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This is how my brain feels; before, during, and after the first energy drink in the morning as it finds the motivation to decide which task is going to get focus.

Fucking leafs...
The weather is nice sometimes
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Go to hell rat nincompoop
It feels like home
Is that moose supposed to be a nigger?
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>This is how my brain feels; before, during, and after the first energy drink in the morning as it finds the motivation to decide which task is going to get focus.
I usually take a morning shit at 5 am. pop a 60 mg Vyvanse and then go back to sleep until about 630 and I'm gtg for work. coffee on the way to drop the kids off at daycare. I drink gourmet coffee
John Belushi was a funny guy and I am saddened he was taken from this world too early.
>Fucking leafs...
we rely on our southern overlords for safety and protection. we're basically an annexed sub- state of America. how's things on the other side of the planet these. I've been playing tarkov. cheekybreeky
>The weather is nice sometimes
it's pissing rain where I am and my kids are going crazy in my 600 sq cabin. the water is too choppy to bring them fishing or so anything fun.
you should have joined Hitler and taken over Europe decades ago. also. wash your god damned penis, it's not that hard. (breaks down into tears). I mean. it's these postmodern leftists, and their manipulation of language. the compelled speech and changing of the way they want you to think fundamentally from the ground up. clean your room.
>feels like home
please refrain from posting in this thread. respect the OP's request and use your discretion.
I feel like there's ten thousand directions to go in, and they're all somewhere between meh, good, great, and god-tier.

Filter out the great and the god tier, and rank order by impact descending, virality descending.
moose are God tier animals and were praised by old fascists such as Mussolini Julius Ebola and Hitler.
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Say something nice about Canada?

90 percent of the country are normies, commies, browns, faggots, and chinks. But that tiny 10 percent (me) are the hardest of hardcore LITERAL nazis that would make Hitler himself blush. Try living in this hellhole as a conservative white heterosexual man and not going insane.
>Filter out the great and the god tier
I French press every morning
Sunny out here
>John Belushi
his accomplishments echo through eternity through those who love him. dan aykroyd speaks fondly
>Try living in this hellhole as a conservative white heterosexual man and not going insane.
I've got a good group of conservative (old school cons) friends except a few. you'd be surprised how many are around if you don't love in or around Vancouver, Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa. fun fact, Nuke those cities and it's almost 100% white again
Most of rural Canada is very based, but very small populations. Keep the filth out of there and we may have hope for the future.
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>say something nice
in that case I have nothing to say
Not for long all the white hairs on every local gov is pushing to import Indians from the city to "replace the young people who leave." it's crazy how many Indians are up here now, when I was growing up the ethinics were one Korean family that owned a gas station.
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>It feels like home
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Never forget what you work, fight and pay taxes for chuds.
Fucking criminal.
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>Keep the filth out of there and we may have hope for the future.
I'm in Winkler MB. have farm property, personal and family cottages. so I'm out of the town most the time. usually in MB they take day trips to cottage areas or get a seasonal camp ground. lately though, I've noticed they're accumulating enough wealth to branch out of the Winnipeg, they're buying businesses and land in small towns. thankfully, most Filipinos are respectful and religious (Jesus lovers). muzzies and poos make day trips, bipoc weekend's I call em. but the poos like some small towns 2-3 hours from Winnipeg. they're like squirrels, one or two are cute but an infestation is a real pain in the ass. hard to get rid of em.
Tropical paradise close to the equator.
I literally can't
At least your snow is still white
for all its flaws, we really do live in the greatest country in the world
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Out of all the shit in the world, Canada ain't that bad. Canada is beautiful and I've enjoyed my trips through to Alaska. Shame the jews are ruining the world and Canada isn't immune from that kikery. Pretty good allies too, they come help when we want to kill sand niggers.
>31 (三十一) years.
Any country if beautiful if your are just passing through
>Fucking criminal.
Canada is for sale to everyone but Canadians.
>that case I have nothing to say
my mom (God rest her soul) used to always say, "if you have nothing nice to say, make something up."
>Never forget what you work, fight and pay taxes for chuds.
I forgot about this image, fuck you for refreshing my memory. it completely left my head
>Tropical paradise close to the equator.
check out Google maps w/ lines of latitude enabled. the bottom of Canada lines up with the top of California
>literally can't
can't or won't.
>At least your snow is still white
6 months of the year the climate acts as a natural repellant to tropical based races. they're not meant to live and work in Nordic type climates. if Canada could fix it's weather we'd have 300 million people living here.
we're just lucky it's cold and we have the Americans south of us, ocean on both sides of us and a polar cap above us. we turtle here. I just wish Ottawa would care about the rest of Canada and Canadians and keep our wealth here. I miss Harper with all my heart.
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> immune from that kikery.
it used to be. Harper was notorious internationally for keeping our wealth and prosperity here instead of giving it all away. world leaders and the powers that control them hated him for it.
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Someone got hit by a train I. Moncton and most of downtown is blocked despite the celebration being their.

Also I think everyone is still asleep.
it works, but Cucknada is not included in this list.
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Rare monument.
White people usually don't congregate and call to action until we're pushed into a corner. things aren't bad enough here yet.
Yeah this is something we need to talk about and openly.

Boomers love importing immigrants more than teaching or helping their own, and if we cut them off, or made them pull themselves up by their Bootstraps

Suddenly the youth have a future and no need for immigrants because we can afford housing and families.
Canadians are some of the best people on Earth and they deserve far better than what they're being put through. If God is real and just, He will award them their due vengeance.
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Okay burger.
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Things I like about Canada:
>The Tragically Hip
These things already happened and the descent into a 3rd world shithole can never take them away from leafs
why Louisiana
>White people
you could have tried better, Poopesh
Because they were French and we had to send them somewhere.

Cajuns are literally the frogs who fucked the natives and then got expelled from Canada for being french.
>If God is real and just, He will award them their due vengeance.
if it's any consolation, and without trying to sound cliche, history trends to release itself.

Is that some kind of Moosejeet? Why is it taking a dump with a fucking leaf emoji?
>Tragically Hip
based burger has heard of the hip.
>expelled from Canada for being french.
I wish we didn't stop.

The shitposting about la eternal Acadians was all la grande farce to draw attention to our history!, vive Quebec libre,
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Bring an angle grinder and we can start again.

t. Ancestors stole ft. Bsrjour from those fucks.
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Criminally underrated band. Here is your thread music:

They are not americans and they were nice before Trudeau. Sadly the US has taken away much of their political independence.
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You will listen to the tragically hip, and you will be sorry
>Criminally underrated band.
it's an interesting story, most of the world hasn't heard of the hip, they were promoted in America heavily and somehow never picked up enough steam despite going platinum several times. somehow Billy talent gets international recognition. it seems that the music industry isn't without it's sense of irony
They are very welcoming of hordes of stinky brown men.
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I don't want to listen to Nickelback anymore anons, make it stop.

>Odd shaped S.
They make BAR music and when they came out it didn't resonate with most Yong people of that time. They wanted disco music and were starting to move into hip hop, rap.
>Bring an angle grinder and we can start again.
when we were kids we used to go to my dad's metal shop. get a stainless steel pipe (4feet) weld the back end of it triple reinforced. grind it down so that it looks cool and has a circular backing. weld cross bars on it. weld an adjustable mount. drill a small hole in the drill press in the back of it (reinforced backing). we'd get a potato. wrap it in duck tape so it wouldn't explode. read poor about a fourth pound of smokeless gun powder down it. we would order Wicks off the internet (56k back then, I used to hack dialup accounts as a teenager and sell them at school before cable internet and DSL came around). we'd use purlator and order the Wicks to a vacant house because we were using my buddy's stolen CC's he would collect. Purolator will just leave it on the doorstep. and shoot potatoes basically into orbit. it was so powerful that we dented a full-on garbage bin in the city one time. technically speaking it's a prohibited firearm in Canada. but there's not things stopping teenagers from making one.
>They are very welcoming of hordes of stinky brown men.
>They make BAR music and when they came out it didn't resonate with most Yong people of that time.
were around for decades tho. music videos and top charts were spammed on much music and MTS. it was weird they couldn't move past this country. like something was preventing it from happening.
Another ToTSEanon I see.
t. Also built explosives as a teenager for keks.

Poets is a fucking based music video,
Give it a watch next time your drunk kek.
>Also built explosives as a teenager for keks.
I'm surprised both my friends and I have all our fingers and none of us died.
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You have great hockey players and i am glad they are able to help our teams win all the stan lee cusps.
>Give it a watch next time your drunk kek.
was driving in the sun the other day and ahead by a century came on. I went through the whole album driving out to the cottage.
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I hear chinese girls got them sideways vaginas
>have great hockey players and i am glad they are able to help our teams win all the stan lee cusps.
dunno how fucking, fla was able to scoop up Paul Maurice. rumor has it he wants to go to Winnipeg next
>hear chinese girls got them sideways vaginas
I've got a few under my belt over the years. over rated, but tight AF. all complained about my cock size. made one bleed. I'm 8 inches 5.5 girth tho. fun to blow their minds. but I'd never marry one. I'm a sucker for blond hair blue eyes.
>dunno how fucking, fla was able to scoop up Paul Maurice

That's easy: No state income tax. Its the same reason Houston will get a team.
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The music video for gift shop is pretty funny too,
>If it's a lie terrorists made me say it.
>Dressed up as a horse gestapo.

>Stalks around a trailer in poets aiming pretend guns and turning off the lights while surrounded by kitties.

I also watched the Woodstock show, dude was clearly /a very good boy/
I miss the 'look at this photograph' memes
>Those numbers.

Oh, so your a wise man, poor man stealing and now you fucking remind me of that horrible song. I don't want to listen to Nickelback anymore, some of us had to live through silver side up being played nonstop on the radio, their was no fucking escape from the Nickelback.
Indo Canadians > crackers

Just facts that you can’t deal with
I’m taller and better looking than you too :)
Fuck harper. Did you forget the g20 in Toronto? And the rights and freedoms that were trampled that weekend under his watch

He also gave us bill C15. Bank bail ins. So when this country goes tits up we won't bail them out, we will bail them in. Thanks harper.

Right or left, it doesn't matter fren. It's just an illusion. Your team isn't any better when they all listen to the funny hat tribe.
he was albanian
Or just get rid of all the trash so we can have our cities back. Do you have any idea how many white people are here? It's a lot, it just doesn't seem like it. We can knock down individual apartment buildings and condos as needed.
Rofl I just spent 30mins and noticed not a single person went to any of the Jeet food trucks, so they moved their signs closer to the footpath in sync

>Some kids were holding the hands of the nearby status
Canada belongs to India sir
and you like american dad so we're friends now
One of the last great countries on Earth. Was absolute utopia growing up born 1996. Still great if you meet the right people, gain a proper career & put a lot of effort in to move rural and find a wife.
People don't seem to realize we're the last generation that will ever experience that kind of homogenous ethnic life & that's something to protect with our lives or else we'll see it vanish forever.

I used to think I'd be able to organize people to make a new party to stop the invasion happening right before our eyes - funded almost entirely by our own money... but people are way too comfortable and won't give people like me a chance.
Even though we elected a drama teacher, unironically the worst credentials for a prime minister.
Seems the only way I can do my part is to try to have a family, raise a son to be as strong as possible to maybe be the type of person who could lead us back to nationalism - the way it should be.
But being the last generation to witness & allow such insane destruction of Canada - it really is our duty to fix this before it's too late. I don't want to go down in history as the generation that didn't fight to stop this, but my time is evidently better spent trying to increase our numbers.

Maybe when I'm much older... I don't know bros. I might even have to join the military soon simply because of crazy cost of living and barriers to respectable careers from my own people seeing me as competition - thus denying me upward mobility despite my hard work.

It's a wild, awesome, scary life anons. Just hope the best for all of you & may we all make it one day if you haven't already. Stay safe, never relax, love your family, children, and communities.
Hopefully we can defeat the evil we're all quickly becoming aware of and save Canada for future generations. God be with us.
Based Harper hater.

>Sells China the oilfields.
>Mass imports jeets and sells them to boomers who need workers "for cheap"
>Nobody ever suspects he's to blame cause dude weed 420 blaze it.
because it makes less sense the farther you are from the 705 area code
I hope it gets annexed by America before the century is over
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I like The Red Green Show
That would not change it at all. It would still be a homo anal sex jewish hell hole like America and the UK.
Don't join the Cucknadian forces, head to Alberta/Saskatchewan and meet like-minded people.
Lots of people are checked out and the system is lashing out and needing to come to terms with hard decisions.
In the future if the pendelum swings, above all our goal should be to not die for Israel.

Just go out west and build a better life for yourself and frens.
Oh stuff your anti-harper, doesn't matter who you pick garbage up your ugly asshole.

Harper was amazing for simply not allowing this insane invasion of the third world. Sure there were a few Indians, few Spanish, and maybe one or two Africans per high school. But nothing compared to now.

Harper was almost solely responsible for not forcing this insanity on us and I will always be thankful for him. Strong man who is proud of his nation and people, did nearly everything he could. Much better days for Canada with Harper as leader, and deep down we all know that. Fuck Trudeau and the Liberal traitors. Get them out ASAP no matter the cost.
But at least it would be part of a real country for once
We are all breakroom anon,

You won't ever be able to look at your coworkers again.
Happy Canada Day!
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You bet
Ok, I will say something genuinely nice about Canada. We have a lot of really nice old architecture, I find small Canadian towns and even large cities downtowns typically have nicer looking buildings than American towns, more victorian influence etc. Those types of places in Boston, NYC, SF are way more expensive than here still. You can afford a nice old victorian house built from brick if you live in the middle of nowhere in Ontario.
Unfortunately it might be the only option for me to get a salary type career with long term job security.
I'm trying to make it but I'm very late to the game basically starting from scratch at 28 years old with no degrees or significant job experience.
It's been a constant battle to try to get any jobs besides cleaning, food service, and dishes. I try & try so hard but the pushback from my own people to ever achieving any greater position is relentless. It would take ages to explain but seriously it's obvious to me after so many years of beating my head against the employment wall that my own people see me as competition and do anything to keep me down success wise.
It's so hard to find + connect with genuine people who want to help others succeed, for me at least.

I've got maybe one full year or two before giving in and going to the recruitment center, my step brother had to do the same.

Fighting for careers with millions of invaders doesn't help either. They get streamlined to higher positions because they guilt trip the managers with employment visa requirements, praying on weak minded women management who can never say no...
I could go on and on, but point is, sometimes military is the only option for people like me.
I would hate to work for a government that hates me and is tirelessly working to replace me and Canadas rightful citizens, but I need money and long term security because I'll kill myself if I have to wash dishes until it's too late to have children. Times running out.
Hope you understand.
Saar as I have done the stating of in the other thread I do not appreciate the making famous of my hometown and I do not want to be made to be a troublemaker.

I told you what the behaviors of the local jeets were and the locals treatment and attitude towards them, I am not a troublemaker I just come here to work and to have sex with Acadian women Saar.
Just keep saving, lots of them will get deported and there are still a ton of old people who sorry to say are going to die and free up a lot of space.
I like Radio X.
>Hope you understand.

Anon, the Canadian Forces aren't going to tell you or show you what the FPV drones do, and are completely oblivious to conscription, your average small town horse gestapo has better training and equipment and the destruction of the forces and viability of it as a career is a fucking meme.

What city do you live in?, get a fucking trade or job in construction, lads are crying for help and then bus to site and walk 800', don't join the Cucknadian forces, their going to pull the same shit they do every war and get a fuck load of them killed to justify Canada's resources entering the war.
It's funny seeing Europe vote these right wing governments into power, and knowing that if our system was different we would have one top come next election, but instead we are going to get stuck with cuckservatives.
>their was no fucking escape from the Nickelback.
I'm old enough to have seen them playing this album live several times. not because I wanted to, but because you had to wait for them to finish at the music festivals before you get to see the band you want to.
>these digits are misleading,
the digits are not a mistake. god wills it.
You can never escape it anon, even when I fled out west I one day looked up and saw "Hannah AB" and it broke me.
>Savin me video is pretty kino and sometimes anons might enjoy.

I even remember their metal techno album about drinking songs. Make it end.
yes, thanks to your kind. Canada is a shithole. I'm sure that is home to you
when i think canada, there's a few things that come to my mind, and it's:

Chinks, Poos, taxes and cuckery
it will not exist in 20 years
>Jeet food trucks, so they moved their signs closer to the footpath in sync
the Poo's leave a huge fucking mess wherever they go. or it's in their nature, culture or both.
It ain’t Canada if you don’t include the poos.
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>Right or left, it doesn't matter fren. It's just an illusion. Your team isn't any better when they all listen to the funny hat tribe.
Harper was undeniably the lesser of two evils.
>keep saving
a bit vague - I'm barely above minimum wage right now. Been tirelessly applying in person on days off to places like Mail Delivery, Garbage/Recycling services, Security, Landscaping, etc and simply no luck yet.

Not exactly hopeful on the deporting aspect, at least not as much as I'd like (everyone not a doctor or incredibly productive rare types since 2015 under Liberals). Though I just heard about a coworker not able to renew working visa and having to go back to India... yeah I work with a bunch of them.

You have valid points I cannot ignore or deny. It's a scary consideration for me but one that I have to take seriously if I'm to ever have enough guaranteed income to start a family and move out of the city. There's a lot of positions that don't involve constant deployments or infantry type jobs. It's a last resort but I'm getting to that point in the next few years.
cucknada is like the poo smeared made-in-china nigger hat on top of the stinky spicgolem that is the usa.
I was just on the bench In the park off to the side and noticed that nobody was going to their trucks lmao, then all four of them got up and moved their signs in sync. People watching is interesting sometimes, but it's a really nice view if you guys ever come to Moncton.

Here locally their is a lot of resentment towards them as we sent a few generations out west for work then they came over and then hire only eachother in an economically depressed region, whereas we are fairly friendly and tolerant of others up until recently.

Myself I feel sorry for them cause I know theirs nothing here, and that they got fucked, wouldn't be surprised to see them be scapegoats for the future bad optics things.
In Newfoundland they hang fishes on clotheslines and make bonfire on beach to catch more
Jeets are actively being kept out of the skilled trades,

Instead of getting your leg blown off and being told your asking for more than we can give, go get your buddy to smack you with a 4x4 on the pipeline and get that good 70% on an Albertan pipe laying job, like those two fuckers who burned down the mac did.
Im really sorry that they were the only ones to accept flights during 9/11.

None of you should have had to go through that, and as a Canadian I offer my deepest and most sincere condolences that some of you were exposed to Newfies and had to be in Newfieland.
Thank you for the kind words.

I'll be thinking of that today.
Morning lads. Happy Canada Day. And happy first day of Canada Month.
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>Sure there were a few Indians, few Spanish, and maybe one or two Africans per high school. But nothing compared to now.
ya I think immigration numbers averaged between 150-250k annually. and they weren't all fucking poos and mudslimes. Indians are ok in small numbers. even charming. but thousands of them brings all their filth, broken divided cultures and third world proxy wars here. and that fucking ginger fuck, foreign immigration minister of the liberal party wants to bring 5000 Gaza "family's"which will just turn out to be mostly single men into our country. this shit needs to stop. this place is for Canadians and the rest of the world can go fuck itself.

now. I'm not saying anyone here SHOULD, raise their concerns with him. but IF one wanted to. they could find it in pic related. again I'm not saying anyone SHOULD raise their concerns. but they could, if they wanted to.

alternatively see this link.

I remember during 911 all the first responders getting getting ready to cross the border to help.

Wish I was my age now because I'd go help too.
>Or just get rid of all the trash so we can have our cities back. Do you have any idea how many white people are here? It's a lot, it just doesn't seem like it.

a mass exodus would be interesting. maybe if it gets shitty enough they'll all leave. I'm sure still not run off before getting citizenship so they can use healthcare. but. I'll take my wins it's either that or we start a civil war so.
>Canada belongs to India sir
> absolute utopia growing up born 1996.
81 old fag here. we used to leave our bikes literally anywhere in the city no issues. no lock. no bums or addicts or violent felons getting arrested and let out the next day because of restorative justice rinse and repeat courtrooms. the 70s 80s and 90s were the golden age. started declining in the 2010s. completely fucked after ten years of Trudeau and his "liberal" wef cronies
> even have to join the military
don't. I have buddies who have. just don't.
America looks less embarrassing with Canada as its neighbor.
Toronto used to be a nice place to visit.
I was vague because I don't want to give financial advice, if you want to do actual adult investing or invest in meme stonks and buttcoins it's up to you. I didn't mean a savings account because they pay less interest than inflation.
I've heard of some of them leaving because their living standards are terrible here but they also have no family, idk, I can't see them staying forever.
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Toronto used to be a nice place to live, too. It used to be called toronto the good
now its flooded with pajeets who squat shit all over the city and throw trash all over the place
Pretty much. Saw a video o a nigger filming a shitjeet passing on a store at young and Dundas station the other day. Even the niggers are sick of these subhuman animals
Pissing* goddamnit
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They make awesome syrup.
>Billy Talent
LOL. Back in the day, I saw that poofy-haired faggot at a laundromat, and I stared and laughed a little too long, maybe. Didn't know who he was. Couple days later, I hear him on the radio bitching about a fan staring and laughing at him for doing his own laundry.
A little presumptuous there, Poofty McNigger.
All non-White immigrants, anchor babies, TFWs, "students" and refugees will be deported in less than 5 years from now. Natives will be brought to heel and control themselves in their own communities or they will be be destroyed.
Our patience has reached its limit
Fucking based Calgarian.

time to cry and cut ourselves to the known reality our most famous band is a Jeet and a britbong.

>Still beats Nickelback.
banff is cosy
>join the military soon simply because of crazy cost of living
Didn't read about the CAF zogbots going to food banks and being told to hit up Habitat For Humanity to get housing, eh?
Don't forget he sold the Wheat Board to the Saudis just cuz.
Fuck man its amazing how well that dude fucked Canada then nobody noticed.
Even now, Qui created the TFW program, and looking back at how it was used.

This whole idea that smol c liberals are the way is a farce, we need acceleratonism and 8 more years of red liberals.
It used to be. Now it's full of chinks and jeets
Their was a story in the National Post about no artillery rounds and yet another mock piece about how unequipped we are.
It hurts anons, we need to build another Avro Arrow for national unity.
I fucking love the hot white cawks all over Canada
fuck me! fuck me! im a bitch in heat! FUCK ME!
You forgot buggery.
You guys complain about asians. Dont white supremacists love asian people and say the are honorary or some shit?
we dont they r just a step up from pajeets
>Say something nice about the blessed of the humor threads.
They are waking up to the Multicult menace. However, the need stay focused on the people that are bringing them in and not the immigrants themselves. The immigrants are an effect to the cause and can be focused on secondarily after the responsible parties are rounded up and raked.
never been too inclined trades wise but might be worth more consideration. the tough guy types around here with those kind of jobs are insufferable and largely treat me the same way, some kind of disposable helping hand instead of taking me seriously. did snow removal and landscaping but could never get upward mobility always some smug manager roadblocking me saying oh we got lots of apprentices asking for same or you need to do extra this & that make stronger connections with coworkers blah blah.
dont know about that but thanks, good to know some people protect their jobs & companies from invaders who only hire their kind.

with Harper true Canadian births always was above immigration, the way it ought to be forever. It's not just Indians anymore, huge influx of Africans and middle easterners draped head to toe in their stupid niqabs and other garbage attires. They get to bring their entire families, elderly dependents, and tons of children who immediately go to our schools. It's scary to see like genuine fear inducing.
There's going to be a lot of terrorism these next few years if anything happens to their endless gibs or visa status, which we may never hear about with the state of our government funded media & news.

We can't save the world for fuck sake. Especially from themselves.
What ever happened to fixing birth rates by encouraging and funding CANADIAN BIRTHS? Such a simple idea, perverted by traitors, globalists and you know who's!

God what a time to be alive. I'll definitely save that info you shared, stash it with the rest of my similar collection in case I get some real free time away from wage slaving. These cunts deserve the worst, how can they do this to us willingly.
Happy fuckin Canada Day eh?
>white supremacists love asians
No. Nips and some gooks are based and retain honorary status for respect purposes. It doesn't mean chinks and other bug peoples are allowed in your ethnostate.
is it different from the us where weird dorky white guys always have an asian girlfriend?
Only Japanese have honorary status among non European people.

Flips are okay and tolerated because they work hard.
Chinks don't cause problems in the micro and small town and generally are contributing people.
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Hmm, yes I'm aware of those types.
Things are changing now and guys like him won't last, if you get treated like shit just sugar the gas can and get his guys new jobs, organize your jobsite against boomer fucks.
Declare class warfare on the boomer!

Don't be so angry anon, more people are noticing, the tide is turning and in the future things will get better. Picrel.
I hate hearing that flips r bro tier those fukcing scumbag flips r the worst
Given the quality of the sandwich the flips at Subway make versus the Jeet, I disagree.

I don't want to work with them in construction due to their falsification of credits and dishonesty issues and muh for cheap
I mean...It's Christmassy, a little bit. I guess. When I think of Canada the most positive thing I can think about is Christmas. and that's just because of the snow. Sorry leaf bro, at best you guys are a mid tier nostalgia trap.
I'm being honest. Aside from snow, and that correlating with Christmas. I got nothing positive.
On the other hand, negating the poo and chink menace you represent, I don't have anything bad to say either.
I hope the Gaza protestors shit all over the boomer parades.

Fuck Canada, fuck Canadians and fuck Canada Day. What a shit hole for leftover mediocre retards who couldn't get a TN visa.
It's insanity, an absolutely powerful mind virus that influences these assholes to destroy a country with hundreds of years of history, within 10 years using the might of industrial technologies & our hard earned money, entrusted to them to spend it to better OUR country for real Canadians.
Just ridiculous, there aren't many words to describe my deep hatred for Trudeau + the Liberals.
I had a short term friend who went to Afghanistan who watched his buddy get launched 10 meters out of a HumV turret after an IED, and he dodged a couple rounds himself. Was his last deployment before leaving for way more mundane wagie type jobs. Step dad high ranking military but he loved it and all his deployments. Sisters husband special forces, I've heard all sides of the military life on a surface level.
Still though the desperation for being able to afford a family & rural living is very real.
Gonna really give everything else a proper try before giving in. It's definitely last resort.

right right, fair enough. I'm good with money just not getting much of it to play around with. Appreciate it though. Almost always kind hearted anons in these Canada threads who want the best for each other. Hope to meet some anons in person one day, haven't yet.

I haven't been there since 2001.
It's sad that us neighbors require the same documentation to travel back and forth as the replacement from Asia.
checked. No I didn't, almost hard to believe but don't doubt it.
I'll take your word for it and check some job sites out in person, show some interest, see if there's any good leads.

& yeah true anger doesn't help most the time, hard not to be sometimes though feels like the world is against us. Let the pendulum swing back hard, it's beyond time for it to happen.
Seeing /pol/ culture spread to almost every online community, even reddit is a great whitepill. There may yet be hope still!
Do you have 200-300$ for steel toes and basic belt + tools.

If I were a young man I'd try to get on a crew that's doing Pannell framing, and just drop it with cranes all day, alot safer than cowboy shit. Also work jobs that lead to apprenticeships, and always take construction worker Remembrance Day off.
Harper started the poopening with mass issuing of "temporary" worker visas. He also signed the FIPA deal with China, which was a shared brain child between the LPC and CPC since the 90s. His term was definitely great compared to today, but it was the start of the bad shit. Red team and blue team are on the same side, Harper now chairs a think tank that advocates for the century initiative and which has India's government as a member.



Was fully of Australians when I visited 6 years ago
Today was a pretty good whitepill, I hope other anons choose to go outside and enjoy nature and the outside.
>we used to leave our bikes literally anywhere in the city no issues. no lock. no bums or addicts
Growing up in the early 00s Winnipeg, there were so many bikes that they were like communal property. Native kids would steal your bike, but then you'd find an even nicer bike that was stolen and abandoned in the alleyway. It's like bikes were communal property of all the neighborhood kids, no point in locking it up because it's gonna get stolen, but somehow you always got a bike back.
I know I am. Getting some cores done, gonna do some 5BX and go for a walk, and essentally assert my friendliness on everyone I see. Come hell or high water I will make people friendly and social again. It's not much, but it is something. Canada Month is going to be great.
The land of bob and vagene
already have steel toes, did a couple weeks of brutal demolition in a building downtown. nearly stroked out in 35+ degree temps there couldn't handle it any longer. Might not be cut out for it but I'm more driven now so who knows. could even reapply they prob don't even remember me hah.
Appreciate your suggestions and positive outlook mate.
For fuck's sake, they said say something NICE about Canada, not fucking insult it.
The _only_ trade in the CAF you should try at this point is refrigeration and heating tech. Get the training and immediately leave to make good money. Remember they have no pensions in the CAF unless you complete 25 years.
Fucking kek it was like this in Regina when I was there in 201x. Lots of bikes tucked 15' into alleyways if you look for them,
I have said howdy and greeted 20+ fellow Canadians today, HOWDY FELLOW CANADIAN.
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I want a Canadian gf
Gotta dress right and learn to hydrate yourself.
Having a background in framing pays off in other trades and gives you a good understanding of how things to together and the types of buildings, if it's not for you find something else and your experience puts you ahead of others just by being able to install a simple block, or a magic one called a point load.
I wanted to visit there when John Candy was alive.
Makes me sad to know that that Canada doesn't exist anymore.
Trust me, you don't.
Canadian women don't actually produce maple syrup :(
Hows it going buddy. Happy Canada Day. I been out and cornered three meek and nervous Canadian into having a conversation with me. Took them a few minutes to warm up, but once they got talking they wouldn't shutup haha. Been spreading the gospel of Canada Month. Had some good interest.
Very good buddy, you put a smile on my face and other fellow Canadians smiled when I looked up.

I am so happy to be Canadian, buddy. I hope everyone can be happy and have a great Canada month
the recent debates were nice it took the attention off of us
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Look at that brave young Canadian climbing on things,

I'm sure he's having a great day too.
>nearly stroked out in 35+ degree temps there couldn't handle it any longer.
lol pussy
It's so gay that I wish 90's anarchy took place again.
>insanity, an absolutely powerful mind virus that influences these assholes to destroy a country with hundreds of years of history, within 10 years using the might of industrial technologies & our hard earned money, entrusted to them to spend it to better OUR country for real Canadians.
>Just ridiculous, there aren't many words to describe my deep hatred for Trudeau + the Liberals.
it legit saddens me. I used to be so proud to be Canadian. that went away 2010ish.
When the economy finally implodes the Liberals will reach out to Goldman Sachs Man to do for us what he did for Russia in the 90s. He already keeps getting mentioned for the new Liberal PM shortlist.
>fucking love the hot white cawks all over Canada
>fuck me! fuck me! im a bitch in heat! FUCK ME!
are you even East Indian or just having fun larp troll'n
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>Flips are okay and tolerated because they work hard.
I wish we stuck to Filipinos. used to frown on then because I thought they were annoying however in retrospect after the influx of Poo's. they were Christian and hard workers. shame Trudeau made a deal with the poos
>Harper true Canadian births always was above immigration,
that because things were waaaaay cheaper. also the boomers have started dying. under early to mid Harper days I got a 0 down 40 year mortgage and bought a 97000 dollar 1000 sq bungalow the was built in the 50s at 19 years old. I kept buying and renting houses or flipping them. that same house 20 some years later just sold for 414k on MLS. don't even get me started on real cities like Vancouver and to.
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Canada is a beautiful country. I'm sure Indians and Asians are grateful for you anglos handing over an entire continent to them.
>Happy fuckin Canada Day eh?
remember COVID lockdowns and vaccine mandates
Dis jeet zesty!
Sure do buddy, gave my Fuck Trudeau flag I was carrying with me to a business that said they didn't discriminate based on vaccination status.
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when i think about canada, i feel better about living in america.
Better arm yourself, this is your only chance to kill all jeets and gooks from your land.
That's not nice. It's funny, but it's not nice.
Most childish take on this thread

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