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So how does capitalism explain the farmers make money throwing away fruit?
Is it cause the fruit grower has to pay people to take and use it?
Why arent they buying it?
Why doesnt the farmer only grow as much as they can sell and do their business?
Will the farmer go out of business now for choosing poorly, or will they be bailed out by the rightwing communists socializing the losses but never the gains?
supply and demand you silly nigger
why not simply export this shit to other countries? is the better question.
you'd still make money and wouldnt have to throw away any of that shit.
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Poverty can be eradicated but in order to do that wealthy people have to stop thinking about themselves.
They take a loss because, as evidenced in the image you fucking just posted, people can't afford it. What's he to do? Give it away for free? Fuck it why not make all food free and we'll all just stand around singing and jerking eachother off all day.
>simply export
Shush wagie
Okay both exist
the demand for the fruit is there, and so is the suply
that is line 2
Nah, the bible is clear, we shall always have the poor
That is arelative though
6 bugatis is inferior to 7, yet the man has no fear of his day to day existence
Sounds great
Does the farmer go broke for failing to sell, or will he be bailed out?
>why not simply export this shit to other countries?
literally how?
through what mechanism?
on who's dime?

do you understand how difficult food transport to its point of sell is?
>Does the farmer go broke for failing to sell, or will he be bailed out?
if youre in a functioning nation, there will be a bail out, or like in America, a subsidy

without farm subsidies, American food exports would be drowned out in cost by other nations
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>the bible
>farmers dont suffer their bad decisions, but you shall remain starving
Why do you support communism?
Yay just give up being human! Should be simple. Even your fake ass charity is poorly masked self aggrandizement
They were probably sprayed with tons of pesticides. Worse than trash, let it rot. Fruits don't even nourish you anyways.
this is probably some fake and gay shit, that has nothing to to at all with what she is saying it does
>bailed out?
You're opening a can of worms here. You can't talk about bailouts without implicating our rotten jewish financial system. Ideally they'd grow for the population and export any leftovers, with strict rules on imports so (merchants) can't massively import from the 3rd world and run them out of business.
>farmers dont suffer their bad decisions, but you shall remain starving
>Why do you support communism?

its not "bad decisions" you faggot retard, its the reality of competition and 'deal making' in globalized food markets

farmers have to produce, what market makers have a market for, which is constantly in fluctuation

how are you such a dumb bitch? its unreal

do you have any idea how complex supply-chains are for foodsuffs?
>So how does capitalism explain the farmers make money throwing away fruit?
Agriculture Subsidies
>Is it cause the fruit grower has to pay people to take and use it?
>Why arent they buying it?
insufficient demand
>Why doesnt the farmer only grow as much as they can sell and do their business?
Because if they could predict the future, they wouldn't be growing fruit, they'd be outcompeting Walmart
>Will the farmer go out of business now for choosing poorly, or will they be bailed out by the rightwing communists socializing the losses but never the gains?
they're likely still far into the green
Farmers are a bunch of bandits these days.
or people just don't want tangerines?
actually found it this is fake news the imagines are from Australia two years ago

the uk couldnt domestically produce and sustain its own populations food needs if it wanted to

the uk is dependent on food imports for like 50%+ of its national needs
That remains the point
The farmer does not suffer for capitalism, only the middle class
>its not abad decision, its a bad decision
You sure do seem very good at your sigma six blue belt

ah, seems the only answer is that communism works, is fantastic, and whites are just oppressed
sounds like the population agenda is just globalism
>literally how?
export it to china when their empty ships go back to china after bringing you china stuff.
It could and it should. Until you've destroyed the fed and the bank of england what does it matter? You're arguing about what instrument to play as the titanic sinks around you.
Lots of little kids posting here today. OP, the answer is because they are artificially raising the price of fruit by destroying the supply. They do in with lots of industries today.
they dump thousands of tons of milk because they can't get the price for it

who cares life isn't that long
>the wealthy
Fuckin a you jew
>reddit spacing
>vigorously defending jewish price hikes
Would they give them away for free, their value would drop to basically 0 and they would never be able to sell them again, ever - resulting in the farmers going bankrupt and then the supply would stop entirely, meaning: Would they give them away, there would soon be no more tangerines at all.
Hmm, and why does this happen in capitalism?
The farmer should already be bankrupt for failing to produce the correct amount
Instead they will be bailed out, the loss socialized
why is the profit privated?
Farmers can't produce just in time inventory dumb ass or are you only pretending to be retarded
>supply and demand
According to that rule if there's an overabundance of something and not enough buyers then the price collapses to 0.
They know how much can be eaten, how much can be sold
They know the weather and more
All that is the marvel of modern computing
And if you want to deny that, then we arrive back to why are they being bailed out, all business is risky
rightwingers cant think through the words jews put in their brains
its what makes them separate from the right wingers
Waspian mimicry
Who's going to buy tangerines that are rotting by the time they enter the port let alone 3 weeks later when the ship arrives to Europe or what ever.
Mothers that take their kids to pride aparades on the grounds theyre family friendly

> transport the fruit to market with your own gasoline money anon, then just give it away, that's how business models work right
They actually don't know any of that with enough certainty so they make a shitload and hope to sell it all that's how it has always worked
>posting fake news from twitter
Can't you at least post fake news from here?

Its only 8 tons. They harvested 48 tons, sold 40 tons and 8 tons remained. 8 tons of tangerines is fucking nothing. The logistics would be more expensive.
geez if only there was some sort of container that can be cooled.
also you could probably transport it via cargo planes.
yeah, the price for anything in excess of market demand is essentially zero
Okay, so why the bailout then?
By the list here, they have product, and isntead of making any money, destroy it
They cannot be injured if its given away as they are not getting anything from its destruction
Its not being made into animal feed, alcohol or anything
Again, this does not fit for the muh communism evil stories, this shows that the commies are correct, that the system does not exist to play by its proposed rules
but the news here is from twitter
why do you hate raw milk?
Become a vegan, eat the grass straight, skip the cow
It can rot in the field or across thousands of store shelves where it will cost exponentially more in wasted labor between delivery and disposal.
so if its just 8 tons why not give that away to your community and people?
donate it to a local school or hospital or something.
greedy ass niggers
>pay a hundred grand for a refrigerated container
>sell your tangerine cargo for 20k
It isn't the job of the farmer to distribute the excess to people.

>why doesn't the farmer grow as much as he can sell

I don't know. Can he see the future. Can you see the future?
If you can find a use for rotten fruit then offer to buy them cheap. There is definitely some way to use them and get a profit, feed your fish farm or something.
If the demand was there, they wouldn't be getting discarded. Was community college too much for you to handle or something?
doesnt even cost that much also you can transport it through planes.
>plane delivers shit to argentina
>plane has to fly back empty
>just fill it with tangerines instead
Cooled container isn't going to help. Like surely you understand that fruits picked for export have to be taken in while they are unripe so they can be put to a store while they are still good right?

I double dare you to take a fruit of your choice, leave it out till it begins to rot, then put it in the fridge for 3 weeks, then put it out on the shelf for 3 more days and then put it on your mouth like you may do to a rotting fruit that's rotting, shipped in a fridge for 3 weeks, then sitting on the shelf for couple more days. All the while thanking your favorite jew for the tasty treat.
Where do you think Tangerine orchads are located you tard? Are you willing to pay to transport them hundreds of thousands of kilometers? All the locals already bought as much as they could at around $50 peso the kilo, that's 4 cents per kilo.
How about those lazy fucks come out and get it themselves. I’m not getting paid to check and trucks shit to people for nothing. Much easier to either put a free sign up and you come get it. That’s what they do with the shitty apples around me.
Nopefag doesn't care about reality he can only handle strawmen in catfight scenarios
This is fake news. I can tell because I’ve seen fake news before.
>ita capitalism when the government steals money from people to give to farmers to destroy their food
a plane doesnt need 3 weeks to fly to china
do you have no trucks and airports in your nigger shithole?
Why does the farmer get to socialize his losses?
Thats the point and the joke
its not being given to the people for free as happens with communism
>So how does capitalism explain the farmers make money throwing away fruit?
They're not making money throwing it away. They're throwing it away.
>will they be bailed out by the rightwing communists socializing the losses but never the gains?
I don't know how you think government subsidies work, but they are socializing the gains (the food).
Removal of agricultural subsidies means that the production of food nobody needs is no longer happening and farm interests are reeeing about it.
the food here is being destroyed, not given to the people
the loss is being socialized, the farmer is being bailed out
Communism doesnt work, and the capitalist makes sure of it
idiot farmers. low iq brownoids. they could turn those tangerines into alcohol and sell it or hoard it. how retarded can farmers be? very retarded. or it's just communist virtue signaling because farmers seethe about cancelled subsidies lol
What are the losses in this situation.
imagine being such a seething cunt that you cry about your country getting better
my thoughts as well
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>take away the money from the people growing your food
lol so I was right. farmers being butthurt about removed subsidies. poor farmies now have to produce stuff people actually want. this breaks the brownoid farmer brain
>the food here is being destroyed, not given to the people
neither of those processes is making money
That's retarded. Once they stop giving them away for free the price stops being 0.
>there would soon be no more tangerines at all.
so a market opportunity would arise where you could grow tangerines and fetch premium prices because people want their succulent tangies
>let's convert this thing nobody wants into this other thing nobody wants
You're not sincere. Nobody is actually this retarded. You're using all your mental energy on coming up with the most retarded shit imaginable instead of actually thinking about these subjects.
If you try to grow or distribute food a portion will go to waste. The larger the scale the more loss in tonnage. The picture has nothing to do with subsidies or any of your fantasies, it's just a retarded nigger yapping about things it has no clue about.
Real capitalism has never been tried.
>The farmer should already be bankrupt for failing to produce the correct amount

Farming is one of the few industries that should be paid to overproduce. You'd rather your country have too much food than too little. If you have to bury a few oranges because you grew too many, that is better than people starving.
because the government tells them to silly
His first sentence is objectively wrong. Farmers don't make money by throwing the food away.
This, these could be rotten or otherwise unsalable where it's not worth the cost of transport to the distributor
It doesn't work either. Without food subsidies a hostile foreign government can subsidize their food and then sanction you when you're dependent on their food.
Sometimes doing this ia good for soil replenishment, you can do it for a varoety of crops and juat let them fixate the aoil with nutrients etc
We dont know the full story, but qorse things happen when there is food in abundance
Famine is largely manmade, so is starvation
>thread full of retarded cattle defending this shit
Can't believe how dumb most people are.
You're claiming he isn't sincere while acting like farmers don't purposely control prices by destroying food. How ironic
Yes they do you dumb cunt, this has already been discussed ITT, by throwing it away they keep prices high. They lose nothing by destroying food they don't sell, but keep making money by controlling the supply
A picture of a truck dumping fruit does not even slightly imply any fraud is happening. Nothing the retard or you said showed any insight into any form of fraud or how to mitigate it.
they aren't making any money by throwing it away though
Sounds like a capitalism issue
>my tiny brain can only focus on one thing at once, and since i looked at a picture in the op my focus can only remain on that
I’ve worked in this field at a distribution center. If prices drop below what it costs to box and ship them, then you lose money on every box. Ergo, dump them. It fertilizes the fallow fields too. It’s all basic. No one is “profiting” from a price downturn. It’s impossible to predict future prices. If a frost doesn’t happen, you get a surplus of inventory.
I can't stand you dumb niggers, I explained how they do in the end, but you just repeated the exact same thing I replied to.
Bunch of fucking bots
Yeah how did the UK survive up to this point without globalism?
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Exactly this. Someone sells too many tangerines => tangerine price crashes => tangerine farmers go bankrupt. It's all basic economics and has happened many times throughout human history, yet somehow /pol/chuds still fail to grasp the concept.
farmers only go bankrupt in communist countries
It was the globalism
Only Democrats can suffer
1. supply and demand, if theres too much supply and not enough demand, no one buys the fruit, farmers can store it briefly, but it doesnt keep for long, so if they cant sell it it goes to waste.

2. No, its because no one is buying the fruit.

3.Because they don't need it or already have all they do need and don't want anymore, or they simply dont have room to store any more.

4. They do, but crops take alot of time to grow, and economic conditions can change drastically between the moment a fruit tree is planted and the moment it starts producing sellable fruit, imagine 1 farmer decides to grow fruit, another sees this, and decides to do it too, and then a few more ect. ect. too many farmers all chasing the same good idea turns it into a bad one because now there's more of this fruit than the market has demand for and theres too many farmers all producing the same crop, if the market just buys it all up anyway, the price of the fruit crashes, and they lose money on every sale, they avoid this happening, by buying their quota, and nothing more.

5. a bad year can destroy farms, some can be sent into massive debt, i dont know anything about how bailouts work for farmers if they do at all.
>not making tangerine juice
>not making citrus scented soaps and candles for le lady
the waste is the fault of the retarded farmer, not some stupid jew kike.
Yeah cause they have capitalism there
>why not make more shit that nobody wants
Niggers probably
Get in here Canada Anons

Can afford
>hundreds of thousands of kilometers
i didn't know argentina had a moon mission planned
Those are tangerines that are close to rotting.
What you propose might work for apples, which kept correctly last for months.
But then they wouldn't have this problem to begin with.
guess the things you farm out there in mexico are never out of demand heheheheheheheh

jokes aside yes they do they did and they will do, although food as a market is far less volatile than more "modern" things
>fruits rots in weeks
>make shit that lasts more than a couple weeks
>wow money
I know this sounds crazy but in america we buy food from middle and south america constantly. It's space age technology!
>Why doesnt the farmer only grow as much as they can sell and do their business?
At the scale these farms are operating at, economies of scale mean that planting an extra 100% fruit costs like 1% more money. They're better off WAY overplanting and throwing a bunch out than risking underplanting and having unmet demand. You can always keep an extra orange on a tree a little longer and maybe sell it later in the season, but you can't plant new trees mid season and have them ready in a moment's notice.
>Why doesnt the farmer only grow as much as they can sell and do their business?
There's a lot of variation in production due to acts of God (fair or violent weather)
You want them to produce a surplus in food, and throw away that which is not needed.
The stupid chud would ask why.
Because if there was a shortage, you'd starve to death you dumb ass. Simple as. They throw away the bounty to keep your idiot ass alive.
You sound like you're unable to put together any thought about any subject. All you braindead faggots have are meme words you parrot. As an exercise try avoiding using any of them.
Say something retard. It's always completely obvious that nigger yappers like you never have any experience distributing anything at scale or organizing any systems. You're talking about wasting fucking oranges in areas where ripe oranges are basically free already.
They are starving, yet there is supply
I wouldn't get tangerine scented soap even if you paid me to

>why not make shit that will sit in shelves for months

food isn't volatile precisely because we produce a shit ton of it nigger
>So how does capitalism explain the farmers make money throwing away fruit?
Easy, supply chain.
Thats the biggest issue for feeding people in the world, its not money, its not "Well people dont have money to buy them, so fuck them." Its supply chain.

The places those tangerines are grown everyone is eating them already, they cant/dont want anymore. So you might think. "I KNOW! lets give them to africa OMG why are you destorying them?!

Because they cant ship them there in time. Shipping those things coasts money, not even talking about a profit here we are talking about just coving the cost to ship them. You have to load those things up onto a ship, crew it, sail it across the fucking ocean, then get them to their destination. Which spoiler, most of those starving countries dont have the infrastructure to support moving all that shit.
It is a waste of time, and money to ship them across the sea to these starving countries only to have the fruits rot in the ships as they sail and then rot in the port because the destination has no fucking way of transporting or preserving them.

Its not a matter of "Muh greedy capitalist's" its a matter of, "We literally can not get the food to them in time before it spoilers and rots.
guess they should...

..find a job!
Tangerines are just retarded dwarf oranges that taste worse.
Basically every one of your posts has been "you're dumb" and nothing else. Gotta love pseudo-intellectuals
It is greed
Muh profit is greed
This is why we need communism. Hippity hoppity
do people even eat raw tangerines?
they seem like a straight-to-juice kind of fruit
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>So how does capitalism explain the farmers make money throwing away fruit?
It's more efficient in any system that produces goods that are only valuable for a short time to produce more than what you need because the penalty in long term sales for running out of something are greater than the penalty for a margin of waste.
On the personal scale this margin is very small. Scale up and the margin appears very large.

>why not simply export this shit to other countries? is the better question.
>you'd still make money and wouldn't have to throw away any of that shit.
Why doesn't your local pizza place take the leftover sauce from the bottom of the pot and ship it to africa?

Hey yknow you're wasting good nourishment throwing those apple cores away. You could sell those if you don't want them.
What have you said retard? I've given you many hints to follow if you're sincere and capable of figuring out that you're in fact fucking dumb. Absolute fucking cancer. The reason the world is ruled by jewish pop-sci articles.
This. I don't see why people have issues with working for free.
Theft is a good job
All the be best people do it
>Capitalism is when the government opens you up to liability for giving food away
>Capitalism is when the government taxes you for selling products but gives you tax breaks for destroying it
All the capitalist countries have obesity problems anyway.
The price can actually go negative if storage become expensive. Like when oil prices went negative during covid
better to live like cuba and north korea oh wait
See tradies failing to work yet want pau
>once again just says someone else is retarded while posting nothing of worth
Gain some self-awareness. All you do is repeat yourself over and over, you're not intelligent and every single post from you has been pointless drivel.
Healthy, happy, big family, no niggers
Such a waste of Good Citrus...
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Yeah until you forget to pray to a picture of fat boy kim one day so he executes your entire family
>the demand for the fruit is there, and so is the suply
Supply and Demand are variables, and they're relative, contextual.

People desire X good in Y place, but if that desire does not translate to sufficient demand (demand is not "I want to buy something"), that place might not get the good at all, because of the costs involved in bringing that good to that market.
I'm sure that's why thousands of cubans run away in makeshift rafts amirite
deflationary spiral proponents assert that market collapses will be so severe and final, that the knowledge and desire to grow tangerines will be permanently lost
And for a regular business, that's fine. Food production is special in that it cannot be allowed to fully follow the free mark ebb and flow of booms and busts. This is because people need consistent food at regular intervals and prices to live. I can't eat a bunch of food for six months when it's cheap, then not eat again for another six months. It's one of the few good jobs of the government to subsidize and smooth out food production and prices so that no one starves to death.
It’s usually surplus production that they can’t sell per regulation or they’re literally paid by the government to not produce in order to inflate prices.
>no u
Weren't you going to say something relevant to the fucking oranges you mindless cancer? Don't you and your commie friend have a fucking point? Use your words retard.
>t. nigger
rest my case, tells us more when this primitive ape developed something better, I'll be waiting.
someone tell her about the US government paying farmers NOT to farm
Every pound a machine carries is extra fuel it burns.

This is actually why those very same ships will dump their empty cargo containers, it's literally cheaper to make new ones than the fuel it takes to bring them home.
yeah and they aren't going to your shithole country, wonder why millions of meshitcans flood the usa
Those are emergency tangerines the government paid for in case some other crop failed for some reason. There was no emergency, so the farmer dumped it.
No one in America is starving. They might be malnourished due to not eating a healthy diet, but in terms of straight calories to stay alive, no one in America is starving. If you don't have the money for food there are numerous options between EBT, food banks, churches, and a dozen other ways to make sure you're at least getting enough food to stay alive.
Like Biden and niggers
You mean criminals?
So you just cried about buzzwords and now you post "no u" followed by "commie". What a dumb nigger, zero self-awareness.
americans are the ones moving to Mexico actually
Thanks for making it obvious you're just a shit tier troll
Yeah they throw it away or give it away at that point to cut loses
>That remains the point
>The farmer does not suffer for capitalism, only the middle class
Subsidies are socialist.

Free market means minimal government intervention.
Giving a company tax money is intervention.
>So how does capitalism explain the farmers make money throwing away fruit?
The government here MAKES them do it, just like in the UK they have a quota and that is as much as they are ALLOWED to produce before they are fined.
Shit corrupt useless leadership always ruins all models capitalism, communism, etc all fail because the leadership is weak and corrupt.
>the uk couldnt domestically produce and sustain its own populations food needs if it wanted to
Urbus Delenda Est.
Enjoy your garbage, paco.
You are one of the most delusional subhumans I've had the misfortune of responding to on here. Can't believe you just tried to claim your people don't flee to the states constantly
What is wrong with you? Why are all you commies the exact same dishonest and deranged tranny freaks?
So what is the wisdom in trashing these instead of selling them at a loss? I would assume trashing them gets them zero dollars.
I have already invented the Limau Mirah in my mind!
It's mandated by the government.
Now you're throwing in tranny too. You really are a dumb nigger
I'm going to say though this is probably due to so many restaurants closing all over the world that the demand has dropped, they are trying to keep prices high.
>Does the farmer go broke for failing to sell.
Without government support yes, its also an added expense to give it away. Sure you can easily leave bags of oranges by the roadside free to passing cars.
But those farms are isolated from population centers it presents a very large cost to try and transport the produce quickly to a place it can be given away. Then you have to look at distribution and packaging, with no money or demand for them those oranges could be at best dumped at a local sports ground or park.
They aren't dumping it because they're greedy, they literally cannot afford to give them away.
Brown people would rather buy flaming hot cheetos than healthy tangerines full of vitamin C, that's the issue here.
>Nooo they don't last, but muh scamdem8c
If society wasn’t gay as fuck ,food, housing etc would all be free and not shit the way the WEF wants it. The unwashed plebs would he happy working because we arrange big parties where they can get high on the safest intoxicants we can make and consumables they can purchase using their worker coins. Even the hordes or retarded people can just be used for energy and data mining purposes.

Monogamy could have fair consequences for the woman so women have the illusion of free choice when we can just financially and chemically steer them toward what we want using simple methods like propoganda.

I’m just tired of retarded people deciding everything and ruining everything, we can’t even have an open dialogue about this because people’s small mind couldn’t even handle it. That’s why we have these gay secret societies fucking everything up. Anyways keep working for money you can’t even responsibly spend and lose instantly to taxes anyways. Shit’s about to be replaced anyways. Waste is a sin or whatever.
Go get them faggot. Tons and tons of free slightly damaged and fermenting fruit. You'll make tens of dollars.
>They are starving,
Who died of starvation in the united states?
How many?

Everyone who starves to death in the united states is a baby (food present but withheld by murdering parents) or an invalid (meth addled lunatic who refuses to go into the soup kitchen).

The Free market defeated starvation more than half a century ago.
2 choices:
>throw away fruit, losses are limited to the cost of production since that's the end of it

>ship tangerines to a market where there is demand
>pay for packaging, loading, refrigeration, transportation, offloading, distribution
>revenue earned from selling tangerines is lower than the cost of the above,
>losses are greater than they originally would have been
It controls the supply going out which keeps prices higher. It's all about maximizing profits or avoiding taking a loss.
This shit happens everywhere too, I always see Canadians on here complaining about the "dairy cartel" which keeps the prices of dairy products high
When people weren't leaving their homes to go out and eat is pretty easy to see how they would be an excess that you need to get rid of.
You are THE tranny cancer that makes the internet unusable.
The US is 99% literate
"starving" people don't want fruit, they want free coca cola and mcdonalds
Usually they use vids of other countries or other years, more when is against a non leftie president as jewish Milei
>Farmers in Argentina helped the steel 4 years ago
Why do they only have Jewnited States brands, not ethnostated domestic brands?
Centralism is going the way of the dodo. Local power is king.
There's no such thing as "free this free that BUT NOT THE WEF WAY REEEE".
The middle class always shoulders the highest burden for tax, for subsidy, for "muh free shit".
The white always shoulders the highest burden for these as well.
The Man shoulders the vast majority of the burden.

Free means stolen, and it always really means stolen from white middle class men.
Go fuck yourself.
On average, 79% of U.S. adults nationwide are literate in 2024.

21% of adults in the US are illiterate in 2024.

54% of adults have a literacy below a 6th-grade level (20% are below 5th-grade level).

Low levels of literacy costs the US up to 2.2 trillion per year.

34% of adults lacking literacy proficiency were born outside the US.

Massachusetts was the state with the highest rate of child literacy.

New Mexico was the state with the lowest child literacy rate.

New Hampshire was the state with the highest percentage of adults considered literate.

The state with the lowest adult literacy rate was California.
Juice them. Freeze juice. What's so hard?
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Why not lower the prices?
Even if they sell at a loss, it will still be better that no profit at all.
Is it just a Jewish thing?
>i would rather make no money and make them suffer than make less money
>The US is 99% literate
What the fuck does that have to do with anything I said?

I asked you first. Who died of starvation in America and how many of them were there?
You have to have the infrastructure first, till then you have X days to deal with the excess product. You need to spend money on the infrastructure first. Then you need a customer to buy all that crap from you.
Besides it's not going to go to waste, it's going to be fed to pigs or reprocessed into fertilizer. But of course Twitter niggers and OP fags don't understand that.
Hi bot
It's capitalism
People might want the lower price more
>food, housing etc would all be free
Anyone that believes this must provide free blow jobs to anyone. Fair is fair.
You must be one of those adults with a sixth grade reading/writing level
Storage and transport costs are a thing. It costs money to bring items to market.
Correct, then the price quintuples because there are fewer suppliers in operation
>Why not lower the prices?
Lower the price too much and you're literally losing money on a sale because you spent money to bring the fucking orange to market.

You've got too many oranges.
Do you accept the loss, or do you waste more money driving those extra oranges to a supermarket in the hopes that people will buy twice as many oranges in one week because they're cheaper?
government subsidizes tangerine farming with taxes and money printing
tangerine farmers produce a gigantic amount of tangerines
people get poorer due to taxes and inflation rises due to money printing
no one can afford tangerines or anything else now
the millions of tangerines that took many man hours and resources to produce get just plain thrown away to rot

this has been happening for a long time in countries all around the world with all kinds of things not just food
>the fruit rots because people don't have the money to buy it
why not just give it away then
Dumb bong.
Fermented fruit to produce alcohol to burn in the farm equipment engine.
you don't understand, by throwing away the tangerines, they limit their losses strictly to the cost of the raw materials and labor required to produce them

if they shipped the tangerines to another market where there's nonzero demand, they wouldn't be able to sell them at a high enough price to turn a profit on the cost of shipping and distribution

by throwing away the tangerines they're limiting their losses, if they sold the tangerines in a different market, then their loss would be even greater
>I'm so hungry if only I had some tangerines right now
who said you have to transport them
Its always the people who produce nothing, who provide nothing and give nothing to anyone that always have the most to say about someone else's generosity. Call me an edgelord if you want to, but this is yet another indicator of someone who evil
Black people shouldn’t be allowed opinions on economics, agriculture, civilization or any kind of complex system
> Export it to other countries
This feeds the nigger
make alcohol and export it dumb farmers.
I only left for a half jour walk, how is this so popular?
Why do dumb lefty niggers always treat capitalism as some authoritarian system forced onto us by some shadowy, nebulous power? It is just the upscaled version of natural human enterprise/commerce. It requires little maintenance since most people are happy and free within it. It is any other system that must be forced from above to contain human freedom.
Employees are paid by the hour. For the cost of informing people about the free tangerines, organizing when they can come onto your property for the tangerines, shepherding them around your fucking work site so they don't get in the way or get run over, bla bla bla oh I tripped in a fucking pothole I'm suing your company, I got lost on your property and did a handful of methamphetamine that's your fault, it's not worth it.
I doubt these are some remote hinterland where only tik tokkers go to talk with crow shamans
Farmers should go broke like whites
some money or no money is the question here
Lots filled with brand new cars in the US, and whole cities in China, come to mind. Capitalism and communism are just two sides of the same shekel. I choose a third position.
they never want to admit this, the same way they never want to admit why communist countries always go on a killing spree and are always super authoritarian
Broadly speaking, the market.

Dumb bong.
Its why you should kill a mere 2500 people and the planet gets markedly better
lol then go where they trashing them and just take them? what's the problem?
>capitalism isnt real, it cant be
Fascinating, show me the places where everything is held in common and there is no currency
it takes resources to sell or give things away for free you know?
and its a double effect, even if it didnt cost money to distribute tangerines, if they give them away for free then next time people are going to want them for free again, the government will say, look! tangerine subsidies were a success! as the economy implodes under the weight of taxation and money printing, and then the government will try it again, and the tangerine farmers will go bankrupt, no more money for them and no more food for the people, this is what happens in socialist countries, they just force the farmers to give it away for free out of their own pocket, essentially theft, and everyone starves to death
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>some money or no money is the question here
>accept marginal cost or incur extra cost to bring something to market
Transportation costs money.
Storage costs money.
Markets have a saturation limit for any specific good, i.e. people will not infinitely scale up the number of oranges they buy as the price goes down. With goods that go bad, this means there's always waste.

This is why you'll waste all the money you manage to get in your faggot hands.

>Farmers should go broke like whites
Every white man would be wealthy if we weren't shouldering the burden of browns.
what's wrong with destroying food that will rot regardless. you're not going to ship perishables to shitholes like africa. dumbass
Your example is correct but i think it's clearly a symptom of all socialist policies
Theft always destroys prosperity, you are inherently reducing the productive capabilities of man by stealing resources, there is no reason for it and it destroys wealth because it is irrational, the use of resources are far more productive in the hands of rational people who don't steal
that transport sists idle
it makes no money if not incurring it for birthing and more
every revolution is more lost money
more and more it will spiral down and people lose money in wider and wider areas
>muh africa
its nice to see how rightwingers abuse their chocolate elder gods
man is sinful, not rational
>everyone is free!
>everyone is happy!
You people are perfect examples of a boiling frog. Keep your heads buried in sand like the good goys you are.
>Capitalism and communism are just two sides of the same shekel. I choose a third position.
Capitalism is a meaningless term crudely redefined by marxist "intellectuals" so that they had something they felt more comfortable arguing against rather than Free Trade.

Free Trade is nothing more and nothing less than the idea that in voluntary exchanges between two citizens, third party interference should be kept to a minimum so long as rights are being respected.

This idea, to the degree it has been put into practice, has consistently produced prosperity and strength for the society it was permitted in. There is no "third position", there is only a sliding scale of government interference in voluntary exchange, and a long history of more government interference resulting in exponentially growing negative consequences.
So how much of your money are you willing to give up in taxes to have excess fruit shipped to Africa?
man can certainly be rational even if sinful, but not all are
>that transport sists idle
Every box on a truck is more gas spent.
There was here but the bankruptcy is more to do with the loans that are now due back after they took them out to pay staff that had to stay at home.
I will give you there are more remote workers now so cities are dead-er than they were, rent increases to make up for commercial spaces being empty (monetary loss from investment firms etc) but the recent lot will be loan repayments.
if i give you 5 dollars for an orange
and you give me an orange
without any violent interference from anyone else
thats BAD!

dont you get it? stealing good peace bad, slavery is freedom, war is peace, ignorance is strength
And there is no money made without doing so
You keep showing how reductionist the system is and it can only trend to failure
Hence the need for government money to be injected
It costs money to move product to market and it costs money to sell that product at market. When the technology exists to freely teleport each tangerine to a table of the hungry, that might become a viable option. Until then, the foodstuff is cycled back into the earth.
YOU CANNOT ANON, think about
>muh carbon climate crisisssisisisisisisisis
Didn’t say that, nigger. Society going to shit isn’t capitalism, it’s the breakdown of trust/fraternity in society due to every bond of fellowship (racial, religious, cultural, etc.) between Western men being severed or eroded.
>It's better to not have enough food than too much food.
Communism 101
>Food grows instantly and you don't need to wait half a year to see what demand will be.
Communism 102
>You can export food by knowing the demand in advance to account for ripening during shipping time.
>Advance Communism 103
These are the same people who will go door to door, begging for food, two weeks after a collapse.
>its not the system that concetrates money in fewer and fewer hands, its the lack of trust in a system built on greed
So what year(s) was "real" capitalism being practiced?
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>everybody's happy
>everybody's free
based fellow dave matthews enjoyer
Capitalists cant forsee a collapse from their actions and dont prepare
Communists being violent revolutionaries killing capitalist are prepared by incidental usage
Go on, tell me how the capitalists will fare so well when they cant watch their tik toks and drink starbucks in their uggs, while the communist only has their life improved by looting the capitalist
We're talking about Argentina mate, the margins on selling a tangerine in a country that is broke as fuck would be nearly non-existent as it is, lowering the price beyond a certain threshold would could cost you more in fuel and labour than any return you'd get selling them putting you further into debt with every discounted tangerine you sold.

Every farmer in Aus has experienced it for one reason or another and had to make those absolute fucked calls to stay in business.

On the upside the shit never truly goes to waste, it goes back into the soil, it goes to livestock, birds and marsupials go nuts, everyone in the local community gets as much free whatever as they can humanly consume etc
>Hence the need for government money to be injected
There's no such thing as "government money" only stolen tax money.

>And there is no money made without doing so
The devil is in the details there my autistic friend. It's not that transporting a good costs money, it's that the price of that transportation must be justified by the profit made when the good is sold.

Thus, price has a minimum requirement to represent the cost of bringing a good to market, and any price under that point is only increasing loss, not "making extra money"
If you sell it cheaper to get rid of it, it pushes down the price. Next time it comes to sell your stuff, the customer will simply wait until the end of the day to get it for cheap.
Or that's the fear. People won't. They can't afford to stand around all day with a horde of other people, waiting for you to drop the price so they can rush in. It's not Black Friday every day.
Any years without a monopoly central bank
>Anon has never ever talked with a farmer
And it shows.
I'm not pro-capitalism, I'm anti-judaism.
>The system that
Socialist ideas concentrate power and thus, resources.

As western society implemented further and further degrees of free trade, it prospered. As it has implemented greater degrees of government interference, it has suffered.
>can't answer because he doesn't know anything
>just brings up central banking and calls it a day
God damn you people are stupid
Stuff like this is always a coordination/information problem. There's a farmer somewhere who made a decision based on incomplete information and while the tangerines could get used, they can't get used by the farmer without losing money, and nobody's going to help him out of that problem. Which is all probably downstream of some subsidy somewhere.

Probably the critique against the free market here is just that coordination problems of this sort are built into the system. Nobody's supposed to be working together too closely so problems of this sort must happen. To which the free market response is that it's impossible to have higher levels of coordination and therefore it's better to have the coordination problems than try to fix it.
Free trade is a matter of degrees.
To the extent it has been permitted, men have prospered.
To the extent it has been suppressed, men have suffered.

The vast majority of economic problems, followed through to their source, come from government interference in voluntary exchanges.
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The relative degree of free trade I have been able to engage in has allowed me to arm myself sufficiently to laugh at your "revolutionaries" half of whom are dying of venereal disease.
The supply of food especially non durable ones are always inelastic in the short run. The simple fact is that famers cannot store food for too long as this will spoil, because of this there is no reservation demand for the good leading to the supply curve being perfectly inelastic. If food was able to be stored through refrigeration then the story would be different but Argentina simply doesn’t have the capital to carry out those activities or it’s too expensive to pull off. It’s also doesn’t help that these surpluses have been a problem for the longest while now way before Milei came into power and with the contraction in government spending subsidies in agriculture are gonna fall as many famers dump excess stock and may even go out of business. The upside is that is that market can begin to heal and equilibrium price will be set on the market rather than one government tried to set.
Money comes from the gov
Taxes cant be stolen as shown in the Bible

But that is my point, the more focus oin the profit, the less the system can function
Its reductionist as each leg must take more money than it pays
It simply cant add up at the end of the day
>but theyre the same thing
It did not prosper, it floundered and required frequent wars to acquire new resources as it could work with what it had
Again, 103% of cost to make profit is now worth canceling anything over, it must be greater
Explain where the 3% came from and now even greater sums?
And yet its still less than some due sitting in the khyber pass since the 70s, or a dude in an asian jungle the same
and utterly pails to an american in the 1800s
>Socialist ideas concentrate power and thus, resources.
Nice simple way to put it
Of course socialists are going to argue that concentrating power somehow spreads resources but that's obviously delusional, powerful entities are going to suck up resources
>socialism is profit
EVERYONE is self-serving
Some are just so incapable of competing fairly that they seek other avenues to advancement
>A profile of the average Leftist:
>Using the data compiled above, we can construct a basic psychological profile of the typical Leftist. This will not apply to every Left-Wing individual, but it can serve as a general framework for understanding and dealing with Leftists. So, generally speaking…
>Leftists believe that life is fundamentally unfair, likely due to their undesirable physical characteristics (shortness, ugliness, weakness, etc.).
>This causes neuroticism and leads to self-obsession and spiteful envy.
>They lose all concern for group interests and focus exclusively on advancing their own standing in society.
>As they cannot get ahead in fair competition, they resort to underhanded, manipulative, and psychopathic strategies.
>This manifests as behaviors like victimhood/virtue signaling, gaslighting, and other forms of coercion and emotional abuse.
>To disguise their nefarious and self-serving aims, they proclaim a universal love for humanity, nature, or the even entire material universe.
>They collaborate with other outcasts and potentially dangerous out-groups to exact vengeance on their perceived “oppressors,” by which they mean normal people.
>However, they will happily betray (“cancel”) their friends and allies, who they value as little as inert objects like rocks, for social gains.
>Leftist ideology can thus be summarized as an attempt to climb the social ladder via underhanded tactics, such as eliminating the competition by promoting “equality,” i.e. dragging everyone down to their level: The gutter. Leftism is a strategy for losers to take power and resources from winners.
>equilibrium price will be set on the market rather than one government tried to set.
Not only that but new economies may be generated like animal feed, shipping to countries like africa or even technologies or medicines at bare minimum the quality of that farmers next yield may improve and hell less fertilizer should the climate crisis lefties not be cheering?
Still no answer to my question
You people are all dumb as shit
>The upside is that is that market can begin to heal and equilibrium price will be set on the market rather than one government tried to set.
This sounds great in theory but in reality its not that pretty.

Talk to any farmer, the price is being set by the market, but the market isn't the consumer, it's the middle men. It's the cunts gatekeeping your produce from the consumer. It's the cunt lying about demand to create an oversupply in order to short change you leaving you in a position where you have no choice but to get bent over or go out of business.
Didn't say that retard
Whether you call it profit or taxation or whatever money and resources are on average going to end up most in the hands of the most powerful, giving rights and freedoms to the smallest units of society peacefully decentralises that power, not in some socialist central bureau violent dictatorship
It's funny that socialists get so stuck on words and they can't even understand simple ideas
>Subsidies are socialist.
You are mentally ill, you can only think in -isms.
You don't have to put everything in the socialism or capitalism box
>Our system of central banks that leach money from your country, and our companies that unfairly compete as a judaic monopoly, have made your county inefficient; you must therefore give jewish interests more centralized control of every aspect of your life to solve the problem.
Why is communism pushed so hard on /pol/ by glowniggers?
>you dont know what you said, let me repeat what you said
just remind them that if it has money its capitalism as communism has no money
Logical nigger people have been addicted to gibs nipple. Now they work and don't have time to buy fruit.
>taxation is the same as profit
meaningless gibberish
It’s warlords. Modern starvation largely happens in war zones or failed states where hard men writer cut off food completely or take all the aid shipments for themselves to starve the people of their enemy and control the people in their territory.
>communism has no money
nor food
communism has no money hahahaha how much of an ideologue do you have to be to believe this?
money =/= currency
Taxation is biblical, profit is not
Nah it has plenty of food, its why its always a thought in right winger's minds
>nooo stop pointing out the system that abolishes money abolishes money to exist
You buy the organic pure salt
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>this is probably some fake and gay shit, that has nothing to to at all with what she is saying it does
Provably. I fucking love tangerines.
>Nah it has plenty of food
Is that why anyone coming from old soviet union was so surprised at how full grocery stores were of food outside their country?
They were confused and astounded by the many brands
for them, they just had the local brands
The amount of food was the same, just how it was presented
just like the US used have government food that was freely distributed to whites, but that was stopped soince whites must suffer
thats where teh government cheese meme came from

>noun: currency; plural noun: currencies

> 1.
> a system of money in general use in a particular country.
> "the dollar was a strong currency"
youre obsessed with making up retarded definitions of words that make no sense to fit your reality detatched worldview
neither socialism nor communism abolish money in the real world youre delusional
don't know what schizo gibberish youre saying
are they at least putting it in a compost pile?
>they just had the local brands
>Empty shelves are local brands.
Who will pay to transport it? How much will you donate?
>Yeah how did the UK survive up to this point without globalism?
much much lower population
>they dont abolish money thats why its communism
ah yes, you are selling me a fine grade of steel here chink, theres no iron in it
>empty shelves
ah yes, like they were in covid?
>no they told the truth here, just beleive it
Hey remeber how they had to shut down the east german apartment exhibit for giving the wrong conclusions?
>nooo you arent supposed to wonder why its bigger and better furnished than your 2 thousand euro apartment
>definitions don't change
>mRNA injection is a vaccine
>assault weapons is a real word
>a promissory note with threats by the government is the same as an asset
Imagine being this retarded, that you use jewish dumbed down emotional lingo, and then get upset when someone tries to show the difference.
Prices crash
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You mean dollars?
Can't blame him. Everybody uses the two interchangeably. Nobody says "do you have currency" irl.
>the "mass starvations" during covid, after the government went socialist hellhole because trump might win again
>people tried to flee to east germany, i promise
double kek
I’m sure they were being subsidized to grow this fruit. If they weren’t retarded they’d find something else to do with it. Why not make juice? Extract the oil from the peel? This just seems silly and probably incorrect.
Nah, I get you are stupid, but your act is funny
Its the same as when someone argues sex and gender
You know you have won as you are not doing a technical argument where the specific words must be used
>Money comes from the gov
The government creates nothing you retard, it steals from the people.

>But that is my point, the more focus oin the profit, the less the system can function
You havent made a fucking point. Bringing an object to market must be justified against the cost of that action. That's just fact.

>It did not prosper
Well, you're just fucking wrong, and the historical record shows it an innumerable number of times.

>Again, 103% of cost to make profit is now worth canceling anything over, it must be greater
>Explain where the 3% came from and now even greater sums?
You made the figures up and your sentence structure suggests you barely even speak English.

>And yet its still less than some due sitting in the khyber pass since the 70s, or a dude in an asian jungle the same
What dumb shit point are you trying to make here?

Do you think that the Vietnamese could have conquered the united states you fucking retard?
Cause smart people dont participate in capitalism
>You mean dollars?
That's changed popular definition as well. Used to mean a certain weight of silver, now it means who knows what. You can thank the federal reserve for that.
>the demand for the fruit is there, and so is the suply

RETARD. Life is not "I want good, you have good, give me good."

Someone has to deliver the orange.
Someone has to keep the orange refridgerated.
Someone has to pay customs on the orange. Someone has to insure the orange.
Someone has to stock the orange.
>it it steals, God orders you give money to thieves

>you keep showing the system is unsustainable and I just dont want to admit it

They did
I see the vietnamese existing, i do not see the US
>Still no answer to my question
>What year was real free trade
>"Free trade is a scale, you have less or more of it at any time"
Sliding scales exist, retard.
>noo you cant hold that my stupidity is going to be respected
Again, you keep showing that its not simple supply and demand,t here are many parts, and all they come back to say humans arent worthy
>autism is a spectrum
Yeah we get it you're a retard and have no real answer
You're trying to argue that east germany was better, even though the east germans shot other east germans for wanting to go west. People literally gambled their life to go west and you've got some dumb shit about furniture.
You are literally retarded.
>Using the threat of lethal violence to take someone's pay from them while using that pay to harm them isnt theft because Jesus told a sniveling faggot that if he wanted things from the romans he'd have to play by their rules.

First off, learn how to use the quote system you fucking drunk.
>They did
You're fucking retarded..
Capitalism is built on one simple idea - never give people something for free and on an ongoing basis, because they won’t work and do anything at all
Food should primarily be for food. Food should not primarily be for money. You are part of the problem and the point went right over your head.
>The commie panics when you plainly speak about free trade
Bet you think the holocaust happened too
Leftists cheer as less animal fertilizer means less carbon, nope they are silent well I guess they have other priorities climate does not mean so much when you are trying to shit on a government for giving power back to the market/citizens.
>the direction brain can only think in black and white
Single digit IQ
Capitalism is a marxist term idiots have adopted.
It's a psyop. Free trade is what you mean, and there's no argument against it. Marxists are even afraid of the name.
I already told him the years, any years without a central bank, he just didn't like the answer.
Nobody has money. This jew has emptied our pockets. Industries are working at 50% capacity. Why would they make juice or extract the oil if there is noone to buy them? They can't export it neither cause our currency is artificially being high against USD so our exports are not competitive

What is wrong is that ppl don't have enough money to buy fucking tangerines
>Freaks out when you point out a term describes a scale
Isn't dropping tons of oranges in one spot and letting them rot an excellent way of revitalizing the ground there? I remember there being experiment about that
Can't they make tangerine hooch or something...?
When commies feel like they've lost they just spam till bump limit.
Even storing long term stable goods still costs money.
>any year
I know you're a dumb nigger and you think that was a valid answer, but no one lived in a capitalist society in the year 200.
>b-but people could trade some milk for bread
You're a simpleton
>we already exported out quota of food
>gubmint tells farmer to feed the homeless and shitskin hordes

I'd dump that shit and use it as fertilizer too
>Bet you think the holocaust happened too
Only on the east side according to communists, ironically.
Look, just admit you're a midwit. Tards can lead normal lives.
More drivel from the direction brained goy, you have been completely mind broken by kikes
make alcoholic beverages
give them away cheap
> or will they be bailed out by the rightwing communists socializing the losses but never the gains?
Right wing commies, this retarded faggot trying to gaslight us topkek. Watch fucking bitch ass leftyz are going to be annoying and parrot this shite repeatedly.
>its not the right kind of retarded commie.
>east german bad, west cant change
yep, capitalists hate it if you walk off without making them profit
Show me where the concept of money is gone and everything is shared equally
you wont
>yep, capitalists hate it if you walk off without making them profit
Commies don't know what profit is let alone what a wonan is.
Funny, your retorts are as basic as the economics you peddle
>year 200
I don't give a shit about your country or your blood sucking queen. Mints existed without a central bank. Banks existed without a central bank. Read a book.
Communists and agriculture do not mix. They wish they had food to waste.
>stop exposing me for being a retard, just admit you're wrong and i'm right
>brings up trannys on top of it all
Yep, it's a retard with brain rot just like most of the mongs in here.
Nothing but buzzwords and 4chan brain rot tier responses.
>Read a book.
Fucking hell go back to twitter tou low IQ nigger. Nothing in your post has anything to do with what was being discussed, you are genuinely nigger tier retarded, like most Americans are.
>makes argument about east vs west germany
>gets schooled
>but, but, but west germany can make bad decisions too
>gets schooled
you didnt read and are stuck spouting the wonderful propoganda drilled into you
If communism always fails, why did the US need to invade and coup so many countries?
Why did the commie countries all became these big giant threats to the US?
Crafty homeless already know how to access said fruit.
You can't get rid of flies with honey unless you bury flies and honey in a pit out back with a backhoe.
This is a filter, though.
Without any filters at all the entire Earth
would've been overrun
with utter abominations long ago.
Think, if you will, since I know you boys love your moves n such lol and comparing everything to them THINK of:
Cabin in the Woods
The ending. How the entire planet ran on blood sacrifice. But reality has the sacrifice as much much larger scale.


They're taking about immunity from the law and looking at Trump but didn't we already have records of Bill Clinton on Lolita Express, not just a bunch of picture of him Epstein, actual flight logs of Bill Clinton, Kevin Spacey, a bunch of Hollywood stars, some Black comedian who was big at the time. The guy with the high voice?
Anyways: Clinton on Epstein Pedo Express .
I called BS on Trump
Where are you on Bill Clinton?
Where are with this, shills?
What's the fish here?
How's the case coming?
No one is above the law, right?
>i'm so upset that i won't even engage in dialog to accompany my shitposting
>Show me where the concept of money is gone and everything is shared equally you wont
Fuck your distribution of wealth concept. Its not an argument. Because theres no country other commies that's not failing other than China but for some retarded reason China is not the right kind of it because if dumass echo chambers on X and plebbit Which in on it self insanly stupid. Cry more
Now you're resorting to "u mad". If you aren't trolling you are genuinely the dumbest nigger ITT. Somehow even more retarded than the faggot from Iceland.
You are a kike slave, you are fully brainwashed and you will die for Israel soon.
>why did the US need to invade and coup so many countries?
What part of "I am anti-judaism" do you not understand?
>noo stop making me have to show where communism was practiced
Your arguments arent consistent
You can barely type in English. Fucking embarrassing.
>Funny, your retorts are as basic as the economics you peddle
Commies dont know no shit about making money, dont gaslight bitch. Thats why Budlight and Game Journos are fucking tanking.
Explain the soviet invasion of Afghanistan, was that not an attempt coup that resulted in the collapse of the USSR?
The Red Army got btfo by Osama bin Laden and Ahmad Shah Massoud
Commies dont use money
Nope, it was just as much a folly as everyone else
What crashed out the USSR was Reagan buying out the country
Can't argue with those numbers
>Yep, it's a retard with brain rot just like most of the mongs in here.
At least this dumb faggot admits it topkek.
>Nothing but buzzwords and 4chan brain rot tier responses.
Crymore go back.
wasted gets you fucking divvy irish mong
Hexes of 7 checked. Amazing.
>This queen's cuck resorting to only name calling and insults in his last ten posts after getting his shit pushed in.
All wars in Afghanistan are attempts to find the Ark of the Covenant. I think we sealed it off with the MOAB.
Sneks Chekt and Kekt
M-m-m-monster check!
you fucking nigger kike whore you wasted it potato nigger you absolute dense mongoloid
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other anon btfo by holy kek and a smarter poster
You admit to being a retard with brain rot? Niggers like you should be put down for the sake of making humanity better. Or are you such a dumb nigger you couldn't understand the post you just responded to?
Who taught you history? Mussolini?
>Commies dont use money
I know they use Chinese Social Credits topkek.
Wasted digits on gay shit.
>this dumb nigger had all of his arguments dismantled so he resorted to flagposting and being a disingenuous kike
Nope, thats money, hopw else can they block you from loans?
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damn son, i can't not check these digits.
congrats. very nice. not wasted.
>You admit to being a retard with brain rot? Niggers like you should be put down for the sake of making humanity better. Or are you such a dumb nigger you couldn't understand the post you just responded to?
Why do you keep saying nigger thats racist in your circles topkek. Talk about brainrot trolololololo.
It's very obvious your an inbred from some swamp in the middle of nowhere. Stop fucking your sister
>Nope, thats money, hopw else can they block you from loans?
Good thing i dont live in China, otherwise that weak ass threat would be an issue topkek.
>It's very obvious your an inbred from some swamp in the middle of nowhere. Stop fucking your sister
I bet you are brown and a paki.
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>Stop fucking your sister
Why is there such a problem with infertility within royalty?
Further proving my point and you're too stupid to realise it
You're lucky those weren't septs, nigger
Why do dumb niggers like you think anyone gives a shit about your obsession with the royal family? If you're so interested in them go find a thread about them. Low IQ ape
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Hahaha, fuck Russia.
But you do live in china, dont they own our politicians?
>no, you can't use my lame agruments against me, that's low iq
checked and potato nigger pilled
No one mentioned the royal family except you, you brain dead nigger. Putting "kek" at the end of every post doesn't hide how mad you are by the way, it makes it far more obvious.
Open palm ideology. They're supposed to crack down on the bad people but inevitably get so wrapped up in the way they can do it, they don't realise there's other pieces of the puzzle and that sometimes a little freedom is needed even if short term it hurts.

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