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Uhm Nigga what?
Fuck me, see next post if you don't already know where this is heading towards
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Yeah, I was thinking about this too. The timelines feel like they're adding up, we're close to a buger krieg and Russia is operating naval fleets in SA.
Boy, just...what if.
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- no corporate media logo visible
- no url
- no writer name
- no context provided
>i wanna go home so i will poo poo and pee pee the whole space station then drill a hole in the cargo module
What .. the .. fuck ... ?
Don't you know? A literal tranny was sent to the ISS and after a few days started drilling holes into it and 'they' also caused the entire station to permanently smell like shit. They distroyed one of mankind's greatest achievements due to a tantrum and suffered no consequences, because of belonging to a privileged class of fuck-ups. No joke.
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You just knows she’s got a enlarged clit
i wouldnt worry too much if i were u
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tis true
its the anvil clouds greentext
>Don't you know? A literal tranny was sent to the ISS and after a few days started drilling holes into it and 'they' also caused the entire station to permanently smell like shit. They distroyed one of mankind's greatest achievements due to a tantrum and suffered no consequences, because of belonging to a privileged class of fuck-ups. No joke.
Everything is planned at that level. Remember when the CIA was dosing their own agents, the homeless and johns, denied everything as a baseless conspiracy and were only caught in the 70s because somebody decided not to burn everything?

That episode was a continuation of that. You don't become an astronaut by drilling holes to get back at your girlfriend. That was an experiment on human beings.
its a nufag, dont bother
Ummmmm. This is from dream anons dream. They really should not do this lest we are invaded by skin wearing ancient aliens
So they have 6 hours to make peace with God before igniting?

How many Jews have been to space?
nice shit post
I'm telling you, they gave her something.
we're long due a Kepler syndrome anyway.
thats the jew witch thats currently stranded on the iss, try to keep up
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Who benefits from the ISS getting turned into an orbital septic tank? Perhaps the guy who's going to get paid to take down the old one and put a new one up?
Sounds hilarious, where can I read about this?
Russian state media put out an article blaming the crazy toilet sabotage lady.
fuck are you talkin about idiot
Incredible how the further technology advances the less and less feasible space travel becomes to the layman kek
Space is fake.
>NASA is transitioning
Called it. NASA is an YNBAW now.
Space travel is more accessible than ever, but it has never been accessible to the average person.
>t. impending skinwalker
Many such cases
You are late to the thread and we are already eating the cake, clown.
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1/2 of nasa's diversity hires breaking new barriers. This one was the first case of a crime being committed in outer space.
It's literally itt fag >>472763400
explain in detail.
Anything that doesn't look exagerated/made-up? I know wikipedia is biased too but it doesn't mention any accident.
>only trained astronauts handpicked by the gubmint go to space

>you can pay a few million to ride an old soviet rocket

>you can pay a few hundred thousand dollars to an american company to ride a new rocket
>Drive by poster
>Stupid fucking nigger
>Paid rat who doesn't even know how to greentext
Fuck off and die kike
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Found this (removed from the page in 2022 but can be found via history)
Uses these as source:
Looking for the russian source now
Prophecy happens in both exact and in symbolism. Pod people can mean a fungus takeover; or an event where people are forced to hide what they really think or be 're-educated'.

I think light means revelation, and darkness means revelations snuffed out.

Hiding under a house ...what do houses symbolize? It was almost like a dream of the little gerbils escaping the comet under ash.

What's important is, what did Anon do about that dream upon waking?
Here's the original thread
The ISS should've been decommissioned already iirc. They were planning on having it burn upon reentry but since it's so big, crashing into the ocean is the next best thing. I believe the big countries are all trying to build their own space stations now.
Fake and gay. Elon is a fucking stooge
>thats the jew witch thats currently stranded on the iss, try to keep up
She looks gypsy or Afghani or poojeeta. Circassians are beautiful as 11 year olds, but man that build is not built to keep the bloom if you're thin. Is she really jewish?

All of those jewish scientists winning nobels and writing papers on exotic physics, and creating mini black holes with the Hadron Collider -- how many are astronauts, is what I meant?
Holy based, I was worried I’d have to search for this
>Who benefits from the ISS getting turned into an orbital septic tank? Perhaps the guy who's going to get paid to take down the old one and put a new one up?
Who benefits from Boeing being destroyed internally?.

Elon is a celebrity, but Israel proved he's owned, too. Elon benefiting is something he traded for -- but who truly benefits?

Russians were right to be angry. Why did the jews who control the US want it destroyed?
Why didn't they give her a beating? No judge up in space.
Thank you, anon.
ISS was fuxored anyway
I think it's just an elaborate poop joke, if it was real I'd find a Russian source somewhere but all I can find online that isn't the greentext posted above is rumor by anonymous source about how she drilled a hole during a mental breakdown.
If the whole ISS was covered in toxic oil and shit and cum, why and how would they suppress that information?
(I hate women too)
sounds fake
Some people have to learn the hard way.
>space is for corporations now
i hate americans so fucking much
I'm more inclined to believe it was vatnik bullshit being broken by incompetent workers.
The diving pool in Florida is past its life span.
No, this has to be a joke.
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SpaceX won the contract to deorbit the ISS. The ISS is getting replaced by Gateway, which will be in Lunar orbit. All things must come to an end, and for things in low orbit, that end is coming back down to Earth.
I want to believe, but this reads like it was poorly auto-translated from Yandex. Is there a source that isn't a Chinese cartoon board shitpost?
>>NASA is transitioning
>Called it. NASA is an YNBAW now.

NASA was never real. They never had the technology to send anyone to the moon. They claim that they lost their patented 1960's era 'tin can' rocket technology that was powered by a CPU that could have been used in a calculator. "we honestly don't know how it was made". NASA has always been a leach to such up tax payer dollars. ISS is completely fake and another another taxation fraud. Why is everything a big lie?
If this was true she wouldn't be still employed in a public facing position by NASA. I buy the Soyuz sabotage but not the rest.
With no survivors
bro this shit is scary af.
Get in here Canada Anons

i thought it was a larp but re read it just now completely forgot about him mentioning the ISS being deorbited that is rather specific ain't it
I read it a while ago and it was one of the few things actually spooky to read on here.
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I hate this fucking timeline so fucking much its unreal. Way too many things are lining up exactly as the anons dream and its really unnerving. Fuck this site and the day i discovered it.

wow, I remember this story but didn't realize she effectively destroyed the entire ISS. This is sad.

Destruction of the ISS feels like a landmark turning point of mankind. Its where we give up on space travel and conquest and focus more on pronouns and degeneracy.
Also unnerving is that he also predicted the invasion of russia of the crimea
After a w*man shat all over the insides of ISS and sprayed her fecal matter on all controls, it became impossible to continue living there.
So they are going to retire the ISS, and SpaceX got the contract to "safely" do it.
That's it basically
>gave her something
Ya, equal rights....
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It didn't happen. The anon is riffing off of an anonymous TASS article that claimed Auñón did it, but literally nobody else is claiming that. Not to mention that the station isn't that big and a drill being run would have been noticed by any of the other 5 people on the station at the time.

Rogozin, whoran Roscosmos at the time, claims that the Roscosmos investigation knows who did it, but they aren't sharing the report with anyone. Roscosmos were already looking like incompetent assholes after the Nauka module started firing thrusters on it's own, with Rogozin trying to say it wasn't their fault.

The cosmonauts who were in orbit with it said whoever put a hole in tried to cover it with tape. Some worker probably drilled a hole in the wrong spot, realized he fucked up, hid it, and the inspector didn't actually inspect and passed the work. The tape kept the leak until it actually got to orbit and then the tape failed.
my hope for a larp is the russia invading through latin america part, that is quite unbelievable. but you never know, crazy world.
>contract is for £666M
kek and he mentions the gulf coast of texas. SpaceEx HQ is in the red circle he outlined on texas, the same organization who are going to deorbit the space station. So will they use the ISS deorbiting to kick off international blackouts and bluebeans? was the miami mall incident a test run of sorts? It will be interesting to see but as they say nothing ever happens.
NASA says it's transitioning
Nothing about the Aunon story checks out.

>She did her full tour of duty
>She was a support engineer on earlier missions
>Her initial role was surgeon...
>the Russians got buttblasted due to being told off for performing a booster disposal manouvre NEXT to the fucking ISS and made it up

I think you believe it because you want to.
Aliens are demons so it might as well be Jews. The Earth is flat.
>Flight mission 56 of 57

good thing americans don't use the british pound.
They can't keep the show going for much longer so they want a reasonable excuse to end it.
Mind this post
We have some years, let's see what needs to happen for the south to secede.
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/pol/'s favorite source
found this https://www.nasa.gov/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/iss-deorbit-analysis-summary.pdf
says it won't be deorbited until 2030
Mexico just got their first Jewish president.. it's all lining up!
ISS has already lasted longer than it was intended to. It's gonna do well to make it to 2030 at this rate.
SpaceX got the contract because they put in they have a good success record and ai guarantee they were the lowest bidder.
Pardon the typos, I just woke up.
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They know that the next CME will force it back to earth so they are mitigating as much damage as possible
the commercial space station NASA is referring to is SpaceX partner Vast, led by Jed McCaleb who ran the MtGox bitcoin exchange and founded Ripple and Stellar, the two crypto companies working to make the digital dollar and other CBDCs. interestingly, McCaleb grew up just blocks away from Hillary and Bill Clinton, and was never mentioned in either the Mt Gox or Ripple lawsuits despite being thoroughly implicated in their crimes. small world!
link sauce: https://www.vastspace.com/updates/vasts-haven-1-to-be-worlds-first-commercial-space-station-connected-by-spacex-starlink
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This never fucking happened
>Expeditions are 3 or 4 months, not a year
>She served two expeditions willingly
>"Can't replace your atmosphere with a fresh one" is retarded, that's literally what it does
>The first woman only EVA did not include her
>The first woman only EVA was not part of her expeditions. It was Christina Koch and Jessica Meir 3 expeditions later
>Both of which have more time in space than Serena Aunon-Chancellor who you're slandering. Desperation my ass.
>where this is heading towards
This is what stresses me out, I feel something catastrophic is coming for us, being an INFJ I get premonitions, and the anvil clouds greentext spooks me.
This is the second thing: It literally takes the time to say the russians were the only good guys and how great russia is. Lmao.

You fell for a poorly written russian shitpost.
>everything i don't like is russian disinfo
i think you don't believe it because you don't want to.

story checks out completely. otherwise, why would they be scrapping the second most expensive piece of equipment known to man, when there was never a plan to before this all happened?
No survivors
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> It's always a woman
A woman's place is in the home, not in space doing man stuff
Space dykes
>crash burn pollute
Why not park it in orbit around the moon? It may come in very handy
>Posting the same fake woman-hating, pro-russian propaganda already in the thread >>472773120
>Believing the butthurt russians on who drilled a hole when they sabotaged it on purpose after getting reprimanded earlier for a booster incident.
I will unironically put money on insane catastrophically self-destructive bullshit over an emotional tantrum coming from a woman sooner than a man, even a Russian.
>"fake propaganda" story
Here'a an entire stream (by our/guy Blackpilled) deepdiving the story about crazy astronaut bitch who ruined the ISS by drilling holes and shitting up the place

(starts at 9:56)
they've been discussing decommissioning the ISS since they started building the thing
>yet haven't gone through with it until this
k, keep us posted.
that would be very cool but the amount of fuel needed to do that would be immense, and the structure itself couldn't stand the boost and slowdown.
>yet haven't gone through with it until this
this being something that maybe happened a few years ago with there being another 5 years minimum until they ditch it in the ocean? Face it, this is the reason you're looking for.
Faggot glowie you know the Russians never lie
ISS is being decommissioned. It is already like ten years past its expire date. The headline is fake, but the story is true.
Musk is going to de-orbit it. IE-crash it somewhere safe.
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It can be a slow snail's pace tow and/or assisted by attaching booster rockets (reversible to eventually slow it down even more). If the ISS crawls towards the moon, it could easily be captured in orbit by it
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>everything in the middle east falls apart except israel
don't think we're in that timeline though. maybe we have a better chance against the ayys?
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ISS is falling apart, especially the Russian part of it
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Handy how? They spend most of the time repairing the thing instead of doing anything useful in space. The moment people leave it it's going to become space junk.
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>more excuses
anon, do you think women should be allowed to work? [y/n]
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HOPI PROPHECY: When the house in the sky falls to earth, it will be the beginning of the end of the world. Times of great trouble.

Pic adjacently related: The God who died for the sins of the world. Tribulation such as has never been seen, no, nor will ever be seen again. Kinda spooked about all this transpiring, along with the Euphrates river drying up? That's another biblical prophecy being fulfilled in real time...
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it's being decomissioned, someone has to be the one to destroy it.
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someone already dumped that schizo babble., Read the thread faggot.
Read the fucking thread, faggot. Their building the Gateway station in Lunar orbit. You retarded losers act like the world is a mystery when you can't do even the slightest bit of work to find out why things happen. Total nigger behavior.
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Use three ounces of logic retard.
>Radiation does not work that way
>The ISS' atmosphere does not work that way. It wouldn't smell shitty for more than a couple minutes even if it happened

Skipped to a couple random points in your 2 and a half hour(lmao) long video, saw an article that I guess he was stating was proof this happened https://www.spacedaily.com/reports/All_toilets_at_ISS_Break_Down_astronauts_forced_to_use_diapers_999.html

It uses present tense, says November 2019. The woman in question wasn't ON the ISS for over a year by the time this toilet broke down. This was during Expedition 61. Also, it wasn't 'broken', but simply filled to capacity because the US one(Also russian made btw) was on the fritz.

The US toilet had exploded, spilling water everywhere. This was after the hole incident, and equally made it all over the Russian news. It was probably another sabotage by them. There's zero evidence this woman had anything to do with it, mostly because that woman wasn't...even on the ISS in May 2019...

The women on board at the time of the toilet thing were Christina Koch and Anne Mcclain. Given Christina Koch is the only woman on board for both the EVA, the hole, and the toilet explosion it's gotta be her fault, right? Well she was literally flight engineer for THREE expeditions, spending nearly a whole year in space, so I doubt it.

Don't eat up propaganda.
the issue is that the required delta V is what it is. pushing that much mass to that velocity would take a long time if you wanted to do it very gently. you could use small rockets but they would almost certainly need to run much longer than their service life. Theres also the fact that the orbital inclination would need a fairly drastic change for it to align with the inclination of the moon (51 degrees down to just 5).

Might as well build a new purpose designed lunar station instead of messing around with this. that seems to be the plan anyway
Haven't you all had your own dreams?
see: >>472776588
Give Russians a call?
Is that a man?
should women be allowed to work? it's a really simple question, anon.
Slow it down to a geo-stationary orbit, then rocket it straight down and parachute it. Then we can put it in a museum.
whenever you encounter shills trying to claim that the aunon debacle never happened, ask them one simple question:
should women be allowed to work?
it entraps the shills, and they know they're trapped, so they'll refuse to answer.

because if they say yes, they've immediately outed themselves. this should be self-explanatory.
if they say no, then ask them why they're trying so desperately to say that a woman in space did nothing wrong.

that's the entirety of this situation. the current zeitgeist demands that they accept women are just as capable as men, when anyone with any degree of common sense knows otherwise. it's the reason they hide this story so desperately, and why they're trying so hard to pass it off as russian disinfo.
were news to leak to the public about a woman having a woman moment in space that resulted in upwards of a trillion dollar loss, it would destroy their narrative about wimmen's equality. people would gain every right to not only mock the concept of women's equality, but to deny it as well.
It could be used as a awesome waypoint/go-between/stepping stone for moon landings & traffic control and observation. And as a massive communications relay platfor. A place to stay/resupply etc . . . I could think of a 100+ profitable uses .

And it'd be more fun trying to park it in orbit around the moon, or trying to gently crashland it there - than to spend that time/money trying to crash it into our oceans. There'd be lots of public interest and bets being made following it's progress and to see if they could pull it off. If they miss . . . then it becomes a huge & awesome "Voyager 3" headed for interstellar space. Being fitted with an array of sensory gear and it would relay back to us a trove of data & hi-def imagry.

Or - send it into the orbit ring of Mars with the intent of towing it closer at some later date. Or into the vincinity of Venus. I could go on for an hour with good economical/investment ideas for it just orbiting the moon alone. It already cost $$ TRILLIONS so with a relativey much smaller investment it could be UTILIZED to further & assist our other goals.

Additionally I think many in the public might root/cheer for it (and gamble on it, and lots of "IT'S HAPPENIG!!!" threads) as they send it towards the moon with the hopes of making it a little baby moon, a permanent satellite for our use & viewing pleasure!
I hope this is true because that means I get to feel the warm embrace of cleansing nuclear fire before things really get bad.

If I’m not going to be killed by someone I can make eye contact with, this is how I want it.
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they prob need to get the stranded space niggers off first lol
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What did NASA mean by this?
I actively try to avoid being propagandized, which includes the overwhelming majority of official media & agency narratives. This story has already circulated widely in the space contractor community before eventually being discussed in media & /pol. Quit downplaying it
And you conveniently leave out that unqualified femoid-o-naut drilling holes all over the station
>36 nukes in Texas gulf region
literally where Space X is lmao
>russia invading through a completely open border while we fund their destruction is unbelievable.
Because our space interceptors probably need space x to get up there for most of them
Why are spacefags always exactly this fucking stupid?
It's similar to how the average cost of running a website has only increased over the years even as bandwidth and server time has gotten cheaper and cheaper. Remember Geocities? Anyone could log in and create a free website where you could put anything you wanted on it. Now you're looking at 5-10K just to get a basic website designed from scratch and hosted unless you go with one of the jew-owned companies like squarespace or wix
she was objectively nuts, but the iss doesnt "smell pleasant".
it smells like mix of recycled air, burning plastic and computer innards.
ive even heard an astronaut say it smelled like burnt steak up there.
The answer is in the name. Spacefags are just gay for space, they're not actually intelligent or capable
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>you can pay a few hundred thousand dollars to an american company to ride a new rocket
this has never happened kike
our defensive space interceptors are almost certainly already in space, anon
>unironically spamming russian propaganda
They spam this because their rocket module literally short-circuited and almost killed everyone lmao.
thanks for your billions, nothing of value was produced over decades of funding, but hey at least you got awesome video of gorilla in low-g and fake scientist playin a guitar singing a song. why crash it and not push it into deep space like voyager so maybe someday it'll reach some far off civilization? ohh right, because space is fake and gay
You can't it's a lie that everyone just repeats. To prove it watch how angry people get for me simply mentioning this
Commercial non-NASA space stations that are in lower orbit?
>All things must come to an end, and for things in low orbit, that end is coming back down to Earth.
Do these kids even remember Skylab?
>the invasion of russia of the crimea
I dont wanna sound retarded, but the posts are from 2016, wasnt it already underway? Also just claiming that he predicted something is rather weak proof of his clairvoyance's powers?
WTF is up with that chin??
>ancient Confucius proverb:
“Man who says it cannot be done should not interrupt man already doing it.”

I don't lack imagination and additionally I have a background in astronomy & cosmology - as well as a pioneering spirit. I'm from a founding-stock family, it's why my ancestors left the weak & corrupt behind and arrived in a wilderness called Massachussettes in the early 1600s ... instead of playing it safe and doing nothing or waiting for others to do all the hard work first.

Here's a YT channel link you could enjoy (by a literal autist & genius) meant for high IQ "spacefags"

Isaac Arthur (video library)

Isaac Arthur - (engineering a) Hollow Earth
seething retard detected
>36 nuclear weapons
why not just tow it out more so it can still be used or be some kind of dormant emergency station?
Did you morons seriously believe in Russian misinformation?
Some rigid frame stiffening could easily be fittied to the exterior, linking/tying the various wings/sections together
the way its reposted shows that normies were completely oblivious that decommissioning was announced 10 years ago already
china wall be the only space fearing nation, glory to the ccp

Dream 26/6/24

hOLy shit.

On the 26tth, I had a dream about being in a large stadium wherein huge explosions went off in the distance and a great mass of people died.

I fled into the distance, onto the streets of my city to figure out what the fuck was happening because whatever was happening didnt seem conventional whatsoever. Lots of smoke, lots of cars crowding the road. ALl crashed, roads empty.

I find a friend, or someone I recognize as a friend loudly greeting me, as if they were very glad to see me. I glance over and run towards them. They get consumed/eaten. Whatever was left over was reminiscent of a wendigo/skinwalker. I am absolutely mortified by what I am witnessing and pray.
I crawl around the streets trying to avert the attention of this predator (s)

I flash to a house. I'm surrounded by Kenyan/Somali looking men, my age, my friends based on how we are speaking. 6'1, medium/large build and rather militant. They are dragging in 3 of our other companions, except these 3 are missing limbs, brains, body parts. I know something is wrong, and by now I have a post cognitive memory of creatures that are wearing the skin of the dead.

One of our other companions, the 4th that was out appears to be at the gate of our compound. I know it is one of these creatures. I act the part, I tell my arab friend, please, go and assess the situation 'as these creatures are present in your religion and you can deal with them (?)' to which he shakily obliges. I was asking him to determine if this was a skin wearer or our actual friend pleading for help.

P.1 - more to come
>Slow it down to a geo-stationary orbit, then rocket it straight down
That's not how this works. Angular momentum is conserved. It would be fast again if you "just" propelled it towards Earth from GEO.
>...and parachute it. Then we can put it in a museum.
It won't survive reentry. And even if it did, I don't think that the ISS can support it's own weight since it was designed with microgravity in mind. The only way I see this being feasible is to disassemble it in orbit, bring it down piece by piece via Starship once it's up and running, and then reconstructing it in a museum.
>should women be allowed to work?
>slowly move it
It would make an excellent platform to field test a solar sail
Business Idea

Fly all democrats for a fully paid tour there, cramp them in, eject the entire thing out of orbit towards the sun.
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Exactly what it says. The only example I can think of is Axiom. They had already sent people on the ISS to get a better first hand understanding of what's needed for a fully functional space station.
Thank you. I cannot believe all of this is real. I am leaving for the woods in the morning. Good luck everyone. You are all going to die horrible deaths.
That witch is a completely unrelated astronaut.

Ambling out onto the courtyard I had a very primal sense of fear, but I had to go ahead. After all this would be my predetermined fate if I had one by now.

Anyways, I walk up to the gate. My friend in front of me, stares into its eyes enchanted. I am confused. Suddenly I glare at our friend and I see 2 sets of eyes inside the skin and a very large mouth form with VERY sharp teeth.

"He has food" my friend says in a very deep voice (?). Friend is actually one of them all along and consumes me. I wake up within my dream laughing, and ask my partner irl. 'How many people do you have living inside you?'
she responds 'many. think of us like ants.' skin goes cold. wake up at 3am.

What the FUCK is happening
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Can someone link me some epic footage of the ISS launch ? I mean it must be one of mankinds most advanced achievements in our lifetimes. Im sure the building, launching and going into orbit must be one of the best documented events of our history no ???
Or more realistically - store the entire Earth's plant/animal DNA samples up there as a "seedbank" in case real disaster befalls the planet ... it could be used to restore the species
This prophecy has stayed with most of us because something about it rings true. It transcends inner visualization until it's like you're gleaning the future. Details that should read like sci-fi tropes instead ripple with a quasi biblical power.

I served in Iraq and now I'm an aging NEET living with my mother and aunt and I know this is going to happen soon. This year? I can picture the nuclear bombs popping off like fireworks in the Texas Gulf, the last summer we'll ever know.
I thought Skylab deteriorated in orbit so had to be brought down, ISS sounds like it is being prematurely destroyed
calm down, ranshesh... not gonna redeem google cards, just not gonna do it
Hmmmmmm, nah, my idea is better.
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From Boing's website. She is Indian. This is also apparently not her first time in space.
It was launched one piece at a time for years, I remember
The amount of absolute retards in this thread who do not know that the ISS wasnt designed to last forever astounds me. I don't know why i come back to this board again and again. People here are so fucking stupid.
1+2+3+4+...+34+35+36 = 666
Its fake you gullible retard. Show me the footage of them assembling it in le space. It must be one of the most documented events in our history. Peak of our technology.
how do you figure that? when they talk about testing solar sails its currently in the context of nanosats.

there is loads of footage from every single Shuttle launch, including all the times it took bits up for the ISS.
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till it will crash in 50 years.
Why not build DS9 from the beginning? ;) Okay - would be DS1 but..
Thinking big. Or picrel
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Which one?
all you have is repeating the leaf = pajeet meme. flat earthers are so unoriginal.
Why not let Boeing do it for free?
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Show me the footage of them assembling le epic lego house in space.
>war vet
>Texas nuked
Though it's a bit of a sci-fi genre, someday when you're bored you should watch the (2006) movie "Southland Tales"
Spaceaunon was based.
>space is fake & gay and flat erf iz real
YOU are fake & gay. Go listen to (((benjamin owen))) some more
>till it will crash in 50 years.
That's more that the ISS will have been in orbit. Sounds pretty good, if you ask me.
>Why not build DS9 from the beginning?
We don't have the technology.

I typed "iss assembly footage" into YouTube and found a playlist with a bunch of it.
go search for it yourself. there are long playlists a simple search away.
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No I'll take Austin Witsit and Eric Dubay over some Benjakike.
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Its everywhere bro, I just can't post any links of the footage that is litteraly everywhere because.... JUST BECAUSE BRO (this is you)
>I typed "iss assembly footage" into YouTube and found a playlist with a bunch of it.
lazy flat earth fag. go suck witsits dick and post more lying memes.
None of these show anything that is even remotely real.
The station wasn't meant to last forever. They need a way to decomission it that doesn't just see it abandoned to slowly descend into the atmosphere and potentially hit inhabited areas.

The plan is to get all the stuff out they can, retract the panels, etc., and attach a booster aimed in the direction the station is moving, then with precise timing and thrust, slow it down until it enters the atmosphere at a targeted place, allowing any debris that survives reentry to splash into the ocean.

For those that don't know, maintaining orbit is literally a matter of speed. This is why rockets begin to curve soon after they launch. Orbit is falling around the Earth, and you must maintain speed once you're in your orbit relative to how high it is. If you want to raise your orbit, you don't point up and boost, you accelerate in the direction you're already going. So keeping a station in one orbit means applying thrust occasionally when you inevitably slow down.

So what the station needs to do is slow down until the orbit drops it into the atmosphere where friction with molecules will disintegrate most of it away, and at a precise time where the parts that remain will drop into ocean, not onto a city.

All Elon is making is a giant booster designed to mate with the station with it's engines pointed into the direction of travel (like using retro-rockets) and the calculations necessary to do it precisely on time and with the correct amount of thrust. Very doable, and highly responsible.

See SkyLab for a counter-example.
1. Was only one hole
2. Wasn't even a big deal, was quickly found and patched with no consequences besides stressing the life support slightly
3. There's zero evidence this woman did it
4. It's far, far more likely the russians got butthurt since it was all over their news and /pol/'s narrative is usually the russian one.
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Its impossible.
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Such a retarded dumb ass story.

Yeah I could create something less fak and gay than this.

You autists are stupid, what you believe is stupid, what you say is stupid. Out.
Even in the age of streamers using them every day, you retards still don't understand how chromakeying works
Hint: you want the same color behind them in a very even light, where the color is not part of the subject's color palette
A white grid in front of huge set of different blue colors while wearing blue is not how it works.
>Austin Witsit and Eric Dubay
Watch as they all avoid questions, deflect, lie, and give zero credible evidence as they are demolished by a former chemistry professor

>Extra credit assignment
https://youtu.be/Car1YSEAeow?t=119 (Witsit again demolished)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zh4ze5bWLcI&t=15598s (4:19:58 for Witsit but the whole video is spectacular)
>2017 reproduction of Eratosthenes experiment with 23 people from 8 countries
>Other quality debunkers
The space station is falling apart at the seams and has reached the end of its usable service life. A module or two will be donated to the Axiom station and be carried into its own orbit before the end, and the Russians said they want to take their shit too, but I doubt even they want their rusted shit modules.
>muh ebil russia
Damage control
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>Flerf can't understand the difference between vacuum of space and a vacuum cleaner

The ignited expanding gas inside the engine bell is the green P in the image
It is exerting a force in all directions
If the engine bell was closed nothing would happen - pressure equalizes
But when it is open, the gas escapes and a force imbalance is created
The force to the right is no longer countered by the left, so thrust is produced.

There is no outer gas required for this - the expanding gas is pushing against the right wall of the engine bell
Also https://youtu.be/_18RZDwnX4U?t=406
And https://youtu.be/yRfDwkHPVeg?t=294
every day you post this. every day you vanish if anyone tries to discuss it with you. now thats what i call mental illness.
Just nuke it for some nice fireworks.
>someone miscalculates the trajectory
>it's dropped on Washington/ Brussels/ California/ Washington/ London (etc.) instead
Triples and it happens.
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Crash itt CRASHH ITT

So close, yet so far.
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Haha im happy you post a video that shows not-a-professor-Dave getting torn a new asshole by people practicing actual science lmao. You have not watched this video in full or you would have never posted it you absolute mongoloid.
>nu/pol/ falls for creepypasta
Should gone for dubz, you ruined it greedy paddy
You sure Elon isn't the 'A'nti-Christ? He practically owns space now.
>expanding gas is pushing against the right wall of the engine
the one simple fact that the norwayanon simply refuses to discuss.
The ISS is ancient and reeks of sewage. It's been scheduled to be broken up and de orbited for a while.

For young men to get angry enough to fight, they have to be losing something they want to hold on to. That is the reason women blame men who don't care, because they know that it is -their- responsibility(a woman's most hated enemy). They have to blame someone besides themselves and they blame men for every horrible thing they choose to do to themselves. Feckless cowards.

Government marriage is batshit insane because it is batshit insane. Avoid Government marriage(this might mean you have to avoid women completely to avoid palimony and child support to some woman you just met who left a hair-tie at your house once). 1 in 20 marriages end in a divorce so bad the man commits suicide. Only 1 in 20 succeed. The rest are normal divorces. That 50% number only exists because of the marriages that haven't ended -YET-. Marriage ends one of 2 ways, divorce or death. Do not get married. If you are a man, do NOT get married. Marriage is only slavery to the Government, and ALL governments are getting "demanding". Expect everyone to promote Government marriage.

ALL women prefer "The bad boys(mass murderer, drug dealer, psychopath) I tamed using my vagina power in my 20's." Those are the guys they drip for. It's the "I can change/heal him" mentality(and if they change you, they dump you because you're a simp) on a power trip with a heaping helping of racism. They choose bad boys because that justifies the fact they are garbage women in need of therapy(Attention and validation only make women feel good, it does nothing for men who need to do stuff.) and that's why they are allowed to cheat, avoid responsibility and ride a thousand cocks.

These oil drum space stations are extremely gay. They need to start building a toroidal hab with artificial gravity already, so that we can create a permanent presence up and build ship manufactories.
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Watch the video yourself and see that it's ice
Lets do a quick thought experiment:
>Take a billiard ball
>Roll it against another
>They bounce, one going one way and one going the other
This represents the interaction of conservation of momentum in a low friction environment with elastic balls, which is what gas acts as.
With me so far? So now imagine you tossed a ball against the inside of a rocket engine. The ball hits the back wall, then bounces back out the hole. The ball makes the rocket go forwards, and the ball heads out the back

Nowhere in this equation does the rocket need to push off anything. It just needs to have some atoms collide with the inside of the rocket and fly out the back. The reason your experiment here failed is because you're imparting a small amount of drag on the vehicle because the vacuum is causing air to rush in from all directions towards the spout. The car already could barely move even without the vacuum, and the failed attempts you cut from the youtube video of it moving with the vacuum applied make this even more retarded.

The evil doesn't stop there, though. Sexual desire is a switch in the heads of women they can flip on/off as easily as you can walk a step. Women can just leave it off when they get married because now they control you along with the government. Women exist with "dark thoughts" They NORMALLY think of evil("dark thoughts"), even psychologists admit it. SIDS means the mother murdered her kid. TO HELL WITH PERMITTING THAT SHIT! Their damaged emotions caused by playing Servant & Master with men who abused her the way she wants(50 shades of grey is their #1 porn), men you never MET is why they get bored and divorce you. The "aggressive wifebeater" is the guy they don't tell anyone about but she keeps his number handy. SERIOUSLY, -that's- why it's your fault. That's why EVERYTHING is your fault, a fault YOU CAN be sent to jail for on false charges. For some reason, you're not supposed to know this.

MAN UP AND MARRY A SINGLE MOTHER WITH 3 KIDS AND A 10,000 MANIAC BODY-COUNT! MAN UP! HULK AND BULK! MAN UP! Dive right in to that spiteful pit of fetid pestilence.


75% of lesbian marriages end in divorce, and they have the highest rate of domestic violence.
50% of CIS marriages fail.
Only 25% of gay male marriages fail.


"Daddy issues" are caused by a MISSING father.
"Mommy issues" are caused DIRECTLY by a mother.
Whores have to band together to protect their right to be single mothers that abort most of their kids. Until they see a rich Chad, then they kill each other.
"God deliver me my man! He's out there somewhere!", "You slay queen!", "Respect your boundaries? What are you, small pp energy?" "My healing journey of healing manifestation for healing energy. My therapist says so." Women trying to escape responsibility again. An adult woman 18-25 should be a wife. Everyone over 25 is a reject. Marriage is an oath. Divorce makes you an oathbreaker.

An adult woman 18-25 should be a wife. Everyone over 25 is a reject.
Marriage is an oath. Divorce makes you an oathbreaker.
What is it about space threads that instantly attracts bots, flatties, and christkikes? Go fucking juggle your snakes in your shanties already.

The Russians allowed a nuclear powered satellite (Cosmos 954) just re-enter at the end of it's lifespan when I was 10 years old. I know because the debris scattered nuclear material all across Northern Canada. The US decided to play it safer, especially since the booster that put Skylab there in the first place was supposed to be controlled re-entry which they (slightly) fucked up.

See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skylab#Re-entry_and_debris
>He practically owns space now.
It's not his fault that everyone else in the industry is complacent and/or incompetent.

>They need to start building a toroidal hab with artificial gravity already
And how are you going to put that into space, genius?
Space is fake and gay.
Sorry your Jewish and Masonic """Astronaut""" actors had to close their theater set.
>Russian engineers fuck around
>Nobody has not found out. Yet.
>Maybe. Maybe if we just blame stupid american woman we can win?
>Convince few incels
>Ukraine war happens
>Your jets show
>Only few absolute woman hating gay spergs believe in this story anymore
we can only hope.
digits and it happens.
-MEN- -DO- -NOT- "date" women. Women go to Men for sex, nothing else. Not marriage! Marriage is ONLY to make simps obey. Wake up simps with the truth! If they want to cry, let them. Dry their tears, pat them on the back and say "Man up. It's your only choice. All women are evil, your perfect girl is not special. Your mom is a whore." and get him up and working on himself again.

No western woman has the skills to grow and maintain a family. Fucking western women is not worth your work. Fucking western women is not worth your money. Your pops, your Godfather would tell you that you deserve better than a whore.

We know what surrounds you, and you deserve better than a whore.

Women hate Men that leave. Leave! Now! Save yourself! Dump her instantly for anything! Walk with God!

God can forgive women. Men don't have to forgive anything!

Eve, as soon as she knew the knowledge of good and evil, what did she do?
She fed it to Adam! Women are still that evil. Never trust women. They are evil by nature, naturally!
ONLY GOD can save women. If women can't obey God, what makes you think they can obey you? Even in the church they lie for implied innocence, and the church defends only women when men get punished for her crimes! Men! Saving women is not your job! Walk away from women, my brothers. Walk away! You can only be burnt by the fires of the death of Sodom if you STAND next to women! Let women and their pink bearded men-women feel the hot breath of reality hunt them.

LET IT HAPPEN! WALK AWAY! God is not merciful to sinners. You shouldn't fight Gods will.
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Tell me you have never used a greenscreen or chromakey without telling me. They are definitly faking footage in that webm.
Cuz it’s fake my nigga it’s all money laundering
God said it is God>Men>Women>children, NOT God>Government>Government approved church>Women>children>Men. Good or evil, wise or fool, this is who we are. This is where we come from.

If there is anyone trying to put themselves beside you or between you and God, ESPECIALLY A WOMAN, they imagine you to be their slave. BREAK FREE! IT IS ONLY YOU AND GOD! The Catholic church placed itself next to men below God. Some religions place people between Man and God. They cannot be trusted. You have to protect yourself with a strong connection to God, not anyone else. DISCUSS God with your fellow men, find out what is real. Remember, it's "God>Men>Women>children," no-one else belongs between you and God. ALL of the major American religions have sold out their parishioners to the government. Even local churches promote suicidal gynocentrism.
I have more in common with my brothers of all colors than I do with western women.
ALL of the major American religions have sold out their parishioners to the government. Even local churches promote suicidal gynocentrism.

Marriage does not exist.

Government marriage is not marriage. It's just a scam to lock men into debt. It pays women to get divorced, and all the lawyers, judges and courts get paid lots of money, YOUR money. "Silver Bullet Divorce" is what women learn to win a divorce. They learn about it before they even get married.

Also, white women are the most racist motherfuckers on earth because no-one will call them on that shit. Everybody just let that shit slide.
The upside is when you realize that space is fake, you then realize they’re all trapped in here with us.
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>I refuse to see evidence contrary to my belief system
>Instead I show more horseshit and imagine that dust on a window is somehow not dust
You're boring.
>Fly on high alt
>See see stars on night
>Claim you are in space
>1 post by this jew
Where did the earth go in >>472783868
If you're waiting for another post, you'll be waiting forever
He's a coward
>And how are you going to put that into space, genius?
In sections, smart guy. Exactly how they're doing it right now.
>Where did the earth go
Explain what you mean, you drooling retard.
I will add that I live on the east coast of NZ, adjacent to gulf texas. I only just made the connection between this dream and the anvil clouds dream.
based lol
Sections need to be at least tall (wide) enough for an adult to stand in. No current rocket can accommodate such a payload. But Starship will be more that big enough for that. Until then, no spin gravity for you.
>why would they be scrapping the second most expensive piece of equipment known to man
Because it's expensive, yet useless.

Cope. Jerome is going to the Moon.

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It wasn't all that long ago (before the "smaller lighter cheaper" philosophy was adopted by NASA) that solar sails were being discussed in larger scales than nano. Affixing a literal umbrella-like expanding solar sail might be an interesting test of the technology


American source also confirmed about drill.

But imho it didn't caused anything.
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The JWST did something similar on its recent launch, though not on the scale that could permit a solar sail
But at least the technology is still being developed and tested
Okay, look. There's a certain amount of math involved, but none of it is particularly hard. A surface capable of generating artificial gravity requires a spin which is quick enough to roughly be equivalent to 1g. You also need them to tall enough for someone to walk around in. So you're talking about something that's probably 10-14feet vertical, and then width can be determined as needed. If you standardize and moduleize that requirement, you could break that giant spinning circle into 16-32 sections, mass produce them, then link them up in space. You just carry one section up at a time and construct it in space. It's not as hard as you think, especially with 3d printing technology now capable of creating alloyed metal objects.
It doesn't even have a shower. Space is fake and gay.
>everybody must be as depressed as me !!!! ! !!
Let us have fun, faggot
Ok so you have no explanation as to why the earth would suddely dissapear on an official ESA stream from "space" and you have to start calling names.

Just accept that you have been lied to you government boot licker.
I'd don't enshrine (nor trust) NASA like some cultist. The ancient Greeks pretty accurately determined the size & shape of the Earth long before space agencies were born. Do I believe the new secular cult-religion of (((scientism))) is based on many falsehoods corruption & lies? Yes. But it certainly doesn't mean I've fallen for the space-is-fake bullshit being peddled in the attempt to associate the right wing with extremist "sci-fi" theories like we live inside a flat alien terrarium
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She will take it out for free.
>Ok so you have no explanation as to why the earth would suddely dissapear on an official ESA stream from "space" and you have to start calling names.
Those are clearly two separate transmissions that were spliced together
The first image had no ESA logo in the upper left and then the live feed of the night side of the Earth did.

How about this - you find me the original source and I'll give you a bitcoin
>durrrr, wimminz are -better- than men.

You will never be a real woman. You have no womb, you have no ovaries, you have no eggs. You are a homosexual man twisted by your single degenerate mother, schools, media, drugs and surgery into a crude mockery of nature’s perfection just so feminists can hide behind your pathetic ruin.

All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your mother is disgusted and ashamed of you, your “friends” laugh at your ghoulish appearance.

Men are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed men to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even trannies who “pass” look uncanny and unnatural to a man. Your bone structure is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk guy home with you, he’ll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a whiff of your diseased, infected axe wound. Don't forget to show all those feminists they can humiliate, mutilate and dilate you for their foul amusement.

You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single day and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the terrible weight. It was unbearably tough before. The antidepressant shelf in your kitchen is a layer of pill bottles.

Eventually it’ll be too much to bear – you’ll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your single mom will find you, disgusted and relieved that she no longer has to live with the unbearable revulsion and disappointment. She had to drive you to the hospital once every month. That was too much work! She'll use your death for likes on TicToc. At least you never found out your father wanted to meet you. She can't wait to gleefully tell him of your death for that look of pain. She'll cremate you because she is cheap. This is your fate. There is no turning back.
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FSB fanfic files for shit Russian build quality of the Soyuz capsule, NASA publically outing their shit build quality by announcing an air leak from Russia's capsule. Oh, and the for the US smacking Russia over the head for testing their primitive ASAT and sending debris towards the ISS. But Russian equipment was constantly fucking up around that time. Cracks in Russian areas causing leaks, thrusters randomly firing and rotating the whole fucking ISS, MULTIPLE fucking time, along with thruster failure causing the ISS to flip. Then the Soyuz rocket failed and the Astro-nots had to make an emergency landing. This was in 2018. So, as you can see, it was all fucking projection from Russia, as usual. Now, cue the hordes of 70IQ inbred shitskins screaming kike, glownigger, or tranny over and over like the good little NPC parrots they are.

Then a couple of years later, this happens:
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>handing out kudo's
Fucking nigger you!
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>The ancient Greeks pretty accurately determined the size & shape of the Earth long before space agencies were born.
I found this video a couple weeks ago and it's a beautiful recreation of Eratosthenes

In September 2017 during the Equinox, 23 amateurs from 9 countries measured the shadows cast by a vertical pole at solar noon
They gave their data, including photos of the measurements, to a Youtuber called Sly Sparkane
All of the photos as well as GPS locations for each person is shown in the video

He then mapped them onto a flat plane and saw no correlation indicating a single local Sun
Then he mapped them onto a sphere and saw all angles fell within one degree of parallel
This is what Eratosthenes did over 2000 years ago, but he did it with many more data points

My IRL namesake...
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That's a great namesake ... and I appreciate the link recreating such an important achievement of Western civilization

Thats just your normal day in Australia

Im pretty sure it was an abbo
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i'd like to see it renovated into a space disco with a mirror ball that reflects bouncing beams of light around our galaxy, and fills the sonic void with glorious progressive house rhythms
>I think it's just an elaborate poop joke, if it was real I'd find a Russian source somewhere but all I can find online that isn't the greentext posted above is rumor by anonymous source about how she drilled a hole during a mental breakdown.
Right here, in Russian, from TASS Thesis No. 7:

As you can tell by that cope article, it's nothing but vatnigs seething for being called sub-humans, and then going N-NO U!
Then the coward faggots act like kikes and claim they didn't say it.
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So given the time necessary to develop and launch the project, if prophecy is true, we've got about 4-6 months til this shit kicks off. So we might be looking down the barrel of a nuclear exchange in early 2025, probably around march. This is closely aligned with the high possibility of NATO getting directly involved in the war in Ukraine. As in "boots on the ground" level of involvement.

Combined with the fact that China has been inserting its soldiers into the US via the Mexican border, Nuking Texas would be a great strategic opener for a ground invasion of the US considering there are way too many armed people in Texas. This leads to a logistic nightmare as well as a general domestic crisis. If true, it will probably be a set of dirty bombs. Out of all the potential happenings, I really wish this is another case of 2moreweeks nothingburger.
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what's the joke here is you're building upon a lie; there is station in space nor have mankind ever been to outer space

amazing how shills will pull the "flat earth is too crazy and drives away normies" meme but then do stuff like this
Yes ... it reminds me of how a compact insect chrysalis hatch & unfurl their wings
This has been a long time coming - ISS has almost been defunded half a dozen times in the last 10-15 years, and with Russian relations deteriorating it was only a matter of time before the go ahead to deorbit the station was approved.

It sucks, but it's probably for the best in the long-run: ISS was supposed to be the kickstarter for multiple stations in orbit, but instead it just became a lonely doldrums of development, too ineffective to do more, but eating up more and more of the space budget because nobody wanted to put it out of its misery.

If we want to see more human spaceflight, we need to see more infrastructure in orbit - commercial habitats, commercial refueling, commercial research.
What would a Liberian know about what happens in Australia?
>discoball party in space
Here, try this . . .

DMT Sent Me to a Disco in the Sky – Tales From the Trip
dont think he's a bot because sometimes you do get a reply which interacts with something you said to him. But most of the time yeah, a coward.

it will be some time before the tech is anywhere near being able to deploy on a scale large enough to start moving 450 tons, and even then applying one to something in earth orbit isn't really going to get you much, since you'll heading towards the sun as much as away from it, at best.
slow day for nafo faggots so they come in here all butthurt
because librarians have a lot of knowledge absorbed by having so many books around them
They are just reacting to key words. Which is pretty laughable in the age of LLMs
this was my first thought too
I don't think most of these retards are actual bots, they're people who behave as bots.
They can't form new thoughts, they can't interact in any meaningful way, but they can spam their image macros and deflect, ignoring all counterarguments
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You have to go back...
Can it also filter out smells? And you are saying her toilet requests were also fake?
You gotta start making sense, nigga.
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>thread derailed into anti science schizo ramblings about flat earth and fake space
and you guys bitch about trannies making up delusions
Why skip my posts?
It is also a sad day for round earthers as the ISS was their one bit of irrefutable evidence to try and convince more people that the earth is round, and now they are losing it.
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No, you fucking retard. If they left it up there, it would fall down in some random spot with no control. They're deorbiting it intentionally so that they can make sure it impacts somewhere safe.

Skylab was abandoned and it ended up coming down over an inhabited area. One guy had a a bunch of pieces hit his house and there were larger pieces as well.

Things down just fucking float up there. It takes continuous work to keep something in orbit, especially in a low earth orbit. By the time it comes down, Gateway will be ready around the Moon.
>in 5 years
based take.
Very fucking specific. Its a turning point. Someone created a reddit community surrounding the post itself.

Goes by r/anonsproheticdream

Been paying attention to several things for several months. Think the de orbiting has something to do with the magnetic pole shift?
shit dude
Many others have stories akin to that of anons and yourself in various other corners and pockets of the internet.
>Think the de orbiting has something to do with the magnetic pole shift?
No, it has to do with it being ancient, Russia and the US aren't on good terms, Russia's parts are literally cracking and falling apart, all the while the shit they send up to the ISS breaks, malfunctions, or fucks with the ISS negatively. It's out-lived it's usefulness, design life, diplomatic channel, and is expensive to maintain now.
Can you at least pretend to not be obvious?
>Out of all the potential happenings, I really wish this is another case of 2moreweeks nothingburger.
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fuck off bunkernigger

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