wins)
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Red pill me on Eglin
If Trump is a Jew puppet this is the biggest work since Vince MacMahon blew up his limo and tried to pass himself off as dead. Unironically real life interrupted this plan when Chris Benoit decided to kill everyone in his family including himself.
Similarly if installing Trump as a puppet was a work, real life has crashed their plans because…
>Voter fraud is is shown to be a legit problem
>Mainstream media and Hollywood has been shown to be their propaganda arm
>The 2 tier justice system is now on full display
>Everyone has been taught how the legislation game is played (create an unconstitutional law, let it take years to repeal however enforce it while it’s working its way up to SCOTUS)
>The Epstein / Maxwell honeypot operation is wrecked
>Everyone now knows the southern border is a problem and got pretty much everyone to agree illegals must go and a wall must be built
>People now know the educational system is indoctrinating kids and working AGAINST the parents by teaching them degenerate behavior and trying to turn them trans
> Jews (in the US) can no longer walk down the street thanks to their military action in Gaza
>Most of America is wondering WHY are we sending hundreds of billions to Ukraine and Israel
How has Trump being their puppet worked out for them exactly?
Their system is being dismantled and the people have been awakened. Good luck trying to get the toothpaste back in the tube.
Now had they installed Clinton in 2016, then it would be business as usual. Everyone would have accepted it as just another D presidency that we would’ve had to deal with and their agenda would have chugged along uninterrupted.
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over the past two days i have been around three distinct groups of people
all of them saw the debate (or at least parts of it because it went viral on tiktok). do you know how many times i heard
>honestly i feel bad for biden ;__;
>why are they even running him in the first place i didn't know how old he was
i still think the plan was for biden to step down after the 2022 midterms because it was supposed to be a RED WAVE AHHH which never materialized. this led to the thinking
>abortion can carry us through the next election cycle
>if we just pivot every question to abortion nobody will question biden's age or mental acuity
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didn't supreme court just btfo of this with chevron?
Pride month ends with Mass Arrest for flagrant faggotry.

They were dum
They were gay
It was not ok
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>Missing “Adam Ruins Everything”
For economic policy, I also love when someone smugly asks if I have a degree in the subject… I have a graduate degree and majority of my research in grad school examined, specifically, tariffs and international trade.
well not step down but announce he wasn't going to run for reelection because it was his goal to stop trump from winning and he accomplished that
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new marching orders came in boys, looks like he's not dropping out
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I should've brought it up to more people. Either people come to me because they also laughed at the debate, or others are avoiding talking about it (because they are disappointed in b*den's performance). In a weird coincidence that is probably not related, I'm seeing more signs pop up lately for Hogan's senate run while the Alsobrooks signs are old or have been slowly going away.
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works for me
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>Gets shown photo evidence of Trump being a Jew puppet
>Still denies it
nah hes the newsmax headliner.
Thing is he's so beyond out of touch it makes Tucker a tech titan.
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I get knocked down, but I get up again
You are never gonna keep me down
I get knocked down, but I get up again
You are never gonna keep me down
He drinks a Whiskey drink, he drinks a Vodka drink
He drinks a Lager drink, he drinks a Cider drink
He sings the songs that remind him of the good times
He sings the songs that remind him of the better times
(Don't cry for me, next door neighbor)
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>nah hes the newsmax headliner.
I forget that network still exists 2bh
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>he`s fucked.
>donors will pull out.
but keep going joe.
we believe in you.
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oh god
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What happened to the Mexican anyway?
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New Biden 2024 campaign slogan: No Refunds!
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whoever bakes next should seriously consider that tweet as the OP
"Put American People First
>"Take the Guns Now and We can have Due Process LATER"
>"I fully Support ISRAEL"
the awoo one, the tankie one, or the greasy slob one?
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abortion and j6/trumo "crimes" was supposed to be the solution to all debates. they had remarked many times throughout 2020 and onwards that
>we win if the election is about trump, not about us
so they were expecting they could win by doing that again. i said before there's a reason biden invoked trump in almost every single speech his entire term
i don't know if they ever consider plans like that: ginsburg and sotomayor would have stepped down if the democrats were this strategic
besides, it seems the bidens saw themselves as royals in the making. did you see
car keys one
still around sometimes talking about how being gay isnt bad or asking did god make the first homo. you know stupid ass shit
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Organizing my unsorted folder
I was hoping he was gone for good. Right I don't visit this place any more at night time since getting on nofap
hunter posting just got 10% funnier lmao
1h 30m btw!
He's obviously getting immunity. SCOTUS doesn't want to deal with a perpetual cycle of arresting political opponents every 4-8yrs.
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>weather forecast: rain coming in about 4 hours
Oh fuck... Someone send help.
This is political because of global warming or something.
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>i'm not too old!
That's their vision for America...
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This is hilarious to watch, they cheated for this
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They're already IN California.
>no rain in the forecast
>until Thursday night
well that's gay
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Guys Trump can't break 46% don't worry about it
I would watch it more if I didn't get 10 minutes of the coalition of christians and jews holocaust survivors are dying feed them commercials
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Heh. Your memes are stupid Facebook boomer-tier, but I got a chuckle, Bruce.
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my backyard is still flooded i dont need any more wadur
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The rainy season just started. The wet season starts again in october
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yeah my mum lurks so i like to post a few to keep her happy.
hi mum, have you finished my washing?
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But I was told that April showers bring May flowers. Why am I getting rain so late in the season?
I blame El Nigro. Or La Nigra.
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>But I was told that April showers bring May flowers.
I'm used to the last several Aprils being dry and May being the wet month
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its july swetty you missed june
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It's another Satanist pretending to be atheist tells you about your religion episode.
>new new polls yet
What the fuck?
Those ads make me laugh because they're so over the top, like are we to seriously believe there are holocaust survivors living in tin shacks under bridges starving to death in Israel? If that were the case why does some random church in Cleveland need to feed them instead of the Jews all around them? Israel isn't exactly Somalia, you know?
dummy wait a few hours
soldiers who were 18 in 1945 are turning 98 this year lol
wait, I messed that up. ignore
Daily reminder that CHUG is a leftypol raid by commies
It's almost 9AM. They should be out by now.
>t. just jew things
are cruiselines the marvel for women
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It's cooming
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literally me fr fr
Good morning, everyone.
gm m8
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>It's another Satanist pretending to be atheist tells you about your religion episode.

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He's cogent
but I undersold him when I said he was cogent
He's far beyond cogent.
I think he'd better than he's ever been.
Intellectually, Analytically,
Eff you if you can't handle the Truth.
This version of Biden is the best version of Biden Ever.
I wouldn't say it if it wasn't the Truth.
Let's me clear, Bidet's intelligence and compassion are on equal with Jesus Christ. -"Murderin" Joe Scarborogh
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That's today!
He talks like a very specific brand of faggot and I can't quite put my finger on it.
>Good morning, everyone.
Good morning, sir !!
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one more hour until the supreme court releases opinions for the final time this term!
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I've only just now gotten a closeup of the left side of his face. He's had a stroke.
wouldn't immunity also kill the Georgia case as well?
sucks the cum off the bull but doesn't take it per se
no that's a state case
He's confirmed had two aneurysms. I don't doubt he's also had a stroke in the near-past.
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>their best gotcha at Trump is something at least half of the country supports
Not very bright
Checked btw
yes, I know but if he granted immunity from actions while president then how can Georgia legally charge him with any election interference or conspiracy charges? federal supersedes state
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I love antisemitism.
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Based and same
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Good morning, sir! Got my coffee and everything else.
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Checking too.
fucking nice.
Happy Leaf Day, BTW.
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>but trump tho
Damn shame jews are still on there.
Oh, shit, I forgot about the kike brothers.
hey good morning
it depends on how the supreme court rules, but the likely outcome is that there is limited liability when it comes to official acts, but not private acts
if the supreme court rules like that, then much of the discussion will boil down to whether the infamous phone call was part of an official act (it probably wasn't and therefore immunity wouldn't apply)
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Quintessentially Chinese
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yes there's been many good articles written about the japanese trying to court trump officials with abe's old advisors
did you read the golf cart story?
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>Oh, shit, I forgot about the kike brothers.
Never forget
so be a dictator?
thats what the chink is saying right?
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When Trump gets back he needs to order a death camp for chinks and nuke ch*na.
It's like they don't understand America or Americans at all.
does an ant hill understand the freedom of an anteater?
And to think, every Democrat shill was just bitching about a lack of fact checkers.
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This is why we have to keep asianiggers out of the country. They are naturally prone to drinking the communism juice heavily.
States can still (((legally))) kill infants, what's their problem?
Trying to trick goyim in swing states I suppose.
when they say fact checkers what they mean is lack of propagandists
Most of these people are living in the hollowed out shells of formerly American cities and encounter few to no Americans on a daily basis. Second worlders are very much into the magic dirt hypothesis that the political left likes, they think that areas just magically become prosperous, and that the people who live there have nothing to do with it. Obviously they don't see this place, which is so much better than what they left, and try to emulate it, they decide to try to do what they did back home, and in the process make everything worse. When confronted they'll just stare at you blankly or if they've been around enough leftists they'll mumble something about how white flight made the cities bad.

Asians in particular are the dumbest cunts in American politics. They vote 80% democrat in every election, a party that has effectively made them honorary whites by baking in discrimination against them at all levels of education and hiring, when a wave of anti-Asian attacks came from BLM they turned and whined about white people who lived 45 minutes away, they support the same people that ban bullet proof glass in their bodegas and constantly try to steal from them and hurt them out of spite. I hear how Asians are smart, but being good at math just makes you a fucking calculator, if you can't use any of that intelligence in any meaningful way what good is it?
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>links drumpf's account
What's the problem?
These kikes wanted him banned.
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Goooooood morning.
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Has the only one more retarded than joe gotten to speak yet
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Asians hate White people. Remember one of the rook gooks blamed White people for the nigger riots and the asianiggers that brought the AA case to SCOTUS got really upset that it involved Whites too when they wanted a special carve out for them alone.
where do I get one of those fleshlights?
No legd yet still has a spirit and having a blast, enjoying life.
Yet pol has everything but stays seething rentfree daily.
Man this place really went to shit post 2016, covid was old pols last hurrah,its dead and full of seethy losers now
that's today!
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it will cost you an arm and a leg
I am aware, it's just infuriating to see the only other racial group in the country with decent neighborhoods do this kind of self destructive shit just to inconvenience white people a little, it's like a dude shooting himself in the head on the off chance that the blood might stain the shirt of the man next to him, just utterly bizarre.
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thirty more minutes for the supreme court!
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jej, so trump > elon in their hierarchy of hated figures
They are racial aliens, Anon. They don’t belong here and they want to loot us
it's funny that hate Elon when they seem to want a dictatorship so bad
he is giving them a taste of what it's like when only 1 guy calls the shots
Is it even possible for him to lose at this point? They're gonna need to kill him now, it's the only option left
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is that a real picture?
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Good morning my dear friend may the world give you everything you wish and more

No please do elaborate
depends how much state legislatures and Lara have done to curtail rigging
if it is enough, then yes, JFK option is all they have left, but they'll make him a god, right now they have him at folk hero status
are people trying to psyop Biden into stepping down? or is there more friction than I initially thought? seems like the worst move to replace him now but they might force it anyways
Assassination doesn't solve the core problem, at some level they've realized Trump is a (mild) symptom of the systemic breakdown. If you removed Trump from play like that the next right wing populist would sprout up like mushrooms after a thunderstorm and his rhetoric would be... spicy, to say the least.
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If you want to unleash hell on earth then by all means. Also Biden has absolutely zero initiative or autonomy to make any kind of order, that's stupid.

I want the argument to be made that since Trump was the duly elected head of the executive branch on January 6th 2021 there was actually no higher authority against which to insurrect therefore the only way Trump could have led an insurrection was if he led it against himself
my liberal family who hated Trump for almost a decade now conceded it's over for this election. They never said that before. Thats just a personal example.
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read it's a good article
they know that debate, watched by 50+million at least, showed the indies that Biden is dangerously declined in mental faculties, gaslighting won't work now and it's doubtful the remaining debates pull anywhere near the same numbers with most expecting the same performance
that's why they're freaking out
it's always possible, I refuse to become complacent even with the overwhelming evidence 2020 was rigged. but in any remotely fair election head-2-head, Biden is poised to lose spectacularly and most people who dislike trump can see the writing on the wall too
We will never see Abe and Trump golf together again :(
The Dems are all fighting right now, but Biden seems to have more backing to stay in. Every passing day makes it less likely, given that deadlines for ballot access are passing this month. The biggest thing keeping Biden in is that there doesn't appear to be a good replacement for him, and they can't exactly hold a new primary.
oh uh, is someone baking?
>A new phrase, "hobotora", meaning "likely Trump"
Continue to squirm.
Yeah, that retard is.
wait, you are baking? no thanks lol
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100% possible - don’t get complacent. Hillfags thought she was a sure thing and got lazy, rested on a victory they didn’t have. Trump was given a 1.6% chance of winning that night, so while we should be excited to see the 73% chance being given now, we shouldn’t assume it’s done. Push for it, volunteer to help, donate if you want/can, and obviously vote.
Most likely reason is his investment/relationship with Truth Social.
as said before, Trump is their last chance
what comes after will not be pretty for them
"give us what we want...
or else"
but liberal elite either refuse to hear this or are ignorantly blind to it
I'll bake real quick. hold on and do not panic
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I'll attempt to be just
Looks like we got another retard.
Supreme Court just ruled Jan 6 patriots were overcharged. This is what winning feels like bros.
The thing about dementia is that there are "good' days and bad days. Biden doesn't really need to win a debate, he just needs to be able to be coherent for 90 minutes and they can spin it as a one off, but this is seriously gambling with whether you get a good day or a bad day. Another senile Biden event could see states like New York flipping red.
Brave and heroic thottery.
ur brown + poor + fat + gropyer lover
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>> Gretchen Whitmer

Would be a great in a debate if Trump reminded Gretchen of the time she set up a kidnapping lot against herself.
Really is incredible. They rigged three primary cycles in a row and completely dismantled any credibility or faith in the democratic process just to be completely humiliated by their own agent gone totaly rogue with dementia. This is something that would happen to Plankton.

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