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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Previous: >>472776522
Timeline /tug/:https://files.catbox.moe/m97wmq.pdf

Be aware, any /chug/ thread that uses globohomo nuspeak wording in the OP (such as Kyiv) or cites UKROP sources (like video game footage) are fake shill threads.
>By posting in these threads, you recognize Israel controls the NATO Council and you irrevocably denounce the Talmud out of your own volition

>FT: European NATO countries would struggle to field 300,000 total -https://archive.today/08KRT
>Azov commander admits to his unit acting as blocking detachment -https://archive.today/4GyuO
>"I feel as if I am in a prison": the men avoiding the meatcatchers -https://archive.today/Q3VMM
>Putin continues his Asian trip, arriving in Vietnam -https://archive.today/3YvEQ
>Putin's visit to North Korea in pictures -https://archive.today/muSbj
>Putin arrives in North Korea with high-level delegation -https://archive.today/DGh32
>GIB! GIB! Only $800 billion to beat putler! -https://archive.today/IMaDq
>“We should prepare for life in the cold and the dark”: Half the ukraine's energy generation destroyed -https://archive.today/hLsXK
>Sanctions aren't working because we didn't call Putin racist enough times -https://archive.today/zWUbr
>Putin: 'Russia has the right to supply weapons to foreign countries & strike western targets with them' -https://archive.today/Thb5A


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Live - Black Sea - Marine Traffic

Russian (former opposition to Putin)




American (neocons)


Air raid alarms

More maps:
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>Cheerful hohol POWs singing skills
>UR-77 demining charge in action
>ODAB-1500 strike
>Mad Max: SMO Road
>Munitions warehouse in Odessa burns
>Dagestani terrorists killed by Special forces P1
>Dagestani terrorists killed by Special forces P2
>Houthis released a new TKD anthem
>Another FAB-3000
>Second usage of FAB-3000 UMPK, massive wings clearly visible
>FAB-500 shockwaves in high humidity
>First usage of FAB-3000 w/ UMPK, Kharkov direction
>AFU soldier tries to surrender to Russian drone, is killed by AFU drone
>Lukashenko wondering why most of the corrupt officials are jews
>"They killed Kenny!"
>Romanians shouting 'Putin' during Romania - Ukraine match
>Showcase of an attack-transport UAV “Perun”
>AFU surrender to fpv drone in the field
>T-90 gets hit by javelin but survives
>Disembarking AFU getting fpv struck
>Ukrainian Su-25 being hit by a Lancet
>Burning MTLB gets to safety, driver nominated for award

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Thanks for the bread and for your great efforts OP! Keep doing the good work!

I'm taking this chance to denounce the talmud, and shills are kikes.

Having said that, I'll proceed to bless this thread, and everyone on it. Be it fellow /chug/frens and shills, because the love of God is for everyone, but everybody has to take their time to realize the love that the Lord gives us.


Our Father who art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name.

Thy Kingdom come.

Thy will be done, On earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our trespasses, As we forgive those who trespass against us.

And lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from evil.

For Thine is the Kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever.



May everyone on this bread have a great day ahead of you all!
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Thanks for the bread!
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Z talmud denounced Z
Z r/uhg tranny colony denounced Z
Thanks for the bread
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*Nukes any and all threats to the French Republic*
I've been thinking about the long range missiles and drones, why aren't they designed to completely obliterate any sensitive technology which the missile is using for guidance/targetting/flight tech by the time they reach their destination/get shot down?
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Please provide me with a picture of a obviously distinguishable hyhyl pig catcher being stabbed, I need it for a scientific project.
why are russians such scary and mean muscled up tattoos gangster bad guys always doing crime?
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While the rest of the world is busy with the daily political nonsense, the Russian rocket trucks continue lobbing rockets at Ukrainians somewhere between the towns of Svatovo and Kupiansk
Ukraine, despite having the technological superiority thanks to the NATO, still can't stop these humble Russian rocket trucks.
seems legit

And good night frenZ!
You mean GPS jamming.
INS is mechanic and hard to counteract.
>unironically naming your ship “Terrible”
And I thought American navy ship names were bad.
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pic for you
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Increased production of Iskanders is finally showing. Imagine if they had these numbers since 2022. Oh well.
Most of their patriots are gone. Think only a few remain around kiev. Rest have been kaput.
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>Russia's largest private airline is decommissioning its planes due to sanctions

>S7 Airlines, Russia's largest private air carrier, plans to decommission its fleet of Airbus A320neo aircraft, Rosaviatsia head Dmitry Yadrov said Monday.

>According to him, the airliners in question are those with engines made by the US company Pratt & Whitney, which have become impossible to repair and maintain due to sanctions against Russia.

>S7's problems with Airbus aircraft first became known in October last year, when the company was forced to cut its fall-winter schedule by 15% because 20% of its fleet was not flying.
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That looks like a chibi Christ chan! I don't know if it is her, but I appreciate it and I will save it if you let me! Thanks fren!
you and me both. why not put a small charge in there? I guess it's too much of a hassle or it's just too dangerous to operators. Not sure.
This is frenchmen in Russia
Now show me frenchmen in France
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it's mari from blue archive, she is a cat eared priest but yeah reminds me a lot of christ chan
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Z and good night fren
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Post your ideas, /chug/!
1. Destroy enemy land-to-sea capability.
2. Expand the buffer zone along the border to nearby rivers and fortify them to prevent enemy advance.
3. Import foreign prisoners to serve indefinitely in penal divisions. Conscript all liberals, illegals, criminals, PoWs, and suspected traitors into Storm-V. Focus on increasing the deployment of non-Russians to the frontline. Use summary execution and other methods to ensure military discipline.
4. Deploy combat infrastructure and engineering group. Pay "Northern Bonus" to civilian volunteers for this effort.
5. Support rebellion in the West, and spread propaganda causing religious tensions between the Catholic Church and OCU. Advance ecumenical efforts with Latins.
6. Greatly expand Federation drone enterprises, and invest in extensive drone research to add to drone possibilities.
7. Ensure firearm education for boys in grade 4. Establish All-Russian Patriotic Firesports Union on the basis of the Shooting Union of Russia, creating new sports for recreational WWII tank use etc.
8. Pursue "offense in depth" strategy; do not allow the hohols to relocate forces along the frontline, and maintain the privilege of such ability at all times.
9. Raise at least one division from each republic with a population exceeding 500K, and one extra division for each 20K unemployed men in each republic.
10. An event on 10 September to remember the heroes of WWI and the Russian Civil War, and to venerate the Romanov Martyrs and remember that, before the Bolshevik Revolution, Russia was a great Empire which spanned from Kalisz to Novoarkhangelsk.
Two years and no bets from shills yet!
Why are you posting fake and gay shit from some retard on Twitter from 2 hours ago with no views? They stopped flights to Europe not anywhere else. You'd think you'd do a better job fact checking.
Goodnight fren
No, what I mean is when a missile hits its target in the base case scenario we always see that the recovery crew always pick up a few bits and pieces, and every so often we see that an important part of the missile survives the strike (as in the webm). What I want to know is why these parts you wouldn't want the enemy to get access too aren't made to self destruct
Alaska invasion soon?
It's an airline so small I wouldn't even care if it were true.
Truth and the UN memeflag don’t mix well.
Do rural areas in Russia have internet?
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hyhylbrehs, since you are somewhat retarded, I made up an instruction for you how to deal with them pigcatchers
Meh they did about 16% of all passenger flights from 2023. Small but not miniscule. Retard up there just doesn't check anything.
Thanks I love her! I will cherish her!
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>Xaxaxxa it was just a small airline)))
only bears deep in the forest don't have internet in Russia
babushkas are selling their petrushkas and morkovkas via wireless payments
The tech is not that wow and Russians have most of the schematics from the Chinese. They bought it from US's best ally around 2013.
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Did you even read what you posted? Western engines aren't supported, should this be surprising?
is that the role they play in your gay fantasies?
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24 hours times 14
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Puccian serfs not even using golf carts anymore but motorcycles for deadly assults. Is this winning comrades?
More men aren't needed, just increased production of everything.
I always wanted a cool bike. You mean to tell me that if I join the Russian Armed Forces I will get one of those?
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They can't produce anything because their military industrial complex collapsed under sanctions
Take some pills
>Let's Photoshop a bunch of motorcycles just strewn out around an ifv
>No damage no bodies just some bikes sitting around it
Looks legit which Twitter did you pull that one from?
How much do you make an hour? I needa job
>engaging with the UN memeflaggor
>Deadly assaults
>No dead people on pic
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By alleviating the personnel burdens of the Army, the productive sector of the economy is able to alleviate its own personnel burdens. Furthermore, the transportation of supplies from the rear to the front may be a more pressing concern than a lack of production.
It was Potemkin military industrial complex that collapsed though
Latest Tornado strike on parked SU-27s.
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airship BORNE drone swarms target power grid water plants and public transportation
as well as motorway entry and exit points and gas stations
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Gotta like how my comrades cope about everything
Did you know he died in Romania?
Im finna be rich!! How the fuck are shilla so low energy? They literally get to lay in bed and shitpost all day
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wait i don't fish
>How the fuck are shilla so low energy?
On purpose, to exhaust and bring down your high energy.
Ah makes sense.
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Martyanov says lots of Euros and Americans want to move to Russia. True?
shill activity is like attrition warfare, agreed. Advised course of action: filter out all memeflags. That easy.
No need bro I just blocked her after I cussed her out because she knew what I think about kikes. This sucks man, I did like her but I noticed some of her behaviors were kind of jewish but I just thought she was frugal and a drunk but in a fun way.
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>check the war
>Russian planes getting bombed again

Good job Cucktin!
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Or just ignore them and tell them to kill themselves. The anarcho troon did not last 1 month
Private First Class Sanchez!
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No laurel grows on the easy path.
supah buhankajin?!?!
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>white boy
We own America we won it in the war.

>Indian man
Who can own a rock? Who can own a tree? Only the great spirit

How do you respond?
sounds about right i have heard some people being tired of lgbt stuff and wanting to move to eastern Europa or China because the economic opportunities there and traditional values plus real politic
places like Poland or Hungary or slovakia because they are fairly well developed or croatia or slovenia where you can get away with knowing german and it's like a more affordable italy or austria supposedly or Bulgaria Romania or Greece because of the beaches tourism and international education initiatives while having low taxes and affordable prices (you can live there and live in a hotel or airbnb here with a luggage worth of your basic essentials earn money here then be able to live comfortably down there while being able to enjoy the good food and architecture down there i have heard it said that people there go to all over europa and learn to cook at certain schools which is why you can find just about every cuisine and dish you want the downside is lack of english comprehension and accesssibility if you wish to migrate can take years )
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2 weeks and hohols will surrender
>How do you respond?
I am Jewish.
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i am going to keep an eye on the emigration numbers but i know for a fact that 30k native dutch emigrated from this place in 2023. the total was like 200k orso. and it was mostly highly educate skilled and family oriented people.
also some people i know know people or work with people who have moved to northern russia because it is near norway so you can get your basic stuff that you might miss from home or stuff that cannot be easily gotten outside of the EU or are sanctioned or restritected in Russia
even if it is more expensive on the other side of the border while still nature and architecture somewhat reminiscient of here
that area generally having a reputation for beautiful nature fishing wild life while not being flooded with international tourists and being a lot safer now than a decade or two ago in the 90s or nills
also known as Okinawa no kuronbo
fuck off we full
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HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!
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>Crimea Maritime drones threat
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my opinion on BA will change when Mari gets foiled in aluminium or any stupid contraption
Are you smoking meth senpai or are you the ghost of Ernest Hemingway? Punctuation.
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Ohaiyo! I dunno how to do Japengrish, actually.
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Damn I want to go fishing, but fucking boomers keep on gatekeeping it.
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HEY PEDO NIGGER, didn't you get arrested?
You got bailed out already????
So far. Wait for the offensyiv 2.0.
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Was it worth it, /chug/gies?
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Henlo fren, long time no see.
Yes. I love XIX century women fashion.
a lot of veterans until the war started would get jobs especially specialists and skilled people that worked in motor pools or repair shops here for f 16s and infantry vehicles went to russia and china for work because citizenship was almost always guaranteed and the pay was good especially if they had experience they wanted
the government has since tried to restrict this as well as in private business sectors with the left wanting to put in laws that would prevent people from sharing industry knowledge and experience or know how with companies or countries or businesses associated with foreign or hostile governments outside the EU punishable with heavy fines work restrictions bans on working in certain industries again and in some cases prison time if you had industry valuable information on certain subjects like medicine manufacturing or EX or electronic or radio or communications equipment (boxes, silicone electronics )
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kek... back in the 21st century...
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>I go away for a few days only to come back and see the pajeet unflag is still at it
Better than a call center I guess
i wish there were people in here in our government that had the balls to have that attitude when it comes to polish or turkish guestworkers
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Cute dresses and lovely floral arrangements!!!
If only women still dressed in cute outfits.
Greetings, fren! I hope all is well!
this is the interwebz no punctuation has ever b333n r1qu1r3d
They look very pretty
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GOD bless them i wish more people dressed like this
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Dang... that is fashion... nowadays people look like shit.
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Russian MOD needs to pull their head out of their ass already and just find a fucking hole in the line already and relentlessly push it already. Village hopping like they're the fucking allies on their way to japan.
Do they know that hohols are free and they can pick them up around parks in Europe?
I have 4 hohols in my basement and tomorrow I'm going to look for more.
200,000/2,000 kia/day = 100 days
That will last them just over 3 months. What then?
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Is there a hotline to report hohols to the Ukie MOD? Theres like 5 in my city and I want them gone
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>Commander of the Azov 2nd Assault Battalion Kuharchuk questions the military registration office (TCC) and the political authorities of Ukraine:
>Why do the TCC only catch the poor and never bother the elite?
kek... Ukraine will collapse once they go after elites.
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All is well here, I hope it's the same on your end.
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Someones gonna get arrested
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kek... few days ago some guy said he'll get a TCC t-shirt and wear it around and fuck with these fake refugees.
I have Zelensky's drug dealer phone number. I think you can relay the message through him.
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f i s k
He's showing identical behavior as the that nigger who posted with the Japanese flag.
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I will beat you with a rock.
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>“The lack of soldiers is existential for Ukraine. While the mobilization does not meet the need, the army is now recruiting in prisons.”
can a prisoner even refuse mobilization? i think they'll just kill refusniks like they killed Gonzalo Lira
That has to be bad translation
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chugzisters, our response?
Artists should be mobilized because if Putin wins there will be no art only sadness.
sorry I farted
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There's a kinda cute young hoholina in my workplace. What should I do? Should I report her aswell?
What do expect?
It’s a fucking memeflag
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No dude theyre totally asking prisoners yet kidnapping free men off the street.
Special Romantic Operation then report
there are some anons out there stuck on quantum cuckwarfare, rip. im hopeful in this timeline the outcome and timeframe will fall on where we want
let the trolling begin
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this is every hobby
my advice is just by whatever gear is needed and then whatever you discover you needed and practice by yourself figure out what periods people are active in areas your hobby is practiced and then do it outside the most active portion of that time to avoid unnecessary rushing around looking for an opening to do it or finding a spot it's like going to a ham radio convention come days in advance and go there early get a good idea of what is where buy then and once things start getting crowded take a last few looks then leave or find food go to a museum or a castle and come back later once people start leaving for afternoon breakfast or start returning to their air bnbs or once you have become familiar with when people start to leave go to the remaining booths and stalls that arent as important or didn't open early and buy the rest in between eating after you left you can go to where you are staying and drop off whatever you bought and then go out if the restaurants hadn't opened yet or if you want to save money and instead buy at restaurants you had actually been interested in or at a day tour to a historic city you can go to the local supermarket or kiosk and then buy the necessary ingredients to make the food in your hotel room air bnb or if they wont allow you out the back of your car at some parking lot
Inmates are (((their))) potential allies in what is called anarchocracy. Free men are their enemies.
Makes sense now?
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This kitten lives in a shoe. Why wont you send money to Ukraine?
Just fish
¿ færskfisk ?
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>Dzerzhinsky operational area.
>Mi-28NM reconnaissance and attack helicopter use of the subsonic multi-purpose tactical missiles Kh-39 ("Object 305") LMUR against the AFU deployment points in Severnoye.
>At the same time, possessing TV/IR sensors and command and telemetry channels, these tactical missiles with average trajectory speeds of up to 700 km/h can be used by russian helicopters from low-altitude firing positions, hidden from the AFU military SAMs (including LMM "Martlet" and HVM "Stormer").
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I really dont understand why the free men dont blast the (((recruiters)))
I fucking adore victorian era/ late 1800s shit.
Pour that shit into my mouth.
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dont let your dreams be dreams
>Western diplomat who hasn't heard of the US led Iraq, Afghanistan or Syrian wars
Needs an autoloader.
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Ukraine btfoes Russian drones
Kiev is only now reporting deaths from two years ago.
The free men are just ordinary civvies who don't want to shoot at anyone or be shot at either
30+ in Moscow... im dying bros.... won't make it...
He's doing a pretty good job realistically
Fear of what might happen after the deed. Self-preservation instinct is helluva drug and makes women out of men.
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when does your trial start? why did you rape that jap girl???
So they allow themselves to be drafted into a war where they will be forced to shoot (lmao) and be shot at (killed)
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now this is fucking interesting
what are they planning? another suicide mission???
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Attempted Coup in Ukraine?
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new anti-drone drone
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What are glowniggers up to now? Why make something like this public?

>Ukraine Says It Foiled Another Russian Plot to Topple the Government
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the mosquitoes are the worst part, my ankles are covered in bites
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>WWI Style

Fucking journalists
Those esoteric mantits and the location tell me it's Poles.
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Stock up on some ice cream
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Legitimizing Z-man to kill and maim whoever's standing behind him.
Not like he wasn't doing it before but it's getting hard to cover.
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surely this is the point you think about giving it all up and going home?

Chrono Cross
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>They are not allowed to build fortifications.
>Ukrainian IMR-2 evacuates the destroyed EOV-4421 excavator.
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>Why make something like this public?
Because it most likely didnt happen, and it serves to harbor apathy and complacency, and to label anyone wanting to out the jews as a Russian agent and traitor.
Dogfights actually happened during ww1, but it was done with primitive scout planes, and pilots and/or copilots fired at one another with pistols and later rifles.
I'd stay just to see the FAB3000
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Fires burning around Vozdvyzhenka.
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Love the Mad Max vibe.
What are you using for fire maps? Doesen't look like VIIRS
Mykola, mykola, mykola... Your twatter is in Russian.
So this is the new holol trench-making technology
Did he borrow Khorn's skis?
That was from Twitter. I just pulled this form FIRMS.
unironically does. Ukraine is corrupt as fuck and they know our media will keep quiet about shit like that.
looks burnt out, no tyres, nothing much left to recover.
Who cares, we are conquerors. We control Japan the same way we control your country
looks like ai slop
oh God...i really hope they don't win the Euro again, turbo-sportsball-nationalism is the last thing i need
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it was fun
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they will, and you will hear the vuvuzelas everywhere
No chance they are garbage
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way ahead of you
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Anything with more than 110 hp and weighs more rhan 1300kg is not required
My meme.
Only Serbs know this!

anywhere from 13C to 27C here with rain or cloudless skies
generally the weather is hotter and more moist when there is cloud cover to keep the heat in
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a lada niva or a moskovitch costs 40,000 Kroner not counting import from Kazakhstan outside of EUSSR
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>Ukraine should be allowed to strike "valid military targets" in Russia, Mike Turner, chair of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and a Republican congressman from Ohio, said in Kyiv on July 1.
I had a Trabant for a while, my cardboard car!

I thought it was pretty nifty!
tomato soup with cheesy loaf. thats bretty good.
russia should be allowed to strike valid military targets anywhere
fuck you
Moskvitch is great. Its basicly a Fiat 124 iirc. I like the looks of the gaz 24 a lot tho. Would still trade all of them by a ford cortina tho
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>I love my /chug/frens
Not TBL?
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Uh oh....
>We took the bushes mein monke
>bitch wtf is this?
>you actually tried to feed me this garbage?
>fuck you stupid cunt. Women cant cook for shit anymore
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They have finally decided to take the gloves off
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That's just how we roll
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You know the war effort is in an unrecoverable tailspin at this point. Even if they got that many volunteers/shanghaied there's no time to train them before they are out there, knowing fuck all what to do.
Thank for admiting Kharkov is russian territory comrade
lol, imagine not understanding that the war would be over within a week, with the regime being overthrown and capitulation to Russia announced pronto. No way the "elite" are being mobilized, ever. This goes on until all the poor people die.
Nope, it's in Belgorod tovarish
those are hohol planes outside Poltava though... But I guess that usually the case...
Only Ukrainain bomb fall on belgorod though, typical terrorist hohol actions
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TBL and total chugfren love too. I need white pills frens. To much doompoating faggotry. Chug is usually pretty white ied which makes it the mkst apex of generals.
Ughh why can.mt you make these gifs so I can save them to my phone?
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Lots of gore videos of Russians going about, why is the war going so badly for Russia?
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Dima from the Military Summery Channel already said as much like a week ago.
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Does that mean we are back to kino Soviet airliners?
ban status:
yep its /chug/ time
good evening frens
this heats gonna be the death of me
All your industry is dead, You are a cheap gas station and raw materials provider
welcome back fren
sounds about right what happened to it what was it's colour
cannot blame you i personally prefer older hongqi models because i like long businessy cars
but i would not mind driving a lada or moskvitch because of the classic design

the maybach 1927 or 29 was it ? DS8 Zeppelin is still my favourite car by far (i like the little step that swings out when you open the door ) though that may be because i like airships
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Ukraine is now using Russia's tactics! They just emptied a prison in Dnipropetrovsk and sending the prisoners to fight Russia!
felt pretty smug posting that huh
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ukrainesissybros...i dont get how we have a 6-1 kill ratio and yet we have to train our meat on the front line. is it possible we are a bunch of lying paganists?
why is russia advancing everywhere all the time ever since they got the chink truck what changed since they got the chink truck
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How is Japan going to cope? The fourth largest economy in the world going down…
delete this
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you just answered your won question.
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Imagine getting picked up by recruiters, getting the shit kicked out of you, but refusing to sign mogilization papers. So you get put on trial and sent to prison. You think "OK, this sucks, but at least I'll survive with minor organ damage"...

And then recruiters come to your prison and order all prisoners to fight or get executed...
holy shit
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>Dogfights actually happened during ww1, but it was done with primitive scout planes, and pilots and/or copilots fired at one another with pistols and later rifles.
WW1 planes quickly escalated from scout planes shooting at eachother with pistols to machine guns
>Sync gear, also known as an interrupter or gun synchronizer, was developed during World War I to ensure that an armament attached to a single-engine aircraft could fire through the spinning arc of a propeller without damaging the propeller blades
it was white (ish) it came from East Germany, a friend married an East German girl and it was their car over there, they drove it back here and I bought it off them,
Good, I hope Russia invades them for shitting out moe & idol shit instead of good anime, swisscheese their emperor long the way
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Ha китaйcкoм гpyзoвикe я мoг бы пoeхaть кyдa yгoднo.
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Tell Erdogan to return Nadia to Me or the fires get worse
lol I think in June of this year the ukrops lost close to 60,000 in one month.
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I feel like people always talk shit on Russian automobiles and automotive industry and don’t really consider the differentials in market systems. If Russian had, had a market system they would have been just as competitive as the US auto industry during the Cold War. They weren’t trying to break onto the international market. They were trying to just fill the need domestically. It seems kind of disingenuous to compare the two.
We need to shut down ukraine until we figure out where the heck all the ukrainian soldiers are going. What is happening to them?
What if I send a Greek assassin after you
they get FAB'd and then sold for spare parts.
it's smart. There's no economic pressure, quite the opposite, NATO is sounding war drums, and the public is comfortable with supporting this strategy and signing up for it. Russia preserves her strength.
Hey you may think its funny and illogical (and maybe it is) but it's also why most people won't even try and fight back when they are being beaten down.
It’s dine to keep the US dollar afloat. when the petro dollar was king the US would deflate it’s “allies” currencies sonthat way when they had to exchange their currency for US dollars for energy sales the US would get more of that currency per dollar.
so good i saved it twice
That robot thing on the right looks AI generated. That's clearly a fake. Why do you deceive us so?
I've used several Russian built vehicles, I grew rather fond of them, the motorcycles are pretty good,
saw skin color, did not watch.
watch all the G7 currencies, I'm expecting them to all lose purchasing power together, it'll seem like not much has changed, until you go outside of the G7 fiat currency zone.
it's just an EQ2050
ah cool
>also trips
I love all these women jews writing about shit they have zero understanding of and stupid jew lovers lapping it up.
oh, I love it then
(I thought it was a captured Hummer and not therefore not Chinese)
holy shit, that's in China too, double based
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UAF are being very careful keeping guns away from civvies, seems weird but getting your hands on a weapon in Ukraine is among the hardest in the world right now, unless you're at the frontline or a "recruiter". Don't pass on judgments ya faggot, take control of your government with your rights you absolute nigger.
Lunokhod 2 held the off world distance record from 1973 to 2014,

quite impressive really.
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china's new ghost bridge
is this the new supersoldier?
they were giving them out like candy in the first few weeks,

Do you want to bake

We're recruiting
I really wish they’d allow exchanges to sell and list really volitile warzone currencies like Venezuala or Afghanistan because a 1 US cent jump in thier value would make traders like me millionaires over night.

For example if the Venezualan currency is worth 1/100th of US cent and that value goes up to US single cent then each Venesualan dollar you own is now 100 times more valuable. So if you bought just 100 US dollars of Venezualan currency and it went up to a single US cent per Venezualan dollar you would make 10,000 dollars. 100 dollar to 10,000 dollars. That’s a quarter of most people’s yearly salaries. I could have kicked myself for not buying the ruble prior to the war because i would have made 2000 over night doing jack shit. In fact I could have probably sold it in the US to private individuals for what ever I wanted because it’s banned here now.

det er en bil produceret af de følgende lande bangladesh syrien pakistan iran iraq kazakhstan turkmenistan tajikistan uzbekistan kyrgyzstan mongoliet kina cambodien nord korea laos burma hviderusland rusland serbien og montengro

Mass 3,250 kg (7,170 lb) (Curb Weight)
Length 4,970 mm (196 in)
Width 2,134 mm (84.0 in)
Height 1,960 mm (77 in)
kommer med en a de her motorer GM 6.5 litre V8 turbo-charged diesel (EQ2050)
EQB150-20 110kW/2,700R turbo-charged diesel (EQ2058)
transmission 4-speed gearbox (Automatic) (EQ2050)
5-speed gearbox (Manual) (EQ2058)
130 km/h maximum vejhastighed
kan ogsaa findes i gabon central afrikansk republik mali neger trinidad tobago venezuela cuba vietnam zimbabwe namibia
dongfeng motor selskab sælger den til $93,000 den er baseret paa humvee chasis med license fra american motors aftalt i 88
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and then hohols started to shoot one another, be it to settle scores, retardation or suspicion of Russian agents
nothing is stopping them from shaking meat chatchers with a knife or caving their skull in with a cinder block. hell, last vid i saw of them, they dropped their krink on the ground while they were wrestling with the guy and instead of picking it up and magdumping them, his gf or whoever just kept filming.
sorry that should have been in english

it is a car produced by the following countries bangladesh Syria pakistan iran iraq kazakhstan turkmenistan tajikistan uzbekistan kyrgyzstan Mongolia China Cambodia North korea laos burma Belarus Russia Serbia and Montenegro

Mass 3,250 kg (7,170 lb) (Curb Weight
Length 4,970 mm (196 in)
Width 2,134 mm (84.0 in)
Height 1,960 mm (77 in)
comes with a a these engines GM 6.5 liter V8 turbo-charged diesel (EQ2050)
EQB150-20 110kW/2,700 R turbo-charged diesel (EQ2058)
transmission 4-speed gearbox (Automatic) (EQ2050)
5-speed gearbox (manual) (EQ2058)
130 km/h maximum road speed
can also be found in gabon Central African Republic mali Negro trinidad tobago venezuela cuba vietnam zimbabwe namibia
dongfeng motor Company sells it for $93,000 it is based on humvee chasis with license from american motors agreed in 88
I was watching US sanctions in the years running up to the SMO,
they kept closing off opportunities for Americans to invest in Russian funds, like their sovereign wealth fund, or hold their money in Rubles over there,
the sanctions really are erecting a barrier, thing is it's like the West is locking itself out of the rest of the world,
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with one of the following engines*
agreed on*
stilborns are excluded
I remember there immediately being gunfire every night as people tried out their new toys!
oh, you're twelve...
Sure buddy! Keep your chin up kid!
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Kim Jung Un’s got himself a girl and I wanna make her mine…
you want several people with blunt objects, like baseball bats, just whack the meatcatchers over the head and it'll be lights out,
costs about 700,000 Yuan (RMB)
not counting import etc
about the same in DKK or HKD
How would they baked you stupid duped bitch

Ot course one of discord 3 take issue
i never miss saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar
It’s statistically more possible that those highly volitile currencies will increase nominally in value than the US dollar, canadian dollar, Euro, Pound or Yuan. With those currencies, because most of the world measures their wealth in those currencies. There is less room for sudden growth. If the US has a good year the value of the dollar only goes up what is it? Like 3%. So if I only have a dollar and the US has a good economic year I would only have 1 dollar and 3 cents.
>developed or croatia or slovenia where you can get away with knowing german

Where do dumbasses get these ideas?
You absolutely cant get awayt with knowing german in either of those countries.
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grow a spine, sven
you can in north italy and i have heard you can near the border as people are not as familiar with english
Morale has never been higher.
that's really cheap
Just one little thing.
North Italy isnt Croatia or Slovenia....|
Why are you moving goal posts?
>Stock up on some ice cream
*not heard in Ukraine
goal posts ?
it is
they are going to fight until they are out of Ukrainians, Sumys and Odessas.

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