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Previous: >>472782792
Timeline /tug/:https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>FT: European NATO countries would struggle to field 300,000 total -https://archive.today/08KRT
>Azov commander admits to his unit acting as blocking detachment -https://archive.today/4GyuO
>"I feel as if I am in a prison": the men avoiding the meatcatchers -https://archive.today/Q3VMM
>Putin continues his Asian trip, arriving in Vietnam -https://archive.today/3YvEQ
>Putin's visit to North Korea in pictures -https://archive.today/muSbj
>Putin arrives in North Korea with high-level delegation -https://archive.today/DGh32
>GIB! GIB! Only $800 billion to beat putler! -https://archive.today/IMaDq
>“We should prepare for life in the cold and the dark”: Half the ukraine's energy generation destroyed -https://archive.today/hLsXK
>Sanctions aren't working because we didn't call Putin racist enough times -https://archive.today/zWUbr
>Putin: 'Russia has the right to supply weapons to foreign countries & strike western targets with them' -https://archive.today/Thb5A


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Live - Black Sea - Marine Traffic

Russian (former opposition to Putin)




American (neocons)


Air raid alarms

More maps:
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>Cheerful hohol POWs singing skills
>UR-77 demining charge in action
>ODAB-1500 strike
>Mad Max: SMO Road
>Munitions warehouse in Odessa burns
>Dagestani terrorists killed by Special forces P1
>Dagestani terrorists killed by Special forces P2
>Houthis released a new TKD anthem
>Another FAB-3000
>Second usage of FAB-3000 UMPK, massive wings clearly visible
>FAB-500 shockwaves in high humidity
>First usage of FAB-3000 w/ UMPK, Kharkov direction
>AFU soldier tries to surrender to Russian drone, is killed by AFU drone
>Lukashenko wondering why most of the corrupt officials are jews
>"They killed Kenny!"
>Romanians shouting 'Putin' during Romania - Ukraine match
>Showcase of an attack-transport UAV “Perun”
>AFU surrender to fpv drone in the field
>T-90 gets hit by javelin but survives
>Disembarking AFU getting fpv struck
>Ukrainian Su-25 being hit by a Lancet
>Burning MTLB gets to safety, driver nominated for award

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Crimea status?
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Total Hohol Death

Thanks for bake, Tony! This bread looks great!
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Would you like to do the honour of baking K-on Fren?
We are recruiting bakers

We need more bakers

Fancy baking a chug?

Let me know
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Good bread
what's with inverting jam jars on posts outside all about, it's some sort of Babushka technology,
Good kots
that bugatti is nuts btw
has a 1,000 hp v16 and 800hp electric motor
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the treaties of tzarskoye and mozhayzk between Danmark and Russia
full access to each others territories (free travel through and ability to set down anchor etc)
recognition of each others holdings in baltikum
no supporting of either poland or sweden against the other
mutual military assistance if requested or offered and accepted by the other part

the last time this was offered or requested was i believe in the sleswig holsten wars the 1864 war being the last time the parliament in Danmark refused Russia's offer of aid against Pruesen and Austria because according to them we did not them (this decision would prove catastrophic for us) they also refused the aid of France and the British

(this was one in amongst a serious of idiotic decisions made by parliament ever since we became a semi constitutional monarchy instead of an absolute autocratic monarchy with a state church a few other ones from that war being that command of the military was under parliament not the generals and marshals and that commanders where to be selected by parliament typically via a vote or consensus as well as all decision on military matters being decided by democratically elected politicians in short they fucked up everything during the war politicians in parliament on the left in particular still insist that the military should be commanded by them not the military or the king and in some cases all military decisions as was the case for a few decades during the 19th century)

this is the reason russian ships including warships can put down anchor in Danmark in places like the færøer (fær islands) islands or greenland despite the controversy it is entirely legal for them to do so (also for Danske skibe) as they did earlier last year and a few times in the last few years before then
it is also the reason russian warships can travel through Danish waters freely unrestricted and unrestrained as well as their bombers
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i dunno, so it does not collect water?
(despite our democratically elected government's public opposition and denouncement to and off Russia Putin and The Russian government and Regime )

to much of the media's and parliament's frustration
as well as some of our allies and friends also the EU and NATO
( so we should and will be able to make our own decisions and agreements separate to them as a sovereign state this includes bypassing the EU on certain matters of trade with the U.S.A under the Trump administration as well as China and Russia even if parliament has publicaly opposed all three nation's regimes we have done and continue to do this)

i cannot see Russia needing to come to our aid in the near future unless the EUSSR starts to encroach on our sovereignty or independence (say with an EU army or bullshit laws from bruxelles because of a Eurosceptic government or refusel to take in more ''refugees'')or disregards or tries to overrule Danmark's right to make decisions on it's own
nor can i see Russia requesting our aid in the future
or offering it unless we asked
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Well like Putin said in the Tucker interview. Leveraging your currency as a weapon has to potential to backfire spectacularly with such a belicose foreign policy. It would be different if the US took a more laid back approach to regime change and leveraged it’s currency or the reverse. Not using it’s currency as a weapon at all and bombing the shit out of everyone like it has. The middle of the road approach has worked but the world is catching on to it.

My problem is that I talked myself out of buying Rubles during the lead up to the SMO. I didn’t think the US would push Russia so far. Was I wrong on that. I had 120 extra bucks laying around for personal investment and I was deciding of precious metals, crypto, foreign currency or ammo. I went with ammo so it’s. Not as big of a loss because it always goes up but it’s the same thing as the US dollar. It’s ceiling is very low. It takes awhile to accrue that value.
Faggots that reply to shills need to die in agony.
i like monke putin
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The poorer silent gen in America will frequently have these glass power line insulators as garden decor. Glass do be fancy
russia is gay and ukraine is straight
they're interesting,
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>ukraine in a nutshell
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the great depression glass really is something. we have some beautiful old glassware from my great grandma and its hard to find stuff of the same quality at the store now
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Not according to Ukrainians.
Or US policy. If the Ukraine was anti-faggotry the US wouldn’t even be assisting them.
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Forgot image.
My fav
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ah, you're talking to a Turk, they have different definitions of gay and straight.
Fairly sure being pro gay is like a NATO requirement for aid.
We sure as shit didn't have pride parades pre NATO
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your moms dildo arived in white russia
good point, neither did we
>Romania joined the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) on March 29, 2004.
>The GayFest 2004 was, at that time, the first LGBT festival ever organised in Romania, and took place between 3 and 9 May.
Nato moves fast.
Yeah. This is a fact. It’s happened here, a lrediminately white town completely shut down for Juneteenth. I looked around at everyone in their cars for 20 minutes and saw 1 nigger. 1. Yet we shut down the town for Juneteenth. The 4th coming up and we don’t even shutter stores for the day for that yet Hood Niggerday we solemnly observe? Piss off with that gay shit. 5 years ago out her it was a non-issue. Life was great.
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Thanks for the bread!

Made this AI slop song chasing metro exodus vibes.
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wtf is juneteenth?
George Floyd day.
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A fake nigger holiday that celebrates the last state to ratify the 13th amendment and endorse the Emancipation Proclamation. Basically another day off for federal employees
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normal people have to zZz
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of course the ottomans praise their most loyal satrapee
"in conquered lands the sultan comes for the boys first" (an anecdote about how the sultan seemed to have preference for bringing boys to his harem)

the persians have and will always be the superior middle easterners

pic unrel The Hero Rostam Slaying the Demon Div E Sepid ( already wearing it's severed head as a helmet something he does later in the story to make him easily recognizable)
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Go touch grass...you worthless incel.

Plant a garden even.
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Think she'll give NAFO a ride when she goes and picks it up?
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This stupid nigger holiday. I’m not even sure exactly what it celebrate? I think the passage of the 14 Amendment or some shit. The abolition of slavery. They also call it Black Independance Day. It’s retarded and niggardly and it fucked me out a job offer. This town is like 90% white. The bad parts of town aren’t even that bad because usually it’s poor whites and white criminals are better than black criminals. They also did this shit for MLK day a while back. Instead of getting President’s Day off like we usually do (even the schools out here used to get them off) they gave us MLK day off and then after people bitched about it we ended up not celebrating any winter Holiday. Yet again another examolecof how nigger and yuppies ruin everything and make the world worse. Truth be told I don’t even want holidaysI want to retire while I’m still young and drive my fucking caddie to the country club with my plaid shorts and talk shit on all the old boomer retards.
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come on. attack Lebanon already come on!!!
pogroms when
Worlds smartest mexican
Remove the frog
No frogs allowed in the Bee movement
Holy fuck its real
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Kanye bros. We made it.
have you lost your pussycat?
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How do you propose we reach total hohol death, quicker?

My proposal:
>Convert Antonov An-2 planes into Kamikaze drones.
Weight carrying capacity:
>2140 kg/4718 lb
Maximum range:
>Range: 845 km

Convert a few hundred of them and let Kiev have a a swarm of 9/11s.
Azeris already did it.
You’re not getting food or militia protection with SHTF nigger.
People like her don’t last long in survival situations. She’d be dead before she left LA or what ever hell hole she’s from.
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Nah, she'd have an army of simps willing to die for her.

Just secure your food supply, buy weapons and ammo, stick with your militia, install your people into local office and bide your time anon.
Until the money dries up, the pussy starts to stank, and the beauty fades.
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>They had been separated for two-and-a-half months after Ivan Beda was detained by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), while Erik Beda was released. The couple was forced by the Russian government to get a divorce in 2023 when Erik physically transitioned from female to male
> The couple was forced by the Russian government to get a divorce in 2023 when Erik physically transitioned from female to male

I thought this wasn't allowed in Russia? Or did they decide to allow women to take steroids in the hopes to march them to the front line.
>she included the price in there to let the other cucks know how much to cough up
Kek. She doesn't even look all that exceptional.
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they never talked to a girl before, and they sure as fuck never talked to a attractive girl before, and somehow think that the woman is gonna fuck them, that somehow they are special, that beyond all odds this woman thinks they are the best man out there, which is all a untrue ofcourse. he's never getting shit.

But he's a simp so he keeps going in the hopes of getting to fuck her. which is never happening.

It's akin to why some guys like v-tuber wahmens same thing completely deranged behavior
>what the fuck is the appeal of her?
You remember being a horny teenager?
it's called poverty by choice it's common problem amongst millennials (the generation of losers and faggots) and inner city people especially left wingers and migrants / rapefugees
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100s of Ukrainian soldier's lives are destroyed daily by FAB bombs.
It is the joy of retro gaming. All older games are in fact complete and were usually complete at the time if release. XP to Win7 era has the best and most diverse gameplay elements. You can, to this day, still play those open world and sandbox titles and they feel just as fresh because of the variety and nothing beats the Win 95-98 eras in terms of sheer fun factor. So many wildly innovating games from the 90’s. Brutally based too usually. You make ine mistake and you die because you ate in fact too retarded to surivie sort of feel. “Of course I can’t jump that far. This isn’t a cartoon.”
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Total senpai love
boomers in the education too
but only because they are all ex hippies stuck in the 70s or 60s mentally unable to cope with the fact that they arent drug addicted children in a hippie camp or commune anymore
it's why it's the only thing they talk about and it's also why the only place teachers take kids on school trips is that weird hippie hold out Christiania (the police should go in there with bulldozers and armoured vehicles and just shot all the 70 year old crackheads millennials (the generation that hates boomers but repeats every mistake boomers ever made without any ability to reflect on the matter or introspect) and foreigners looking to get high)

boomers in the education system always talk about how old people ruin fun for young people as though they werent 70 80 years old themselves
Metro Exodus 2033 was the last really good complete game I played. I’ve done multiple play-throughs.
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total buhanka party
agree but i do prefer the slightly better graphics of around the time of 2010
but also minecraft and old runescape
>donate here to turn that number into thousands
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hohols painting F-16s, when?
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I have bought some newer games before. Namely Bannerlord but I’m usually disappointed in newer games for their incompleteness. Instead I don’t buy newer games or DLC. I just decided on something investment wise. Either for the garden/brewery, weapons/operations equipment/vehicles, or metals/currencies/crypto/stocks.

2010 is Win7 era. The pre-gamergate era. People judge games by console eras when most video game are made on computers anyway. So as I computer gamer I judge gaming eras by the computer and not by console. Usually the technology is a generation behind. For example most PS1 games were developed on DOS. Doom 64 is a good example of this.
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communism saved china, and communism will save america
happy 103rd birthday to the communist party of china
ah ok
i mostly played free games with few exceptions

either on websites like Y8 or stickpage
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Telmud Denounced Z
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For games now I just torrent. I pay 10 bucks for a torrent site and download pretty much any game I’ve wanted since I was 7. Been getting into emulation as well. I will emulate Jet Moto. I will relive that 90’s beer commercial life/Baywatch world. It’s my right as an American
or just keep using the 3t glide bombs...
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i hope they bring back old court attire Manchu Mongol and Han
the hats too i wanna see PLA generals wear

He Guan & Huben Guan with quail feathers and pearls

I do like the idea of cultural retro futurism. I think it would be cool if people in the US started dressing like the founding fathers with leggings and shit again or cowboys/settlers but both with a distinctly migration era anglo-saxon twist like the use of fur, long viking beards, beard braids and hair.
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Failing DS2 no bonfire\no death run a couple of times kinda encouraged me to draw some more.

Which doesn't mean that the next pic will be done any faster, but it is going to be slightly better.

That being said - it's about 60% done.

Now... is anything particularly funny expected to happen during the Bong elections?
Should I stay up late specifically to watch that particular circus?
maybe throw in some native stuff
have them carry around ceremonial pipes and hatchettes and dance in those weird turkey outfits you see in the powwow videos that appeared in my recommendations a few weeks back
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>DS2 no bonfire challenge
Why? Are you insane?
Just play hoi4 like normal autists
but you get a cool ring to fight the 5 other people still doing PVP
And that's FABulous
Meme fodder for normalfags, if you're a real autist you play 3 or DH
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WTF !!?
Someone stole Durandale. One if not the only legendary sword in existence ! It was gifted by an angel to Charlemagne.
Is the end near ?
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Maybe for actual natives. For the average white american no. The mutton choos is a classic example of an old anglo-saxon facial hair style. The difference being that the anglos in the migration period would grow the chops out as far as they could and then braid them. Same with the goatee. They’d grow it out then braid it.
why you do this to perfectly good An-2? This is akin to a crime leaf. Pure heresy for such a beauty.
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It's a rather unique challenge in that it's entirely unreasonable and yet... "official", so to speak.

I don't have to come up with rules and then doubt whether or not this or that is technically allowed.

The rules are laid out clearly: beat the game without dying, without resting at a bonfire.
You get 2 rings as a confirmation that you have, in fact, done it.
Everything else is up to you.

I enjoy that sort of thing.
... it is , you know, The Best Souls Game (tm) we're talking about.
But other games don't have this sort of challenge in them, so - ... DS2 it is, I guess.

I'm half-considering recording myself while I do it.
Not my face, just the gameplay.
I'll probably never do anything with the foorage, though.
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Dark souls 2 is pure dog shit. Why even do a challenge run that could waste so much time restarting if you fail it? It's like people playing Path of Exile on Hardcore when they can lose countless hours and progress to a bullshit one shot.
I think the average poorfag zoomer these days see no prospects in their future so instead of saving up for a future they don't think will ever be achieved, they are spending what little they have for hedonic pleasures and enjoyment. Though I do think they also have a lot of ignorance in knowing how to manage their own finances.
1. Buhanka is a van.
2. If Buhanka was a person she’s to pure and classy to be treated like an animal like that.
3. Niggers are animals.
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People have been saying its happening for years and years, nothing ever happens unfortunately. Everything is (((planned))). Only reason ww3 would ever break out is if kikes know they will lose everything, thats when they blow the entire world up.
You know I have never played Dark Souls except for once. I don’t remember whete I played it but I was likely waiting on someone at their house so we could leave and do something
Our Beloved German Sister Diana Wagner, who had been serving in Ukraine as a Volunteer succumbed on the Battlefield.

Rip hero you can see the goodness in her eyes
damn, 2 famous mercs died today. i wonder what nasty fab-3000 hit the building they were residing in
maybe have mexicans or hispanics wear sombrero's and matador outfits (because i find it funny) or those spanish outfits from the 1600s with short coats doublets ruffle collars and large hats with feathers very macho

cool hat
ds2 is also the only souls game i havent beat a boss in but mine is that stupid big dragon in the dragon area
i never could beat him even when i tried to summon a friend
The 1600’s outfits are kino. Here in the US I could see the rural people dressing like cowboys and settlers again where as the I can see the urban whites only in red states adopting the old 1700’s dress style in the Blue states I just forsee niggers dressed like ethnics in sub-sahara or in muslim dress.
what's the f-word ?
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hats should be more like this
strange. https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidaxe/2024/06/28/russias-most-dangerous-jets-are-parked-in-the-open-a-hundred-miles-from-ukraine-but-kyiv-needs-washingtons-permission-to-strike-them/
That manniquin has seen some shit.
are you still jealous I've beet you in that game a few days ago ?
fun fact ruffle as in on this outfit actually survived in danish fashion into the 19th century and can be found on shirts worn with suits
seems accurate
i imagine places like baton rouge going in the direction of a comically over the top version of the most degenerate french fashions of the 1790s
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All nafo fella are tranny faggots.
From zelentard to cirillo.
same, that entire dlc is fucking nightmare and makes me cry all the time
I doubt that’s true but if it is it’s oribably because they’re bombing the fuck out of Ukraine. I doubt it though. Did you know the North Vietnamese had a small air force and in between missions they basically stored the planes and fuel in undergrounder hangers and silos? I’re sure that Russians have a similar thing as well. Also you usually rotate planes out as well. I live next to an AFB. They cycle the planes out all the time. Used tk be the Hercules they had out here and now it’s the EW planes.
Mrs. Zelensky driving a €4.000.000,00 Bugatti Turbillon is critical to stopping the ILLEGAL full SCALE invasion, chud. Slava Ukraini. Now pay your €50 happy meal and €9.000 gas bill, we're sanctioning Russia.
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Kek. The rockets they’d use to bomb any Russian plane in the border (which there really are not any) have not made it to the front. They funds are in the Zelenskys’ noses and sport cars or jn Bugatti’s bank accounts. Ukraine is a lolcow country.
I'm not all that sure what dropping even a few hundred tons of HE on Kiev would accomplish. Remember, the kikes have dropped the better part of a hundred kilotons worth of bombs (which means something like 50 kilotons of HE) on Gaza, but Hamas is still in the fight. What is there in Kiev that is essential to the hohol war effort?

Still, who knows - if it's cheap and it makes the hohols expend precious SAMs to intercept them, it might be worthwhile.

zelensky looking scared lately, like he knows his time is running out. i fully expect him to do some vile shit on his way out, like bomb ukrainian maternity wards and dump sterility toxins in kiev's water supply.
Hello, Scarafren. Are you an SWL?
videogame logic
a what ?
SWL: shortwave listener. "CQCQ DX" made me think of shortwave radio - and there's broadcast services on shortwave radio. I suppose you know about skywave and what happens to reception at night. Then I remembered that e.g. CQ is more general than that.
It is a think I do though. I save up for my ancestors historical dress.

Western European

Eastern European
i have two small hand helds an old one from 50s made in japan with a leather case
and a baofeng

i am currently planning on getting a license so that i can do it without risk of bother in the future

will probably buy some basic equipment like
band equalizer
heavy duty hand radio
stationary hamradio
vehicle radio
portable radio
field telephone

so that i can listen to polish truckers and ham guys in fredrichshafen

my father does ham radio
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i like boyar clothing maybe people in alaska can wear gorlatnaya hats
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same happened to me when i posted this apustaja with holding a meraj a few months ago
i was also recently banned for breaking american law do not know how
they never explained or gave me any examples came after a warning i newer saw
You're a bad person. You should only post Ukraine sponsored gore pics or promote Agent Z
still russian
I’m game. Would be kink if Russians dressed like tha again.
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Any news on ol Tex? Did the tankers finally let him go?
your apu is most cromulent and i have added it to my collection
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Someone deleted my comment.
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Your comrades are not so sure about that
>my comrades
holy fuck what a deranged retard
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>Russian anti-drone vehicle: armed with 6 shotguns between dual Kord 12.7mm machine guns + 6 rear mounted AK12 rifles
Holy fucking shit this is beautiful. Please make more of these, they actually look useful compared to the chink golfcart.
May I suggest that you simply filter this memeflag?

With that said, if you'd like a little entertainment at this niggerfaggot's expense, by all means - enjoy.
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i really take problem with the everything is planned narrative personally, what you assume by that is that people can plan things perfectly. and if you ever planned anything, when is the last time a plan went completely like you wanted it too. hell did you think covid and the vaxx went according to plan? fuck no. they say so themselves.
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Is the Matrix atracking us?
Hes going for nuclear power plants on the way out. Hohols dont have a good record on those anyways.
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>if you'd like a little entertainment at this niggerfaggot's expense, by all means - enjoy.
you think there's any other reason to talk to them? and if you're talking serious to them, you think it's for them and not randoms and lurkfags to watch who's not acting like a psychotic moron? they're utterly useless in any other facet or regard. kek they really think spewing bile out of their mouths does something when they've conceded to this form of autism because they figured all they can do is "annoy" or "anger"
Tbh i want to see a technical but it should have a high caliber machine gun for drones at long range and another spot for a shotgun if the drone is getting too close.
The resident trannie jannie
Good riddance. Also, that was one of the funniest, most pathetic clips I've seen
Here's some interesting PDFs for you:


It's about American ABM (anti-ballistic missile) development up to 1976, but it's still very interesting, and it's actually quite relevant to the present war - it discusses many, many subjects which are as pertinent to the subject of air (and missile) defense today as they were 50 years ago. For example, the chapter about the Sprint missile subsystem goes into some depth about the kinematics and other considerations which determine the engagement envelope/other capabilities of an interceptor.
i will look into it

here have some stuff from a thread i was looking at before it was taken down
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it's really not, at least beyond the tandem PKM setup. just a waste of recourses.

tranny janny will lose his last ounce of power online
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jannies i assume
I had a vision of a very low-cost self-propelled gun - you'd use some pre-existing weapon taken from legacy stocks and mount it on low-cost wheeled chassis. Perhaps it would qualify as a portee arrangement:

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Well since the tranny janney is back. Here is the Hero of Chug. Fuck the butthurt janney
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>zelensky looking scared lately
He knows that if Azov or Right Sector doesn't catch him, Russians will.
He will have nowhere to hide.
ywnbaw janny
you have no ovaries
you are a homosexual male
twisted by drugs and surgery into a mockery of natures perfection
Maybe you should be discussing 3 days special military operation related content
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LV: I am a native of St. Petersburg. I was born in this city two months before the start of the Great Patriotic War and have lived here my entire life. This is my city. It was important for me to be heard here. My main slogan is ‘Stop the war.’ I have said it many times but now I decided to run for office to declare this slogan loudly so people understand why I am against the war. That is my goal.

Additionally, I want young people to come to power — they are our future. My team mainly consists of young people. I want energetic youth who are looking towards the future to come to power. The people on my team are true citizens of St. Petersburg and patriots of their country. They are brave people.

LV: I'm not afraid for myself. But I am worried for the children, for our future. Like a mother, I want to embrace them all and protect them from this horror that’s happening in our country. My family, especially my son Denis, is very worried about me, of course. But at my age, I have nothing to fear.
>I am a native of St. Petersburg. I was born in this city two months before the start of the Great Patriotic War
take me a while to process it is not megaboomer emigre posting at chug
Thankfully anarchojanny has fucked off and acked itself
boomers are not based, you dumb glownigger.
>Additionally, I want young people to come to power
so why the fuck is this old hag running?
money she is fronting the money. and is effectively a lightning rod. she is allot smarter then most of our geriatric elite.
Have a good video with eng subs

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Post your ideas, /chug/!
1. Launch operation to destroy enemy land-to-sea capability.
2. Expand the buffer zone along the border to nearby rivers and fortify them to prevent enemy advance.
3. Import foreign prisoners to serve indefinitely in penal divisions. Conscript all liberals, illegals, criminals, PoWs, and suspected traitors into Storm-V. Focus on increasing the deployment of non-Russians to the frontline. Use summary execution and other methods to ensure military discipline.
4. Conscript unemployed, able-bodied males below 40.
5. Support rebellion in the West, and spread propaganda causing religious tensions between the Catholic Church and OCU. Advance ecumenical efforts with Latins.
6. Greatly expand Federation drone enterprises, and invest in extensive drone research to add to drone possibilities.
7. Ensure firearm education for boys in grade 4. Establish All-Russian Patriotic Firesports Union on the basis of the Shooting Union of Russia, creating new sports for recreational WWII tank use etc.
8. Pursue "offense in depth" strategy; do not allow the hohols to relocate forces along the frontline, and maintain the privilege of such ability at all times.
9. Raise at least one division from each republic with a population exceeding 500K, and one extra division for each 20K unemployed men in each republic.
10. Celebrate and memorialize Russian Empire, ceremonially using Bozhe, Tsarya khrani! etc. Dedicate a day to the Empire and the Romanov martyrs.
Two years and no bets from shills yet!
i have seen that one before
it was part of a series there is a women's one too this is from a museum

''there was also a video on a another channel Russian women's clothing before and after Tzar peter the great''

or something to that effect
as close to full body ballistic armour as possible with face masks or face shields
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I want to see more of pic related. Sure it wont stop a projectile fired from a tank but it will stop drone attacks which are responsible for a lot of deaths on the frontline.
>it wont stop a projectile fired from a tank but it will stop drone attacks
if it will not protect from a tank it will not protect from the drone. other then to some limited extend copebarns nothing can stop drone attack
not every done has RPGs attached to it tho and even if it does they will only kill/wound one person because of the 2 different departments. the chink golf carts are very compact and you can easily kill/wound 3 people at once if hit accurately
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Cool but I don't think bringing back Han dynasty tech is gonna work bro...maybe more experimenting & researching old tech and how it could be used in modern combat.

Pretty cute machine.

The main issue with drones isn't that they're really difficult to defend against, but that relatively speaking it's relatively expensive to defend against them, especially relative to the damage that they do being relatively minor. Thus, the Rodina requires a more cost-effective method of air defense.
if this is the logic then better solution is to put everyone in separate chinkcar instead of hiding behind 10mm of cope
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can you guys finish the war already? the drone goreposting is gross and not funny like chinese factory workers goreposts, it's just really sad.
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>bees think russians are faggots
how will /chug/ recover
Wish they killed more hohols (all)
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>ID: New USA ate VR
You should talk to biden about that
The FABification will continue until all the hohols are pre-cooked bacon
How are you, my saucy fellows?
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>looks at previous thread
>7 planes blasted on the airfield
>new thread
>1pbtID shills are back to goreposting
shills are truly an indicator of happening
Built for BBC
Why aren't Ukrainians killing their politicians yet?
why you?
I call bullshit until I see her driving the fuckin thing, there's no way in hell they could be this dimwitted.
Can’t miss football on sunday :/
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Thread is slow. It's because of the dilating janny?
way better than an exposed chinkcart which can kill 3 people with a normal grenade (not even rpg)
new baker needed
because patriotism is a hellova drug and you pay your taxes
If you are the same Italian hat's off to you sir. I died laughing at that exchange.
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Could be, seen the troon banning avatarfags these past days.

4 or 5 bans in a row.
Even Serbia cucked Pooptin lel
>he had to keep the thread alive
could've saged it while making fun of these subhumans
They don't know what that is.
Money is king, politics/ideology a far distant second. All wars throughout history are fought primarily for economic reasons/resource access.
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>Saging a general
>not letting /chug/ die
it would've been funny, faggot
imagine believing anything coming from that kike paper, nigger.
ps: get the fuck out of japan you nigger pedo.
Ukrainians are on day 900 of flatten the Ruski Invasion curve you see. It's all part of the science.
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You back from your cell okipidar rapist???
Ever hear of the Kuronbo-gama (Nigger Cave)?

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they turn every country into a massive shithole.
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Why is thread so slow?
How bad is it when even David Axe is reporting ukrainian losses?

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>‼ Ukrainian telegram channel reports that Ukrainian army uses foreign cargo ships to launch missiles (or I would think drones) at Crimea.
BS or confirmed?
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> Kaja Kalkas’ family were high ranking Soviet officials.
It’s cucktin fault for allowing the grain deal to begin with.
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> Kiev
wtf is TCC?







thanks for bread
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imagine driving a motorcycle in full flak vest helmet rifle lmao

russian drunkard vodka logic at work
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>thanks for bread

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at least the murrifats are good for something, comfy wars
Nobody in Estonia is aroused by it. Everyone in eastern europe knows that politicians, judiciary and the civil service are all generational and weren't cleared up after communism fell.
What worries me the most is why those retards never question their authority and just obey like cattle? I Guess centuries of demoralization by their own kings is the reason
that whore has fucked Estonia harder than Marin did Finland.
>Pictures are read from right to left
>Hebrew is also written and read from right to left
hmm yes, i'm noticing.. you deserve a (You) for showing how jewish you are.
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Baltic states are all fucked. Good. I'm so tired of globohomo, accelerate.
The Finnish Parliament unanimously approved an agreement with the United States, under which the country will open the American side access to 15 of its military facilities, writes Yle.
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it's true
Bravo monke))))) you Made HATO get stronger than ever, now they can point weapons at Saint Pidorsurg
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Fingols got occupied willingly. Here comes hordes of niggers who are literally above the law. Finland had to give completely jurisdiction of bases to the US. Only US laws apply there now. And when these violent niggers kill someone, they will go scot free.
They also got tax exemptions so US personnel doesn't have to pay local taxes. They don't even have to pay for car plates or any other licensing.
They're literally untouchable.
stronk enough to save zhid ships from the Houthis, right? right?
4. is important
when a nigger rapes a girl, he gets transferred home
no trial, no problem.
they're literally above the law.
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>NATo le stronk))))
>Made Red Seas Hithis lake
what happened to the black and baltic seas tho
Still Russian Lakes?
Still bummed there was no naval invasion of odessa. Wouldve been epic
last I checked zister ukraine is currently mining the black sea, and you just withdrew two corvettes from it today. and "russian lakes" for the baltic sea? lmao, really faggot?
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Shills are kikes!!!
>they're literally above the law.
and the usarmy will actively protect them
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>Today, I remind them
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Why do kikes show such antipathy towards Putin when he probably doesn't want TKD and would rather maintain diplomatic relations with everyone outside of the influence of the US even if it means being friendly towards jews?
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he's anti Globohomo.
that's the jew's ultimate goal.
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Yes, and you can't do shit about it other than seething
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why do you retards fake so much shit?
it's really sad
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no idea
stability in the world finally?
chaos worshippers?
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I need me 90s putin biopic by guy ritchie
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They apparently don't know paint exists
only arabs and niggers do that
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you're not white.
and japs will rise up again.
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My IQ level has dropped by 10 points after just reading hohol comments on a render video with B-52 flying over Crimea.
Fucking degenerates, aren't they?
There's some happenings between Turkey and Syrian rebels going on
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ooooh they pissed
fuck you not giving you any (You)s
GN, /Chug/.

Probably the sole reason memeflags exist is to save on proxies for the jidf
Chug is real slow, looks like a lot of regular's got the ban hammer from the tranny janny.
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It's assad wanting to join western civilization again, and he needs turkroaches first for that
gn fren. hope you had a nice day off... even though there was nothing to celebrate.
It's just early morning in Europe and late night in the US
Theres a 70% chance youre a goblino mutt or a nigger in okinawa. Dont use that meme faggot
It was caused by anti-Syrian riots in Turkey
Are you saying this is all part of some plan?
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Its bullshit because she is not that retard to putnit under her own name.
She would have it under some offshore company like they have all the other stuff
To be honest that is a big achievement to do that
>and japs will rise up again.

Only when we allow them to
Yes and boomers are gloryfying this
Why can't they use signal jammers on the drones?
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nigger, let me remind you what you're fighting for.
Watch this vid. Memorize every frame. Recall it every time you put your uniform on in the morning. Every time you decide to post to /chug/, remember that you will probably see it again.
Turkey wants to have good ties with assad again, that's probably the reason rebels began chimping out
>Posts degenerate shit on /chug/ every single day
>"Look at you fighting for degeneracy!"

You lack conviction, young one
wow, its nothing
The culmination of your life is to die for jews in some random arabian desert. Rope yourself zogbot
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/sg/bros, are we back?
A useful idiot never gats far. Same fate is awaiting ukraine
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every time you put that uniform on, just remember what you're truly fighting for. You are guilty of fighting for this.
Nope, it's assad wanting to join the west again xaxaxaxaxaxa xaxaxaxaxaxa, all those puccians dying in syria for literally nothing
You will also die for the Jews. The same as Ukranians dying for Zelebsky and Russians dying for Jewtin.
So fucking what
Whens the next deployment to the middle east zogbot? Ready to get killed by some iranian proxy group when you eventually have to serve israel?
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Every time you put that ZOGbot uniform on, REMEMBER this. You will be sent back to that 3rd world shithole. Your family will be sunjected to trans and faggot propaganda. They will get attacked by wild packs of nigger.
And BE PROUD that you helped usher this future.
they can and do
wow 7 posts tonight. normally you don't get past 2.
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He got triggered hard by truth.
He gets really mad when you call him out on the fact hes serving jews. You can insult ukraine all you want and he wont care but dont you dare touch his soft spot
Who is baker?
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mutts are pedos
nothing new
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i will bake
I have big timer
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>all these (((Canadian))) flags
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eldar is done >>472825141
>eldar is done >>472825141
eldar is done >>472825141
>eldar is done >>472825141
eldar is done >>472825141
>eldar is done >>472825141
eldar is done >>472825141
>eldar is done >>472825141
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Every time you put that uniform on, remember this video.
>What worries me the most is why those retards never question their authority and just obey like cattle?
yep, gets me every time, if goycatchers would kidnap me to die for the kike of kyiv i would simply surrender or atleast take as many azov shabosnazis with me to hell
MAke a sign saying NATO membership here above a hidden woodchipper

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