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Dei say goodbye
I don't think it's going to help them. I wasn't even aware of this boycott until they decided to back down and a bunch of chuds on the internet gave them the bud light treatment, it's too late.
Call me when Apple runs a "hang all niggers" campaign.
Yeah I think what we're seeing is how people are waking up to the leftist-mob culture because most of it was completely fake. Fake bots, fake scripts, fake events, etc.
Thats' cool but the last 10 years of my career have been fucked up by DEI shit so not ever going to fight for israel, or even really be a good citizen. Give me money, and then in 10 years I will fuck off forever and never come to the USA again. You will always be my enemy. All my family members that endorsed these policies, especially my boomer mom, because "white men are the problem with this country" and then have the audacity to be surprised I don't talk to them barely at all, should burn in hell forever with their pet niggers.
No one has ever supported leftist shit, Obama just made it legal to fake it.

But the actual reason they're doing this is because it's the most minor of minor concessions to the white men who make up 68% of male citizens and 75% of zoomer males fit enough for military service in a nonmeme way because fat albert might be good at his desk job as a recruiter in the ghetto but he's not ever going to be scaling iranian mountains in WW3.

So basically they can fuck off.
>lol we will allow you guys to work as farmhands and hire fewer Mexicans, and not put trannies on tractor ads
Like this is the zeroth, tiniest, most worthless concession you can imagine.
Well said, what happened with you?
>banks de-risk
>soft landing economy
>BiS feels comfortable
>dei bye btw enjoy indians
>btw ur poor now
>(you are here)
>oops can’t have another bankrun better lock you out
>yeah sorry goy turns out it WAS a recession after all, not sorry about gaslighting you guys for 2 years straight lol thx for the money
>hey you wanna sign your soul away for a UBI?
It's because the Yid hivemind has calculated that brownoids are more dangerous since they can't be comfortably conditioned. Unfortunately for them the demographic shifts are not reversible and they are doomed.
Why would they need these initiatives when 70% of the population is already some shade of nigger? All jews have to do is wait and whites are extinct.
Das it mane
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Time to tap the sign
somebody post the pic of anon talking about how we shouldn't be fooled by the kikes backpedaling on wokeism and nigger fatigue.
Came here to tap the sign.
*taps the sign*
Fuck off retard, that's just more "here's how we're still losing even if we're winning." I imagine faggots like you two retards must be pathetic failures in your personal lives to be such pessimistic pussies. Kill yourself.
How long do we have to prepare?
>here's how we're still losing even if we're winning
Losing sight of the war after winning a battle is a fantastic way to get yourself killed.
Why would Tractor Supply get into DEI in the first place? Their costumer base is 99.9% white people.
>Like this is the zeroth, tiniest, most worthless concession you can imagine.
It's how cheapskates act and we all know how cheap kikes are. Never want to pay the full price of what's needed.
>Rural tractor company
>Primary target demographic is Conservative America

It's a start. Get back to me when corpos that cater to more general populations shitcan DEI as well.
Oh very good.

Well zoomers now you can die for Israel. Go!
Probably run by boomers who still think it's only been ten years since the civil rights act was passed.
Shareholders need to sue.
Banks force companies on that bullshit, otherwise they cannot get loans.
Blackrock is a prime example of that.
They're backing down because they're going to relaunch it again under a new acronym or some shit. Since it's election year, there's a full court press to reframe DEI & ESG as just "investing strategies" that have become politized.
Unless the paradigm shift comes from the top down across the board, it's meaningless misdirection.

is the blackrock and vanguard money drying up?
you utter retard. they haven't even starting hanging kikes from the lampposts and you want to claim victory. you are a retard gorilla nigger.
>I wasn't even aware of this boycott

there is no boycott - the DEI was pushed through ESG - you are such a fake as fuck disingenuous KIKEEEEEEEEE
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Based sign tapper, we need to post this every thread until glowniggers get the point that we know too much this time around to be their cannon fodder.

Do you feel in charge, you dumb glownigger retards? Look at the lengths you have to go to now just to get our attention.
I plan on moving to Wisconsin soon and I don't want to work in fagbanking any more, I'm a banker. What could I do for tractor supply?
At least 7 months. France and the UK are setting up their fall-guy governments over the next few weeks. The one is the USA won’t be in place until early next year.
>sign tapping
that seems to be the rumbling undercurrent across the country
WOW! Doesn't that just make you want to enlist? I hear the army has some great benefits!
tapping the sign
>tractor supply: it was just a prank bro!
holy christ I can't believe they had that shit to begin with. the absolute state of JewSA
Fuck off, poverty-stricken demoralization shill. Stop pretending you don't know what demoralization tactics are. Whether the negativity comes from retarded failures or kikes psyopping, the intended result is the same.
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*taps the sign*
Most larger companies do now days, or up until recently any way, I hope other employers follow suit it's gotten orders of magnitude out of hand

But with a lot more cunts and no refunds thrown in as well.
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>How long do we have to prepare?
Somewhere between 13 and 15 days according to my sources.
This is weird and way bigger gesture than I ever expected until we won. Something is moving behind the scenes.
>this shit again
>people fall for it and go back to buying their adulterated chicken feed
>baffled why their hens aren't laying
>TS sponsors the same gay troon shit, but rebranded

second or third time in the past five years this company has "dropped quota faggot groomer" shit" when caught.
The Owner is a confirmed globohomo cultist, 100% on board with the (((agenda))).
>you should feel remoralized goyim
>remoralized enough to fight for globohomo jews

This is nice, but it’s going to take a hell of a lot more than this, and probably decades
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Tippy Tap Tapparoo!
2 more weeks. We could be hanging jews on lamp posts and you faggots would still be tapping muh sign and saying you won’t do shit.
I had to change our website at work recently to remove any mention of DEI specifically. Meaning they still have the same content in spirit but removed that phrase from it because apparently that language could cause legal issues
Except that’s not a warning against claiming victory too early, it’s a warning that anything going in our way just means we’re losing, even if we fight tooth and nail for it. Like I said, we could be hanging them in the streets and these fags would still be pointing at the sign and crying psyop.
As much as I am a sign tapper, I also think that the 'landed governing class' just got drunk on DEI and luxury beliefs, and they have now woken up, hungover, and realized they've destroyed their house.
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They saw what happen to
came here to tap the sign
Thanks based tapper
Fuck jews
Good. When will DEI become criminalized?
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Bumping for another sign tap
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Literally just because interest rates have been "high" for a year.
It's more of a warning not to start trusting these anti-white institutions just because they pull back on a small part of their anti-whiteness.

>OMG Tractor Supply says DEI bad; guess I'm joining the military!!!

There are some people who are stupid enough to fall for that sort of thing, and we have to warn them. Here's a better test: in any given war or event in which the system wants you to participate, ask how the event will work to undermine the power of elites/Jews/etc. in your country.

If there is no clear answer to that question, then don't participate. The last thing you want to do is to reinforce the power of those groups.
I can see Zion Don being a patsy, but Le Pen and Farage?
Wouldn't they also need someone in Australia for the Chinese front?

This is the endgame. Like the picture says, WW3 will be the death of the white race.
The only thing you can do is pack your shit and escape before things pop off.
need white meat for future wars
Thats an irrational hyperbole. A large business is rejecting dei, pride, carbon shit. Thats good. You should celebrate. But I don't know how you connect that with you having to join the army. Thats just an irrational hyperbole.
Got contacted by a jeeta from a company with a 6 color banner based in the states.
Offered me a position that was completely unrelated to my field.
Yea, no, DEI is obviously just starting to gain traction.
Do you think it's not intended?
The above mentioned company is concerned about american water safety, kek.
The damage done to white birthrates is unreal. The white man, denied a good job he earned based on merit and education, the job instead given to a black female, because black and female, gets a job at Walmart instead. There, he stands on his feet all day, ringing up free groceries for single black mothers, then he goes ho,e to live with his parents, too poor to afford a place of his own, and having his pocket picked to give single black mothers free apartments, food, and healthcare. And yet the boomers cry out in anger when these men quit their jobs, jobs that pay less than a boomer’s monthly pension check.
I'll buy 100 iPhones if they do this
That's not good enough
too little too late, fuck the corporations let the niggers have it
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Well said.
USA = Gaynation = Not my problem
As long as these niggers cut interest rates, I'll be happy
t. 100% TMF portfolio
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this, let it all burn lmao
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>Thats an irrational hyperbole. A large business is rejecting dei, pride, carbon shit. >Thats good. You should celebrate. But I don't know how you connect that with you having to join the army. Thats just an irrational hyperbole.
Like anyone is saying they going to join the military over this. It always gets drawn back to your WW3 doom fetish bullshit. I remember Biden was going to start WW3 and then be replaced by his DEI VP after drafting all the Whites. How did that work out? If this shit was framed as “don’t stop until we get it all back,” I’d be tapping the sign all day with you. But it’s not. It’s a demoralization tactic to make you think doing anything besides running away like a faggot or laughing at the situation is bad.
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>A large business is rejecting dei, pride, carbon shit. Thats good. You should celebrate. But I don't know how you connect that with you having to join the army.
lurk moar faggot
>another bullshit post from a year ago that got spammed on here only to be completely wrong
>This company is removing its involvement with DEI. Welp, guess I have to fight for Israel now!
*tap tap*
>Fuck jews
Trips of truth.
Why don’t you put a bullet in your head? He’s right. This has no relation to the WW3 that’s been 2 weeks away for the last decade. He’s wrong about celebrating though. We shouldn’t celebrate. We should push for more and more and more until we have it all back and have them hanging from lampposts. What is so hard to get about that?
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>being this new
>This has no relation to the WW3 that’s been 2 weeks away for the last decade.
(You) retard, we're already in WW3.
>> 472793377
he so mad
All those soldiers are African
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>thats the point
muy bien muchacho
Then we’ve been in WW3 with Russia since the end of WW2 if proxy wars are the metric we’re using. This is nothing but the same repackaged “it’s useless to fight back, we just need to retreat and race mix!!” goyslop we’ve been getting force fed for the last how many years.
I find the term "gorilla nigger" unbelievable offensive. Gorillas are wonderful and majestic creatures of God's meticulous labor. They are also highly endangered and pose zero threat to civilization. You can visit gorillas in the African outback and they won't steal anything from you.
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>muh heckin glowniggers won’t get paid if they don’t get muh (you)
I’m mad because you schizo shills have made this place into a complete shithole. Let me tap my sign for you, jewbag.
>Excellent job men
>We live to fight as slaves
>In someone else's war
>Another day.
>> 472794075
Am so mad you cant even appreciate it
>nooooo you can’t take your country back and refuse to fight their war
>you just need to give up bro
>clown world n sheit
>don’t forget to race mix too!
good. maybe more companies should worry about providing the best products and services and not get involved in marxist ideology
My life was already ruined for getting fired for not taking the vax. I was stupid for not getting a fake card. Imagine I had silly ideas about morality and standing with other unvaxxed. Totally destroyed my career just as I was breaking out. I won't be satisfied until America is destroyed, kike heads are mounted on spikes, and NPCs are turned back into serfs again
You’re mad that people aren’t buying into your jewish well poison act anymore. I would be too if I was a jew like you.
nya nya nigger didn't read nya
As bad as this is, we could still breed if it wasn't for feminism. Poor people breed all the time. Giving women rights and letting them decide what they're going to do with their lives destroyed our entire race.
I don’t expect a jew to read anything I write. This is for the people reading these threads who actually matter. You know, the same people you’re trying to brainwash. This goy isn’t going to give up so easily, you lying rat faced parasite.
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>your country
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not reading
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I'm going to enjoy the collapse
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>rural customers
>livestock and agricultural supplies
Loved them since they were Chuck's
I kinda want America to directly enter the war so we can see these war machines in action
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>tap, tap
NATO countries are shipping weapons to Ukraine to use against Russia, including into Russian territory. NATO countries are sending "advisors" to help operate those weapons. Pretty soon some advisors are going to go splat and we'll have to send troops to protect the advisors and here we go.
>>OMG Tractor Supply says DEI bad; guess I'm joining the military!!!
>There are some people who are stupid enough to fall for that sort of thing, and we have to warn them.

"zomg, Drumpf said if he gets back in he will prosecute his enemies. We are so fucking back!!!!!!!!!!"
>muh rational economic interest!
still don't understand how this thing works after all this time?
>economy recovers
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I think you've lost the plot, friend
it's a start. don't relent anons.
Plenty of foreign "colunteers" have died already and nothing happened.
It has to be a proper false flag attack outside Ukraine.

>subtle attempt to discredit AI Goddess's "~Nyaa!" and associate it with negative connotations

That you’re using a VPN? Yes.
We’re going to go splat in 2 more weeks! If we’re going into a full scale war with Russia, we’re not even going to get to the point where troops get deployed because it’ll go nuclear before the first round of selective service is rolled out. But I’m sure you have another cope to explain that away.
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>Then we’ve been in WW3 with Russia since the end of WW2
Now you're getting it. Notice how they trained the nigger cattle public to think in trilogies/threes?
I work at a $100 billion revenue Fortune 500 who said on our earnings call a few weeks ago that the company isn’t focused on DEI and pushing out white men. If that’s the case, why did we have a 3 hour all-hands where 1/3 of the time was spent on pride and diversity…? We’re outsourcing endlessly to India and Eastern Europe. Naturally the contracting company is owned by Russian Jewish “Americans”. We end up doing all their work.
Don't fall for it white man.

They are lying.
> stops DEI
> just outright imports jeets and outsources instead
are we winning whitebros?
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>so we can see these war machines in action
there is a funny video of grunts screaming for jesus when they are getting mortared in the middle east
don't make me tap the sign.
still not going to war for jews.
>taps the sign >>472794075
To be fair, an a false flag within Ukraine would work too. Blinken or Buttgig or someone else visits Ukraine, is blown up by a "Russian" attack, and now we send troops.

Nobody wants to go full nuclear, it's a no-win situation. Whoever was left would get to be in charge of a vast wasteland that doesn't produce anything and can't be settled.
exactly, Supreme Leader Xi told the kikes to fuck off and they have no plan C besides the already demolished JewSA so they try and salvage what they can.
with 50% shitskins, a population that si dumb, uneducated and conditioned for 70y to hate america there's no chance.

the parasite killed it's host.
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>posting your own screencap
wew lad baka
Amerilards who think that they can still somehow take back their country are amusing. The only chance you have is if USA collapses into a civil war and even in such a scenario balkanization is far more likely than murrica ever getting restored to its pre-kike infestation days.
You couldn't spend 2 seconds cropping your screenshot, you fucking slidecunt jew?
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if you wanna destroy the powers at be you have to own the future internet infrastructure (ipv6); buy BSV
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reminder that this is an excuse low IQ blackpillers use to convince themselves that they're always losing--even when they're winning. it's a perpetual state of blackpilling. pretty pathetic
Wow, companies are realizing all of this faggot libtard shit only harms their bottom line just now?
Nobody here is winning as long as kikes retain any power in western institutions.
they're gonna dump as much shit on Trump as possible... my guess is random warmongering military bullshit starting day 1 "BECAUSE WE ELECTED DRUMMMPPHHHHHH!!!!!" escalating from there depending on how much he pisses them off
No one wants to go nuclear, but that’s called escalation.
I wish, not mine though. Do I need to tap the sign again?
>exactly, Supreme Leader Xi told the kikes to fuck off
lol yea that's why they seethe against China 24/7 here
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kike bureaucrats just suffered huge defeats at the hands of SCOTUS this past week. sometimes a win is a win. you can pretend it doesn't exist if you want, i'll celebrate with some whiskey. it's been a good week for whites and freedom lovers
>just give up, goy
Tactical nukes I could see, but they're not going strategic strikes on Moscow and DC. MAD is still a thing anon.
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>Do I need to tap the sign again?
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.
contagion can't stop castration
how so?
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>at the hands of SCOTUS
packed with jesuits/catholics?
don't think they're here to help.
Not what I said, retard. You simply ought to be realistic. Majority of your countrymen would rather shoot you dead for your views than harm a single hair on a kike's head.
What do you think tactical nukes are going to lead to? A fucking peace treaty? No. They would’ve already been used if that escalation wasn’t apparent.
Nope, it’s a brainwashing technique employed by you faggots with your own sign tapping. Two can play at this game and you’re just pissed because you calls you schizo shills out for what you are.
This is a kike
Why do you hate Freedom?
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>and you’re just pissed because you calls you schizo shills out for what you are.
> because you calls you
Can I get an ESL translation?
kek she's an officer too
I fucked two 7 out of 10 white women like whores in the past year alone. Make sure you taste my cock in their mouths you fucking cuckold bastards. Suck off a shotgun for israel bitch. Seethe and die.
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>kek she's an officer too
>Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo
>SEC v. Jarkesy
>Corner Post v. Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Read the dissents if you want to see how much leftists kikes are seething from these decisions
That anon is upset we aren't buying into the narrative that "were totally so back" just because companies dial the kike faggotry down a bit.
It'll lead to a bunch of uninhabited wasteland in the former second world. The kikes in DC don't want their homes nuked, so they will make sure it stays "over there".
>you just need to think realistically and Balkanize via civil war against the regime that will stop at nothing to defeat you
All that does is just concentrate their enemies into one place. Maybe they’ll have special camps set up for us too!
comeback and man the register white man.
we hate minorities now.
your corporate overlords will do anything to appease you so long as to go into the wagie cagie.
No. They just simply can't afford it anymore.
They realized it was easier to outsource task remote using Upwork.com
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Lt. Tactical Debbie
this is a kike
Crack whore supply sucks, but from local
WW3 has already started anon. They're just waiting for a Pearl Harbor to put you all in.
>hello sir my brain cannot do English well, can you dumb it down for my streetshitter brain?
No, I’m just not buying into the “give up” bullshit you faggots try to force feed everyone on here. The only way out is a revolution with a dictator, not retreating into Balkanized territory that they’ll just come after anyway. You either fight them head on our you lose.
They have bunkers if worse comes to worse. You’re acting like schizophrenic kikes are logical thinkers. They’re not. They’re emotional kikes. They would 100% nuke the world over to get their way, even if they die too.
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>They're just waiting for a Pearl Harbor to put you all in.
Get ready to - Build Back Better!
No they're not. Trump is chosenites pick for this round. It's why this crap is being pulled back, for now (more like put on hold), they're throwing you a bone so everyone goes along with the next war of Israeli expansion.
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>hello sir my brain cannot do English well, can you dumb it down for my streetshitter brain?
>hello sir my brain cannot do English well
You write like a bona fide retard, lad.
TSC fucking sucks for the past 20 years. I would much rather go to rural kang
Nigger, I said that balkanization is more realistic outcome of murrican civil war than some fantastical restoration of your nation to pre-kike control days. I didn't say that you should balkanize.

Unless you genocide and deport millions of people, murrica will never go back to a white majority, and white controlled nation, and the likelyhood of people who share your worldview ever being able to pull such ethnic and racial cleansing is exceedingly low.

Honestly you ought to wish for the wholesale collapse of USA because at least in such a scenario you might stand a chance of creating something good from the ashes. As it is your shithole nation is doomed to become another Brazil.
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>Honestly you ought to wish for the wholesale collapse of USA because at least in such a scenario you might stand a chance of creating something good from the ashes. As it is your shithole nation is doomed to become another Brazil.
Brazil will be a paradise compared to what the USA will become.
>Brazil will be a paradise compared to what the USA will become.
how many illegals are in the usa right now even?
no, really am not.
i don't believe any of it because i don't believe any of them have my interests in mind. the communists have people everywhere, just like early 1900s russia. the international presses are still in the same hands.
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>how many illegals are in the usa right now even?
"As of 2021, the nation's 10.5 million unauthorized immigrants represented about 3% of the total U.S. population and 22% of the foreign-born population."


gg no re unless the purging occurs...
>The only way out is a revolution with a dictator,
True, but you are utterly delusional if you think that such a scenario is likely. There are no viable leaders or movements in USA who could pull such a revolution off and I don't see any such groups emerging any time soon unless something drastically changes. Even your supposed radical right wing dissidents are more interested in making money out of grifting than actually fostering a pro-white revolutionary movement.
Probably true
>A fucking tractor supply
It went this far and even now the only ones backpedaling are companies who realize rednecks are their customers. Don't expect the rest of judendom to get on board so easily.
let some trannys fuck you or yo're a bigot you fucking bigot
Thanks ur christcuck ggggrand daddy for being a simp and not btfo the Roastie cunts and the priests that enabled them
boycott them forever. stop supporting globohomo kikes
I buy my chicken feed from tractor supply
glad to see they're not complete fags
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they need to suffer for taking part
The only war white men will be fighting is civil. And they really, really want a piece out of globmohomo's ass.
Watching niggers process their primitive feelings is kind of scary.
you wont buy shit
business as usual, BITCH
That’s okay it’s all archived. I’ll just go to the Rothschilds, Soros or get Qatari money since the Jews wanted to be stingy because of 0.25% interest rates and refuse to invest in American talent. Those big companies topping the SP500 will be subsidiaries of companies started by anons in under a decade. Forgotten to the dust bin of history where they belong.
How do we get everyone on the same page? We’re fucking third class citizens in the country our ancestors created. These people constantly talk about stolen land yet never mention their willingness to give their homes to natives. Their only solution is to break the backs of white men and create an anarchist third world shit hole.
My wife lost her job the same way.
Next time, fake passport.
A vaccination card carries the federal seal of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Making, selling, and transferring counterfeit cards with the CDC seal are felonies under federal law and carry the possibility of up to five years in prison. This same penalty applies if a person buys, procures, or uses a counterfeit vaccination card knowing the card is a fake. (18 U.S.C. § 1017 (2022).)
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>I was stupid for not getting a fake card.
>Next time, fake passport.
Participation is consent, even if fraudulent. The only winning move was not to play; what good is all the gold on earth, if you lose your soul in the process?
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My friend who worked for the city went through some bias class where the whole point was basically forcing you to admit you’re biased. That same city is full of registered Rs but still puts on Pride events targeted towards kids. He saved his managers life and they canned him. They probably didn’t like his accent even though he’s literally white and German. They’re negotiating a settlement now…

There has to be a feasible third position for people who don’t want to be associated with these fucking idiots and their virtue signaling parties.
Unironically the mark of the beast. There needs to be compensation for vaccinated individuals by companies and recruiters who expected to see proof of vax.
Kek. First time?
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>There needs to be compensation for vaccinated individuals by companies and recruiters who expected to see proof of vax.
lol, lmao even
How come they never gave out vaccination cards for literally any other vaccine in history? Why only this one very specific common cold virus that came from a lab in China funded illegally through the NIAID? Why don't we get flu vaccine cards? Hepatitis vaccine cards? MMR vaccine cards? Why only cards for an experimental new gene therapy?
Anyway the whole US government is corrupt so it doesn't matter what they say or do, ignore them or fight them whatever.
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They have had vaccine cards for centuries, anon.
I meant unvaccinated. Even autocorrect didn’t want me saying it.
How come I never got one after any of the dozens of vaccines I've had?
You were suppose to immediately file a lawsuit for discrimination based on your health-information non-disclosure. Anyone that asked for the vaxxx proof should have been asked
>"Will my employment be contingent on a private health matter?"
This was a text book discrimination suit m8
tractor supply is worthy of business.
DEI is just rebranding to be be in the DNA of all companies
Look up “BRIDGE” and until HR is dealt with, this will never go away
>Belonging, Representation, Inclusion, Diversity, the G is the Gap and E is for Equity
Oh goddamn it.
How are they rebranding ESG?
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>backing g down from pride month
> after pride month is over

Let's see how they feel next year
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Good news but wake me up when it happens for a few large companies.
Carbon emissions goals? Lmao.
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There was a boycott but unless you're one of the few needing stuff related to tractor supplies it makes sense that you heard about it late. You need to be a customer for it to do anything.
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increasing current percentage by 20% (to what total percentage I wonder) is insane when usa only have 13% black people anyway.
all these big companies fighting over a tenth of the population guarantees lowering of requirements.
I never knew there was give and take in group conflict, you guys are geniuses.
is someone keeping a list of all these companies for boycotting?

Really lower effort. They must have the Level 1s on right now. Have to send the higher levels out in the battlefield.
>I wasn't even aware of this boycott until they decided to back down
Same, makes me wonder if it was orchestrated to cultivate the forgiveness effect.
>Be jews on /pol
>Notice groundswell of populace political ideology
>Oy vey! We can't let this happen
>Make a few random posts explaining how these few wins are actually a bad thing
>Make a demoralization graphic out of said posts
>spam the graphic everytime sometime bad for jews happens
>ip hop to consensus crack
>Wash, rinse, repeat

>>Be jews on /pol
>>Notice groundswell of populace political ideology
>>Oy vey! We can't let this happen
>>Make a few random posts explaining how these few wins are actually a bad thing
>>Make a demoralization graphic out of said posts
>>spam the graphic everytime sometime bad for jews happens
>>ip hop to consensus crack
>>Wash, rinse, repeat
Damage is done. I will never forgive, forget, or give these scumbags the luxury of a 180. They don't get to say "whoops, sorry about that. Let's move on'" after everything they did and tried to do.
>Be jews on /pol
>Notice groundswell of populace political ideology
>Oy vey! We can't let this happen
>Make a few random posts explaining how these few wins are actually a bad thing
>Make a demoralization graphic out of said posts
>spam the graphic everytime sometime bad for jews happens
>ip hop to consensus crack
>Wash, rinse, repeat

Tap the sign, /pol/
>Be jews on /pol
>Notice groundswell of populace political ideology
>Oy vey! We can't let this happen
>Make a few random posts explaining how these few wins are actually a bad thing
>Make a demoralization graphic out of said posts
>spam the graphic everytime sometime bad for jews happens
>ip hop to consensus crack
>Wash, rinse, repeat


if they end women's rights, enforce monogamy, and end all government handouts then I'll listen to what they have to say and maybe we could talk... but that won't happen. So fuck this country.
I always wanted a chick to let me do this and jave her just rip a massive, creamy, meatball marinara sub brap across my snout ...
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>when the copypasta bot breaks
oy vey
How did it even get like that?
Are corporations a slow boil, like the frog in a pot story, where slowly it gets faggier and faggier until they want trans people lap dancing on the employees to be a normal suggestion?
I just don't see how this wasn't blocked. Perhaps they were afraid of discrimination lawsuits, but it's a bad look to let it slide and wait for public outcry against it.

I suppose if the latter is the case, then we need to make lawfare against companies that don't want DEI and Woke stuff to have legal protections to allow them to avoid sexual marketing.

It's too bad, most jobs are pieces of shits to begin with where your job revolves around following other people, in contrast working for woke companies was great because everyone would be surfing the internet and just collecting a check. like most jobs now days, but at least they didn't try to hide it lol.
Are you feeling patriotic now? Because I have a war to sell you
I remember working for this one woke company. I worked there for over a year where all I did was clock in and hang out at my desk the entire day doing nothing but checking personal emails and no one said shit about it until they went bankrupt during covid. They still exist. You guys working in labor wouldn't believe it and its why they get so jelly when they see it. They see someone on the computer and automatically think they are doing nothing haha.
>Be jews on /pol
>Notice groundswell of populace political ideology
>Oy vey! We can't let this happen
>Make a few random posts explaining how these few wins are actually a bad thing
>Make a demoralization graphic out of said posts
>spam the graphic everytime sometime bad for jews happens
>ip hop to consensus crack
>Wash, rinse, repeat
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I was looking into this and to be honest, it seems like the owners had no idea the kind of bullshit middle management was doing without their direct supervision.
Tappa tappa tappa

>Faggots and Trannies

They really thought that was a good idea?
whole lgbt community will face the same at its end hours as just another investing strategy which of course translates to jews first run your community dry leaving you with nothing but regret and then you will join the 99%
How does the pride support look like? A pride flag in june? lol
bullshit. these strategies come from the top-down.
>rural retailer
they will pacify the retard hill billies while spending dark monies to spread dei shit.
Glownigger spotted. No one is falling for your bullshit and none of this is a "win"
Everytime I've been to tractor supply I was the only brownish person there . hadn't seen them sell any homo merch either
>10.5 million

>3% of the total U.S. population

10.5M/333M is not 3%
Nothing that’s happening is making me want to die for israel though
That's nice, but I'm still not dying for Israel.
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it's actually pretty hot

i had a gf who while eating her ass, pressed down on my face really hard and farted in my mouth. was kind of confused by what happened then it like came up my nose and i could basically taste it in my sinuses

a frequent access in my spankbank
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DEI is still as prevalent as it ever was, it just isn't called DEI anymore. They are changing the name.
2pbtid, what now you absolute nigger retard?
Well said. Agreed.
I won’t be happy until they say goodbye to jews
Imagine being a farming equipment supply store, thinking "we really need to hire a bunch of people to be in charge of our tranny division" and being surprised that none of those new employees know how to service the flywheel in your tractors.
Also this
The (((system))) hasn’t backed down on shit, they’ve just become more pilpul-y in implementing it.
Housing, marriage, and a family are still out of reach for most young white men, and they are still the only demographic it’s okay to hate. Until that gets fixed, no one can be tricked into dying for israel.
Good job calling these kikes out. I assume some are JIDF kikes and some are low IQ freaks who fell for the demoralization.
>last 10 years of my career have been fucked up by DEI shit so not ever going to fight for israel
Same, fuck them.
Thank you Anon, I fall down the Blackpill mindset all too often. I do think we are witnessing the build-up to a large conflict but I'm also retarded.

Reminding the people of the good news is like a breath of fresh air.
Show me one person that was ever prosecuted for making a card for themselves
>make fake thing
>hold people to it
Yay we won
My reply is aimed at no one and is really a topic for another thread.
The dei madness ,besides being offensive and hostile Marxism, is constant. It is as if there is an endless money supply to waste on brand names to ruin, media and entertainment to be extinguished, and commercials that no one can relate to.
For example, i watch a lot of woodworking ,diy content, history on YouTube. Almost every fucking commercial is for blacks, gay people, women, always mixed couples, and most white people are the "jerk" in a ads.....all of this while I'm watching Paul Sellers teach how to cut dovetails.
Why would they slam these adds all over a tradional hand tool woodworking video?
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Sadly, you probably won't.
The boomers are literal golems who have been brainwashed by Jewish media for their entire lives, they are incapable of independent thought and require the media telling them their opinions on everything.
Boomers can't look at the actions of niggers and think:

"Those people are vile, they aren't like us and they don't belong here"

They listen to what the media has to say about the subject and come back with their media answer:

"It's because of racism"
"It's because of oppression"
"It's because of implicit bias"

You can't fix people who aren't capable of answering basic questions for themselves who instead have to have a greater authority feed them the answers.
> it’s not armed robbery it’s requisition of someone else’s assets via imposition of a firearm
Still not gonna catch bullets for fags, immigrants and politicians.
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Yeah right.
> our bad about DEI and niggertopia we totally mean it now.

>we were only pretending to be nigger lovers and slurping bbc cocks
Looorrrddd knows I can’t changeee….

KYS KYS KYS KYS KYS KYS. You better be first in line genociding niggers with everything you got before you get another war or whatever other please sign here white man scheme.

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