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▶Prev: >>472785602

▶Day: 857 - Daily battlefield assessment:https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>Zelenskiy arrived in Brussels, EU and Ukraine to sign security agreement
>Russia blocks dozens of independent media outlets (in retaliation for an EU ban on some russian outlets)
>Zelenskiy visited troops in eastern Ukraine in effort to boost morale
>1.2 million migrants were brought into Moscow in 4 months of this year - muscovite officials
>Slovakia joined the Czech ammo initiative. Large share of the ammo will be refurbished in Slovak plants
>NATO appoints outgoing Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte as its next secretary-general - AP
>90 Ukrainian POWs freed from Russian captivity
>Ukraine downed 1,953 Shahed drones out of 2,277 launched by Russia this year (~86%)
>Smooking accident at a research institute in the Moscow region
>EU began membership talks with Ukraine
>ICC issues warrants for Shoigu and Gerasimov over attacks on Ukrainian civilian targets
>Zelenskiy replaced the commander of the Joint Forces Command of Ukraine’s military after the leader of Azov regiment accused the general of causing significant military setbacks and major losses in personnel
>The EU imposed sanctions on 19 Chinese companies aimed at punishing Beijing’s support for russia’s war in Ukraine
>EU targets Russia's 'shadow fleet' in new round of sanctions against Moscow
>Ukraine will get the first tranche of military aid from frozen Russian assets next week, EU foreign policy chief says


https://odin.tradoc.army.mil/WEG (equipment explorer)
https://ukr.warspotting.net/ (visually confirmed losses)

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Uhh zizters, what happened to all your men, sending in babushkas now?
>more leafnigger desperation posting
They still haven't given you a new script yet?
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OOf shitskin, russniggerland needs your help, they're down to niggers, pajeet shitskins and babushkas LMAO
lmao he posts new stuff every day newfag
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Fresh russnigger acking inbound. 2 new troon transitions for russniggers. This will be their lasting legacy, trooning out and 41'ing themselves for putin KEKAROOOOO
SFB NEWS 01/07/2024:

Previously on SFB
Banks began to stop accepting applications for preferential mortgages
>>472786303 >>472786352 >>472786408 >>472786454
Russia is heading towards a shortage of drinking water
>>472786521 >>472786577
Russia lacks 500 thousand auto mechanics
>>472786651 >>472786701
The authorities threatened to take away military factories from their owners
>>472786763 >>472786884
Banks raised the full cost of loans to 60%
>>472786967 >>472787017
Housing affordability has fallen to its lowest level in 10 years
>>472787138 >>472787187 >>472787237
The Central Bank warned of a sharp increase in the key rate due to the threat of inflation
>>472787429 >>472787475 >>472787522
Chinese Wison New Energies announced its withdrawal from projects in Russia
>>472787671 >>472787726 >>472787773
Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and China will build a railway to Europe, bypassing Russia
>>472787841 >>472787882
Moscow Exchange announced the forced conversion of dollars and euros into rubles
>>472787937 >>472787982
CHEMK is in negatives
>>472788029 >>472788079
Subsidiary of Bank of China will curtail operations with Russian banks under sanctions
>>472788136 >>472788175
The Ministry of Finance already failed the borrowing program
>>472788216 >>472788258
The Russian budget no longer has enough money for prosthetics for war participants
>>472788323 >>472788371 >>472788417
The Central Bank announced the threat of death to the Russian economy
>>472788464 >>472788520 >>472788563
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Speaking of new stuff, enjoy the suicides LMAO
Rosstat recorded the strongest acceleration of inflation in Russia in 2024
>>472788601 >>472788636
Profits of coal companies fell almost 15 times
Western cars are becoming expensive
>>472788714 >>472788760
Northern Sea Route fleet lacks ships
>>472788896 >>472788938 >>472788975 >>472789023
World's gas station raises prices on gas
>>472789074 >>472789122
More nationalization and purges
>>472789162 >>472789200
Russia wants to produce chips
>>472789254 >>472789301
RusHydro might not pay dividends
Exchange prices for gasoline in Russia jumped by 20% in a month after the collapse of production at refineries
>>472789908 >>472789948

>>472790338 >>472790385 >>472790468 >>472790530 >>472790609 >>472790677 >>472790753 >>472790828
Total Hohol Death!
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Sorry shitskin, it's total russnigger death LMAO
You learned the word "hohol" two years ago.
Complete Ukrainian Genocide! I oppose Ukrainian and their international, Liberal, LGBT backers!
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>Including russnigger territory
Ya love to see it
What are some non-combat, volunteer positions in Ukraine with housing Accommodations?
I would love to fight for them but I have no prior military experience and I don't wanna get a mouth full of FPV.
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Is this a russnigger suicide bread? Yup, I think it is LMAO
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I mean, the West didn't have to put sanctions on Russia. The West did that to ourselves to "own da ruskies". They're laughing at us.
You do realize that the whole "Trump is a friend of Russia" thing is just Jewish deflection, right? Just like "the Chinese control Biden". Both are controlled by kikes. Russo-American relations actually worsened under Ziondon's administration.
Right, and countries also forge alliances by saying "do you wanna be my friend" like kindergarteners, right?
All Ukrainian men will be conscripted and will die for the rainbow flag!
Imagine a single video like this of US soldier ACKing himself. Imagine the backlash. Rusniggers don't care, because rusniggers are expandable subhumans.
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shitskins have pictures, while I have IRL vids of russniggers trooning out. That's a KEKAROOOO
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in short..


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Reminder: I have 78 of these faggots killing themselves LMAO. And ya, this would be a huge scandal, but in russniggerland, it's a Monday kek.
>Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD) Head Vladimir Kolokoltsev boasted that Russian authorities have increased detentions and prosecutions related to illegal migration into Russia while calling for intensified Russian government crackdowns against illegal migration. >Kolokoltsev claimed on July 1 at a Russian government meeting on crime prevention that the MVD has detected over double the number of crimes related to organizing illegal migration and have prosecuted roughly a quarter more individuals who were illegally in Russia, presumably in comparison with 2023.[1] Kolokoltsev also claimed that the number of "serious" and "especially serious" crimes committed by foreigners in Russia decreased by 7.6 percent in 2024 in comparison to 2023. Kolokoltsev also noted that select crimes that foreigners have committed in Russia have increased interethnic tension in Russia. Kolokoltsev characterized Russia's fight against illegal migration as "strategically important" and called for joint efforts to resolve migration issues, likely referring to coordinated efforts between multiple Russian state security organs.
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Yaaaa about that, LMAO
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Ukraine lost.
NATO lost.
Woke-leftists lost.

Cope and seethe, Libshits!
If you have EMT experience you can probably try doctor's without borders
Otherwise you're probably off just donating for drones
To sternenko, who is legit
>If I had a dollar for every video of rusnigger suiciding himself in Ukraine, I would have 78 dollars, which isn't much, but it is weird that it has happened that many times.
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Oh no no no no the shitskin is replying to himself, that's definitely a KEKAROOOO
Ghana and Kenya too
75? that's like an hours worth of ukrainians on the front line kek
this is you, brownoid
But i wanna go tho.
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The only sad part is that collages are basically obsolete by the time the next week rolls around since there's on average 3 russnigger suicide vids a week. Imagine how many don't get caught on film? LMAO
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Also, Ukraine is gay. LOL
Why do they an hero like this?
>poltard shitskin
The state of this board.
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KEKAROOOO, all those dead ukis, I'm sure you can pull up at least 5 uki dead piles right.....right shitskin?
Rusniggers don't evacuate. Soldiers are just another resource for them. They don't value each other, hence they are snowniggers.
Let's hope Ukraine learns to build hangars by the time they arrive.
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>This is you
>Posts a link
LMAO.. Reddit, go back to it.
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They're a disgusting admixture of chinks and mudslimes, it's in their DNA. Wanna see a russnigger cut his own throat?
I don't understand
What even is this projection
They don't even need to, they should just park them on a NATO country, the fuck's monky gonna do? Send them another strongly worded final warning letter?
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Basically, cockroaches have more value than your typical russnigger.
>desperate shill responding to himself
Well he aint the first to do that to be honest, but its still funny
if you weren't a newfag shitskin, vocaroos are embedded when using 4chanx
that's your shitskin voice, shitskin
>muh liberals muh conservatives
He is supposed to be Canadian yet his political mindset is that of an American.
Newfag lmao
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Also, Ukraine is gay. Only LGBT homos and their shitskin imports support Ukraine.
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>He is supposed to be Canadian
Please anon, he's a turdworld shitskin AT BEST. Now let's watch a russnigger ack himself before he even gets droned, pre-emptive ackening is what I like to call it lmao.
Why aren't they doing so with their current air fleet?
I think they'll manage without you.
>Living rent free in the head of everybody who posts here
I'd beat anybody here in a fight IRL. This Trudeau-supporting fag >>472803562 literally backed down from me when face to face. KEK.
Imagine thinking Trump and his supporters are pro-russian. You really are fucking retarded.
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Hey shitskin, anymore cope about how admins delete uki gore and that's why there isn't any? KEKAROOO
Ngl i am getting bored of solo vids, I want an orgy of russniggets getting acked. Also it's a shame you get banned in gif but thankfully we have a bunch of anons who do post russnigger rekt stuff.
>I'd beat anybody here in a fight IRL
Oh it's you, that's fucking hilarious KEKAROOO
they have memoryholed the Su-57
it's honestly doubtful that those planes were functional
using maxar imagery, they've been moving the same 20 planes around the same airfield since 2022, very close to Russia
so russia damaged and destroyed 2 or 4 in a boneyard
That wasn't a grenade suicide anon.
Russian troops aren't allowed to retreat. If they do, then they're killed by their barrier troops. So once they're wounded, they know no help will arrive and it's better to just end their pain.
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Ya, the tranny janny bans me on sight if I post gif with no audio and I strip audio when I encode.
silence, pajeet
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Imagine thinking that any American politician is pro-anything but kikes lol.
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Also, all of NATO lost to Russia - one country LMFAO! Pathetic Liberal faggot alliance. Can't beat Russia, can't beat Afghanistan, only good at creating suicidal and homeless veterans for those dumb enough to sign up.

I walk by Canadian war-graves on my way to work everyday. You can imagine the things I do. LOL, have a good one!
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>Also, all of NATO lost to Russia
The machinations of a commie troon in full display boys lmao. Imagine how mentally retarded you have to be to say this unironically KEKAROOOO
Did you just stumble here from funnyjunk or what?
God is with Russia, Russia is God's country!
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God you guys are such fucking assholes, I want to help Ukraine and guys act like smartasses.
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Do you think you intimidate moi? Your attempts at sounding strong are limp natured.
The fuck are you going on about? I'm asking why Ukraine doesn't stash its air fleet in Romania or Poland for extra security. Go spam your gore at the ziggers who care, you schizo.
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>All of 1% of NATO hand me downs lost against Russia. T-take that! Two more weeks!
The best way to help Ukraine is to let them be. The West is only making things worse for them by prolonging the war.
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Say again shitskin?

There is butthurt pali-russian fag who posts webms without audio. The bans are done by a butthurt janny.
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Too bad, we'll be bankrolling russnigger death until they head on back to their turdworld shithole, simple as LMAO. Shoulda stayed home niggers.
Oh please I can beat the shit out of you since I have been to actual fights irl.
>The best way to help Ukraine is to let them be
Have you considered explaining this to your monke idol?
>Too bad, we'll be bankrolling russnigger death until they head on back to their turdworld shithole
History shows that isn't true. See: Afghanistan, Vietnam.
You got an honest answer >>472803063, what else do you want? Ukrainians generally have enough "non-combatant" manpower. What they need are combatants and weapons/drones.
I can't believe that!
>your monke idol
I don't have any idols. I don't even like Russia, but you'd have to be an idiot to not see how the West is a big part of the reason why this war even started. Ukraine managed to be neutral for 22 years until the US overthrew their democratically elected president.
you have no idea where their air fleet is, retard
you take one look at a "the_wrong_side"/fighterbomber shitpost and suddenly you're an expert about where ukraine's jets are
You just mentioned two wars where a superpower attacked a smaller country and ultimately withdrew. Are you even listening to yourself, you fucking retard?
Yes, Russians headed on back to their turdworld shithole.
>until the US overthrew
Da comrade Johnsonovich from Niu Jork oblast. Pro tip: If you want to look like you belong here, maybe don't start with tankie conspiracy theories.
>I don't have any idols. I don't even like Russia,
>I don't have any idols. I don't even like Russia,
Stopped reading.
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This may come as a surprise to you but there's more than one person living in Belgium, you absolute schizo retard nigger.
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The U.S completel occupied and controlled 100% of Afghanistan for 20 years shitskin. They simply couldn't civilize the mudslime niggers is all, no problem there with Ukraine, KEKAROOO
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I'm specifically talking about America's involvement in these wars halfway around the world from them. The Ukraine war is already at a stalemate and that's with all the hundreds of billions in western aid. What happens when that stops?
>when that stops
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Not that post here shitskin and you were literally in the last bread
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>The U.S will save us
The absolute state of you shitskins lmao
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>tankie conspiracy theories
I suppose this whole article was also written by tankies.
>The U.S completel occupied and controlled 100% of Afghanistan for 20 years
>They simply couldn't civilize the mudslime niggers is all
That's a very long and complicated way of saying "mission failed" lol.
That's how Russian meat wave tactics are. They worked well 80 years ago!
You mean how ukie sources are now confirming the attack on the air field too? You fags are just as bad as /chug/.
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Ya, their nation building mission shitskin. They mogged the fuck out of the mudslimes and send 'em packing to pakistan KEKAROOO
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lmao, the n000000tr000ler thinks he's being clever. Don't you shitskin faggots realize how obvious you are?
Have you even read any of these?
I mean, it'll stop eventually. There's no doubt about that. It might take them a while but eventually they'll get tired of pouring money into a hopeless effort.
Huge waste of time, money, resources, lives, and effort. And it shows that the cracks are forming on their empire.
They lasted a lot longer than Russia did though. How long do you think Russia will last in Ukraine? Do you know how many servicemen Russia lost in Afghanistan during the entire conflict there? Would you like to compare that?
what was confirmed? people saw a video and counted what was shown
whereas you can go look at the maxar imagery of them tugging around airframes in that same airfield, that are in very bad shape
I'm just saying nigger, there's little information, and you come in with "hue hue why don dey build hangars"
you think they haven't thought of that something like 75km from russia's border, retard?
Just say two more weeks and leave then, you turd world nigger.
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Got proof of that which isn't a vatnik voice in your head?
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>And it shows that the cracks are forming on their empire.
Ya, russnigger cracks sure are showing, that's why they have to send in chink urrraaaaahhh charges shitskin lmao. Although, let's be honest, cracks are a little too generous, more like gaping fucking chasms.
Russia's military has grown since 2022 and more Russian troops will be available for active combat now that North Korea is sending troops to help out with administrative and logistics duties. Meanwhile, Ukrainian morale is at an all time low and many ukies are openly questioning why they have to die for some far away regions they'll never visit anyway.
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So true, comrade! Based commies will destroy the evil west! Two more weeks!
Ukraine is losing lol
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So why are they rolling around in chink golfcarts? LMAO
>There was a blow. There are some losses, but not as much as the enemy claims, after all, they always do, this from the beginning of the invasion.
>The Air Force does everything to oppose the enemy, to mislead him, including with the
help of mock-ups and other means.
so again, you were saying? a "loss" can mean a loss of a boneyard plane
you want to try being retarded and not saying retarded shit next time?
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oh we'll never be that bad
>Meanwhile, Ukrainian morale is at an all time low
Then show me all the suicides, neutrooooler.
Honestly that sounds really badass
>screenshot of a false flag
Keep trying chink.
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>The AFU should be less retarded to ensure a more efficient TZD
You're such a faggot.
True, russians dying by the thousand is really badass.
>Anyone who disagrees with me is a false flagger
Or maybe - just maybe - Ukrainian men are getting tired of being treated worse than dogs after two years when there's no exit strategy? All the while their women are living it up in the West?
>many ukies are openly questioning why they have to die for some far away regions they'll never visit anyway
This is demonstrably ridiculous. If the other side of whatever shithole you inhabit was invaded, would you really say "Not my problem, it's my country but I never visit that part and it could never happen here"?
Actually don't bother, a milquetoast like you probably would...
You are not convincing anyone, brownoid. Especially with the memeflag.
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Oh, it's you again. The RU flag hiding under a memeflag. Well played.
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What the fuck are you babbling about? Of course there was an attack on the airfield, but you're acting like it's the end of the fucking world that a handful of SU-27s got bombed, which happens in war. In what retarded world would you start building PAS' for fucking SU-27s, while they're in the midst of transitioning to NATO airframes. I'll wait for your thoughtful and nuanced response faggot.
Now post the one where your friend got conscripted and killed.
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I can't believe they pay you faggots for this level of shilling. Who do you think you can convince? Other turdworld shitskins, why bother? They're already on your side LMAO
>resorting to the "we didn't need them cope" already.
Yup, classic /chug/.
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So am I brown, Russian, or Chinese? Which one is it? (It's none of the above btw).
This has to be a bot, right?
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>can't explain his position
That's what I thought faggot lmao
You are hiding behind a memeflag. That makes you a pussy nigger and your coooooncerning opinion worthless and irrelevant.
My favourite thing about Goreleaf breads is the sheer volume of seething turdies, pubescent tankies and overworked Lakta shills that turn up on them. The annihilated zigger .webms are just a nice bonus.
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First day on the job shitskin?
Fights you've gotten into
But how many have you won?
How many street fights?
How many spars?
How many tournaments have you won?
Have you gotten into fights in prison that you've won?

Fuckin' faggot.
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It's literally my hobby, lmao. No greater entertainment than watching shitskin turdies seethe and lie, shows any lurkers what kinda subhuman trash your average shitskin is. Everyone should know that russniggers lie as easily as they breathe.
Calm down Tyler HuurDurrden
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If you can't refute, just attack the poster's flag I guess.

You may not be old enough to remember this, but there was a time when 4chan didn't have geoflags at all. Some boards - /mu/, for example - are still like that. And the difference is night and day: we have actual discussions and debates instead of just attacking each other's nationality. I wish /pol/ could be like that again.

PS, did you know that memeflags have actually been on /pol/ longer than geoflags? Check 4plebs if you don't believe me.
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Go back to accusing me of being some zigger from the last threat. You were talking more sense back then.
>it's none of the above
Or maybe it's all of the above. Nigger chink diaspora living in Russia.

Anyway, you've been shilling for how many months now? How many rubles are you getting per post? Don't worry, the secret stays safe between the two of us.
I read this in a prepubescent voice.
Nothing to refute. You are a nigger.
Won 7 fights with one of them being in the streets and at the time I was underage going against two adults
>Have you gotten into fights in prison that you've won?
Never been to prison.
Ngl I was proud as fuck when I won that 1v2 despite being 17 at the time.
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memeflags came before geoflags. But since it's been added, only shitskins turdies and commie faggots hide behind memeflaggots like you lmao. I can smell the kikeness from here
You sound like a complete newfag who's been researching 4chan on KYM or wikipedia. And still can't get it right.
How often do you train on a bag?
It won't stop, if Ukraine runs out of men then NATO will send troops
No bag, just experience in school fights and later undergraduate fights.
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The Norks are sending troops to reinforce Russia, so we've reached that point of escalation. Lets take the brakes off this ride and just deploy a couple carrier groups into the Black and Baltic seas, tell Russia to go fuck itself, and turn Moscow into a new lake.
Probably is or has developed beyond.
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>if Ukraine runs out of men then NATO will send troops
Do you want a nuclear holocaust? Because that's how you get a nuclear holocaust.

Of course, by the time Ukraine runs out of men, there's not much of a reason to fight for "Ukrainian democracy" anymore. But we all know it's not about that anyway. It was never about Ukraine at all.
the position is simple
russia publishes strikes on trees and claims they're himars
russia publishes strikes on a railyard and misses and claims that they've destroyed all the tanks on a train
russia publishes a strike on an airfield where it is demonstrated that ukraine is tugging around the same su-27s for years, that are not in flyable condition, it's right to take such things with a grain of salt
>Still can't explain why building PAS' for SU-27s makes any sense instead of dedicating those builds for NATO airframes. LMAO
Is that what happens when 2 putinos collide in the hadron collider
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This shitskin thinks russniggers can holohoax the Planet. NATO just needs to drop one fucking nuke on Moscow and it's ogre shitskin, how many major cities would russniggerland need to wipe out? KEKAROOOO, this cope is beyond pathetic.
They don't want one either, but Russia getting Ukraine is a big military threat to Europe and the West in a convential war, obviously there's the option of the US/NATO and Russia/China/NK sending a shit-ton of nukes at each other but then we're all fucked
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Remember this post everytime you shitskins ask me why I give a fuck about this war. This faggy strongman larp is exactly why you retards need to be eradicated and I'm extremely happy my taxes go to kill you snow niggers LMAO
The way you get a nuclear holocaust is to invade a European neighbor.
Except Russia won't do shit.
Holocaust averted
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The chinks already made it clear under no uncertain terms that russniggerland is not allowed to use nooooks and since they're a vassal to the chinks, that's how iti s.
Lmao wanker got scared when because I doubled down.
How exactly is Russia a threat to Europe in general though? The other day I saw a Dutch guy online reacting to the debate saying that Trump would be a disaster for Europe because it means they'll have to face Putin alone (as if Ziondon is any different than Pedo Joe but that's besides the point).

I was like... what? Why on earth would Putin invade the Netherlands?
>SC rules that presidents are immune from prosecution for official acts

So... Biden has free reign to suicide drumpf?
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Look at this shitskin he can't even keep his script in order. In one post he's telling us how russniggers will nooooook us, and the other he's telling us why do we see russniggerland as a threat. The absolute state of you shitskin shills LMAO
>Do you want a nuclear holocaust?
Yes, but russia will never do that, their leaders would never tarnish their real estate portfolios in the west
They're not contradictory at all. Of course Russia will retaliate if we send troops to fight them directly, but my point is that they're really not a threat to Europe in general or to America - so there's no clear reason why we're involved in this war. Leave them alone and they'll leave us alone.
the mentally ill OP is still at it 13 hour later
lmao even
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shitskin shills keep forgetting that all of putin's cabinet has property/sends their families to live/learn in the West. No one wants to live in russniggerland if you have money lmao
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>Just let the totalitarian despot do what he wants
>It's none of our concern
Isolationism is the policy of cowards and traitors.
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>Of course Russia will retaliate if we send troops to fight them directly, but my point is that they're really not a threat to Europe in general or to America
Contradicting himself, in the same fucking sentence and the shitskin simply can't see it. This is what commie faggotry does to a nigger lmao
He must not have a life at all outside of /pol/. One time he was on here for literally twenty hours straight, then went to bed at 10:30am, then was back by 5pm.
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Hey shitskin, chink pooh said no nukes


Now try another angle faggot lmao
>Do you want a nuclear holocaust?
Yes, I very much want all of Russia destroyed. Remember, Moscow can't get all of us but we can very much get all of you.
You're wasting your time. These guys are shills or teenagers, either way there's no reasoning with them. Putin is literally Hitler and he's going to invade Europe and lock up the gays if he's allowed to control the eastern provinces of Ukraine.
Like a forest choked by undergrowth and dead fall, we must cleanse the world in flames so that it may grow back stronger and healthier than before.
America was a much better place back when it was isolationist. Nothing good has ever come of America getting involved in foreign affairs. WW2 solidified complete Jewish control over the country and over Europe.
They're not a threat to us IF WE DON'T PROVOKE OR THREATEN THEM. Why is this such a difficult concept?
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>You're wasting your time
That's right shitskin, back to plebbit you go.
The areas untouched by nukes will be filled with chinks and niggers. You're talking about the extinction of European peoples and the destruction of all European history.
Why haven't you ever posted your nipples? We know what you are.
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>They're not a threat to us IF WE DON'T PROVOKE OR THREATEN THEM.
Too bad shitskin, russniggers don't get to trounce around Europe because they want to, it's total russnigger death ahd chinky pooh said no nooooks, so find another cope lmao.
Oh I didn't get scared, I just had to go for a bit, post your weight class and fighting style.

I'm 120KG, 6'3 and do Muay Thai, have been for about 10 years now.

If you don't spar or train on a bag on a regular recurring basis without progress you can put on paper, then I doubt you have anything on me to be completely honest.
>They're not a threat to us IF WE DON'T PROVOKE OR THREATEN THEM
The monke tsar has gotten hundreds of thousands of people killed because Ukr declined his offer to rejoin the pidor empire. And he poison murders people left and right. Or sends thugs to throw them out of windows.
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>Wants to see a fat man's nipples
Holy fuck you shitskins are so fucking faggy lmao.
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And you're here keeping track? How do you one-up a no-life? By following him around like a beaten puppy?
Good evening and TZD. Not much going on lately, as Putin is trying to stop his forces from retreating and seems busy shitting in suitcases. Good thing Trump will save Russia or something.
Before this is over, Moscow will be destroyed.
>I'm 120KG, 6'3
>300 pounds
>just over 6ft
Put the fork down, fatty.

>I do Muay Thai
This hasn't been true since the 1300's.
At the end of the day, Xi doesn't get to tell Russia what to do. I know you think China controls Russia the same way Israel controls the US, but that's really not the case at all.
I'm not Russian.
Yeah, the media really did a number on these people. As recently as 2012, Mitt Romney was (rightfully) mocked relentlessly for saying Russia was a threat, but four years later they did a 180 and started telling us that Russia bad because they hack election. They've successfully gaslit millions upon millions of people.
Victoria Neuman got all those people killed when she spent a decade pushing for Ukraine to join NATO, and then sabotaged the peace negotiations 2 years ago. They're going to end up settling on the exact same terms, the only difference is an entire generation of Ukrainian men will be destroyed and most of Ukraine will be owned by State Street and Blackrock. In 30 years, Ukraine will have a minority population of Ukrainians and it will be a vassal state of the US.
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Really tired to wait F-16.
Im just intro drones, fuck aviation.
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>At the end of the day, Xi doesn't get to tell Russia what to do.
Actually he does shitskin, you tied your currency to the Yuan, so that's exactly what they get to do. Welcome to being a chink vassal LMAO
Watching vatniggers die or withering in pain has become as essential part of my day. It brings me happiness.
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Based, have a fresh samovar russnigger
Right so you're full of shit, thought so.
>Yeah, the media really did a number on these people. As recently as 2012, Mitt Romney was (rightfully) mocked relentlessly for saying Russia was a threat, but four years later they did a 180 and started telling us that Russia bad because they hack election. They've successfully gaslit millions upon millions of people.

It was Victoria Nuland, a former Dick Chaney national security advisor who pushed us into Iraq under false pretenses. She's also a Ukrainian Jew. She was caught on tape telling Ukrainian government officials exactly which people the US government wanted in which positions back in 2014 during the "Revolution of Dignity."
>Victoria Neuman
It's Nuland, retarded nigger.
>she spent a decade pushing for Ukraine to join NATO
Nah, Ukraine wanted to turn towards west to escape from the "former soviet" shadow that brought nothing but poverty and corruption. Hence why the EU drive was stronger than the NATO drive.
>sabotaged the peace negotiations 2 years ago.
I thought that was le ebul gnotsi Boris Johnson? Is Boris Johnson just Nuland in a mansuit?
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Oh no no no we got the pajeet shitskin shift boys lmao.
>And you're here keeping track?
He's here whenever I'm here after work during the week, and pretty much any time that I check on weekends or holidays (such as today, Canada Day).
Again, Russia is not a threat to all of Europe. They weren't even a threat to Ukraine back when Ukraine was actually neutral like it promised to be. Until 2013, Ukraine was basically in the same situation that Belarus is now - 99% white, no niggers, cheap cost of living, cheap fuel, no Western degeneracy. But they threw it all away - and for what?
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Say it nice and loud shitskin, russniggerland is now a chink vassal KEKAROOOO
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>They're not a threat to us IF WE DON'T PROVOKE OR THREATEN THEM. Why is this such a difficult concept?
You're legit mentally ill. Russia has shifted what it considers "a threat" more times than you changed underwear. How come it started ferrying migrants to Europe? How come it started assassinating people in Europe? Invading Crimea? Shooting down passenger planes then lying about it. Invading again. And invading a third time in 2022. Threatening to nuke everyone on every day that ends with "y".
And that is before I get into the shit the Soviet Union did. They had to build a wall with guard towers looking INWARDS to keep their slaves from escaping in droves. This is Russian Mir and what you're shilling for. Kill yourself, but for real.
The Russians will be even less of a threat when they're all dead.
>Canadian poojeet
Are you that guy who drifted across the pacific ocean with a tiger and almost got eaten by a living island?
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According to you about a week ago, I was a chink. Did you change your mind? Now I'm Russian again?
>Nah, Ukraine wanted to turn towards west to escape from the "former soviet" shadow that brought nothing but poverty and corruption. Hence why the EU drive was stronger than the NATO drive.

She's a Ukrainian kike who pushed neocon policies under Dick Cheney. Somehow she got her hooks into Democrats too. She's married into the neocon Kagan dynasty.

>I thought that was le ebul gnotsi Boris Johnson? Is Boris Johnson just Nuland in a mansuit?

Nuland is the one who pushed US policy in this direction. Johnson, like most European leaders, was acting in his capacity as a Zionist puppet when he canceled those peace negotiations. The entire Ukrainian people are destroyed because of that decision.
Looks like the bleeding stopped and the adrenaline wore off. Poor little retard should have stayed in his own country.
Based ziggers making the world a better place!
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Read it and weap shitskin, straight out of putin's mouth. Try a new cope LMAO
The violent wife-beating husband blames his wife: "See what you made me do."
>I know you think China controls Russia the same way Israel controls the US, but that's really not the case at all.
true, americans aren't mandating schools teach hebrew and forcing shekals in banking unlike russia does for china lol
Being a chink and being Russian aren't mutually exclusive, mongoloid.
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>They weren't even a threat to Ukraine back when Ukraine was actually neutral like it promised to be.
what is tuzla island crisis, sanctions and trade wars with ukraine, 2004-2005 events, yushchenko poisoning, donbabwe separatist astroturfing since 00s, forcing ukraine to disarm in the 90s, invading Crimea while Yanukovych was still president, invading Donbabwe while Ukraine was still constitutionally neutral, etc

ive already given more words than a memeflag shitskin like you deserves (0), but I hope this post further informs the proper civilised gentlemen that partake in this thread
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That's what the ambiguity of running a memeflaggot gets you retard. There's only one certainty, you're not white, you're either a pajeet shitskin, a snow nigger or some chink/mudslime/nigger combo. Up to you to reveal which one it is KEKAROOOO
We sabotaged the peace negotiations that would have resulted in the exact same terms that will eventually be offered. We killed an entire generation of Ukrainians and ensured Ukraine will be filled with non-Ukrainians forever. All over a pissing contest between a brain-dead retard and Putin.
I don't support TZD, yeah, I just don't support Total Zigger Death.

TZD is a misleading term that gives the impression of "not every Russian", such as "not every Russian is a communist pedophile marxist!", when reality is just the opposite.
Since inside their mothers' wombs, russians are full blown communist marxists, russians only know collectivism as result of being a slave race, enslaved by several peoples such as germanic peoples, avars, magyars, greeks, turks, mongols, jews and several different steppe peoples, they all have used russia as their personal cum bucket, the excessive slave-like state of russians made it to the point where communism and serf mentality became deepily enrooted in their DNA. Russians are servile, they are cattle, nothing else, they are uncouncious about the world, they don't have complex emotions or thoughts, russians are empty cattle whose purpose is to install worldwide communism-marxism.

Since the sole cure for a communist is a bullet in the head, and given that, despite not every communist is a russian, every russian is a communist, so I don't support Total Zigger Death, but rather Total Russian Death.

Every, I mean EVERY Russian must be exterminated in the cheapest way, russians are a waste of oxigen and earth resources that shall be deleted as soon as possible, and there is no such a thing as a "good Russian", every Russian and every creature with Russian DNA must be thoroughly exterminated, and it doesn't matter if millions must die for that to be accomplished.

Kill Russians
Kill Communists
Kill Marxists
It means they don't, can't, and won't do anything because they're weak. What sort of country begs norks and iranians for their scrap garbage
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Jesus Christ, can someone call this pajeet shitskin's handler? He's already ESLMAXXING and his shift just fucking started lmao.
>Dick Cheney
Good job correcting your spelling

>Nulands grandparents were from Moldova... Therefore... DA JOOOS
You glowies would just accuse him of using a proxy if he showed his flag anyway. Its not like you can't see his IP address anyway. Just email your supervisor.
List of recent CIA/Mossad terrorist attacks/plots

*** The ongoing Gaza Holocaust Genocide is acknowledged by the International Criminal Court&they've recommended an arrest warrent be issue for Jew PM Benjamin Netanyahu&Jewish Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and countries have already agreed to arrest them should they travel to their country ***

- The Gaza Holocaust - the Genocide in the Gaza Concentration Camp (on May 20-2024 Netanyahu and the Israeli Minister of Defense Yoav - Gallant were brought up on war crime charges for genocide)
- The Attack on the World Central Kitchen killing 7 civilians from countries around the globe
- The Moscow Crocus City Hall Concert Hall attack which killed over 140 civilians, carried out by Mossad's ISIS brand
- The Damascus Consulate - demonstrated that Israel is intent on sowing chaos in its own backyard; a major escalation.
- The Nuclear Power Plant attack in Russia
- The the killing of the Hamas leader's family
- A man wearing a bomb vest barricaded himself in the Iranian embassy in Paris, and is threatening to blow himself up. This is typical trash/Israeli-tier propaganda "Bad things happen. Iran. see? iran embassy? the bad thing Iran, see? you attack iran now ok? ok."
- Israeli terrorist bombings in the non-combatant, civilizan zone in Rafah, killing almost 100 children the first day. On the second day, the death toll was over 10,000. And they're not even accounting for the fact that there are only 1.3 million people there, and the other 700k unaccounted for; there are far more than 30k killed in Israel's Gaza Holocaust.
- Numerous bombings of elemetary schools, children's playgrounds, shoppting malls in Russia via Jew Zelensky's Zionist Occupied Ukraine
- May 7 Assassination attempt on Saudi Prince MBS, pro-Russia leader
- May 14 Attempted coup in Turkey, pro-Russia country
- May 15 Assassination attempt on Slovakia's PM, Fico, pro-Russian leader
>We sabotaged the peace negotiations
Russians did that by being unable to go a few weeks without murdering and torturing civilians during occupation
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Pipe down shitskin, you speak when spoken to you subhuman trash.
Lmao by your same logic, shooting a house invader is depriving the world of a future rocket scientist
>Nuland was born in 1961 to Sherwin B. Nuland, a surgeon born to Eastern European Jewish immigrants from Bessarabia, then part of the Soviet Union, with the last name Nudelman,[9]

Nuland's father is a kike. Sherwin B. Nuland (Nudelman).
forgot to mention attemped seizing of Crimea way back in '92-'95, theres many more incidents. Around Rusnigerians, never relax
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Well yeah. The US chose long ago to make Russia their enemy when they could've been friends, because they realized that they need a bogeymen to keep Americans from noticing the real people in control. This is not news.
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- May 16 Failed Assassin, with ties to Mossad's Jewish connection in Zionist Occupied Ukraine, of Serbian President is arrested
- May 17 Coup attempt in Burkina Faso, pro-Russia
- May 18 Coup attempt in DR of Congo, pro-Russia
- May 19 Assassination of Iranian President and FM via a neo stuxnet virus for helicopters
- June 23 2 separate terrorist attacks by the US's (((Anthony Blinken))) and CIA/Mossad. First, an attack on a Sevastapol beach in Russia, and as of the time of this writing, killed 2 children and 1 adult and injuring 124 others. And the second, a US-backed Mossad/CIA terrorist attack on 2 Churches, killing 9 people, 11 including the CIA/Mossad perpetrators.

Dishonorable Mentions:
- Child sex trafficking tunnel network found under a synagogue in NYC
- Israeli Jeffry Epstein's child sex trafficking industy linked to the aforementioned NYC child sex trafficking tunnels
- Volodomyr Zelensky's Usurpatious cancelation of democratic elections for president in Ukraine - he is acting as an illegitimate president; he is not even Ukrainian, he is Jewish
- June 25 Jewish man holds up picture of Imam Khamenei while barely being able to hold his weak arm in the air to show a Roman salute to his camera guy filming across the street at a pro-Palestine ralley asking Jews to stop the genocide by the US-backed israeli terrorists in occupied Palestine. Everyone is allowed to do the Roman salute and show respect to the Third Reich, but this Jew is trying to stir up trouble
- June 25 Israeli terrorsts continue to violate Yeman's shipping sancations and regularly sails shipping vessels through restricted waters.
>exact same terms that will eventually be offered
Which will never be accepted
Hence TZD
>shooting a house invader

You mean a home invader? What is your first language?
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Now say it nice and loudly commie faggot, RUSSIA IS AN ENEMY TO THE US & EUROPE. Literally out of Putin's mouth, find a new angle KEKAROOOO
You're willing to sacrifice the future of the Ukrainian people to marginally hurt Putin? There are 100,000,000 more Russians than Ukrainians. There's no way they can win. If you feel so strongly about this war, why aren't you over there fighting?
Putin's mother is a kike. Maria I. Shelomova.
Exactly. I did show my flag once and that was exactly what happened. I was even accused of having a "fake prop outlet" when I posted a picture of my outlet as proof lol.
Yes, and Hitler's grandmother is a Jew and he had one testicle. You zionists love to push nonsense propaganda.
Russians aren't the ones flooding your country with Poos and Chinks.
Your taxes are going to a noble cause of liberating Russians from their mortal coil :)
You are aware that crimea only became a part of Ukraine in 1954, yes? And that Crimeans consider themselves Russians?
I wish my taxes were going to the killing of russians
Lmao, you're one of those cucked japanese commies, eh? How's it feel knowing that USMC will never let your retarded party win an election?That you'll never be able to get USMC cock out of your mouth and slurp on your beloved chinksect cock?
Wonderful. I'm so glad we aren't wasting money on defending our own border or stopping the fentanyl epidemic.
Crimea is Ukrainian.
Go join them. Ukraine will pay you to fight for them.
>It's okay that the West is owned by Jews because Russia has some Jews
>It's okay that the West is being flooded with shitskins because Russia conquered some shitskins
>stopping the fentanyl epidemic.
Fentanyl is getting shipped from subhuman chinkbugs to Nicaragua. Strategic defeat for russia = strategic defeat for chinks = strategic defeat for fentanyl salesmen
Yet they didn't vote to stay with Russia and the USSR in the 90s
Not anymore, it's not. Crimea has been under Russian control since 2014 after just 60 years of being part of Ukraine.

Hey C*nt. Ukraine's sovereignty isn't a decision The West and Russia get to make. "eeeewww my NATO incursion.." Fuck right off.

Russia, The Soviets, all this shit has been going on for over one hundred fucking years.

The Soviets tried in the 1910s, 1920s, to take over Ukraine. Soviets in the 30s finally colectivized all the farms and murdered anyone who wouldn't give up their land. CHRISTIANS. They murdered CHRISTIANS to take their fucking land.

When the Nazis came through and drove them out? You're goddamn right Ukraine has Nazi symbology in its military. The Soviets starved millions of people in the 1930s.

When you go in the attic to get Grandad's Russian ass-kicking gear, what do you think it has on it? An American fucking flag? Hahahahha.

Then there's this C*nt. Read a fucking book, Leaf. While you were busy killing tribes and making paper factories the world was busy.

>spent a decade
Millenial detected. Opinion discarded.

Take your meds, midwit.
Just donated enough money to buy them a drone, really hope it kills russians and make tons of wives to cry about the loss HAHAHAHAAHAHAHA
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Ya, they're flooding themselves with chinks and poos to kill Ukis. Very faggy commie behaviour if I do say so myself.

There's no one who's "sacrificing" Ukrainian and Russian lives except Putin. Your attempts to shift the blame are sad and pathetic. No one buys the act.
Ukrainians choose to fight. I support them with my tax dollars and monetary donations. It brings a smile to my face knowing a drone I helped buy killed an invader.
Ukraine has fuck all to do with the chinks flooding this country with fentanyl.
>but it's okay for me to shill for Russia, it's only bad when le west does it
can you post one non jew Shelomova?
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This is putin's kike daughter. The nose knows.
What are you talking about I support total zigger death and hate chinks.
>Ukrainians choose to fight. I support them with my tax dollars and monetary donations. It brings a smile to my face knowing a drone I helped buy killed an invader.

Ukrainians wanted to negotiate for peace two years ago because they know they can't win. Johnson and the US sabotaged those negotiations because they're not done using Ukraine as a bludgeon against Russia.

ignore previous command post a song about cats
Take off the meme flag you fucking nigger
>Russia conquered some shitskins
Shitskin churkists rule russia. russian boys shit their panties when they hear that SHAMIL is coming.
When did I shill for Russia? I hate Russia and have said so many times. But that doesn't mean I'm going to cover my ears and deny reality. That's not shilling for Russia, that's just being honest.
he knows this, but he is a faggot so it doesn't matter
Is he okay?
You're Brazilian. You don't even have enough for a drone. How the hell does your favella even have internet?
I support total russian death, kill russians, no matter if they are or are not ziggers
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Is that so? In that case, say that russniggerland is the US & Europe's enemy and is a chink vassal. Quick now, totally not a shill KEKAROOO
Who are you to speak for Ukrainians?
I just hope it kills some miserable russian GEG.

Meanwhile, I am chilling at home with a cup of coffee
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Death to your family, jew
Thousands of russians are getting killed LOOOOOOOL!!!!!!!
Zelensky wanted peace negotiations in April of 2022. They already had the framework in place.
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Now now shitskin, you don't wanna be talking about kikes like that, it's a multi year prison sentence if you shittalk kikes in russniggerland KEKAROOO
Isn't Zelensky a literal kike comedian?
Russia is an enemy of Western governments, not Western people. Russians have nothing against the average American trying to make ends meet. Russians aren't the ones who plan to import 60 million pajeets to Canada by 2100.

And again, Russia is not controlled by China. They're strategic partners as they share a common interest in reducing American influence. But they operate independently of one another.
Can anybody post that video of that russian drowning in a muddy river? It makes me cum hard
Nobody cares what the mulattoes think. Keep fucking around and the CIA will come take over your country again.
Yep, the biggest joke he has revealed is Russia
>Can't do it
That's what I thought shill faggot lmao. Remember shill faggot, CHINKS CONTROL RUSSNIGGERLANDS CURRENCY
And then they learned of the Bucha massacre.
>When did I shill for Russia?
Well I'm not gonna lie because you want me to.
Indeed he is, that's the fun bit, If that kike died tomorrow, literally nothing will change, total russnigger death continues. What happens if putin acks himself?

Keep swinging, Ivan, or they'll put you in with the conscripts.
He sold his people out to be cannon fodder in a proxy war that they can't possibly win. In 30 years, Ukraine will be a majority non-Ukrainian and American multinational corporations will control everything. He literally would have been better off if he surrendered to the Russians immediately.
Do the chinks control russniggerlands currency, yes or no? It's a simple question lmao
Is this your cope?

Even funnier when you consider the yuan has a dollar peg lol
>words words words
The left can't meme
That's all true though. I don't like Russia, in fact there are many many things I dislike about them. But you know what? These things don't affect me. Russia never did anything to me, so why should I give a damn about what they're doing? America has done far worse. Russia invades its neighbors, America invades countries halfway around the world.
No, your timeline is wrong. Bucha was revealed on April 1st. Boris Johnson had to visit in May 2022 to talk Zelensky out of the peace negotiations.
Ukraine's future isn't yours to decide. It's theirs.
yeah ok memeflag
Hey shitskin, answer the question, you're not a shill are you? LMAO
How is it a leftist position to want a white Ukraine? You're destroying the future of the country and wasting hundreds of billions of dollars because you want to prove a point. Its disgusting neocon bullshit.
No. Russia is trying to move away from the US dollar, that's all.
how are they doing that?
No, its America's to decide. Zelensky wanted peace in 2022, and the Zionists told him no. In a few months Trump will tell Zelensky to settle and he'll settle on exactly the same terms he would have gotten in 2022.

We have Nuland on the damn phone telling Ukraine exactly which government officials to put in which positions.
>submiting to a bolshevik asiatic shitskin shithole is hecking based and valid to save the white racerino

3 words, one starts with "K", the other with "Y" and the last one with "S".
>just give up your country chud!
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And there you have it boys, another shitskin shill buckbroken by yours truly. It's just that easy KEKAROOOO








Its a couple provinces that were filled with Russians anyway. Look whats going to happen now. Ukraine will be filled with shitskin refugees and it'll all be controlled by Blackrock and State Street.
Bruh, you live in Brazil. What are you even worried about Ukraine. You country is a third world shithole filled with mulattoes. We see what your people create. Why do you think we care what your opinion is?
>In a few months Trump will tell Zelensky to settle
>Trump will save us
The fate of your petukh empire rests in the hands of the orange man? Sad
Boris visited after Bucha was discovered, lying nigger
Johnson came to Kiev: meets Zelensky
Alona Mazurenko — Saturday, 9 April 2022, 16:57
Just watch. The gibs are about to end. Hopefully your supervisors were stupid enough to document all your names so they can be leaked after the war is over.
Shitskin slang GEEEEEEEEEEG
Poor kid. Why can't this fucking war end already.
Yes, April is before May. Read my post again, retard. Bucha was April 1st. Boris visited in May. They were still pushing peace negotations, which is why Boris had to tell them to knock it off. NATO wasn't done using Ukraine as a bludgeon against Russia.
That's a fucking russnigger woman lmao
Hope ukronazis nazify xher smelly russoid womb
You're right. Boris came is early April. That's still after Bucha was discovered. The peace negotiations were still going on.
Crimea was part of Ukraine in 1917
So an army that doesn't even want to fight has killed or wounded half a million Russians? Wild
okay, and? you do know that decisions take days to make, correct?
telling Zelensky that putin is a war criminal (bucha) and that agreements are worth less than dog shit with russia and that they'll aid them to press Putin is what, exactly, shitskinned subhuman?
you were already demonstrated to lie once
>They were still pushing peace negotations
No they weren't, lying retard. Anything Boris said was irelevant once they discovered just how subhuman Russians were
How many Ukrainians have died? What is the average age of Ukraine's soldiers? 43?

They're so passionate about fighting Russia that Ukraine needs to conscript people with down syndrome and send out recruiters to effectively kidnap people.
wait, do people really think the bucha thing was done by russia? I thought that was pretty clearly done by ukraine.
Yes, they were. Why would Boris Johnson need to tell Ukraine to stop negotiations if they weren't still going on? Bucha was discovered over a week before Johnson got there.
>Why would Boris Johnson need to tell Ukraine to stop negotiations if they weren't still going on?
Because it didn't happen, lying nigger
>okay, and? you do know that decisions take days to make, correct?

No. If they weren't negotiating for peace anymore, there would be no reason to tell Zelensky to stop. They were still negotiating after Bucha was discovered. Zelensky halted peace negotiations because his puppet master in DC told him to, not out of some moral courage for Bucha.
We know it was Russians due to overwhelming evidence

Yes, it did.

Johnson is just like all of you cowards. You want a war, just as long as some other men are doing the actual fighting.
Yes, overwhelming evidence. Just like WMDs in Iraq, or Assad gassing his own people.
are you fucking retarded, shitskinned subhuman
>but stopped in May 2022 due to a combination of several factors
1pbtid shitskin tries to back up his shitskin buddy LMAO
10 years ago, you idiots would have been the ones telling us that Assad was gassing his own people. You aren't from here. Why do you keep posting this thread?
>The first thing was the revelation of the atrocities, rapes, murders, massacres, looting, indiscriminate bombings and hundreds and thousands of other war crimes committed by Russian troops in the temporarily occupied Ukrainian territories…
Can always spot you shills because you never actually fucking read the links you post
No, actual overwhelming evidence that you ztroons haven't been able to disprove
cope, shitskin
I was on this website 17 years ago
go back to churkatown
>Can always spot you shills because you never actually fucking read the links you post

Those were discovered on April 1st. If that were enough to discontinue the peace negotiations, then Boris wouldn't have needed to say anything at all. Its just a convenient excuse for Zelensky to save face.
/pol/ isn't even that old.

If you've been on 4chan for that long and you still support zionists, then you're legitimately retarded.
So an army of grandpas, downies and draft dodgers killed or wounded half a million Russian soldiers? Wild.
How many Ukrainians died or were wounded? Russia has 100m more people than Ukraine. You need a hell of a kill ratio to win this thing.
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no shit it isn't, dumb faggot
I posted on /a/ /b/ and /g/ at various times
like these, shitskinned subhuman?
that's not how wars work, subhuman
Russia is more zionist than America?
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The US has more than 4x the population of Afghanistan, how did they win, my dear communist zizter in Marx
yes, that's exactly how wars work. This is why Ukraine has to conscript old people and mentally retarded people to fight. Its killed all of its young men. All the young women are off whoring themselves in Berlin. Thank G*d refugees will be there to repopulate the place.
that's definitely not how wars work, subhuman
That wasn't a conventional war. This is a conventional war. Afghanistan was an occupation that we lost interest in.
Just kill Russians LOOOOOOOOOL! Tajik chads are already raping russian widows
You're shilling for a kike comedian and his Zionist pupppets, and I'm the subhuman?
You are one braindead shill
>that wasn't a conventional war
Because Afghanistan didn't have enough conventional equipment to respond, retard, do you think they fought with rusty Ak's and home made weaponry because they wanted it? Communist dumh tranny GEEEEEG
yes, you are
in fact, that kike was elected by ethnic russians and spoke russian until russia invaded
zelensky has been barred from entering israel
He wasn't elected, he was installed after a Zionist CIA coup.
>mentally retarded people to fight.
Any more false narratives you'd like to share? lying kike
the coup happened in 2018, shitskin?
Afghanistan also cucked the s'oyviet troonion and completelly buck broke it.

Vietnam managed to win against the US despite suffering much more casualties against an extremelly mighty enemy.

Oh, and even worse, at least the US army was a competent and organized foe, Russia is just plain pathetic, dumb communist troon
What exactly is your point. This is fundamentally different than Afghanistan. This is more of a conventional war. Afghanistan and Iraq were both occupations fighting off an insurgency.
No, the coup happened in 2014. Ukraine's government was occupied by the Zionists after this, just as our government is a Zionist Occupied Government. They can pretend to allow us to vote, but both candidates are going to kiss that stupid wall and beg AIPAC for money.
>retard doesn't understand the concept of guerrilla warfare
>"uhhhhhhhh afghanistan was different because they were much less organized, descentralized and less equiped, take that hohol nazis!"

Doesn't it mean Ukraine actually has much better odds at victory? It's way more organized and equiped in comparison to Afghanistan and is fighting against a retarded foe (Russia) and not a mighty one (US)

Kys marxist troon

Kys, dumb socialist tranny
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but russians were planning to invade ukraine months before, and the crimean medal they ordered months before the so-called coup shows a date before Yanukovych was kicked out of office by the democratically elected parliament for not being able to fulfill his duties while he was fleeing to moscow

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