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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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would be that they think there were no deathcamps and the stories about gas chambers were part of wartime propaganda..

However a few do believe it actually happend, what are some good points to make for this?
Himmler talked about the death camps

not yet, retard
Yeah, ausrotten, to root out. Imagine how weak the case is if that's the best proof available. Just show the 6 million bodies.
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The most dismissed evidence is the sheer scope of the testimony. Jews, nonjews, repentant SS, non-repentant SS trying to save their own ass by blabbing on their superiors. They all corroborate one another. There's hundreds of thousands of testimonies about the trains, the ghettos, the selection processes, the mass shootings and graves in the east, and yes even the gas vans and gas chambers. To dismiss all of this in a full sweep with logic as bullshit as "Here's a book saying MASTURBATION MACHINES existed! It's all bullshit!" drives me up the damned wall. They never really try to target the bigger questions, because they're far too backed up by evidence to even try so they'd rather meme since it's easy. And no, mass CBT both did not happen nor explains why there'd be so many SS giving plausible stories even decades later when double jeopardy would apply so they had NO REASON to lie.

Here's a good resource for some of the documentary evidence that's been found in regards to Auschwitz https://holocaustcontroversies.blogspot.com/2012/10/index-of-published-evidence-on.html
These documents have to be dismissed by deniers. They offer two, really insufficient possibilities:
1. Russians manufactured tens of thousands of documents all to paint the holocaust as real in dozens of camps, without any smoking gun evidence for their creation or being otherwise contradictory to one another. They then shoved them in filing cabinets en masse to be discovered in the following decades one by one and eventually seen online in museum collections that maybe 5 people will ever see.
2. The term 'special treatment' doesn't mean killing the jews, and instead means some other unknown thing. Note that the term is used to refer to barracks, bathing installations, gas tight doors, 'special cellars' housed in Krema 2 and Krema 3, and more. So I frankly have no fucking idea why they'd even use such a term, if it weren't the obvious one.
It's strange he talks this way when supposedly the action reinhardt camps just killed 1.7 million jews.
Killing is not nice.
I guess thousands of testimonies is not enough. I wonder when they got all the holocaust survivors together and trained them to lie. It’s lucky that they were all good actors.
Fuck off with your fake jew testimonies. Just show the bodies.
>Fake jew testimonies
A good proportion of the testimonies weren't made by jews at all, and you're dismissing a metric FUCKTON of testimonies to do so.
>Just show the bodies
Disingenuous scum. The bodies are in three main groups:
1.Scattered throughout the eastern front, in unmarked, very hard to find graves consisting of only a handful of people each. Every time one of these are exhumed/proven,
(Which has happened plenty:
You claim that the fact it's only a hundred here, a thousand there, means they can't total up to the hundreds of thousands. It's a game of pretending object permanence does not exist.
2. In addition to these mass graves, a large proportion were dug back up and burned. We literally have photos and orders of them doing so.
3. The bodies in the more industrious killing machines such as auschwitz, were intentionally burned, bonecrushed, and then scattered any way they could think of that would keep people from finding them. Most was simply dumped into rivers to be washed away forever by the banks and ocean. Though at the time there was evidence of the nearby marshes full of ash. There's aerial photographs showing grey bodies of water where there was once green marshes, why were they so grey from the sky? The other marshes in the photo weren't grey.
That's a lot of text to not just show me what I asked for. I want 6 million bodies.
I want you to take a cactus up your asshole, I guess we aren't getting what we want today.

If you can't read and insist that only the scenario you made up in your head has to be true in order for the holocaust to occur, then we have nothing to discuss. Your strawman is useless
I don't give a fuck what you think, you disgusting kike rat. Six million died, show me their bodies or their remnants. Nothing else will do. Seethe more.
You beg for 6 million bodies because you know they don't exist. Not because the holocaust is fake, but because you refuse to acknowledge nuance and the nazi's plain and obvious attempts to hide their crimes.

You're too cowardly to back up your position with anything but a talking point you are surely not low IQ enough to realize doesn't hold against scrutiny.
Yeah, they evaporated them. Kek.
I just gave you 3 examples of thousands of the ones not evaporated, but you don't think that's good enough.

Do you not realize the existence of even one village of jews shot in the back of the head by the thousands is proof the nazis did it? Not like the nazis punished this. Or even talked about it.
i love this goal post moving
>REEEEE millions died, i mean millions of jews died, look at all these dead bodies
look kike i'll give you one thing. the bolsheviks were incredibly jewish. so several thousand jewish bolsheviks were hung and shot.
but no the holohoax never occurred
No, it's not good enough. I don't want 1,000s, I want 6,000,000. Maybe I'll take 3,000,000 and accept the rest was washed away or turned into soap. If you have any jew soap, I'm interested to purchase it by the way. I always wanted to wash myself with liquid jew of a morning. DM me.
7) people was shorn hair becouse of lices.
and maybe they deloused the shorn hair with cyanide.

why should they wait to shorn the hair when people are dead ? Its easier to shorn the hair when people are alive and sit on a stool.
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>the existence of even one village of jews shot in the back of the head by the thousands
Would be proof that one village had a massacre occur in it. Are you stupid?
they all have shorn hair
A massacre by the nazi's military that went unpunished and unmentioned by their news media?

Why was there 4 Einsatzgruppen units consisting of 1000 members during Operation Barbarossa? What was their purpose?

The existence of this massacre, done by a squad clearly capable of more destruction than just one, clearly makes it so that more DID occur.

And again, it's not 'just this one'. You have object permanence. You can see patterns. You can use your memory to realize there's more than one massacre than the one we're talking about in this fucking second. Use your fucking brain.
isnt that like 3-4 years old ?
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I guess Himmler talking about deporting jews is the best evidence for the holohoax.

I guess you really are on the wrong side of history you fucking faggot
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Nigger can't read
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Do you know how fucking long it takes of starvation to get to that point, and why are the all buzz cut like their hair was cut off a couple months ago? Why does not even a single one of them have long hair. Why the fuck did they not just gas them as opposed to just keep them for months for no reason. Where the fuck is the nearest baby penis for you to garble on right now. I think you are experience baby penis blood withdraws, or maybe you people really are that fucking retarded.
Actually I'm retarded I thought you said they all have hair not shaved hair
i thought you was a bot reacting to the image
>Nazi War Victims
Typhus victims retard

>Scotland went on to argue that the Red Cross need not be admitted, because his prisoners were either civilians, or "criminals within the armed forces", and neither, he said, were protected by the Geneva convention. Should the Red Cross be allowed inside the Cage, he added, he would instruct the RAF to stop sending him prisoners suspected of involvement in the Stalag Luft III murders. "The interrogation of these criminals must proceed in Germany under conditions more closely related to police methods than to Geneva convention principles."

if you torture to get confessions you got zero legitimacy in any criminal trial
He literally says Vernichten which is another word for Exterminate like Ausrotten, you fucking faggot. Show flag you Nazi pozzer
Death camps are nothing out of the ordinary for the time
Soviets had some leftovers from Russian Empire
Even US had them
Good luck finding country that hasn't done terrible things in the last 100 years
I feel no guilt for dead jews.
This EG stuff was debunked by Mattogno. The EG had multiple different civil administration jobs as well as policing the rear.

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