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Your science daddies penetrated you with mysterious science juices (not saline) which included a free chemical lobotomy (Long COVID brain fog) and there still aren't any refunds for the vax.
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The covid stings were spiritual rape.
people are going to be randomly dropping dead from that mRNA clotshot for the next 20 years, glad i never got a single shot, fuck the medical industry amd bigpharma, i don't trust them anymore because the drug addicted government wont hold them accountable
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>Long COVID brain fog
Caused by infections not vaccination
Trips of truth
more like an excuse manufactured as damage control to cover the mRNA clotshot you aussie faggot commie
Vaxx can cause it in rare cases, but 9/10 times its the disease itself. People aren't even getting vaccinated these days but still getting long covid
By now I’ve met numerous people that had blood clots and injuries since mandates. Kinda creepy to experience but we haven’t seen fireworks yet.
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Are you a fucking retarded boomer??? Do you know how stupid you sound?? Just shut the fuck up you dumb ass shill.
>muh vaers
Yes a gov website, so why are you acting like a retard pushing disinformation??
it is a cultist npc-bot thread.
it is trying to recruit crushed people into his cult - crushed due to activity his cult took part in, mrna gene editing and test for totalitarian state.

check archives available here and then check plebs archives. shittons of one up to two post with the same image.

wholesome and virtuous satanist hiding behind the name of christ.
Your data only goes up to 2021, so it doesn't even disagree with what I said. Most people haven't been vaccinated since 2021 and yet long covid still continues to surge
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>anyone who disagrees with me is a bot
Because I took that info in 2021 and the year has no relevance guy, it’s only getting worse.
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Of course the year has relevance, most people just got two shots + booster and stopped after that, yet long covid cases are continuing to rise

>As many as 23 million Americans may have symptoms of Long COVID. Many
are unaware that their symptoms were brought on by a COVID-19 infection.
Long covid. Kek
Vaxxie injured
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Re: beta GAVI gatesis


Your SARSport Freedom Access Gauge (FAG) has detected waning efficacy in your current Vaccination Status©. Expired Vaccination Status© will remain inactive until Two (2) Weeks after your Booster© is administered. Please be advised that you must schedule your Internationally approved and mandated Booster® within 48hrs to avoid penalties and/or d̶e̶t̶e̶n̶t̶i̶o̶n̶ compulsory attendance at your local State Q̶u̶a̶r̶a̶n̶t̶i̶n̶e̶ ̶F̶a̶c̶i̶l̶i̶t̶y̶ Recovery Centre.

Failure to comply with updating your Vaccination Status© may result in your Social Access™ being temporarily restricted indefinitely. Hospital Access and Voting Attendance may be temporarily restricted indefinitely. Social Gathering and Personal Contact may be temporarily restricted indefinitely. Travel Movement Restrictions (TMRs) will be restricted to the following locations:
>1: Home
>2: [null]

To autoschedule your Internationally approved and mandated Booster® appointment, please select from the following options:
>1: Freedom™
>2: Freedom

Please keep the SARSport biodata app link open as the appointment is being processed, to ensure your current Health and Bio-Identity details are correctly submitted to the Blockchain. Due to longer than usual b̶̶r̶̶e̶̶a̶̶d̶̶l̶̶i̶̶n̶̶e̶̶s̶̶ wait times, have your Vaccine Passport© and/or regional Vaccine Card© with s̶u̶p̶p̶l̶e̶mental Booster® data available. Be reminded that National Passport documents no longer provide sufficient identification. A Health Update Safety Hearing (HUSH) operativ̶e̶or will be with you as s͟o͟o͟n as p͟o͟s͟s͟i͟b͟l͟e.

>T̶h̶a̶n̶k̶ (you) Global Citizen
I've lost 5 parents and most of my wives in the last two weeks. I'm watching people fall dead in the street every time I leave the house. It's a bloodbath.
imbecile. archives exist. visit daily and you will see him spam it all the time. get shedded on.
I think I've posted it 3 times ever, apparently you were in all 3 threads which is pretty sad
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>get jabbed in the arm goy, it stays in your arm goy, definitely won't nascar around the body via the bloodstream goyim
>just mix and match the different turbo science juices, goy; they are all 100% Safe and Effective™
>you won't transmit the deadly uberdisease if you get your FREE* g̶e̶n̶e̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶r̶e̶p̶y̶ ̶i̶n̶o̶c̶u̶l̶a̶t̶i̶o̶n̶ ̶ "vaccination"
>it's just a coincidence that the B4 Redaction title used for weapons tech classification was repurposed for mundane use, pinky promise
>we only wanted to block public consumption of redacted data for X decades (beyond your natural lifespan) because reasons

*paid with your tax currency via contractual obligation
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Euro glowshill spam was the distinct reason we gained a foothold in the world consciousness to begin with. You were laughing before, but not anymore.
Thanks, dipshit.
I was talking to my trash man the other day and he said the waste management plant doesn't have enough ovens to keep up with all the corpses. Interestingly he's a holocaust denier now. I had to get a dash cam for my car because I've had so many accidents from vaxxies stroking out and hitting my car that the claims adjusters thought I was committing insurance fraud.
Good thing the vaccination prevents infections...oh wait. It doesn't.
Bwahahahaha. No refunds, faggot.
Thread is dead. This board was 99% vaxxies and nobody is left to post because they're all dead kek
Bump for 6 trillion more dead vaxxies. Just had one die on my doorstep screaming for help kek.
they're all busy queueing up for their boosters
Not out until August, and it's already out of date
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Why don't atheists appreciate the evolutionary wonder that is "natural immunity"?
at least they're not going to vaccinate into the summer peak lol
you guys may not hit peak until August at this rate
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Young athletes are still dying suddenly.

>An “outstanding” 17-year-old Chinese badminton player died of cardiac arrest after collapsing on court during a tournament in Indonesia, officials said on Monday.
>Zhang Zhijie was suddenly taken ill during a match late Sunday against Japan’s Kazuma Kawano at the Asia Junior Championships in Yogyakarta.
>The score was 11-11 in the first game when Zhang fell to the floor between points.
well fuck, there I go wrongly assuming competence from the FDA again lol
Novavax is going to be for the JN.1 strain which hasn't been around since January. mRNAs will be for KP.2 but LB.1 is already starting to appear, so yeah, FDA not so competent
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ACKtheists believe immune systems don't exist.
Prove that either C19 or "Long" C19 exists.
bravo my fren, I'm glad someone saved my screen, spread the word.

Also people need to be aware of the "HELLBOUND" guy I'm pretty sure he''s doing the same thing but he's also annoying and flooding the bump so real people have less to replay to!

also like clockwork >>472753250

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>Just had one die on my doorstep screaming for help kek.

The vaxxed will be screaming for the government to help them when it was the government that poisoned them. Shit is hilarious.
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>muh science daddies told me you are LE BAD AND DUMB if you don't let them penetrate you with their mysterious science juices
I don't see the humor because I paid taxes which will go to these retards
American 'healthy' 16 year old is 300 pounds...

Nobody under 20 died from COVID in Japan.
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reminder that no one actually died of "Covid"
Will use this updated one now.
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I'm starting to think "two more weeks" is also a tag for glowis, mainly because it get's spammed in threads that have nothing to do with covid when something impotant is being discussed.
you have been at this for months now
why are you trying to convince people that (((long covid))) is anything but vax induced? it's not working.
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Literally nothing is happening.
shills gonna shill, jews gonna jew,
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another one>>472764569
It's actually fucking hilarious to think that in 60 years seething anti-vaxers will still be talking about the covid vaccine

Or for the next two weeks, at least
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>It's actually fucking hilarious to think that in 60 years seething anti-vaxers will still be talking about the covid vaccine
What if you had a never ending infection injected into your body?
>Dont celebrate when we fuck up
No. I’ll keep celebrating forever thanks
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Jews are constantly lying about everything.
Only a fool would take their words at face value.
They were the biggest pushers of the vax.
Statistics like this are always hilarious to me. Most people on earth have had covid 3 or more times.

Are 45% of the people around you disabled with long covid? Is your office building half empty? Is half your family bedridden?

You have to be a special kind of retarded to be taken in with scientific malpractice of this magnitude.
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yea, we'll still be here 60 years from now as if covid didn't happen.
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Get in here Canada Anons

Ethically speaking, since the vaxxers think its okay to violate the bodily autonomy and informed consent of their victims, it is perfectly acceptable for anyone who comes along to do whatever they want to the vaxxmaxxers. Kill them, cut them up to see their insides, experiment on them in any sort of way... the door is wide open for acts against them which would otherwise be called abuse because they do not believe consent is needed so it is not needed. Dr. Mengele did nothing wrong and his name is cleared until and unless Fauci and the rest hang. The canadian truckers who were oppressed for demanding an end to the mandates would be perfectly within their moral and human rights to drag Trudeau out into the streets and forcibly inject him with a chemicals they made up in their basement, because he didnt respect their bodily rights so he has no ground to claim any such rights for himself.

I want the pendelum to swing against the vaxxies and I want the axe to fall. Informed consent is not a compromisable right and those who violate it have no right to live and no one else has any right to let them.
never stop posting this by the way
>since the vaxxers think its okay to violate the bodily autonomy

most vaxxies can't think, bodily autonomy is a concept they cant comprehend if you if you expand it to its ultimate conclusion.

Normies are just sheep, that's it. They've swallowed everything before, they''ll swallow everything that is to be. No need to be become bitter and murderous.

Except if your a shill kike cunt that is trying to nudge spergs to do violence.. in that case kys of course :)
fed bot tag
Well you gave up your humanity the moment you betrayed the human race and decided to shill for people who lied to mankind and pushed an experimental drug on people without their consent, backed by state law and violence. Being called a bot assumes you never had your humanity, which is the same as losing it by treason. Forced or coerced medical treatments are crimes against humanity and punished by death.
I have the moral right to kill you and take your property for collaborating with the enemy. You dont get to claim to be a human like us, while denying us our human rights and shilling for the enemy. You are less than the lowest human being, traitor.
not really though
Treason against humanity requires an answer. Radical single violence is not enough. What is required is global action, worldwide crusade, against the enemies of mankind. Fauci and the rest belong in graves but only after public trials and public and humiliating executions. We need a deterrent against treason to the species. We shouldnt, but we do.
Any legitimate future government will execute these people, or that government does not have the best interests of the people at heart.
well it certainly looks like one, whenever I see the same exact post 1pbtid I just assume it is, if you saw my previous posts in the thread you'll understand why I thought that.
nah I do have bots but only to btfo covid cultist
>or that government does not have the best interests of the people at heart

name 1 such government...

Also those comments can get you a knock on the door, so I presume if you are making them you're either completely schizo or a shill.
It'll be 80yrs from now and you'll claim the 95yrs are dying from it.
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>Also those comments can get you a knock on the door, so I presume if you are making them you're either completely schizo or a shill.
>s-stop saying this stuff else we- I mean they will knock on your door.
it's exactly the opposite kike, also those "memes" such as pic rel that YOU ALL are using are such a tell...you can see them from a mile away. They all have the same style - like as if they came from the same factory. Newfags and slowniggers might be fooled, but you can see this is some reddit tier production. KYS
Give me a number (in weeks) for how long I have until I die from the vax
You fuckers have a whole agency and tons of money and you still can't produce anything that's authentic and doesn't smell like glow farts...it's actually hilarious
Christcucks are all fat as shit, so even with the jew juice atheists will probably still live longer on average.

He''s a shill no need to respond.
And yet here (you) are
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wanna talk some shit bro?

need I say more...what is this 2014
Nah I just come here occasionally to shitpost.
Like I said before, it's endlessly hilarious to me that you're still talking about the vax years later as if (((something))) is going to happen eventually
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kek I forgot about that
>post image mocking the shit out of "faith-based" healing
Is OP trying to be ironic or just retarded? Please, next time you need to go to the ER instead have them take you to the nearest church, mosque or synagogue, you dumb nigger. Don't want those "science daddies" working on you, faggot.
well here I am? Tell me how stupid I am for believing something that doesn't exist...
I've already said what I wanted to say.
If you're not going to mag dump some globe spanning conspiracy theory I think I'm done here
When am I supposed to die? Two weeks? Two months? Two years? Oh, or has that goalpost moved, too, spic? Let me know when the next milestone gets deluded or pushed...
I'll let the other 6 billion people know.
lmao, that's with a mayor case S for you vaxxie
no refunds.
Did you try to type "mejor," you ESL fuck? It's capital case; you're welcome. Maybe your shit immune system is confusing your disease-addled brain.
Best of luck with that...
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So what you just came here to say what every other shill is spamming, that's your 'shitposting"
lmfao you don't get it but it's okay vaxxie
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>*ssshhffff snnnffff*
>*ssshhffff snnnffff*
>*ssshhffff snnnffff*
>*ssshhffff snnnffff*
>*leaves while sniffing entire bag of garlic*
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>>Long COVID brain fog
>Caused by infections not vaccination

The vaccines and the virus were made by the same people.
Yeah pretty much
I don't know why you're acting like you're above that when you're doing the exact same

What else is there to say about a horse that was beaten to death 3 years ago?
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How it's beaten to death when science niggers are doing everything they can to hide what they did to the population...are you seriously that stupid?
The SarsCov2 and the Vaccine have 4 Inserts of HIV-1 in them (nih.gov / blast). Healthy people get rid of the Flu in two weeks so it's ok. But in Vaccinated people the Spikes stay in forever.
Australia had everyone of their Vaccine HIV tested positive, after 11 month!
That is proof it stays in you forever. Including the gp-120 Insert that deactivates your T4 cells and causes Cancer.

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Still not getting the jab.
>now, what do you say to a nice jab of vaccine?
just happened btw

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>hide everything they did
They did fucking nothing
What the fuck do you think they're hiding?
If the effects can be that easily hidden, what was even the point?
>someone fainted
>3 fucking years later
I guess you're going to have to grind the bones to a powder before you're done?
>They did fucking nothing

Exactly you absolute moron, did you get immunized faggot, everyone who got the fucking shots got covid 4-5 times after that...solely that argument can tell you something is wrong but apparently you're such a bootlicker you'll swallow everything your precious government tells you to..
You've been reading from the same fucking script for 3 years
only antivaxxer i know got covid 4 times in the first year. you guys want to know something thats actually proven to edit genes? getting a virus lmao
What script faggot? What did I say that was wrong?

People who got the vaxx didn't get covid after that? If you are saying that I'm stopping this conversation immediately.
two more weeks right? still waiting for all my friends and family to drop dead, just two more weeks...
trying articulating an actual argument you retarded monkey
All the 20 something aged vaxxies at my work are constantly sick to the point of getting fired, and several have long term sudden medical problems that result in death within 5 years kind of thing.
continue lashing in anger, impotently
How unfortunate that the clotshot won't protect you from infection
>science daddies
What genre would this band be
into the trash it goes
Found the vaxxie
nice projection retard. you arent special for not getting vaxxed, just retarded
lmfao roflmaooooooooooooooo

that's your argument faggot
try having actual scientific evidence instead of just retards lying about shit to make you all feel smart
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thats the hard scientific evidence actually, braindead morons on the internet telling stories is all youve got
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how long do I have if I only got the first two bros?
when should i start getting my affairs in order?
>I know this one guy who got sick a few times
Great argument you fuckwit

Your opening "argument" was based on an anecdote. Great bait. Here's your (you). Thanks for wasting a few minutes of my life.
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your feelings are not evidence, sorry little buddy
>try having actual scientific evidence

As if you'll accept anything someone presents to you, your sole purpose here is to shill and anger people. You seem really opened minded and open to discussion.
oh hey is it time for yet another thread to brag about that thing we (and literally billions of other people) all didnt do like 4 years ago? COOL
difference is im backed up by thousands of studies, youre backed up by other retards circlejerking with you to make you feel good about being an internet retard
go ahead, try presenting something instead of just bitching and moaning
>Science Daddy
>Implying citizens are Littles and Big Daddy Gubbment fucks them happy
>Checks out
Just another anecdote, my cousin got thoroid cancer, unironically started getting problems after some booster, even acknowledged that those originated from the vaxx and was furious to learn about the non-existing manufacturer liability. Two years later and it's diagnosed cancer.
For some reason I'm being ignored since the diagnosis. during 2021 it's been my stance that I don't want to get cancer within 5 years just because of an experimental gene therapy and I have been vocal about it, being the black sheep of the family and all.
Obviously this is just a random story without any relevance or significance. The vaxx is safe and you shouldn't let random strangers on the internet tell you any different. that weird feeling in your body is probably nothing.
First I want you to tell me why are you even here?
if you consider us all retards, what's in it for you, you just came here to grace us and help us with your profound knowledge of studies WHY? You don't seem like a very helpful and compassionate person..
>lol the vaxxies are gonna die in two wekes we're so based and pureblooded!
not like you people are helpful or compassionate in the slightest lmao, stop larping like you care about others
>still no studies
I was vaccinated twice in 2020, still no side effects or death. I was hoping to die or get on disability, am disappointed honestly
Long covid on the way to becoming long pork.
You didn't answer my question?Why are you so concerned with us being retarded? What's in it for you?
Same reasons people go to the zoo and point and laugh at the monkeys
are the vaxxed monkeys here in the room with us? lmfmao roflmaoooooooooooooooooo
Was wondering when the daily antivax cope thread was gonna happen. Mass die off when sisters?
I am simply not afraid of men in suits taking me to gulag. I spit in satans eye. And if I die, they will find me waiting for them in hell.
The enemies of mankind should not win over man.
>He said while posting from monkey island
>lashes out in anger, impotently
lmfao rolfmaoooo lmaoooooooo
yes youre totally an epic holy soldier and not a retarded basement dweller!
And just because there is no government today which is not an occupation regime and truly serves its own people does not mean such a government cannot exist. Many quisling regimes which exist today do so off of the framework of once legitimate governments.
>I am simply not afraid of men in suits taking me to gulag

is that why you change your ID, or let me guess your having some wifi problems? KEK
again, try articulating a real argument monkey boy
Why not both? Shame doesnt work here shillboy.
Go back to sucking the tit of your masters. Even the lowest free man is your better.
No im just a dirty phoneposter.
Sorry but believing in retarded christoid persecution fantasies does not make you better than anybody.
Any human is better than a shill and a bot. The beggar on the street is your superior.
Thats what braindead retards tell themselves when they have nothing else in their pathetic lives, pure fantasy nonsense.
>1 post by this ID
>raindead retards tell themselves when they have nothing else in their pathetic lives

You are here arguing with "monkeys" how are you any better you faggot?
It looks like this is actually your job which is absolutely hilarious. And if it's not - that's even worse.
I come here in the same way a man goes to the zoo to make noises at the baboons. Of course, the baboons dont think very highly of me when I do it.
are the vaxxed baboons in the room here with us now? lmfao
Just as the monkeys make noises back to me when I mock them, here you are doing the same.
so are the vaxxed monkeys doing the same to you in the room here with us now? roflmao
>literally repeating things back to me like an animal
go ahead and do it again, animals are predictable like that
are you getting your moneys worth?
you keep saying that but never say I'm wrong by the way rolfmao lmfaooooooo
Get a better script
If you were more than just a monkey you could do something other than just making screeching noises.
that's all I need lol lmfao roflmao still waiting to tell me how I'm wrong by the way
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Are you slow or something..you already posted this.
You havent really presented an argument, youre just an ape banging on the plexiglass in front of me
Yeah we are the monkeys that never got vaxxed and haven't been sick even once...absolutely flawless logic there "professor science"
>lashes out in anger, can't even type anymore, impotently
vaxxie vaxxie heart attacksies lmfao loooool roflmaooooooooooo
Because you're still reading the same script dumbass
You haven't said anything new in 3 years

I know it physically hurts you that you haven't posted the latest grift I mean video from Campbell yet. How many more replies do you think you can last? 2? 3, maybe?
>he isn't vaxxmaxxing
absolutely ngmi
According to the research consensus, unvaxxed persons contracted covid at a much higher rate than vaxxed persons. Your anecdotes and feelings dont matter in the real world friend.
>you mad!
Is that all youve got honey?
you keep saying things but never say I'm wrong by the way go on I'm waiting
I am talking about myself - shouldn't I be dead from covid if I am unvaxxed, or at least contract it even one time?
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>mfw over 90% of ACKtheists are chemically lobotomized and castrated
There's two vaxmaxxed ACKtheists ITT right now lmao
>Is that all youve got honey?

So you're actually a faggot lel
pharma shills need to be publicly executed.
>this is what monkeys think counts as an argument
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>just like that
lol lmfao
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>According to the research consensus...
>faggot with AIDS
how do i hide posts that don't conatin the word "vaxx"?
No thats simply not how things work. If you bothered to educate yourself you would know this.
Limp wristed comeback
turning off your router
Im sorry that educated people disagree with your schizophenic attention whoring conspiracy nonsense. Maybe go see a therapist to deal with the fact that you dont have special forbidden knowledge.
>No thats simply not how things work. If you bothered to educate yourself you would know this

So I should educate myself about why I'm wrong about telling you that I haven't had covid?

So you're absolutely fried....jesus fucking christ

toppest kekest
that's the state of vaxxies
You fell apart so fast...
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>No thats simply not how things work. If you bothered to educate yourself you would know this.
How much does your science daddy Fauci love you?
tatted and vaxxed?
I didn't get covid because I'm not educated....my sides...you sound like a leftist faggot nigger that's actually braindead
>I've lost 5 parents and most of my wives
You lost most of your wives? Wow! How many wives did you lose and how many do you have left?
You not having covid is not an argument. Get educated please, youre a nobody who thinks hes hot shit because hes a contrarian.
You think that not having covid is an argument because youre uneducated. Try reading for once, I know thats hard for you.
Stop embarrassing yourself...you need to educated yourself how not to be a such a retarded faggot...
The vast majority of scientists in the world are actually not Fauci, true facts...
Keep coping because you cant read or keep track of your own arguments, I shouldnt be surprised a Bulgarian is illiterate though.
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It seems like their strategy is to outlevel the noticers.
Some of the vax threads posted look like deliberately low quality bait.
They want the newfag know it all anon to decide for himself that it's alarmist conspiracy bullshit.
I didn't take it.
You fell apart so fast, you had real potential...don't panic, that tactic still works on reddit just go back and educated the monkeys there...
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I wonder if they're just desensitized to being called variations of cattle at this point.
Welp that was in my search history for some reason. Time to figure out if my dad was on it when he died or if I'm sleeping googling medications for some reason...
The strategy is to beat you to submission with retardation...but they're all DEI hires or actually retarded faggots that fall apart with simple logic.

This one here>>472786230

specifically sounds like a reddit faggot, might be even black or a tranny - using the phrase "you need to educate yourself" KEK
It's so transparent...kys faggot
You have yet to pose a real legitimate argument. Youre desperately acting like youre right about... something.... you havent said anything correct yet.
I got Pfizer during the delta wave and took 2 boosters but not anymore as the virulence is way less than it was. I had a covid exposure a week ago (I'm an IV nurse) and the guy was coughing and all that I never had any symptoms.
It's hilarious to watch both sides totally overreact. On one side you have folks thinking they have like perfect DNA for not getting the shots and then you have folks that drove around with masks on calling for concentration camps for never vaxers.
Get a grip.
I'm still alive with no side effects.
Two more weeks I guess lolol
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Is this image spooky at all to you?
I don't have to do shit faggot. You need to educated yourself on how to be a proper shill nigger here..maybe you're new at your job, I advise you to lurk moar..
by the way if you need someone to rescue you because you have a gun to your head let us know....we could come up with a team and get you out of there.....lmfao
First you posed an erroneous point. You then failed to have reading comprehension, finally you then acted like you won.... something.... and now youre saying you dont have to argue at all... wow you are such a brainless failure I feel bad for engaging you at all, you arent mentally equipped to argue with anybody lmao. Bulgarias finest.
>absolute nonsense that has nothing to do with the argument
what did he mean by this
I haven't won anything, now go dilate somewhere else...
no seriously, let us know, we probably can come up with something and get you out of there before tomorrow all you need to do is say the word
I accept your utter and complete defeat
>he posted it again
Really what did he mean by this
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Lotta COPE in this thread. Hope you enjoy the GREEN MONKEY DNA in your body now from shot contamination!
doing God's work all in a days work and all that
I'm truly devastated....
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>t. coping vaxtard
>source: nothing
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34 pbtid
i love vaxxxie cope so much.
toppest kekest
>i never cared at all! what do you mean i very blatantly cared, thats a jewish psyop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>two more weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
but you see - he's educated and has the scOIence studies....
he got so btfo that somehow ended up in a zoo cell seeing animals and refuses to ask for help
>never posting any actual arguments as to why anybody should believe their nonsense
what are antivaxtards like this
I never took the kike vaxx but so far I see little to no evidence of people dying. I live in an area full of geriatric people and they're alive and kicking
Everyone on social media who agrees with them politically said it, so it must be true.
What people want to believe is always interesting
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some can't take the realization that they willingly took an experimental injection akin to suicide well, it's to be expected
pureblood here. voting trump in 2024 but I'll never take the trump warp-speed vaccine (he didn't either).
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>“Pfizer marketed its vaccine as safe for pregnant women,” Kobach said. “However, in February of 2021 (they) possessed reports of 458 pregnant women who received Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine during pregnancy. More than half of the pregnant women reported an adverse event, and more than 10% reported a miscarriage.”
oops lmao
>“Pfizer urged Americans to get vaccinated in order to protect their loved ones, clearly indicating a claim that Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccination stopped transmission,” Kobach said. “Pfizer later admitted that they’ve never even studied transmission after the recipients receive the vaccine.”
>Pfizer later admitted that they’ve never even studied transmission after the recipients receive the vaccine.”
kek gets me every time
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Exactly, and i want to believe the "vaccine" is spooky.
Source right here, Vaxxie:
>500 pregnant women
>10% of them had miscarriage within weeks
>50% of them had myocarditis

here's your science faggot >>472788194

You know about that Kansas AG is suing Pfizer based on their own data trail. Eat shit and kys
just like covid
>save 96 year old gramgram for 4 addition weeks before she dies in her sleep anyways
checked and ultimate btfo
Yes, it’s caused by your body producing Covid spike proteins to fight infection
Which is what the mRNA has done
Every time you get sick, you’ll experience covid like symptoms, that is how fucked your immune system is now
I thought we were all going to die in a few months/years. Why the switch in timelines?
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Gmo cattle
>gets vaccinated
>goes on to catch COVID 4 times
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wait, so the atheists and christcucks were the same people all along?

id look into this further but i already know its jews
it means that they are fed tagging the thread with the same words on every vax thread
I don't know don't care
Get boosted faggot
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>no refunds
Shlong covid.
This bot is called Shifter.
He is at Pine Gap.
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>vaxxed livestock
when you get turbo cancer, it shouldn't be long now
you sound like an insufferable faggot
why dont indian aryans get the vaccine? Dont they believe in science?
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Fake + gay

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