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Happy Canada day Canadabros! What's it like being a Canadian in 2024?
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Almost like what it was in 2023.

Have you watched your annual dose of Leaf History kino yet?
All because of beaver pelts.

Cool. Thanks for posting this, anon
it's like being a dog with his leash slammed in the trunk of a car
Everyone I know is a self hating white commie and I can't take this shit anymore
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And what are you doing about it?
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I started rewatching it last night and noticed something important in the first episode (new england, new france).
Because of Party politics in England, British forces weren't sent to defend the settlers. It's another example from history on why Canada needs to ditch the Party bias in Parliament because they do not govern effectively, EVER!
Parties only belong in Monarchies. They are a ruse meant to capitalize on the ignorance of the median voter. If Parties were eliminated, then it stands to reason such people would NOT vote because they would have no idea which candidate is "on their team" since they can't identify them by colours and stupid team titles.
In essence, it would act as some manner of intelligence filter. Sure, there would still be marketing campaigns trying to sway that median voter into the polling booth, but without the backing of Federal funding (which is the case now), it would be more expensive to engage in such propaganda as there would be no mechanism for remuneration.

Despite the U.S. getting their independence, they still made the horrible mistake of pushing the Party system in their Republic, going against all the warnings of George Washington.
And now the results of all that are clearly evident with the never-ending stories of corruption that come out of these Party-based governing structures. It's time for the "system" to evolve (devolve?) back into the ideal that was initially presented on the North American continent, where representation of the region is the vital factor, not some pompous display of the "sportsball" mindset.
Not sure there's much to celebrate, the country is being flooded with pajeets
There is fuck and all I could do about it because the entire community is like this.
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Watch the vids I posted if you don't have a decent grasp of the history of Canada (and by extension the US). The direction of the arrow of time can be estimated only by understanding how everything got to where it is.
Happy Canada Day.

It's good, defenetly much better then being indian or Chinese, or even worse nasty arab!

It's beautiful today, the sun is out, my bed is cozy, ac is on, my flags and lanterns are out and the flowers, tomato plantz paper plant snd teo cucumber plants are thriving which makes me cozy when I look out into to my balcony st me decorstions near them.
Not bad. Every decade our government does a deal with some 3rd world shithole to bring in millions of their people so we don’t have to work at Tim Hortons.
Thanks Gurpreet!
You really didn’t have to bring your little sister and hot cousins but I appreciate all the easy Desi pussy.
I agree. I think one of the big problems in Canada is the lack of civic engagement by the population. Its like everything was going steady for so long with any public effort, that people became completely disengaged.

So, to take you analysis, correct analysis, of people putting party before regional representative, that effectively becomes a problem when people do not participate in their regional politics. They don't join a party, so they have no say who will represent them.

It is funny but telling that peoples participation or interest in politics is focused more on the level that they have the least amount of power. A persons power at the federal level, voting, is essentially useless because their vote makes up such a small share of the total. A persons power, their vote, at a municipal level is far more powerful because their single vote makes up more of the total voting power.
The power people have in term of influence

Where people put their attention and interest

Long story short, we need good responsible citizens to turn off the sports and netflix and become engaged with municipal politics.
Well, I hope you are trying to do your best for yourself because its not good becoming demoralized and suffering from 'learned helplessness', although it is easy.
every day is worse than the previous
I am aware of Canadian history and glad to see you spreading it.
>Leafs have no history, goy!
>But you still need to be ashamed of it!

Trying. I got really bad fog brain right now just from daily interactions and being unemployed right now.
Thats tough, bro. I'm in the same boat. It sounds cliche, but exercise really helps. Doesn't matter what you do, just try and break a sweat everyday. Keeps the body stimulated.

And my method when dealing with people is to just force myself on them with friendliness. I dont care if they don't like it, and I don't care what their opinions are. The common socialization, for the general public, is either 'brief eye contact then scurry away' or 'quick banal talking points and cliches'. And everyone seems to be afraid of strangers. So, my game is to force people to talk with me. I am pleasant, good-humoured and act interested in them. But I force them to give me a real 5-10 minutes, even if they try and edge away. It is actually a lot of fun when I see them squirm in the face of a real person really talking with them.
>It sounds cliche, but exercise really helps.
I can confirm this, its just easier to do then others. Right now I literally can not do any, I think I pulled something when doing yard work.
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>What's it like being a Canadian in 2024?

Imagine being on a ship that is heading towards an iceberg for the last 5 years at a minimum. You tell everyone, "hey everyone, we are heading towards an iceberg and if we hit it our ship will sink." And of course no one believes you. "We have been heading toward that iceberg forever, nothing will happen"

Eventually, you hit the iceberg, and now the ship is sinking. Slowly right now. But there is now water up to your knees. So you say to everyone "Hey, we hit that iceberg, now we are obviously sinking due to there being water up to our knees. I was right about hitting that iceberg I am right about this." And of course no one believes you. "You were accidently right about hitting that iceberg, and it really wasn't a big deal. Water up to our knees really doesnt mean anything, in fact we have always had water up to our knees. Our ship hasn't sunk yet, therefore it will never sink. Stop being a conspiracy theorist, stop thinking so much. Have you seen the latest show on netflix?"

*Easier to do some days then others
I don't even get the "you were accidently right", people still deny we hit the iceberg and the few that do say that it's only a scratch and we are fine.
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>we need good responsible citizens to turn off the sports and netflix and become engaged with municipal politics.
That is likely the best short-term remedy. The United Front certainly understand that (ground-up approach) as they have infiltrated damn-near everything. While I am addressing the commanding heights, your suggestion is also vital, if not more so. The US understanding of the power at the local level is far more engrained than the Leaf's. I think with some of the stuff Danielle Smith has been doing in Alberta (flexing Provincial rights), it may kindle a broader flame that will push people to start taking more notice of Municipal politics. Admittedly, that is a weakness in me and I need to become more engaged.
Mental hell. Seeing a country you were comfy living rapidly devolve into India 2.0 is depressing. The "people" in charge doing everything they can to accelerate this demise leads to hopelessness. Unironically nuke us
The biggest issue is that leafs are so brainwashed they think everything needs to be handled on a country wide level, and provinces only have power in as so much on how to throw events
For people being dissatisfied nobody sure does fuck all. Even during the trucker protests people wanted to smoke weed then to actually act or plan things.

Canadians are so fucking lazy, and so they just cope by saying doing something wouldnt do anything anyway.

I had to teach my wife about simply emailing your MLA/MP to complain about shit, as they technically(supposedly) work to serve you.

After attending 3-4 COVID vax protests including milk river/coutts, she is redpilled as fuck.
Exactly. And yes, what Smith has been doing is excellent. As much as the 'intelligensia' love to attack any notion of Provincial loyalty, the fact remains that it is as important, if not more important, than federal loyalty.

And yes, my Municipal involvement is very week as well. Improvements to come.
people have to stop playing the left vs right game when it comes to provincial and municipal level politics. they arent the ones who control financial, immigration, or social policy at a high level, but they control key decisions that affect your life on a personal level like the building of new homes or the funding of education and healthcare. way too many retards equate new home builds to something that the chmc controls, but they are just reporting the numbers. zoning and building permits is entirely handled at the provincial and municipal level. if you want more homes to be built, then vote for the fucking municipal and provincial party that is going to build more homes.
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Get in here Canada Bros:
Use more VPNs instead because nobody cares
This was a big realization for me. When I really educated myself on the actual roles and responsibilities of the Provincial and Municipal level, and they are were people should be putting their energy. But when all the media talks about is federal, its easy for that to become a persons focus.

Another thing that my perspective has changed is the importance of jury trial. Something people are raised to despise and taught to avoid but is actually an incredibly powerful and important institution. Although it has been neutered, it is, essentially, the ability of the common man to have a say in law and justice. But I swear there has been a multi-decade long push to get people to hate jury trial so they legal bureaucracy can have more power in the common law system.
weed pushers ruined the country is why, far-right or far-left they're all retarded stoners here and weed is the drug of apathy
>But I swear there has been a multi-decade long push to get people to hate jury trial
Yeah, its the media saying how people are biased and racist while they rig juries with biased and racist towards whites
Well statistically, jury trials are a bad idea as they usually convict.

The one exception on that is home defense cases, always go Jury trial in those cases.
>no one posted the infamous leaf pasta yet
Canada is dead to me
They're all jeets up there so they wouldn't know. Maybe ask that faggot Justin.
A great book about the revolution that has happened in the justice system is A Brief History of Crime (also titled: The Abolition of Liberty) by Peter Hitchens. Although it is about the British justice system, it does record and explain the changes that have occurred beginning in the 1960s. A really interesting read.
>Canada is dead to me

To you and 35million other leafs, lol
canada is okay
but the jobs are not good and there is not houses for everybody
but it is very beautiful and clean. we will have BBQ at the beach
You talk like a poopjeet and your shits all retarded
sorry its over shitjeets
Wouldn't know, I left. But I keep hearing it's getting worse day by day.
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True except in my town you'd then be running up against the Hell's Angels an Italian Mafia (yes they still exist) so that's kind of a deterrent.
I for one welcome pajeet overlords if it means getting rid of them.
I love Serbia and Russia
Fuck Niggerbania
Fuck Niggkraine
Fuck Negroatia
Fuck Fakesnia
Fuck Monkeydonia
Fuck Bulgypsyaria
Basically just throngs of thousands of foreigners, everywhere. Canadians don't generally go to any mainstream event now.
If you want to kill HA just learn their names, ask for them by name, then when you get told their not here ask if their biker name is their.

Then you get entry. From there, it's on you.
Are fobby Indians shitting the streets of Canada to celebrate?
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364 days of the year, I'll speak ill of my country. But, on this, the 365th day, my country is the greatest in the world. Every other country can fuck themselves. Canada forever. Honk honk, boys, honk honk
>Canadians don't generally go to any mainstream event now.
And thats one of the biggest problems. Canadians need to assert themselves in public spaces. Own them and make the foreigners feel awkward being there. It should not be the other way around.
I’m in Canada visiting family and for a wedding. It’s nice on my family’s estate in Niagara but Toronto should be nuked. Can’t wait to get back to Italy so glad I moved to my dads home town 20 years ago

They feel uncomfortable being only around foreigners. Canadians are so cucked that it's almost based.

By they I mean other immigrants and foreigners.
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What is even the point of immigrants if everything is still closed serious question
god just imagine taking a nice walk and watching some fireworks with your first-generation plump 5 foot 2 indian wife and then going home and making a large and happy Aryan family with her
Canadians still own spaces, they just flood them with pajeets and fag shit
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>weed is the drug of apathy
Not from my perspective. Perhaps you have been bamboozled by a fallacy of composition?

>Provincial loyalty,
What Leafs lose sight of, I think, is how tenuous the National fabric is. Every city/town is an "island of Light" (picrel) where the tying threads were things like the railroad and the Anglo-Franco cultures underlying them. It makes Canada unusually vulnerable as a result to external machinations (exemplified by elements such as the United Front, jews, etc.). With the damage caused to National identity by the Feds over the last 4+ decades, it's no wonder people are relatively ignorant as to the local powers of the Provinces. It's something that Leafs could learn from Burgers, though, and the sooner the better.

>people have to stop playing the left vs right game
That's a given. This whole idea of a stupid line being the metric by which people judge political leanings is a tired anachronism. It lends itself to the Party apparatus, ultimately, which I contend is also an anachronism that does not belong in a 'populist' system of governance. Hence the importance of removing Party bias from the system itself.
Thats a nice pic. I like the use of the word 'regeneration' in the first sentence because I have been using it recently, in opposition of the use of the word 'reconciliation' with respect to the native. That is essentially what Canadians need, and is what I am trying to attempt to do, in my humble way, with my Canada Month project. A day of celebration is fine, but a month spent practicing high standards of citizenship, studying our history, and being out and about in society would do so many people a world of good.
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>Canada Month project
It's somewhat sad to acknowledge something like this is necessary, but I salute the effort. That would be something good to push for, regenerating the National identity, and a whole month (why not July?) to do it in when families are more likely to go on vacations. Regenerate the cultural heritage and incentivize its exploration by the masses, perhaps through some nominal subsidy (kind of like what 'sportsball' tax credits and carbon-scam rebates are doled out).
cons only because they talk shit about the liberals then leafs will wonder why things are not getting better as they cheer on more migrants flooding in
Thats the idea. I am turning July into Canada Month. Apparently all it takes to declare an entire month a celebration is to just do it. All the blacks and fags had to do was choose a month and say its theirs. Well, July is Canada's now. The program, although subject to changes as I explore the concept:
>daily singing of the national anthem
>wearing a flag somewhere on the clothing for the month
>daily 5BX and walks. Physical vigor is a must.
>Studying some history. I'm going to watch Canada: A Peoples History and read a book I got from the library.
>Be friendly and helpful to every true Canadian I deal with. Friendly, patient, good humoured, and industrious. Think about the old idea of what a Canadian citizen was meant to be: strong, courageous, moral. Live like that for the month. Hold myself to a very, very high standard for the month.
>Get out and about. it's summer. Everyday go out in a public space and make it ours. The beach, lake, parks, wherever.
>Force people to talk with me. People have become so anti-social and I think everyone is suffering from some stage of 'learned helplessness'. So I am acting super motivated and friendly and trying help my fellow canucks break through their problems.
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Fairly old article, but this is interesting to look at:
>Canada’s eroding relationships with key sources of immigrants is certainly contributing to the issue. The largest source of permanent resident applications remains India, though applications declined 62% in December. It was followed by Nigeria (-32%), and China (-81%) to round out the top three. However, it’s important to note the decline wasn’t just those countries.

>The GoC saw declines in applications from all but six countries in December. The largest of those six being Kyrgyzstan, the source of a whopping 9 applications. With such few growth areas, the decline in applications is much more complicated than just rising tensions between Canada, China, and India.

>As previously discussed, immigration experienced a hiccup as far back as May. This is when the living conditions international students experienced became magnified in the public, after it was revealed dozens of students were the victims of scams.

It seems like Canada itself is being viewed as a "scam", so we might see immigration slow down naturally. This article was from February though.
I myself have noticed that a lot of immigrants are just students who rent and they have dogshit living conditions usually. 5 of them in a normal sized two story house, but they'll be on just an air mattress on the floor or something.

The flipside of this though is that the people who won't come will typically be people with options, so actual skilled labor. The people who do come are those with nothing to lose.
No speak inglesh
I bet you don't curry nigger.
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>What's it like being a Canadian in 2024?
Same as it's been for the last 30 years, I would guess?

Happy Canada Day, you syrup-swilling sweethearts.
sucks asshole. dirty stinky asshole.
i walked around today: i saw a big marijuana festival with families and their kids and weird latinos handing out marijuana plants. down the street was a taiwanese-canadian heritage festival.

of around 5000 people i saw on the street i'd say maybe 30 were celebrating canada day.
don cherry is the guy that always made me feel ok with being eccentric.

Be sure to look up other artworks by this artist and post them here.
most indians are hyper-ethnocentric and only the indian men are interested in race mixing.
if i were prime minister i'd order drone strikes of every hells angels headquarters.
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>indian getting greeted by another indian after landing in canada, and realizing the last white canadian died 14 years ago
>All because of beaver pelts
Maybe the collapse of Canada is the beavers' revenge.
>Literally just told you how to get into an HA clubhouse with a CC and start killing them.

Umm, anon, just remember that's how to get past the challenge and pass, what happens after that is iunno man.
Having seen what moose does to a car, or how the Canadian beaver is the leading cause of death in Canada, you have no idea man.
i'd do it without fear. if i were prime minister i'd drone every hells angels headquarters and i'd run ads on tv showing videos of the drone strikes
>other artworks by this artist
Kent Monkman is the name... yeah, he's got some interesting art.
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>What's it like being a Canadian in 2024?

>visits Niagara and Toronto
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Canada Day is for children and military-simping retards who believe they live in an independent country and that Dominion Day was about fighting a war against the British. Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb! There’s nothing worth celebrating.
>There’s nothing worth celebrating.
That's okay, you can still moan about it on /pol/, right?
Have you watched the vids posted up top?
>reality > your kike perspective
he meant hamilton
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I just got back from visiting Ontario and it was pretty grim.

>Inuksuk's on the side of the highway assembled with bits of blasted rock.
>No distinct cultural identity, just generic north America.
>Life exists to consoom, country riddled with chain stores.
>Concrete parking lots as far as the eye can sea.
>Indians everywhere.
>Omg timmies!
>Excessive white guilt over the residential schools.
>Lazy, reluctant-to-walk society dependent on cars that reminds you of Wall-E.
>Thinking a cheesy chip with gravy is some innovation, seriously stop being faggots about poutine - it's not all that.
>Did I mention the Indians? They're fucking everywhere.
>Omg I can't wait to go to camp! (It's a cabin beside a mosquito lake).

I sincerely did not believe in the concept of a "soul" until I visited a place so utterly lacking one.
>What's it like being a Canadian in 2024?
I'm 4 hours into my day
>couldnt sleep last night
>wake up missing half the big holiday
>make cobbee
>not even finished drinking before phone rings
>parent is reminding me to pay my government bribe to exist
>property tax due
>look around at my apartment condo
>admire the asbestos and plentiful silverfish
>try to communicate my joy at this situation to parent
>fail somehow
>parent gets angry and hangs up
So far it's going great. The meds are working.
How good/bad Canadian Healthcare is?
I have a Canadian friend who I talk almost daily, and can't believe the waiting time for some medical/test stuff is worse than ours.
>How good/bad Canadian Healthcare is?
My grandmother died of cancer because the doctors did fuck all
I had a doctor send me away to another city to take a 6 hour car ride, take out a hotel room for the night that I had to pay for, wake up early in the morning just for a 15 minute check up and for the doctor to tell me to fuck off because he lost the X-rays I took last week.
I already have a decent grasp of Canada’s history. I had a surprisingly good education in Canadian history growing up and was encouraged to research and read as much as possible on my own from teachers, librarians and family.

I didn’t say there’s nothing worth respecting, preserving or fighting for. I said there’s nothing worth celebrating. There’s a difference.

And no, in the 30 minutes since I first saw this post, I did not watch 9 hours of video.

I will though, as I am always interested in brushing up or learning more.

And if you want people to support you or get involved in their communities, you might want to stop trying to challenge, guilt and shame people that aren’t as passionate as you about a chosen subject. It makes you sound like the rabid climate retards that treat you like you’re evil, stupid or apathetic because you don’t overtly care as much about their favourite subject as they do.

Honestly, I can see you are passionate about Canadian History and this Commonwealth nation’s future. That’s probably a good thing. But with brains and tactics like that, you could be Prime Minister.
had a nice drive through the woods earlier today, gorgeous weather and the only diversity I saw was the plant life
Tony wields the Hammer
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>>Inuksuk's on the side of the highway assembled with bits of blasted rock.
Already kino, the ensuing whinge is irrelevant.
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>What's it like being a Canadian in 2024?
Bretty good once you leave Canada, although incredibly depressing that a random shit posting Aussie has literally done more for me than my entire country and family.
It's just as brown, corrupt and degenerate as your country now.
it sucks, the doctors are racist foreigners, 90% of people don't have access to a family doctor, and ambulances drive around reviving addicts and responding to fires in welfare housing. the hospitals are also full of homeless addicts and the indian security guards beat them up without shame
any source for this book? not on http://libgen.rs/
Oh, no idea. I bought a hardcopy.
I see several copies on anna's.

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