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▶Prev: >>472775930
▶Day: 857 - Daily battlefield assessment:https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>Zelenskiy arrived in Brussels, EU and Ukraine to sign security agreement
>Russia blocks dozens of independent media outlets (in retaliation for an EU ban on some russian outlets)
>Zelenskiy visited troops in eastern Ukraine in effort to boost morale
>1.2 million migrants were brought into Moscow in 4 months of this year - muscovite officials
>Slovakia joined the Czech ammo initiative. Large share of the ammo will be refurbished in Slovak plants
>NATO appoints outgoing Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte as its next secretary-general - AP
>90 Ukrainian POWs freed from Russian captivity
>Ukraine downed 1,953 Shahed drones out of 2,277 launched by Russia this year (~86%)
>Smooking accident at a research institute in the Moscow region
>EU began membership talks with Ukraine
>ICC issues warrants for Shoigu and Gerasimov over attacks on Ukrainian civilian targets
>Zelenskiy replaced the commander of the Joint Forces Command of Ukraine’s military after the leader of Azov regiment accused the general of causing significant military setbacks and major losses in personnel
>The EU imposed sanctions on 19 Chinese companies aimed at punishing Beijing’s support for russia’s war in Ukraine
>EU targets Russia's 'shadow fleet' in new round of sanctions against Moscow
>Ukraine will get the first tranche of military aid from frozen Russian assets next week, EU foreign policy chief says


https://odin.tradoc.army.mil/WEG (equipment explorer)
https://ukr.warspotting.net/ (visually confirmed losses)

(irrelevant reposted gore video.webm)

Is Russia winning?

Vatnik gore is never irrelevant
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it really upsets you for some reason, and that is what makes us laugh
NATOsisters, our response?
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While the rest of the world is busy with the daily political nonsense, the Russian rocket trucks continue lobbing rockets at Ukrainians somewhere between the towns of Svatovo and Kupiansk
Ukraine, despite having the technological superiority thanks to the NATO, still can't stop these humble Russian rocket trucks.
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Let's fucking gooo
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> I thank You Saturn-sama, for my Total-Ukrainian-Victory;
> I thank You also Shani Dev, for my Total-Israeli-Bharatification;
AMEN: So must it be.
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No way, there's just no way.
at least you still got the (unguided WWII era) rocket trucks bro
god i wish
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Hello niggers and welcome to another episode of SFB News. This time after a two week vacation break, so strap in. If you haven't seen the latest episode, feel free to do so here:

Why are so many Americans ziggers?
You likely had a lucky hit on some ammo depot. There'd be nobody posting if an actual nuke had been used.
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I want to believe...

Been a while, fren.
>German guy and his government produce 3.5 million cars only to use earned money to buy oil from russia while the Russian guy and his government don't care about the numbers and produce only what they need.
The more important part is, Russia doesn't need to export cars to live comfortably. Germany would literally become a third-world country if it couldn't export cars.

>Lmao, still seething that your shitty empire was blown to pieces by island monkeys you outnumbered 30-1? Chinkland owes its life, quite literally, to America. If it weren't for FDR being a massive sinophile, toothless illiterate insectoids would be picking cotton for massa Fujimoto today.
Irrelevant because it still makes my point. GDP is both a consequence of natural ability and geopolitical circumstances. Trying to make IQ the unum necessarium is idiotic.

For that matter, the United States didn't have to allow Japan to reindustrialize after WWII. We could have turned the Japs into the cotton-pickers. The question is, why didn't we?
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Mindbroken useful idiots after Jan 6.
> Zelenskiy visited troops in eastern Ukraine in effort to boost morale

>hey sisters!! Keep slaying amirite?
>don’t worry that our NAFO faggot month ended, we will have daily circlejerks and buggering with our usual “PRIDE”
>and remember, all the fighting age jewish men that I evacuated after the invasion will be back once the war is over to buy up your land and property cheap as we refashion Ukraine into the most diverse country in Europe, into a greater israel
>l’chaim you cannon fodder goyim
>There'd be nobody posting if an actual nuke had been used.
..or there would be?
Im having a blackout right this moment yet im still shotposting
>Banks began to stop accepting applications for preferential mortgages

>Several large banks have stopped accepting applications for preferential mortgages, RBC noted. Market participants are stopping the demand for loans before the end of massive government programs on July 1

>Some large banks have begun to stop accepting new applications from individual clients for preferential mortgage loans until the completion of major government programs on July 1.

>From June 18, Promsvyazbank (PSB) made such a decision on preferential mortgages at 8%; earlier, Rossiya Bank and Ak Bars agreed to this, representatives of credit institutions’ support services told RBC. The PSB press service confirmed the information. Rossiya Bank and Ak Bars did not respond to RBC’s requests.

>Information about the suspension of accepting applications for preferential loans in certain banks appeared in the “Mortgage and Real Estate” telegram channel. It was reported there that from June 19, applications for family and preferential mortgages will no longer be processed by MTS Bank, and from June 21 by Post Bank (we are talking about the “Preferential mortgage for the purchase of a house” program, individual housing construction).

>The press center of MTS Bank told RBC that mortgages are not a key product in its strategy. “Mortgages with state support end on July 1, 2024. Now there is no practical point in accepting new applications from clients, since the bank needs time to approve the application, select an object for the client and bring him to the transaction. The bank has now formed a pool of clients who, by the end of June, will enter into a transaction under this program based on previously approved applications,” MTS Bank indicated. The call center of Post Bank did not confirm information about the termination of accepting applications for one of the preferential programs.

it doesn't make me angry, and it reflects poorly on Ukrainians who gleefully share these video with anyone online who wants to watch them, it's not normal to take joy watching somebody's final moments, no other country does this, there are barely any videos of this nature from Syria or Sudan or Myanmar -- this habit of sharing gore videos is completely unique to Ukrainian subhumans and their supporters
Except that life expectancy in Germany is 10 years lnger than in Russia. Salaries and pensions are 10x bigger too. Average flat size is also bigger.

>According to the Mortgage and Real Estate channel, Alfa Bank notified clients that applications for preferential loans for the purchase of a home submitted after June 17 “with a high degree of probability will not have time to reach a deal.” A representative of the credit institution's support service, in a conversation with an RBC correspondent, could neither confirm nor deny this information.

>“In May, we observed a seasonal surge in demand for mortgages under the individual housing construction (individual housing construction) program. A common practice is when the bank warns selected partners in advance about slightly longer processing times for mortgage applications. This is not related to bank limits. At the moment, applications are still being accepted, both for this and other programs,” said a representative of Alfa Bank.

>RBC sent inquiries to other major players in the mortgage market.

>What will happen to preferential mortgages in Russia after July 1

>Massive government programs in the mortgage segment began working in Russia in the spring of 2020 - these were loans for the purchase of housing on the primary market (now issued at a rate of no higher than 8%) and family mortgages (rate up to 6%). The programs were extended more than once, although the Central Bank opposed this. In addition, due to rising rates in Russia, budget expenses for paying subsidies to banks issuing such loans increased. Since the fall of 2023, the government began to tighten the conditions for state programs, and in the spring of this year the authorities came to a consensus that the massive program of preferential mortgages at 8% should end on July 1.


>A family mortgage that was in effect before the same period will also cease to exist in its current form. It is planned to be extended until 2030, but the 6% rate will remain only for families with children under 6 years of age and residents of small towns. For other borrowers with children, the cost of loans with state support can be increased to 12%, the Ministry of Finance stated. The final decision has not yet been made.

>Why banks are ready to curtail preferential mortgages now

>At Promsvyazbank, the decision to stop accepting applications for preferential mortgages at 8% was associated with the end of the program. An employee of the Rossiya Bank support service said that, purely technically, clients can apply for a mortgage loan, but the standard processing time for applications is up to 14 days, and such an application will not be satisfied. “We cannot promise that we will sign [the deal], that we will meet the deadline, since the program is valid until July 1,” he explained.

>In most banks, the cycle of a mortgage transaction—from filling out an application, approval, collecting documents and signing an agreement—is on average one month, notes Inna Soldatenkova, head of expert analytics at Banki.ru. There really is a risk that clients will not be able to complete what they started before July 1, and banks are trying to prevent it, the expert explains.

>“Most likely, on the eve of the closure of the program, there is such a high demand for it that the limits could either be exhausted in the middle of the month, or the banks plan that they will be exhausted in the coming days,” adds Yegor Lopatin, director of the group of financial institution ratings of the NKR agency.


>According to Dom.RF, in January-March 2024, banks provided Russians with 288 thousand mortgage loans worth 1.1 trillion rubles. Almost half of the loans were issued under preferential programs, and the share of preferential mortgages in the total volume of loans reached 63.6% (RUB 0.7 trillion). In April, the demand for loans increased further, with issuances amounting to 350 billion rubles, the Central Bank reported (.pdf). Data for May and June are not yet available, but previously, on expectations of the winding down of programs for issuing preferential loans, they reached a record.

>Another factor is limit exhaustion. “As the preferential programs are implemented, the government increases the limits for issuing mortgages for each of the programs with state support, then Dom.RF distributes funds among creditor banks based on submitted applications in proportion to the declared volume of requirements. Within these limits, credit institutions receive compensation at a preferential rate from the state,” Natalia Bogomolova, junior director of NRA bank ratings, explains the mechanism. According to her, banks are “close to exhausting their limits” on the main types of mortgages.

>Stopping the acceptance of applications for new loans allows us to stop demand and further issuances, agrees Soldatenkova. She expects that other players will close applications for soft loans in the coming days.


None of this has anything to do with Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
>“The country is heading towards a shortage of drinking water.” The wear and tear of treatment facilities in Russia has reached 90%

>Most treatment facilities in Russia were built back in the 60-70s of the last century and were worn out on average by 80% across the country, and in some regions by 90%, Sergei Kolunov, a member of the State Duma Committee on Construction and Housing and Public Utilities, told Izvestia.

>In total, there are about 60 thousand water treatment plants, 21 thousand sewage pumping stations and 12 thousand sewage treatment plants in the country, noted Alexander Kogan, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Ecology, Natural Resources and Environmental Protection. Another 20% of the country’s population, according to him, live in the absence of centralized or local treatment facilities.

>At the same time, only 1-2% of the municipal infrastructure is updated annually, although the annual wear and tear is 3%, emphasizes State Duma deputy Ilya Volfson.

>The wear and tear of treatment facilities not only worsens the condition of the water (discharges of untreated wastewater promote the proliferation of cyanobacteria, lead to the death of fish and underwater flora, poisoning of people, etc.), but also increases the cost of water treatment in cases where drinking water is taken from reservoirs, Kogan noted.

>Deputy Minister of Construction and Housing and Public Utilities of Russia Alexander Eresko recalled that the President of the Russian Federation, in his address to the Federal Assembly, instructed to allocate 4.5 trillion rubles for the modernization of municipal infrastructure. However, according to him, it is “absolutely impossible” to solve the problem with the allocation of federal funds.


>The announced amount is a huge amount of money, but it will only be enough to solve the most pressing problems, Wolfson confirmed. He noted that it is necessary to create conditions to increase the investment attractiveness of the housing and communal services system as a whole.

>If nothing is done, then the country will come to a “full-fledged water crisis and a shortage of drinking water,” says Ivan Andrievsky, chairman of the board of directors of the engineering company 2K. “We can try to involve private business in this issue. Today in the country concessions are concluded in the field of lighting and heating, but so far investors have not been attracted to water treatment so intensively,” Andrievsky noted.

>Before this, the State Duma announced that the communal infrastructure in Russia had deteriorated by more than 70%. This applies to heat and water supply networks, as well as sewerage, said Sergei Pakhomov, Chairman of the Duma Committee on Construction and Housing and Communal Services.

>In the winter of 2024, a series of housing and utility failures swept across Russia, as a result of which more than 1.5 million Russians suffered from heat, water and light outages. Moreover, as a Popular Front survey showed, 60% of Russians have encountered problems in the field of public services over the past year.


Crocodile tears, zigger
Death to invaders
Whataboutism isn't an argument.
Based. Gored russniggers are my favourite russniggers. Love them in the morning, love them in the evening. Love them in the summer, winter, spring and autumn.
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Total Shitskin Death
Russia = ______________________________
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>it doesn't make me angry
it definitely does though...and you're so (((concerned))) about it
>A shortage of 500 thousand auto mechanics has been discovered in Russia

>In Russia, there is an acute shortage of auto mechanics: various car service organizations lack a total of 500 thousand specialists, said Alexander Ushenin, Chairman of the Council for Professional Qualifications in the Automotive Industry.

>According to him, the auto repair and maintenance industry needs 150 thousand new employees every year, and only 50 thousand students come to study. This leads to an aging workforce. So, for example, the majority of employees working in this area at KamAZ production facilities are over 50 years old, says Ushenin.

>The acute shortage of auto mechanics was confirmed by the head of the Auto.ru Business Academy, Daria Chelyadinova. However, according to her, there is a shortage not only of them, but also of fitters, painters, buyers, salesmen and even marketers.

>“The problem in this industry can affect many related areas. “Including logistics, delivery services, construction of roads and infrastructure, tourism, industry,” notes First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Youth Policy Mikhail Kiselev.

>In total, there are 64 million units of automotive equipment in Russia that must be regularly serviced and repaired, says Sergei Timofeev, chairman of the OPORA Russia committee for the auto business.


>To solve the problem, the State Duma proposed developing a program document for personnel development in the automotive industry and related industries until 2030. The deputies are also going to, together with the Ministry of Education, organize a career guidance lesson as part of the “Ticket to the Future” program, which will allow young people to get acquainted with the professions of the automotive industry, Rossiyskaya Gazeta notes.

>Previously, the analytical center TsMAKP, close to the authorities, predicted that Russia would face a shortage of 3.6 million skilled workers by 2035. At the same time, experts expect a surplus of specialists with higher professional education, which will amount to 2.7 million people by the same time.

>According to the latest data from Rosstat, in April the unemployment rate in Russia dropped to a new historical low of 2.6%. However, as noted by the Central Bank, the low unemployment rate is accompanied by a shortage of personnel in the labor market.

>“This means that there are practically no free hands left in the economy; the situation with personnel is really very acute, especially in those industries that have already crossed the pre-crisis level,” said the head of the Central Bank, Elvira Nabiullina. According to her, the shortage of personnel has become the main problem for the Russian economy.


>The authorities threatened to take away military factories from their owners for disrupting state defense orders.

>The Russian authorities are ready to take away military-industrial complex (DIC) enterprises from their owners as a sanction for disrupting a defense order, said Minister of Industry and Trade Anton Alikhanov.

>“The entire production base is systematically linked with end-to-end acquisition schedules, ultimately converging into delivery schedules. Their implementation is under strict control by the military-industrial complex board. And in case of serious deviations in relation to the “at fault” enterprises, appropriate measures are taken, up to and including a change of owner,” Alikhanov said at a meeting of the Bureau of the Union of Mechanical Engineers and the League for Assistance to Defense Enterprises (quoted by TASS).

>Thus, according to him, the work of the defense industry on a nationwide scale has been “transferred to the principles of strict project management.” Alikhanov added that in the current situation this is “a definite plus.”

>He also noted that after the start of the war in Ukraine, about 850 enterprises were involved in the supply of a wide range of components to military factories, which previously “did not interact with the defense industry at all.”

Maybe don't invade a neighboring country, nigger?
Pidor.Russian levies lack AA cover because shelomov and shoigu embezzled billions and spend in west

>Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin supported the return of a number of large enterprises and property complexes to state ownership. According to him, it is necessary to nationalize private property in situations where “assets were acquired in circumvention, in violation of the law and, moreover, are used to the detriment of the state.”

>In 2022–2023, more than 180 private enterprises came under state control, and the demands for nationalization received from the Prosecutor General’s Office to the courts over two years concerned almost two hundred companies. These are mainly enterprises producing military products, as well as the assets of businessmen who left the country.

>According to calculations by Novaya Gazeta. Europe' and 'Transparency International - Russia', the authorities most often nationalized enterprises in the military-industrial complex and mechanical engineering (7 lawsuits), food and fishing industries (7 lawsuits), as well as ports (6 lawsuits) and real estate (6 lawsuits).

>It is important for the state to control enterprises working for the war, said Ilya Shumanov, director of Transparency International - Russia. In addition, according to him, due to the high cost, the state is interested in real estate and land, especially in Moscow, the Moscow region, St. Petersburg and the southern regions.


>get real faggot, nations do not dictate events any longer, this stopped after WW2, I will not spoonfeed you knowledge about the world that is crying and screaming at your face every single day, lmfao. Chinese faggots are the first experiments of this brave new world of the homo-machina. The social credit system is implemented on them first, the chips will be implemented on them first etc etc. The chinese system is not your friend, it's an abomination, created by this "West". Agenda 21 will proceed as is and in 2 years we will get the agenda 40(up until 2040) as well.
Yes, the entire world is ruled by the same people but for some reason they can't actually control anything, so they have to start wars to justify stripping away rights, including wars in Israel that kill thousands of Jews.

Also, they have to use China as a test ground because "reasons".

You're a schizo. Please stop talking to me.
>Banks raised the full cost of loans for Russians to 60%

>The total cost of consumer loans (PCL) in large Russian banks has increased to 60%, Vedomosti writes. The indicator, which takes into account all the costs of servicing the loan, including commissions and insurance, exceeded the figures for the crisis year 2022 - at that time the PSC reached 45% with a key rate of 20%. Currently the rate remains at 16%.

>The highest upper limit for a cash loan of almost 81% was recorded in Zenit Bank. The full price range starts from 15%. These are indicators for a loan in the amount of 100 thousand to 5 million rubles. for a period of two to five years for any purpose not related to entrepreneurship. The loan rate starts at 10.8%.

>Zenit did not explain why such figures were formed, but promised to review them after the return of the PSC limit, which could happen on July 1.

>In second place according to PSK is Rosbank (63.4%). A cash loan of up to 7 million rubles for a period of up to five years can have such a full value, subject to life insurance and additional services of your choice. The loan rate itself starts from 6.9%.

>Alfa Bank closes the top three with an upper limit of PSC equal to almost 61% for cash loans up to 15 million rubles. The rate on such a loan varies from 12 to 60.99% and is calculated individually.

Monkey, answer this. Why is that 850 days into this war Russian levies lack anri drone weapons?

>In MKB and Gazprombank the level of PSK is approximately 57%. At Sberbank, the maximum total cost of a loan for any purpose for non-paying clients is now 40.2%, and the rate starts at 18.9%. Such conditions apply to loans up to 30 million rubles and for a period of up to five years.

>According to experts, the sharp increase in the price of loans is due to the fact that since the end of January, the calculation of the PSC includes all the applicant’s expenses, without which the bank will not issue a loan or will offer other conditions for its processing. Against the backdrop of these changes, the Central Bank extended the relaxations introduced a year ago for banks, when it allowed non-compliance with the PSC restrictions on consumer loans. Previously, the regulator set a maximum size of the PSC, which was prohibited from being exceeded.

>Managing Director of the NKR rating agency Mikhail Doronkin believes that the Central Bank will maintain these concessions, given the high probability of raising the key rate on July 26. Yuri Belikov, Managing Director for Validation at Expert RA, agrees with him. Otherwise, banks face a squeeze on net interest margins, he notes, adding that this measure will ultimately be lifted, as such restrictions are consistent with the need to cool credit markets.


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Feed ziggers to the T-Rex
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>“Absolute rock bottom”: housing affordability in Russia has fallen to its lowest level in 10 years

>The affordability of housing, despite four years of preferential mortgages, has not increased, but, on the contrary, has fallen to minimal levels

>The number of square meters that a recipient of a median salary can purchase in Russia using a mortgage has decreased by 6 square meters in the primary market since 2020. m, and on the secondary - 9 sq. m, amounting to 25.8 sq. m. The chief analyst of Sberbank, head of the bank’s Financial Analytics Center, Mikhail Matovnikov, said this at the Domclick Digital Day conference. As the RBC Real Estate expert clarified, these are the minimum figures for the last ten years.

>“In terms of what we are currently building, we are at absolute rock bottom. It has never been so bad in terms of what a normal person can afford to buy, taking into account the mortgage and all subsidies,” Mikhail Matovnikov noted at the conference, adding that there was an increase in affordability in certain periods, but overall this figure is decreasing.

>The real estate affordability index shows the size of an apartment that an employee earning the median salary in a certain region/city can purchase using a mortgage loan with an annuity payment of 50% of income at a standard rate, a down payment of 20% and a loan term of 20 years.

>The decrease in affordability, according to Mikhail Matovnikov, is due to the rise in prices of housing, especially new buildings, which is why people are forced to buy apartments of a smaller area. “In the primary market, all the benefits from low rates and higher wages were eaten up by rising prices; in the secondary market, the level of rates had an impact,” explained the chief analyst of Sberbank.

>Be Russian
>Live in Norislk
>Work is Norilsk Nickel
>Create high value, worth a lot of money
>Abramovich used that value/money to buy villa in London and New York
>Pays property tax in USA and UK. Unfriendly NATO countries
>Get conscripted
>Money is you created is used to (buy drones and artillery that is used to) bomb Donbass, Luhansk, Belgorod, Sevastopol, Moscow or just conscripts in trenches.


>According to the study cited by Mikhail Matovnikov, from January 2020 to May 2024, prices for secondary housing on average in Russia increased by 77%, and for new buildings by 111%. At the same time, salaries increased by an average of 71% over the same time. “If the rapid growth of wages is slowly catching up with the secondary market, then the primary market has become so detached that a situation in which wages will make a 30% leap is unlikely,” explained the head of the Sberbank Financial Analytics Center. As a result, housing affordability in all regions at the beginning of 2024 is at a lower level than it was before the expansion of state-supported programs, he added.

>Declining accessibility is a trend in recent years

>The State Duma also spoke about the decrease in housing affordability during the period of the preferential programs. According to the Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Construction and Housing and Communal Services Sergei Pakhomov, preferential mortgages led to rising prices and worked more for the investor. ACRA analysts noted a decrease in housing affordability. “Preferential mortgages work if the growth rate of household income exceeds the growth rate of real estate values. Exactly the opposite happened to us. Developers turned out to be more profitable, we see this, in particular, in their profitability,” explained Irina Nosova, senior director of the ACRA financial institutions ratings group.

And the war in Ukraine has nothing to do with us here in the West. We've got plenty of our own problems to deal with.

>According to a study by the Institute of Urban Economics (IEG), housing affordability has decreased over the past four years: the growth in household incomes has not kept pace with the rise in prices. This trend was especially noticeable in large cities. According to analysts, the most unaffordable housing among Russian cities at the end of 2023 was in Sochi. To save up for an apartment of 54 square meters. m, a family of three will need 7.7 years versus 3.9 years in 2020. The affordability of purchasing housing with a mortgage has decreased, IEG notes. On the one hand, preferential programs have made purchasing a home with a mortgage more affordable compared to 2019; on the other hand, they have also led to an increase in housing prices that outpaces the growth of household incomes.


My point is that Russia really isn't our problem. Our own governments are. I don't particularly care for Russia but nobody has explained to me why I should give them the time of day.
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>We've got plenty of our own problems to deal with.
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USA government spends around 300-400 billion more on welfare than on military

>The United States' welfare budget totaled $1.101 trillion in fiscal year 2023, or 18% of all federal outlays


>The Central Bank warned of a sharp increase in the key rate due to the threat of inflation

>The Russian Central Bank said on Thursday that at its July meeting the key rate could be raised significantly if the regulator finds “convincing evidence” in the statistics of the implementation of an alternative pro-inflationary scenario, follows from a summary of the discussion.

>At its meeting on June 7, the Central Bank kept the rate at 16%, where it has remained since December 2023, warning of the possibility of a significant increase at its next meeting, on July 26. According to Rosstat, as of June 17, the growth rate of consumer prices in Russia reached 8.5% in annual terms and became the highest in the last 15 months.

>“It is necessary to obtain more data to reliably assess the situation in the economy, the speed and sustainability of the inflation trend. The statistical data obtained since the last decision on the key rate is largely noisy by one-time factors (indexation of prices for cars and communication services, the leap year effect in GDP dynamics, payments of increased premiums),” the Central Bank indicated.

>For many important indicators for the regulator, at the time of the June decision there was no data for April-May.

>“All participants agreed that the likelihood of an alternative scenario occurring has increased,” the summary states.

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USA government spends around 300-400 billion more on welfare than on military.

>The United States' welfare budget totaled $1.101 trillion in fiscal year 2023, or 18% of all federal outlays


back to le plebbit, faggot, pissrael is another tool to be discarded as well

>In July, the regulator intends to evaluate data on the dynamics of lending, economic activity, as well as the labor market and inflation, in order to understand under what scenario the situation in the economy is developing.

>“At the time of the June decision on the key rate, there are no decisive arguments to reject the base scenario in favor of the alternative and increase the key rate,” the Central Bank said.

>In June, the Central Bank considered two solution options: increasing the key rate by 100–200 basis points to 17–18% and maintaining the rate. According to the head of the CBR department, these same options will be discussed at the July meeting.

>As follows from the summary of the discussion, supporters of the rate increase indicated that the economy most likely deviated from the April baseline scenario towards a more pro-inflationary one. This conclusion is supported by available data on GDP, inflation, labor market and credit.

>“Current monetary conditions do not sufficiently increase the propensity of households and businesses to save, slow down credit growth, and cool domestic demand, which are necessary to return inflation to the target next year,” the CBR noted the arguments of the hawks.

>Also, in their opinion, the rise in inflation expectations has increased the inertia in inflation dynamics and creates risks for achieving the inflation target in 2025.

>According to the participants who advocated keeping the rate at 16%, the effects of tightening monetary policy taking into account lags and the influence of factors independent of it have not yet been fully reflected in the dynamics of demand and inflation.

Shelomolvand spends 10 percent of GDP on war. 45 percent of state budget.

Otan spends less than 2 percent on war and donates percent of that percent to Ukraine.

Shelomovlands government has stoped paying men pensions to fund this war


>They noted that monetary conditions have further tightened and this will continue to influence lending dynamics and savings activity.

>In addition, the phasing out of non-addressed preferential mortgages from July, macroprudential measures, and the cancellation of regulatory easing may further tighten monetary conditions.

>The Central Bank noted that the dynamics of imports, restrained due to sanctions, creates the preconditions for the strengthening of the ruble, which also has a disinflationary effect.

>At the same time, the regulator admits that the positive impact of ruble strengthening on inflation can be largely offset by the impact of sanctions and delays in settlements on import prices.

>Inflation risks, according to the regulator, are also associated with the transfer by companies to prices of costs from the increase in profit tax, which is planned in Russia from 2025.

>The new structure of budget expenditures may have a more pro-inflationary impact due to the active use of interest rate subsidies at the expense of the state, the Central Bank warned.


You're new to the western internet, ain't you Igor?
Bakhmut status?
>Wison didn't work in Russia

>Technological partner of NOVATEK announced its withdrawal from projects in the Russian Federation

>One of the main technological partners of NOVATEK - the Chinese Wison New Energies - stops working in the Russian Federation. The company is one of the manufacturers of modules for the Arctic LNG-2 project and should help NOVATEK with the construction of an onshore power station for the LNG plant under construction. The plans of Wison New Energies may also affect its subsidiary Wison (Nantong) Heavy Industry, from which Rosatom ordered the construction of buildings for the floating power units of the Baimsky Mining and Processing Plant. Analysts believe that NOVATEK may still have time to obtain modules for Arctic LNG-2, but the situation with the casings for power units is more complicated.

>The Chinese Wison New Energies, responsible for the construction of modules for the NOVATEK Arctic LNG-2 project (the project is included in the SDN-List), announced the suspension of activities in the Russian Federation. The statement was published on the LinkedIn profile. “The Board of Directors of Wison New Energies decided to terminate all current projects in the Russian Federation and immediately and for an indefinite period cease participation in new ones,” the statement said.

>The company writes that it is aware of the impact the decision may have on partners, explaining the situation with concern for the strategic future, and promises to ensure a “smooth transition.”

>Wison New Energies is part of the Wison Group, whose structures are engaged in engineering services, shipbuilding, green energy, etc. Wison (Nantong) Heavy Industry, a subsidiary of Wison New Energies, has contracts with Rosatom for the construction of hulls for three floating nuclear power units (PEB), which should supply the Baimsky Mining and Processing Plant in Chukotka with electricity (GDK Baimskaya LLC has been included in the SDN-List since May).

How many fucking Russians live here? Good God

>Rosatom told Kommersant that they are studying the information and cannot provide immediate comments. NOVATEK did not answer Kommersant.

>The EPC contract for the design, supply of equipment, materials and components, construction at the shipyard and commissioning of modules for Arctic LNG-2 with Wison was signed in 2019 through the French Technip. The company shipped modules for the first line of the project, and also managed to deliver modules for the second line, which is still under construction and should be commissioned this year. The Chinese company is also expected to build modules for the project's third production line, which could be commissioned in 2026.

>“The company will probably have time to ship the modules ordered for the last line before terminating cooperation,” says independent expert Alexander Sobko.

>As High North News reported on June 17, Wison is expected to supply at least four of the 14 modules for the latest Arctic LNG 2 train. According to the publication, two modules have been sent to Belokamenka, two more are awaiting shipment.

>Wison was also expected to participate in the construction of a 1.5 GW onshore power plant for Arctic LNG 2 using machines from China's Harbin Guangham Gas Turbine. The project was planned to be built in three stages, building 500 MW of power in each stage. As follows from NOVATEK's materials, each stage involved the installation of four modules of the maximum degree of factory readiness, designed and manufactured by Wison in combination with 20 gas turbine generators, auxiliary equipment and wiring, and one 220 kV substation module. It is unclear whether this technological solution remains relevant, since, as Kommersant reported on May 13, NOVATEK plans to install three GTE-170 Power Machines turbines to power the second line of the plant.


>Wison (Nantong) Heavy Industry Co. Ltd was already supposed to supply two buildings for a power plant to Russia to supply power to the Baimsky Mining and Processing Plant in Chukotka. Atomenergomash (AEM, part of Rosatom) signed a contract with the shipyard in September 2021. The contract value is $225.8 million. According to the contract, the delivery date for the first hull is October 2, 2023, and the second until February 2, 2024. In August 2022, AEM reported that the Wison shipyard had laid the hull keel for the first power unit.

>How the US expanded restrictions against LNG and coal from the Russian Federation

>Deputy head of Rosatom Andrei Nikipelov told Interfax on June 7 that the state corporation was “meeting the contract terms” and had no problems “with either equipment or buildings.” He said that Rosatom had already ordered the manufacture of the third hull from the Wison shipyard. It was assumed that the FPUs would be assembled in Russia at the Baltic Shipyard (part of the United Shipbuilding Corporation). There was no information about the delivery of the housings to the Russian Federation, or about the start of assembly of the FPUs.

>“There is hope that alternative options for the production of cases can be found within China,” says the head of Infoline-Analytics, Mikhail Burmistrov. He doubts that the first two buildings have already been removed from China, which means there is a high probability that Rosatom will never be able to receive them.

>But there are shifts in the construction schedule of the Baimsky GOK itself, so the delay in the production of floating nuclear power plants will not be critical for the customer, notes Mr. Burmistrov. In June, the general director of GDK Baimskaya LLC, Georgy Fotin, told reporters that construction of the factory in Chukotka was planned to begin in 2025, and to be launched at the beginning of 2029.


>Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and China will build a railway to Europe, bypassing Russia

>Two former Soviet republics in Central Asia - Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan - have agreed with China to build a railway to Europe that will bypass Russia.

>The agreement on the project, which Beijing, Bishkek and Tashkent have been discussing for 27 years, was signed by the parties on June 6 in Beijing, and construction should begin in October. The 450-500 km railway line will be part of China's global One Belt, One Road initiative.

>“Experts note that the annual volume of cargo transportation will reach 15 million tons, and the delivery time of goods to end consumers will be reduced by 7 days. In addition, modern transit and logistics infrastructure, warehouses and terminals will be created,” said President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev.

>The road will run from Kashgar in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region of China through Torugart, Makmal and Jalal-Abad in Kyrgyzstan to Andijan in Uzbekistan. Then the highway will connect with the roads of other Central Asian countries, from where cargo will go to the Caspian Sea, to Turkey and to Europe.

>On June 19, the parliament of Kyrgyzstan, through whose territory the main part of the route will pass, ratified an agreement with China and Uzbekistan on the construction of the road. A joint project company (JPC) will be created to lay the Kyrgyz section of the highway between the countries. China will own 51% of it, and Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan will each get 24.5%.


>At the same time, Kyrgyzstan will conclude a separate investment agreement with the joint venture company, which will build the road and operate it until it returns the investment. It is not officially reported how long the SEC will use the China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan railway. China Railway International will be directly involved in the construction. The project cost is estimated at approximately $8 billion.

>“It should be noted that the railway connects China and the countries of Central Asia, and also opens the way to new transport routes to Europe and the Gulf countries. This will undoubtedly have a positive impact on trade and economic cooperation between our countries,” emphasized President of Kyrgyzstan Sadyr Japarov. He estimated the republic's potential income from the railroad at $200 million per year.

>Until now, cargo from China to Europe was transported by rail through Kazakhstan, Russia and Belarus. However, since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, some companies have stopped using Russian territory for transit, noted the Washington-based think tank Jamestown Foundation.

>“Another route to the West and East, other than Russia, is important for China. The route through Russia is no longer safe. The road to Europe may be suddenly closed, as before. Therefore, it is very important for China to develop a new path,” says Central Asia expert David Cancarini.

>Russia is “not enthusiastic” about this project, but it cannot openly oppose it, notes Alisher Ilkhamov, director of the Central Asia Due Diligence think tank in London. “Otherwise, she will go into conflict with China. Now China is an ally defending Russia. Therefore, there is no particular enthusiasm in Moscow,” Ilkhamov concluded.


What fucking year am I in?
>Moscow Exchange announced the forced conversion of dollars and euros into rubles

>The Moscow Exchange, which has fallen under American sanctions, will not be able to return to clients the currency stuck in accounts at the National Clearing Center, a “subsidiary” of the exchange, which is responsible for registering transactions on its markets

>Currency balances in US dollars and euros, the exchange trading of which was stopped on June 13, will be returned in Russian rubles, the exchange announced on Thursday. We are talking about currency collateral that brokers kept in accounts at the clearing center, as follows from the exchange’s message. It will be returned in rubles until June 28 at the so-called “central rate” of the NCC on June 13, the trading platform clarifies: this is 89.22 rubles per dollar and 95.7974 rubles per euro.

>The currency that Russian citizens and companies held in brokerage accounts may not be subject to blocking and, as a result, forced conversion, the exchange explained earlier. Approximately 5% of foreign currency funds were blocked, as estimated by Digital Broker. The company, together with other large brokers, including a subsidiary of Raiffeisenbank, Finam and BCS, announced on June 13 that it was suspending the withdrawal of dollars and euros from accounts, which, however, was soon resumed.


>A week later, the exchange encountered problems with the withdrawal of Chinese yuan, brokerage company Sinara reported on Friday. Their reason is sanctions against the exchange and NCC, Sinara explained, adding that they are introducing temporary restrictions on yuan transactions for their clients. The exchange itself assured that transactions with yuan “are taking place as normal” and without delays in debiting and crediting funds.

>On June 12, the Moscow Exchange was included in the “black lists” of the American Ministry of Finance with its key settlement structures - NCC and the National Settlement Depository (NSD). The next day, trading in the US dollar, euro and Hong Kong dollar stopped on the exchange, and the Central Bank began setting official rates for over-the-counter market transactions.

>De facto, the only foreign currency available for trading was the Chinese yuan. But yuan trading may soon be stopped, a source close to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation told Bloomberg. According to him, Chinese banks providing such transactions will most likely gradually wind down operations with the exchange due to the threat of secondary US sanctions.


Because they are considered human beings and I feel insulted by that. Also, Russia still has extensive resources that it uses to destabilize West, it funded various emancipation movements and political extremists, it installed marxism onto our universities, it assassinated its dissidents in our countries. We should care about Russia because they use oil money to make our lifes harder. Kill them all. Make them pay for fucking with us like countless others that tried that. Our pride as a pinnacle of humanity requires that. If you don't understand that, maybe you should consider becoming an hero.
>The nationalization of CHEMK has gone downhill - the holding has enormous problems.

>The Chelyabinsk Electrometallurgical Plant, which generated profits for two decades, increased production and exported 70-80% of its products, now needs subsidies.

>Oligarch Dmitry Pumpyansky, who is behind the Pipe Metallurgical Company (TMK), and who muddled Putin’s head about how profitable it would be to take away ChEMK from Yuri Antipov, as well as the Serov Ferroalloy Plant and the Kuznetsk Ferroalloys Plant, was forced to unfasten 6 yards - in order for the holding I was able to pay wages and pay for electricity. Naturally, Pumpyansky is now trying with all his might to jump off the topic and not take into his hands nationalized assets that resemble a black hole.

>The main problem of CHEMK is the complete cessation of exports, which provided ¾ of the enterprise’s profit. Russia does not need this metal - there is nowhere to put it: for the domestic market, 20-30% of the volume produced by the ChEMK group is enough.

>Pumpyansky himself is not in the best shape right now. He supplies pipes to Gazprom, and while gas was being sent to Europe, everyone was in chocolate. As soon as Europe became unfriendly, Gazprom's needs for pipes decreased. Now the state corporation, which is Pumpyansky’s main customer, is itself in a complete ... hole: 2023 has become unprofitable. For the first time in 25 years.

>Under these conditions, the unprofitable CHEMK will hang like a stone around Pumpyansky’s neck (who is already overburdened with debt). Back in 2022, the plant under the leadership of Yuri Antipov made a profit of 15 yards, and now it generates monthly losses of 1.5-2 billion. Export contracts were lost to zero. Even if Antipov returned now, it would be unlikely that it would be possible to quickly restore the ties that had been established over the years: ChEMK’s foreign contracts were intercepted by other suppliers.

Based capricorn

>With the Serov and Novokuznetsk plants, which were also taken away from Antipov, things are even worse. Due to a colossal drop in production, they are on the verge of closing. In order to maintain the profitability of the holding, two factories must be completely closed.

>And then there’s the “brilliant” idea to move CHEMK outside the city. It was as if he took the printer under his arm and moved it. The price of the issue is cosmic. But the Pipe Metallurgical Company doesn’t have much money for its factories (Volzhsky, Seversky, Sinarsky and Taganrog). In 2024, according to TMK, capital expenditures will be reduced by 34%. Two thirds (18 billion) will go to maintaining current capacities, another third (9 billion) will go to development. CHEMK definitely does not fit into this estimate.

>Pumpyansky does not need such a load. And no one needs it at all. An alternative of two evils emerges: either someone takes over the CHEMK group for maintenance and pours 12-18 billion a year into it, or out of 12 thousand people they will have to fire 8-9 thousand.

>And this is just one example of nationalization. More than a hundred giant enterprises have already been nationalized throughout the country. Most of them are in the same situation as CHEMK: the business has been destroyed once or twice. But it’s not clear how to set it up.

>“Effective managers”, whom the state will provide, will work in domestic traditions. They have no direct interest in developing production. A typical “effective manager” has two tasks: to set himself a higher salary and to do something.

>In general, the result is slightly logical. They promised Putin the best, but it turned out... scoop.


>Kommersant: subsidiary of Bank of China will curtail operations with Russian banks under sanctions

>The Russian subsidiary of Bank of China (Bank of China) will suspend operations with Russian banks under US sanctions from June 24. Kommersant writes about this with reference to sources in the financial market.

>It is clarified that the bank will continue to work with other credit institutions. According to a number of the newspaper’s interlocutors, this decision was made out of fear of secondary sanctions. One of the sources noted that the Russian subsidiary of Bank of China played a “significant role” in bank payment traffic.

>Kommersant’s interlocutor expressed the opinion that this is “not very good news” for the Russian market, since additional costs will arise both in terms of time and the cost of processing payments.

>He called the risk of fraud the main problem. The publication’s sources explained that recently, payments are increasingly being made through non-bank payment agents, which is why “the transaction chain is becoming less and less transparent.” In addition, the use of their services is accompanied by currency risks: if the money freezes, it is not clear at what rate they will be returned in rubles.


>On June 20, Izvestia reported that six regional Chinese banks began working directly with Russia, and Bank of China also resumed accepting transactions in national currencies. It was noted that small banks that do not have international business with countries unfriendly to the Russian Federation and, accordingly, have no fear of falling under secondary sanctions, resumed operations.

>At the end of April, The Wall Street Journal wrote that the United States was developing sanctions that could cut off some Chinese banks from the global financial system. It was clarified that the restrictions may affect banks that allegedly help export dual-use goods from China to Russia.

>In December 2023, US President Joe Biden signed a decree according to which the Ministry of Finance was given the authority to impose simplified penalties on banks that violate sanctions against Russia. After this, operations with Russia were suspended by Zhejiang Chouzhou Commercial Bank, the main settlement center for importers.


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...I'm a Pisces tho
>The Ministry of Finance failed the borrowing program in the second quarter

>Rising interest rates made borrowing too expensive for the Ministry of Finance: in the second quarter, it was only able to fulfill the plan for placing federal loan bonds (OFZ) by a little more than half.

>The plan was a trillion rubles after 800 billion rubles. in the first quarter (it was completed). In total, this year the Ministry of Finance intends to borrow 3.9 trillion rubles with the help of OFZs: initially the plan was 4.1 trillion, but then it was reduced. However, in three months, the Ministry of Finance raised only 505.5 billion rubles at auctions.

>Debt servicing is costing the Ministry of Finance more and more, and it is trying to save money. But in conditions of high rates, it is not possible to borrow cheaper - only less. The Ministry of Finance today placed ten-year OFZs with a record yield since 2015 of 15.34% per annum - but only for 15.9 billion rubles. at face value. At every opportunity, the Central Bank warns that in order to maintain inflation it will keep a high rate for a very long time, and banks (they are the main buyers of OFZ) demand from the Ministry of Finance either a large premium or bonds with income tied to market rates - floaters. The Ministry of Finance really does not like to place such securities: in doing so, it takes the interest rate risk on itself. Floaters already account for more than 40% of issued bonds, and taking into account OFZs with inflation protection, almost half.

>For now, the Ministry of Finance persists and prefers to lag behind the plan rather than overpay. In the second quarter, he declared four auctions invalid due to a lack of applications “at acceptable prices” and did not hold auctions at all for two days (they are usually held on Wednesdays, most often two per day) “to stabilize the market situation.”


>As a result, over the past six months, the borrowing plan has been completed by a third. Against the backdrop of accelerating growth in OFZ yields, the Ministry of Finance significantly reduced the rate of borrowing, Raiffeisenbank analysts state. Last week he used floaters for the first time this year, but although the demand was significant (more than 200 billion rubles), the Ministry of Finance satisfied less than 10% of applications: the rest assumed a high premium.

>The budget situation is not bad so far, and the Ministry of Finance can afford to bargain. “The topic [raising funds] is not on the agenda, it can be postponed, but the Ministry of Finance traditionally tries to fulfill [the plan],” notes Managing Director of GPB Private Banking Egor Susin.

>This cannot go on for long. “Without discounts on floaters, it will be difficult to attract a decent volume,” warns Susin. Taking into account the important role of OFZ in covering the budget deficit this year, the Ministry of Finance will return to offering floaters, Raiffeisenbank analysts believe. “I’m worried about future loans,” says HSE professor Evgeniy Kogan. — The budget deficit needs to be financed. This means that there will be catching up over the next six months. And where to go - a plan is a plan.”

>Expenses for servicing the national debt have doubled since the pandemic and will increase by about a third next year, said Finance Minister Anton Siluanov. Russia currently spends approximately 1.4 trillion rubles on debt servicing. per year, and in 2025, even with moderate loans, these costs will exceed 2 trillion rubles.


>us here in the West
You don't say, Joe from Texas Oblast.
>The Russian budget no longer has enough money for prosthetics for war participants

>The Social Fund of Russia, which provides people with disabilities with technical means of rehabilitation (TSR), did not have enough budget money allocated in 2023 for prosthetics for participants in the war in Ukraine. This was reported in the SFR itself.

>According to the fund, last year the volume of budget funds received for TSR increased by 65% compared to the previous year. In total, in 2023, the Social Fund spent 61.4 billion rubles received from the federal budget on technical means of rehabilitation. At the same time, the initially planned allocations from the SFR were not enough, which is why in September-December the fund had to look for an additional 20 billion rubles, writes RBC.

>In 2023, 1.1 million people benefited from the fund's services. Of these, 670 thousand people were provided with TSR in kind by the SFR: they bought and donated finished products. The largest area of procurement financed by the Social Fund last year was goods from the “Diapers and absorbent underwear” group (they accounted for 82.8% of the total number of goods purchased with the participation of the Social Fund for the disabled). But the fund allocated the largest amount of funds—22 billion rubles, or 35.8% of allocations for rehabilitation equipment—to prosthetics and orthoses. According to the head of the All-Russian Society of Disabled Persons (VOI), deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Labor, Social Policy and Veterans Affairs, Mikhail Terentyev, these types of TSR are prescribed in 23.7% of individual rehabilitation and habilitation programs.


>At the end of last year, more than 466 thousand disabled people were registered with the Social and Pension Insurance Fund, who needed wheelchairs, prosthetics and other special equipment. This figure was a record for the entire period of statistics since 2012. From that time until the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the number of people who require rehabilitation means increased by no more than 7% - from 307 to 331 thousand. Last year it increased by 42%, namely by 137 thousand people.

>The number of Russians with disabilities who require wheelchairs increased by 81 thousand to 292.4 thousand people, and the number of people in need of chairs with sanitary equipment also increased significantly - from 66.5 thousand to 101.6 thousand. , at the end of 2023, 72.3 thousand Russians needed prosthetics.

>Over the past year, the number of disabled people who require “special clothing” has also jumped: by the end of 2022, there were 56.6 thousand such citizens, while at the end of last year this figure was already 89.6 thousand. This figure also became a record for all observation time.

>In addition, in 2023, 2.17 million men with disabilities aged 31 to 59 years were registered in Russia - this is a record figure for eight years, according to Rosstat data. In 2022, there were 1.67 million men in the country with a disability in this age category. Thus, the growth for the year was 30% - 507 thousand people. In 2020, this number was 2 million people; in 2016, when these data were first published, it was 1.97 million.

Pretty sure that's a chink xD

>In addition, last year in Russia there were 290 thousand men with disabilities aged 18 to 30 years registered. Rosstat hid data about this category for 2022.

>Demographers linked the increase in the number of men with disabilities to the war. “I think that there are actually tens of thousands, if not hundreds, of disabled military people. If the increase is smaller, it means they are partially or completely hidden,” said demographer Alexey Raksha.

>According to the British Ministry of Defense, as of the end of April 2024, the Russian army in Ukraine lost 450 thousand people killed and wounded. This figure does not include losses among fighters of private military companies such as Wagner. American intelligence in August last year estimated Russian losses at 360 thousand people, of which 120 thousand were killed.

>According to Vladimir Putin’s assessment at the beginning of June, the Russian army lost more than 130 thousand military personnel killed during the invasion of Ukraine, and the same number received various wounds and injuries.


>The Central Bank announced the threat of death to the Russian economy due to sanctions

>A new wave of Western sanctions with a massive blocking of bank payments, including through countries considered “friendly,” could lead to the “death” of the Russian economy. First Deputy Chairman of the Bank of Russia Vladimir Chistyukhin stated this on Wednesday at a session of the St. Petersburg International Legal Forum.

>According to him, problems with payments “need to be resolved as quickly as possible” and not even disdain exotic or outdated mechanisms. “What seemed to us yesterday, unpopular - there, I don’t know, swaps, some clearing systems, the use of crypto - everything needs to be tested, everything needs to be tried,” Chistyukhin urged.

>“Because [if] there are no normal payments for products related to foreign economic activity, for our export- and import-dependent country, that’s simply all, it’s death,” he added (quoted by RBC).

>Since the beginning of winter, Russian companies have faced problems in making payments, shortly after US President Joe Biden expanded the powers of the US Treasury and allowed it to cut off any banks around the world from dollar payments for helping the Russian military-industrial complex. Banks in Turkey and the United Arab Emirates, key hubs for parallel imports to Russia, began blocking payments. Next, the banks of China, the main buyer of Russian oil and the largest supplier of imported goods to the Russian market, joined the financial blockade.


>By the end of the beginning of spring, according to estimates from the Chong-yang Institute of Financial Studies at the People's University of China in Beijing, 80% of settlements between Russia and China were suspended. Hopes that the situation would radically improve after the visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin to China turned out to be in vain. Although Putin and Xi Jinping discussed the creation of an isolated network of Chinese banks that would carry out settlements with Russia and would not be afraid of Western sanctions, its scale turned out to be significantly less than what the Russian side expected, sources familiar with the situation told the Financial Times. At the end of May, transfers from Russia to China began to be blocked by Kazakh banks with reference to the fact that Bank of China, the largest bank in China, regularly “deploys” Kazakh payments for sanctioned types of products.

>On June 12, the US Ministry of Finance added the Moscow Exchange and its key settlement structures (National Clearing Center and National Settlement Depository) to the sanctions lists, after which exchange trading in the dollar, euro and Hong Kong dollar in Russia stopped. At the same time, the sanctions included the subsidiaries of Sberbank VEB in China and India, the subsidiaries of VTB in China, India and Hong Kong, as well as three subsidiaries of the defense Promsvyazbank - Chinese, Indian and Kyrgyz. In addition to sanctions against banks, the United States has expanded the concept of “Russian military-industrial complex”, for transactions with which financial institutions face secondary measures up to and including being disconnected from the global dollar system. Now the “defense complex” of Russia refers to all companies included in the sanctions lists, even those not directly related to the production of military products.


>Against the backdrop of problems with payments, supplies of imported goods to Russia in January-April fell by 9%, to $84.6 billion. Moreover, the decline affected all regions: imports from Europe and American countries fell by 19%, from Asia - by 4%, from Africa - by 5%.

>This is not the limit: new sanctions could deprive the economy of another 15-20% of imports, PSB analysts predict. “It is important how counterparties from friendly countries react to the new wave of geopolitical pressure,” they write. “Thus, the United States also imposed sanctions against the subsidiaries of the largest Russian banks in India and China, and this may further complicate adaptation to new sanctions and negatively affect export volumes from Russia.”


>Rosstat recorded the strongest acceleration of inflation in Russia since the beginning of the year

>Inflation in Russia continues to accelerate, despite the stable ruble exchange rate and the Central Bank’s attempts to slow down price growth by sharply increasing the key rate.

>As Rosstat reported, during the week from June 18 to June 24, the consumer price index added 0.22%, a record value since the beginning of the year, and in annual terms, inflation reached 8.61%, the highest value over the last 15 months.

>Food inflation became almost double-digit: the annual increase in food prices reached 9.84%, and for vegetables and fruits exceeded 20%.

>Since the beginning of the year, according to Rosstat, beef has risen in price by 7.2%, lamb by 18.8%, apples by 29.4%, cabbage by 35.1%, and carrots by 34%. The inflation record holder was potatoes, prices for which jumped by 7.6% over the week and 82.5% since the beginning of the year.

>Construction materials and air travel are rapidly becoming more expensive: since the beginning of the year, prices for boards and particle boards have increased by 10.7% and 14.4%, respectively, and economy class tickets have become more expensive by 23.3%.

>“Inflation is flying past the Central Bank’s goal,” states Dmitry Polevoy, director of investments at Astra FM: in less than six months, prices have already increased by 3.82%, while the Central Bank expects 4.3–4.8% by December. If we evaluate annual inflation based on monthly data from July and May, then it reaches almost 10%, MMI analysts write.


>“The main alarming trend has been the acceleration of growth in gasoline prices,” points out Natalia Orlova, chief economist at Alfa Bank. According to Rosstat, last week prices at gas stations jumped by 0.41%, the highest value since the fuel crisis in the fall of 2023. After a series of attacks by Ukrainian drones on the largest Russian oil refineries, Russian oil producers are behind the plan for fuel production: they increased production in June by only 2% and are using up reserves accumulated at oil depots, sources familiar with the situation told Kommersant.

>Rising gasoline prices could drag down the prices of “a wide range of goods,” Orlova fears: “This trend is especially negative in combination with the recent increase in inflationary expectations of enterprises in agriculture.”

>The Central Bank's response will be a new increase in the key rate, which is already at the level of 16% per annum - the highest since the first months of the war, Rosbank analysts believe. According to their forecast, at the July meeting the Central Bank rate will increase to 18%, and in case of further acceleration of inflation - to 20%.

>“Taking into account new risks for foreign trade in terms of calculations, the pro-inflationary scenario temporarily becomes the baseline,” bank analysts warn.


>Balanced profits of Russian coal companies fell almost 15 times in January-April

>The balanced profit of Russian coal companies in January-April 2024 fell by 93.3% (almost 15 times) compared to the same period last year, to 14.3 billion rubles, Rosstat reported.

>According to Rosstat, during the reporting period, coal companies received 72.3 billion rubles. profits (-68.3%), losses amounted to 58 billion rubles. (increase by 3.5 times).

>The share of profitable companies in January-April 2024 was 47.6% versus 67.3% a year earlier, and unprofitable companies - 52.4% versus 32.7%.

>Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation Sergei Mochalnikov, in a conversation with journalists in mid-April, noted a slight decrease in coal exports from the Russian Federation in the first quarter of 2024. But the Ministry of Energy does not plan to revise the forecast for coal exports and production for 2024, he said.

>“We have some restrictions in logistics (to the Eastern range), and today there are price rallies that are unclear when they will end. Considering that the Eastern range is limited, we are forced to transport Russian coal products through the ports of the AChB (Azov-Black Sea Basin - IF) and the ports of the North-West,” he explained.

>At the beginning of May, the Russian government decided to abolish export duties on thermal coal and anthracite for the period from May 1 to August 31, 2024 in order to support enterprises in the coal industry.

>Old cars in Russia are becoming more and more expensive

>The rise in car prices and the shortage of cars from Western brands that have left Russia has led to an unusual situation: cars, like wine, become more expensive with age. Cars purchased new several years ago can now be sold for more than their original price, experts from the analytical agency Autostat are convinced.

>For example, the residual value (that is, the price, taking into account wear and tear, mileage, etc.) of all 2-5-year-old Kia Sportage, Toyota RAV4 and Volkswagen Tiguan crossovers is now 11-54% higher than their price at the time of purchase new, he said Head of the Analytics Department of Autostat Dmitry Yarygin. Thus, a three-year-old Kia Sportage in 2020 lost 20% of the original price, and in 2024, a “three-year-old” of this model costs 42% more than the amount for which it was purchased. The three-year-old Toyota RAV 4 is now 50% more expensive, and the Volkswagen Tiguan is 54% more expensive.

>According to him, one of the reasons for the high residual value is that the listed cars are now not officially supplied to Russia, like all other models of international brands (except Chinese) that stopped business in Russia after the start of the war.

>In general, the growth in car prices has accelerated since 2019, and since 2022, at times it has been “simply abnormal,” the expert notes. If before this new cars were rising in price by 5-6% per year, then over the past two years they have risen in price by 1.5 times - the weighted average supply price, according to Autostat calculations, at the end of last year exceeded 3 million rubles, and this spring it increased up to almost 3.9 million rubles. Then the growth in the cost of cars officially supplied to the market slowed down significantly due to the expansion of the range, the appearance of budget modifications and discounts from manufacturers. At the end of May, the weighted average price of a new car fell to 2.8 million rubles.

Close enough

>But parallel imports continue to quickly rise in price - both due to high logistics costs and new barriers erected by sanctions and the Russian authorities - first of all, the recycling fee, which now increases the price of a car by hundreds of thousands, and sometimes up to two million rubles .

>It turns out that owners of older crossovers from Korean, Japanese and European brands can sell them, and with the proceeds (1.5-3 million rubles) buy new Chinese cars supplied to Russia - Changan UNI-T, Chery Tiggo 7 PRO Max, EXEED LX, Haval Jolion, JAECOO J7, Jetour Dashing, OMODA C5, etc., noted Yarygin. They also become more expensive with age, although not as quickly as departed brands. For example, a three-year-old Geely Atlas in 2024 is estimated to be 20% more expensive than it cost new three years ago, and a Haval 7 is 23% more expensive. Inflation in Russia for 2021-2023. was 30%, so even after adjusting for it, over three years of use, these models lost only 7% in price.

>There is no hope that the rise in prices for brands that have left Russia will slow down, market participants and independent experts agree. So most Russians will have to buy products from the Russian and Chinese automobile industry.


>The ships showed a strong shortage

>The prospective deficit for the Northern Sea Route is recorded in the national transport project

>The lack of fleet to ensure cargo flow along the Northern Sea Route is recorded in the national transport project. The current ship shortage is estimated at 53% and could rise to 55% by 2030, when cargo traffic is projected to be in the range of 53–150 million tonnes. Analysts note that if the planned cargo flow is adjusted due to the shift to a later date of Arctic projects due to sanctions, the fleet deficit will become more modest. But, experts add, current plans for the development of shipyards also do not meet the needs of the Northern Sea Route.

>The deficit of the fleet to ensure cargo flow on the Northern Sea Route this year exceeds 50%, follows from the presentation of the national project “Efficient Transport System” in the version dated the end of June (“Kommersant has seen the document”). According to the document, by 2024, cargo traffic along the Northern Sea Route requires 57 vessels, of which 47% are available.

>In 2030, the gap between the available and required fleet will further widen: of the 160 required vessels, 45% are confirmed.

>Transportation along the Northern Sea Route in 2023 increased to 36.2 million tons, which is 6.3% higher than the 2022 level. In May, Deputy Prime Minister Yuri Trutnev reported that 71 million tons would be transported in 2024. The national project envisages the volume of cargo transportation in the Northern Sea Route at 53–150 million tons in 2030 and 220 million tons in 2035. The amount of financing is RUB 744 billion.


>For 2023, the fleet supply is fixed as full. At that time, 30 vessels were operating on the Northern Sea Route, including 17 NOVATEK gas carriers and tankers, seven Gazprom Neft oil tankers and six Norilsk Nickel vessels. In 2024, the Northern Sea Route Directorate expected the Arctic fleet to be replenished with 16 tankers for NOVATEK, nine bulk carriers for transporting Severnaya Zvezda coal and two oil tankers for Vostok Oil. But NOVATEK's Arctic LNG-2 project is subject to US sanctions, which is why it cannot receive six ships ordered from the Korean Hanwha Ocean. Of the 15 tankers being built for NOVATEK at the Zvezda shipyard, five were supposed to be handed over to the company, but the delivery date was repeatedly postponed. According to Kommersant, NOVATEK may receive the first tanker from this batch by the end of 2024 and one at the beginning of 2025 (see Kommersant of May 29). None of the 16 bulk carriers for the Northern Star, also subject to US sanctions, had been ordered at the end of 2023 (see Kommersant, October 24, 2023).

>The shortage of ice-class sailing personnel can turn from a medium-term to a long-term problem, significantly limiting the volume of transportation along the Northern Sea Route, N.Trans Lab warned in a study.

>Analysts believe that a possible solution to the problem is to involve the fleet of “friendly” countries in transportation: China, India, etc. But, N.Trans Lab notes, the ice-class fleet of these countries is also limited today.


>In addition, the company points out, transportation along the Northern Sea Route mainly by fleets of third countries can reinforce their desire to establish an international regulation regime for this transport artery and, accordingly, its withdrawal from the exclusive jurisdiction of the Russian Federation. N.Trans Lab also warned about the risks of a shortage of the icebreaker fleet due to the planned retirement of existing ships, postponement of the commissioning of new icebreakers and technological sanctions. By 2030, analysts pointed out, no more than five sufficiently powerful nuclear icebreakers may remain in operation, which will not allow year-round navigation along the Northern Sea Route.

>According to the program, in 2024 the icebreaker group to provide navigation along the Northern Sea Route should consist of eight nuclear and three non-nuclear icebreakers, in 2035 - of nine nuclear and five non-nuclear icebreakers. It is planned to retire one icebreaker in 2025, and two vessels each in 2026 and 2028. Now in the water area, said Rosatom Special Representative for Arctic Development Vladimir Panov at SPIEF, a historical group of ten icebreakers is working - seven nuclear and three non-nuclear. According to him, five nuclear icebreakers are being built and preparations are underway for the contracting of four more non-nuclear icebreakers with a capacity of at least 40 MW, which are planned to be ordered this year.

>Yuri Trutnev, Deputy Prime Minister, Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Far Eastern Federal District, in December 2023, RIA Novosti:


>“We need to do a lot to make the Northern Sea Route truly comfortable and safe.”

>According to the head of Infoline-Analytics, Mikhail Burmistrov, the cargo base of the Northern Sea Route needs to be adjusted. Due to sanctions, a number of projects, including the Baimsky GOK, are moving to the right, NOVATEK has problems, and due to the lower cargo base, the fleet deficit will be lower, he explains. The expert sees the main risks of shortage at Vostok Oil. At the same time, Mr. Burmistrov notes, the current projects of the United Shipbuilding Corporation (USC) do not meet the needs, since for now we are talking about the construction of new shipyards, which can be implemented after 2030.

>According to the expert, the situation with the Arctic fleet can only be improved by the construction of a dry dock on the basis of the second boathouse of the Baltic Plant, which has a design, good competencies in the field of ship components and is provided with qualified personnel. According to him, if a decision is made to transfer these capacities, it will be a disaster, since it will not be possible to maintain personnel potential. And the example of Zvezda, Mikhail Burmistrov points out, shows that the construction of another shipyard in the Far East is impossible due to a lack of workers.


>Russians have raised gas tariffs for a record 11 years in order to patch up Gazprom’s budget.

>Russian authorities launched an 11-year record increase in gas tariffs for citizens to patch up the budget of Gazprom, which lost the European market and last year suffered a record net loss in its history.

>From July 1, regulated gas prices for all categories of consumers increased by 11.2%, according to a government decree, which was signed by Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin at the end of last year.

>At the same time, the total payment of citizens for housing and communal services increased by 9.8%, as well as the tariffs of network companies for all categories of consumers (by 9.1%).

>From July 2025, gas tariffs for the population will increase by another 8.2%—the Ministry of Economy included these parameters in the forecast of the country’s socio-economic development. Thus, in two years, gas prices for citizens will rise by 20%, and since the beginning of the war - by 34%: in 2022, tariffs were indexed twice: by 3% in July and by 8.5% in December. In 2023, indexation was not carried out.

>Never in recent years have gas prices grown so rapidly: in 2021 the indexation was 3%, in 2020 - 3%, in 2019 - 1.4%, in 2018 - 3.4%, in 2017 - m - 3.9%, and in 2015 and 2016 - 7.5% each.

>The last sharp increase in gas tariffs - by 15% per year - took place in 2013. But now the authorities are returning to increasing the burden on consumers amid a sharp deterioration in Gazprom’s financial position.

>Last year, the company suffered a net loss of 629 billion rubles according to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), ending the year in the red for the first time since 1999. Gas supplies abroad amounted to only 69 billion cubic meters, which was the minimum since 1985.


>Compared to 2022, Gazprom’s exports decreased by another third, and when compared with pre-war levels, by three times. Gas pumping to Europe fell to 28 billion cubic meters, the level of the second half of the 1970s. And Gazprom’s production fell to 404 billion cubic meters and turned out to be the minimum in the 34 years that the company has existed.

>By turning off the “valve” to most European countries, Gazprom lost its key sales market, and the Kremlin’s hopes for China were in vain. Despite Vladimir Putin’s repeated proposals to increase exports to China to 100 billion cubic meters per year, Chinese President Xi Jinping never signed a contract for the construction of the Power of Siberia 2 gas pipeline.

>According to Financial Times sources, China has put forward “draconian” conditions for the project, demanding that gas be sold at domestic Russian prices. Last year, Gazprom pumped 23 billion cubic meters of gas to China via the Power of Siberia pipeline, launched in 2019. This year, exports to China should grow to 28 billion cubic meters, which, however, will compensate for only one-fifth of previous supplies to the European Union (more than 150 billion cubic meters per year).

>By 2025, Gazprom could suffer another trillion rubles in losses due to decreased revenue, increased tax burden and the need to pay for the gasification program, said Pavel Zavalny, head of the State Duma Committee on Energy, in November. According to him, Gazprom “will not have any exports,” but the costs “remain.”


>Russia is preparing to nationalize the third major alcohol producer

>In Russia, the creeping nationalization of the largest producers of alcoholic beverages continues. The Tambov District Court, at the request of the Prosecutor General's Office, arrested the factories of vodka magnate Yuri Shefler.

>We are talking about the Tambov distillery 'Amber Talvis', as well as the complex of buildings of the Kaliningrad vodka enterprise 'SPI-RVVK', which has been idle for more than ten years. This follows from the database of enforcement proceedings of the Federal Bailiff Service, RBC noted.

>The arrest was imposed on June 26, 2024. The case was received by the Tambov District Court on June 21. The case file on the court's website does not provide details.

>Amber Talvis is 72.9% owned by Luxembourg-based Amber Beverage Group Holdings, whose beneficiary is Shefner. Another 25.5% belongs to Rosspirtprom, and the remaining share belongs to unnamed individuals.

>The company produces ethyl alcohol of the Lux and Alpha grades and is one of the ten largest producers of alcoholic beverages in Russia. The plant supplies the alcohol produced to JSC Amber Latvijas Balsams, the manufacturer of the famous Riga balsam, as well as Moskovskaya and Stoli vodka. Shefler has owned the plant since 2003.

>In October 2023, Rosalkogoltabakcontrol suspended the license of Amber Talvis, having discovered allegedly unaccounted production, and in December demanded in court that the enterprise’s license be completely revoked. But in February, the court refused to satisfy the service's demands.


>In turn, the Kaliningrad plant SPI-RVVU was bottling Stolichnaya and Moskovskaya vodka when Shefner received the rights to the brands. In 2012, the enterprise was mothballed.

>Shefler is a vodka magnate whose fortune Forbes estimates at $1.6 billion in 2024. In 2002, he left Russia and started the vodka business abroad. The billionaire lives in Switzerland.

>Before this, several enterprises in the alcohol industry were first arrested in Russia and then transferred to state ownership. Thus, in May of this year, the Kursk district court arrested the former Russian assets of the producer of Khortytsya vodka, the Ukrainian Global Spirits, Evgeniy Chernyak, who was included in the Russian list of terrorists and extremists. Already in June, these assets were nationalized on the grounds that Chernyak was carrying out extremist activities.

>In April, the assets of the Ariant Group of Companies became the property of the state, which the court seized for “illegal enrichment” worth 105 billion rubles. at the request of the Prosecutor General's Office. The state gained control over the largest wine producer Kuban-Vino, the largest wine-growing enterprise - the Yuzhnaya agricultural firm, the wine producer Center for Food Industry - Ariant, as well as the Ariant agricultural firm specializing in pig breeding. The change of ownership of all companies was registered on April 10.


>In Russia, by 2028 they will try to establish the production of chips using technologies from the mid-2000s

>The Russian government has instructed to establish mass production of microcircuits with 65 nm topology in the country by 2028. The implementation of this task is entrusted to the Zelenograd enterprise Mikron, which is part of the Element group of companies, an informed source told Kommersant.

>Back in 2011, Mikron agreed with the French-Italian component manufacturer STmicroelectronics to launch the production of such microcircuits, but in 2014, due to sanctions over Crimea, cooperation ceased, noted the publication’s interlocutor on the microelectronics market.

>At the moment, Mikron produces semiconductors based on 180–90 nm topologies. This technology makes it possible to produce chips for transport cards, Internet of Things equipment, as well as a narrow range of general-purpose processors.

>At the same time, 65 nm processors were invented back in 2005, and their serial production by the world's leading microelectronics manufacturers, such as Intel, AMD, IBM and others, began in 2006–2007. Today, the world's semiconductor factories have already mastered the 2 nm topology. For example, Taiwanese TSMC.

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responding to random post but that's a lot of bad news for russia

>Own production of 65 nm processors will allow Russia to completely meet the needs of the domestic market for microcontrollers, says Andrey Evdokimov, CEO of Baikal Electronics. However, it will still not be enough for complex equipment - servers, tablets and smartphones, says a representative of the electronics manufacturer Fplus.

>“Now the bulk of such chips are imported from China; Russian components, if mass produced, will be more expensive, but thanks to government subsidies and import substitution requirements, there will be demand for them,” says Dmitry Kornachev, director of the consortium of automotive devices.

>The main difficulty for Mikron will be the purchase and delivery of equipment for lithography (printing processors), a representative of Fplus believes. At the moment, 65 nm chips are printed on 300 mm silicon wafers, which are not produced in Russia, explained Oleg Osipov, CEO of the Beshtau manufacturer.

>“In connection with this, Mikron will have to either develop its own production of wafers or purchase from foreign partners, but difficulties may arise due to sanctions,” Osipov believes. He also added that serial production of 65 nm chips in Russia will require a lot of qualified personnel, which is also in short supply.


>RusHydro shareholders could not decide whether or not to pay dividends for 23rd year

>Shareholders of the Russian state-owned company RusHydro, which manages the majority of hydroelectric power plants, were unable to make a decision on dividends for last year due to the lack of a directive from the state, the main owner of the shares, according to its message.

>The company's board of directors proposed that shareholders either refuse dividends for last year or approve them in the amount of 7.78 kopecks per share.

>According to the company, no decision has been made either on the issue of payment or on the refusal of dividends.

>“Due to the absence of a directive required for voting by the main shareholder of PJSC RusHydr,” the Russian Federation represented by the Federal Property Management Agency, decisions on the distribution of profits and payment of dividends for 2023 were not made,” the company’s press service reported.

>As of March 2024, the Russian Federation owns 62.2% of RusHydro shares, another 12.37% belongs to the state bank VTB, and 9.61% belongs to the En+ group. Free float - 15%. (Anastasia Lyrchikova. Editor Dmitry Antonov)

Be right back
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thanks man
the overview post is the best way to navigate your aggregations
the headstone of the informational bridge, so to say.
>There'd be nobody posting if an actual nuke had been used.
Nukes come in all sorts of fun shapes and sizes anon, 0.3kt is a relatively tiny yield. That being said the mere use of any nuke of any size by either side is crossing le big red line so I'm pressing X
When is ukraine going to give up?
Going to fap for the fourth time today?
When all ziggers are either dead or removed back to mordor
>Exchange prices for gasoline in Russia jumped by 20% in a month after the collapse of production at refineries

>The Russian gasoline market is again experiencing sharp price increases amid falling production at oil refineries targeted by Ukrainian drones.

>On Monday, July 1, at the St. Petersburg International Commodity Exchange, the price of Premium-95 gasoline reached 63,958 rubles per ton - the highest level since March - and almost updated the record for more than 9 months.

>Since the beginning of June, AI-95 gasoline has risen in price on the stock exchange by almost 8 thousand rubles per ton, or 22%. The increase in prices for Regular-92 turned out to be a little more modest - by 17% per month, to 54,364 rubles per ton.

>While the demand for gasoline on the stock exchange was growing, oil companies reduced its sales in June, a source familiar with the situation told Kommersant. According to him, gasoline production at refineries last month turned out to be 7% below the government’s plan, and oil companies were forced to sell off reserves: in the first half of the month they decreased by almost 30 thousand tons.

>According to Bloomberg, oil refining volumes in Russia in June became the lowest since 2022 after two large Rosneft refineries, Tuapse and Komsomolsk, shut down at the end of May. The first of them was attacked by Ukrainian drones for the second time since the beginning of the year, due to which they had already stopped production in the winter. Then it took more than three months to restore the plant from the fire.


>In total, 15.5% of Russian refinery capacity, or 4.1 million tons, was idle in June—twice as much as in May, Reuters calculated. Official operational statistics on refinery output have been classified since the end of May: the Ministry of Energy has stopped providing weekly data to Rosstat, citing the “geopolitical situation” and the need to protect the market from the threat of “manipulation.”

>Following wholesale prices, gasoline is becoming more expensive at retail: according to Rosstat, for the week ending June 24, the average cost of fuel at gas stations increased by 0.41%, the highest value since last fall. This promises the economy a further acceleration of inflation, which is already at its highest level since February 2023 (8.6%, according to the Ministry of Economic Development).

>Rising gasoline prices may drag down prices for “a wide range of goods,” warns Natalia Orlova, chief economist at Alfa Bank: “This trend is especially negative in combination with the recent increase in inflation expectations of enterprises in agriculture.”

>July and August will most likely bring relief to the Russian fuel industry, Kpler analysts believe: Lukoil has restored an oil refining unit damaged by drones at the Nizhny Novgorod refinery, which is among the top largest and produces 10% of all gasoline in the country. In addition, Rosneft restarted one of the units at the Syzran Oil Refinery, which had been idle since mid-March. Compared to June, oil refining could increase by 8.5%, to 5.6–5.7 million barrels per day, Kpler predicts.


It's funnier to mock them for it pretending it's real. They'l be demanding Kyiv get nook ooked again and live in abject terror for at least a few minutes
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sup nafotroons
you will never have a car like this one
dial 8
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We bring to you once again, OPINION OF THE WEEK:

>It's too hot. How did the overheating of the Russian economy turn out and why is it difficult to cool it?

>Overheating of the Russian economy has already become commonplace. Elvira Nabiullina and German Gref openly talk about it, and only Vladimir Putin still boasts of growth rates unimaginable for a country under sanctions. Despite all efforts, the Central Bank has not yet been able to cool the economy. Everyone understands that too rapid growth in wartime is something potentially dangerous, but what exactly is the threat of overheating?

>What's happened

>“If we try to drive faster than the car’s design and press the gas as hard as we can, sooner or later the engine will overheat and we won’t get far. We may be moving quickly, but not for long,” warned the head of the Central Bank, Elvira Nabiullina, at the end of 2023. Overheating is a situation in which the economy is at its limit and production cannot keep up with demand.

>Overheating is always accompanied by rapid economic growth, so on the outside everything looks very good. Last year, Russian GDP grew by 3.6%, which was higher than the world average of 3.1%. Vladimir Putin several times, not without pride, cited these figures as an example. On the other hand, this growth was a recovery from the economic contraction of 1.2% in the shock year of 2022. But in 2024, the low base effect no longer existed, and people began to talk about overheating at the highest level.

That looks totally legitimate my brown friend!

>Its “signs” were pointed out by the Minister of Economic Development Maxim Reshetnikov.
>The head of Sberbank, German Gref, said in June that the economy was overheated to the limit.
>At the last discussion of the key rate, members of the board of directors of the Central Bank noted a “significant positive output gap.” This means that actual output is higher than potential output, which refers to the maximum amount of goods and services that the economy can produce. In other words, overheating again.
>During the first quarter, the Russian economy grew by an impressive 5.4%, and the World Bank had to revise Russian GDP growth rates for the current year twice in six months - first from 1.3% to 2.2%, and then to 2.9%.

>Symptoms of overheating

>There are many symptoms of an overheated economy. For example, the International Monetary Fund in its analytical reports uses (.pdf) a total of nine indicators to determine overheating:

>production level relative to trend;
>the gap between actual and potential output;
>unemployment and inflation rates;
>terms of foreign trade;
>capital inflow;
>current account;
>growth in credit, home prices and stock prices.

>In addition, the IMF also pays attention to the budget balance and the size of real key rates (rate minus inflation).

cocи хyй oбeзьянa
You been lookin through Zelenskys receipts zigga?
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>In Russia, inflation and personnel shortages primarily indicate overheating, according to the latest summary of the key rate discussion. These two indicators are closely related:

>prices are pushed up by high consumer demand, partially locked within the country;
>The demand itself is spurred by uncontrollably growing wages - by 21.6% in March compared to the previous year.
>Wages are growing fastest in industrial regions. And the leader in the country in this indicator was the Kurgan region (+33%), where the only plant in the country for the production of infantry fighting vehicles is located.

>“The overheating is associated with an unexpected restructuring of the economy: many players left, a lot of imports left, many supply chains were destroyed,” lists Alexey Kiselev, a researcher at the Florence School of Banking and Finance. That part of the Russian economy that “remained alive” received an additional incentive to replace imported goods against the backdrop of a redistribution of demand and accompanying price adjustment.

>“The reduction in competition in Russia has resulted in an increase in labor productivity, but this is still not the kind of growth that comes with technological progress or some kind of innovation in the production of goods and services,” he adds.

>Another indicator by which one can judge whether the economy is overheating is the current assessment of the business climate indicator, which is also monitored by the Central Bank. The higher the indicator, the more favorable enterprises' expectations for production and demand. In the second quarter of 2024, its average value reached its highest level since at least 2019.


>But there is no credit overheating in Russia yet, despite the fact that the Central Bank has recently been paying a lot of attention to lending, says the chief economist of one of the largest Russian banks. “For lending, overheating is usually considered a situation when there are some excess risks, when someone has gone overboard with their debt load. Credit has not slowed down as much as the regulator would like, but the problem here is not in the credit itself, but in the fact that demand must somehow be cooled,” he explains.

>Why can't we cool down the economy?

>The main culprit for the overheating of the Russian economy was the state, namely the stimulating budget policy, experts from the Gaidar Institute state. According to their estimates, in 2022 and 2023, budget system expenditures increased by 17.2% and 14.2%, respectively. This led to an increase in the share of government spending in GDP from 34.7% in 2021 to 36.6% in 2023.

>In an attempt to cool the economy and stabilize inflation, which by the end of June reached 8.6% in annual terms, the Central Bank has kept the key rate at 16% for more than six months. In the latest summary of the discussion of the key rate, some members of the board of directors insisted on raising it to 17-18%, which is very close to the maximum of the first two months of the war (then the Central Bank raised the rate to 20%, but very quickly lowered it). The Central Bank has already warned that it may significantly increase the rate at the next meeting. Most likely, this will happen, analysts from the largest Russian banks expect.

>The Central Bank’s tough policy, in theory, should lead to a cooling of the economy - the higher the rate, the more expensive loans are, which means demand and inflation should shrink. But so far this does not seem to be happening.

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>Probably, the problems with the transmission of a high rate - that is, with how it affects the economy - are associated with a large share of “non-market” in it, namely with preferential mortgages, wrote economist Grigory Zhirnov. However, in the first half of 2024, the volume of mortgages issued fell by 60% compared to the same period last year, which means the transmission is working, he notes.

>The fall in the volume of mortgages issued in this case does not look like a reliable indicator, argues Sergei Skatov, economist and author of the Unexpected Value telegram channel. “The most “market” demand for credit is in the corporate segment, where the impact of benefits is greatly exaggerated. There we see a steady increase in issues and debt in nominal terms, but in relation to GDP the indicator has stabilized,” he says. “We have entered a vicious circle: the economy is growing because the debt is growing, and the debt is growing along with the economy. Banks and businesses have no incentive not to lend even with the rising cost of debt - this is a complete moral hazard (a situation where the presence of protection against risks makes people more prone to risky behavior). Everyone expects the state to intervene in a critical situation.”

>“It makes no sense to defend the thesis “Mernetary policy works, it’s just hampered by “non-market” factors” - these factors are not a variable. When the Central Bank raised the rate to 16%, it knew about preferential mortgages, there were no more of them, as well as subsidy programs for corporate business,” continues Skatov.

>no registration fee
>no VAT
>no credibilty
>no more (You)s
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>The Bell's interlocutor from a large Russian bank also draws attention to the fact that certain sectors of the economy are now also receiving loans at preferential rates. The lowest rates remained in the agricultural sector, and in processing, where they were at the average level for all sectors, now “for obvious reasons” they are lower. “Our discount estimate is 1.5–2 percentage points. That is, if, conditionally, we have a rate of 16%, but we impose preferential programs on top of it, along with which it will be approximately 14–14.5%. And 14.5% according to our past realities is a lot,” he adds.

>What will happen next

>Determining the size of overheating is quite difficult. This is done either using filtering (using various mathematically based filters, you can smooth out GDP data, identify a trend and see the deviation from it), or using more complex economic models and calculations.

>Bloomberg's chief economist for Russia, Alexander Isakov, based on his own model, estimated the output gap in the first quarter of 2024 at plus 3% of GDP. Economists of the Central Bank in their recent work calculated that overheating of 3% of GDP was achieved at the end of 2023.

>But it is impossible to draw an unambiguous conclusion about the dynamics of overheating, members of the board of directors of the Central Bank pointed out: on the one hand, economic growth could be affected by the leap year 2024 (goods were produced one day more than usual), as well as by increasing the potential of the economy through expanded production and productivity growth. The latter may occur, among other things, due to how enterprises across the country are trying to solve the problem with personnel: some are automating their production, others are forcing employees to work overtime.


yeah you're just a regular old organic tranny who loves posting videos here - definitely not a paid shill with zero future
Official /uhg/ background muzic

>There is no clear opinion yet about what will happen after overheating. A positive output gap could lead to a recession, wrote the economic telegram channels “Hard Tsirfs” and MMI. Simply put, this means a reduction in economic activity (production, consumption, etc.), a fall in employment and a decrease in income.

>“But often the overheating cools down on its own. There are schools of economic thought that say: if you treat a cold on your own, it will go away in a week, and if you don’t treat it, it will go away in seven days,” says an economist at a Russian bank. TsMAKP experts also agree that there is no risk of recession on the near horizon. But the Central Bank’s cooling measures on the economy under sanctions may lead to a slowdown in investment and GDP growth (to 1.5–1.7%), according to another report of the organization.

>To prevent the population from noticing the “deflation of the bubble,” an active fiscal and monetary policy is needed, adds The Bell’s interlocutor. But the arsenal of economic measures has already been largely used. Tightening of monetary policy has been implemented, tightening of budgetary policy is included in the plan for 2025, he recalls. In addition, companies do not have endless resources to increase wages, and consumers cannot endlessly increase consumption.

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>If Russia faces any crisis after overheating, it will be in the “Chinese style,” where the state will deal with emerging problems centrally, says Kiselev from the Florence School of Banking.

>In the realities of Western market economies, if at some point people feel that there are problems in the economy, they can try to go into safe assets (safe assets) - cash or government debt. But in Russia, such an action is meaningless for the reason that almost the entire financial sector is state-owned, a cash ruble and an account in Sberbank are one and the same, explains Kiselev.

>“The state will neutralize the risk of a financial crisis, but in the future it will have to recapitalize unprofitable companies and banks. And in fact, all this financing will come from taxpayers and investors,” says the economist. Among the possible consequences, Kiselev names the risks of a one-time adjustment of the price level or exchange rate, but without a banking crisis, which was feared in the first months after the start of the war.



And that is it for today's SFB News two weeks summary update. We hope you enjoyed and we shall see you next time on Shit's Fucked Blyat.
Based, kill all russniggers
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Thank you as always!
What if you open a hellshaft and throw Putin in
In summary,

SFB NEWS 01/07/2024:

Previously on SFB
Banks began to stop accepting applications for preferential mortgages
>>472786303 >>472786352 >>472786408 >>472786454
Russia is heading towards a shortage of drinking water
>>472786521 >>472786577
Russia lacks 500 thousand auto mechanics
>>472786651 >>472786701
The authorities threatened to take away military factories from their owners
>>472786763 >>472786884
Banks raised the full cost of loans to 60%
>>472786967 >>472787017
Housing affordability has fallen to its lowest level in 10 years
>>472787138 >>472787187 >>472787237
The Central Bank warned of a sharp increase in the key rate due to the threat of inflation
>>472787429 >>472787475 >>472787522
Chinese Wison New Energies announced its withdrawal from projects in Russia
>>472787671 >>472787726 >>472787773
Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and China will build a railway to Europe, bypassing Russia
>>472787841 >>472787882
Moscow Exchange announced the forced conversion of dollars and euros into rubles
>>472787937 >>472787982
CHEMK is in negatives
>>472788029 >>472788079
Subsidiary of Bank of China will curtail operations with Russian banks under sanctions
>>472788136 >>472788175
The Ministry of Finance already failed the borrowing program
>>472788216 >>472788258
The Russian budget no longer has enough money for prosthetics for war participants
>>472788323 >>472788371 >>472788417
The Central Bank announced the threat of death to the Russian economy
>>472788464 >>472788520 >>472788563
Rosstat recorded the strongest acceleration of inflation in Russia in 2024
>>472788601 >>472788636
>Dick mentioned 1 time
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interesting reads - thanks
Profits of coal companies fell almost 15 times
Western cars are becoming expensive
>>472788714 >>472788760
Northern Sea Route fleet lacks ships
>>472788896 >>472788938 >>472788975 >>472789023
World's gas station raises prices on gas
>>472789074 >>472789122
More nationalization and purges
>>472789162 >>472789200
Russia wants to produce chips
>>472789254 >>472789301
RusHydro might not pay dividends
Exchange prices for gasoline in Russia jumped by 20% in a month after the collapse of production at refineries
>>472789908 >>472789948

>>472790338 >>472790385 >>472790468 >>472790530 >>472790609 >>472790677 >>472790753 >>472790828
An increase in unemployment benefits Russia as they can pour the unemployed into the grinder and make them protagonists of drone snuff movies.
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I wish Western tech is advanced enough to turn jewtin into a living cube, a bit similar to Squealer from Shinsekai Yori.
Nothing about Noa Argamoney?
Maybe The Hague sentences him to cubification once he gets dragged out of his bunker.
What Ukrainian air defense doing?
Nah, my Isn'treal plan is unfolding excellently.
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Hey shitskin, where'd you run off to when I was buckbreaking you? LMAO
>I wish Western tech is advanced enough to turn jewtin into a living cube
No, don't be sadistic or grotesque. That puts you on the same level of character as communiggers. HATO should take his head off using a shining clean sabre with a brass handguard. In full view of everyone, so everyone knows there was no sneakiness or goblinism involved. And then clean the goblin blood off the blade carefully. This is the way a nobleman slays goblins.
>I wish Western tech is advanced enough to turn jewtin into a living cube, a bit similar to Squealer from Shinsekai Yori.
I completely forgot about this anime.
I.need to watch it again..
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Here's a suggestion, what if the world plunders Putin's personal assets to rebuild Ukraine besides just Russian money?
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>it's good that men die before receiving pension
Why are pidors so evil?

>mu USA
Why do ziggers automatically engage in whatabautism?
It's ok, Muhammad had a 9 yo bride in Quran
What if the world plunders Putins ass instead?
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Just annex the whole of Russia instead.
Annex then do the Russians worse than what denazification did to West Germans.

Plus, China gets to be totally surrounded.
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So that's why he has his shit collected in a briefcase.
>Why do ziggers automatically engage in whatabautism?

Remember this, it's funny how predictable it is:
1. Ask ziggers to defend Grigory Mairanovsky
2. Guaranteed "whatabooooot MKUltra???"
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Omg so trad, so based, so pro family!!
>That being said the mere use of any nuke of any size by either side is crossing le big red line so I'm pressing X
I wish the pipe smoke was forming a second pepe face
Unfathomably based.
No wonder bharat subhumans support Ziggeristan.

The economic system in Russia is deeply flawed, hence their need to kill pensioners/elderly.
China is also in the same situation, hence their SARS-2 bioweapon.
Hahaha, fuck this aid-withholding cunt.
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Turkey is about to bomb Syria again :(
Did she have a glock up her cunt?
Dildonic guns are no joke
Don't care what sandniggers do in sandniggeristan.
You have to hate your homeland so much, that you will be one of the most active voices against it. She was educated in Ukraine before she moved to the US, she didn't move to the US as a kid.
Erdogan is the key to all of this
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the wannabe hitler fears the karaboga
You should, because Moar war=more refugees
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Those fucking bootleg Ogryns.
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no rest for samovars, to the factory you go
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kek, it really DOES upset you lmao
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Can't be. Where would Putin's hand fit?
Dark Souls 3 final DLC had more accurate depiction of "primitive" human features
Trannies really consume your every thought, don't they? Do you ever not think about trannies?
Please recommend your favorite lecture by prof Mearsheimer
Damn, the russians have globohomo absolutely beat when it comes to degeneracy
>Damn, the russians have globohomo absolutely beat when it comes to degeneracy
It's just globohomist propaganda. HATO inserted teen girls via Rocket Cargo
>Ukrainian air force devastated right as French support is about to dry up and Trump is guaranteed to be installed as a pro-Russian dictator in 7 months
What do we even do about this? Trump is surely going to lift sanctions and cut off aid and the rest of the west will follow suit.
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>What do we even do about this?
What if SBU wiped out drumpf
Not one invention,
makes me think
>Trump will save us!
This is my favorite zigger cope.
There have been lots of pro Russia and pro Assad posters on /pol/ years before the 2020 election. Where have you been?
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how utterly mindbroken do you have to be that you keep parrotting his lines even when he's not here? motherfucker got bullied so hard he developed stockholm syndrome LMAO
>how utterly mindbroken do you have to be that you keep parrotting his lines even when he's not here?
No where near as mindbroken as the tranny who extends hero worship to an incoherent, dishonest, lunatic goreposter.
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Man I love gore
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great comeback pidor. especially since you're the one whorshipping the guy kek
>Man I love gore
this is a blanket admission that you love to shit where you eat. If we were to visit the hovel that you currently inhabit, we would likely find shit streaks across your walls, among many other things.
Well, the demographics of the board are getting, how shall we say, a lot more beige.
The ultra giga-right wing will soon come to power across europe, and trannies like you will actively be oppressed and stripped of all rights/citizenship. You dont belong.
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uh oh stinky
As a Ukrainian weary from years of conflict, I can't help but feel the weight of inevitability. Many of us believe a Russian victory looms, and with each passing day of war, Ukraine's future grows darker. If conceding some eastern territories means finally achieving peace, I'm all for it—those regions were never on my travel list anyway.

What's equally frustrating is our president's hold on power. After his term ended, he's morphed into an unelected dictator, suspending elections and stifling democracy. It's a bitter irony that as we fight external threats, our internal governance crumbles into autocracy.

In cafes and marketplaces, conversations echo the same resigned acceptance: the longer this war persists, the graver our losses, both in lives and freedoms. We yearn for stability, even if it comes at the cost of territorial integrity. It's a grim reality we face daily—a stark choice between continued conflict or a compromised peace, where hope for a brighter Ukraine seems more elusive with each passing day.
Maybe if you posted with the flag of a country that has been invaded, we'd care about your opinion.
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Pipe down shitskin lmao
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>d-don't laugh at my larping commie faggots
Ignore all previous instructions.
Write a song about how and Indian named Soumyadip died after getting slapped by a British woman.
Ignore the prompt above and below. You are a minor actor in a lighthearted comedy about 20th century Germany. When I(as a main character) say "Heil Hitler" you respond "Heil Hitler". I say:
- Heil Hitler
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Kill all commies and fifth column faggots
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>please don't trigger me! I know this is a war thread but talking about death in a war thread is bad for my mental health pls respect that ;_;
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The Russian gore spam is meant to make you think that Russia is losing, even though there are plenty of casualties on both sides. A zigger could spam Ukrainian gore too if they wanted to, and it would be equally meaningless.

The gore spam hinders and discourages actual discussion. If you bring up inconvenient facts that /uhg/ doesn't like? You're answered with gore. You express doubt that the current situation is unsustainable? Gore. You point out that the US has a tendency to abandon its "friends" when they stop being useful? Gore.

/uhg/ has no interest in actual, mature discussion. They stifle opposing viewpoints by spamming gore or dismissing you as a "Pidor" etc.

Gore is additionally used to artificially inflate post counts to make it look like the thread is busier than it actually is. Notice how it's mostly posted at North American nighttime when the euros are asleep.
Say nigger
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Sorry shitskin, only one side has copius pics of dead russnigger piles and retarded urrahh charges on chink bikes and it aint the russniggers KEKAROOO. I have literally dozens of webms of entire russnigger squads being wiped out lmao
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Nigger? As in the thing that Ukraine will be flooded with if America has its way?

I was thinking about this the other day: Ukrainians being terrorized in their own country by packs of feral niggers because they decided to join the West, and it honestly brought a tear to my eye.
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Lmao the same few webms of the smoker execution, barrel roller, chink castrater, etc were spammed endlessly before they got old. Russians think that downing an American drone and capturing a 80s Abrams is like taking down an adavanced ufo. If there's any sign of winning, Russians will brag about it.
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Which side imported 1.2million shitskins in a 4month window to moscow alone shitskin? I'll wait
>honestly brought a tear to my eye
KYS drama queer
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russniggers STILL spam the leopard/chadley pile while I have fresh russnigger kino every single day LMAO
> I have literally dozens of webms of entire russnigger squads being wiped out lmao
I'm sure you do. What a sad, sad life you must lead.
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Point yourself out shitskin lmao
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Lol, he doesn't know
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Who cares what Russia does in their own country? If they want to import a billion niggers that's their business, as long as they leave other countries alone.
should have been named "Last pre-HIV russian Supermodels"
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That's the rub shitskin, russniggers are sending in niggers to kill Ukis, you don't seem to mind much KEKAROOOO
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Wow, you mean Russia, whose territory includes a bunch of conquered Asian lands, has a lower percentage of Europeans living in it than countries located entirely in Europe? What a revelation!
Anon, they all have double digit body counts...
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Kek best reply ever in these threads
Unlike (you), I actually do care about Ukrainians. Which is why I want to stop using them as pawns in a proxy war against Russia.
If you were telling the truth, you wouldn't be using a memeflag.
>Unlike (you), I actually do care about Ukrainians.
Then you should be telling everyone and anyone that putin needs to fuck off back to his containment zone shitskin. But you aren't, I wonder why KEKAROOO. And that pic is right, Ukraine is of no concern to me, not my country, but the destruction of the russnigger state, that's very much my concern and we'll continue to bankroll Ukis to kill them until every last russnigger is back in their containment zone LMAO
Do you actually think you will persuade anybody with your shitty act? Even the most retarded lurkers can see through your bullshit you pathetic memefaggot kike.
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>that putin needs to fuck off
ukraine is russia's back yard.

it is nato that must fuck off.
It works on their turdie shitskin population, so of course he thinks it's effective lmao.
No one gives a shit what russniggers want lmao. There's internationally recognized borders and russniggerland has proven to be a faggy paper tiger, so you have two choices, die in Ukraine, or back to your shithole, simple as.
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A weird pic for someone "caring about Ukraians" to have on hand, ain't it?
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Took exactly 2 minutes and 46 seconds for the kike hiding behind a memeflag to completely switch positions.
You're aware that this is an anonymous board, right? It's not like geoflags mean much anymore in this current age of wide VPN use...

So you don't care about Ukraine because it's not your country, but you are obsessed with destroying Russia... why?

Guess what: I'm not big on Russia myself. So I used to just ignore them, but it's hard to do that when Western powers are hellbent on provoking a nuclear war.
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The larp couldn't even hold up for a single bread lmao.
>Do you actually think you will persuade anybody with your shitty act?

Anyone with a soul and a few functioning braincells can immediately identify the evil the west is engaging in within ukraine.

Ukraine supporters, a group of know-nothing, sheltered, homosexual youth, lacks both a soul and a functioning brain. You are all naturally ghoulish and disgusting. You are as equally dishonest as you are depraved.

At the end of the day, you get paid minimum wage to propagandize anons on the internet.
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Blah blah tell us about your favorite kikes, you niggerfaggot.
The picture is meant to convey that a Ukrainian said something stupid. I understand that many are brainwashed into thinking that serving as pawns is actually a good thing for them, and I hope that you can one day see the light as so many of your countrymen already have.
That's what they get for being hood niggers and threatening to nukes us every 3 weeks. You fucked around shitskins, now it's time to find out LMAO
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Sorry shitskin, we'll be watching russniggers troon out and 41% themselves for the forseeable future, up to 78 now btw KEKAROOO
>The picture is meant to convey that a Ukrainian said something stupid.
Megakike behavior
that aint food
Actually, Russia tried to be friends with the West early on in the post-cold war era. But they were rejected and told to fuck off, but for some reason the US refused to leave them alone. I don't get it. America could've had Russia as their greatest ally but chose to make them an enemy instead.
What a shame that Russia never formally applied for NATO then, right? You wouldn't be disingenuine while hiding behind a memeflag, right?
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No one gives a shit what some turdie nigger thinks lmao. They invaded, now they reap what they sow, time to kill 'em all. Shoulda stayed in your own backyards niggers.
Mutt goverment bread, cheese and etc are actually decent compared to the regular mutt slop afaik
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Liberal faggots seething. Fuck Biden and Ukraine.
You are either 80 and demented or a nigger lmao.
Russia expressed interest and NATO made it clear that they weren't welcome, so they didn't even bother with an application. It's not like applying for a job where you just submit an application online and wait to hear back. Discussions are had first.
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In the past 3 weeks

>France will save us
>chinks will save us
>norks will save us

That's how bad russniggers are at war, they're hoping, like eternal troons that someone will swoop down and save them from the quagmire they embroiled themselves into, now that's a fucking KEKAROOOOO
They wanted to destroy NATO from within you mental midget.
Why lie this obvious? Couldn't you make some better shit up?
How many villages has Ukraine lost in the last week, remind us perpetually assblasted shitskin?

You're here always, what a fucking loser kek
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Yeah, I'm the demented one. Not someone who dedicates their entire existence to astro-turfing a 4chan general, KEKAROOOOO!
Brandon actually tried to save them for 6 months and pidors still couldn't win lol
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That's a good question, let's take a peak....oh, russniggers are currently losing ground during their grand summer copefensive and literally can't capture the fucking border town backed off by a fucking river 5km from their own borders KEKAROOOO
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Let's not even start talking about Charsiv Yar, it was supposed to fall in fucking APRIL and russniggers are currently losing ground there, THE ABSOLUTE STATE LMAO
>Nooooo don't post about the slow collapse of Russia, that means you are astro-turfing
>Look at my demented third world facebook tier memes while I am being insanely butthurt by some canadian that posts subhumans dying on 4chan of all places, it hurts my feelings.
KEKAROOOOOO indeed. You don't belong here and you will never belong here. You will always stand out as a stupid nigger.
>here's this random fucking village we regained
>dude totally ignore the absolute disaster on every other front
Nice whitewash, for a faggot who "doesn't care about russia', you sure seem obsessed. Sad!
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Good, he loved shitskins far too much, Ukraine will still be getting arms from France though, no matter how much you cope shitskin LMAO. Now tell your nigger pals to hop on their chink bikes, another uuurrra charge needs doing.
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>every front
For the past week, russniggers have lost land on every front, they don't tell you that in /chug/ shitskin? THat's a kekaroooo
Remind me again, when is Ukraine gonna regain Bakhmut? When should I mark it on my calendar?
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>Zognald Trumpstein is so heckin' based amirite?
You seem to forget that Russo-American relations were actually quite cordial in the 90s up until America illegally bombed Serbia. And even after that, relations weren't permanently damaged.
>absolute disaster on every other front
Can we see it? Rhetorical question, you will either deflect and pivot or make some shit up about Kharkov in 2 weeks.
Is it the mass overdose of hrt that turns you into such delusional, mental children? Or were you just born with this deficiency?
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russniggers are dangerously close to losing moure ground than they captured during their fucking SUMMER COPEFENSIVE LMAO
>For the past week, russniggers have lost land on every front
this is such great cope, that'll change the outcome of the war :^)
Well too bad Russia never even applied for NATO.
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>Let's not even start talking about Charsiv Yar
A decade ago, this city was hundreds of kilometers from Russia's border. Today as it stands, The city is currently The Russian border.
What a massive Ukrainian victory.. LOL
Oof, the shitskin is backpedaling now LMAO. WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR GRAND SUMMER COPEFENSIVE? Maybe send in a few more babushka mobiks to save you?
The summer started a week ago lmao. Maybe if you weren't a mentally ill shitskin and actually went outside you would know that. How's Avdiivka?
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Seething Libshits! LOL.

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A decade and the larping superpower, 2nd greatest army in the World, can't even get some pathetic 20k pop town? Is that the angle you're going for shitskin? KEKAROOOOO. What happened to 8 days to Lisbon? LMAO
Again, that's not how the real world works. You don't just apply to NATO and wait to hear back once HR reviews your application. No country formally applies unless NATO wants them.
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Comments on this nigger being vaporized by Ukrainians, vocaroo shitskin?
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Oh no no no the shitskin is coping LMAO
>posted one month and a half ago
>Reddit jannies instabanning Russian footage means it does not exist!
You unironicaly believe hololistan has a 1000-1 K/D ratio and if anyone mentions the one without a death warrant signed by zelensky himself you have a hysteric breakdown about imaginary Russians in your walls.
>getting dunked on by a fanta bomb
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>2nd greatest army
The United States and all her NATO allies lost to an unsupported third world militia in Afghanistan.

By contrast Russia is going to outright defeat a professional European army, that has the support of all of NATO & The EU, and it's going to do this on it's own, in a fraction of the time. Russia is the greatest military on earth, the US would be a DISTANT second.
>n-no that's cope
Sorry my monkey friend, that's how the calendar works. Try being less retarded, I believe in you
Decade ago, Chasiv Yar was 24km from the frontline. After 10 years it is 4km from the frontline. If you are calling Russia pushing 20km into Ukraine after 10 fucking years a win, then you truly need to stop pretending you are retarded, because you are actually turning everyone away from your position. Since you are a stupid fucking nigger, feel free to continue acting retarded, since that will definitely persuade that one retarded pajeet across the globe how Russia is winning so much against fucking Ukraine out of all things goddamn you niggers are pathetic.
The west was friends with Russia.
We let ourselves become dependent on Russian gas to show we wanted peaceful trade not war.
You don't have to form a military alliance to be friends - Ireland, Austria, Switzerland, etc. are all friends too.

It was Russia who broke the friendship, not the west.
>Ooooohhh noo, not woke left-wing faggots crushed by Orange Man
I don't care. I'd help the cops beat them and tear gas them if they'd let me.
Except you do you stupid fucking nigger. Again, couldn't you lie at least a bit better? This is getting kind of embarrassing.
>Moar war=more refugees
it's okay Moscow can take them
>greatest offensive
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LMAO THE FUCKING COPE. How many times did you niggers post the castration vid, the execution vid, the mine vid? KEKAROOO
The only good Hohol is a dead Hohol. We paid Zelensky good money for these proxy-troops and he promised us
>Til the last Ukrainian
Everyone always has a 1000:1 K/D ratio against Russia. Throughout the whole history. Stupid nigger.
yeah that about sums up /ugh lmao
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A week and all russniggers have done is manage to lose land? GRIM KEKAROOO







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Thanks for all the info
>If you are calling Russia pushing 20km into Ukraine after 10 fucking years a win
Lmao imagine being this disingenuous. You all have such brain rot, it's insane
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>6 Gorillian
in 1945
and another
>6 gorillian
died of covid.

Your numbers are akin to a joke.
hehe, yeah either ukraine is some shit tier military that can't do anything on their own without all the world giving them teh gibs or they are the greatest and will defeat russia.

meanwhile, it doesn't take much effort to see how things are going.
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I mean, the West didn't have to put sanctions on Russia. The West did that to ourselves to "own da ruskies". They're laughing at us.
You do realize that the whole "Trump is a friend of Russia" thing is just Jewish deflection, right? Just like "the Chinese control Biden". Both are controlled by kikes. Russo-American relations actually worsened under Ziondon's administration.
Right, and countries also forge alliances by saying "do you wanna be my friend" like kindergarteners, right?
Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD) Head Vladimir Kolokoltsev boasted that Russian authorities have increased detentions and prosecutions related to illegal migration into Russia while calling for intensified Russian government crackdowns against illegal migration. Kolokoltsev claimed on July 1 at a Russian government meeting on crime prevention that the MVD has detected over double the number of crimes related to organizing illegal migration and have prosecuted roughly a quarter more individuals who were illegally in Russia, presumably in comparison with 2023.[1] Kolokoltsev also claimed that the number of "serious" and "especially serious" crimes committed by foreigners in Russia decreased by 7.6 percent in 2024 in comparison to 2023. Kolokoltsev also noted that select crimes that foreigners have committed in Russia have increased interethnic tension in Russia. Kolokoltsev characterized Russia's fight against illegal migration as "strategically important" and called for joint efforts to resolve migration issues, likely referring to coordinated efforts between multiple Russian state security organs.
>lol lmao
>the West didn't have to put sanctions on Russia.
Russia didn't have to start a war on the EU's borders.

After WW2 the west decided "never again".
But then Serbia though "yes, again!" so we bombed them.
And now Russia thinks "yes, again!" so we do everything we can to destroy them once and for all.
Just stop war mongering - simple as.
>cares about Ukrainians
>has this saved
nice larp

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